Mature / Thirty+

Dearly Beloved - 21: A Dresden Files Fanfic


Part Two. Harry is no longer who he once was. The "new and improved' Harry must track down all the pieces of the puzzle before time runs out for Susan. Can she get back to who "he" once was? Contains mature themes, descriptions of sex, and transformations of all sorts. Spoilers for all Dresden Novels.

Dearly Beloved - 20: A Dresden Files Fanfic


Part Two. Harry is no longer who he once was. The "new and improved' Harry must track down all the pieces of the puzzle before time runs out for Susan. Can she get back to who "he" once was? Contains mature themes, descriptions of sex, and transformations of all sorts. Spoilers for all Dresden Novels.

Woman in the Corner Office - 17


Chapter 61

She chased me out of the kitchen. I ran in the bedroom with her right behind me. She stopped and told me to take off my shirt so she could check on where I had been hit by the taser. I knew she was going to bug me until I did so I carefully took off my shirt. Sitting in the car and on the sofa had aggravated the dull ache. I heard her intake of breath as she saw the bandage.

Will I be ... glamorous?

Will I be … glamorous?

I’m more of a tank-type T, built big, built rough. Never likely to look neat, pretty, sweet, colourful, … and never going to be glamorous. And I hate this outward me. Will I ever be what I want? Would that I could be …. glamorous.

AP - bit close to the bone some of this. Hope it's worth putting up and reading?

Dearly Beloved - 19: A Dresden Files Fanfic


Part Two. Harry is no longer who he once was. The "new and improved' Harry must track down all the pieces of the puzzle before time runs out for Susan. Can she get back to who "he" once was? Contains mature themes, descriptions of sex, and transformations of all sorts. Spoilers for all Dresden Novels.

Dearly Beloved - 18: A Dresden Files Fanfic


Part Two. Harry is no longer who he once was. The "new and improved' Harry must track down all the pieces of the puzzle before time runs out for Susan. Can she get back to who "he" once was? Contains mature themes, descriptions of sex, and transformations of all sorts. Spoilers for all Dresden Novels.

The Excursion in Spain. Chapter 7

Slight Detour. Part 1

At this she took out her phone and called Pavlina, asking if it would be all right for her to pay for my time up to close of business Thursday evening and they came to an arrangement, with a bulk discount. I was affronted – only a week on the shelves and I am already consigned to the discount bin! She then turned to me and explained what she wanted me to do.

Castle The Series - 0114 Salt, Haggis and Saught



Struggling with the cutlery was almost as enjoyable as seeing who could suck in a single spaghetti noodle fastest, and in consequence put most sauce on her face as the last span or so wavered berount before disappearing into a very satisfied child.



“I know nothing of die Büstenhalter, proper or otherwise, my Love.”



Iola remembered that Haggis was traditionally maekt of a sheep’s pluck: heart, liver and lungs, all cooked in the stomach: tripe!



“I suspect many were beginning to realise a lot of their old animosities were due to events they no longer recallt and had simply become habit.”

Talk Show

Talk Show
Fictional Transcripts
By Maryanne Peters

Season 3 Episode 5

JT: Welcome everybody to another “Tonight with Tanner”. I am Joe Tanner. And tonight, we have the star of the new Show “Crossover” with us tonight. Please welcome TJ Albright.


JT: TJ, Welcome.

TJA: Thank you Joe. And thanks everybody. It’s good to be here.

JT: I have to say it but once again you are with us in full costume.

Dearly Beloved - 16: A Dresden Files Fanfic


Our intrepid Wizard Du jour is sheltering in place with Murphy, the love of his life. Things are quiet, the physical and magical worlds have paused, and the loving couple can finally relax and get down to business (literally). Unfortunately for Harry, nothing is ever quiet, or simple.Contains mature themes, descriptions of sex, and transformations of all sorts. Spoilers for all Dresden Novels.

Woman in the Corner Office - 16


Chapter 57

I don't know what the hell got into that woman. If I didn't know better I'd think she was jealous. That was some kiss she laid on me and that ass in her tight skirt. . . . It was going to take me a couple of minutes before I could get out of the car and not embarrass myself.


A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I had never met Samantha Copeland until the day of our confrontation. Thinking back, you have to wonder why. We had lived next door to one another for about five years.

I had met her husband Keith Copeland the week they moved in. I suppose I thought she had taken his name – Copeland. it was not until afterwards that I learned he had taken hers. I found that a hard notion to grasp, at the time.

Dearly Beloved - 15: A Dresden Files Fanfic


Our intrepid Wizard Du jour is sheltering in place with Murphy, the love of his life. Things are quiet, the physical and magical worlds have paused, and the loving couple can finally relax and get down to business (literally). Unfortunately for Harry, nothing is ever quiet, or simple.Contains mature themes, descriptions of sex, and transformations of all sorts. Spoilers for all Dresden Novels.

The Summer Ball - Part 2 - You can't hide

26 months later, September – At a bar in a small coastal town in Northern California.
The place was fairly quiet as it was early on a Monday evening. It would get quite rowdy later as the ‘Dallas Cowboys’ were playing at home that night against the 49’ers and the game would be shown on the big screen. Naturally, this being California, most of the locals supported the 49’ers.

Two people were working behind the bar preparing for the night ahead when the door opened and in walked a tall Blonde woman wearing a white blouse, black tight leather trousers and black ankle boots.

“Hello Sean. I’ll have a G & T please but hold the T.”

The barman looked up from the ‘shot’ glass he was drying and saw Ingrid standing in front of him. His face dropped. To him, she looked the spitting image of Marylin Monroe in the ‘Seven Year Itch’. Another words, totally stunning and totally out of place for the clientele of ‘Big Jake’s Famous Bar & Grill’.

Mother and Daughter, part 15

“Well- okay, if you’re sure,” Janet said into the telephone. “If you need anyone to talk to, the offer still stands, as believe me, I have some experience with this sort of thing.”

“Thank you, Janet,” the ebullient voice of Joshua Benedict replied. “I shall see you back at work in the new year, and I hope you and your family have a very merry Christmas!”

“You too,” Janet said, smiling as she ended the call before sighing as she turned her attention back to the living room.

Dearly Beloved - 13: A Dresden Files Fanfic


Our intrepid Wizard Du jour is sheltering in place with Murphy, the love of his life. Things are quiet, the physical and magical worlds have paused, and the loving couple can finally relax and get down to business (literally). Unfortunately for Harry, nothing is ever quiet, or simple.Contains mature themes, descriptions of sex, and transformations of all sorts. Spoilers for all Dresden Novels.

Woman in the Corner Office - 15


Chapter 53

I wish I could say my motives were as selfless as Christina thought they were. In part they were because by admitting to being at fault I diverted attention from him looking at her license. I knew if there were more than a cursory glance and he saw the M that I suspected was in the box for sex the whole atmosphere might change.

Castle The Series - 0113 Events in the Kitchens



“Your behaviour has to change.”



Milligan asked plaintively, “Has any any idea what they are going to cost us?”



“Gratitude for the offer, Harle, but tirenth and filleting knifes are a bad combination. Get some sleep.”

Rose the Bunny

Rose the Bunny

Rosey Red gave me this idea. Make of it what you will.

His name wasn't Scrooge, but it might as well had been.

His actual name was Richard Rose, and throughout the small town he lived in, there was no one richer, but no one less kind or less generous.

And yet there was one person who wanted nothing more than to see his heart soften.

Her name was Penny, and every night she prayed for him, saying “Somebody must have hurt Mr. Rose, which is why he’s so mean. So God, heal his heart.”

Dearly Beloved - 12: A Dresden Files Fanfic


Our intrepid Wizard Du jour is sheltering in place with Murphy, the love of his life. Things are quiet, the physical and magical worlds have paused, and the loving couple can finally relax and get down to business (literally). Unfortunately for Harry, nothing is ever quiet, or simple.Contains mature themes, descriptions of sex, and transformations of all sorts. Spoilers for all Dresden Novels.

Dearly Beloved - 11: A Dresden Files Fanfic


Our intrepid Wizard Du jour is sheltering in place with Murphy, the love of his life. Things are quiet, the physical and magical worlds have paused, and the loving couple can finally relax and get down to business (literally). Unfortunately for Harry, nothing is ever quiet, or simple.Contains mature themes, descriptions of sex, and transformations of all sorts. Spoilers for all Dresden Novels.

Dearly Beloved - 10: A Dresden Files Fanfic


Our intrepid Wizard Du jour is sheltering in place with Murphy, the love of his life. Things are quiet, the physical and magical worlds have paused, and the loving couple can finally relax and get down to business (literally). Unfortunately for Harry, nothing is ever quiet, or simple.Contains mature themes, descriptions of sex, and transformations of all sorts. Spoilers for all Dresden Novels.

Woman in the Corner Office - 14


Chapter 49

I'd been debating how to get back home or to my car. I wasn't sure if I would get in trouble if I went back for it. I was standing outside the ER entrance when a human projectile came at me and literally jumped into my arms and told me to take her home.

Dearly Beloved - 9: A Dresden Files Fanfic


Our intrepid Wizard Du jour is sheltering in place with Murphy, the love of his life. Things are quiet, the physical and magical worlds have paused, and the loving couple can finally relax and get down to business (literally). Unfortunately for Harry, nothing is ever quiet, or simple.Contains mature themes, descriptions of sex, and transformations of all sorts. Spoilers for all Dresden Novels.

Castle The Series - 0112 Council, Iola, Llyllabette



“What more do we know concerning the Turners?”



Llyllabette was shocked that Turbot had shared a bed with his heartfriend Voë for nearly two years.



Gibb couldn’t keep his face straight when he telt Milligan how Siward had enabled Iola to finesse most of his staff away from him.

The Summer Ball - A night to forget

This is an oldie from 2010/2011. The original ending was very abrupt so I’ve updated it quite a bit.

Company Dinner/Dances are events to hate for the vast majority of single, unattached men. When these things come around, they are faced with three questions which may or may not become problems later in their career.

Firstly, do they get a date for the evening and risk becoming the office gossip for weeks and/or making a real fool of themselves on the dance floor with their multitude of big left feet?

Or secondly, do they say, ‘To hell with this’ and adjourn to the bar with the other poor male sods once the formal part of the evening is done and dusted and get totally ‘rat arsed’.

Dearly Beloved - 8: A Dresden Files Fanfic


Our intrepid Wizard Du jour is sheltering in place with Murphy, the love of his life. Things are quiet, the physical and magical worlds have paused, and the loving couple can finally relax and get down to business (literally). Unfortunately for Harry, nothing is ever quiet, or simple.Contains mature themes, descriptions of sex, and transformations of all sorts. Spoilers for all Dresden Novels.

Dearly Beloved - 7: A Dresden Files Fanfic


Our intrepid Wizard Du jour is sheltering in place with Murphy, the love of his life. Things are quiet, the physical and magical worlds have paused, and the loving couple can finally relax and get down to business (literally). Unfortunately for Harry, nothing is ever quiet, or simple.Contains mature themes, descriptions of sex, and transformations of all sorts. Spoilers for all Dresden Novels.

Woman in the Corner Office - 13


Chapter 45

I decided to take Ms Lukes advice and poured myself a tumbler full of liquor from a dusty bottle that had been my dad's. Like him, I seldom drank except with clients to be sociable, so the large glass of straight liquor hit me hard.

Dearly Beloved - 6: A Dresden Files Fanfic


Our intrepid Wizard Du jour is sheltering in place with Murphy, the love of his life. Things are quiet, the physical and magical worlds have paused, and the loving couple can finally relax and get down to business (literally). Unfortunately for Harry, nothing is ever quiet, or simple.Contains mature themes, descriptions of sex, and transformations of all sorts. Spoilers for all Dresden Novels.

Dearly Beloved - 5: A Dresden Files Fanfic


Our intrepid Wizard Du jour is sheltering in place with Murphy, the love of his life. Things are quiet, the physical and magical worlds have paused, and the loving couple can finally relax and get down to business (literally). Unfortunately for Harry, nothing is ever quiet, or simple.Contains mature themes, descriptions of sex, and transformations of all sorts. Spoilers for all Dresden Novels.

Dearly Beloved - 4: A Dresden Files Fanfic


Our intrepid Wizard Du jour is sheltering in place with Murphy, the love of his life. Things are quiet, the physical and magical worlds have paused, and the loving couple can finally relax and get down to business (literally). Unfortunately for Harry, nothing is ever quiet, or simple.Contains mature themes, descriptions of sex, and transformations of all sorts. Spoilers for all Dresden Novels.

Gerald and Joan

Not one to risk upsetting his wife Joan, Gerald agrees to her desire for him to be pretty when they go out in public together. One thing leads to another and Gerald decides to become a woman and accept the fact that Joan and he have switched marital roles.

Woman in the Corner Office - 12


Chapter 41

I watched her drive away and wondered if I was being foolish trying to make something work that might have no future. I pounded the wheel in frustration, hitting the horn accidentally and scaring an old couple walking by half to death. I opened the window and offered a sheepish apology.

Dearly Beloved - 3: A Dresden Files Fanfic


Our intrepid Wizard Du jour is sheltering in place with Murphy, the love of his life. Things are quiet, the physical and magical worlds have paused, and the loving couple can finally relax and get down to business (literally). Unfortunately for Harry, nothing is ever quiet, or simple.Updated Contains mature themes, descriptions of sex, and transformations of all sorts. spoilers for all Dresden Novels.

Wait for Me ?

Are you old enough to be a fan of and to believe in ‘The Twilight Zone’ the subject of the 1959-1964 TV series shot entirely in black and white with that weird music? I hesitated to ask in the body of the text because such a reference is anachronistic with regard to my protagonist, but I had to ask, hence this note.


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