Mature / Thirty+

Miss O. Jenny

Over a decade ago, I grew weary of the misogynistic tone of a large percentage of TG stories posted online. In response, I posted this story. There are great Marines -- and then there were these two.

To Return Home 1.5

To Return Home.png

Thanks to Malady for his help editing and for ideas.

To Return Home 1.5

The three of us decided it was time to exit the connection with Carla and speak to Daddy and the rest of the command staff. We tried to release our grip on the necklace in real life, but we couldn’t.

Danger! I wasn’t sure where the voice came from, but it sounded in my head as if someone was standing right beside me. I looked at Mama and Rachel. They had clearly heard it too.

A Wedding with a Difference

A Wedding With a Difference

Ben Norwood 2020
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Here's a light-hearted bit of fluff I came up with the other day. Descriptions have deliberately been kept vague, both to keep it nice and short (so I had more chance of finishing it, rather than leaving it abandoned!) and to allow your imaginations to fill in the gaps.

Ignorance is No Excuse for Hating Someone Part 27

Valley Regional Airport, Hayden, CO:
Two black SUV’s were parked near a private hangar. In one SUV’s sat Carla and Bear. They were watching the landing strip and waiting for the representatives of the Hunter Organization to land. Both were wearing matching three-piece black suits.

Carla glances over towards Bear “so, how do you know, Mr. Bounty?”

A sly smile appears on his weathered face “I was hired to kill him, and I almost succeed, too.”

“You were hired to kill him, and he let you live?” Carla was stunned to hear that.

Sixty is not that old - Part 4

[Eight days after Vivienne’s disastrous Birthday Party]

“Come on Betty, in you go,” said Vivienne as she opened the front door to her home.

The Spaniel ran through the open door and into the hallway and skidded to a halt on the polished wood floor in front of the kitchen door. Her tail started wagging furiously. She knew what was waiting for her on the other side when her mistress opened the door for her.

“I can see that someone is very happy to be home again aren't you Betty?”

Ignorance is No Excuse for Hating Someone Part 26

Six dark figures jump out of an ordinary propeller prop plane at night. Their target was just below them. They glide down out of the sky, using the darkness and lack of a moon as cover.

A lone figure laying down on top of the roof of the log mansion spots the figures. She watches as they glide down through the night sky.

“Little Sister to Grease Man. Our visitors have arrived. They are approaching from behind the mansion.” Rachel watches the figures through her specialize scope on her sniper rifle.

The Hunter, Becomes The Hunted Part 13

“Watch out guys.” Tammy fires three rapid shots from her rifle.

Three guys fall from three different trees they had been concealed in. Tammy spotted them with her thermal scope. She looks where they dropped and noticed they had rifles as well.

“Guys, they have upped the game. They are using rifles now.”

“Thanks for the update, Tammy.” Paul knocks another of their attackers out.

“How are those jammers coming, guys?” Kat does a spin kick at another attacker.

A Real Train Layout

James Fearon was a celebrated interviewer and political commentator. He was, unlike many of his peers, a suave, polished and polite man whose Friday evening videocast had an audience of tens of millions all over the globe. His style was unique, and though never confrontational nor combative it was brutal.

Professor Claire McBride was a startlingly beautiful woman. Her face was arresting because the combination of deep blue eyes that shone seemed to be at odds with her vibrantly natural copper red hair. She looked to be in her late thirties, but was fifty-one. She was married to a farrier and they’d been together since their late teens.

Sixty is not that old - Part 3

Forty-five minutes after they’d met at the services, Vivienne and Maxine said goodbye to each other. Even in that short time, they’d become friends.

“Are you sure that I won’t be a pain in the neck? I’m not exactly a country person.” asked Vivienne.

“Not at all. It will be nice to have some company for the week.”

“And you don’t mind about Betty?”

“Not at all. She seems to like me.”

To Return Home 1.4

To Return Home.png

Thanks to Malady for his work in proofreading and ideas!

Chapter 4

I stared at Carla. “I’m your sister. Rose.”

Carla laughed! “I don’t think so. Rose looks pretty good, but you’re obviously a genetic female.”


Daddy spoke up. “It must be her bots. They’re programmed to protect the individual. To do that, they might cut off any memories that will cause a mental breakdown.”

Hot Water Helps You Clean

Hot Water Helps You Clean
by Angela Rasch

I had just finished conditioning the oak woodwork in our twenty-year old home’s basement with Murphy Oil Soap when the doorbell rang. I scanned myself in the wall mirror and wished for the millionth time that my uniform fit me better. There’s only so much you can do to make a maid’s dress look natural on a forty-year old male body that weighs in excess of two hundred pounds, unless you make drastic changes. . .operations and hormones. I sighed . . . Once again considering things that could never happen.

Sixty is not that old - Part 2

[At the party that is being held at an Hotel in Muswell Hill]

“Come on Mum! Why don’t you want to say some words to all your friends? They have taken a lot of trouble to be here today.” said her eldest daughter Janice.
Her voice was rather strained as if she was pleading with her mother.

Vivienne grunted.

“Why won’t you do it? Jan and I spent a lot of time and money setting up this party in your honour,” said her other daughter Suzanne.

Maid to Order

Lord Marcus wakes up in his own dungeon; put there by his own wife. Naked, angry, and isolated from his loyal people - and faced by a wife who no longer wishes to be married to him, or any other man.

On My Back

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On My Back
A Short Story as requested by Taxidermist
By Maryanne Peters

I used to think that driving a big rig was the ultimate in freedom. The road is stretched out in front of you – this great country – where the road seems to go one forever. Hell – it does. It never stops!

Friends Four Life / Gill, A Girlfriend Part Six

Chapter Six of Seven - Completed

The attempt to teach Tony a lesson went wrong, wrong, wrong. Jill finds herself at his mercy; and it appears Tony has none. Warning: note explicit sex, although the sex is not gratuitous, it is graphic.

To Return Home 1.3

To Return Home.png

Thanks to Malady for his help in editing this!

I woke up sometime later. I was in my bed, and Mama was sitting in a chair beside me, keeping watch.

How long have I been out, Mama?

A couple of hours, Rosie.”

Friends Four Life / Gill, A Girlfriend Part Five

Chapter Five of Seven - Completed

Tony, one of the partners who own the large corporation all of them work for, is coming to Omaha to meet with Jim. How will they ever explain Jill?

Making Changes

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Making Changes
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I am in distribution. Ok, so I drive a truck. But I also distribute.

Long-haul work is hard. Guys like me don’t get paid enough. What’s wrong with supplementing income? Shit goes missing all the time. Some of what goes missing ends up in my lock-up. Some of that gets sold for cash. What’s the big deal?

Broken, Too!

Lexi’s memory has returned and now her father is slated to get out of prison on a technicality. Lexi is also struggling to keep Alex in check. What will happen when her father returns and how will she deal with Alex?


Broken Too.jpg

Broken, Too!

By Shauna

Copyright© 2020 Shauna J. Rousseau
All Rights Reserved.
(All images and artwork are property of and copyrighted by Shauna J. Rousseau.)

Author’s Note and Caution: This is more the story of the father and is only being provided by popular demand. It won’t be to everyone’s taste since the father is forced into a sex change against his will. It is not forced femme in the typical sense—but it is forced. At any rate, here it is for those that want to read his story.



Friends Four Life / Gill, A Girlfriend Part Two

Chapter Two of Seven - Completed

Jim wakes up naked in a motel room. There are two letters on the table. One is from his wife and the other is from his three friends. There are several boxes in the room filled with his secret wardrobe.

Sixty is not that old - Part 1

All was quiet in the house. The Sun had risen well over an hour earlier. The hum of London grew as the city started a new day.

There were two occupants of the house. For one of them this was a day to celebrate. For the other, the prospect of walkies, rabbits to chase and food was normal.

In a bedroom at the front of the three-storey terraced house, Vivienne Carter was wide awake. Today was her sixtieth birthday, plus it was the first day of what she’d been calling her ‘afterlife’. She’d just retired from her job as very senior official at the HMRC in the ‘Collections Department’. The previous day which had been a rather sad occasion. Vivienne, could have carried on working for at least six more years until she qualified for a state pension but she’d had enough of work, commuting and putting up with the incompetence of other people for far too long so she'd decided several months before to call it a day when she turned sixty years of age.

Friends Four Life / Gill, A Girlfriend Part One

Part One of Seven -- The complete novel has been posted.

Jim’s three co-workers are upset with him for having them dress in French-maid costumes for a company event. They meet with him, and demand that he go through a rehab process to become more sensitive to their feelings.

To Return Home 1.2

To Return Home.png I'd like to thank Malady for his help editing this.

To Return Home

Chapter 1.2


I watched as Daddy put out a command wide message saying that I was in charge of the project of reviving Carla. Then, he turned to me. "What are you going to do, Rosie?"

"As soon as I can dive into her crystals, I want to see what's there."

Daddy considered for a bit, then said, "I'm sorry, Rosie. I can't let you do that."

Ignorance is No Excuse for Hating Someone Part 24

Carla’s and Angela’s townhouse, New York:
Angela smiles as she watches Carla hangs from the ceiling. The ponytail hung down between Carla’s legs and the fishing weights she attached to Carla’s nipples were stretching Carla’s breasts. The ball gag in Carla’s mouth was secured behind her head.

“You shouldn’t have agreed to let me do to you, anything I wanted sweetie.” Angela places a kiss on the side of Carla’s cheek.


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