The Heaviness Of The Badge Chp. 16

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Earlier in the morning before Cheshire’s Arrival:
Sophia looks at the clothes her wife laid out on the bed. She notices that Naeun didn’t lay out any panties for her to wear. She goes over to the dresser drawer in the bedroom they were sleeping in at her uncle’s place to get some. When she opens the dresser drawer they should be in, she notices all her panties were missing.

She wonders what Naeun had done with her panties. She knows she packed them. She hears the door to their bedroom open as her wife comes walking in.

“Sweetie, what did you do with the panties I packed?” Sophia looks at her wife for an answer.

“I burned them. You aren’t allowed to wear any more panties or pants until I give you the okay.” Naeun walks over to Sophia and kisses her.

“You do know, it’s hard to move around and fight in a dress or skirt.” Sophia looks into Naeun’s eyes when she says that.

“You’re not going to be doing any fighting while in your condition. You are only halfway through the first month of your pregnancy. Plus, you’re still adjusting to your new form. Once you have adjusted to your new body, I’ll consider letting you go out into the field.”

“You do know I’m a grown woman, don’t you?” Sophia knew she still needed to train in her new form.

“Yes, but I’m not going to risk my mate’s life or our unborn kids yet.”

“Kids?” That comment caught Sophia off guard.

“Yes, kids.” A smile appears on Naeun’s elven face.

She drops her towel and walks over to the bed, where she laid out her clothes, before her shower. She glances over her shoulder towards her wife Sophia. She noticed Sophia had a stunning look on her face.

“Your Uncle Jack didn’t seem startled when we revealed what we were to him.” Naeun had been surprised by Jack’s reaction.
Sophia shakes her head to clear it “you did notice that he has been changed, didn’t you?”

“Yes, I noticed, and I also noticed he has been touched by Death as well. It’s rare for someone to meet Death himself and still be alive.” Naeun removes her towel and starts getting dressed.

“I still have a lot to learn.” Sophia starts getting dressed in the clothes her wife laid out for her.

“Your uncle did say, we could go around in our natural forms.” Naeun walks over and helps tighten the laces on Sophia’s corset. The corset helps support Sophia’s big breasts.

After the two of them are dressed. They go downstairs to join everyone for breakfast. They couldn’t believe how many children there were in the house.

Naeun leans close to Sophia “this is how many children Sunny, and I are hoping you and Becky will give us.”

“When will you be able to have children?” Sophia looks at her wife.

“Not for another twenty years.” Naeun knew her heat cycle came around every twenty years.

They join everyone at the dining room table for breakfast. After breakfast, they help clean up and take a tour of the property, with Haylee and her pets being their guide.

After Cheshire’s family Arrival:
Jack looks at all the grown-ups gathered in the living room. The kids were with Sophia, Alyona, and Silvia in the den watching movies. Jack looks at his children, nieces, and family members.

“As most of you might have noticed, Cheshire and I have undergone some changes. To give you the short version of the changes done to me.
I died from a lethal wound given to me after all of you left Sanctuary Ranch. A four-man hit team had been sent to kill me. I managed to kill all four people, but one of them managed to deliver a lethal blow to me.”

“Okay, so you died. How did that change you?” Gina wanted to know what happened to her father.

“I met death, sweetheart and he gave me two choices. The first choice was I could continue to finally rest or come back and continue doing what I have been doing for years.”

“And you decided to come back to us.” Alyona had come into the living room to hear what her father was going to say.

Jack looks at Alyona “yes, I couldn’t leave any of you. Also, there is still too much work for me to do. So, I was sent back in better shape than I
have ever been. I also was given a gift as well.”

“What’s that gift, Uncle Jack?” Aylin was curious.

“I can summon and control wolves, Aylin.” Jack looks at his niece.

“So, something boring.” Aylin was hoping it was something amazing.

Mark looks at Aylin with a disappointed and surprised look on his face. He couldn’t believe his girlfriend would say that to her uncle.
Aylin noticed the look on Mark’s face “what? Uncle Jack can already control wolves.”

Mark just shakes his head at her comment. He needs to talk with her later.

“So, Death himself sent you back, like you are now, big brother?” Charlotte looks at Jack and couldn’t believe how young and strong he looked now.

“Yes.” Jack looks at his younger sister.

“Next time you meet with him. Can you ask him to make me young again as well?” Charlotte was jealous that her brother got a second chance.

“Mom!” Mouse looks at her mother with a surprised look on her face.


“Mrs. Basset, Death is not someone you want to be indebted to.” Naeun had stayed to hear what Sophia’s uncle had to say.

Charlotte looks at Naeun and wonders who she was and what she meant. She had been surprised when Sophia told her, that Naeun was her wife.”

“I guess it's my turn to explain myself.” Cheshire stands up and puts Lin onto Tizzy’s lap.

Lin didn’t want to leave her grandmother, so she was allowed to stay. She watches her grandmother as she stood next to her Uncle Jack.

“For those of you that were at the ranch when I was stabbed, protecting Jack. You remember that me, Tizzy, and those two ladies that were
there took me back to their place to heal me. Well, while I was being healed. I died and was drifting up to heaven when I was stopped by a cat-headed Egyptian goddess. I can’t remember her name right now, but she said it wasn’t my time yet and sent me back to my body.”

“So, let me get this straight.” Gina stands up and walks over to her father and Cheshire. She could tell that Cheshire’s eyes were cat-like and so were her movements as well.

Jack looks at Gina as she examines him and Cheshire. He could tell she was being inquisitive about the two of them.

“Why would Death and an ancient cat goddess be interested in you two?” Gina was puzzled.

“Who knows, sweetie. All Death said is that my work here isn’t done yet. I could have passed on, but I could leave the family or your mother
yet.” Jack loved his family a lot.

“As for me, I was told the same thing, Gina. The Cat goddess said it wasn’t my time yet. So, whatever she has planned for me, I don’t know yet.” Cheshire was puzzled as well, but she didn’t want to leave her family either.

“So, you guys were giving a second chance on life?” Gina looks at her aunt and father.

“Yes.” Jack and Cheshire answer at the same time.

“That’s just creepy.” Jester shivers from that statement.

“Your niece and your cousin, Mrs. Bounty was given a second chance as well.” Naeun looks at Gina.

“What do you mean?” Then it dawns on Gina what Naeun meant.

Naeun concentrates on Sophia to communicate telepathy to Sophia. She feels Sophia answer her as she starts walking towards the living room.

“You wanted me, sweetie?” Sophia walks over to her wife.

“Yes, I think it's time we reveal ourselves to the rest of your family.” Naeun had stood up next to Sophia.

“Are you sure?” Sophia looks into her wife’s eyes.

“Yes.” Naeun drops the glimmer hiding Sophia and herself.

Sophia and Naeun look identical, except Sophia was wearing a gaze dress and corset that supported her torpedo-shaped breasts. She also had geometric silver tattoos that covered some of her body. Her skin was a dark blue color with long platinum white hair. Both women have lavender eye color as well.

Naeun was dressed in buckskin pants, white blouse and had several earrings in her elf-shaped ears. Naeun looks at all the stun looks on everyone’s faces.

“I’m I seeing things or are there two Dark Elves standing in the living room?” Shade couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He knew people in New York that would pay plastic surgeons to make them over like the two women standing in front of him.

“You have now entered the Twilight Zone!” Jester couldn’t resist as she starts humming the theme song to the Twilight zone.

“Okay, that explains a few things.” Charlotte looks at Sophia.

“Sorry, auntie. Naeun and I are mates. She saved my life but to do it. She had to perform a spell and share her blood with me. That’s why I look identical to my wife.” Sophia was looking directly at her aunt.

“Wow!” Mouse was surprised.

“Okay, does anyone else have any surprises that they need to share?” Tizzy looks at everyone when she asks that question.

“I think I’ll go back and check on the kids.” Sophia lets the glimmer she used before mask her again.

“I want to learn how to do that.” Hatter could think of a few useful ways to use that ability.

Jester looks at Aylin and could see she was getting some wicked ideas. She knew when Hatter did that, something bad was going to happen.

“It takes training, Aylin.” Naeun could feel that Aylin was a dangerous person.

“Can we get back on subject here?” Gina looks at everyone.

She turns towards her dad and aunt “how are we going to help Julia, dad?”

Jack looks at his daughter “Bella, Hatter, Jester, and Shade. I want you four to go after the gang that took the contract to kill Julia. Bella, you know where they live and are hiding. That’s why I want you to work with Hatter and her group. Also, I want you to leave a loud clear message on what happens when you attack this family. Tizzy, I want you to work with the Countess to apprehend Pierre Soghanalian. I want him brought in alive at all cost.”

“No offense Countess, but wouldn’t mom be a better choice to go after him?” Tizzy was curious why her uncle wouldn’t send her mom.

A smile appears on Cheshire’s face “sweetie if I go. I’ll end up hurting him so badly. That he might not make it back here for interrogation.” The last words from Cheshire’s mouth dripped with venom.

“Oh!” Tizzy knew what her mother was capable of.

“How about me and Mouse, daddy?” Gina looks at her father.

“You are coming with me and Cheshire down to Police Headquarters and were going to clean house. I already know a few people who are behind the harassment of our family. As for Mouse, she is going to coordinate everything from your house, Gina, since Arabella has a top-notch computer system.” Jack was going to use his authority to clean house.

“How about us, Jack?” Alex looks towards his brother-in-law for an answer.

Alex and Robert had come to the ranch at Jack’s request with their daughter. Arnold and Tizzy’s husband Ikaika were all sitting near each other.

“You four and Naeun will protect the house with the wolves. Naeun, I can assume you know how to fight and use offense magic?” He looks at Sophia’s wife.

An evil grin appears on her face “Oh, I have been known to be a vicious person in combat.”

“Well, I better make room in my Jeep for the three of you.” Bella was about to stand up.

“Here’s the keys to my Hummer. Take it instead.” Gina tosses her car keys to Bella.

“But I wanted to drive the hummer.” Hatter pouts as she watches as Bella catches the car keys.

“You can take my hummer, sis.” Jack hands the keys to his hummer to his sister.

“What are you going to drive?” Charlotte looks at her brother.

“Julia’s patrol car. It belongs to me anyway.” Jack had the spare keys to Julia’s SUV.

“Is there anything off-limits to us, Mr. Bounty?” Jester looks towards Jack.

“No! Use your imagination on leaving the message.”

“Oh, goodie! I get to roast some nuts!” A smile appears on Hatter’s face.

Shade just shakes his head at Hatter’s comment.

“It’s not Christmas time yet.” Jester knew what Hatter was planning.

“I don’t care. I like roasted nuts over an opened flame.” A wicked smile appears on Hatter’s face.

“You two are going to put me in the grave early.” Shade looks at Jester and Hatter when he says that.

“How are you two, related?” Bella looks at Hatter and Jester.

“She’s my blood sister.” Hatter points towards Jester.

“They both are crazy.” Shade loved both of them and care for Jester like a sister.

“Bella, does Lobo have any body armor?” Jack looks at the German Shepard mix.

“Yes sir. I have a military-grade body armor for him.” Bella picked it up at an Army surplus store.

Tizzy noticed Lin was sound asleep on her lap. She knew it was unusual for her to be napping.

Naeun saw the puzzled look on Tizzy’s face “I put her to sleep. No child should have to hear what we are about to do.”

“I don’t know if I should thank you or kick your ass for using a spell on my daughter.” Tizzy was as protected of Lin as Julia was of her children.

“I’m sorry I upset you, but what we were talking about is not for children’s ears.” Naeun knew that was why the other children were in the den.

“She’s right, Tizzy.” Alyona walks over to Tizzy and picks Lin up from her.

“I know, it’s we have experienced someone doing the same thing to us in Florida.” Tizzy releases Lin. She knew she could trust Alyona.

“She’ll be safe here with me and Uncle Robert and everyone else.”

Alyona carries Lin upstairs to her bedroom and lays her down on her bed. Sphinx had followed the two of them.

“Sphinx, protect Lin.”

Sphinx jumps up on the bed and lay down near Lin.

“Good boy!” Alyona scratches between his ears before she leaves.

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Good job!

Patrick Malloy's picture

Things are going to get interesting!

Patrick Malloy


Samantha Heart's picture

I know what Hatter & Jester want to do, but Gena well kind of easy there too. She'll most likely take a page from her dads book and leave the head of the leader's head mounted on a pike in front of the gangs "house", after most or all the gang members are dead, id probably leave one orv2 alive to tell the tale,, but PERMINTLY INJURED like a permanent limp. Now Jack & Cheshire cleaning house at the state Police princint & above.... well now THATS what I'm wondering what THEY will do.... I know Cheshire knows ways so does Jack.... so I am looking foward what the big bad wolf & the bad ol puddy tat have planed...

Love Samantha Renée Heart.

Side note

What's the deal with the panties?

Damaged people are dangerous
They know they can survive

Side Note

It's just Naeun being a little controlling of Sophia. The same thing with Sunny and Becky.

If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.”
― Toni Morrison

things are

Wendy Jean's picture

about to get very bloody indeed.

It's sure gonna get messy

Jamie Lee's picture

That gang is going to regret taking the contract on Julia, after Hatter and the others deliver their message.

The dirty cops will be surprised when Jack and the others arrive and begin to apply some Mr. Clean. But dirt is dirt, and it needs removed all the way down to the cracks.

And the son the others are going after may experience a rough ride once they find him and bring him back. But because of Julie's injury, no one will care how rough a ride he has.

Perish the thought anyone will be stupid enough to attack the ranch while Jack is gone on his business trip. But those people have demonstrated a level of stupidity that cost many their lives. And will again if they try attacking the ranch. Let's hope they try, the wolves need some fresh meat.

Others have feelings too.