Mature / Thirty+

Scald-Crow 2: Chapter 5 - Rinse Repeat


Scald-Crow 2:
Under Pressure!
A Whateley Academy Tale
ShadowedSin & Branwen

When Grainne made a deal to bond her soul to the dying Faerie Spirit, Morgan, she never thought her life would be turned upside down. Now possessing a body she's always desired the girl was nearly driven from her home to learn about her growing powers. Chased by a headless witch and even darker powers. Grainne must attend the eponymous Whateley Academy where new challenges await her.

"What If I'm the One" Chapter 1 "As Long as I’m Here"

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The first one to volunteer was a young man who had had shoulder length hair and it was colored in faded streaks of rainbow. He wore John Lennon-esque glasses and he looked like he had seen better days…

As Long As I'm Here

On the Cut - Part 14

The fug or malaise or whatever it was that was afflicting me hadn’t disappeared the next morning. I’d lost count of the number of times I picked up my phone to call Carla and had chickened out each and every time.

My impression of being a wimp only added to my growing depression.

The Ballad of Ted Bandpat

Ballad of Ted Bandpat

Come listen to my story
About a man named Ted
A poor trans girl
Lived inside his head
Then one day when crying feeling blue
She decided she would stop being a fake dude
Be a girl, that is, both pretty and bold
Be called a “she”

The Wounded World by Aladdin, Chapter 12

Mantra (Malibu Comics) has experienced another time-shift. She has slipped five days back in time. But she takes with her knowledge about what is going to happen in the five days ahead of her. One thing she knows for sure is that her friend Lauren will soon be placed into deadly danger. Should she attempt to change history by trying to do something to help?

Virtually Feminine - Part 10 - Thanksgiving

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Virtually Feminine - Part 10 - Thanksgiving
Cathy decides to go ahead with her real life test and live as a woman 24 x 7. Her first public outing is at Kathryn's Thanksgiving Party as an 'honourary American' because she knows how to bake pumpkin pie...

Everything I want

Everything I Want
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

“You would seem to have everything I want,” he said.

“I am very proud of my boys,” I said, switching the phone from the image, and slipping it back into my pocket.

“Not just your family,” he said. “Your house on the river, your relaxed lifestyle up here, and clearly you are in good health.

On the Cut - Part 13

Carla was very good at helping with the locks but it was clear to me from her continued absent-mindedness, that her thoughts were very much on other things namely, the meeting to discuss a settlement with her case. Her promised surprise for the weekend never materialised but I didn't push it. I was there for her whenever she might need me.

On the Cut - Part 12

[Late Saturday]
“Which way are we going?” asked Carla.

I’d brought Roxy to a standstill where the Macclesfield Canal leaves the Trent and Mersey Canal near Kidsgrove.

“It depends on you.”

“Me? Why?”

“How many locks do you want to go through between here and Manchester?”

A Model for CC's Pt.3

Chapter 3

Seeing the ‘Closed’ sign at the door Victor was just about to give Linda a call, terrified that he would have shown up at the wrong address and as a result be too late at what he considered his absolute last chance to get his old life back.

Confidence Trick - (a Fitness Class short)

Confidence Trick

(A Fitness Class short)

by Lynda Shermer

Sarah's Stiletto fitness class at the center ended. I was awarded certificates, one for Tim, and one for Karen. Somewhere on YouTube is a recording of our final recital. Of course, in it, I'm almost unrecognizable. It garnered some nice comments and likes at the time, and then pretty much dropped from sight.

There have been some changes since then; I moved in with Julie (she had the better furniture and view of the two of us).

See things through a woman’s eyes

This story revisits many of the characters and locations found in the first story in this series. The story can be read stand-alone, but it may be more enjoyable if you first visit or revisit ‘A Walk to a New Life’, which is listed on my stories page. Whatever you choose, enjoy it.
The story follows the changes in the life of Rory Sinclair, as his alter-ego, Samantha, becomes more and more significant in his life

On the Cut - Part 11

Roxy and I reached the end of the ‘Coventry Canal’ just before midday. Sadly, the meal I’d eaten at the pub the previous night had run right through me. The result was that my toilet needed pumping out. It was either that or declare my cabin a no-go area for another few days. Luckily for me, there was a set of discharge facilities close to the end of the canal.

His Name was McGill Chapter 3 of 3

Chapter Three

The next morning Dani went around the garage and the living quarters, placing small bundles of explosives and running all the wires to a timer. This was set for twenty hours later, when they would be a long way away. They had come to the conclusion that the police would think that they would make the break either directly north, over the border; or directly south to loop east and head for the big smoke.

A Dish Best Served Cold - Chapter 4


Chapter Four – Motive, Means and Opportunity

Detective Steve Edwards now has enough evidence to confront Felicity Benson and charge her with the murders of the three men who assaulted her all those years ago but he is beginning to develop feelings for her. What will he do and how can he protect her against his boss Penelope Bishop who is also closing in on Felicity?

The Black Færie

“Oh dear! Where to begin, Child. The problem is most of us are woefully ignorant concerning the world of humans and little better concerning the world of Færie. In order to answer your questions concerning your ancestress the Queen I shall have to tell you much to correct your ignorance. So you shall have to be patient, Granddaughter.

His Name was McGill Chapter 2 of 3

Chapter Two

They were woken early the next morning by a banging on the door. Phil was immediately in fight mode, crouched by the door with his gun in his hand. Dani walked past the door pulling a robe over her nightie and whispered “Settle down, I can deal with this.” As she got to the door she called out “Who’s there?”

A Dish Best Served Cold - Chapter 3


Chapter Three – Hamburger Mary’s

Beautiful but damaged drag queen Felicity Benson continues her crusade of revenge which requires intrepid trans detective Penelope Bishop to travel to the scene of the crime where her partner, Steve Edwards, discovers incriminating evidence which he keeps to himself, at least for now.

His Name was McGill Chapter 1 of 3

Chapter One

The first thought anyone had when they were told his name was “How appropriate”. The fact that he habitually wore a well-fitting pin-stripe suit over a silk shirt and tie, and that his built-up shoes were always polished to a point you could see your face in them were clues that no-one could miss.

License to Kiss

License to Kiss
A Story
By Maryanne Peters

Scene 1

It was not the first time that he had been in this position; nor was it something that happened with alarming regularity. It seemed to be a hazard of his profession: To recover consciousness and find himself a captive to a bitter enemy.

A Dish Best Served Cold - Chapter 2


Chapter Two – The Two Steves

Drag superstar Felicity Goodnite believes she has got away with murder but trans detective Penelope Bishop is on the case. Assisted by her partner Silvia Bickle they enlist two other detectives, one of whom stumbles on vital clues that might mean that Felicity is about to get caught.

D&D: Portal Problems chapter 1

Dungeons and Dragons: Portal Problems: Chapter 1

Although my pathfinder adventures are on pause, I’ve joined a group of 5th edition D&D players, which led me to buy the books, create some characters, and finally make an adventure of my own. We’ll just have to see how it goes ...

On the Cut - Part 10

[on board Roxy]

“Can I get you something to drink?” I said as showed Ms Kulinski into my home.
"I was going to have some tea so it won’t be any trouble to make you some.”

“Tea, please. No sugar and just a dash of milk,” she replied as she sat down and started to extract some papers from her briefcase.

Stamp of Approval Part 5 of 5

Stamp Part 5

The cooks and I had made a buffet which turned the afternoon tea into a stand around and chat session and a lot of various alcoholic drinks made the ladies very cheerful by the time they left. There was enough left over for the household to have a good meal which took the load off the kitchen.

Stamp of Approval Part 4 of 5

Stamp Part 4

I gave them their drinks and then went back to the kitchen to make sure everything was all right. Laurel came in and sat at the kitchen table and chatted. She wanted to know when I was leaving and she was happy when I told her that his parents had organised a car for me on Thursday afternoon, just after lunch.

A Bikini Beach Late Summer 03

A Bikini Beach Late Summer
By Daphne Xu
Part 03 -- Return to Bikini Beach

Lucy returns to Bikini Beach with her friends. Glenn Matsumoto's work leads him to an unwanted visit to Bikini Beach as well. The final four-sevenths was previously published as "Bikini Beach: Glenn Matsumoto Visits".


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