Mature / Thirty+

After Caesar: N21 Chronicles - 1.1

Our protagonist is Fredrik Freeman.

Willem Wallace sat, looking over his domain. Not that he could see much, but he ‘owned’ the earth. When he came to power, or rather arranged his own rise to power, he wasn’t sure where he wanted his base of operations to be. London, Paris, Jakarta… He didn’t know. He wanted it to be perfect. He wanted the people to be compliant; willing to be led by someone with his special qualifications. To that end, he had a palace built in Death Valley of southern California, in the United States. He had considered the Sahara Desert, but he didn’t want his domain to be full of sand. Granted, he could program some nanites to make people willing slaves who continually cleaned his palace. By the time he was done, they would love being his personal slaves, but there would still be the sand. Going outside would continually be dirty with sand everywhere.

A Christmas Party - part 8

A Christmas Party - part 8

Bob gets invited to his office's Christmas Party. His colleagues convince him that life is more fun in a dress.

In this part; Bobbi and Jordan meet Bobbi's Mum. Bobbi makes some decisions and learns some things.

This is the final part, for now. It's not the end of Bobbi's story, I think, but it's a good point to draw a line under things.

N21 1.12

When last we saw our protagonist:

A few weeks later, John and I met again where I first told him that I loved him. We were not sure what to do now. Do we give in, risking an eventual long term being miserable, or do we remain as we were, risking life and limb?

I know what I wanted to do, and I’m sure John did as well. The bond was getting deeper and deeper. So much so, that I sometimes thought I could feel his emotions when we were in our own rooms.

I was having a hard time sleeping too. He had told me of the same problems. It was such that when I fell asleep, I was jerked back awake almost immediately. I was now getting very little sleep at all, and I wasn’t sure I would be able to keep going like this. I don’t know how, but I knew if we had sex, I would no longer have this problem.

I told John of it, and waited. I had no idea what he would do, but I didn’t expect his response. He leaned over and kissed me.

I know the nanites beheading their host is strange, but then again, my muse appears to have an much odder imagination than I have.

Castle The Series - 0085 Jo, Jade, Alwydd, Brett, Russel, Gove, Alma



For the three midwifes Knott’s presence had turned what could have been a difficult birthing into a normal first one.



Both Jade and Phthalen were nervous to begin with, but to his surprise she asked him, “Do you like me enough to marry me, so they won’t take my little boy away?”



“If we are caught doing those sorts of things what will happen, Spearmint? I’m not unwilling, but my life for the first time is good here, and I don’t wish to mess it up right at the beginning.”



Gilla went to measure out the small dose that contained a merciful release for Gove, and a safer life for the young.

My Uncle Fifi

Hilarity ensues when a smart aleck on the run finds himself hiding behind a petticoat and a feather duster in order to elude the gangster who wants him dead. (Or maybe just wants him, period!) A fun and lighthearted comedy of errors filled with elaborate deceptions, mistaken identities, and a guy stuffing his boobs into a French maid's costume! What's not to like?


The Mural and the Cabinet, part 01 of 21

The person who used to own the house until she died was an artist. She’d painted murals in every room. Davey could hardly believe that Dad was planning to paint over the battle scene in the living room and the mural in his and Mom’s bedroom, which he hadn’t let any of the kids see. Davey’s big brother Carson had snuck in to see it, and he wouldn’t tell Davey or Amy what it was; he just snickered when they asked him about it.

The Option

The Option
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I did not recognise the name when I was told of my visitor. Although it had been a few years I recognized her as one the victims of the Pickton Prowler, a mass rapist who I had been instrumental in catching. After an exchange of greetings I sat to hear what she had to say.

“I was sorry to hear about your conviction”, she said. “There are many of us who truly appreciate what you did for us. We want to help. In particular Annie Haldane and the Mitchell Sisters want to help.”

N21 1.11

When last we saw our protagonist:

Kari continued. “The length of time between the switches seems to lengthen each time. Right now, we could go back to our room and have sex, but we wouldn’t change.”

“What if I were to touch you?” Brandy asked her.

“That’s an idea,” Kari told her. “We could try it.”

Brandy and Kari both removed their gloves, and Brandy reached out to touch Kari. While it was plain to see, Kari did not move her hand toward the other woman, it was not her that changed. Instead, Brandy changed back into her old self.

As soon as the change had completed, both Brandy and Ralf started to convulse, as if they were in pain. Quickly, I reached out to touch Brandy’s hand. Once more, she started to reform. She became a woman very quickly. Once it was done, however, she seemed extremely weak. I suppose I would be as well, had I changed twice like that. I watched as she took one last breath, and that was it. She died.

We had no time for grief, however, because there was obviously a bond between Brandy and Ralf. His convulsions started in earnest. He let out a scream, whether of grief or pain, I wasn’t sure, then he collapsed. He too was dead.

N21 1.10

When last we saw our protagonist:

“You don’t have to do this, John. I’ll take my chances,” I gently told him.

He shook his head.

Could I do this, not having any idea of the risks for either Randy or John? What if there was some change we hadn’t seen yet? God only knew what Caesar had arranged. I gave voice to these fears, and it didn’t change Randy’s resolve at all.

“I’m aware of the risks,” he said, "but we have to know what will happen now.”

John nodded as well. I knew there was no way I was going to dissuade him. I had seen this determination too much over the years but what if he changed too? I took a deep breath and touched Randy’s hand.

I watched, fascinated as Randy seemed to melt and reform. I knew it must have been similar with me, all those months ago. When it was done, I looked at John. I had been so interested in what was happening with Randy, that I hadn’t even glanced at this man for whom I was obviously developing feelings.

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 17 Charlie’s time in Glazebury

Susana said, ‘My husband doesn’t think all scousers are thieves. He knows they are. He’s worked with thousands of them and as far as I’m concerned he knows what he’s talking about. You don’t.”

With updated Footnotes.

Castle The Series - 0084 Morgelle, Council, Nigel & Aaron



Fritillary smiled at Morgelle and telt her, “I have maekt many mistakes in my life, but marrying Bistort was the best decision I ever maekt, and despite occasional dispute I haven’t for even one second regrettet it.”



“It is believt by the healers, as a result of information bringen by the newfolk, we can possibly end the fevers.”



Aaron said, “I will and need a protégé, a successor. It is important for the Folk I find one, and I have been seeking a long time. You are the first suitable person I have met, Nigel.”

The Widower

It was a bright mild sunny summer day, not right for a funeral, Skies should be grey and cloudy, the rain should be coming down, it should all help to stress the misery of why we were here.

I was coming out of the crematorium with Colin, the husband of Julie, my best friend since schooldays, we had just seen her coffin go behind the curtains to the strains of her favourite hymn, Jerusalem.

A Change In Lifestyle - Final

A Change In Lifestyle – Final Chapter 14

By Julie D Cole


Patrick apologised that he was the substitute but promised Tracey would be back soon to give her approval and make any final recommendations since it was her salon now. She had taken out a loan and with some private financial support from a friend she had bought out the owner. Jobs were secure because the salon had a good reputation and he was now the senior stylist.

N21 1.9

When last we saw our protagonist:

“I guess the feelings aren’t reciprocated.” he said sadly.

He was turning back when he stopped. He heard me say, “They are.” He turned back, confusion on his face. “I backed away, because I didn’t want to turn you into a woman, John.”

He stared at me, then seemed to realize what I meant. I stepped back to his side, and stared at our friend. The Medic walked around us and gave us his report. He was still clearly disturbed by us. I wasn’t sure if he was afraid or angry.

I was having feelings for the man standing to my left, I had no fear of the man on my right, and I was pissed beyond measure at whoever had done this to my friend.

May God help the person when I found out who it was,.

Castle The Series - 0083 Alastair, Morgelle, Edrydd, Eleanor, Gage



Carrom, who was on watch, passed by and seeing it said, “Ironwood, I’m pretty sure, see the violet tint. That’ll make fids to last ten generations. It’s too hard for much else other than blocks and axle bearings though.”



“It’s a life saver which will keep you afloat with your head out of the water, even if you are unconscious,” explained Walnut.




As they crested the pass Edrydd was aware of the silence of the scene in front of him, silent that was other than the constant hum of the biting insects and the splashing of the fish rising for the insects which filled the air above the water in such a thickth as to make the distant water appear to be coated with a shimmering, black film of oily tar.



Gage was, to him, entirely Folk and sufficiently similar to George to avoid confusing himself.

N21 1.8

When last we saw our protagonist:

“No thanks, I’ll walk.”  He looked both disappointed and relieved as he shrugged.  “No problem,” he said.

“I also want to tell you of a development from yesterday.  Marc and I didn’t want to mention it in front of the other men without your approval.”

“And what is that?” I asked.  “Was this whole helping me move just to give me some news?”

“That’s ridiculous, and you know it,” He answered.  He stared at me until I nodded, signifying he was right.  He started the tractor moving, and said, “I’ll tell you when we get into the passageway.”  A moment later, I thought to myself, to hell with it and I ran up to the trailer, grabbed the tailgate and jumped on.  He stopped the tractor and looked back at me, smiling.  I stared defiantly at him.  A few minutes later, we entered the corridor to take us downstairs.

The Surrogate - Chapter 6

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Chapter Six - The Sharing

Mila and Peter have been married into the church of the Sons of Jehovah and now they must 'Share'. Both are apprehensive, but Mila is more so, being transgender will any man really want to lie with her and is that a good thing or a bad thing? Final chapter for now.

N21 1.7

When last we saw our protagonist:

“John,” I said, my voice trembling. “We need to bury the hatchet between us right now. We are doing exactly what Caesar wanted.”

“I know it,” he said. “I don’t know what I can do about the fear, but I will try to not let it rule me. Deal?”

I almost laughed. “Deal, but it’s a good thing we’re not in the same room,” I commented. “This is where we’d be tempted to shake hands.”

He stared at me for a moment, then burst out laughing. “Yes, We would.” A moment later, the smile left his face and he turned to where I knew Marc would be seated. “How many reports of changes?”

“Fifty-seven so far, and they keep coming in.”

John’s face went white. “I need to get off here now.” He looked back at me. “No offense.”

“None taken.”

The Repair Man

This is another real oldie from circa 2010/2011

It was a normal Saturday and I was doing my weekly grocery shopping on virtual autopilot. You know what I mean. You buy the same items from the same shelves at the supermarket every week unless they had moved everything just for the sake of moving it and to annoy their customers.

I’d gotten everything on my mental list and was now at the checkout waiting to be served. I refused to use those automated or self-service checkout unless there was really no other option.

“Good Morning Ms Samuels. How are you today?”

Castle The Series - 0082 Gimlet & Leech, Morgelle, Warbler & Jed



Leech’s regular drinking companions wouldn’t accept Gimlet and he had killed and returned with three aurochs on one waggon. After arguing of it for half an hour, the inebriates decided to go outside, check the waggon and count the aurochs.



Bistort telt her, “Had your intendet dien, which effectively is what has happent, by our customs as a widow you are entitelt to a minimum of a year for your grief, and more should you will it.”



“I explaint when we became heartfrienden we givn ourselfs to each other, Jed. That means we have a leaçe of each others’ person. We are leaçen of each other, and it’s pronouncet leaçen, not leezen, to rhyme with fleecen. It means we have the right to do what we will with each other without asking for permission as long as we remain heartfrienden.”

The Surrogate - Chapter 5

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Chapter Five – The Ranch

Mila and Peter are shown the secrets behind the facade of Redhaven and the Sons of Jehovah church and are made a one time, life-changing offer. Sarah's mysterious past is revealed and Peter and Mila will have to decide how they they plan to spend the rest of their lives... if indeed they even have a future.

N21 1.6

When last we saw our protagonist:

I was heading home a short time after Marc left to work on the exterior bay door motors. I was contemplating our situation. It was frightening, the terror I felt when face to face with a woman. Just the thought of one scared me. I hadn’t met up with any other genders yet, so I didn’t know how much they would bother me. The thought of caused fear in an inverse funnel between me and a woman. A bisexual man bothered me a little bit. Then a gay man, followed by a genetically male gender fluid, to intersex, with all the layers in between. The pattern reversed through the genetically female genders as the funnel got wider and wider, until it reached a completely heterosexual female

When I reached the ‘u’ shaped corridor running between levels, I turned to go to my apartment. Now that we knew what was going on, I was a little more at ease. I came face to face with fright again, however as I turned left into the corridor. I was standing almost nose to nose with two women. All three of us screamed and the women spun on their heels and started running downhill to the upper level.

I stared at my hand, unbelieving. When they turned, one of the women’s hands brushed mine. A moment later, my vision began to blur and it felt as if my body was being taken apart and put back together.

Anomaly - A Star Trek Story

Anomaly – A Star Trek Story
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

“I am fully aware of the Prime Directive, Spock.” Captain James T Kirk found himself again annoyed by his friend’s reference to the fundamental rules applying.

N21 1.5

When last we saw our protagonist:

For a moment, my vision blurred then it seemed as though I pushed my fists into my eyes, as all I could see was multiple colors swirling around. There was a disconnect between before the blurring and after. It took a moment for me to realize I could see fine again, but then I noticed Perl standing right beside me. I jumped away from her, terrified, and she looked at me wide eyed.

“STAY AWAY FROM ME!” she screamed. There was no need to scream at us, because every one of us seemed scared spitless of her. We were all as far away as we could get.

She kept her gaze jumping from one of us to another. Anytime any of us moved, she flinched. She kept bringing her gaze back to me. No, not me. The open door behind me. I started to inch to the right, where Carter stood. Interestingly none of the others bothered me in the least. Just her.

As soon as I was far enough away, she bolted. Each of us seemed to lose our tension. Whatever it was, it seemed to make us scared of certain others. ‘Total Fun’ was upon us.

The Surrogate - Chapter 4

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Chapter Four – A Fresh Start

Mila and Peter's marriage of convenience blossoms into into something else but the sinister sexual undercurrent that seeps through Redhaven and the Sons of Jehovah is never far away, even when they are not there, as Mila finds out when transiting though LAX.

N21 1.4

When last we saw our protagonist:

A screen came alive and we saw a man. A human, but not someone we knew.”

“Hello, people of N21,” he said.” I am President Freeman of Earth. I know when you were sent away, Willem Wallace, or ‘Caesar’ as you referred to him, was the ‘Chancellor’.

“Approximately three hundred years after you left, Wallace had shown enough of his character to make those of us still on Earth recognize what you had long ago seen. There was an uprising, and we were able to remove him from power. He was in prison until we received a signal from you.

“Every computer around the world came on at the same time, and showed Wallace seated at his desk. He told us that we were all going to join him in a celebration of your exile. We saw what your camera’s recorded, Wallace telling you he wanted to ‘play’; the death of your maintenance worker. Then we saw a bay of the station open, and the people dying on the floor.”

For a moment, Freeman stopped. He looked somber, then rubbed his face with his hands.

“Wallace was questioned at length. That was an experience I never want to have again. He was, quite simply, insane. He wanted to toy with you as a cat toys with it’s prey. Revelling in your suffering was what he wanted most of all.

“He tried to bargain with us with his knowledge. He wanted freedom, but we refused. It took several months to obtain what we wanted. He spent that entire time in and out of consciousness. It wasn’t pretty. What we got from him, we want to pass on to you.

“There are several… surprises, in the computers of the station. They have been left there. There seems to be no way to remove them from the memory. Even a complete shutdown will reload the same information when you start them again.

“Much of what is programmed will be worse that what has already happened. Some not as bad. We will append a file to this message that will tell you what we have found. I hope you can find something on board that we didn’t think of here.”

Castle The Series - 0081 Jackdaw’s Horde, Marcy and Beth



Some of the boys had admitted to Beatrix their reading and writing was not all it could be and for the first time in their lifes they wished to learn to read and write properly. Beatrix had telt them she would take care of it herself, and Jackdaw had telt them he would find something for them to read they would be interested in.



“Mum, I want you to know I’m a trans girl,” At that she braekt down and sobbing waited in dread for the consequences of her outburst.



“Does it not bother you?”
“Yes. Every time. To be aflait is acceptable, but if you allow your flait to determine what you do, or do not do, the Way says that is cowardice and that is not acceptable behaviour for a true member of the Folk.”

My first bodysuit

First bodysuit, first transformation, first sex

Hello, it's my first ever try to make a story - so do not judge me too strong. And I hope you will forgive my not perfect english. So. let's the tory begin :)

I always wanted to understand how it feels to be a woman. I did not want to do surgery and hormone therapy, and crossdressing was not so good idea - just a man in dress, maybe attractive one, but man.

N21 1.3

When last we saw our protagonist:

“We’re going to leave the galaxy,” John observed. “He turned to me. I’m curious what you meant when you said we couldn’t turn back.”

“Simple,” I replied. “The planet no longer exists as we knew it. We have only aged a week, and our technology hasn’t grown. Theirs has. By over a thousand years.”

“More,” Marc said. “We were accelerating until we lost the engines.”

None of us felt like speaking. We just looked at the screen that held our future.

The Surrogate - Chapter 3

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Chapter Three - Redhaven

Their ruse is effective and Peter passes Mila off as his wife at Redhaven, the town owned and run by the Sons of Jehovah, a secretive religious sect where everything looks perfect but women are kept as chattels. Mila become restless and seeks comfort in an old friend and goes exploring where she knows she shouldn't.

Stand By Your Woman Part 7

Leslie looks at her image in the mirror in the Master bedroom. Casey had been right about the gold choker that encircled her neck. The choker itself was half an inch thick and an inch wide.

She noticed a couple of hours later that ancient Chinese writing had appeared on the right-hand side of her neck. The writing went up the side of her neck and behind her earlobe. Neither her or Casey could read what it said.

N21 1.2

When last we saw our progagonist:

John looked around at those closest to him. “Well?”

What a question. Do we open it or not? We had thought we were prepared, but were we? We didn’t want to die. We truly had nothing to lose, but life itself. To hold on for more, or not?

Very quietly, and with more calm that I found somewhere, I said “Open it.”

The Surrogate - Chapter 2

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Chapter Two – Becoming Mila

Miles is transformed into Mila by Steven Boutros who becomes fascinated by the beautiful creature he has created. Meanwhile Mila's husband is preparing to move them both to Redhaven, a religious community where misogyny rules and an undercurrent of sexual tension pervades.

Always Fi

Always Fi
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

There was no voice. With a buzz the gates swung open and the cab continued up the drive to the large house.

It was impressive. Large columns beside the entrance. Two storeys with attic rooms visible. Wings extended either side. A fountain in the forecourt. At least one of us has done well, Gary thought to himself.

He wondered for a moment whether his war buddy would meet him on the step, or whether he would have to ring the bell. Only for a moment as he could see the figure stepping out of the house.

N21 1.1

Our Protagonist finds himself exiled to a space station with several other "undesirable" people in a world where conformity is paramount.

This story started out based on a lucid dream, but quickly grew away from that, into wherever it's at now.
Some say the muse is a spirit all of her own, others say she is just your imagination.
One way or another...
I have a very strange imagination.

Castle The Series - 0079 Waggoners, Microörganisms



At braekfast Torrent announced, “I am happy to tell you Zoë and I have agreement.”



“The farriers use redweed on horses' feet, but I don’t know why.”



“Women are born traders, Mast. It’s what we do best.”

Thai Plastic

Thai Plastic
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

Rock, paper, scissors. That was how we decided it. Best of three. Somebody had to stay in Thailand. One of our local partners had absconded with some of the profits. We still had a well-connected local who had invested hard cash, but he knew nothing about plastic extrusions. One of us would need to commit to staying to run the factory. So it was down to chance.

The New Recruits Part 17

Marcus winces as he gets out of coach Henreid’s SUV. It was a little painful to move around, after what coach Henreid did to him at the school.

“Remember Marcus, you need to keep this between you and me if you want to stay in school.” A smile appears on coach Henreid’s face.

“Yes, sir.” Marcus takes his gym bag out of the SUV and heads towards his front door.

The Surrogate - Chapter 1

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Chapter One – An Indecent Proposal

Peter Randal is offered a job with a religious organisation known as The Sons of Jehovah that will solve all of his financial woes but he must live in their town of Redhaven with his wife Mila. When his wife skips on him Peter needs a replacement... a surrogate wife.

The lover from next door

[This is yet another story from my archives. Circ 2011]

“Do you Katya Collins take Lauren Allen as your lawful wedded wife?”

“I do.”

“Do you Lauren Allen take Katya Collins as your lawful wedded wife?”

“I do.”

“Katya, will you please recite your vows?”

Castle The Series - 0077 Zoë & Torrent, Waggoner Logistics



Zoë smiled, the feeling that for the first time in her life she was in control of her own body was powerful, and it felt good. She said, “I should like that too. How does it work here? What do we do to get married?”



Sledge was taken aback by Mast insisting Veronica was the one who maekt the decisions, but there was naught he could do but accept it, so he said, “I’ve two reliable heavy plough horses and can provide the oats, will you take the lot, Mast? I need the horses back within a lune and a half.”

Castle The Series - 0076 A Good Trip, Nursing, Aaron, Council



“My gratitude, Leech. Yes, a good trip. My regards to Gale.”



“The herbs are working, she’s nursing, Peter.”



Torrent expressed gratitude to Peace and winked at Anvil who shrugged and said, “Girls learn it at the breast I’m sure.”



“Aaron never was easy to understand,” said Yew, and then he added, “May hap none of us are.”
Many of the Council looked at Yew quizzically at that and Thomas asked, “You thinking of becoming a hermit, Yew?” At that the entire Council laught. Other than Will, a less appropriate candidate than Yew to take Aaron’s place was difficult to envisage.


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