Mature / Thirty+

'The Robson Lasses' - Commitment

I was still living and working permanently as Lexie, regularly going out with Jim, and it was becoming a strain trying to avoid a physical relationship. I still had not told him that I was still a man, despite my appearance and the way I acted, and was not inclined to test him with a proposal for a gay relationship, but my life as a man was becoming a distant memory.

Forsythe Saga -23- For one performance only

[At a Conference Centre in Birmingham (UK)]

“Ready for your big day?” asked Garth Samson.
He was waiting to be called onto the stage to deliver the keynote speech of the conference.
Their friend, Sally Jameson had organised the event for the Foundation that Garth had set up almost a year earlier. This was their first big event since the launch of the enterprise.

'The Robson Lasses' - The Date

Living as Lexie was now becoming normal for me, wearing skirts, dresses, and the occasional leggings or women’s trousers was just an accepted part of my daily life, and I rarely thought that I was doing anything out of the ordinary. Was this what I really wanted, to live my life like any other woman, or was I just playing at it, I really needed to seriously consider my future.

Light And Shadow - Part 2

Light And Shadow

Light And Shadow (Part 2 of 8)

by Erisian


Chapter 5 - Ransacked


We found what was left of the captain lying in the corridor leading from her quarters to the main cavern. The walls gave evidence to a fierce and moving battle, deep chunks of rock had been ripped from the walls with stony fragments scattered everywhere. Her caved-in head, spine, and most of her ribcage were all that remained. They had stripped her clean: armor and boots, soul orbs and meat, all had been taken. Only bloody bones and small scraps of muscle and tendon remained.

Just like they had done to Biff outside and all the other guards.

The Wounded World by Aladdin, Chapter 14

Mantra (Malibu Comics) is looking down on the dead body of her friend and protege. As bad as that is, a historical catastrophe has just struck one of America's greatest cities. It's confusion mixed up with grief as the world looks on and wonders if it stands on the brink of war. Many lives have been lost, and Mantra is left alone as events swirl around her, wondering if she will personally survive.

Forsythe Saga -22- Recruitment Woes

“Come on Maxi… Out with it… Something has been bothering you ever since you came back from Devon. Don’t you think sharing the problem might help? Two minds and all that crap?”

Maxine looked over her desk at Cliff. Once again, he was right on the ball. There was something on her mind.

She sighed before saying,
"Cliff, there is something on my mind, and yes, it became a problem when I was in Devon. I'm trying to work out what to do next."

The Heaviness Of The Badge Chp. 5

Debbie walks out of the doctor's office with the twins. She was driving Jack’s Hummer while he was away. It wasn’t her type of car, but it was well armored and had several of Jack’s hidden weapons. It also had the second set of child safety seats in it as well.

She looks at the twins “well kids, you are in good health and have gotten all your shots now.”

'The Robson Lasses' - New Experiences

Back at home, I sat in the garden with a bottle of wine, thinking about what Jeanette and Kelvin had said about me still dressing as a woman, As I had said to Jeanette, it was just becoming automatic for me. Obviously with the breast forms still fixed in place, putting on a bra just seemed the right thing to do, and everything else just followed on from that. I still felt that my guiding spirit, whether it was something buried in my genes and sub-conscious, or whether it was a ghostly influence on me, still had work for me to do as Lexie. I was comfortable and enjoying life, and seemed to be accepted by everyone I met as a young woman.


A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I always said that I needed violence. I said it then: There is nothing like another man’s blood on your knuckles to make you feel like a man. Or that moment when you know a stand-off is going to turn to blows. The adrenalin is surging in your blood as you imagine the sound of his face being crushed. Yours or theirs, it makes no difference. It’s the buzz I needed.

And I know why I needed it. Because I knew that deep down inside me, I was a girl. I fought that every day of my fucking life.

A Housewife Forever? Part 2

This is the second and final part of a story I wrote a few days back. I have added a second part as I was contacted by several people asking me to.
One also said it was unbelievable that someone would make a choice like that, so quickly. I have addressed that here.

I know my spelling and grammar can be a bit taxing. I have asked someone to review this for me. I will edit it when they have checked it.
On some sites I have had people criticise my spelling when I use words like Colour , Criticise, Feminise, and realise. In British English these are correct spellings.

Forsythe Saga -21- Decision time again

[Authors Note]
The events described in this part take place after Maxine’s trip to Devon. She had been there on a Spa retreat with her friend Delphine and Delphine’s step-daughter Gabrielle. This is all described in part 24 of 'Sixty is not that Old'.

The Fate of the USS FTL0476

The Fate of the USS FTL0476

By Daphne Xu

            The USS FTL0476

The USS FTL0476 flew out to 100 million miles beyond the orbit of Jupiter, making sure to remain well away from Jupiter and its moons and Lagrange points.

Me and Avoiding the Draft

Me and Avoiding the Draft

Okay, I know I wasn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer. And, yes I know the title of this little tale is in very poor English. I’m a bit smarter now, and actually have two college degrees, but they didn’t come easily.

A Housewife Forever?

A Housewife Forever?

She had met Peter on an adult meeting site. He commented on her pictures with flattering phrases like,

“You look beautiful.”

“I wish I was there holding you.”

“Very attractive legs.”

While this was not that unusual, his comments were always polite. He was never crude, unlike the younger admirers. They tended to be more graphic, telling her exactly what they wanted to do to her. This flattered her, but did was not really what she was looking for.

'The Robson Lasses' - Charlotte's Story

Back at home I felt an urge to get into my studioand do some painting. Once again my artistic muse took over and images seemed to flow from my brain to my hand and onto the canvas. I didn’t remember falling asleep or know how long for, but on waking up I felt strangely refreshed. I looked over at the easel and instead of seeing a landscape as I previously painted for my earlier work, it was just a head and shoulders image of a worried-looking young man turning to glance back over his shoulder seeing a young woman disappearing into the distance.

Light And Shadow - Part 1

Light And Shadow

Light And Shadow (Part 1 of 8)

by Erisian

Chapter 1 - Duty


The most annoying thing about hunting demons is the smell. The one in front of me naturally yielded no exception.

Green ichor of a most aromatic sort spurted generously from the stumps of the several tentacles I’d just managed to shorten, the foul mess splattering the walls of ice and rock around us as well as my best (and only) cloak. The vapors assaulting my sanity were, shall we say, worse than a raw sewage overflow from a center for the treatment of Crohn’s disease. FEMA would have posted signs declaring the bespoiled canyon a superfund site before themselves evacuating in a bureaucratic rush.

Yeah, it was that bad.

A Wonderful Morning?

I woke up to a wonderful morning. The storm and heavy rain didn’t bother me. Life was good. The day before had been remarkable. To begin with it was my first anniversary as Secretary of the Treasury. That in itself was remarkable. In my not so humble opinion I was the obvious selection based on my merits. Then there was this tiny thing that under normal circumstances would have made it impossible for me: I’m transgendered. Just for once that worked in my favor. The newly elected president needed to show how inclusive his administration was.

Family Business Part 14

“Okay, now that everyone is here. Why don’t you tell us everything about this case?” Gina looks at Marshal Weather.

Marshal Weather takes a deep breath as he stands up from the sectional sofa he had been sitting. He was surprised by how many people had shown up from Mouse’s phone call. From what he has learned so far about the people that have shown up. Is that they were either related to Mouse or worked for her uncle.

A Conversation with Mom

For God So Loved the World:

A Conversation with Mom


This is part one of a collection of short stories about Rachel Evans' life after the events detailed in For God So Loved the World.... Each one is based on a real conversation the author has had with family and friends relating to her transition, her faith, and her life before and after becoming the woman God meant her to be.

Copyright © 2021 Roberta Elder All rights reserved.

4,732 words

Jeff and Jane - a short solo

Jeff and Jane

Jeff stood on the windswept headland and thought of home. In just a few days he would be on his way there. Behind him he could hear the noise of the penguin colony, now well into the egg-laying season. There was a tug on his line and he pulled in a good size fish which he thought would be very nice for the evening meal. He was sure that Jane would do it justice.

One Fine Day in 2018 (a drabble)

by Laika Pupkino


“And for your third wish: ABRACADABRA! Congratulations, Madame Secretary!”

“MADAM?! You turned me into a woman!”

“A woman who runs the U.S. Department of Commerce; The job you wished for.”


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