Mature / Thirty+

On the Cut - Part 9

[Saturday Evening at the Gallery in London]

“Things are going well,” commented the owner of the Gallery, Jonathan Fields.
“About half of your paintings are already sold or reserved and we are only an hour into the event.”

“I saw you busy with the blue stickers,” I replied with a small smile on my face.

“There is a good crowd in tonight. You are getting a good reputation, my friend.”

“The promise of free food and booze gets a lot of people interested,” I said slightly sarcastically.

The Wounded World by Aladdin, Chapter 11

Mantra (Malibu Comics) finally sees her imprisoned son Gus, but he's in a jam that she can't get him out of. One can forgive her if she thinks that things can't get any worse. Bit the fact is, they can, and they often do.

On the Cut - Part 8

"It is nice to be back home," I said as I sank into a chair on board the newly refitted Roxy.

Melody didn’t answer right away so I tried again.

"This is your home too you know. Get yourself sorted out about what you want to do with your life. I guess that everything you ever thought about was being Melody. Now you are. You are legally Melody and have the documentation to prove it. Now you have the chance to think long and hard about what you want from your life as Melody."

The Unintended Wish: Chapter 02

Anime Girl Purple Eyes.jpg
The Unintended Wish

Chapter Two

by Aurum

Copyright © 2021 Aurum
All Rights Reserved.

Be careful what you wish for. The old cliché can really be a problem when the one granting it has no interest in giving you what you want. Hunter is forced into a life he didn't want when his wish is deliberately misconstrued. How will he handle suddenly waking up as his dream girl instead of getting the body of his dreams? Perhaps he can convince the demon to restore what is lost before she convinces him he's better off this way. Then again, she can hear his thoughts and has been playing this game for millennia so the odds are not in his favor.

On the Cut - Part 7

“’I was thinking last night,” said Melody as we ate an early Breakfast.

“You seem to know an awful lot about business for someone who says that they don’t want to be involved in it?”

She’d got me bang to rights there. Melody was proving to be a very astute person indeed.

The Unintended Wish: Chapter 01

Anime Girl Purple Eyes.jpg
The Unintended Wish

Chapter One

by Aurum

Copyright © 2021 Aurum
All Rights Reserved.

Be careful what you wish for. The old cliché can really be a problem when the one granting it has no interest in giving you what you want. Hunter is forced into a life he didn't want when his wish is deliberately misconstrued. How will he handle suddenly waking up as his dream girl instead of getting the body of his dreams? Perhaps he can convince the demon to restore what is lost before she convinces him he's better off this way. Then again, she can hear his thoughts and has been playing this game for millennia so the odds are not in his favor.

Scald-Crow 2: Chapter 2 - Ring, Ring It's Recess

On the Cut - Part 6

I stayed with Matt that night. His home is less than one mile from the world-famous 'Richard Arkwright’s Mills' at Cromford. I wished that I had more time so that I could visit the place where mechanised cotton spinning was invented but I wanted to get back to Oxford before nightfall.

On the Cut - Part 5

With Roxy undergoing some expensive repairs and updates, I took the opportunity to complete the remaining five canvasses for my forthcoming show. For the first few days, Melody seemed at a loss for something to do. Her fidgeting began to get under my skin so I suggested that she went into Oxford on the bus and did some people watching.

Office Takeover (Extended)

Office Takeover (Extended)

By Susannah Donim (based on a short story by Margaret Jeanette)

Jim and his secretary change places, with far-reaching consequences.

The Christmas party

“Come on – you’re the CEO. You have to push the boat out a bit!”

My wife, Marilyn, was trying to persuade me to splash out on our costumes for the company’s Christmas fancy dress party.

“CEO, hah! There’s only sixteen of us in the company. I’m more like a Team Leader.”

The Wounded World by Aladdin, Chapter 10

Mantra (Malibu Comics) receives a call that she has been both hoping for and dreading. She has been summoned to a visit with her son Gus, who by a strange stroke of fate has become a very dangerous ultra villain. Gus has been the most powerful adversary that Mantra has ever faced. His destructive deeds, followed by his capture by the ruthless Aladdin organization, has destroyed Mantra's superhero career and brought intense sorrow to what has been a happy family.

Down The Aisle I Go


By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2021

Warning: If you don't like reading transgender or related fiction, then stop reading now.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

On the Cut - Part 4


I left Melody to sort out our food for the evening and went up on deck to phone my friend and business associate, Jonathan Fields. He ran the gallery where I was due to be having my show at the end of April/early May.
The cold wind of earlier in the day had died down and the sky was clear. It was going to be a cold and decidedly frosty night.

On the Cut - Part 3

I really didn’t want to get out of bed the following morning. The hotel bed was so comfortable when compared to its counterpart on Roxy. I rolled over and switched on the radio. The 06:00 news was just finishing. That meant that I had plenty of time to get up in a controlled fashion rather than my normal wake up and get out of bed. I normally reserved my few ‘lounging in bed’ times to when I was in a Hotel but I had to be out of the Hotel and back onboard Roxy before sunrise if we were going to get to Brentford by sunset.

Inter-Sub-Mission (full body version)


By Susannah Donim

A ‘Master of the Universe’ Investment Banker and his university professor wife are a happy and successful couple. Then their Psychologist friend persuades them to participate in an unusual study and things change for everyone.

Prologue – early May

Dinner was over. We were relaxing on the patio, listening to the gurgle of the river, and finishing off the second bottle.

“So have you decided what you’re doing for your sabbatical?” Bill asked me. “Three months, isn’t it?”

On the Cut - Part 2

I returned to the store as quickly as I could but I couldn’t find Melody anywhere in the clothes department. There was no evidence of an abandoned trolley full of clothes so I was left a bit perplexed. Where was she?

I began to walk through the main section of the store. As I did so, I scanned the aisles. There was no sign of Melody anywhere until I caught sight of a trolley half full of clothes in the aisle that had the racks of makeup.

I managed a smile as I saw Melody looking at shampoo.

“Your hair is fairly greasy,” I said calmly.

Melody almost jumped out of her skin.


A ‘Master of the Universe’ Investment Banker and his university professor wife are a happy and successful couple. Then their Psychologist friend persuades them to participate in an unusual study and things change for everyone.

On the Cut - Part 1

There are some days in the middle of winter that are perfectly described using a single word. That word is ‘Dreich’. It is a Scottish word that means one or more of the following, ‘Bleak, miserable, dismal, cheerless and dreary.' If you add a biting wind that comes from straight from the Arctic ocean and you get the idea about just how it was that day.

If I’d have had any say in the matter, I’d have been in a pub with a big log fire, some good food and more than a few pints of good beer. But I didn’t have any say in what I had to do that day.

Spies Like Us


Spies Like Us
by Melanie Brown
Copyright  © 2021 Melanie Brown

Captain Wainright, now a fifteen year old girl, has her hands full officially assigned to watch a boy.

This is a sequel to Spy Game. It will help if you read that first. -- Ed

The Wounded World by Aladdin, Chapter 9

Mantra (Malibu Comics) has been learning some very important things about the Mantra of this alternate dimension, but she still needs to know much more. That includes whatever Evie, her own young daughter, might know. Evie had had the misfortune of witnessing the most violent and frightening parts of the crisis that happened only a few days earlier. But children are fragile, and so Mantra and her psychological advisor, Pinnacle, have to question the little girl very carefully while making sure that she isn't additionally traumatized.

Life is Like a Wheel

Life is Like a Wheel
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

Part 1

I went to the hospital to gloat. It sounds a shitty thing now. Why do people do that? Gloating seems like the worst thing; not just enjoying the misfortune of others (there is a word for that) but showing it … even letting the victim see your smug satisfaction.

County Sheriff -13- Getting hitched can be a right PITA

Now that I had finally decided not to stand for re-election in November, I got to thinking about other things but primarily Kelly, getting married and then what?

The ‘then what’ part was easy. A big grand-canyon shaped abyss. I had no firm idea what I was going to do once I was no longer Sheriff. My fall back was to work with Danny SWA. He was always advertising for rescue drivers so there was a job for me if I wanted it but something inside of me was telling me that something else would come up when the time came.

What Do I Do Now? - Part 2


@ @ @ @

Sam had a night he would never forget, a lifelong transvestite he had taken advantage of his wife’s supposed absence to venture out for the first time dressed as his alter-ego Samantha. He was in a gay bar enjoying himself when in walked his wife in the arms of what appeared to be her girlfriend. Devastated at finding out his wife was a lesbian. He took to drinking to help deal with the reality of the situation.

SAM’s story.

He slid off his stool and stumbled toward the door.

County Sheriff -12- Time for a change - Part 2 of 2

It was well after four in the afternoon when I walked into our Office and spotted our visitor. He looked so out of place to be almost funny. He was dressed in a suit that would be ideal for a court in a big city. Custer County is a long way from any big city. He’d stand out a mile. People around here only wear suits for Weddings and Funerals. No one I knew could afford the duds that he was wearing.

“Mr Rieck? Sheriff Matt Harker. Welcome to Custer County.”

How I Got Involved in a Murder Attempt on a Latin American President

This story differs slightly from most of my other stories.
a) It's one of the longest stories I have posted here
b) It's more of story/tale than usual
The r rating is for violence, not really graphic and mostly referred to. NO graphic sex

The Offspring of Backward Rodents Long Journey to the Fabled Land Encircled by their Cousin's Cemetery

Author’s note: This story is sort of a crossover fanfic, although it could perhaps stand on its own. Being a crossover, it includes people from two television franchises. I can safely say that I own none of the people from either of those “worlds” included herein, nor do I intend any copyright infringement.

It was tempting to simply post this as is, but considering how much trouble it was to write without giving away identities, but still have people act at least somewhat correctly, I decided to post it as it really is. Decipher the story within reason, and the title, and you should figure out who these people are.

And now, on with the story!


The Offspring of Backward Rodents Long Journey to the Fabled Land Encircled by their Cousin's Cemetery


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