Mature / Thirty+

The Quarterback

The Quarterback
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I played nose tackle, primarily on defense, but as guard for blocking on offence as well. I guess that means I am a versatile player. Anyways, I did OK and got a good run at pro-ball in my time. I had enough money to retire because my Mama put it all in the Bank. And besides, I do all right as a sales rep for a sporting goods company. I travel around and shake hands and talk about football. It is a good life, I guess.

After Caesar: N21 Chronicles - 2.1

Excerpt from N21 Part 2 Chapt 6 which directly precedes this.
When we last saw our protagonist:
Through the corridors, I could hear screams and panicked voices. A light went red. Thunk! Another light went yellow, while two more went red. Thunk! Thunk! I glanced at, then couldn't look away from the screens showing the bays. The first one, our home, seemed to be crumbling away as it slowly pirouetted, the distance between us growing.

I stared, and everything seemed to be happening at the end of a dark tunnel. The next thing I knew, I was waking up on the floor with Carla beside me, making sure I was alright
When we last saw Fredrik Freeman:

"Perfect," Paula told her daughter as she saw the course come alive on the screen. It took her a moment to order it, however. While it ended with them intersecting, this would be dangerous. The course was theoretically possible, but it was closer than any sane person would want to get to a star. Hell with it, she thought. "Do it."

Rhoda committed them by pressing a button, and the engines fired. The ship slowed allowing their fall around the star to become stronger. A moment later, the thrusters realigned them, and the engines fired again, making them accelerate their fall while at the same time, angling them to where they would miss the surface and just barely skim the edge of the sun's atmosphere.

The Mural and the Cabinet, part 06 of 21

Zindla liked having a little girl around, even if she was older than she looked, and used to be a boy. Seeing her cousins and other children who lived in the neighborhood, she’d sometimes regretted being an only child, and now she felt like she almost knew what it was like to have a little sister. Devi was so enthusiastic and curious about everything; having her around was like seeing everything for the first time.

N21 2.6

When last we saw our protagonist:

Suddenly,we received a message from Colleen. “Rashda, we have something up here that you need to see.”

Smythe looked around at us all. “John and Rose, will you come with me? Winston, figure this out please.” Then he touched a button that put his voice through every intercom on the ship. “Mr Dodson, would you please come to the command center?”

Then we were off.

Births Deaths and Marriages

Births Deaths and Marriages
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

Allan Bingley was not the sort of man who you might think of as a criminal.

He has a small open and honest looking face on a small non-descript body, slightly flabby. He had very little hair on his head. Alopecia rather than pattern baldness, had robbed him of his hair when he was not yet thirty. His mother assured him that it would grow back. It never did. And now she was dead.


A married man with a secret addiction is found out by his first wife who divorces and socially slams him. He sets and obtains a goal of put his shattered life back together, then risks it all with a second wife, who unexpectedly brings with her a goal of her own, and the enticements to reach it.

Authors note: This work contains an unmentioned enticement of its own. It is the reader's choice as to if they will yield to it, or perhaps they will yield without even knowing it. In any event, may the reader find enjoyment within.

After Caesar: N21 Chronicles - 1.12

When we last saw Fredrik Freeman:

What are you two doing here?” she asked, dumbfounded.

Staying with you and Dad,” Gina told her. “You don’t think we’d abandon you, do you?”

Who’s commanding Centaurus?” Paula asked.

I transferred command to Rick Johnson,” She told her mother-in-law. “Right before I transferred to here.” She stepped over to Paula and asked the old question of seafarers. “Permission to come aboard?”

This is not me - Part 3

[Phoebe was on the phone to Samantha Mason]

“Sorry for not calling you before this. Things have been a bit hectic since we met.”

“How? Well, I’m now unemployed for starters.”

“A bit of a long story but that isn’t why I called.”

Phoebe took a deep breath before she replied.

“To be honest Samantha, I could not get you out of my mind.”

After Caesar: N21 Chronicles - 1.11

When we last saw Fredrik Freeman:
Normally the artificial gravity would compensate for any thrust, but Rhoda hit the retro engines hard. A few people stumbled, and the things on Vlad’s screen seemed to jump close.

Oh, no!” said Vlad. Gina and Paula hurried over and gave the screen a look. “Check it out, now,” Gina shouted.

Paula sat down at a spare computer and called up historical records. “It’s them.” Her voice was completely devoid of emotion.

After Caesar: N21 Chronicles - 1.10

When we last saw Fredrik Freeman:
“Sylvia told us that he doesn’t mind cross dressing for you. I’m sorry to ask, but do you feel the same?”

Why apologize? We need this information. Yeah, I have no problem doing the same for him.”

Okay, Reg, now look at yourself. Are you interested in men?” She shook her head. “Are you bi?” Again she shook her head, but this time a smile was forming on her face.

I see. I believe you’re right. You change sex, and gender to the same as the person who touched you!”

Paula nodded. Beside her, Fred’s expression was one of disgust aimed at his damned brother. What a complete bastard!

After Caesar: N21 Chronicles - 1.9

When we last saw Fredrik Freeman:

“No problem,” the chief of staff responded, giving Rhoda a smile. Freeman was certain that if they had been side by side they would have kissed.

Was Ronda fooling around on Phineas? And with another woman?”

“No, Mom! She wasn’t a lesbian. She wasn’t even bi! That’s me!”

Paula nodded, as did Fred.

They discussed things for awhile, then went to their own rooms to ponder things.

Fred was certain that he had missed something. Something vital.

The Mural and the Cabinet, part 05 of 21

“Do you want me to show you how to sew?” Pasyala asked. “Or has your mother already shown you?”


“No,” Devi said at first. “Girls do sewing and knitting and stuff.” But then he reflected: People go into other worlds to learn valuable lessons and have adventures and stuff. The portal made me a girl, so maybe it wants me to learn about girl stuff before it will let me go home and be a boy again? “I guess I’m a girl now, so I can learn how to sew and stuff.”

Castle The Series - 0089 Llyllabette, Yoomarrianna, Beth, Morris



Silverherb stopped the waggon and taking a stick with her hit the ground. The couple had wondered what she was doing for they had seen nothing, but their eve meal of barbecued snake was a considerable improvement on the previous eve’s meal.



Uncharacteristically, Amethyst hesitated before saying, “Take Beth to the healers, Beatrix. There are preparations the herbals produce which can reduce masculine development to naught and others to enhance her femininity, but they need to be taken before puberty has goen too far, they can not readily undo much development that has already taken place.”


JOAN (26) AND BRÆTH (28)

Bræth replied indignantly, “Of course I do. If I love you that means I love yours too, it is part of the Way.”



Gibb had had numerous complaints concerning Morris’ authoritarian stance, but was glad Morris was dealing with his staff in a long overdue manner that beseemt the situation.

After Caesar: N21 Chronicles - 1.8

When we last saw Fredrik Freeman:
The two women on the other side of the room were screaming for the men to stay away from them. For their part, the men got as far away as they could. Fred jumped away from his friend, terrified, and Paul turned and ran from the room. Part way down the hall, his pants could no longer stay up, and he, or rather she, had to pause to pull them up, then she headed for her office. She slammed the door shut and locked it. With a deadbolt and combination that only she knew.

She let out a sigh of relief, then stopped and wondered what the hell had just happened.

N21 2.5

When last we saw our protagonist:

He kissed me on the forehead, as I looked up at his face. “I know we’re not supposed to have a baby, but I like the possibility.”

I smiled and kissed him on the lips. Then I told him, “Me too.”

I put my head back on his chest. Soon, I felt myself drifting off.

That night, I dreamed of having not one baby, but twins. A boy and a girl. I was ecstatic, as was John. We made Marc and Carla their grandparents.

A girl can dream, right?

The Mural and the Cabinet, part 04 of 21

In the stories, kids who go through portals to other worlds need to learn something from it. Maybe there’s something I’m supposed to learn from being a little girl. And there’s definitely got to be something I’m supposed to do here, but I don’t know what yet.”

N21 2.4

When last we saw our protagonist:

We were called to the command center to find a very grim faced Smythe there. “I’m very sorry for this,” he told us. “I’m able to see Earth now, even to zoom in and see cities.”

We watched as the scopes were brought online. All of the cities were seen through an orange haze, that billowed like smoke. There were no people to be seen although we could see what we thought might be the remains of many. There were craft that appeared to have once been smoking ruins. Some buildings were present, in a very decayed condition, but the vast majority were piles of rubble.

It appeared that Caesar was not happy being the only one gone.

Going to see a 1940 dance band

I came home from work to see the dress hanging on the back of a door.
'Wow that looks the business, real vintage I take it?'
Pam said nothing, I fingered the edge of the dress, 'it feels like real silk, you will look great in it.' I said confidently.
'Do you know nothing, look at the size of that waist, it is impossible.'
'Are you sure?'
'Dead sure, they even sent me an authentic corset to go with it!!'
'Still it will look great.'
'Which part of this are you missing buster, I am not being trussed up and paraded for no one.'

After Caesar: N21 Chronicles - 1.7

When we last saw Fredrik Freeman:
We’ll have to take into account the mass of the people from N21 for our return fuel consumption. We will not accelerate too much that we don’t have the fuel to stop relative to Earth when we arrive back.”

Paul nodded. He wasn’t a ‘rocket scientist’ but he understood enough to realize what Smythe was saying. His last question was, “Who’ll command N22?”

“I will,” Smythe responded.

Fred considered for awhile. “Very well. How long until you launch?”

“I figure we can get the missiles taken care of in about six months, and by that time, I believe we’ll be in the correct position for our launch window.”

Fred nodded. “Go to it.”

N21 2.3

When last we saw our protagonist:

I stared at the head of my best friend. I don’t know how long it was, but I heard a man crying. I looked toward the body, and there was Marc. He had somehow collapsed on the floor, and his head was on her back. I had not started crying yet, but that scene broke me. Those two had loved each other so much. I felt a weight move from my lap, and saw that my husband had moved Kari’s head, and respectfully placed it on the floor. He took me in his arms and kissed me ever so gently, then he moved to Kari’s body and cut the familiar piece of her leg out and left the room carrying it. A few minutes later, he was back and took me in his arms and let me weep. I wanted so much to hold Marc, but he was unbonded. To do so would kill both John and me. John did something I’d never seen him do. He gently picked up Marc and hugged him. Marc was still weeping over the loss of his wife. We started to ease him to his apartment, when the strangest thing happened. We received an incoming communication!

This is not me - Part 2

[The three friends are meeting up once again in London]

The girls laughed themselves silly when Phoebe said that she was not going to go on any more blind dates but that she’d signed up to a speed dating evening.

“But Pheebs…?” exclaimed Lana.

“But what?”

“But… you are just putting yourself… out there.”

“Isn’t that the aim of the game? To go out with some men in the hope that I find someone for a long-term relationship?”

“She’s right Lana,” said the third member of the trio, Sky.

Castle The Series - 0088 Sven, Claudia, Stacey, Topal


CLOUD (43) AND SVEN (45)

Cloud had a ripe and full body, and Sven ran his hands slowly and deliberately over her leaving no part untouched, savouring every detail, as if he were re-establishing the memories of the tactile sensations provided by a woman’s body.



Aaron was clearly awaiting the meeting to begin, and all considered it portentous that the chair Aaron had selected for his companion was one that had only ever been uest by persons of powers beyond the normal before.



Claudia still couldn’t think of growing bean sprouts as anything other than something children did in a jar. She had been astonished at the interest it had generated mongst the growers.



Margæt, who was not without a pair of hips herself, remarked, “We all hate our cotte, yet my man, who is no different from any other, would be upset if I doetn’t have it. I’d love to be slender and elegant, but he would hate it. They’re all for bosom and cotte, but wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could be grateful they are.”

My Uncle Fifi: My Beautiful Laundrette

Trapped as a shapely French maid and hiding out from the mob, a smart-mouthed rogue must prevent his family from unwittingly being drawn into a criminal scheme even as he is confronted by his two most remorseless adversaries: Mom and Dad. It's a twisty whodunit with a thrilling hovercraft chase that--wait. No, it's not. It's a spirited comic romp with snappy banter, money laundering, and unspeakable acts with a ripe pineapple!


N21 2.2

When last we saw our protagonist:

“John and I aren’t,” I argued, then I looked at John. “I’m sorry, Dear.”

“You’re right,” he said, smiling.

“No she isn’t. You three are needed as well. People look up to you and derive strength from your determination. I’m a glorified mechanic, but you three and Roman are all leaders. Don’t sell yourselves short.”

We were standing in the upstairs circle, and as we talked, I noticed that several people were making their way out of their homes, many holding hands.

“Looks like it’s working,” I told Marc.

John slapped Marc on the back. “Good job, my friend,” he told him.

“I’m glad. We really didn’t need the fear again.”

After Caesar: N21 Chronicles - 1.6

When we last saw Fredrik Freeman:

The next morning, he entered the courtroom and asked the jury their findings. He hardly had to ask. The man was guilty.

For the first time in many years, Fred felt that his conscience was clear. Without a moment’s hesitation, he sentenced the man to the punishment Paul had said the night before.

Freeman had accepted that he was a judge to this murderer, and a judge to his brother. He didn’t like the job, but as the president, it was part of his job description. He was determined to change that, but until it was, he would do the job to the best of his ability.

After Caesar: N21 Chronicles - 1.5

When we last saw Fredrik Freeman:

Instead, he reclined his seat and just let the ocean current carry him for awhile. His communication system started beeping. Someone was trying to reach him, but he ignored it. It beeped again, and he picked it up, looked at the name if the person calling him, and threw it as far as he could. He saw no reason to speak to anyone at the moment. Besides, Paul would still be there when he got back to the capitol building.

He leaned back again and closed his eyes. Eventually, sleep claimed him.

N21 2.1

When last we saw our protagonist:

Morning seemed so far away, and I wasn’t sure what it would hold. Okay, I knew, but how would we all deal with Marc and Kari not being there for two years? I just couldn’t seem to make heads or tails of it.

As I continued looking out at the night, I whispered to my best friend, Kari, "Just remember that Rose loves you." Then I started to cry again.

After Caesar: N21 Chronicles - 1.4

When we last saw Fredrik Freeman:
Even Robson turned away at the end, but he heard the gurgling coming through the severed neck as the body’s reflexes tried to draw in another breath. He turned back, and wished he had not. The mouth was trying to draw in air, as if it was the head of a fish. The man spat on the face, then turned, grabbed a cloth and began to clean all of his equipment. He seemed unconcerned at the dying head, still trying to gulp in air. “Good bye, Willem Wallace,” he spat out. It was the last thing Wallace heard. Ever.

The Mural and the Cabinet, part 03 of 21

“Odd, though. You don’t look like you have a transformation spell on you. Or any kind of spell, really. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a transformation, but I think I’d recognize it. Must be some kind I’m not familiar with.”

Trying something new

It only started with me sitting waiting, all ready to go out and Fay looking great as she fastened her ear rings on. An idle comment can have major consequences. I only said 'your dress looks great, those underskirts that make the skirt fill out are back in fashion, they always looked good in those old films.'
Fay smiled at me, 'yes it's new, I bought it last week, glad you like it.'
And then the comment that changed everything 'what does it feel like to wear? I mean the skirt is so full and the underskirts must feel different against your legs.'

N21 1.15

When last we saw our protagonist:

She started to cry now. I pulled her into an embrace. “Marc and I had decided if the six months were gone, before we ended up in stage five, we’d rather die, but we’re stuck. We can’t even end everything.”

“Are you sure they just couldn’t bring themselves to do it?” I asked.

“They really wanted to! She could move her other hand, but when she tried to bring a knife to her neck, it stopped.”

I felt like I had been deflated, and I knew I’d have to tell John tonight. We had thought the same thing.

Castle The Series - 0087 Jodie, Cherville, Eleanor, Kathleen, Reef



Jodie had asked for the tables and chairs to be taken outside, and for someone to take a shovel to the floor since its tacky, muddy surface maekt walking on it unpleasant. The embarrassed crew had done so, and when the men were at work she had taken her skirt off, poured boiling water with scraped soap flakes dissolved in it onto the wooden floor and scrubbed it on her hands and knees prior to rinsing it off with more boiling water. Jodie was big with her pregnancy, and when the crew discovered she had scrubbed the floor on her hands and knees they were even more embarrassed.



After they had left Cherville asked, “Did you understand what Peregrine meant, Nightshade?”

“No, but then he’s an artist, and they’re all a little strange. His work is beautiful, but I don’t understand how he designs it.”



George had said if the weavers could weave the mantles as soon as possible he would start some apprentices experimenting with the concentrated salts solutions to produce what he called lime light mantles.



Kathleen had her first contraction at ten in the forenoon, and her son Reef was birtht after one. She had an easy time of it, and as she said to Raymond and her children, “I have done this three times before you know.”

Grandma on Guard - Chapter 6 of 14


Chapter 6 - Connection

Paula the elder
I woke up to the smell of coffee brewing. Now that's something that doesn't happen every day when you live alone. I stumbled into the kitchen to find Titia fully dressed in a cute yellow top and a lively print skirt. The green alligator slippers weren't quite what fashion demanded, but I figured her arm wasn't up to putting on socks and footwear quite yet. Ditto for makeup. That works fine for me, but we could take care of that after we ate.

After Caesar: N21 Chronicles - 1.3

When we last saw Fredrik Freeman:

The old man left, and Freeman stood, walking up to his friend. “Is that really necessary?” he asked.

“Fred, you know Willem won’t give up that information easily. You told me once that one of the first uses for nanites was to stop shock in an injured person. Anything we do to get information will have to be extreme. You know this.”

“Yes, I do, but it seems that we are stooping to his level.”

“Do you want me to stop,” Paul asked.

Fredrik looked at him for a long time as he considered. Finally, he shook his head in the negative. He didn’t like it in the least, but It had to be done.

N21 1.14

When last we saw our protagonist:

“Wait a minute,” Kari said. “I thought they got their power from body heat.”

“That, I’m afraid, was a misconception.”

“How?” Marc asked.

“Think about it. Brownian motion needs fluid to work. When you take blood out of a person, that blood cools, so the brownian motion slows. This is just enough to where there is not enough power to recharge the batteries in a nanite. In a body, the nanites don’t stop as fast, as it takes time for a body to cool, but we’ve always looked at the nanites in the absence of body heat. We thought they needed the heat to work. In a way, they do, but that’s only because of the viscosity of the blood.”

I was starting to get it. “What if we cooled a body?”

“Even freezing a body would probably not work. As soon as we revived the person, the motion would start again. Just as we started working again, so would they.”

“Well, it was a thought,” I said.

The Mural and the Cabinet, part 02 of 21

The moonlight from the window was falling directly on the gateway in the mural. But he couldn’t see the road and horse and buggy and the distant hills. Instead, he saw — a chair. A high-backed wooden chair, with red velvet cushions on the back and seat and arms, and to the left of that, part of what looked like a sofa or armchair.

This is not me - Part 1

[The Three long-time friends were in a Central London Bar for their monthly get-together]

They were discussing their different jobs and how things were progressing.

“What about you then Pheebs?” asked her long-term friend Sky Woods.

“Now that I have passed my Bar Exam and… well I don’t know what to do next.”

After Caesar: N21 Chronicles - 1.2

When we last saw Fredrik Freeman:

He was reluctant to take the power of the government into his own hands, as he wanted to distance himself from his brother. He tried to say no, but the people wouldn’t hear of it. He was their choice, and that was that. Eventually, he accepted the position. For a time. He told the people that there must be a set term. The government made that term be a millennium, followed by a possible second term, but that was the limit allowed. No way was someone going to be president for over ten thousand years!

Fredrik Wallace became the first president of the new Earth Republic. He was Willem’s brother, but they looked nothing alike. Their father had divorced and remarried in the time between their births. Also, while Willem’s mother had appeared generally Scandanavian, Fredrik’s had been African. Thus, the people did not consider the brothers to be any bit the same.

Fredrik wanted there to be even more of a separation, so before he took office, he had his name changed. He kept his first name, but his last name came to signify the people of the new republic. Freeman.

Castle The Series - 0086 Cherville, Sharon, The Squad



Cherville thought, “The sky seems to be very low,” and then smiled as on reflection it was a rather ridiculous albeit amusing concept.



“Sharon taekt care of Basil, and he’s walking berount with a permanent trace of a smile these days. I’m not sure I’ll ever become uest to that!” Rowan hadn’t heard of Basil’s agreement and laught with Milligan, since though Milligan wasn’t generally humorous, Basil was always positively dour.



Chris said, “Know what, Boys? I think Beth is right. We should stay right out of it. It’s not the sort of thing nice girls and boys like us should be getting involvt in is it? After all, Jed is pretty reliable. I mean if he really needed help to barbecue the bastard he’d ask us wouldn’t he?”

N21 1.13

When last we saw our protagonist:

Marc was pretty pissed about everything in general too. “I’m not sure,” he admitted. “The fact that they were killed, however, leads me to believe that they may have been onto something.” He sounded very mad as he told me his opinion.

“I’m sorry, Marc. I didn’t mean to sound like that.”

“You really didn’t,” he told me. “I think we’re both on edge. Let me do some more research and I’ll let you all know what I’ve found.”

“Okay,” I told him. I turned to John. “Let’s go back to your apartment. I’ll make some dinner for us.”

“I sincerely hope I can keep it down my dear,” he said as we stood. Well, him sort of.


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