(aka Bike, est. 2007) Part 3266 by Angharad Copyright© 2020 Angharad
This is a work of fiction any mention of real people, places or institutions is purely coincidental and does not imply that they are as suggested in the story.
My birthday came to an end after Simon treated us all to dinner at the green room, you know, the one at the hotel the bank owns or the family does, perhaps that's the same thing in this case.
The food was good and the children behaved and we came home and went to bed and made love, well Simon did, I fell asleep so he may have considered it to be verging on necrophilia. I was pleased to see him and to be with him again, but I was just so tired. That seems to be the story of my life at present, tiredness and difficulty in coping with the almost surreal quality of life under this stupid virus.
I wonder if we'll ever find out how it got into the system, the bush meat at a market has now been shown to be a lie and the laboratory in Wuhan has been castigated for lax security and apparently they were working with a virus that came from bats. Seeing as the Chinese government were slow to act and compounded things along with half the governments in the world, including our own collection of old Etonian and other assorted public school deadbeats. China is not only impeding investigations into the origins of the pandemic but is also trying to blame everyone else but itself - a symptom of paranoid tyrants syndrome.
Usually by my birthday, I have all the children's Christmas presents organised and together with David have the menus and food requirements organised and planned. This year, I really would be quite happy to sleep from Christmas eve all the way to New Year, the idea of Christmas and Brexit in the same week fills me with dread. But one of the joys of motherhood, is having to nurture your children even when you don't feel like it, so with Danielle's help, I got her to list what my girls wanted for their Christmas presents and I even made sure she understood to keep it real, not stupidly expensive things.
So I compiled a list and was able to order quite a bit from the internet and then spent the rest of the time when not working trying to find the requested items from local retailers. Stella was a slightly reluctant accomplice as were Julie and Phoebe. They'd already had their present, they wanted some sort of laser thing for hair removal and other skin treatments, which cost a couple of thousand pounds, so Simon and I agreed we'd pay half of it and Henry and Tom the rest, rather than them having to take a loan out to buy it.
It's quite frightening the high tech used in beauty therapy these days and their salon get's to look more like something out of Star Trek than ever. They admitted they had struggled, as just about each time they were about to start seeing their clients again, there'd be another lockdown, despite all the PPE they had, masks and aprons, visors and gloves, sterilisation equipment and hand gels, it seemed as if we were dealing with Ebola rather than Covid. Then I read that Covid has been linked to the deaths of over 82,000 people in the UK, which is more than all the UK civilian deaths during World War 2. Our government should be so proud, they must have reduced the pension payouts by millions.
The sunshine in my office window disappeared and was replaced by rain and hail hammering against the glass and predictions of more to come over the next week or so, with it getting cold at Christmas. Still it wasn't the white stuff they'd been having in the States, the way things are at present it wouldn't take much to stop everything and snow could quite easily do that.
Mass vaccination had begun in the UK, the first country to start doing it, using the US developed vaccine, though it was hoped the Oxford one which didn't require such extreme temperatures and was much cheaper to produce and store was hoped to get approval for use by Christmas. So perhaps, by the time I retire we may have resolved the epidemic, though it already feels like it's been going on for most of my life. It's very strange how time seems to distort in unusual circumstances, like we've all been in a collective dream for the best part of a year.
Henry phoned, well, actually, Monica phoned as a dutiful grandparent to see what our little monkeys wanted to put under the Christmas tree - shit, I haven't organised that yet either - and I very politely suggested she ask them herself. So she did. I decided she had more time than I did and so left her to it. Being Monica, with skin about three times the thickness of the average pachyderm, she didn't take offence.
We'd been using Zoom for calls to them from home, so each could see the other and given the limitations of the visuals, Henry seemed to have made quite c good recovery from his latest brush with mortality and I did try to remind him that he had had help from something he should pay attention to. He tried to laugh it off until Stella let him have it from both barrels, and being a very well qualified and senior nurse practitioner, when she mentioned my 'special' assistance and that he'd promised to agree to change both his lifestyle and outlook to allow me to ask for help, he went red enough for it to register on the computer screen and he also began coughing and short of breath.
"So are you saying, that Cathy saved my life using her special powers?" he coughed at her.
"Daddy, you know damn well she did and she had to get help from higher authority to pull you through. Don't you realise you would have died if she hadn't and you made promises to her which you are not keeping."
"If I was that ill, how could I make promises?" He paused to cough and his breathing was laboured. "I can't remember what happened except feeling Cathy was with me, when I knew she couldn't have been." He coughed and wheezed some more when he stopped talking.
"Mummy had to ask the goddess to save you, Gramps," offered Trish, "we just couldn't make enough energy by ourselves, and the goddess did ask for your word that you would change things, 'cause when she talks with the goddess, some of us see it too."
Trish isn't given to lying and Henry knew that, all the same he was struggling both to answer her charge and also to get enough oxygen to breathe. Even after Monica brought him an oxygen mask, he looked to be struggling. I tried to stay out of the discussion. But thought he'd had enough encounters with my healing to realise that it wasn't something I did by myself and that I didn't just plug into the blue energy to zap whoever I felt like, he knew it didn't work like that.
"I'll have to go, folks," he called and closed down the meeting.
"Stupid, obstinate fool," hissed Stella as she walked away from the dining room where the computer was. "If he dies it'll be his own fault." I shrugged back at her sensing she was upset and didn't wish to talk. I'd call her down for a cuppa a bit later.
"Is Gwamps gonna die?" asked Meems of Danielle, who shrugged a response.
"If he don't change, he could," said Trish murdering the laws of grammar.
"Oh, Mummy, don't wet him die," she said sobbing into my arms.
"It's not up to me, sweetheart," I said back to her and hugged her gently. She sobbed for some time with Trish and the younger girls forming a sort of huddle mass around us. Danielle looked a bit sad but left us to it.
"You've got to stop him dying, Mummy," continued Meems and the two littlies were also crying, although I don't know if they understood the concept of death, Meems might as she had actually died once and I'd brought her back and Trish had been close a couple of times.
After about ten minutes Trish took Meems off with her and Hannah followed behind, they were in deep discussion about the limits of my powers - it sounded like they were discussing Superman or Wonder Woman rather than a mere mortal like me.
Livvie followed me out to the kitchen. "Is he going to die?"
"I don't know, sweetheart, I really don't."
"I heard that people who'd been very ill were more susceptible to strokes after recovery, is that true?"
"I don't know, darling, I'm a biologist not a medical doctor, ask Auntie Stella, she may know."
"Well that doctor died a few days after he went home, though he was BAME, I think," she said almost to herself.
"Oh the psychiatrist chap?" I now had some recollection of who she was talking.
"Yes, I think so." I was amazed at what these girls understood either from news bulletins or looking at the paper or perhaps from the internet. I had warned them about what they may see on the net or social media about vaccines and told them categorically, that the evidence for vaccines was in full support but that those who were saying all sorts of stuff against them were mistaken or misled by those who often had some weird idea they promulgated or had a personal problem with the idea of vaccinating against diseases, including such strange ones as vaccines contained something from pigs or made men infertile. They laughed at the pig one, but it was true and would exclude Moslems and Jews if it were true, which it wasn't. But some of these anti-vaxxer groups were seriously mixed up and often believed such things as Covid was spread by the 5G networks. I mean, if someone believed that after being told it was wrong and why, who knows what else they believed.

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Up To Date and Concerned
As we all are. My partner and I got it in late October. The symptoms showed up in the first week of November. Fortunately for us, it was mild. If we hadn't tested for it, we might never have known we had it.
Not sure what to make of Henry
other than to say he is a silly old s**,Surely a brush with death similar to what he experienced would be enough to scare most people .. I know it would me, Cathy needs to have a few quiet words and spell out the dangers of thinking he is out of the woods and reinforce the need to follow the bargain he made, Covid seems to be very sneaky and comes back when you think you have it beaten, Losing a father, grandfather and father-in-law would make for a very sombre Christmas indeed.
I'd rather we weren't so concerned about the origin of the novel coronavirus, and were instead more concerned about controlling it. A number of nations were ready, willing, and able to take public health measures at the first notification. Japan, South Korea, Singapore, New Zealand and others jumped on it with both feet, in a full-out effort, and as a result have had much less damage than most of the Western nations, but even there, some did much better than others. My own, largest-country-in-North-America has done execrably, thanks largely to an Executive who decided there was more political hay in blaming someone for the outbreak than in addressing public health measures to control it.
As for the effect on OAPs, I wouldn't celebrate the "savings" too quickly. For every poor soul who dies from this dread disease, there seems to be at least one more, of working age, who will be disabled for life, putting burdens not only on the health agencies, but on the dole. Unlike the flu, this miserable virus attacks the linings of blood vessels, leaving serious organ damage behind in some. Lungs, hearts and brains can be severely affected, making for a burdensome recovery, or a lifetime of disability.
If we're going to deal with reality in our fiction, let's be real.
perfect timing
I just finished a re-read from day one to current. finished just last Wednesday. I had really forgotten quite a bit. this attitude of grumps seems to be par for him and his man child Simon. They all seem to drink too much, too frequently, and do whatever they want when they want, doing whatever is easiest for them. I think the term is hedonist, but didn't check a dictionary. It's like they don't seem to really appreciate what they have. This could be costly.
Interesting POV on vaccines....
Guess I'm one of those 'mixed up anti vax'ers'....
If vaccines are so safe, then why do all the producers demand zero liability? Why are there so many videos of children dying a couple hours after getting a vaccine? Why are they including illuminescents in the covid vaccine? Which of the 100's of mutations (avg daily new mutations) of covid do the phase 2 (phase 3 testing is occurring live, in the field, with no double blind) tested vaccines actually work on? How do you trust a test that was formulated from a different strain of covid found in a dog a few years ago? Why do those administering the shot actually throw away the disclaimer forms prior to giving the shot to patients? Did you know they have found 6 different highly lethal strains of Covid...and the vaccine only works on one of them? And what about the hCovid they have in the UK? the one that the vaccine has already been shown to be non-effective against?
I have a 4 page document, that I have presented to numerous medical professionals, asking them to personally vouch that the vaccines they administer do not contain toxic metals, animal by-products, etc.; and that they agree to be held personally liable for harmful effects from the vaccines... guess how many have agreed to sign it... that's ZERO.
Perhaps before ranting about 'antivaxers' you might actually do the same research I have; before spouting about how we're crazy to not get poison stuck in our systems.
You demonstrate perfectly
how misinformation misleads and some of the antivaccine information is very sophisticated misinformation. I shall take my chances with whatever vaccines they offer me, preferably the Oxford one.
Okay, of course everything has risk. And the human mind wants to always try to make a connection between events, even when there is no connection. This is why we believe in things like God, and Luck, and Karma. This is why conspiracy theories abound. Whenever an explanation for an event is lacking, or we are too "thick" to accept it, we'll latch on to thoughts that seem reasonable, if you only look at them through the corner of your eye or a thick filter.
But, although it's a part of human nature, it can be truly ridiculous. As a child, I received multiple versions of the Polio vaccine, the Salk and the Sabin. Very few children did. Here I am, today, a millionaire. Perhaps it was that SPECIFIC combination of inoculations that made me intelligent, lucky and successful?
You can't disprove that, can you? But, do you see what I did there, how ridiculous that is?
Childhood diseases used to kill and cripple my schoolmates. Children with autism used to be locked up in mental asylums (psychiatric hospitals), where we never had to see them, and nobody studied their condition. Vax-hysterics (a new term I just made up and like) are not doing themselves or anyone else a service.
This current pandemic is deadly and insidious in its spread and destruction. My father is dead. He "survived" the virus with minimal clinical effects. He was "just" listless and confused. No fever, no respiratory distress, not even a cough. Three weeks later, his PCR tests were coming back negative. His body had cleared the virus. The mental confusion continued to worsen, though. A lot of damage had been done, and brains don't really heal that well. He was unable to be fully roused. He was in and out of hospitals and rehab centers for the better part of June. They spoon-fed him for weeks, until he no longer would swallow.
The final insult is they wouldn't even put Covid-19 on his death certificate. Officially, he died of severe dementia and cardio-pulmonary failure, conditions he didn't have before the virus.
Get the damned shot. Or don't. I don't care. I'm hoping I can get one sooner than later. As a high-risk individual who takes science seriously, I have only left my home with a seriously protective respirator since March, which makes me look a bit ridiculous, but lately more people are asking me where to get one than they are pointing and laughing. I look forward to being able to leave home without it.
Waiver of Liability
When you get any vaccine, you sign a waiver. SOP.
Sorry, but
While you are entitled to express your opinion, when you spout inaccurate and misleading content like that your credibility goes to < zero.
If we're talking vaccines
I don't regard I wrote anything that was untrue nor with regard to the antivaxxer moment, which is based on nonsense, innuendo and perfidy. If we're talking about the goddess or blue energy, it is offered as fiction. I have no problem of readers holding opposing views but dissuading people not to have vaccination causes illness and sometimes death, the risk of the vaccines is much smaller than catching the Covid disease and the people who are taking up hospital beds, at least in the UK, suffering from Covid are mainly those who refused the vaccine. This isn't opinion, it's fact.
Take the damn vaccine
Talking about COVID vaccines, at the present time I have had 3 doses now and will soon be getting my 4th dose.
I feel we could have been through this epidemic much quicker had everyone gotten the jab, but we all know too well of all the stupid ignorant people who refused to take it, only to regret their decision after they came down with COVID and were on their deathbed.
A New Bike
Oh dear, it seems like Henry is getting a touch of the seconds, as it used to be called. I believe he will keep his word it may just take time.
It seems Boris has been bounced into cancelling Christmas by the scientists. Personally, I am peed off by it, being in tier 4, no travelling.
I am looking forward to getting the vaccine in couple of months, so I can start to get my life back to something like normal.
A well written episode as always, Angharad
Love to all
Anne G.
that you are in T4 but really its no worse than the original lockdown. Keep your pecker up, there's always t'internet to keep in touch.
Maybe if science had been given more weight than politics there would've been no need for such draconian measures now. Those politicians arguing that their little sphere of influence should be exempt from restrictions have done their constituents no favors in 'winning' their case - instead of railing against the restrictions you could take out a prosecution against your MP for culpable homicide.
Madeline Anafrid Bell
I'm A Bit Miffed
Nobody seems to give Australia any credit for how we have dealt with Covid-19. While New Zealand is the gold standard we have had 28000 cases in a population of 25 million and to date 908 dead (only zero should be acceptable although probably impossible to achieve) and are about to go into lockdowns again state-by-state because we have a third wave coming.
Because we have a federal system, like the USA, it is up to each state Premier to determine how it is handled, and they have been largely united in putting health before profit, while the Federal Government has been pressing for open borders and "boosting" the economy as have the major corporations.
Funny, that. Personally I can't see that being sick or dead helps you to have a job.
As for the disguised anti-vaxxer post, it is a fact that nearly any vaccine will have an adverse effect on SOMEBODY, but that is not a reason for withholding treatment from the majority of the population. When I was a kid polio was a child-killer but now is virtually unknown in western countries because of Jonas Salk. You took the vaccine on a sugar-cube! Smallpox was a feared killer and has now been all but eliminated by vaccines. Measles was widespread when I was a child but now only occurs in those who refuse to be vaccinated.
The one thing for which there is no vaccine is willful ignorance and stupidity.
I really don't understand where the antiscience
movement comes from though a lot of people buy into it, which helped our soon to be former president (Thank God!) more than it should have.
have to wonder
if we're about to see the end of Henry. He can only be saved from his own risky behavior so many times.
Agree - get the vaccine! Stupid conspiracy rumors (as a scientist, I refuse to call them theories) seem to be more prevalent now than ever before. I especially liked the one that Bill Gates was going to chip us all. Why? No idea. About to tell the fools "feel free to get sick and die" but they'd take their children with them. Grrr.....
its Darwinism in action, a chance for the truly stupid to be stripped from the gene pool.
Madeline Anafrid Bell