The Heaviness Of The Badge Chp. 5

Debbie walks out of the doctor's office with the twins. She was driving Jack’s Hummer while he was away. It wasn’t her type of car, but it was well armored and had several of Jack’s hidden weapons. It also had the second set of child safety seats in it as well.

She looks at the twins “well kids, you are in good health and have gotten all your shots now.”

Debbie was glad the twins were in good health and they have their shots. She makes sure their shot records are in her purse as she climbs into the driver's seat. She fastens the seatbelt and pulls out of the doctor’s parking lot. A playful smile appears on her face, as she changes her husband’s radio station. She loved country music and Jack likes listening to Irish music or British band music.

As she is driving down the state route that intersects with the highway that ran in front of their property. She spots a set of police lights flashing in her rearview mirror. She pulls over onto the shoulder and wonders why she was being pulled over. She was only going five miles over the speed limit.

She waits until the police officer walks up to the Hummer. She lowers her window down and looks at the middle age officer. She makes sure to memorize his badge number and name.

“What can I do for you, officer?”

“Do you know how fast you were going, ma’am?” Officer Butler looks at the middle-aged woman sitting in a military-style hummer.

He knew right away who the hummer belonged to because he ran the plates while he was behind it. He was expecting Mr. Bounty, but when he approached the driver's side. He saw a dark hair woman driving the big hummer.

“I believe I was going only five miles over, officer.” Debbie glances at the dash and it was showing five miles over the speed limit.

“Actually ma’am, you were going fifteen miles over the speed limit.” Officer Butler figures he could pull the wool over the driver.

“I think you need to have your equipment checked officer. Because I know for a fact, I was going five miles over.” Debbie was looking at the speed recorded on the dash.

“My equipment is working correctly, ma’am.”

Debbie looks at Officer Butler like she does her children “really? So, you don’t mind if I take a picture of your radar gun reading?”

“I’m sorry ma’am, but you can’t.” A smile appears on Officer Butler’s face.

“Fine, Officer Butler. However, I will be requesting a calibration of your equipment when this goes to court.” Debbie reaches over to the passenger seat and grabs her driver's license.

She opens the center console where she knows Jack keeps the registration of the Hummer. She moves his spare gun out of the way.

“Ma’am, I’ll need for you to put your hands on the steering wheel.” He had his gun pulled and pointed at Debbie.

“Put your gun away, officer. I have a concealed and carry permit for the gun.” Debbie pulls her permit out of her purse.

She looks at Officer Butler, but he hasn’t put his gun away. She gives him the same look she gives all her children. “I said put your weapon away.”

Officer Butler just watches the woman. He slowly puts his gun away, as he reaches for her driver's license and permits. Once he has them in his hand, he walks back to his cruiser.

He checks the permit first and finds out it is current. He also finds out that she is licensed to carry all sorts of firearms. He runs her driver's license and finds out it is current. He writes the ticket up and gets out of his cruiser. He walks back up to Mrs. Bounty to have her sign the ticket.

Debbie was glad that Jack had hidden cameras on the Hummer. She was recording the stop and she didn’t have to inform the officer that he was being recorded either. She watches in her mirror as he comes walking back up to her.

“Here you go, Mrs. Bounty.” He hands the driver's license and carry permit back to her.

“Thank you, officer.” Debbie accepts her license and permit back.

“I’ll need you to sign this. By signing, you’re not admitting guilt.” He holds the clipboard out to Debbie.

She signs the traffic ticket and looks at Officer Butler “I expect that you’ll have the certification of your radar unit with you.”

Debbie accepts the ticket and waits until the police officer gets back to his cruiser. She waits for an opening in traffic, before pulling into traffic. She keeps an eye out as she heads home. As she turns onto the highway that runs in front of the ranch. Another police car pulls behind her with its lights flashing.

“So, you want to play that game.” Debbie has experienced this before when she was in the rodeo.

She ignores the police officer and continues driving. She hears the officer beep his siren. She exists off the highway and onto the road that leads to the ranch driveway. Once she pulls into the driveway, she stops a little down the driveway.

Officer Farber couldn’t believe the person in the Hummer not stopping. He follows the Hummer from the highway onto the road that ran next to the highway. He beeps his siren to let the driver know he wants them to stop. He continues to follow the driver onto a private driveway that had three mailboxes at the entrance. He spots the driver stopping once they get past the mailboxes.

He gets out of his cruiser and walks up to the hummer. When he approaches the hummer, he notices the driver's window already down.

“You mind telling me why you’re pulling me over, officer?” Debbie wasn’t in a good mood.

“I got word that a vehicle matching the description of this hummer was transporting drugs and weapons.” Officer Farber looks at the woman sitting behind the steering wheel.

A smirk appears on Debbie’s face “Officer Farber, do you know who I am and who this hummer is registered to?”

“No ma’am.” Officer Farber wonders who this woman is.

“Well, since you have no idea who I am. Let me tell you.” Debbie was about to say something when she hears more sirens coming towards her property.

Officer Farber turns around and saw three more police cars pulling in behind his car. One of the cars was a K9 unit.

“Ma’am, I’m going to have to ask you to exit your vehicle.”

Debbie gets out of the hummer “I would advise you and your fellow officers not to pull your guns or bring your drug dog out of the SUV.”

“And why is that?” Officer Farber looks at the woman.

“Because you’re on my property and you’re surrounded by twelve wolves.” Debbie spotted several of Jack’s wolves coming out of the woods near the driveway.

Officer Farber goes to pull his weapon.

“I wouldn’t pull your weapon, officers. These wolves are trained to protect me and this property.”

“Call them off.” All the officers that arrived were nervous.

“I will, once you explain why I’m being harass.” Debbie looks at all the cops present.

“I have no idea about what you are talking about, ma’am.” Officer Farber looks at the woman.

“You don’t know that you’re on the Bounty ranch and you’re talking to Julia’s Bounty’s mother?” Debbie couldn’t believe this officer didn’t know who she was or where he was.

“No ma’am.” Officer Farber had no idea who Julia Bounty was or the fact he and the other officers were on the Bounty Ranch.

He spots several wolves walking towards the woman. One of them was really huge. Next to him were two more wolves that were almost as big as he was. He watches as they walk up to the woman. One sits down next to the woman, while the other two took up a protective stance near her.

The other wolves that had come out of the woods were keeping their distance but were ready to attack.

“Those are some huge wolves. Where did you get them?” Officer Farber was keeping his eyes on the three near the woman.

Debbie reaches down and stretches Chaos between his ears. She knew it was his favorite spot, along with Dallas and Miscreant.

“They were bred by my husband and trained by him and my oldest daughter.” Debbie knew Julia has been helping her father train the new wolves.

“Excuse me for a second, please.” Officer Farber noticed that the K9 officer that was there, was motioning to him.

Debbie watches as Officer Farber walks over towards the K9 officer SUV. There seemed to be a discussion going on between the two officers. She spots the K9 officer point towards the direction of Sphinx and Cadmus. If you didn’t know what Sphinx looked like, you could mistake Cadmus for him. The two of them shared the same fur coloration and pattern.

“I think they are having an argument, boy.” Debbie knew Chaos wouldn’t allow anyone to hurt her or the twins. If Dallas and Miscreant did kill
them first, Chaos would.

After a few minutes, Officer Farber walks back to the woman. He was informed by the K9 officer that Julia Bounty was a K9 officer and the wolf she normally uses was watching them. He had pointed at two wolves that looked the same. He was also informed that the older woman he was talking to is Debbie Bounty and that her husband was a lethal assassin, and they were on his land.

“I’m sorry for any inconvenience I have caused you, ma’am.”

“I won’t hold it against you, Officer Farber, but I do want to know who told you I was transporting drugs and weapons?” Debbie Wanted to know the person’s name.

“I’m sorry ma’am, but I can’t give you that information.”

“You would be better off giving me the information, than my husband coming after you to get it.” Debbie knew what Jack would do.

“Are you threatening me, ma’am?” Officer Farber didn’t like being threatening.

“No, I’m just telling you the truth.” Debbie knew what Jack would do.

“I’m sorry ma’am, but I can’t tell you that information.”

“Fine! Since you can’t tell me anything, I suggest you leave, before the wolves get hungry.” An evil smile appears on Debbie’s face. She’ll ask Julia to find out.

Officer Farber heads back to his patrol car and backs out of the driveway. He couldn’t turn around or go forward either. He still couldn’t believe
that someone had sent them after Julia Bounty’s mother.

Debbie watches as the patrol car backs up and leaves the property. She looks at the wolves and snaps her fingers twice. Dallas and Miscreant jump into the back of the hummer, as Chaos runs off with the others.

Debbie wants to know who was playing these games and why? She doesn’t bother to put her seat belt on, as she heads towards the house.
She spots Selina standing out on the front porch with her hunting rifle. She could have picked off any of the police officers from where she was standing.

“What was that all about?” Selina looks at Debbie.

“They thought I was transporting drugs and weapons. On top of that, I got pulled over for speeding and I was only going five over the posted speed limit.” Debbie was starting to get upset.

“You got pulled over for five miles over the speed limit? That doesn’t make any sense.” Selina looked confused.

“I know, but here’s the thing. I asked the police officer how fast he was clocking me and he said I was going fifteen miles over the speed limit.” Debbie unfastens the straps holding the twins in.

“What? What did the dash show?” Selina knew Jack’s hummer records all the speeds.

“The dash showed I was only five miles over. I’m going to call Robert and have him request a certification of the radar gun used on me.” Debbie takes the twins up the steps and into the house.

Selina follows behind her. She closes the front door and puts her rifle in the weapon cabinet in the den.

“You said the cops at the entrance were told you were transporting drugs and weapons?” Selina couldn’t believe that.

“Yeah, someone called and told them that I was transporting drugs and weapons. They said that Jack’s hummer matched what they were given.”

“They were lucky it was you and not Jack.” Selina knew what Jack would have done.

“I know. I asked the officer who called them, but he wouldn’t tell me. I’ll get Julia to check it out.” Debbie wanted answers.

Debbie checks the twins to see if they need to be changed. She wants to know who was playing games with them.

“Hopefully, she can find out. I was about to fix some tea. Would you like some?” Selina knew Debbie liked fresh-brewed tea.

“Yes, please.” Debbie puts the twins in their playpen.

Selina heads towards the kitchen to start the water. She was just as curious about these matters as well.

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