Mature / Thirty+

Carla and Angela Part 7

Dean Street and Grand Ave:
Carla had followed the guy named Fredrick Cazalet to a restaurant in lower Manhattan. She knew from her contacts on the street, that in the back of the restaurant a bunch of guys got together to play poker. He was also the guy she punched the day she rescued Autumn.

As she is sitting in her car watching the place. She thought she spotted some movement in the back alleyway. She grabs her expanding pike bo-staff and exists from her car. She moves quickly across the street and heads towards the alleyway.

Don’t Mess with The Wolfhart Family Part 8

Black Angel Protections, Interrogation Room, California Office
Jason and Andy look at the two guards that had revealed where the black site was and had helped in the escape of Adam Ludlum and Greg Hallaway. They watch as the water fills up the glass boxes that they borrowed from their cousin Sasha. She used it in one of her escape acts and to get a confession from some men who had attacked her.

“So, who do you think will talk first?” Jason watches as the water flowed into the glass box.

The Wounded World by Aladdin, Chapter 21

Mantra (Malibu Comics) now has to face her own super-magician son in battle, aided by three mighty and experienced ultras. It's going to be bad. But is Mantra prepared to face the worst if it happens?

Sissy Wife. Are you sure?


“Listen to me Derek. If you move in with me as my full-time wife. There is no backing out. Do you hear me?”

“Yes Brian. I understand. It’s what I always wanted.”

“You look convincing, but you’ll have to work on your voice a little. You drop too low sometimes.”

“How about I put on a Scottish accent?”

“I don’t want you to sound like Mrs., bloody Doubtfire!”

“Oh, ay, no ah won’t”

A Different Life

A Different Life
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

Three Weeks After

Doctor Gillies steepled his fingers. It was not a gesture he did often – not anymore. He had done his stint in general surgery, but now that he had found his niche he understood that he needed to be more empathetic. He was, in the main. But now was the time for plain talking. This patient, Alex, needed to be told.

Learning What It Means to Be Tammy Beck Chp. 11

Nyx’s Hotel room:
Nyx just fell asleep a couple of hours ago. She had stayed up talking with Sabrina and learned a few things about Hawk Innovations. One of their top engineers named Jason Bush who helped design the power armor unit had been fired from the company. He stole the blueprints to the armor and was using the working model as a demonstration of what it could do.

Down but not out - Part 01

[mid-morning in a riverside park. A homeless man is sitting on a bench looking at nothing in particular. A smartly dressed woman walks along the path and stops right by the man]

“Are you all right?”

Those four simple words dragged me out of my stupor. I looked up and saw the owner of the voice for the first time, a woman in her early thirties and judging by her clothes, she wasn’t doing badly for herself.

Don’t Mess with The Wolfhart Family Part 6

Dining room, Susan’s and Sasha’s Mansion:
Gracie, Robyn, Emily, Bunnie, Sandy, Rose, Susan, Kayla, and Sasha were sitting around the dining room table listening and looking towards the front of the table. Standing at the front of the table were Sasha’s older brother Jason and his adopted daughter Tullia. She was acting as his assistant tonight and was around Gracie’s age.

Jason looks at his baby sister's family as he prepares himself to give Sasha the bad news. He knew she wasn’t going to like what he was about to tell her.

Dress Codes

This is a short story set in a world where gender roles and dress codes are very fluid.


“Terry get up. Terry get up!! You’ll be late for school.”

“Ok dad. Where are my clean panties?”

“There should be some in the drawer, if not can’t you wear boxers for a change?”

“I could, but I prefer panties.”

A Model for CC's Pt.5

Chapter 5

Victor was dressed in a very juvenile outfit, a pair of soft pink bib overall, the shorts were very short and awfully tight, pressing on his chastity cage, pushing it back while the back seam really dug into his bottom, creating a small lifting effect for his butt cheeks. Pants in this store were no better than skirts at all. The front had the words “CC’s Cutest Sissy” Embroidered on them. He felt anything but cute though. Underneath that overall he wore a simple baby blue t-shirt with short puffed up sleeves and a V-neck.

Footstool A Foot Worshiping Slave to a TV Mistress

I was asked to write this by someone on another site. This is not my normal stuff. It is a about a TV mistress with a couple of servant/slaves
One of them is obsessed with her feet. I did it to see if i could. It contains forced bi sex.

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As I drove home, I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. The Mercedes has very soft seats but the beating I had got from my client tonight was more severe than I intended.

The Kiss

“Do you remember your first real kiss? No, not that timid peck of the cheek but the first real one that lasted and lasted and lasted what seemed ages?

Yes, that one. You know the one that left both of you breathless?”

I stopped typing and smiled at what I’d just written. Then I looked out of the window and the person that I’d shared that real first kiss was there right before my eyes. Ok, she was on her knees planting some Begonias and whatnot but there she was. I felt so lucky to have her in my life after all these years.

Super Girls and Stupid Men - Chapter 3

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Well There Goes The Element of Surprise

The Deckers are ready to run to Mexico and freedom but Detective Penelope Bishop is close behind them as is ruthless mob boss Jennifer Jones. The Beasts of Burden MC also want what the Deckers have and by that I mean not just the money. Final chapter.

Seven Years As A Wife 4

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A few days later when Angie arrived, Mel was buzzing. She was proud of what she had done with Simon. Angie explained she was going to be there most of the day. She was going to pierce her ears and give her collagen injections in her lips. She told her it should be ok, as it would only last five years.

"Are you sure you want me to do this?"

Super Girls and Stupid Men - Chapter 2

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Chapter Two – The Pussy Palace

Harlan and Pete Decker are holed up after their botched robbery at Supergirls nightclub. Detective Penelope Bishop is on their trail and so too is Russian-Mob Supremo Jennifer Jones. The two beautiful, intelligent, courageous trans women meet at the crime scene and sparks fly.

Super Girls and Stupid Men - Chapter 1

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Chapter One – The Incident at Supergirls

A robbery goes wrong and Detective Penelope Bishop and her Task Force are brought in to solve the case. At the same time Russian-Mob Supremo Jennifer Jones is on her way to recover the proceeds of the crime. Two beautiful, intelligent, courageous trans women who come from different sides of the law are going to meet again and this time there will be sparks!

Missing Persons - Part 3 of 3

Lee sent over what the FBI had on the cases that could be released to Donald's department without all sorts of very lengthy approvals. Even with huge amounts of redaction, it took Donald two days to go through the files. They didn’t make pretty reading because it was as if he was reading a report from West Midlands rather than one from West Virginia. The similarity between all the cases was uncanny and slightly unnerving.

Seven Years As A Wife 3


There is a graphic sexual scene it this part of the story.

She had around two hours before Simon came back. She thought she could spare and hour for a little play with her toys.

Honour Killings

The news was full of it. A trans girl had been tortured to death by her father, brothers and uncles in Lahore. What was so shocking to the civilised world was the men freely admitted their rôles in the matter and justified it by saying it was a matter of honour that the killing had had to take place. The prosecution case had been summarily dismissed and the men had walked free to virtually universal public acclaim in the Islamic world.

The Murder of Madame Lalaurie

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The night was bitter cold. The snow was softly falling as she walked up the narrow street of Montmartre hill in Paris. The plain brown working dress and shawl she wore gave her little protection from the cold. Even the multitude of petticoats seemed to trap the cold air against her cotton stockings.

She didn’t care. She was determined to see this through. For her, for them.

Georgy Girl

Georgy Girl

by Maeryn Lamonte
Copyright © 2022

The picture may be a little misleading but should make sense towards the end. If you click on it, you'll link to the artist.
If you're not familiar with the song, you can listen to it here.
This story has nothing to do with either the 1965 novel by Margaret Forster or the 1966 film that was based on it.
This is my second entry in the competition. Since it's not being voted on (but rather judged) I'm happy that posting more than one entry isn't going to split the vote. I know any author can only place for one prize, which I think is a great idea, I'm just offering up a bit more choice. This is shorter than 'A Change of Heart', but it probably has a little more of the current me in it. The other was more the me from thirty years ago.

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The Heaviness Of The Badge Chp. 23 (Final Chapter)

Early Morning, Jack’s Ranch:
“Are you sure about this Mark?” Jack looks at Mark, Jester, Aylin, and Bree as they stood next to a black Subaru Forester Wilderness.

Mark and Aylin had talked about it and they wanted to drive back to New York instead of taking the Lear Jet. It would be a family vacation for them and they knew Bree would enjoy it. Jamie didn’t mind, she enjoyed the time she spent with Jack and Debbie.

The Wounded World by Aladdin, Chapter 20

Mantra (Malibu Comics) has caught up with a fellow ultra, Hardcase, and is awaiting the arrival of two more ultra friends. Their plan is to overwhelm Gus with their combined power before he can start a fight that will lead to injury or loss of life. They are banking on what is called one of those "best-laid plans." What could possibly go wrong?

Seven Years As A Wife

Seven Years As A Wife


The advert looked too good to be true. A room in a mansion, free rent in exchange for housework. Mark was between jobs and was living in a rundown bedsit. He had been mugged twice and had ran out of money.

The Toxic Planet 2


Sarah found herself back on the towpath. Did that really happen. No it must have been an effect of the beating she received. She looked down and saw her torn stockings. There was no blood. Both her knees had been cut. It was 5 A.M. She had lost 8 hours!

The Prince and the Maiden

”Peace, love and joy is what I foretell.
Our girls and boys will grow up well.”

From death they did part, and so his thoughts turned to marriage,
Who’d take his son’s part, and continue his lineage?

“Mirror mirror, I command,
who’s the smartest in my land?”

The Heaviness Of The Badge Chp. 22

One Week Later:
Zoey and Ashley give Jack and Debbie a hug before they board the Lear Jet that was going to take them to England. They had fun while they were in Montana and visiting their uncle and aunt. Mouse gives Jack and Debbie a hug as well.

“Sorry to see you go back to England, Mouse.” Debbie holds Mouses hands.

“My vocation time is up and I can’t get an extension. My boss needs me back, because there isn’t anyone who can do what I do.” Mouse knew she was irreplaceable.

“Well, don’t stay away too long.”

[NW 03] Hard For Confidence

Lizbeth deserves more in her life.
She has the skills and knowledge.
What she is critically missing is confidence.
So much, that her friend Colette has a rather unusual and extreme solution to try.

[A stand-alone story in the "Naughty Witches" verse]


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