The Heaviness Of The Badge Chp. 19

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“Boss, we have a problem.” Liam looks at the rearview monitor as a black military hummer came towards them.

He just noticed it a few miles back, when they left the safe house his boss had spent the night at. He hadn’t spotted it until they were heading towards the private airfield where a plane was waiting for them. His boss had gotten word that Mr. Bounty was back from wherever he had been and was looking for the people responsible for trying to kill his daughter.

Pierre Soghanalian looks upfront towards the monitor mounted in the dash and saw a black military hummer coming towards them. It was approaching fast, and they were still a good distance out from the plane waiting for them.

“Get rid of them, Liam.” Soghanalian had a bad feeling about who was in that hummer.

“You got it, boss.” Liam touches a button on the dash.

Several hidden panels open, displaying several switches. He flicks one as oil starts spraying from underneath the trunk. The town car Liam was driving was equipped with several hidden gadgets.

Tizzy and Charlotte had learned the location where Pierre Soghanalian had been hiding out. Mouse had used the satellites in orbit and hacked all the traffic cameras Montana had. She also used her uncle’s communication satellites to search for Pierre Soghanalian's cellphone. She spent the early morning setting up a program she uses for MI 6 to track down criminals and government leaders.

Once Mouse got the location, she gave it to her mother and Tizzy. She was monitoring her mom and Tizzy as they went after Pierre Soghanalian. Her uncle Jack’s hummer was equipped with a GPS tracker and hidden cameras.

Tizzy spotted the town car they were chasing start spraying something from underneath it. She braces herself as she feels the tires of the hummer hit the slick surface.

“Oh, he wants to play dirty.” Tizzy keeps the hummer from spinning out of control.

Tizzy presses a button on the dash of the hummer and tiny spikes pop out of the tire. She couldn’t believe how well equipped her uncle’s hummer was.

“Is uncle Jack always this prepared?” Tizzy continues after Mr. Soghanalian.

“Yes, he is.” Charlotte knew her brother was always prepared. Most of it was from his SRS training and when he used to work for MI6.

Liam saw that the oil slick didn’t do anything to slow his pursuers down. He flicks another switch, and the trunk lid opens. A swarm of small drones exists from the trunk and head towards the hummer. Once they surround the hummer, they start exploding.

Tizzy and Charlotte feel the hummer rock as explosions go off around them. Charlotte couldn’t believe this person was doing everything they could to stop them.

“Does this hummer have any onboard weapons?” Charlotte wonders if her brother had anything helpful built into this hummer.

“Yeah, it does.” Tizzy switches on the HUDs display.

Charlotte spots that right under the hummer were some missiles and grappling line. She arms the mini-missiles and targets the back of the town car with them.

“Fire in the hole.” Charlotte presses the blinking red button.

Both women watch as four mini-missiles launch from the side of, the hummer and strike the back of the town car. It sends the town car spinning out of control and causes it to come to a complete stop.

Tizzy stops near the damaged town car and exits the hummer. Charlotte exists from the passenger side. Both women were wearing full body armor as they approach the damaged town car. Tizzy spots the driver's unconscious form slump against the steering wheel. Charlotte spots Pierre Soghanalian lying unconscious in the back seat of the town car.

Tizzy tries the doors, but they were locked. She looks towards Charlotte “we're going to need to cut them out of the car.”

Charlotte pulls her cellphone out and dials Jack's number.

Montana Police Headquarters:
Jack, Cheshire, and Gina were heading towards Police Headquarters when Jack’s cellphone starts ringing. He pulls it out and notices it was his sister. He presses accept “what can I do for you, sis?”

“We need a tow truck and a way to get into an armored car.” Charlotte watches as Tizzy tries several different ways to break into the town car.

“I’ll send Thomas from Lazy Dog Towing. He’ll be able to tow the vehicle and break into it.” Jack knew it took specialized equipment to break into an armored vehicle.

“Thanks, big brother.”

“You’re welcome. Tell Thomas he can have the car and whatever is in it.”

“Will do.” Charlotte ends the phone call.

Charlotte looks over towards Tizzy “Jack is sending a person he trusts to break into the car and tow it away.”

“Cool!” Tizzy noticed the driveshaft and rear axle were damaged and weren’t going anywhere.

Charlotte looks through the spider-webbed glass at Pierre Soghanalian's unconscious form. She couldn’t believe this man was the reason her niece was in critical condition. She wants this man to receive the punishment he deserved for hurting his niece.

Thirty minutes go by as Charlotte and Tizzy wait for the tow truck to show up. Tizzy wonders if this guy was ever going to show up. She looks at charlotte “are you sure Uncle Jack said he would send the guy?”

“I’m sure because here he comes.” Charlotte spots a vehicle coming towards them.

Thomas covers up a yawn as he approaches the location Mr. Bounty gave him. He spots a black military hummer and two figures wearing full body armor. They were standing near a damaged town car that Mr. Bounty told him about.

He turns the flatbed truck around, so he can pull the town car onto the back of the truck. He gets out and walks over to the two figures.

“Which one of you is Charlotte Basset?” Thomas looks at the two women.

“I am. Let me guess, my brother sent you.” Charlotte looks at Thomas.

He had a rough rugged look about him. He had a nice muscular body from what she could see. He had short black hair and a strong jaw. The uniform he was wearing didn’t do him justice. She could see him wearing a good tailor suit. Hell, he would make a nice person to recruit.

“Yeah, it's hard to believe Mr. Bounty is your brother.” Thomas couldn’t believe this British woman standing in front of him was related to Jack.

“Well, he is. Do you think you can get the occupants out of this car?” Charlotte taps the town car.

Thomas could tell that the woman he was talking to, was admiring him. A smile appears on his face. He had to admit that she wasn’t bad-looking. She looked to maybe be in her early fifties and spoke with a British accent.

“I have the perfect tool for it.” Thomas turns and walks back to his truck.

He grabs the plasma cutter, gas tank, welding mask, and a pair of heavy-duty gloves. He walks over to the armored car and starts setting everything up. He plugs into an outlet on his truck and starts cutting.

Tizzy and Charlotte stand nearby and watches as Thomas cuts the doors off the town car. Tizzy leans next to Charlotte “you know, he doesn’t look half bad.”

Charlotte just gives Tizzy the look she gives her daughter when she does something bad. She does wonder how old Thomas was. She continues to watch as Thomas works.

“Alright ladies, they are all yours.” Thomas cuts the plasma cutter off.

“Thanks, Thomas.” Tizzy pulls out her quick cuffs and cuff both men’s hands behind their backs.

Tizzy hands the driver to Charlotte first. After Charlotte removes the driver from the town car. She goes to remove Pierre Soghanalian from the car. She makes sure to remove any weapons he had concealed on him. She wasn’t going to let this bastard break free from them.

“Let’s take him back to the ranch.” Tizzy secured both men in the back of the hummer.

Charlotte looks at Thomas “it’s been nice meeting you, sir.”

“And you ma’am.” He pulls a business card out of his pocket and hands it to Charlotte.

Charlotte accepts it “thanks.”

A smile appears on his face “if you ever need my services or just want to talk.”

“I’ll do that.” Charlotte gets into the hummer.

A smirk appears on Tizzy’s face as she gets into the hummer as well.

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British Accent Beautiful Woman

BarbieLee's picture

What male with an ounce of testosterone could resist? It's a double gotchu. She is also wearing body armor. Who needs a slinky dress when she has all that going for her? Thomas was lost as soon as Jack asked him to pick up a vehicle. A man's shields against a woman's spells is only so strong as many a male has realized down through the ages.
Hugs LadyDragon interesting chapter. Was the femme fatale tossed in purposely or did that just slide in there on it's own?
Life is a gift, don't waste it.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl


It sort of just slide into on its own. Jack's sister has been single for a while now.

If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.”
― Toni Morrison

On the next exciting episode

Samantha Heart's picture

Jack & Cheshire get their hands on the bad guys. What fun lies in store for the leader? What fun awaits the rest of the gang that pulled the trigger? We will have to wait & see. This should be good! Lol. Will the countess leave MI6 for this American or will he move to England & become an agent for MI5/6 & the countess boy friend & maybe mate? Time will tell.

Love Samantha Renée Heart.

Bad guys zero, good guys aren't finished yet

Jamie Lee's picture

So far the targets have either died or been captured. They are striking out big time.

Wonder how the police clean out is coming?

Others have feelings too.