Mature / Thirty+

To Not Let Go 3.8 (final)

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Chapter 3.8

N21_Station.png John and I had a fantastic night. I got up in the morning and sat down at my piano. I hadn’t played in some time, and just let my fingers go, regarding all the feelings I had been experiencing with this crazy situation we found ourselves in.

I felt terrified for my husband. Amos had already killed one half brother. What was to stop him from destroying the other?

Ignorance is No Excuse for Hating Someone Part 21

Alexandria, Va.
“You know, you boys aren’t very bright or very good at what you do.” Brandi looks at the six guys hanging upside down from the rafter.

She had stripped them naked after bringing them to a warehouse owned by her real estate company. These morons had been following Jack and Cheshire. Jack gave her a call and a quick trap had been set-up with the help of her crew.

Jack told her to interrogate them and find out who they are working for. She was permitted to use any technique she wanted to.

To Not Let Go 3.7

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Chapter 3.7

N21_Station.png ”No!” I shouted at Mom. “I won’t!”

Rosie! Yes, you will. You have to.”

Why?!” I asked, still unable to lower my voice.

Mom gave me a half-smile. “Sweetheart, we don’t know if I can be overpowered by Amos or not.”

A Friend When Needed

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A Friend when Needed
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

Tad looked suddenly very serious. The game was long over and the last two pieces of pizza had gone cold. Beer had been drunk: enough to lower the inhibitions but not enough to drop them both into a stupor. He looked at Jason, squarely in the eyes.

“I can trust you, man,” he said, “I know I can. We’ve been true pals for so long that I feel I can tell you anything. I can, can’t I?”

A Minority Of One : 9 / 9


I sat there, stunned. This was bad, very, very bad. I was scared,
and for once I was scared for someone other than myself.

If Meredith stole that money -- if Meredith tried to steal that money,
it was bound to end badly for her.


A Minority Of One : 8 / 9


Lois came in and saw my look of confusion. “This is so weird,” I said. “And awkward.”

“It’s only awkward if we make it awkward,” she told me.


Castle The Series - 0124 Waggoning, More Babes, Sunwarmth



“You do realise, Love, I’m not going to burden a little boy with the name Fuchsia don’t you?”



Veronica was looking forward to seeing the faces of Shag and Sabrina when she presented them with the monster of a forge tool.



“The tokens are nothing more than a way of keeping the score on how successfully we’re playing the game.”

Truth in Tears


Truth in Tears

by Erisian


My dad was never one to go to church, nor one to talk about what he believed. As a teenager I asked him once if he believed in God and even now I remember his reply. He looked at me carefully from behind those antiquated black-rimmed glasses of his and said simply, “Doesn’t matter if I believe or not, son. God is either there or he isn’t. But this life, well, this life is mine to live as I choose.” At the time I was frustrated that he didn't answer the question; it wasn’t until much later that I realized he had in fact answered something perhaps far deeper.

He was like that, my dad.

County Sheriff -09- What Goes around, comes around part 2 of 3

Seeing my brother hiding down in the back of the Pickup phased me for a moment but it was only a moment. It would not do to show any favouritism with that almost ever present thorn in my thumb, my brother Walt.

I shook my head before saying,
“Out you get Walt. You know the drill!”

Walt slowly got out of the truck and sat on the floor. I didn’t need to tell him to keep his legs straight but crossed below the knee.

“Boss, shall I get some more cuffs from my vehicle?”

A Minority Of One : 7 / 9


“We have to get you a phone, and I guess we should talk about allowance.”

“What did you give Celine?” I asked.

He laughed. “Celine was a thief,” he replied. “You don’t need to give money to a thief.”


A Minority Of One : 6 / 9


In romantic comedies someone holds off telling something important,
and it screws up everything.

You watch the film, and find yourself shouting, “Just say it! Just tell her!”
but they don’t. It’s always “the wrong time.”


To Not Let Go 3.6

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Chapter 3.6

N21_Station.png I rejoined John in observing Sylvia. Our people were being forced downstairs, and we were helpless to stop it. We watched as they came were herded to the palace, and then the throne room. I gasped as the shimmering air coalesced into a man.

"Here they are, my Lord, " he told Amos, who was sitting, once again on his throne.

Castle The Series - 0123 Aurochs’ Watch, Orca



The entire referent thing is a family in joke



“So, it’s just a big, short-leggèd aurochs then?” Morris asked.

Shepherd Moon 2: Chapter 8


Shepherd Moon, Book 2:

by Roberta J. Cabot
Chapter Eight

Far, far away, at the edge of known space, an EarthForce expedition makes the incredible, unbelievable discovery that could rock modern Federation life to its foundations: apparently, the Earthers' magical Phase-Wave technology wasn't infinite nor universal, which puts into question a lot of the assumptions that Federation science had made about what the universe was, and how it works.

Also, beyond the boundary of Phase-Wave, the same expedition finds a weird new planetary system, which included three planets which were in what Earthers called the "Goldilocks zone" of the system - the area of space around a star that had just the right conditions for life to flourish. There were two problems with these planets: the three went around their star in the same precise orbit. And they were all frozen. And they shouldn't have been frozen.

And then, on the one they called Terra Dracones, they find an ancient structure under the ice that contained Earther and Elyran statues.

A Minority Of One : 5 / 9


“Are you kidding me?” she asked, incredulous. “You’re 42 years old!
You don’t need to ask your so-called parents. Seriously!”

“I’m thirteen,” I retorted, “in case you hadn’t noticed. By the way,
have YOU looked in the mirror lately, Mrs. Shearpen?
You’re not a forty-year-old man any more either!”


County Sheriff -08- What Goes around, comes around part 1 of 3

Thanksgiving was fast approaching. Despite a blisteringly hot summer, there was already some snow at higher elevations just to the west of Denver. Ma had said more than once that this was a sure sign of a hard winter ahead. I knew from bitter experience that her track record in forecasting the weather was better than any of the TV weather women.

Head Injury

Head Injury
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

Part 1 - Mike

I remember those few minutes after I regained consciousness so very well.

I opened my eyes and reached to my face. There was a tube in my nose. I knew immediately where I was, I was in the hospital. But then I looked at my hand. I looked at the back of my hand and it did not look right. I found myself thinking that my hand should be beautiful. That is needed to be smooth and soft and that the nails should be shaped and polished.

The Woman Who Would Be A Spy: A tale of Zhor

Posted Aug. 7, 2020
Revised Aug. 8, 2020

On the planet Zhor, as in most pre-modern societies, careers appealing to women can at first seem rather restricted. But in so complex a civilization as Zhor's, a capable woman -- if determined enough --may discover that some rather unique fields of endeavor lay open to her. Lady Caron thinks that she has found one that will suit her nicely.

This story is inspired by Ranbarth's novelette "The Lancer's Tale," available at Fictionmania.

Here Today, Tomorrow, Next Week Chapter 1

It was a perfectly fine day.
My espresso was perfection: overly sugared with whip cream along the top.
The coffee kept me level-headed—zen in a cup. Nirvana. A way to get my mind to not think about the forty-five minute drive it took to get to work from the suburbs. I had no issues getting from my apartment to the local Starbucks and then onto the “they call it an interstate highway, but it’s a parking lot”, just like Joni Mitchell said.

The Hunter, Becomes The Hunted Part 12

Tammy spotted two figures trying to sneak up on Kat and Paul. She adjusts her scope and pulls the trigger. She drops one guy, and before he hits the ground, the other one falls as we.

Kat didn’t even hear the two guys sneaking up on her and Paul. She heard them drop as she looked behind her. She was glad, Tammy was an excellent sharpshooter.

“Thanks, Tammy.” Kat moves with Paul through the forest.

“Anytime, Kat.” Tammy had found a nice tree she could shoot from.

A Minority Of One : 3 / 9


“If you walk out of this room, if we never see you again,
I will think about you every day.
I won’t want to, but that’s what will happen.”



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A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

Despite the fact that they were the only two people in the laundromat at that hour, she came over to use the machine next to his.

She was tall. Her hair was blonde, in a short bob with slight curls. She wore makeup despite her clothing being casual. She was looking at his load of laundry.

I Was Promoted from CFO to Secretary

To our readers, I would like to introduce a new coauthor Cagivagurl. Do yourself a favor and check out her story page on FictionMania.

We were so impressed with her resume of stories we went out and actively recruited her to join our team. For our faithful readers you might be able to detect a more sensual leaning to this production.

We hope you enjoy this tale.
Marina and Monica

I Was Promoted from CFO to Secretary

Song of the Switcher


Song of the Switcher
by Melanie Brown
Copyright  © 2020 Melanie Brown

It just wasn't Steve's day.

This is a "side-quell" to Switcher as the story takes place simultaneously with Switcher. It helps to read Switcher first -- Ed

New Forms

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New Forms
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I have to hand it to Caitlyn Jenner. She is not a person that I can agree with about much, but she certainly had the courage to transition later in life. It was her example that persuaded me to take the decision I had been putting off for years.

A Comedy of Errors

Conventional step deck-unsplash.jpg A note from Rosemary: I have to admit, this only took me about 45 minutes to write. I was trying to think of something that I could write that I know quite a bit about. Naturally, the answer was trucking, but how to make it funny? This was the result.

A Comedy of Errors

A short story by Rosemary

August 2020

Doug North and his wife, Carol, were truckers. For many years, Doug had pulled flatbed all over the country, while Carol stayed home with the kids. Now that the kids were out of the house, Carol traveled with Doug.

On this particular day, they were in a backwater town, somewhere in the middle of northern Idaho, having just loaded up some treated fence posts. Doug was throwing a strap over the load when out on the two-lane highway, a car blew a tire.

Father of the Bride

Father of the Bride
A Vignette
By Maryanne Peters

“Dad has every right to bring a partner to my wedding, having paid for all of this,” said Sonia, waving her hand around the reception area.  There were hours to go before the ceremony, but they had already been to the hairdresser and she wanted a final inspection of the facilities.

To Not Let Go 3.5

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Chapter 3.5

N21_Station.png It had been three weeks since Rashda had gone downstairs to see what happened to Belinda. He had never confirmed what I thought occurred to her, but his statement referencing The Godfather made it seem likely.

I had spoken to John about it, and he agreed with me. We had watched the movie a few times, but now I felt like removing it from the ship’s archives. I didn’t think I could ever watch it again.




by Erisian

Light flickers across the café table's turquoise checkerboard and the cigarette's smoke curls upward, mixing with the scent of coffee and the coming rain. Voices bubble all around to fill the evening air with bursts of laughter and camaraderie, but to them I do not listen.

Instead I stare.

My gaze is fixed upon the plain white envelope resting upon the fake marble tabletop where it sits next to an ignored saucer and cup. Yet my eyes see past it to a place so very far away, beyond the reaches of this world. To a place whose name could best be translated as the Edge.

The Edge of all things.

Castle The Series - 0122 Peppercorns and Anvils



“I can definitely trade that. I take it from what you sayt you have not as yet put a price on it?”



“I can’t even let you see it yet, for it’s buryt under a few thousand weights of hot foundry sand.”


What Story - Parts 11 and 12 - Finale

After leaving Maxine’s home in Reigate, Kim travelled by train back to Royston where her car was parked. When she changed trains at Blackfriars, she nearly left the package that Maxine had given her on the train. For a moment, the swore at herself for being so absent minded. Then she laughed at herself. Absentmindedness was a family trait that she’d worked hard to eliminate. Kim wondered if the emotional trials and tribulations of the recent few weeks was finally catching up with her.



Chapter 1

Andy knew things weren’t going well for his best friend, but he wasn’t ready for the phone call he received late that night. He was doing a bit of work on his computer, alright, gaming, when his phone buzzed. He didn’t think the spammers would be calling at 1:00 AM, but you never could tell.

It wasn’t spam, it was his high school buddy, Benny (Beniamino) Fiorito. “Hey Benny, what’s up? Isn’t it a bit late to be calling?”

A Minority Of One : 1 / 9

“Huh,” I said, taking it in. “So how do they switch back? The people who got switched?
Do you bring them together and poof! they’re back to who they were?
Or does the switch wear off after an hour or a day or something?”


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