What Story - Part 8

Kim managed to get at least part of her mind working again. Simone was patiently waiting for an answer.

“Do… Do you really think that we would be good together?” said Kim in a very hesitant way.

Then Kim managed a small smile.

“And it is nothing to do with the fact that you want to move to Norwich? You said that very thing yourself?”

Simone smiled.

“I see the reporter side of you surfacing for the first time.”

“Fuck that!” said Kim.
“I won’t just get hooked up with someone just so that you can swan off and live with your lover. Just who do you think you are?”

Simone laughed.

“There is no one in Norwich. I said all that just to get you to stop pitying yourself. I think it worked.”

Kim clenched her fists a couple of times before she relaxed.

She managed a small smile.

Simone stood up and took a step towards the door before stopping and turning towards Kim.
“Brian really is a good man. From what little I know of you, I think you need someone good in your life. Then I know that he likes you. Go to him and make up. By all means tell him that I was here. As I said, I still love him but we are not good for each other. You have the opposite effect on him that I do. I know that you two will be good together for the long term.”

Then she left Kim alone.

She sat there for some considerable time. Eventually, the afternoon turned to evening and then to night. Kim sat there staring into space. She found it hard to think of anything but seeing Brian for the first time at home, wearing a dress and heels and being himself. As much as she tried, she couldn’t imagine herself as part of his family. This was totally the opposite to how she'd felt down in Cornwall. A few hours and her vision of her new world had turned upside down... again.

Kim did what she always did when stressed like this, she began to write it all down. It was her way of trying to bring some sort of order to a total mess of facts and feeling.

At first what she wrote down was total gibberish and gobbledegook but as the hours passed, it all began to fit together.

Dawn came and went and Kim carried on collating all the events and thoughts and feelings she’d encountered since she’d arrived in Kings Lynn.

When she felt that she was done, she started it printing off while she made herself some breakfast.

After some Coffee and a Bacon Sandwich, Kim began to feel a lot better and mentally ready for the task ahead.
Kim went and had a brief wash to freshen up. Then she sat down and began to read her story.

As she read it, a smile grew on her face. Finally, she laughed.

“Call that a story? That’s not a story! It is an Epic!”

Then the ‘what next?’ question raised its ugly head. This wasn’t unusual at this point in her journalistic investigations.

Kim put down the sheaf of paper and contemplated life, the universe and everything.

After an hour or so of contemplation or meditation, she read her story once more and slowly her options clarified themselves in her mind.

She could as they say, ‘head for the hills’ or in her case, London or she could talk to Brian and thrash things over like two normally sane adults.

Kim had to admit that she was attracted to Brian and after some reflection and especially writing things down, Simone’s story had started to make sense.

The problem was that Kim had never really had much success with the male of the species.

Her education and then her career had always come first and Kim was never someone to have a long-term relationship with men mostly because they wanted more from the relationship and faster than she did at that point in her life.

She knew that she had a chance of a proper relationship with a man for once in her life but it wasn’t the sort of relationship that she’d dreamed of over the years. Brian had a family and … he like to wear women’s clothes at the weekend.

Kim chuckled to herself when she imagined someone saying to her, ‘I know this guy… and I think you might like him… oh, by the way he has two children and likes to wear a dress at weekends.’

She’d would have run a mile if that had happened even a month before but there was something about Brian that made it different.

Kim sat back and looked at the story again. Something else was troubling her. She dived into what she’d written and discovered a big hole in it. That caused her to start another investigation on the Internet.

She stopped her work only long to get some food, copious amounts of coffee and to take a few of natural breaks but, shortly after three the next morning, her printer came to life again and Kim relaxed. She’d been awake for nearly two days with only a little sleep so it was not long before she fell asleep where she sat. The job or so she thought was done.

It was almost one the following afternoon when Kim returned to the land of the living. A yellow light on her printer was flashing at her. It had run out of paper. With a heavy sigh, she got up from the chair and looked at her phone. She was startled to see how late it was.

After a slightly frantic few minutes Kim realised that she didn’t have any more paper in her flat. She cursed herself for not thinking to bring some up from London with her. Then she felt slightly silly for over thinking things. There would be plenty of paper at the supermarket.

Without thinking about her appearance, she picked up her handbag and car keys and left her flat. A few minutes’ drive away, there was a supermarket with a café. This was the same one where she’d had breakfast only a few days ago. She’d missed lunch so she just had some coffee, a sandwich and some cake. This made her feel a lot better. Before leaving the shop, she bought two reams of printer paper plus a few groceries and went home.

With the printer replenished and doing its’ job, Kim took a much-needed shower, did her makeup and put on some clean clothes before returning to the small kitchen where her laptop was setup.

She collated the output from the printer and also copied the now vastly expanded story onto a USB stick before heading out of the flat again. She knew exactly what to do next. The journalist part of her mind was in full control and she was loving it. Any thoughts of a personal nature were temporarily blanked from her mind.

It didn’t take her long to get to the Factory. She could see Brian’s car parked near the front door so she took another deep breath and walked into the reception.

Dianna, the receptionist smiled as she saw Kim.

“Hello Kim. I didn’t think we’d be seeing you today?”

“Neither did I until a couple of hours ago,” replied Kim lying through her back teeth.
“Is Brian free?”

Dianna smiled.
“He said to send you right in if you came in.”


Kim walked into Brian’s office. His door was never closed unless it needed to be for reasons of privacy or security.

“Hello Brian,” said Kim.

Brian looked up from what he was working on and the huge smile that spread across his face told her that he was pleased to see her. Kim on the other hand remained stony faced.

“Nice to see you Kim. Simone told me that she’d been to see you. I was going to come around after work but… seeing as you are here?”

“I can’t stay long today. I have to go down to London. There seems to be a problem at my place.”


“I want to give you this,” said Kim as she gave him the most recent printed copy of her story and the USB stick.
“and can you please send a copy of it to Garth. I have a number of questions for him and I didn’t get his contact details when we visited him.”

The smile disappeared from Brian’s face.

Kim managed a small one in return.

“Don’t worry Brian, this is something I have to get out of my system before I can about any personal stuff. Please read what I have written and let me know what you think?”

She saw the look of concern on Brian’s face.

“I know that I said that there really wasn’t a story but there is and it was right there under my node all the time. It won’t be published unless you and Garth agree so please don’t worry but I had this itch that needed scratching. It has nearly gone but not quite if you get my drift.”

Kim’s bravado has just about run out by now.

“I’ll let you read the story and I can be reached on my mobile. Anyway, I need to go. I have a train to catch.”

With that she left Brian holding her story with his mouth wide open and wondering what the hell had just happened…

Kim almost ran back to her car. When she got into the driver’s seat, she was shaking. She sat motionless for several minutes before she moved off.

Instead of heading for the local railway station, Kim navigated the slightly mad, and in her opinion, dangerous roundabout at the eastern end of the by-pass and took the A10 South.

Part of her felt rather guilty about not bringing Brian fully into what she was doing but Kim was determined to follow the plan that she’d hatched while writing the story.

As she left Kings Lynn behind her, she hoped that it would only be a few days before she returned. She was going down to London to start cutting her ties to the place. Whatever happened with her and Brian, she was done with London.

About 10 miles south of Kings Lynn, Kim realised that she’d left the groceries that she’d bought earlier in her Flat. For a moment, she panicked and even thought about turning around and going back for them. Then she laughed and told herself not to be so stupid. There were plenty of supermarkets near her home in London.

With a smile on her face, she carried on driving south.

Bright and early the next morning, Kim went into the same Estate Agents in Catford that she’d used when buying her home. Her objective was to put her flat on the market. She was soon sitting down in front of the same Agent, Gavin Smith who had dealt with her purchase.

After the usual sales pitch from Gavin about an iffy market and a dearth of buyers, Kim said,
“Please cut the crap Gavin. It was you who sold me the place three years ago and I know that one just like mine just down the road, was sold last month by your good selves for four fifty after less than a week on the market, and you are saying three seven five for mine? That’s less than what I paid for it as you should know. I can go to another agents if you like?”

Ten minutes later she walked out and mouthed ‘job done’.

She’d bullied the agent into agreeing to send someone around to do the valuation later that afternoon. Kim had stressed the need for a quick sale but there was no way that she was going to give the place away. In her opinion, the best ‘quick sale’ was a cash sale. She’d impressed on Gavin that being part in a long chain of properties was to be avoided if at all possible.

She estimated that after paying off the mortgage and other costs, she’d clear nearly £70,000 after three years in the flat if it made the same as the one two doors down had done recently.

Her next port of call was the supermarket. She was determined not to let the little incident from the previous day affect her shopping. Her fridge was bare so a few ‘ready’ meals would have to do for the next few days while she sorted things out and got the place ready to sell.

The man from the Estate Agents turned up late that afternoon to do the valuation and after the usual humming and tut-tutting, he gave her a valuation.
“I think you should get four sixty in a quick sale,” said the man after going through the place thoroughly.

“That seems reasonable and a far cry from the three seventy your boss quoted earlier.” replied Kim.
The man just smiled. It was that sort of smile that tries to be sincere but fails miserably.

“I’ll be in the office tomorrow morning to sign the forms and leave a key for viewings.”

That evening, Kim began sorting out her ‘stuff’. She surprised herself by filling six large black plastic bags with things for the recycling centre.

She smiled as this was the second time in a week that she’d done this. First in Kings Lynn and now here. She chuckled to herself as she filled yet another plastic bag with items for recycling that she was getting better at sorting the junk from the things to save for the time being.

As they say, the ‘best laid plans’ and all that, Kim returned from the Council Tip to find her phone ringing. She’d forgotten to carry it with her which was most unusual.

She looked that the Caller ID. It said ‘Number Withheld’. With a sigh, and thinking that it was someone wanting to scam her out of some money, Kim answered it.


“Oh, hello Garth. This is an unexpected pleasure. What can I do for you?”

A smile appeared on her face as she listened to what he was saying.

“Yes, I know it. Well, I’m sure my SatNav can find it?”

“Friday morning is fine by me. Does this mean you are coming over to this side of the Pond?”

As soon as Kim asked the question, she felt rather foolish. Garth wanted a meeting and had suggested a place in Suffolk for it so it was obvious that he was travelling over from the USA.

“I take it that you read my story?”

“Yes, I know that there is a lot missing. I was sort of hoping that you could fill in the blanks?”

“Good. I look forward to seeing you on Friday. Bye.”

Kim hung up the phone and looked rather pleased with herself. She’d hoped that it would provoke some reaction but this was way more than she could ever have hoped for.

She also knew that what she was doing could backfire in a really big way but was in no doubt that there was a story that needed telling and telling properly.

Once she’d put all her shopping away, Kim looked up the location that Garth had mentioned in the phone call. Kim soon realised that the location was a good distance from Kings Lynn and that she’d either have to leave very early or stay in the area overnight. As she often found it hard to be at her best in the morning, she decided to stay nearby the previous night.

Then she felt rather sad. Once again, she’d bought a load of shopping and once again, it looked highly unlikely that she’d be around to eat it. Kim sighed to herself. The sooner she had just the one place to call home the better.

After seeing how much a room in Southwold would cost, she looked a bit farther afield. It didn’t take long to find a room in a Pub that was a lot cheaper than in Southwold.

At dead on nine on Friday morning, Kim walked through the doors of the Crown Hotel in Southwold. Not being a ‘morning’ person, she’d used an alarm clock and two alarms on her phone to make sure she got up in time to not only get ready but actually have some breakfast before her meeting with Garth. She wanted to be both mentally and physically prepared for whatever it was that Garth wanted to talk about.

Kim had stayed the previous night just across the river in the village of Walberswick, and had walked over using the footpath that used the old railway bridge that connected the two places. A walk along the beach the previous evening which combined with the fresh sea air and some excellent food in the Pub where she was staying had allowed her to get a very good night’s sleep and clear her mind. An equally excellent breakfast had put her in an even better frame of mind ready for the meeting with Garth.

She saw Garth waiting for her in the reception area of the Hotel.

He smiled at her when their eyes met.

“Hello Kim. You are looking well.”

“Thanks Garth. You seem more relaxed than the last time we met.”

He laughed.
“I only put on those reading things because my late wife did them. Most of the people who come along are only there to be seen by their peers. They are all boring little people if you want my opinion…”

Kim smiled.

Garth laughed
“Go on Kim, you feel the same way yourself… Admit it?”

Kim’s opinion of Garth went up a few notches there and then.

“Well… Yes, they were pretty boring and really didn’t want to speak to me but only did so out of kindness simply because I was your guest. But… it did allow me to meet a few other people as well didn’t it?”

“Yes, it did. That’s one thing that we can agree on.”

He looked down at Kim’s feet.

“Good. I see that you are wearing sensible shoes. Shall we go for a walk and talk at the same time?”

Kim had a pair of low-heeled shoes in her fairly cavernous handbag but wasn’t going to let on about that unless she had to. All part of her ‘be prepared for every eventuality’ that had been instilled in her by her late father.

Garth led the way out of the Hotel and through the almost picture-perfect town of Southwold towards the sea. It was a lovely day so a walk was ideal. As it was fairly early, there were very few tourists around at the present. A few locals were out in the sunshine and walking their dogs.

“I read your story with interest and was fascinated by what you had discovered about me. As you know I do try to keep a low profile with the media but even so, I was very surprised indeed. I hadn’t realised that my little brush with the law back when I had just turned sixteen had made it onto the Internet.”

“Oh, and thanks for including all the references. They were very useful.”

Then he stopped and turned towards Kim.

“You do know that this story can never be published, don’t you?”

Kim appeared to be shocked by what Garth had said.

“What do you mean can’t be published?”

Garth smiled.

“There are two reasons. Firstly, as you well know, there are a lot of bits missing. We can work together towards filling them in. All of what happened when we moved from Atlantic City to Kentucky is almost totally absent as is the reason why. Knowing them is very important if you are to show the sort of person I was and what I’ve become and why I was a total bastard in business for more than thirty-five years. Then there is real story about my often turbulent, relationship with Frederick Mangan. All of that is missing. Unless you had travelled to my hometown and spent a few weeks talking to people you won’t have the truth. It is a very local dispute.”

“And the second?”

“I don’t want the publicity while I’m alive.”

Kim didn’t say anything.

Garth smiled again and turned to a marked page in her story.

“You said and I quote, ‘The new Garth now works very much under the radar. People don’t want to talk about his help. This isn’t because of threats but out of gratitude for his help in more ways than just providing money. This is a huge change from the Garth Samson of the 1980’s, 1990’s and Naughties and even as recent as five years ago.’”

“If what I do and how I do it becomes public knowledge then what do you think will happen?”

Once again, Kim didn’t reply.

“It will be as if I’ve won the Lottery and posted my name and phone number on a billboard in Times Square. The people I work with and have done for in recent years don’t ask me for help, I approach them with a deal that mostly they don’t refuse because it is tailored to their business and their situation. Putting those sort of deals together needs a lot of research. I have a whole team of people doing that for me. People in general with think of me as just another Vulture Capitalist and the media keep on cultivating that image which I don’t fight. There is little point. They have a job to do. I am not and have never been one of those leeches on society. I’m done with the old takeover way of working I gave that up more than three years ago but I don’t want the world at large to know just yet. I say let them think that the old Garth is still there and working as normal but there are some really important things I need to do before we start correcting my public image.”

“I think I get it,” replied Kim hesitantly.

“I don’t think you do… Well, not fully anyway. Until you are clear in your own mind.”

“What are we doing here? Why Southwold?” asked Kim trying to get some time to think.

Garth laughed.

“I like this place. This place is also beside the sea but is about as far removed as you can get from where I first grew up as a child… The contrast of this place and Atlantic City is huge. This place wins hands down. Don’t you like it?”

Kim was surprised to be asked a question. Wasn’t she supposed to be asking them?

“Well, it is a lot slower than London or even Kings Lynn if that is what you mean?”

“Not quite but it will do… For now.”

They carried on walking but not talking for a bit. They turned away from the small harbour and headed towards the Pleasure Pier and the famous Beach Huts.

“Do you have a problem with not publishing the story? I have to admit that I’d never considered having an authorised biography written about me but I’m warming to it but I hope that in time you can respect why I don’t want any publicity of the sort that would come with a biography of a billionaire hitting the streets without his approval. One thought that crossed my mind as I read your story was that I can consider myself lucky that I have not had an unauthorised biography written about me before now. Perhaps there is someone writing a hatchet job as we speak, I simply don’t know. But, I do know that I can’t really stop you publishing it if you really want to, but from reading a good number of your pieces, you have at least some desire for the real truth unlike so many people today who publish fake news and get a kick out of it and hang the consequences. To your credit, I could find nothing fundamentally wrong with your story other than the things I’ve already mentioned.”

Garth stopped and looked Kim square in the eyes.

“I saw something in you when you came to the reading. You handled yourself very well when you were clearly way out of your depth. And what was even more remarkable, none of my guests realised that you were a journalist. If they had known, they would have kicked up a stink and left in their droves. That is the sort of people they are and what is more important, it shows that you are a good person hence my email to Brian. I assume he showed it to you?”

“He did and thanks for the glowing words.”

“You deserve them.”

“What happens next?”

“Are you booked to stay wherever it was you stayed last night for another night? From the lack of creases in your clothes, that is fairly obvious that you didn’t get up at the crack of dawn and drive up from London to be here at nine.”

Kim laughed.

“No, I stayed just across the river in the village of Walberswick, and no I’m not booked in for tonight. I checked out before I walked over here. It is at least an eight-mile drive otherwise. My car is parked over there. There is an old railway bridge that connects the two communities.”

Garth laughed.

“Brian told me you were special. Now I know it.”

Kim ignored his words so he carried on.

“If we walk back to the Hotel, I’ll checkout and if it isn’t too much trouble, I’d appreciate a lift over to Brian’s place if you are going that way?”

Kim was taken aback by his directness.

“Yes… Of course.”

“Good,” replied Garth.

Then he stopped walking. Kim stopped after two paces and went back to him.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“Nothing really but Brian could use someone like you in his life.”

Kim went a bit red in the face. Garth noticed her embarrassment.

“Sorry about putting you on the spot like that. His former wife is not a bad person but she can’t make Brian happy. There is something in you that I saw the moment we first met that made me imagine you and him being happy together. In my life, I’ve met a lot of people and all sorts of people. Most of them are bland and boring wannabe’s who will do everything they can to become either famous, climb a greasy pole to the top or get a meal ticket for life. You are clearly not like that. Every so often I meet someone who makes an immediate impact on me. Brian did and so did you. I hope that I’m not digging my grave too deep but it is how I feel? Plus, you know that I do love speaking my mind. I think you mentioned it at least ten times in your story…”

Kim tried hard not to, but in the end, she had to smile. She admired his directness and honesty.

“No, it isn’t very deep at all… And thanks. I like your directness. Most people who have dealt with you in recent years appreciate it as well.”

Garth laughed.
“And before my epiphany, I was a pretty horrible person to live with and even worse to do business with. You got all that right down to a ‘T’. Some of those references you dragged up were totally new to me. You are very, very good at getting to the bottom of things. That’s why I need someone like you on my team. Your slightly cynical view of the world which I might add is natural for a proper journalist is perfect for me. There are too many ‘Yes-men’ and the vast majority of them are men in this world. Just promise me one thing Kim. Just keep on telling me as you see it.”

Garth chuckled.
“To be honest Kim, I see a lot of me in you. Don’t get me wrong. That is a compliment of the highest order believe me.”

Then Garth took her arm and linked them together.

“I think we can not only be friends but work very well together as long as you never ever tell me what you think I should hear but always the truth no matter how bad it might be.”

Kim relaxed when she realised that Garth wasn’t coming on to her but just being friendly in a fatherly sort of way. She realised that he was also laying down the ground rules for their working relationship.

“Shall we go?” he asked in a soft yet commanding voice.

“Yes,” replied Kim not at all sure what she was letting herself in for.
Garth’s confession to her was most unlike him and she was not really sure why he’d exposed himself like that to her given her background.

The walk from the Hotel in Southwold to where her car was parked in Walberswick allowed her at least a few minutes to digest what he’d said. It seemed that either Garth was going mad or he really was going to change his ways. Kim decided to wait and see before coming to any firm decision.

A little over two and a half hours later, Kim drew up outside the Kings Lynn Office. Their trip had been one long conversation about a whole load of things but one revelation shocked her to the bone.

“I’m winding down my activities in the US. With the current President going farther and farther to the right and clearly stark raving mad plus his vested interests, sorry donors to his election campaign wanting payback, it is getting hard to do what I want to do with my money. Yes, he has reduced taxes mostly for the rich which is wrong in my opinion, but the whole business environment has changed. I know all about BREXIT and the challenges it faces but there is a lot more opportunity over here for what I want to do in the rest of life. Everyone is far more suspicious back home about everything and conspiracy theories abound. I’m moving to England but no one knows about that yet, not even Brian knows the details. I’d like you to setup my operation here and… well run it if you want to. If you recall, I mentioned the figure of 100 in my email to Brian. That’s thousands by the way. That would be your starting salary plus benefits naturally.”

Kim had nearly crashed the car when he said that. She had to stop and recover for a few minutes.

“I’m not qualified for anything like that and you know it?”

Garth laughed.

“On the contrary, you are actually ideal for the role. The work you did in a very short time uncovered a number of things that I’d forgotten I ever did or happened. Getting to the bottom of things is very important for a Philanthropist Investor. If I have any doubts at all about a project I now just walk way. In the past I would have dropped my price by 50%. If they still said no then and only then would I walk away. Your skills as a reporter make you pretty well the ideal person to head up my UK Operation. You know how the media works and how to get to the bottom of things quietly and very efficiently. I know that I’m repeating myself but I want to make sure you understand how serious I am about wanting you on board and at my side. You would be the public face of my European operations. The initial five-year budget for my European operations will be in the order of two hundred million Euros. This is not funny money or anything. It is money I have made from selling several of my long-term acquisitions on the quiet over recent years. All above board and all taxes paid. Well, not quite. There would be more to pay should I take that money into the USA. I’m not going to do that. The funds are in mostly on deposit in Dublin with some more in London and Paris. Again, this is all legit and above board. The money is from the sale of some of my European Assets over the past few years. I don’t use accounts in tax havens or move money through them like some tech companies I could mention, if that is what you are thinking.”


“There will be people behind you naturally. Lawyers and accountants and the like, but it is clearly not easy to lead someone like you down a blind alley. You said before that you had doubts about the assignment that brought you to Kings Lynn in the first place but you came and had those concerns confirmed. That makes you the sort of person I want on my side.”

“I don’t know what to say?”

“Say nothing for a week. Then let me know. I’ll send my plane to pick you up. Then you can tell me to my face what you have decided. I’m the sort of person who likes to look people in the eye when they tell me important things. That way, I know if they are being sincere, telling lies or worse, just trying to buy favours from me. Many people we encounter in business are charlatans pure and simple. You will have met many just like that and probably worse in your career and can probably sniff out the good guys from the baddies at twenty paces. That is the sort of person I want at my side from a business point of view.”

Then he sighed.
“There I go… repeating myself again. It is a bit of a bad habit that I have gotten into.”

His words had stunned her. Apart from the directness, his openness to her was amazing.

Then he added,
“Besides, coming to work for me will allow you to keep your biography of me right up to date won’t it. As I said, I don’t want it published during my lifetime and preferably never at all but to have it all written down as you have done is remarkably sobering. I’ve read what you wrote at least twice. You are dammed good. No, make that brilliant. That’s why I want you on my side.”

He sighed again.
“There I go repeating myself again. I’d better shut the hell up before I embarrass myself even more.”

“Thanks Garth. I know that what you have said comes from the heart.”

“Good. Now how are we going to give the bad news to Brian?”

“But I haven’t said yes yet?”

Garth smiled.
“But to which question?”
“Do you have any good reasons why you can’t say yes to him? I think you want to say yes but don’t want to appear too eager… Am I right?”

Kim didn’t say anything.

“Even thinking about putting your home on the market tells me that you want to say yes but on your terms.”

Kim knew that he had her right by the balls if she had any that is.

“Yes Garth. You are right.”

“Brian is a sharp cookie. He’ll probably guess what is about to happen the moment we walk into his office together. I’ll say just hello. I have a real-estate guy picking me up soon. He’s taking me to view a place near Fakenham. Brian is a great guy. You will be perfect for him.”

Then he laughed.
“And yes, I know all about his dressing in women’s clothes at the weekend. Like you I discovered it by accident. It was a bit of a shock at first but it is clear that he is happy and his family accept it so in my eyes, there is nothing wrong at all. Until three or four years or so ago and my reaction would have been very different. Remind me to tell you about some of the Trans people I have working for me someday and the other person who shocked me right out of my comfort zone. She’s also British by the way. There must be something in the water. Two no, make that three lovely British women have somehow managed to get me to change my life entirely and for the better I might add!”

Kim was wondering who the other two were after Helene Harris. It didn’t cross her mind for an instant that one of them was herself.

“Shall we go in?” asked Garth not letting Kim have a chance to respond.

Her only thoughts as they headed for the entrance to the factory was ‘doesn’t he ever slow down?’. Then she managed a smile as she realised that this was the real Garth and if she was going to work for him then she had better get used to it.

[to be continued]

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