Mature / Thirty+

To Not Let Go 1.3

n21 Cover.jpg

Chapter 1.3

N21_Station.png I opened my eyes and looked around. Carla was not in sight.

I contacted John, and when he came in, I told him what had happened.

"Let me get this straight, Rose. You voluntarily scanned the memories of Amos Goodwin? What is wrong with you?"

Three Mortals Rise To The Heavens Chapter 7

Chapter 7

The next month was dedicated to research, reading through the library that had been left behind twenty thousand years ago. It was amazing that the ring still existed and that the Ng family was able to exist that long. From what I read it had declined significantly from what it was originally.

Prior Lives

Prior Lives
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I regained consciousness with McLennan’s voice in my ear. I looked around his office to get my bearings and noticed the clock on the wall – 4:30 – I had apparently been asleep for well over an hour.

“Well I have to say that it was most interesting”, he said, flipping over some notes in his hand. “And I can tell you that I have reached some conclusions and some possible solutions to your problems.”

Woman in the Corner Office - 22


Chapter 81

"Hey, it's only a little blood. I've seen more when I cut myself shaving."

Nothing I said seemed to have any effect. She kept calling for help in between hugging me and telling me I'd be alright. She kept muttering to herself, "not again, not again," before calling out again.

What Story - Part 4

“Well, we made it,” said Brian as they walked into Terminal 5 at Heathrow a few minutes after 6pm that Saturday Evening.

Kim didn’t say much. She hadn’t had much time alone with Brian since he’d picked her up at her home some three hours earlier. For one thing, her lack of sleep the previous night didn’t help. She wasn’t looking forward to delaying getting to bed for another eight or nine hours especially after being in a crowded aircraft and suffering the horrendously uncomfortable seats.

Gypsy Healing

Gypsy Healing
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

“Before I answer your question, I must tell you that I am not a religious person, and I do not believe in miracles,” said Dr Solander. “But spontaneous remission is a fact. It does happen. It happens rarely, but it does happen. Even without treatment, cancers can disappear.”

“But that is exactly what I am asking,” said Emmet. “How can it happen? Can there be some external influence? I am like you – not at all religious. I am looking for a rational explanation.”

Dearly Beloved - 37: A Dresden Files Fanfic


Part Two. Harry is no longer who he once was. The "new and improved' Harry must track down all the pieces of the puzzle before time runs out for Susan. Can she get back to who "he" once was? Contains mature themes, descriptions of sex, and transformations of all sorts. Spoilers for all Dresden Novels

Woman in the Corner Office - 21


Chapter 77

Things had gotten a lot clearer since yesterday. It helped that I didn't have to worry about Christina. The nurses did tell me about her catfight with Rick's wife. I'm sorry I missed it. Maybe there was security footage. I'd ask.

Okay, I'm a guy, the idea of Christina and another women fighting kind of turned me on. As long as she didn't find out.

Castle The Series - 0116 Fiona, The Hill, The Mill, Lilly



“And I am going to be really irritatet if I don’t look pregnant next time because that’s most of the fun,” Fiona telt her husband.



He gazed berount him seeing the panoramic views available from the Hill. The views that all of the dead would have been familiar with.



She knew mills had been built in England to mill bones imported from German graveyards.



By the day before Quarterday all the really important details had been settled: hair, accessories, shoes, everything.

Three Mortals Rise To The Heavens Chapter 5 and 6

Chapter 5

When the cat flue finally hit me I was expecting it to hit like a ton of bricks, but initially, it started deceptively gently. I felt off and knew that I was 'sick', felt the need to cough occasionally, but otherwise felt fine. May permanently carried a worried frown. The next week was a living hell and if it wasn't for May, I don't think I would have survived.

To Not Let Go 1.2

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Chapter 2

N21_Station.png Amos glared at me. He tried to retake control of the situation, but I was very determined. Carla was helping as well, and between us, we were able to keep control.

"If you feel the way about me that you claim, why don't you look at my memories?"

He stared at me for a moment. "Do they have Carlson in them?" He asked.

"Of course," I answered.

"Then I'm not interested," He told me.

Three Mortals Rise To The Heavens Chapter 3 and 4

Chapter 3

I had to do four days of fasting while taking these herbal pills; one, three times a day. The only thing I was allowed was water. I have been through quite a few therapies in my attempts to save my life and had some idea of what I was in for when I started. I tried to distract myself by reading through the rest of Liu's journals and warned May that I would probably become irritable. I would try and warn her when I was in a foul mood and then she needed to keep her distance.

The Perfect Host, Final Chapter

The Final Parting.

Today I am writing this at my desk and able to see what I have written. I have gone into my previous entries and tidied up the spelling and paragraphs and am now able to write, unworried by having Marian in my head. Here is how it unfolded.


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A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

“Of course I respect you and your studies,” began Dr Julius Zelig, “But what you are suggesting is contrary to my research and all accepted understanding of this issue.”

“I don’t deny it,” said Dr Gordon Halsey, “But I tell you I have isolated the neurochemical.”

Miss Judged

Miss Judged

It’s a mistake to believe just in one god – there’s lots of them – Ahriman to Zeus – take your pick! . And it also means that people other than mere humans roam the world. Demi-gods for example. People of Power. And they have feelings. You annoy such people at risk. And with risk comes retribution, revenge and remarkable outcomes …………….. for Tim his self-centred attitude meant a risk of some big changes. And he thought it was just bad luck! Silly boy.

Three Mortals Rise To The Heavens Chapter 1 and 2

Chapter 1

Mort's Point of View (POV)

I woke up that day with a sense that something was different. Being the optimist that I am I made the presumption that it would be a good thing. Considering that I had prostate cancer twelve years ago and it had come back with a vengeance two years ago, most people would probably be surprised that I could maintain my optimism. Despite my terminal illness, I found facing my reality with anything other than optimism, depressing.

What Story - Part 3

“Cat got your tongue Kim?” asked Brian as he dished up some food fresh off the Barbeque.

“N… No…” stuttered Kim.

“Welcome to our home. That’s Roberta or Bobby for short on the swing and Monica giving her younger sister a push.”


“Oh,” remarked Brian.
“I guess that you are wondering about how I’m dressed?”

“Y… Yes I am.”

To Not Let Go 1.1

Author's note:
This is a rewrite of the story N21.
A lot has changed, although the idea is much the same. I hope you enjoy it.
n21 Cover.jpg

Chapter 1.1

N21_Station.png "Sis, you need to try it, at the very least.”

We were in Carla’s lab, and she was showing me a belt buckle that was quite flashy. It looked like something that would have been worn by the ancient singer, Elvis Presley.

Why would I wish to experience the memories of a madman?”

The Perfect Host, Chapter 3

Part Three. A ‘Normal’ Life?

We have just started our weekly game show binge, another of her favourites. You may think that I sound henpecked but having her diverted means that I can think for myself for a while.

Of course, having just one pair of eyes, that means that I had to set up this remote method of writing. My computer is next to the settee and I have put a long lead on the keyboard so I can write while we sit with her concentrating on the screen. Now, back to the second day of my – I was going to say nightmare, but it is really just different…..

Dearly Beloved - 32: A Dresden Files Fanfic


Part Two. Harry is no longer who he once was. The "new and improved' Harry must track down all the pieces of the puzzle before time runs out for Susan. Can she get back to who "he" once was? Contains mature themes, descriptions of sex, and transformations of all sorts. Spoilers for all Dresden Novels

Frontier Bride

Wives Wanted.jpg
Frontier Bride
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

If it were not for the disturbances that I had caused, and the trouble thus delivered upon me, I would not have gone West. I was a young man who favored the gentle life, though I could not afford it. I was certainly not ready for the challenge of hard work, it having been avoid assiduously for the first 27 years of my life. But needs must, and I was in need of escape.

Dearly Beloved - 31: A Dresden Files Fanfic


Part Two. Harry is no longer who he once was. The "new and improved' Harry must track down all the pieces of the puzzle before time runs out for Susan. Can she get back to who "he" once was? Contains mature themes, descriptions of sex, and transformations of all sorts. Spoilers for all Dresden Novels

Stand By Your Woman Part 9

Leslie wakes up and finds herself sandwiched naked between her wife Casey and Charlotte. Her face had been buried against Charlotte’s right breast. She also felt Casey still buried deep in her ass with their favorite strap-on. Casey has always been the domineering one in their relationship. That was one of the things she loved about Casey.

Dearly Beloved - 30: A Dresden Files Fanfic


Part Two. Harry is no longer who he once was. The "new and improved' Harry must track down all the pieces of the puzzle before time runs out for Susan. Can she get back to who "he" once was? Contains mature themes, descriptions of sex, and transformations of all sorts. Spoilers for all Dresden Novels

Dinner with Polly

Dinner with Polly
A Short Story
(and certainly not an AR fantasy)
By Maryanne Peters

Maggie Dawson looked across at her husband Brian and smiled. They had been married for 26 years and he was still a good-looking man. He was also slight of build and not ruggedly handsome, and his hair was prematurely white, but his skin was remarkably unwrinkled, although thin and pale. She had far more wrinkles than him. She loved him now more than ever. There life together had been much more interesting lately.

“Is Polly coming for dinner tonight?” she asked.

Woman in the Corner Office - 20


Chapter 73

BEEP BEEP BEEP. Somebody needed to turn off the damn alarm. I tried to reach for it but all I felt was pain. I decided to go back to sleep.

I opened my eyes again and there she was right above me smiling. Just like in my dream. She kissed me. Then there were more faces. I wanted to tell them to get out of my dream but I couldn't make my mouth work.

Castle The Series - 0115 Mymate, Babes, Narcotics and Menarche



Iola’s Mymate was disappearing faster than Joseph could supply the yeast sludge it was maekt from.



Master midwife Otter accompanied by apprentice Luval birtht Joanne with Beth and Jackdaw in attendance at just over five in the forenoon.



Iola had decided a trace of the expensive, highly fragrant, narcotic honey the bees maekt from sagon tree flowers added to a trace of reedroot paste, for colour, would be an acceptable substitute for the saffron.



“It’s happent, Iola. My first lunetime has happent.”

The Perfect Host, Chapter 1

The first meeting.

I suppose I had better tell you how I got into this position. I am, at present, typing this on my computer keyboard and thinking that it was a good job I am able to touch-type. She is watching the television, yet another of the weepy chick movies she loves, along with game shows. I hate chick movies and game shows but she has to get her fill every day.

Woman in the Corner Office - 19


Chapter 69

I'd changed my wifi password the day she'd turned me away. I never expected she'd ever see it. Well, my secret was out now. I looked at her to see her reaction. At least she wasn't shaking her head no. Instead she was clutching the small bit of paper to her chest like her favorite doll.

Legacy II - My Father's Legacy

My Father’s Legacy
A Short Story following upon “Legacy”
By Maryanne Peters

Do you remember me? Some time ago I told the strange story of what happened after my grandfather, a famous drag artiste, died and the heirlooms that he left behind. Things that changed my life forever. Those things and meeting my grandfather’s … well sort of his adopted son, I think – Rodney Gaspard.

Woman in the Corner Office - 18


Chapter 65

Her sauce was good, better than mom's but not as good as dad's. Cooking was his hobby, his release from the stress of the construction business. Sunday belonged to him and mom was only too happy to have the day off.

Dearly Beloved - 23: A Dresden Files Fanfic


Part Two. Harry is no longer who he once was. The "new and improved' Harry must track down all the pieces of the puzzle before time runs out for Susan. Can she get back to who "he" once was? Contains mature themes, descriptions of sex, and transformations of all sorts. Spoilers for all Dresden Novels.

Dearly Beloved - 22: A Dresden Files Fanfic


Part Two. Harry is no longer who he once was. The "new and improved' Harry must track down all the pieces of the puzzle before time runs out for Susan. Can she get back to who "he" once was? Contains mature themes, descriptions of sex, and transformations of all sorts. Spoilers for all Dresden Novels.

The Excursion in Spain. Chapter 9

Back on the Right Path

On the way back to the farm I had Emilita sitting next to me. She asked me how I managed to have five days off in my first stint and I said I was just lucky, I guess. I did point out that every opening hour that I missed was paid for and she did have to concede the point. Celestina wanted to know about the lady with the black Skoda and I told them she was called Portia and owned a big security company and liked the way we had sex. That seemed to settle them. I knew the rest of it was so wild they would never believe me, even though it was true.

What Story - Part 1

[At the offices of a Sunday Newspaper in London]

The Editor had called one of his reporters in to see him.

“Kim, very well done for your last story it went down very well. The reader feedback was very positive.”

“Thanks Sandy. It was touch and go for a bit but I got to the bottom of it in the end.”

Sandy Wynn, the Editor smiled back at his reporter.

“Are you ready for a new assignment?”

“As I’ll ever be? What is it all about?”

Sandy leaned back in his chair with the tips of the fingers of both hands touching.


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