Mature / Thirty+

Missing Persons - Part 1 of 3

[May 2015. At an office in the centre of Newcastle upon Tyne]
“Flowers for a J Parsons?” came the cry from the deliveryman who’d just entered the busy office.

Almost everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to look towards a small man whose desk was right at the far end of the office and almost hidden by six grey filing cabinets.

Arctic Fox Book 3 - Chapter 12

The Arctic Fox 3.jpg

Cover photo by Jonatan Pie. Downloaded from Unsplash

Marcia is seventeen, and along with Darryl, has moved south in Alaska to attend the Anchorage campus of the Alaska State University. She wants to pursue her dream, but will it pursue her instead?

I'd like to apologize for the 2 month delay from chapter 11 being posted and this one.
As is always the case, I'd like to thank Malady for his help checking through this story for the many errors I frequently insert, as well as listening to my sometimes completely crazy ideas about the direction of the story and telling me how crazy they are!

Chapter 3.12

Wednesday, May 12th, 2023


It had been a long day for Marcia. She was briefing Darryl, Mage, and Chet on what she’d found out from the two men. When she told them that Kirk was Wanda Gregory’s nephew, and Stephen’s cousin, Darryl just shook his head.

In contrast, Mage exclaimed, “I can’t believe how many people are related to each other in this case!”

The Way to Go

The Way to Go
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

Sex is one of the major drivers of humanity – in fact, it is the first driver. Money and power came later. They are social constructs. Sex is why we exist. We are here because of it, and our purpose is driven by it.

In Love with a Tall Girl

Awarded 2nd place in the 2022 BCTS "Magic of the Heart" contest

In Love with a Tall Girl
Part 1
An original story by Julia Miller

A recent divorcee meets the girl of his dreams in a bar only to find out she is much more than he expected.


Link: Every Day Is Your Last Title Page and Description


Sitting in Erica's office reading the printed copy of the finished manuscript, Brooke flipped through the final pages as she read the words, tears filling her eyes at the remembered heartbreak of losing her best friends. Wiping them away, she finally put down the papers.

Learning What It Means to Be Tammy Beck Chp. 8

Nyx changes out her chest plate for her armor. She’ll have to rebuild her older armor chest plate. While she is getting the replacement, she runs the list of local supply places you could get what was needed. She knew that the material needed to repair the other armor was special.

It was going to require specialized equipment as well. She does some research to see if she could locate some companies that would either carry the equipment. A long list appears on her computer screen. She tries narrowing it down, but there were just too many places.

The Purity of Judgment

The Purity of Judgment
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

They were about as unalike as two men can be. Milo Laconda was tall and dark, powerfully built and with a swagger and deep throated laugh. He was recently divorced and that had knocked him back financially, but he was up and running again with the business and product that had he had developed – Laconda Plumbing Supplies – suppliers of the “Laconda Flush”.

Chapter 24 - Every Day is Your Last

Link: Every Day Is Your Last Title Page and Description

CAUTION - Highly Emotional Content


I didn't hear about Jack or Rich until I'd been deployed to Bagram for over six months. When they extended our deployment another six, we were given ten-day Leaves. Mine came up first in rotation, so I got to fly back to Guam where I called Jenny as soon as I could get off base. She told me and I dug up the details after they were already buried and gone.

Heather got a letter from Rich's CO that he'd been killed while volunteering for picket duty, but he didn't know about the association between Rich and Jack, so Heather didn't find out about his death until she called to break the news to Erica. They met up at Arlington and it was the last time any of us in New Hampshire would see any of the California families again. Jenny was there to represent me as a 'friend of the family'. No one ever knew about us while I was serving. I made sure it never showed and Jenny was a rock! She passed the time I was gone with Heather, Faith, her folks, and a promise.

After the funeral, everyone just stopped communicating. It... it was like their deaths killed more than their bodies. It killed their families. Last I ever heard from Erica was a Christmas card from her that she must have sent before she got the letter about Jack, but I didn't even know about that until almost two years later when I came home. After so much time and pain, I just couldn't bring myself to call or write her.

When Erica finally wrote Heather, and she wrote back, none of us knew just how important those letters would become or how much they would change all our lives.

The Trap


I know a lot of you don't like it when I write this femdom stuff. I wrote this after chatting to Freddie Clegg. He has written many stories set in "New Order" Britain.

It is a bit like Beverly Taff's "Feminine Queendom". The main difference is many of the women for some inexplicable reason seem to be into dominating men. Well this is just fantasy anyway.

Come Together - Part 1 of 2

[Early September]
"Well, love it is your first day at a new school and in a new country and… as the new you. I know that it will all be rather strange at first and very different from Park View High, but the new girl will be the centre of attention at first, so just be careful, eh?"

A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale 35 Just Wear a Mask

A good man is like a good malt, to be savoured and enjoyed in the evening and an exceptionally good one well into the early hours, but I reckon I’d be in serious trouble if I ever found myself enjoying either with breakfast.

Chapter 23 - No Greater Love

Link: Every Day Is Your Last Title Page and Description

CAUTION - Highly Emotional Content
CAUTION - Violence


We mourned with Heather and Rich when they got the news about her not being able to have any more kids. She and Rich wanted more, but things are the way they have to be, right? That's what Jack always used to say. They moved north that fall while Rich worked at fixing up the big house.

They surprised Jenny and I when they told us they were going to give the little house to us. No rent meant Jenny could quit and I could open my own salon with her as my office manager. So in spring of ninety-nine, just after Faith's first birthday, we moved to be with Heather and Rich in Pittsberg.

Meanwhile, Jack and Erica had their own share of troubles. She caught an ectopic pregnancy three months after Jenny and I moved, days after Heather's twenty-fifth birthday, that nearly killed her. She had a radical hysterectomy that saved her life, but meant they too would only have one child. Rich and Heather flew all four of us down there, staying nearly a month, but we had to come home eventually, leaving Jack and Erica alone again. Judith broke her promise and tried tearing them apart, and Frank separated from her over it, though they reconciled after... well...

Things were never the same after that. They never came back to visit us in New Hampshire. Jack couldn't leave his business and Jenny and I couldn't leave ours, and Heather had her practice, so that trip in summer of ninety-nine was the last I ever saw Jack or Erica. We kept in touch, but not enough.

Then everything changed... for everyone.

A Suite of Changes

A Suite of Changes
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

The hotel was grander than he had imagined. The lobby was large with glass lift wells going up several stories to reach a high cathedral ceiling with mezzanine balconies and large staircases between them. The reception area seemed a mile away.

Mare's Tales 29

Mare's Tales - Chapter 29

My older twins were now virtually twin sisters. We had spent some
important time shopping for Bernadette and she had passed her 'Rite of
Passage'. She now thought of herself as a girl and lived as one despite
having the all-important indicator of her dual sexuality. She mimicked
me in nearly everything and for all practical purposes was deemed to be
a girl. Her new passport had arrived so there would be no problems with
immigration or police.

Strange Bedfellows - Chapter 3


Chapter Three – The Scorpion Bitch

The climax to this story of intrigue, danger, love and betrayal. Jennifer Jones and Penelope Bishop team up and betray a friend in order to bring an evil criminal to justice but can two women who admire and despise each other so much really reconcile?

The Wounded World by Aladdin, Chapter 19

Mantra (Malibu Comics) has taken Evie and slipped away from her son Gus, only to fall into the hands of Aladdin. That is not all bad, actually, but she can't stay with them. The first chance she gets, Eden slips away in disguise and tries to find Gus before Aladdin does. And she also has to keep an eye out for the first-arriving ultra friend that she has summoned, one of the strongest and most celebrated heroes of the present day.

The Toxic Planet


I remembered the night she threw me out. I had worn her sexiest underwear. She hadn’t worn it for years, so one of us may as well use it. I was half way through clipping my stockings to my suspenders when she came in. I thought she would be out seeing her friend until 10.30 at least.

“I bloody knew it, you little queer. You couldn’t leave it alone could you. Well you can bugger off. I want a real man.”

Strange Bedfellows - Chapter 2


Chapter Two – The Wolf and The Bear

Penelope Bishop and her nemesis Jennifer Jones find themselves on the same side trying to capture sex-trafficker and Russian mafioso Alexi Reznik. Jennifer brings her faithful friend and sex goddess Katya Kuznetsova to Balwyn to use her wily ways to help with the case.

The Surgeon's Lodger Part 26 Final Part

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They sat around eating and drinking champagne and discussing wedding plans. Sam asked Angus to be best man. He had not known him that long, but he knew it would mean so much to him.

As she ate her chocolate gateaux, Michelle smiled to herself. Everything was going well. There were no more monsters hiding ready to ruin things.

Just as she cleaned up the dinner things, the phone rang.

A Year And A Day - Chapter 2: Desperate Measures


A Year And A Day
Book 1 - Consequences
A Harry Potter Fanfiction Story

Be Careful What You Wish For...

It's one of the oldest lessons a witch or wizard can learn when it came to their wondrous magickal world. Few ever put much thought of, least of actually think it meant something. Bellatrix Black was raised by an abusive father and a mother who saw her only as a legacy. In a House long having lost its soul it was the young Heir's job to protect her sisters and do whatever she was told.

That all ended when she found the Dark Lord and became his right hand. For once she had power and everything she ever wanted. Fourteen years in Azkaban was the least of her worries when her Lord promised the world to her. That like every wish she had turned to ash when the Dark Lord was killed at the Battle Hogwarts.

What if Bella survived the Battle and with her young daughter in tow made one last wish? A wish to save her life, and her daughters most of all. But also a wish to finally have a life where she was truly happy.

Co-parenting Part 3 - The Womb

This is part 3 of Co-parenting. Sally wants to try the new experimental womb.


I talked it over with Dani. She was amazed.

“Why can’t they use these wombs in women that can’t have children? It doesn’t make much sense does it.”

The Heaviness Of The Badge Chp. 19

“Boss, we have a problem.” Liam looks at the rearview monitor as a black military hummer came towards them.

He just noticed it a few miles back, when they left the safe house his boss had spent the night at. He hadn’t spotted it until they were heading towards the private airfield where a plane was waiting for them. His boss had gotten word that Mr. Bounty was back from wherever he had been and was looking for the people responsible for trying to kill his daughter.

I don’t know if I want this?

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I don’t know if I want this? I’m on my back in his large double bed. I taste my smeared lipstick and smell my Eternity perfume. He loves it which is why I wear it.

He looks down at me with an expression of lust and dominance.

“Baby, you’ve got me so dammed hard. You’re perfect.”

A bright boy in the Feminine Queendom Part 22 Dystopia to Utopia

As always - All rights and Characters © Beverly Taff

“I’m tired. Please let me get some rest. Today we, the people of the world worked together. Men and women from all different races and religions saved the planet. Tomorrow I’ll tell you how we work together to save humanity.”

The whole world waited on what this amazing man had to say.


The next morning, Charlie stood at a podium outside the Darwin factory. He waited for the crowd to quiet down before he started.

A bright boy in the Feminine Queendom Part 21 - Aftermath

The feed cut off and the world watched in horror as there was a series of explosions on the surface of the asteroid. The ships were exploding as the power surged through them. They extra power had given the engines a massive boost. The exploding gravity field fields pushed the asteroid out of the atmosphere.

The earth was safe. Cheers erupted from the whole world. In the control room it took a few minutes for the screams to die down. In the control room.

Peter looked up from his coms screen. He was crying. Chloe stared and shook her head.

A bright boy in the Feminine Queendom Part 20 - Planet Killer


Later that year Charlie heard some worrying news from Peter. One of Britain’s mining ships spotted a potential “Planet Killer” asteroid on the way back to earth. The Woden, contacted earth and ask the Boudicca to confirm their findings on their way back to the asteroid belt.

“I’ve sent you the data Charlie. It does look like it’s on course to hit earth. The thing is nearly 70 miles’ diameter. It will kill all life if it hits.”

A bright boy in the Feminine Queendom Part 19 - Friends

Charlie pauses to smell the flowers

All Characters © Beverly Taff

Six months later. David Rodgers was living with Charlie and his family. He was a big hit with the children, who were now old enough to play football on the beach.

The Australian security guards were telling him that he was playing soccer, not football. David knew better though.



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