Mature / Thirty+

A bright boy in the Feminine Queendom Part 7

This story is set after the events that happened in the final Chapter of Beverly Taff's The Feminine Queendom 90
She kindly gave her permission for me to post this.

The election is less than a year away. The Queen has found a leader for a new party to oppose the existing Feminista parties. The probelm now is the police force. Being riddled with hard core feminists they may oppose any changes she makes.



December 2021 Christmas Holidays Story Contest Entry

This is a sequel to “Burial”. Together the titles hint at Easter rather than Christmas. Appearances can deceive.

My second coming (back) to South Odom was less discreet than my first. The motorcade consisted of a large black armored limousine with tinted windows preceded by three black armored SUVs and with another three SUVs behind. Of course we entered the town at the maximum speed allowed. Did I mention that I among other things I own a security company and business is always slow just after New Year?

Angel of Earth: Part 13

The Angel of Earth


Rodford Edmiston

Part Thirteen

The interceptor was a marvel of modern technology, capable of flying higher and faster than any other craft on Earth which was limited to airbreathing engines. Yet the only reason it was able to close with the target it had been radar-directed towards was due to that target slowing and descending. As if it were preparing to land. Or attack.

Scald-Crow 2: Chapter 7 - Sweat It Out

Angel of Earth: Part 11

The Angel of Earth


Rodford Edmiston

Part Eleven

That tactic seemed to work. The thing stopped, then the part sticking above the tall grass scanned back and forth a bit, as if looking for her. Through the weeds Melody saw that the automaton was segmented, and could fold like a carpenter's rule. The thing unfolded the part with its, well, head further, sending the main sensor array higher. Melody knew that some of these devices responded to motion, and held still.

Angel of Earth: Part 10

The Angel of Earth


Rodford Edmiston

Part Ten

Melody was determined to get more from Aaron about the event, and she wasn't the only one. However, she had resources even the New York Police Department lacked. Getting Blackpool to take her once more to the Repository was easy. Catching Aaron there was harder. However, she made an appointment, and another and another, until she finally caught him. Except that she didn't encounter him in his office.

Gypsy Magic

Synopsis: When Martin enters Gypsy Rosa Lyn’s caravan, parked in a South London pedestrian precinct, he little realises that she is anything other than a sham. After all, there’s no such thing as magic, is there? But when he gives up smoking, loses weight and starts exercising, is it really his will-power alone? One can only say, beware gypsies bearing potions.

Author’s Note: There’s no explicit sex in this story, although there are several references to sex and there are a few words commonly used in English society which some readers may find offensive. I have given this story a Magical Transformation flag even though, as I explain in the story, I don’t believe that is what it is.

The Surgeon's Lodger Part 22


Sam went to Hertford police station on the way home from the hospital. He made his statement and learned Fiona was being held at HMP Bronzefield. With Suzi's statement and Sam's along with the evidence they were likely to charge her with attempted murder. He had fractured her jaw when he hit her, but as this was done in self self defense it was unlikely he would be charged.

Terry and Dakota’s Family Thanksgiving

Dakota looks at herself in the full-length mirror in her and Terry’s bedroom. She tried one of those blue pills Rebecca took and couldn’t believe what it did to her body. It didn’t change how she looked, except increasing her breast size up one cup size, her hair was fuller and made her hips and buttocks look bigger.

Angel of Earth: Part 8

The Angel of Earth


Rodford Edmiston

Part Eight

Getting there was easy, since Blackpool was still in charge of the facility. He and Melody both took precautions to maintain the fiction that the two of them were not closely connected.

The staff at the chemical Repository - whether empowered or "just folks" - welcomed Melody back. Of course, part of this attitude was due simply to the change in routine she brought to the isolated facility.

Arctic Fox Book 3 - Chapter 11

The Arctic Fox 3.jpg

Cover photo by Jonatan Pie. Downloaded from Unsplash

Marcia is seventeen, and along with Darryl, has moved south in Alaska to attend the Anchorage campus of the Alaska State University. She wants to pursue her dream, but will it pursue her instead?

As is always the case, I'd like to thank Malady for his help checking through this story for the many errors I frequently insert, as well as listening to my sometimes completely crazy ideas about the direction of the story and telling me how crazy they are!

Chapter 3.11

Wednesday, May 12th, 2023


Marcia, Chet, and Fraiser were perusing the area near where the body had been found when they saw French and Coleridge approaching.

G’Mornin’,” Fraiser called as they got close.

Marcia was worried that they’d be ordered out of the area, but Coleridge asked, “Find anything?”

The Surgeon's Lodger Part 21


Sam woke up staring at a light fitting on the ceiling in a corridor. He was waiting assessment. Covid meant the hospital was nearly overrun. As his eyes focused he saw Suzi. He tried to sit up, but his head throbbed and he collapsed back onto the trolley.

"Suzi! Michelle?"

Suzi shook her head.

"No, no, god no please. "

"Sam please calm down. They are doing all they can, but she's in a coma."

Angel of Earth: Part 7

The Angel of Earth


Rodford Edmiston

Part Seven

The UN officer hurried from his vehicle towards the ruin of the building, from which smoke still rose lazily in the setting sun. He was sweating from more than the tropical heat and humidity.

"Report," he said, after quickly exchanging salutes with the senior officer on scene.


A Short Story based on Historical Fact
By Maryanne Peters

My Mammy always said that I was more stubborn than a mule, so I always stayed away from mules. I won’t buy a fight if I don’t need it. But my folks knew soon enough that there was no winning an argument with their girl Lucy. Sure, I was born with something that did not belong, and without something that did, but nobody was going to tell me that I was a boy.

The Wounded World by Aladdin, Chapter 17

Mantra (Malibu Comics) has many trials to face on what is a night of crisis. She has to call up some of her ultra friends before she can confidently take on her own son Gus. And not only her daughter Evie, but also the members of her local fan club are in dire danger, all at the same time.

What Henry Did

A beautiful and mysterious woman, Cindy, inaugurates a competition between Greg and Henry to decide who shall become her boyfriend. Winning depends on figuring out Cindy's most intimate desires - and then subsuming one's life to them. Fortunately for Greg he comes to realize that Cindy and he share the same desires.

County Sheriff -16- Plans, what plans?

Election Night marked the end of an era for me. Once I’d formally handed over my Sheriff's Badge to Sue-Ellen in front of the whole team that afternoon and had bought everyone a drink, I completed my time as Sheriff of Custer County.

Debriefings 25

Debriefings 25

Anam Chara

Along life’s journey we each encounter those events where all that we know, all that we do, and all that we are may change. But even as we approach such events, we don’t always notice their markers until we look behind us and see them for what they were.

One boy is about to learn that he has already passed such an event, and nothing will ever be quite the same…

Colombian Gold Part Final part

Chapter 5

It came as no surprise to anyone when Edmondo eventually died. He had not enjoyed his last few months, being trapped in a body he could not control. I could see his anger in his eyes and tried to talk to him about good things to keep him happier.

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 32 The Bearthwaite Economic & Social Recovery Plan

“I like to tell stories, but mostly the only opportunity I have is to my grandchildren. I was surprised to hear that here is a place where adults gather to tell and listen to stories.”

“Aye well, there’s many a tale telt in here that would not be suitable for children to listen to. You could say some are definitely adult in nature.”

Gladys had heard what Pete had just said and added, “Some are definitely top shelf if not triple x-rated and probably not suitable for the ears of grown women never mind children, but boys will be boys even if they have turned eighty, and it’s a traditional barmaid’s obligation to keep the boys under control.”

Pete grinned and said, “My wife, as you probably gathered. What’s your name stranger? And where do you hail from?”

The Surgeon's Lodger Part 20

Suzi and Michelle had immediately started looking a dresses. After an hour of searching they narrowed it down to a choice of three styles. Michelle trusted Suzi's sense of fashion. The whole thing to her was a dream come true. She was going to have her day as a bride. She wanted everything to be perfect.

Suzi had screamed when Michelle asked her to be her bridesmaid. She was a professional woman, but a woman above all. Most women loved weddings. They discussed Sam at length while they were planning what they would want for the wedding.

It's a hard life for a bright boy in the Feminine Queendom Part 2

This is Part 2 of a story about a bright boy living in Berverly Taff's United Queendom. Recent events have caused unrest. Peter and his mother are affected. As before I will edit or delete the story if Beverly doesn't approve.



December 2021 Christmas Holidays Story Contest Entry

In my eyes the town looked as miserable as it had done 25 years before when I left it. I suppose it was OK if you had a thing for Midwest small towns. A long way from any sizeable city it was the commercial center for a wide swathe of the countryside. Not that the aforementioned countryside was particularly densely populated. I passed a small mall when entering the town. That was new. However, the main reason for the existence of the town was The Mill. Most of the working population worked for the mill directly or indirectly. The fact that I arrived on a cold and windy December day didn’t matter. I couldn’t have hated South Odom any more anyway.


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