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“Tarantin system outer boundary, High Priestess.” Charli reported.
“Deep Space Camo and go to full-.”
I never even got to finish my sentence before we went transdimensional!
“You in a hurry to get home, mom?” I asked my impatient pilot.
“Deep Space… Deep… Space… Camo… enabled… High Priestess.” Christina acknowledged. Her voice sounded sad and weak.
“X-O, you have the bridge. Lt. Everhardt. Please follow me?” I ordered.
Surprisingly, Christina did just that- ‘followed’ me – physically, as in walked with me- to the lounge.
“Now what’s wrong, Christina?” I inquired in annoyance as we stepped off the elevator. Aunt Cora immediately put down the book she was reading and stood- her face showing deep concern.
“It’s nothing, Chance… really…”
“What is the issue this time, Sugar Plum?” Aunt Cora asked cautiously.
“It’s never ‘nothing’, sweetie.” I stated softly.
Especially when Christina was involved, I thought to myself.
“Home.” She mumbled just above a whisper.
“You want us to change course and head for Antarra instead?” I asked, knowing that wasn’t what she meant.
Christina silently, slowly shook her head in the negative as a tear dribbled down her left cheek.
Aunt Cora and I exchanged knowing winces.
I concentrated on waking Nike within me. Once I felt her attention focus, we had ourselves a short, private, debate.
When I again set my attention back to my surroundings, my two Antarran sisters were staring at me.
“Well?” Aunt Cora prompted. “Is she going to help or should Christina try what we both assume she’s planning, solo?”
“Chance, Bridge. All stop. Secure all stations. Coven meeting immediately in the Lounge.” I ordered.
“Shit! I was afraid of this.” Aunt Cora cursed as she looked to the side.
Christina looked at me in worry.
“Are you sure, Chance? What if I…something goes terribly wrong?”
“Then we live with the result, Sweetie.” I replied calmly.
“What if that isn’t the ‘result’?” She proposed.
“We deal, Christina.” I smiled confidently.
Aunt Cora appraised me curiously.
Yeah, I didn’t believe me either.
“Don’t tell me we’re going to try it, Chance?” Lokust questioned as she, mom, and Charli exited the lift.
“Try…what?” Sinae asked as she and Tau popped in next to me. She quickly put together the puzzle. “No, seriously?”
Link and Simone popped in next. Link was super excited!
“See, sis? That’s how it’s done. You just need to be uber-focused and very specific as to the destination.” She instructed.
Simone looked like she was going to lose the contents of her stomach.
Lyra, Greer, and Aquia surprisingly, were the last to arrive.
“So… is this going to be a doomsday party or are we just going to puke ourselves silly?” Lyra deadpanned.
“What are you going on about, Lyra?” Aquia questioned obliviously.
Lyra nodded to Christina in answer.
“I think we’re about to visit ancient Terra. Am I in the same quadrant, High Priestess?” She grimaced.
“I can’t guarantee anything. Whoever feels this isn’t going to work is hereby authorized to head to their Brooms. We’ll see you when we get back. Safe trip back to Mare.” I said as I looked around to my sisters and Tau.
“This is strictly a voluntary mission.” I added with a nervous smile that, hopefully, Christina didn’t see.
“I’d love to see my sister’s home planet, Chance!” Link bubbled excitedly.
“I’m not gonna lie, Chance. I’d like to visit the old stomping grounds once more.” Mom said softly.
“Will I still be able to fly Surf’s Up?” Aquia wondered to herself. She shook her head to clear that greedy thought. “Um… Mom would be very interested in going back if just for the historical information she’d obtain. But since she’s not here… Sure, I’m in!”
“I could use some ‘new’ parts for that old heap I’m tryin’ to restore out behind the hangar, boss.” Kate logically justified her decision.
“I assume this is before first contact, Chance? The four of us are gonna need really good disguises.” Sinae theorized as Lyra, Greer, and Tau remained silent and motionless.
“Almost seven Terran years before first contact in fact, Kitty.” Charli confirmed. “I’m thinking that one Halloween spell you concocted right after returning from our second visit to FeLane, Hope?”
“It worked for Libra, so I don’t see why not, dear.” Mom answered, an evil smile flashed onto her face.
“So how are we going to do this?” Aunt Cora asked.
“Well it isn’t going to be one of those ‘click your heels together three times’ kind of things; I can tell you that!” I vamped nervously. Christina’s eyes grew bigger.
“Nike seems to think there will be pain involved.” I cautioned.
“Sure. And why not?” Kate griped. “It makes perfect sense in this crazy, mixed-up Corps!”
Concentrating, I handed control of my body to Nike. A blue light engulfed me and I noticed everyone’s eyes lock directly on me.
“Scion, if you would take my hand.” My voice offered and I felt my right hand extend.
“Scion?” Aunt Cora gasped!
“Why did you call me that?” A stunned Christina asked in terror- her eyes staring in awe of me, rather, Nike.
“It is unimportant at this time. Please, take my hand, Lady Christina. In order to call upon the powers of the Titans, we must join forces in order for control.”
“Now that doesn’t sound very ominous, does it?” Mom proclaimed nervously.
“Lady Nike? Shouldn’t we all join hands…?” Sinae started before my voice instantly interrupted.
“Under no circumstances shall any of you touch me or the Scion during this delicate insertion! To do so would cease your existence!” My voice commanded angrily.
My left hand quickly came up and rubbed the bridge of my nose.
“Forgive me, sisters. This is a very dangerous and extremely sensitive procedure. One I have only attempted once and with only a quark of success. I wish not to revisit the realm of shadow ever again.” Nike revealed with a shiver. “If you are ready, Scion?”
Christina slowly and nervously nodded once as she took my offered hand.
“To begin, you need to picture the exact time and location you wish to visit. Next, you will need to apply complete concentration to that detailed image. Next-.”
Suddenly, all around me, everything changed color! People, objects, even the ship herself changed! Overhead, a rainbow of colors streamed past at ultra high speed, making it almost impossible to delineate the individual colors or their borders.
The ‘linear’ streaming of colors began to waver and then spin as pain erupted in my head and traveled down to my abdomen. As unbearable as that was, the kaleidoscope of vibrant tints began to spiral uncontrollably until I was forced to close my eyes. Everything then went black!
“Nike! Nike, wake up!” A voice called to me. Lokust’s voice.
“Golly!” I groaned. Every nerve ending in me felt like it was still on fire!
“Nike? You alright?”
“I’m fine dea-.” I instantly felt the urge to vomit and found myself faced over a toilet bowl.
“Okay, maybe not so okay.” I moaned after regurgitating uncontrollably for a few minutes.
“That you, Chance?” Lokust asked from behind me.
“Either that or Mt Vesuvius, dear!” I snarked before dry heaving a few more times for good measure.
“So…why weren’t we affected like you? You seemed hit the worst. Christina didn’t even blink or flinch, or…anything.”
“Christina isn’t your normal, everyday Antarran, either.” I argued.
“Really, Chance? How do you define normal- especially around here?” She countered.
“She going to be okay, honey?” Mom’s voice asked in a very worried tone.
“She’s back to making jokes so I think she’ll live, mom.” Lokust answered.
“Need I say that Christina is beside herself with guilt?” Mom continued.
“Just as long as she isn’t going through this.” I said as my stomach took another tumble. At least I was able to quell it this time.
Cautiously, I took my time trying to stand and finally succeeded.
“God! You look like shit, Chance!”
“Thanks, mom; love you too!” I groaned as I turned and used the doorframe as a brace.
“Where and when are we?” I asked as we rejoined the rest of the Coven up in the lounge.
“Looks like Earth, Chance. When? I’m still comparing star charts to galactic drift.” Dad…Charli answered.
“North America looks to be in the right place anyway.” Mom glibbed nervously.
“We need to know when we are, ladies. Let’s get back to our stations.” I requested, still feeling not quite right physically.
Within a minute only Christina and I were left in the lounge.
“Chance… I’m very…very sorry! I didn’t know how or what would happen! I didn’t mean to hurt yo-.”
“Nike hinted that it would hurt, sweetie. I think you jumped the gun and truncated her procedure list. You caught us both by surprise.” I said as I absently rubbed my belly. “I didn’t have that much to eat at lunch anyway. The pretty colors were all very fascinating by the way.”
Christina looked confused. “What pretty colors, Chance?”
“Didn’t you see the wacked-out rainbow of colors overhead when you pulled the trigger?” I asked curiously.
“Um…no? We were there and then we were here, High Priestess. It seemed instantaneous to me.” She answered. “Are you sure I didn’t fry something in there?” She asked, motioning to my head, frightened.
“I just got really disoriented and blacked out, sweetie. Let’s… walk back to the bridge and see what our sisters found out?” I suggested.
“What’s the verdict?” I asked as we entered the bridge.
An athletic man of possibly six feet; black, bowl-cut, straight hair; pale green complexion; slightly pointed ears, and dark, upward turned eyebrows, turned around in the pilot’s chair. He was wearing black, wide-bottomed slacks with matching boots and a tight, medium blue, long-sleeved pullover shirt with gold trim around the neck and cuffs.
“It appears we have arrived near the end of the later, mid-digital era, Captain. Sensors indicate the atmospheric composition conforms to known contaminate levels synonymous with the late twenty-first century.”
He started laughing.
“I always wanted to do that!” He said raising just one eyebrow comically.
“Well done, Spock. But…Can I…have…my mother back… …now?” I said dramatically, even remembering to use the hand gestures.
Christina collapsed to the deck, she was laughing so hard!
“I take it that means something, boss?” Kate asked looking very bemused.
“TNG or TOS, Chance?” Sinae asked casually.
“The original series fourth movie.” I answered.
She nodded. “Ah…the classics.”
Mom was back to her real form and snorting in laughter! Christina was pounding the deck while laughing hysterically.
After several minutes mom and Christina settled down.
So…we’re in the right time?” I questioned. “Tell me we remained in Deep Space Camo when we jumped.”
“The only thing that seemed adversely affected by the jump was you, Chance. Our Camo field never glitched.” Simone reported.
I allowed myself to relax a little as I looked over to Christina.
“Any idea where Pegasus can land and not draw attention, sweetie? We’re in your neck of the woods now.”
“On the slim chance that her Camo field becomes compromised?” I added to quantify.
“There’s a small meadow just east of our house that would be perfect for her, Chance.” Christina said after thinking a bit.
“Would it be someplace that the search parties avoided when searching for your sister?” Charli asked.
“But that happened years ago, Charli.” She argued before pausing. “Didn’t it?” Christina seemed to suspect Dad was alluding to something she just found out.
“I’m just asking a question, Christina. You see… your parents’ case was never officially closed. Can you recall seeing anyone or anything strange in the days before or after their accident? Were there ever any um, conspiracy theorists, nosing around trying to prove that your sister might have been held captive by you or your parents… by ‘aliens’?”
“What are you implying, Charli?” Christina became angry and I noticed her voice had a slight echo.
“I’m just trying to cover all the bases, sweetie! I’m not throwing accusations out for the fun of it. I’m just trying to establish a relatively safe hiding spot for Pegasus. Please…think back to if you saw anything or anyone strange hanging around the property in that eight year span.”
Christina began to think about the question.
“I always liked going out to that meadow, Charli. There was just something…I don’t know, safe about the location? Maybe I knew then that it would be safe for us now? I don’t know.” Christina finally answered.
“Charli? Plot us a nice easy reentry course that will bring us in over the Everhardt Farm. Christina will point out her secure meadow when we get closer.” I ordered. Her observation was good enough for me.
“I’m on it, Chance.” Charli acknowledged as she entered our Nav Tube.
“Sending course to helm.” She said in the matter of a minute.
“Mom? Think you can bring us in and land without breaking any windows?” I giggled.
“Go stick it, High Priestess!”
I smiled as our orbit began to shift then decay.
“Major? We have two commercial aircraft on course to fly by at about four miles out on both our port and starboard.” Charli reported.
“Altitude?” Mom asked calmly.
“Thirty-two and thirty-four thousand.”
“We’ll be fine.”
“Well then you might want to pay closer attention to the corporate jet directly below us at fourteen thousand. Our Emitter wash might make their cockpit stink a little.”
“Who’s driving, Charli?” Mom demanded in annoyance.
“That’s why I’m calling the obstacles.” Charli’s voice laughed.
“There it is!” Christina shouted excitedly as she pointed to our large forward display.
“I’m picking up several moderate heat signatures in the immediate area- clustered seventy-point-six meters to the north, Chance.” Charli advised.
“It must be that herd of Whitetail dad was always talking about. Please don’t hurt them, Major?” Christina begged.
Mom turned around partially, looking very insulted, and glared at the tall Antarran for a second then turned back to her console.
“Gear extended. How’s the LZ now, Charli?” Mom asked. We were only about a hundred meters off the ground.
“Immediate LZ is clear, Major; your call, Chance.”
“Take us down, Mom.” I ordered. “Remember, the ground might be a little soft.”
“Noted. Deploying our sand shoes… Soft terrain modification deployed and locked.” Mom announced.
Seconds later Mom began her post-flight checklist.
“I want complete sensor scans of the area to make sure we weren’t spotted somehow.” I ordered as I completed my own checklist.
Christina looked like she was going to bounce off the walls, but we needed the results of our sensor scans before we could have a look around.
“Ambient external temperature: 1 degree ‘Cee’. Humidity: 95 percent. Ground Temperature: Zero ‘Cee’. As you can see, there has recently been a small precipitation event. Sensors show one Terran in a structure five hundred meters to our planetary west, Chance.”
“That’s mom!” Christina exclaimed, about to burst!
“And just how is she going to recognize you, sweetie?” I asked to calm her down. “You don’t exactly look like yourself.”
“The hair can be overlooked as a fad, but them boobs might ‘present’ a problem, kiddo.” Kate pointed out.
“Do we know the local time and date yet?” I asked.
“1534EST, January 10th, 2101.”
Christina quieted with a very serious expression as she thought on the date and time for a moment.
“Why is mom still home? She usually works til 5PM. I hope she’s not sick or anything!” She worried.
“Maybe she’s expecting us?” Kate joked.
“We shouldn’t rule anything out, ladies.” I said in all seriousness. “I’m sure Christina and I aren’t the only ones capable of jumping through time.”
“Savanna must do it too, Chance…since she went from eight to nineteen in a few days.” Lokust reminded, to Christina’s amazement.
“She never told me that!”
“Oracle don’t say a lot of things we think she should, Kiddo.” Kate snorted.
“So what are the fashions for this time of year on Planet Earth, mom?” I asked.
“You want the trending fashions or the practical fashion, honey?” She asked with a playful wink.
“I’ll just adapt what she’s wearing.” I glowered. Christina had already conjured her clothing into appropriate winter attire.
“Can I come too?” Link asked excitedly. “I’ve never seen this type of precipitation before. What’s it called?”
“You’ve never seen snow before, sis?” Christina was stunned.
“I was born on Eden 3.” Link explained.
At Christina’s apparent lack of comprehension, Charli provided the missing information.
“On Eden 3 the ambient temperature rarely varies more than ten degrees from thirty-two ‘Cee’, sweetie. They only know one type of precip- tropical rain showers.”
“Oh? Here, we’ve been known to receive over a meter of snow in one event during winter.” Christina said.
“How much snow is on the ground, Charli?” I asked in concern.
“Sensors read two-point-six centimeters.”
“Damn, we’re going to leave footprints!” Mom stated bluntly.
“High Priestess! We have movement. Mrs. Everhardt has left the dwelling and is slowly walking to the east in our direction!” Charli alerted.
“External: close range.” I ordered and we watched a woman clad in an old, washed-out blue woolen coat, blue knit cap and scarf, and tan work boots slowly, carefully, making her way through the barren deciduous trees that surrounded this meadow. She seemed to be carrying something loosely in her left hand.
“Why is she carrying that old broom?” Christina mumbled in confusion.
Sure enough, Mrs. Everhardt had a straw broom in her possession and once she exited the tree line dropped the bristled end to the snow covered ground and began to use it to create a snow-free line completely around the meadow!
“How does she even know we’re here?” Christina was stumped and completely baffled by her mother’s strange behavior and action. It took the woman almost twenty minutes to finish.
Once completed, we watched as Colleen Everhardt knelt down in the freezing precipitation and began motioning to the roughly drawn circle while saying something we couldn’t hear without the external audio being enabled.
“She’s chanting an incantation?” Charli and Mom said at the same time.
“My mother?” Christina gasped in disbelief. “Is a witch?”
“If I’m reading her lips right, she’s casting a concealment and protection spell, Christina. Of course, my Latin is a bit rusty, so she may just be ordering Neapolitan pizza instead.” Mom grinned.
I blinked on my Current sight just in time to see a familiar hemispherical shield go up around us.
“I’ll be frelled! She’s a witch!” Christina gasped as she apparently had her Current sight enabled also.
Christina was suddenly outside standing before her mother!
“Mom? How did you know we were here?” I asked. I was standing, bewildered, in front of her, suddenly.
And, it suddenly hit me that this might not have been the smartest thing to do, especially if mom was an experienced witch. I made a mental note to apologize to Chance for going against protocol and deserting my post and sisters.
“A mother can always feel her children, Christina. Wait…we?”
“But…the protective shield…?” I asked, still in shock motioning back to the invisible hemisphere now protecting Pegasus from curious parties and spy satellites.
“I never told you because I didn’t want to overly complicate your young life, pumpkin. Except for your fourteenth birthday, you hadn’t shown any talent, so I kept my secret from you.” She looked up and smiled for a second then her eyes quickly returned to the snow covered ground.
“I see that my genetics have asserted themselves with vengeance. It will be very hard to keep your father on topic when he returns home from work.”
I felt myself blush.
“Wow! It really is cold out here, sis!” Link’s voice startled me as she appeared behind me.
“Caroline! Christina, you found a way to return your sister! When did you develop into such a powerful mage? I sensed only your sister’s talent within you just three weeks ago. Now I have both of my talented girls back!” Mom burst into a bright smile.
“Mom? This is my Coven sister, Link Anderson. I know she looks exactly like Aunt Co…Queen Norge, but she only shares her genes. Link is only fifteen standard years of age.” I explained.
“Don’t worry, pumpkin,” Mom smiled up to Link, “I was an early bloomer too. Don’t feel embarrassed; be proud of our heritage.” Mom said as she continued to smile brightly while she appraised Link. “I like what you two have done with your hair- very chic.”
“Mrs. Everhardt.” Aunt Cora greeted as she and Simone suddenly appeared beside Link. “Caroline Norge, Queen of the Antarran Trade Federation. I congratulate you on your very skilled and morally balanced daughter, my lady. This is my niece, Simone Gutteson-Redman.”
Both Simone and Aunt Cora bowed politely.
“Antarran?” Mom asked suspiciously. “What part of the world would that be in, ma’am?”
“Antarra is on the opposite side of the Milky Way from here, Mrs. Everhardt.” Simone answered.
Although I could barely see it from this angle, mom’s mouth dropped open then closed quickly as she began to laugh.
I didn’t get it.
“I don’t get it, mom. Simone just told you Antarra is like five gazillion light years from here and you start laughing? Why?” I asked, stunned.
“I never thought I’d hear anyone speak the name of my home planet, let alone my own daughter, Christina! I am either hallucinating, or my magic has finally fully corrupted my mind.”
“Stand up, mom.” I requested, wanting to scan her for possible taint.
“I cannot.” Mom shook her head slowly a few times and without looking up. “Not in the presence of a reigning queen without her permission, pumpkin. It would be treasonous.”
“My lady, you above all the citizenry of Antarra deserve the right to stand before me as my equal since I have previously decried Lady Christina, one of my Ladies-in-Wait.”
Mom gasped. “My daughter? A princess of the realm? How can that be?”
“Um… Aunt Cora said so?” I answered, unable to come up with anything grander.
“Aunt… Cora?”
“Will you stand up already, Sugar Pie? It’s getting cold out here.” Aunt Cora commanded- annoyance tinging her voice. “Can we take this ‘meet and greet’ into your home or should we go back aboard Pegasus?”
“Is that what you call your inter-world portal? Strange.” Mom seemed confused.
“Pegasus is closer.” I said before we were just…there. We were now in the Observation lounge.
“Just once, Christina, could you please stop breaking protocol and use the door?” Chance requested as she appeared next to me scowling. Her face immediately brightened.
“Colleen Everhardt. Chance Summers, Captain of EFMC’s Pegasus. You have an amazing daughter.” Chance greeted and offered mom her hand.
After shaking her offered hand, mom began looking around. Her eyes locked on the rear of the lounge- above the transparent ceiling.
“What in the name of all is that?” She choked, pointing to the bow of one of our Brooms.
“That would be Hope and a Pair- my Broom, Mrs. Everhardt.” Chance answered.
“Your… Broom?” Mom looked at Chance curiously. “It looks like a very advanced fighter jet.”
“It is actually one of our specially designed Starfighters, but we like to call them our Brooms, ma’am.” Chance explained.
“Starfighter?” Mom gasped again, this time even louder. “Sooooo you-you didn’t open an inter-world portal between this world and home?” She asked in shock. “If that’s the case, then how long did it take you to get here from Antarra?”
“Actually, we’re not entirely sure how we got here, Mrs. Everhardt. Christina did most of the driving.” Hope Summers answered as she and Charli walked over to us from the elevator.
“You’re becoming an Astronaut instead of an Astrophysicist? I didn’t know CMU had that type of program. That’s wonderful, pumpkin!” Mom praised enthusiastically.
“It isn’t what you think, mom.” I began to explain, worried how she might take what I was going to say next. “I’m not an Astronaut…but I’m definitely a Current Mage, and… but… I’m- I’m something more than that… too.” I felt myself blushing profusely. “Something much…much more.”
“Current? Is that the new slang term for ‘essence’?” She asked.
“Got it in one, sister!” Hope pointed her finger like a pistol, and smiled.
“And you would be?” Mom asked as her eyes quickly narrowed.
“Major Hope Summers, ma’am. U.S. Marine Corps. Christina decided to join our ROTC chapter at school. As her superior, it is an honor to meet the mother of one of our finest, ma’am.”
“That’s complete horseshit, ‘Major Summers’!” Mom challenged. She instantly took a step away from me and turned to face Hope.
Both women were instantly pointing their wands toward each other.
From my viewpoint Hope was a bit faster.
“I thought as much! Shed your disguising vale, Morgana! I want to look into your real face before we tussle!”
That turned out to be the wrong move on my mother’s part as everyone in the lounge took up defensive posture! Everyone was also now in uniform. Me included.
“What absurdity is this? Why such comical and whore-ish costumes?” Mom demanded as her eyes quickly scanned the room.
This was going to spiral out of control quickly, I thought, as I instantly found myself sideways between Hope and my mother- a wand poking into each of my shoulders! There was also a white-ish glow from somewhere close by as both mom and Hope were illuminated by it.
Ah frack! It was me.
This wasn’t going to be easy to explain- though I had already mentioned that I was different now.
Mom suddenly looked horrified and her wand vanished. Hope though, didn’t stand down.
“How?” Mom choked, inhaling in surprise.
“I told you I’m something more than just a mage now, mom, and I’d refrain from threatening my Coven sisters, too. We’ve all had way more experience protecting ourselves than you could possibly imagine. As further warning, definitely don’t challenge the Lynxins, mother. You’ll never know what hit you!” I warned, hearing my voice echo throughout the large lounge.
Mom craned her neck and stared at me in something between terror and curiosity.
“What in Hades is a Lynxin?” She whispered.
“That would be us, Mrs. Everhardt.” Kitty answered as she, Tau, Greer, and Lyra exited the elevator with Katelyn and Aquia bringing up the rear.
There was a huge gasp for air from mom before she folded to the deck, unconscious!
“Was it something I said?” Kitty asked as she came over and knelt down to help.
“It must be your effervescent character and noble, outgoing personality, Queen Kitty.” Aunt Cora embellished rather thickly.
“Yeah, you can kiss my ass too, Cora!” Kitty responded unperturbedly.
“She’ll be okay, Christina; just fainted.” Hope comforted as she finished scanning mom.
“Who-who are you people?” Mom mumbled as she started to come around.
“We are a Spec-Ops unit that won’t be created for another twelve years, Mrs. Everhardt.” Hope answered honestly. “We are Witch Corps.”
“Huh? Won’t be created… What?”
“Well, mom…” I began to explain, “I kind of have this talent for time travel? I’m just learning about how to use it and well… Well, we just finished up a mission that reminded me of home. Chance said it would be okay for us to come back here…”
“Witch Corps? Special Ops? Come back here? Time travel? Pumpkin, what the hell are you on about?” Mom rapid-fired her questions.
“We were in the thirty-third century, mom.” I dropped the bombshell fast and hard. “Now we’re here in the twenty –second.”
“Thirty-third… What? How?”
“That’s not important right now, Mrs. Everhardt. What is important is that you understand that we are not here to hurt you or Mr. Everhardt. Christina just got a little homesick and I thought it would be a good teaching exercise.” Chance explained.
“But you don’t look a day over twenty.”
I felt myself blush.
“I’m actually one thousand, four hundred, aaaaaaand fifty-two, mom.” I said, cringing. This was the first time I’d actually admitted my real age out loud. It suddenly struck me that I was something different than I had been. Was I even still this woman’s daughter?
Mom’s body suddenly rippled and she instantly looked younger.
“Mom?” I gasped.
“You have no idea how good it feels to release that enchantment!” she smiled as she motioned for me to help her up. She curiously looked at Kitty as she stood up with us.
“So you are one of these so-called ‘Lynxins’?” She asked as Kitty towered above her 159cm frame.
“I am, ma’am. Kitty Sinae of FeLane.” Kitty answered with her trademark toothy grin.
“Madam Everhardt, may I formally introduce Her Royal Highness Queen Kitty Sinae of the FeLane Consortium.” Tau interrupted regally. “I am her highness’ Prime Minister, Wa’tua Su, but ‘Tau’ will do. To my immediate right, Princess Lyra Sarengetti and Princess Greer Niger.”
“Nice to meet you all, but please don’t eat me! I’ll behave, your highness. Promise!” Mom pleaded.
“How come you get more respect than I do, Kitty?” Aunt Cora quipped.
“Maybe it has something to do with her bigger teeth, Auntie?” I giggled.
“That is definitely the one item most noted, my queen.” Mom agreed.
Aunt Cora nodded once then raised an eyebrow.
“So how is it you are so far from home, Colleen Everhardt? If my history lessons serve me correctly, Norge has yet to explore outside Antarra’s system boundaries.”
“My family and I were on a holiday retreat on the southern edge of the western continent- Portlandia- when a dimensional gateway suddenly appeared. I was but six at the time and closest to the rupture. My parents attempted to pull me away from the rift. I remember the rushing wind and the howling in my ears as the swirling void drew me and my parents in. In total five of our family group got pulled through on that pleasant, but strange afternoon. We ended up here…well… not far from here on a similar looking day except everything looked so foreign- so strange! It took almost a whole cycle to establish ourselves, and it took your grandfather even longer to find sustainable income. And without Uncle Cyril’s knowledge and quick grasp of Earth’s Communications protocols, I may have never finished my education. He was able to add our names to the national database without alerting the Feds. Early twenty-first century America wasn’t the most tolerant of illegal aliens- or ‘real’ aliens- especially when we first arrived in 2019!”
“You’re eighty-nine?” I gasped in shock.
“Antarrans live a lot longer than Terrans, Sugar Plum.” Aunt Cora reminded.
“Only about sixty years longer, majesty, but since I developed my talents, I seem to have stopped aging at around twenty. I was told it was my magic that is responsible.”
“You mentioned Morgana?” Hope baited.
“We met shortly after my thirteenth birthday and she offered to teach me to use my developing talents. Morgana inexplicably disappeared after I met Louis. I’ve never seen her since. Forgive me for my earlier assumption, Major Summers.”
“No probs, sister.” Hope smiled pleasantly.
Mom suddenly looked to the sky through the lounge’s transparent ceiling. “I have to get back and get dinner started. Louis will be home in about an hour. We should all go back to the house. You all are invited to stay if you like.”
That was more like my mom; ever the inviting hostess.
I couldn’t remember the house seeming so small, though there were fourteen of us here at the moment. Soon to be fifteen as Daddy would be arriving within the half hour.
“Do you need any help, Mrs. Everhardt?” Aquia asked as she eased into the kitchen and stopped behind the breakfast table.
“Would you be a dear and set out the formal dishes? They’re in the china closet on the right in the dining room, pumpkin.”
“Okay. Done. Anything else?” Aquia asked without moving an inch.
Mom turned around in curiosity, looked into the adjoining dining room, and shrugged.
“I keep forgetting you all are witches; thanks, pumpkin.” She admitted.
“Mrs. Everhardt? We prefer Current Mages or just Mages if you please. We had an educational segment on ancient Terran history. According to what has been restored, Terrans were… are very intolerant of ‘witches’.” Aquia confessed.
“We’ve become slightly more tolerant in the five hundred years since the Salem witch trials, Aquia. These days ‘Wiccan’ is just another religion.” Mom explained with a smile.
“Yeah, if people would just remember that eight years from now.” Hope muttered from over beside the refrigerator.
“So, pumpkin, if you wanted to cook tonight, don’t you think you should start?” Mom urged, seemingly nervous that dinner wouldn’t be ready for Daddy.
“Don’t worry, mom. Everything will come together when Daddy gets here.” I smiled.
We talked some more until my curiosity peaked on one particular topic.
“Mom?” I asked and paused a second. “Can you see auras?”
“Auras, pumpkin? What kind of auras?”
“Orange hues surrounding people, animals… all sorts of things.” I answered.
Mom blinked as she looked to Chance across from her.
She quickly covered her eyes and turned away.
That answered that question!
“What the hell are you, lady?” She cursed. I saw her blink again and turn back to Chance awaiting her answer.
“Chance is our High Priestess, mom. She is the most powerful of everyone in the Coven.” I answered.
“I don’t think that for a moment, pumpkin.” Mom smiled.
“And I agree with you, Mrs. Everhardt. Christina is by far the most powerful of us all- even my daughter, Savanna.” Chance replied.
Mom was quiet for a moment.
“So what is it with the hair?” Mom asked curiously. “Is it some fashion fad in the thirty-third?”
“It is one of two true indicators of Antarran royalty, Colleen. You should already know that. Every female born of the Norge Clan, upon puberty, experience a hair color change- usually from some shade of brown or black to royal blue. We also develop.” Aunt Cora explained as she hefted her Ladies in Waiting to illustrate the meaning of ‘develop’. “One would say our lineage is most evident.”
“So…somehow my daughter carries the genes of the house Norge? How can that be possible? I have no connection to your family, majesty. Louis was borne here and his family has owned this land for almost three centuries.”
“Before I met Chance and Aunt Cora and the rest of Witch Corps, I went-.”
“Christina suffered a ‘twist of fate’ let’s say and leave it at that, Mrs. Everhardt.” Chance interrupted. “Us being from the future we could slip and reveal something that would change our lives.”
“I think I understand” Mom winced. “Your present is my future and if I learned certain details that might change how things play out.”
“Honey? Did those nosey reporters come back? There’s an awful lot of footprints coming to the… front… door? Who are you people?” Daddy’s voice called out from the front of the house. I was instantly in front of him and hugging him frantically!
“Christina? I didn’t know you were planning on coming home this soon after the holiday break? What happened? You didn’t get kicked out of school did you?” Daddy gasped out in a hoarse, oxygen-deprived wheeze.
“I’m fine, Daddy. I brought some friends home with me.” I said as I took the time to introduce everyone I could see.
“Christina? I hope you know that dinner is going to be very late since you decided to procrastinate so long.” Mom declared as she came into the main hallway.
“Caroline?” Daddy gasped as he stared at mom in shock.
“What do you mean, ‘Caroline’? Have you finally gone blind you old coot?” Mom demanded angrily. She quickly looked to the side as she thought of something. “Damn, I knew I forgot something.”
“Colleen? Why do you look so young?”
“Well. Because I dropped my age spell when Christina and her friends got here, Louis.” Mom answered honestly. “And I just forgot to recast it.”
“You know that Halloween was three months ago right, honey?” He chuckled humorously.
Mom whispered some almost inaudible words and the middle-aged woman I was used to seeing was back.
“What the…?” Daddy gasped in disbelief. “How’d you do that, Colleen?”
“More importantly,” Kitty appeared from behind the kitchen doorframe. “Why wouldn’t you believe your spouse, Louis Everhardt?”
Daddy stopped and froze as Kitty, Tau, Lyra, and Greer filed out from the kitchen.
“Kind sir, I wish to convey my queen’s gratitude for inviting us into your charming little home.” Tau addressed Daddy regally.
“They’re Lynxin, Louis, now push your jaw shut and say hello to our guests. They won’t bite unless you do.” Mom giggled and actually winked at Daddy.
“Ummmmm…. Hi. I um… take it you’re new in town?” He responded carefully.
“And everyone thought I came up with some lame lines.” Hope groaned as she shook her head a few times.
“Even I thought that response was ultra-lame, and I’m usually just as guilty.” Lokust rolled her eyes.
Kitty offered her hand and Daddy cautiously shook it, marveling at her furry hand as he did.
“Welcome to our home. I hope you haven’t traveled too far.” Daddy greeted with a tense smile.
“They arrived with Christina about an hour and a half ago, Louis.” Mom said with an evil smirk. “In a big, beautiful, spaceship.”
“Horseshit! This is some kind of joke. I mean, I can relate the catgirls and cat guy to a ComiCon up in Erie, but the blue-haired, busty girls are just too Japanimation for even that, Colleen. You included, Christina! What did I do to deserve this… this hazing?”
We were all back on Pegasus- in the Observation Lounge.
Again Daddy’s mouth dropped open as he looked around the softly lighted room. The days were shorter at this time of year and sunset had happened about twenty minutes ago.
Chance let out a very loud sigh.
“Since we’re here,” Chance glared at me then smiled to my parents, “welcome to our ship- EFMC Pegasus. This is our Observation Lounge. Please make yourselves at home.”
I thought you were going to make dinner, Christina?” Mom prodded.
“WAIT!” Katelyn shouted before I had any chance to think about going back to the house. “I’ll go back to the house the old fashioned way, thank you very much! I can only take so much ‘travellin’ by flue powder’, Christina!”
Katelyn turned, stalked over to, and called the elevator then stood and waited a moment for it to arrive.
“Wait for me, kiddo!” Daddy said loudly and hurried over just as the elevator door was closing.
Chance waited a moment as she passively looked at me.
“Look! I understand that you’ve missed your parents, Christina! I know exactly how you feel cause I’ve been there!” She looked at Hope and Charli quickly before looking back to me. “Might I remind you that Pegasus is being very patient with you right now. She is obviously holding back on her security protocols by not taking action against your parents or our sudden appearances.” Chance seemed to have a thought and sighed again. “And please don’t tell me that you told her who and what was going to happen, Christina. I’ve had my fill with Savanna the last eight years.”
“I’m sorry.” I sniffed then wiped my eyes dry.
I was in our home’s dining room; the table had the place settings but nothing in the way of food had been added.
“You shouldn’t have waited so long. Now what are we going to do to feed our guests, pumpkin?” Mom asked using her ‘I told you so’ voice.
“What were you thinking of having, mom?” I asked calmly.
“Well, I had thought about a nice beef roast with roasted carrots, garlic mashed potatoes, homemade gravy and fresh buttermilk biscuits. I have an unopened bottle of wine in the fridge for us adults and fresh grape juice for Link and probably Aquia if my eyesight still serves me properly.”
I began to laugh as I looked over mom’s head and watched each item she called out appear at the center of the table. An ice bucket appeared with two bottles askew and chilling.
“What is so funny, pumpk-?” Mom asked as she turned to follow my gaze. The magnificent aromas hit our noses at about the same time.
“But how?” She muttered while attempting to fill her lungs.
“I told you I’m different now, mom.”
“Is it all real, Christina? Really real?” She motioned to the table full of enticing entrees.
“Smells like it.” I said as I stepped over to the table, lifted the lid on the potatoes, and took a finger sample.
“Tastes just like I remember, mom.”
She cautiously repeated my action of taking a taste and looked to me in curiosity- well, maybe a little fear too.
“On my best days I can’t do half of what I’ve seen you do in the few hours you’ve been here, Christina.” She told me though the fear in her eyes concerned me.
“Mom? I’m still me.” I said to comfort her. Maybe I was also trying to convince myself a little bit too? “I could try to explain, but it most likely would change the future.” I paused to wipe my eyes.
Why did it have to hurt so much? Why couldn’t I just tell her that she and Daddy would die in a mysterious car crash that investigators would never close? Would I have to stand by and watch it happen? Would I have to stay to the shadows and watch while my previous self mourned and berated herself for not being with them to share their fate?
“God, I wish I could change the future!” I cried.
Did it echo through the house?
It was mom’s turn to look at me in concern.
“I see.” Was all she said before we heard the kitchen door open and Daddy’s voice remind everyone to wipe their feet.
“Nice spread. I’m not even going to ask how you did all this so fast.” Daddy commented as his eyes beheld the full table.
“Christina has become a fabulous chef, Louis. I’d even say she’s pure magic in the kitchen.” Mom beamed.
“Well, whatever. Just the smell is making me hungry. Let’s not waste time. Everyone grab a plate.” Daddy smiled as he picked up a plate and began loading it.
“So. Kitty. Where did you say you and your entourage hail from?” Daddy asked after we had all filled our plates and found seats.
“FeLane. We’re the next solar system over.” She answered.
“So did we find you or you find us?” He continued.
“Actually, Charli and I find them… in about seven years, Mr. Everhardt.” Hope revealed.
Daddy’s fork dropped to his plate.
“Come again, Major Summers?” He asked, his eyes narrowed.
“Actually, 2115. But according to the Terran-FeLane Peace Accords, Earth and FeLane have been officially allied since 2109, Louis. The Accord was ratified the following year, 2116, by all sitting Terran government leaders and Queen Libra Sinae of the FeLane Confederation.” Tau informed us.
“Yeah… I thought it was something like that.” Daddy deadpanned before looking directly at me.
“Ya know… we paid for modest implants for our girl, not the expandable models.”
“LOUIS!” Mom shouted out as she stood and glared down at him.
She was pissed!
“It’s okay, mom. I get what he meant.” I said as I too stood and looked down at my disbelieving father.
I conjured what looked like night vision goggles.
“Have a look for yourself, Daddy.” I hissed. “I’m complete in every way a woman can be. Look through these goggles and then you can apologize to all of us.”
“What are these things; VR goggles?”
“Just put them on and look at your right hand, dad.” I urged.
It took a moment, but Daddy carefully put them on and gasped when he looked down at his hand.
“Color X-ray goggles? Seriously?” He questioned then turned to look at mom, Chance, and Hope.
“Alright, I get it. Can we get back to eating dinner?”
“Now look at me, father.” I ordered, my voice echoed coldly through the room.
He nervously complied and gasped. He automatically pointed to my groin.
“Is that what I think it is? Is that real too?”
“I’ve been told it functions well above specifications, father.” I answered evenly.
Daddy swallowed hard, took off the goggles, and handed them back to me. Once in my hand they disappeared- much to his amazement!
“Any other statements that may have you inserting your other shoe into your mouth, father?” I dared in a very unhappy voice.
“So are all you gals witches then?” Daddy quickly changed the subject.
We are, but we prefer ‘Current Mages’ in the thirty-third century, Louis Everhardt.” Aunt Cora answered.
“What’s Current?”
“Current is the energy that surrounds everything. Some refer to it as ‘lifeforce’ or essence, others just ‘energy’. No matter the term, Current exists in everything and is sentient.” Auntie continued.
“So could I learn to use this ‘Current’?” He asked.
I immediately held out my hand and blinked on my Current sight.
Daddy became quiet and stared at me for the minute it took me to scan him.
“No. Though you have the spark, there is no cooperation- no commitment.” I said as I noticed Chance also scanning him.
“I concur, sister, though there is a way he can learn to use his Current.”
“That is a choice he and my mother must discuss and agree to, High Priestess.” I said serenely.
“Agreed, sister. Such a decision should be made with all affected parties attending the debate and understanding the parameters.” Chance nodded and smiled.
“Ummm… How did you both do that? Make your voices echo like that? I haven’t heard a voice echo in this room since we installed the area rug on the floor.” Daddy questioned.
“Oh, that’s just their ‘avatars’ conversing.” Link answered casually. “You should hear the thunder and rumbling when they argue.”
“Yeah. Nike, Goddess of Victory is Chance’s and… well…we’re not quite sure who Christina’s is… yet…” Link continued then finally noticed everybody was staring at her- our Coven sisters with contempt and mom and dad in disbelief. Tau was massaging his forehead nervously.
“Pure genius, sis.” I deadpanned. “You gonna tell them about how I almost got killed in that thruster demonstration next year too?”
“Christina?” Mom looked horrified as she grasped my wrist and pulled me from the table. We found ourselves out in the equipment barn.
“Okay, now I didn’t do that.” I decried.
“No. You didn’t. I did, but with your help, Christina.” Mom told me in a very serious tone. “It took me a moment, but I think I have it figured out. Now…shall we start? I don’t think you should leave anything out for my benefit either.”
I told her about my misadventure next year at school through to how Chance and my sisters found me in the asteroid fourteen hundred years from no- er, next year.
What I didn’t tell her hurt me more than either mom or Daddy could know. I didn’t mention anything about what was to happen in two weeks. Instead, I poured all my emotions into my misadventure and after several minutes we both wiped our eyes and cheeks dry. Mom again grasped my wrist.
“I know there is more that you aren’t telling me, young lady, but this little talk will suffice for now. So let’s get back to help with the dishes, because our dinner is stone-cold by now.”
We reappeared at our starting location in the dining room, but everyone was still eating. In fact, by the amount of food left on everyone’s plate, I’d say we were only gone for a minute or two.
“I thought you two were going to have a long chat, Colleen.” Daddy looked at us, confused.
“Christina and I did have a long chat- about an hour and a half of her explaining her little mishap next year.”
“Honey, you two just popped out a minute ago. Now, unless Christina can actually jump back and forth in time, why don’t you two sit back down and enjoy this wonderful meal?”
Mom stared at me- intensely! I could almost hear her unspoken question.
I smiled shyly and nodded ever so slightly.
Mom tried to gasp quietly, but my Coven sisters heard and smiled to one another.
“Yeah, she did that to us too; on our last mission. Scared the crap outta us.” Katelyn Yates acknowledged.
“What’d Christina do now?” Daddy asked, clueless as ever.
“Jumped us back in time by five hours. Yer girl got some serious talent, Lou.” Katelyn answered brightly.
“That’s a little off the wall isn’t it, Katie?” Daddy argued. I can accept that she teleports, but jumping across time is a little much.
“What didn’t you understand about us being from the thirty-third century? Fourteen hundred years in the future?” Hope countered.
“See? That’s how I know this is all some strange hazing. If you gals is from fourteen hundred years in the future then you’d be in the thirty-sixth century not the thirty-third. Gotcha.” Daddy said as he pointed his finger at Hope like a pistol and dropped his thumb like the imaginary weapon’s hammer.
“My good fellow,” Tau spoke, “the measurement of a standard century is based on the average value of all individual sub-species planetary years or four hundred and fourteen days. I agree wholeheartedly that indeed, Terra would be into its thirty-sixth century if everything were based on Terra’s orbit. But it’s not. Contrary to ancient Terran beliefs, Terra is not the center of the universe.”
I laughed despite myself. Daddy was being educated by a Lynxin- an allied subspecies present day Earth knew absolutely nothing about yet!
“Don’t be rude, pumpkin.” Mom advised. “Just because your father is acting all Neanderthal, he did have his math right. And I have to admit… it was difficult to realign myself to three hundred and sixty-four and a quarter days when I was used to three hundred and twenty-six and an eighth.”
“HUH?” Daddy almost choked on his wine.
“Remember when you declared me ‘out of this world’ when we were dating, Louis? Did I ever once disagree with you?” Mom giggled. “I was born on Antarra in their twenty-third century. And I was six when my family became trapped in the dimensional tear that brought us here.”
“Hey, you want to pass me that plate of roast beef? I’d like a little more, please.” Kitty vamped as we hurried to pick Daddy off the floor. “How ‘bout you Lyra? You want some more, cuz?”
“Tread lightly, cuz. Even though not at our skill level, Colleen is still a viable and potential threat and I for one do not want Christina facing off against us in her support.” Lyra warned. “Therefore… yes I’ll have just a small piece, if it’s not too much trouble.”
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Well, I Think...
...we know what's really going to happen to Christina's parents in two weeks.
No point wasting a good old time hop
and not save your loved ones without changing the future!
Makes sense if you think about it!
Love this series, many thanks and keep ‘em coming.
Stay safe
It would help to keep
It would help to keep Christina from going into a funk, and who knows what she might do then!!
Stay safe