Mature / Thirty+

Doctor Phillips

“Good morning, Dr Phillips,” the young receptionist said as the distinguished looking fifty-year-old woman entered the office.

“Good morning, Melanie,” Dr Phillips replied, smiling politely as she let herself into her office, where she took a deep breath before preparing her files for the day.


A Short Story inspired by a Captioned Image
By Maryanne Peters

I put it down to good policework. My policework. Checking the scenes thoroughly. Interviewing the witnesses. Understanding the clues. Good policework. Dedication.

My father was a policeman. I respected him and I respected the work that he did, but he did not achieve great heights. He said that it was about the satisfaction of doing good. That is the measure of achievement that a policeman should be aware of, not their rank or salary bracket.


A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

The slap bought me back to consciousness with a stinging pain on my cheek.

“Wake up, Doctor Daly.”

My eyes had real trouble focusing as my surroundings seemed so unreal. In front of me was a attractive middle aged woman dressed in traditional dominatrix style, a sort of vinyl outfit with fishnet stockings and heels, her dark hair pulled back from her snarling face.

“What is this? What is going on? Who are you?” I gasped in disbelief.

Sixty is not that old - Part 10

Vivienne met with Verity late the next day at her offices on Victoria Street. They’d been at Boarding School together and had become firm friends when they both got struck down with Measles at the same time. Being the sole occupants of a Boarding School Sick-bay over the Easter holidays was no fun so they’d gotten up to all sorts of mischief together. That bond had lasted until Vivienne had gotten married. Verity had been her Maid of Honour at her wedding to Rex.

To Return Home 1.6

To Return Home.png

Thanks to Malady for his help editing and for ideas.

To Return Home 1.6

Daddy shook his head. “That bastard really threw a problem our way.” He was mad. Livid, even. Although his voice was steely calm. I don’t think I’d ever seen him that way before.

How so, Vern?” Mama asked.

Search his memories, Bernie. He didn’t leave any DNA information from the people down there,” Daddy said in a furious voice. “What they are now, is what the computer records them as. Even down to pictures.” He showed us the picture of Belinda. It was her as a ‘horse’. Below the picture was the word, Deceased. “The computer record even goes on to say what happened to her, and what ‘dish’ she made. The guy is even more sick than we thought.”

Our Son Nick and Old Lace

The parody is the last refuge of the frustrated writer. Parodies are what you write when you are associate editor of the Harvard Lampoon. The greater the work of literature, the easier the parody. The step up from writing parodies is writing on the wall above urinals.” - Ernest Hemmingway.

Turnabout is fair play.” — Angela Rasch

The following parody has many references to Cary Grant and his movies. . .above and beyond the obvious. Should you get bored with this story, or if the story runs against your grain. . .use it as a puzzle. . .try to pick out all those references.

This story also contains several un-attributed quotes. We apologize for trying to be someone or something we’re not. We suspect the nature of the story supports this decision.

The Wounded World by Aladdin, Chapter 5

TG heroine Mantra (Malibu Comics) needs to give her ultra friend Pinnacle some help, even while hoping to get some needed help in return. It seems like she's come to the right place.

2 - The Fall of Kruhl

The Fall of Kruhl

Daniela A. Wolfe

A young woman, naked and delirious from fever, appears on the streets of Tondzaosha, Idaho while a dark cloaked figure lurks in the darkness. She bears a sword, containing a power the likes of which the world has never seen. This weapon could bring salvation or it could spell certain doom for everyone.

Sixty is not that old - Part 9

Vivienne had been nagged by the thought of some dark secret or secrets that Jacques was hiding refused to go away. His good looks and charming personality were tempered by this as yet unanswered question. She preferred to think that someone like him could not be all bad.
This was, of course, complete and utter bollocks naturally… but it sounded rather nice to her.

To Alleviate Suffering

This has been a Hatbox story. It will be posted as a free story for a short time.

Jim and Heather had formed an eight-step pact during high school. They would attend Vanderbilt together and take those classes that would best prepare them for the MCAT. Once they had their undergraduate degrees they would get married, and apply for admission to Yale. After accepted, they would study to become surgeons, work diligently, and graduate with honors. They would then return to Nashville and work for the largest hospital in Tennessee (the highly regarded HealthWing.) Heather would become Director of Medicine, and Jim would become Chief Surgeon. All goes according to plan except for one small change. A few months into their years at Yale, Jim decided that a career as an RN would be a much better fit.

Years later, Heather uses her administrative position at HealthWing to make mandatory changes in the nurses’ dress code.

Sixty is not that old - Part 8

The Photographer from the Estate Agency, a still wet behind the ears youngster named Neil Thomas, finished packing up his gear and then left Vivienne alone. A job that should have taken under an hour had taken three hours. For some unfathomable reason, he insisted on using a full studio flash rig even in the Bathroom where there really wasn’t the room to swing a cat let alone all the kit that he’d brought with him. From what little he’d said during the visit, he was clearly more used to taking pictures of the very large houses that only the mega rich of Hampstead could afford. Still, it was at their cost not hers. If she wasn’t happy with the promotion material she could take her business to another agency.

“What Happens Next” Session One: “Out of the Sunrise” (starter)

What Happens Next?

I. Out of the Sunrise

I lived on the streets for six years of my life, by choice. I took four steps away from my single parent dwelling and never looked back.
Was it hard? Yes.
Did I do anything illegal? I would like to plead the fifth.
What made me come home?
It wasn’t that I came home, it was that I found a home, a few short moments before going over the edge.

Sixty is not that old - Part 7

Vivienne’s not so good day wasn’t over. At a little after seven that evening the front door bell rang.

As she entered the hallway, Vivienne could see two figures through the frosted glass on the door. It was either someone trying to convert her to their religion or it was her beloved daughters. For once, she really hoped that the former had chosen to try their luck with her rather than her daughters.

If it was the latter then it was to be expected given the virtual deluge of calls and messages that had been sent in her direction since the phone call with her daughter just before Betty's Funeral.

Extra Body Shampoo

Extra Body Shampoo

Author’s note: You can blame my friend Olivia Hope Matteo for this bit of silliness.

It started as a typical day.

I got my chores done, which gave me time to let my inner girl out. I was what my transgender friends would call an "egg" -occasional crossdressing in private, but I haven't seen a gender therapist yet - but on my days off I let my inner Olivia out for a while.

I honestly don't do a whole lot once dressed, just imagine what my life would be like if I went full time.

Political Doubletalk, Part 6 of 6



Part 6 of 6

Chapter 14
"Dammit Penny!" cried Myrna, slamming down the phone. "I feel like I should go out and stand on the street corner with a sign saying 'Anything helps - God Bless.' I'm sick of begging for money. How did we ever let the system get this corrupt?"

Political Doubletalk, Part 5 of 6



Part x of 6

Chapter 11
"Myra, that was an amazing performance!" Penny said in wonder. "Talk about take no prisoners! Who else could talk about the ancient Indus Valley civilizations and make it sing?"

"I did get a little carried away."

Political Doubletalk, Part 4 of 6



Part 4 of 6

Chapter 8
With the first public appearances behind them, it was time to hit the road. No one runs for office without a large number of volunteers willing to go out and do the legwork, answer the phones, make the endless calls, pay the bills, program the computers and generally support the candidate.

Harvey and the pretty girl

Harvey and the pretty girl

Ok, this one is a bit... well, weird and nasty, to be honest. If you are of a delicate disposition, please move along. I've been ill with covid, but I'm a bit better now. Thanks again to Gabi for editing and proofreading, but don't blame her for everything else. It's a bit rushed for Halloween because of the illness. I'll try and tidy it as I go along. There are more chapters, but it's not finished yet. What can I say, deadlines and illness don't mix...

Political Doubletalk, Part 3 of 6



Part 3 of 6

Chapter 6
Two days later Helen and the slightly mystified Penny were sitting in a plastic surgeon's office in Reno Nevada. For Penny, traveling with someone who was almost the woman for whom she worked for many years was a surreal experience.

The Doll Maker


Carl had always been different, he was a quiet somewhat effeminate looking boy, taking mainly after his mother. From an early age he had loved playing with dolls instead of cars like the other boys. He way preferred playing with the girls and when they played house, he loved to play the mommy and put on a dress.

Sixty is not that old - Part 6

The ‘pet funeral’ people came and collected Betty later that day. It was hard for Vivienne to say goodbye to her lovable pet. As they prepared her body for transportation Vivienne realised that they’d not spent one night apart since she’d first came into her life almost nine years before. It really would be strange without the ‘Madness of Queen Betty’ to keep her entertained.

The people that came for her could well have been undertakers. They were dressed in black and spoke reverently in hushed tones about Betty and what Vivienne wanted done with her. After some discussion, Vivienne agreed to be there for Betty's final journey in two days’ time. She expressed that wish as it only felt fitting that Betty deserved a proper send off as thanks for the part she had played in her life these past years.

The Mirrored Self chapter 1

There are two things I can say about myself, well there are a lot more than only two, for example I love Star Trek. Not any of the new stuff, when they started going AU, but the first four series and ten movies. I'm getting off topic. I haven't even gotten through the first paragraph and I'm already getting off topic. So what was I saying? Oh yeah, there are two things I can say about myself. First, I love magic and I'm an amateur magician. I'm not talking about spells and potions and mythical creatures, I'm talking about sleight of hand.

Political Doubletalk, Part 1 of 6



Part x of 6

WARNING! If you are of a conservative bent, you'll hate this one. You. Have. Been. Warned.

Author's Note: I stole this plot from Robert Heinlein, who stole it from a long line of felonious authors reaching back to some guy pressing Cuneiform into clay on a riverbank in the Middle East, in hopes of preserving his deathless prose. It is better to take what does not belong to you than to let it lie around neglected. - Mark Twain

The Hunter, Becomes The Hunted Part 14

Kat, Paul, and Tammy manage to make it where Britney’s parents were sitting and watching the fighting going on outside the building. They had several large screen monitors showing them everything going on around the village and where the rest of Kat’s team was located.

Vishal and Kartika watch as Kat, Paul and Tammy come walking towards them. Vishal looks over towards his wife “it seems our time has come. Are you ready my dear?”

I Can't Hide From My Mind -- A TG Mixed Tape

A boy finds himself in a suburban landscape with no other people... except his other self. A woman breaks up with her boyfriend and storms out of a bar... but all is not what it seems.. A roommate's prank leads to new and unsettling discoveries. A door to another world leads to unexpected changes. An ancient entity awakens to find a world where gender and everything else have drastically changed. Dive into the strange and unexpected with stories by Hikaro, D.K. Fenger, Trismegistus Shandy, Shadow Dragon, and CasLon.

The Gamesmistress. Part 6 of 6

Chapter Six

After a few minutes he nodded and then asked if this was a joke. One alien said “If this is a joke, then what is this” and a window appeared in the wall of the spaceship and a picture of the earth hanging in space appeared. Jaden said “That’s just a photograph!” so the alien made the spaceship move and, in a blink of an eye, we were looking down on Mars where a red dust-storm was raging.

The Odd Squad -6- New to the team

I was dressed in costume as the daughter of Lord Fairfax and with my hair hanging loose, one of my father’s little jokes. He has always picked on me for my slight build and decided a few years ago that I would never be big enough to play one of the troops, and the only role he would let me have would be as his daughter.

Sixty is not that old - Part 5

“That’s the last of the washing on Betty. Want to go for a walk?”

Her lovable companion wagged her tail and looked up at her mistress with doleful eyes.

Vivienne smiled back at her companion.

“Ok then. Go find your lead.”

Betty took off like a rocket only to completely miss the lead that was hanging over the bannister at the bottom of the stairs and thumped into the front door. She bounced off, turned around and grabbed the lead on her way back to her.

The Wounded World by Aladdin, Chapter 4

TG heroine Mantra (Malibu Comics) realizes that she up against something that is too big for her to figure out alone. She needs to hook up with an ally with some major scientific knowledge. Fortunately, one of her best friends happens to live in San Francisco, a person who is not only brilliant, but who also measures up as an ultra in her own right.


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