Mature / Thirty+

County Sheriff -11- Time for a change - Part 1 of 2

Christmas came and went in a flash. The county workers did a sterling job in keeping the main roads clear of the snow that started falling on Christmas Eve and didn’t give up until the 27th.
The snowploughs had kept the interstate just about passable but thankfully most folk who had to travel had taken heed of the weather warnings and had completed their journeys well before the storm hit us.

Jacked Up Part 16 - Final

Jacked Up Part 16

He led me to the RV in the station car park and I put my bag in the back. As he pulled away he told me that we were to be at a rally about a hundred miles south and that we would arrive at the camp site a day early. As we chatted I warmed to him as, despite his outfit, he was a good guy.

The Case - Chapter One

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Chapter One - One Highway - Two Fatalities

Poppy Evesham's common law husband Elliot Granger is called in to investigate a homicide and a motor vehicle fatality which he soon finds out are linked by a case, the contents of which some men will go to any means to possess.

Jacked Up Part 15

Jacked Up Part 15

I started out by searching through the drawers of the desk. I found a box of peppermints and a roll of fruit sweets. I had already understood that there would be no liquids in this room. There was a door to my left marked ‘Toilet’ and another that had ‘Kitchen’. I made myself comfortable in the chair and picked up the mouse. The chair arm had a hard surface so you could sit back and work the screen.

For My Queen: A Fantasy Island Story

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Graphic created by Patricia Marie Allen. Back ground from,
character by Coral Lacey on

Fantasy Island and all associated characters (except mine) are owned by Spelling-Goldberg Productions, Columbia Pictures Television, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment. All persons described herein are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is coincidental. Copyright infringement is not intended.

Rescuing Roberta

Roberta Rescued
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I will admit it, Robert Kradel Junior was a prick, back when he had a prick. But he did not deserve what he got.

Jose Berganza had reason to dislike his boss, but what he did was way beyond that. It became clear to me that there was real hatred on display. Venal, vicious hatred to warrant this level of degradation.

Finn and Fiona Part 7 of 8

Finn and Fiona. Day Seven

I took my time with my ablutions and dressed casually as today I was heading home again. I packed my bag, again, and looked around the room to make sure I had left nothing. Then I went downstairs for breakfast, once again getting the full English to get me through the day.

Jacked Up Part 14

Jacked Up Part 14

If commercial airlines could go this fast and this high there would only be a few very rich; or very busy people who would use it. We got high enough that I could see the curvature of the earth and above me there was a tinge of dark space.

Sixty is not that old - Part 24 Finale

Michel and Delphine returned to their Devon retreat by train later that afternoon. It had been a long day. Neither of them was in the mood for much small-chat on the train.

Despite the latest episode with her daughters coming to an end, Delphine was still pretty down in the dumps. She would not admit it but the attempt by her daughters to have her declared unfit to manage her life hit her very hard. The effect of seeing them face to face in Verity’s Office was very real and impossible to brush off. Michel was there with her all the way but he knew that it was going to take some time for his wife to return to anywhere near normal.

Finn and Fiona Part 6 of 8

Finn and Fiona. Day Six

I got out of bed and did all of the usual ablutions and, showered, shaved and dressed in my suit again, I went down to the dining room for a light breakfast as I had to be at the airport. After going back to clean my teeth and gargle, I went down to the car and drove to meet the incoming managers.

"Thorn in the Flesh" a "One Dozen Roses" Story

thorn in the flesh standalone
Graphic created by Patricia Marie Allen from photos on
The entire anthology of One Dozen Roses can be found here.

Thorn in the Flesh

By Rosemary

I entered the bar with great trepidation. I hadn’t had any problems in several years of being a woman, but I had just had some terrible news. No, I take that back. It wasn’t terrible at all. It was a relief. I had developed lymphatic cancer, and like every other case, it was ravaging my body.

I was reluctantly taking part in a meeting of eleven other ‘Roses’ while we were at the SWEET (South Western Exposition for the Embetterment of Transpeople) convention. I sat down and started taking in the other Roses there.

Most of them seemed to be much more comfortable in their role as women than I was. I had actually been quite comfortable for many years, but I had never been transgendered. I glanced down at my jeans and western shirt. They were women’s – they had to be. Men’s clothing would have been ridiculous on me.

Jacked Up Part 13

Jacked Up Part 13

By my last day at the Spa the activity across the valley had dropped to a few sightseers standing by the temporary fencing. The 4X4 had been taken away and there had been forensic specialists clambering over the rubble for a while. It would be interesting to know how much more they had taken from the scene but that was nothing to do with me now.

Arctic Fox Chapter 2.3

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Chapter 3

August 30th, 2021

9 AM

Colonel Johnson sat behind his desk and happily read through the orders he’d gotten from above. The wrecked plane was no longer considered a secret. He was somewhat surprised that the orders came through as quickly as they did, but he wasn’t going to complain about it.

He quickly called Mike and filled him in. As soon as he got off the phone, he knew Mike was going to be making some calls to see if he could figure out anything new.

Jacked Up Part 12

Jacked Up Part 12

We drove for about an hour and arrived at a secluded estate where Alfonse was waiting for me. As soon as we arrived he led me to a sturdy table and chair. There was a McMillan TAC 50 on the table with a bipod mounted at the front and a noise suppressor, exactly what would be needed at the window.

The Wounded World by Aladdin, Chapter 8

Mantra (Malibu Comics) has been learning some very surprising details about the last few days. But her informant, Lauren, seems naive about the responsibilities that go along with being an ultra-heroine, which causes Mantra to give her some good advice. But Mantra also needs to find out what her own daughter Evie has been witness to, and that means getting an eight year old to remember some of the most terrifying moments of her entire life.

Sixty is not that old - Part 23

Monday came around far too quickly for everyone. The previous evening Michel had taken Delphine out for a quiet meal at a Restaurant in Ashburton. Despite his best intentions, it had failed to lift her spirits.

“Last meal of the condemned?” muttered Delphine as she played with her desert.

“Stop talking like that or…!”

“Or what?”

Finn and Fiona Part 4 of 8

Finn and Fiona. Day Four

After going into the ensuite and relieving myself I had a shower, cleaned my teeth and shaved. I needed to dress in ‘the man from head office’ mode today so had my suit in a suit-bag. I was very smart and went down to the hotel dining room for breakfast, getting tucked into the full English as it would be on the account.

Hatter’s South American Safari Chap. 14

“Hey Terry, those Border Patrol agents are still following us.” Shade was watching the rear-view camera systems.

Terry glances at the radar system on his side and notices he had four cars following behind them. A sly smile appears on his face “let’s have
some fun with these agents.”

“Oh, goodie, we get to play!” Aylin slaps her hands together and rubs them.

“I think Terry has a different idea.” Shade knew how excited Aylin gets when action is required.

“Man, you take all the fun out of things.” Aylin crosses her arms under her breasts.

Jacked Up Part 11

Jacked Up Part 11

I followed Maisie to a bedroom which was huge and very well equipped. She said that she would be back in time for me to get ready for dinner but all I need to do now was have a good bath which she had already drawn, then pop into bed and have a good sleep as she was sure that I had already had a full day.

A Good Man

Bethan now a pretty girl of fifteen had been looked after by Doc Vitlow who’d prescribed the necessary medications, and they were talking about her surgeries which were planned for the medium term future at the city hospital under the care of Mistress Gardener her gender consultant. More importantly to Bethan she’d recently become on kissing terms with Joey Fairbarnes who was eighteen and the son of a nearby farming neighbour who was understanding of her situation.

Finn and Fiona Part 3 of 8

Finn and Fiona. Day Three

Following my actions yesterday, I put my soiled pyjamas in the bath and got into the shower for my wash, wee and shave. This was a worry now as I had, as Fiona, spent a day with other people and had been kissed by a whole gamut of men. I realised that I had enjoyed it.

Jacked Up Part 10

Jacked Up Part 10

Thursday evening I looked through my belongings. The bulk of my clothing was army supplied so that would not be a problem. The stuff I had brought with me added up to not much at all. I packed a bum-pack with my credentials and then a small back-pack with spare underwear, a tee shirt and a few other light items.

Given Voice

Given voice
Lynda Shermer
June 8th, 2014

Just before the end of the alleyway was an unmarked door; by the litter on the ground around it, it was left unlocked for smokers. I pulled, and went into the stairwell. Up one short flight, the door gave upon a relatively dim carpeted hallway. I slowed, and tried to catch my breath, so as not to seem suspicious. Ahead of me, a side door opened. The person who came out thrust some papers into my hand, and pushed me through the door.

Finn and Fiona Part 2 of 8

Finn and Fiona. Day Two

As I lay there, my penis drooping into the goo it had deposited on my stomach, I looked around the room to make sure I was at the right place. That had been one hell of a dream with a total immersion into another life, complete with all the sounds, sights, smell and activities of the real world. I had never had a dream like it before.

Sixty is not that old - Part 22

The morning of the wedding dawned bright and sunny. Delphine was first to stir. Her new corset was rubbing on her hip. Henri had been right in that it was a lot stiffer than her old one. The boning was much wider and stronger than the training corset.

As they were still sleeping in the cottage, she had to go up to the new house to get a shower. Michel had been up there most of the previous afternoon working on something. He’d been very evasive when she’d asked about whatever it was that he'd been working on.

Jacked Up Part 9

Jacked Up Part 9

I spent the next weeks training in the mornings, being taught in the afternoons and spending my evenings on the computer, getting the casualty lists of all of the ‘accidents’ and bombings that I could. I cut and pasted all of the likely targets onto another spreadsheet for later use.


A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I never thought that there was anything odd about Matt. I would not say that we were friends, but we worked alongside one another for three years and we always talked. I knew that he was married, and I had even met his wife, once, when we met on the street after work. She was plain as I recall.

Fitness class

The doctor looked at the chart, "Well, you'll be glad to know, there's nothing wrong with your heart. You've just spent too long not eating right and sitting behind a desk. I'd say you should start with walking, stretching, warm up exercises, calisthenics, and only then try something more strenuous."

Jacked Up Part 8

Jacked Up Part 8

I sat, in a state of shock, and he allowed me a few moments to consider what he had said. “My parents were certainly no threat” I said “They were loyal, unlike myself. Being given that permit was a joke, a party piece for the in-crowd. It did stand me in good stead in the CIA as it allowed me to be privy to a few things better left unspoken about.”


A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

The Oval Office seemed somehow smaller than she imagined. The curved corner-less walls gave it a surprisingly warm feel – it was after all, the shape of a womb. The color was apricot – warm and sweet. The trim was matt white – clean and tidy. There was a lounge area that looked softer than soft. But at the windows was the business end – the empty desk.

They remained standing as the President entered. He took his seat and did not invite them to sit, so they remained standing.

Sixty is not that old - Part 21

Michel was sitting in the Kitchen of the Cottage when Delphine returned from Totnes.

“Did she get the train ok?”

“Yes. We had plenty of time. In fact, we need not have rushed so much because it was five minutes late,” replied Delphine.

“This letter was in the post yesterday,” he said holding a letter.
"Oh sorry. There was one addressed to you. I clean forgot about them all what with being Verity here."
Michel handed her the letter.


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