Mature / Thirty+

The Wounded World by Aladdin, Chapter 16

Mantra (Malibu Comics) is in a bad spot, but she is just about to enter into an even worse one. Another time-shift is coming her way and this time she'll be pitted against one of the most powerful ultra-villains she's ever encountered -- her own son Gus. How can she fight a wizard so powerful while trying not to harm him? And then there is the rest of Canoga Park that she has to protect, too.

Arctic Fox Book 3 - Chapter 6

The Arctic Fox 3.jpg

Cover photo by Jonatan Pie. Downloaded from Unsplash

Marcia is seventeen, and along with Darryl, has moved south in Alaska to attend the Anchorage campus of the Alaska State University. She wants to pursue her dream, but will it pursue her instead?

As is always the case, I'd like to thank Malady for his help checking through this story for the many errors I frequently insert, as well as listening to my sometimes completely crazy ideas about the direction of the story and telling me how crazy they are!

Chapter 6

Thursday, May 5th, 2023

6:37 PM

Chet was surprised, but he pointed with his thumb to Bruce’s trailer. “He’s staying in his camper over there.” He wasn’t sure what was going on, but being police, he really didn’t want to question them.

Detective Fraiser nodded, then stepped off the porch and started toward the trailer.

Light And Shadow - Part 6

Light And Shadow

Light And Shadow (Part 6 of 8)

by Erisian


Chapter 27 - Justice


Isaiah’s head thrummed as if someone was using it instead of a kodo drum. As much as he wanted to blame the shifting pressure from the passing storm, he knew the pain wasn’t due to an external cause.

He sat in a small conference room, bare except for a large monitor on one wall sitting in front of a simple four-legged table. Around it were six of those plastic office chairs which usually last for maybe six months before the adjustment lift and tilt mechanisms snapped. Indeed one had already been shoved aside to a corner, its mesh backing listing at an odd angle. Staring at it he decided that whomever in finance was responsible for such cheapness should be cursed to use nothing but. Certainly not whatever luxury leather chair likely adorned their own office.

That would be justice.

The Surgeon's Lodger Part 13

Michelle grew more nervous as the weekend approached. Sam assured her his sister was a nice person. She was very popular at Royal Infirmary hospital in Edinburgh. She worked in the psychology department.

Michelle still thought is was a big step, meeting the family. She knew all girlfriends and boyfriends go through this, but it was a first for her. What if Suzi thought she wasn't good enough for her little brother?

County Sheriff -15- Winding Down

Kelly and I were greeted with smiling faces upon our return from Honeymoon. Their collective smiles soon disappeared when I told them that I wasn't going to stand for re-election that November. Their level of disappointment increased when Kelly said that she would also be leaving the department when a replacement had been found and introduced to the job.

The Surgeon's Lodger Part 12


Sam pulled away, he went into the living room to answer his phone. Michelle carried on with the washing up. She tried to be quite to here who Sam was talking to.

"Oh, Hi darling,. What gives me the honor of a call from you."

It was a girl! Michelle stopped washing up and moved to the door the listen.

"Yes, well who could resist a sex bomb like you."

Sex bomb? A girlfriend?

I do yes, I'm in love.

The Ivy

The Ivy is a special apartment building in the heart of Chicago. For more than a hundred years it's stood as the symbol for Chicago's wealthy and powerful. To live there was by invitation only, but within the walls of this elite address lies a secret few understand. Kirk and Charlotte are just starting their lives together when they get the auspicious call that they have been selected to interview for a coveted apartment in the Ivy. The move in seemed like a dream for Charlotte until one night when Kirk was gone on a business trip, she found out the truth about the building and the former owner of her apartment.

This is the first few chapters. Please read ahead by going to Amazon Kindle to read ahead!

A Model for CC's Pt.4

Chapter 4

Once in the relative privacy behind the curtain Stephanie addressed Victor in a hushed voice. “Now the best thing you can do for you and me is to just play along. Trust me, my stepmommy can make things so much worse.” She lisped badly as a warning, clearly afraid. She really wanted to help Victor, but telling him to be obedient was the best advice she could give. She simply didn’t know any better anymore.

Harvey and the pretty girl - part 2


Harvey and the Pretty Girl - Part 2

A continuation of Harvey and the pretty girl. There is a rape scene here, sorry.

When Harvey started his new job he was slightly upset to find that a pretty girl was starting at the same time. Harvey distrusted pretty girls, they didn't seem to like him and he wasn't fond of them, snooty bitches that they were. He liked looking at pretty women, of course, he wasn't queer, but beautiful self-possessed classy women thoroughly intimidated him. Which left him frustrated and angry.

My Hero

My Hero
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

It was that period in a hotel cocktail bar when all those who were going to dinner had gone, but before those returning might catch a night cap before going up. Drake was at the bar because he had nowhere to go. The attractive woman was a late arrival.

The Surgeon's Lodger Part 11


The morning came and they both slept late. Sam thought if Fiona had outed them, it had happened. He cared, but he loved Michelle more. He would weather whatever came. He just hoped she had the strength to do the same. He knew he need to reassure her.

It was Saturday in early October, and the weather was going to be good. Sam decided he would try and spend the day with her.

Arctic Fox Book 3 - Chapter 5

The Arctic Fox 3.jpg

Cover photo by Jonatan Pie. Downloaded from Unsplash

Marcia is seventeen, and along with Darryl, has moved south in Alaska to attend the Anchorage campus of the Alaska State University. She wants to pursue her dream, but will it pursue her instead?

As is always the case, I'd like to thank Malady for his help checking through this story for the many errors I frequently insert, as well as listening to my sometimes completely crazy ideas about the direction of the story and telling me how crazy they are!

Chapter 5

Thursday, May 4th, 2023

2:05 PM

Darryl was sitting on the porch of the farm house. He had been helping in the gardens, but now was on a break. It was strange. He wasn’t used to being away from Marcia for so long. Even on base, they had worked together, and had dinner together every day. Granted, they had spent the nights without each other, but they were back together the next morning.

County Sheriff -14- Honeymoon Encounter

[Authors note]
The story picks up again (if you forget my foopah of a posting from last week) when Matt and Kelly are on their Honeymoon. They have been travelling south down the Oregon and California coast and are in need of some refreshment.

“Do you want to stop for a Coffee?” I said to Kelly.

“Maybe we could get something for later at the same time?”

The Surgeon's Lodger Part 10


Sam saw Michelle sitting at the kitchen table her head down looking upset. Fiona was grinning like a Cheshire cat. She was dressed as she always did throughout their marriage, dowdy. She was wearing jeans a baggy sweater and minimal makeup.

"What do want Fiona?"

"Is that any way to greet you wife Sammy?"

"You're not my wife for much longer, what have you come for?"

The Surgeon's Lodger Part 9

The sound of a car horn woke the couple. Michelle stretched.

"Owww my face hurts."

She slowly got out of bed and went over to the full length mirror. Her nose was swollen and her eyes were puffy. She had a purple swelling around her left eye.

"Oh no, my face what has he done!"

The tears started to flow.

"Come on now Michelle, it will be fine in a day or two."

She doubled over sobbing. Sam knew it was delayed shock from nearly being killed by her stepfather. He bent down and pulled her to her feet.

"Shush now , you're still beautiful."

Kerry Cottage


Kerry Cottage
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

In that part of the West Coast of Ireland the bad weather can come at speed and without warning. He had asked the hotelier if it would rain and had received a typical twinkly-eyed Irish response.

“Well this is Ireland, so it will certainly rain. The only question is when, and where, and how much?”

The answers were here and now and a lot.

The Surgeon's Lodger Part 8


As Michelle fell back in the hallway, her head hit the wall. She slid down as the world spun.

"I should have cut your fucking balls off when yer mam died. I knew a little freak like you would never be a real man."

The word "freak" stung Michelle like a blow. The anger gave her a jolt of adrenaline. Her head cleared as her mind seemed to slow down what was happening.

The Surgeon's Lodger Part 7


Sam rushed through the front door and saw Michelle waiting. She choked on her words.

"I'm so sorry Sam. You treated me better than I have ever deserved, and I threw it back at you. I'll go if you want."

Sam wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his chest. He kissed her forehead, and said.

Arctic Fox Book 3 - Chapter 4

The Arctic Fox 3.jpg

Cover photo by Jonatan Pie. Downloaded from Unsplash

Marcia is seventeen, and along with Darryl, has moved south in Alaska to attend the Anchorage campus of the Alaska State University. She wants to pursue her dream, but will it pursue her instead?

As is always the case, I'd like to thank Malady for his help checking through this story for the many errors I frequently insert, as well as listening to my sometimes completely crazy ideas about the direction of the story and telling me how crazy they are!

Chapter 4

Wednesday, May 3rd, 2023

11:45 PM

The day had been incredible. Marcia kept fingering the ring she wore on her ring finger of her left hand. It was beautiful, and she was so happy Darryl had bought it. Briefly, she had wondered how he afforded it, but then she realized that he had saved a lot of money over the last couple of years.

The surprises had only begun with Darryl’s proposal. When Mike asked for the bill, the server brought a slip of paper. There was no sign of the normal credit card tray. Instead, there was a note. Mike read it, teared up, and then handed it to Gloria. He didn’t speak, and in fact, it appeared as though he couldn’t.

County Sheriff -18- The Interview

[This part is written from Kelly’s POV]

"You look, fine Darling," Matt said to me for what seemed about the twentieth time.

“I agree,” said Nancy.

I was feeling far from fine. It felt like my first day at the NYPD Academy all over again. That didn’t go down very well as the chief instructor and my father were not the best of friends.

Door in the mirror - A sequel

Years ago, I’d found a door on the blind wall on Elm street while in a traffic jam. There was no door really. It was only visible in the mirror. I could see and feel it, only while I was turned away from it. I tried the door and opened it into a world where I was a girl ten years younger than I was in my own world. I panicked then, and returned to my own world that same day.

The Surgeon's Lodger Part 6

Michelle sobbed herself to sleep. Anger, sadness and fear made a tight ball in her chest that prevented her from breathing easily. Eventually she dropped off. When she woke she had that brief feeling of amnesia, then the full reality of what had happened the night before came rushing back.

The Surgeon's Lodger Part 5

Michelle picked up a couple of sirloin steaks and vegetables to go with them. She wasn't read while she walked around, she just looked like any other woman in the shop. This gave her an enormous sense of satisfaction.

Arctic Fox Book 3 - Chapter 3

The Arctic Fox 3.jpg

Cover photo by Jonatan Pie. Downloaded from Unsplash

Marcia is seventeen, and along with Darryl, has moved south in Alaska to attend the Anchorage campus of the Alaska State University. She wants to pursue her dream, but will it pursue her instead?

As is always the case, I'd like to thank Malady for his help checking through this story for the many errors I frequently insert, as well as listening to my sometimes completely crazy ideas about the direction of the story and telling me how crazy they are!

Author’s Note: I apologize. I messed up. For some reason, I was thinking of May 3rd as being the day Shelly Chatham, Marcia’s biological mother, passed away, and May 4th as being Marcia’s birthday. That is backwards, so I’m currently working on fixing my error in the previous two chapters – As well as what was supposed to be chapter 3. Rosemary rolls eyes at this point. LOL

Chapter 3

5 AM

Marcia arose and hurried through her morning routine, then hurried out to help Bruce feed the animals. She really wanted to get to the horses. There was one that she absolutely loved, and secretly wished was hers. He was a palomino, and greatly resembled the horse Roy Rogers rode in all of his movies.

When she realized she would be on a farm where there were horses, she decided that she wanted to learn about them. Thus, she had decided to research all she could. When she came across information on the famous palomino, she’d watched as many films as she could find with the old western star and his master.

The Surgeon's Lodger Part 4


They talked into the early hours of the morning. Sam told her that he had been involved with an on off relationship with his room mate in medical school. He said the sex was very infrequent as he never felt fully comfortable with being with another man. The only time they had sex he used to insist his room mate wore a pair of knickers that one his old girlfriends had left behind. His room mate soon tired of this.

The Heaviness Of The Badge Chp. 8

Caldwell Medical Center:
Cecil adjust the glasses she was wearing as she gets off the elevator. She glances down at the fake medical chart in her hands. The three officers that attacked Jack’s grandson and his friends were on this floor. She heads towards the first officer’s hospital room. His name was Bruce Donovan.


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