Summer's Current: The Antarran Redemption 33-36

Summer's Current:
The Antarran Redemption

Antarran Redemption Hat.jpg


Chapter 33

“Are you sure the Coven cannot stay another week, High Priestess?” Colleen Everhardt-Norge pleaded.
“Oh, come on, Colleen. It’s been three months.” I moaned in response.
“I know, but…”
“But it’s time we returned home.” I interrupted placing my hand on her shoulder. “We have a whole galaxy to protect, don’t forget.”
“I understand that, but I was hoping to see where my Christina works, plays, and calls home these days, Chance.”
“Christina will have to transport you back here if you come along.” I reminded.
“So noted, High Priestess.”
“So noted?” I narrowed my eyes. “Look, ‘Majesty’! You knew this day would be coming and I thought you had accepted it? Don’t tell me you and Louis are having second or third thoughts. We all know that Antarra’s history depends on ‘Queen Colleen Norge’- her leadership; her policies; her long-term goals of uniting this planet…”
“Look, Chance, we know and both accept our new career path! We just ask for the opportunity to look into the far future…”
“We leave for Pegasus tomorrow morning at nine, Colleen. Don’t make me come looking for you.” I said as I turned to leave the newly refinished throne room.
Gretchen Norwood opened the door ahead of me and entered.
After greeting her, I paused and turned back to the new queen of Norge’s Heath.
“Greetings, majesty!” Gretchen said brightly.
“Hey, cuz. How’s married life?” Colleen returned.
Gretchen stopped and looked to Colleen in confusion.
“Majesty? Married life?”
“That’s what we called it back home, cousin. When two people who love each other join together? When they bond?” Colleen seemed to be lost for a better description.
“You and Christian tying the knot, sweetie.” I said as I mimed wrapping a ribbon around my wrist to her.
“So, what can I do for you, cuz?” Colleen asked.
“I was told you wanted to see me, majesty. I came as soon as I finished my morning rituals.”
“High Priestess? Did you send for Gretchen in my stead?” Colleen asked in suspicion.
“I didn’t, majesty.”
“I did, majesty.” Christina’s voice answered, as she was suddenly standing next to me.
“You thrive on scaring the piss outta people, don’t you?” I accused just above a whisper.
Christina only glanced at me with a devious grin as she advanced to where Colleen still stood after greeting Gretchen Norwood.
“Mother? We need to go with Chance and the Coven back to Antarra. There will be an attempt at the monarchy.”
“Mother?” Gretchen whispered to herself in bewilderment without looking back.
“You heard correctly, Gretchen Norwood. Colleen Everhardt- Norge is my birthmother.”
Gretchen chanced to turn toward Christina’s voice.
“Goddess Christina!”
Gretchen Norwood fell to her knees instantly upon seeing her.
“Oh, get up you silly girl!” Christina hissed in annoyance as she took the young woman’s arm and gently pulled her to standing.
“Goddess Christina?”
“How can I claim to be this woman’s daughter?” Christina stated the unasked question.
“Well, about two thousand years from now… on a planet far, far, away… two people that truly love one another decide to get it on and make a baby…”
“Christina! That level of sarcasm is not called for! Gretchen is my cousin by both marriage and blood, and is frightened out of her wits with your simple admission of being my daughter. Don’t be such a smart-ass, pumpkin!” Colleen growled in anger.
This was going to be good! I decided to stay a few minutes, conjuring a comfy chair and sat down.
“Sorry, Mom. Sometimes it’s just so easy, you know?”
“I know, pumpkin. You get that from your father.”
Gretchen remained silent as mother and daughter talked.
“That’s funny! Daddy says the same thing about your side.” Christina giggled.
“So… why must we join Witch Corps in Antarra’s future, pumpkin? And what’s with this attempt at Cora’s throne?”
“I cannot go into specifics, Mom, but it is imperative the Matriarch Queen join the High Priestess in Norge of the thirty-third standard century!” Christina replied looking very serious. “You just got done saying you wanted to see where I worked, played, and called home, didn’t you?”
“Thirty-third standard century.” Gretchen whispered in disbelief.
“Yes, Gretchen Norwood! Thirty-third standard century! Now, are you going to become a willing participant in this conversation or are you just going to imitate a statue and stare in terror?” Christina challenged. “Some ‘knight’ sworn to her majesty and her Goddess. Hrmmmpfff!”
“Christina! That was uncalled for! Now apologize to your cou…!”
“Chance, Coven. Coven meeting in the throne room, ASAP. Out.” I said activating my comm, stood and dismissed my chair.
Colleen stopped abruptly and stared at me.
“High Priestess?”
“You felt it too, Chance?” Christina asked as she observed me.
I nodded as I called my uniform and wand.
I noticed Colleen’s eyes snap to her right and followed her stare. Gretchen was holding a wand in her right hand and staring at it in horror! She looked on the verge of unconsciousness!
“Let me guess… at their wedding, pumpkin?” Colleen rolled her eyes and sighed loudly.
Christina waggled her eyebrows a few times with a mischievous grin.
Aunt Cora, Simone, Kate, Aquia, and Link appeared to my left followed by Mom, Charli, Lokust, and Louis next on Colleen’s right. Kitty, Lyra, Greer, and Tau were last to appear to Gretchen’s right.
“What’s up?” Kitty asked as she gently rubbed her unseen, growing belly.
“The Goddess has outed us, ladies and gents. I’ll let her give the briefing.” I snarked.
“Once everyone is here, I’ll reveal what I know. Christian? I need you here in the throne room, dear boy.” Christina called out.
A man dressed in simple linens appeared to the left of Colleen’s throne. He appeared to have just pulled his crudely sewn pants up and was tying the simple rawhide belt-like lace at his waist.
It took a minute for him to realize his change of location. After which he sheepishly began to look around in complete dissociation.
“Christian? If you could turn around and join the meeting, sir knight?” Christina giggled.
“Goddess Christina!” Norwood was on his knees, head bowed to the floor!
“Really?” Christina rolled her eyes to the heavens and, taking a few steps, urged him to stand and walked him over to his mate.
“Now can you tell us what is going to happen in the future, pumpkin?” Colleen asked impatiently.
“Aunt Cora’s throne is under attack. By who I cannot ascertain.”
“Say what now?” Aunt Cora and Link balked as they both suddenly stared at the ‘Goddess’. Simone glared at Christina as if she had committed high treason.
“Tell me you’re just pulling my leg, Sugar Plum?”
“Honest, Aunt Cora, I would do nothing of the kind with such a serious topic.” Christina assured.
“What the Hel’s going on?!” Christian finally shouted in uncomprehending rage.
Gretchen took her mate’s hand- wand still held, but forgotten in her right hand- and tried to comfort him.
“My love… I am as befuddled as you. Let us hear them out as I’m certain we are to be a part of this… by invitation of Goddess Christina, herself.”
“Chance, Pegasus. We’re going to need another queen-sized stateroom and a single, please.” I said on comm.
"Requested modification will complete in three hours, High Priestess.” Pegasus confirmed.
“A single?” Simone repeated then her eyes narrowed and she looked back to her left.
“Get your ass out here now, Thomas!” She hissed, angry that I knew before she sensed the youngster hiding behind the partially opened side door.
“How long?” Simone demanded of him as he slowly made his way closer.
“Are you really the queen’s daughter, Goddess Christina?”
Our group performed a perfectly choreographed face-palm at his question.
“Chance, Pegasus. We’ll all be ‘beaming up’ ‘Christina-style’ tomorrow at oh-nine-hundred.” I alerted our ship.
I will be awaiting your… very unorthodox, but strangely normal, arrival, High Priestess.
I rolled my eyes. Even my ship was getting an attitude!
“So what can you tell us, Christina?” I asked.
“Well… When I went forward to make sure we hadn’t changed the timeline, I sensed a ship just approaching the defensive boundary- about two light years out- just before I came back here. Somehow it… it didn’t ‘feel’ right. I felt really creeped out by it… like on Terr’lai.”
“I concur, mother. My sources also predict hostile intentions toward the Norge Dynasty.” Savanna confirmed as she appeared just ahead of me.
“Welcome, Oracle!” Mom greeted. “About time you got yer ass here, munchkin!”
“My Love? I think we have stumbled into something vastly larger than Norge’s Heath and suggest we cast aside our disbelief for the foreseeable future.” Gretchen recommended. She didn’t seem to believe her own words though…
Yet she still held her wand in her right hand.
“I must agree with you, my love. Especially since you have one of those in your dominant hand.” Christian Norwood motioned to her right hand with his eyes.
“High Priestess?” Gretchen asked with terrified, pleading eyes.
“You seem to be a natural ‘essence user’, sweetie.” I answered.
“A witch? My betrothed is a witch?” Christian Norwood gasped. “Why did you not tell me, Gretchen?”
“It-it just appeared when the High Priestess changed into her battlegear, my love! Her wand appeared, and… and I just… I-I-I I don’t understand.”
Gretchen Norwood began to cry in fear as she turned and sunk her head into her mate’s shoulder.
“You must think me a monster, Christian!” She cried.
“I think you miraculous, my love! If you can do half of what the Valkyrie do, it will be an honor.” He comforted.
“You are not appalled, my love?”
“Why should I be? Those gathered here are the ones that helped defend against Christoff and exposed our corrupt Regent and his diabolical plan to seize absolute power and wealth, remember?”
“How can I not? Because of their emergence, we are here, together as one.”
“Can we get this Coven meeting back on the rails before these two need a room, people?” I asked to get back on subject.
“Please.” Christian acknowledged with a nod as he urged his spouse to turn around.
She quickly wiped her tears away. “Forgive my weakness, Goddess Christina.”
“Fffffffffft, we all have some weakness, sister. Let’s pay attention to our High Priestess though.” Christina smiled as she pointed to me.

Chapter 34

“Thank you all for arriving on time.” I greeted as Gretchen, Christian, and Thomas joined us in the royal dining hall. “Now, I must ask you three to control your fear and anxiety. From here on out it only gets stranger and way more fantastic for you.”
I reached up and touched my locket while conjuring a series of three synthesized ‘cricket clicks’ as I did.
“Lt. Everhardt. Nineteen to ‘beam up’.” I ordered to our resident ‘Goddess’ in a commanding voice.
“Aye, Captain.” She acknowledged in a Scottish brogue, as I knew she would.
Another, slower, series of ‘long chirps’ and a strange, wavering tone that increased in frequency began to sound around the room.
“Oh, for the Gods sakes! Will you just do this already, Chris-” Kate began to complain?
We were in Pegasus’ Observation Lounge.
“-tina? Why must everything be so damn ‘theatrical’?!” Kate groused. Noting our location and looking thoroughly annoyed, she huffed then turned and headed for the elevator.
“I’ll be on the bridge!” She huffed. “After my queasy stomach decides not to empty my breakfast!”
As expected, our three ‘ancients’ stared- opened mouthed- at what met them.
“What is this place?” Thomas asked- the first of the three to dare to do so.
“Welcome aboard Pegasus, brothers and sister. Pegasus? Status?”
We are currently in geosynchronous orbit four hundred and eighty-six kilometers above Antarra’s equatorial base altitude. As of this inquiry, we are the only interstellar craft in orbit around this or any other planetary body in this sector, High Priestess.
“Thank you, Pegasus.” I smiled.
“Where is the voice coming from?” Thomas looked around the lounge.
“Where is the light coming from?” Christian wondered aloud at the same time.
“What is ‘kilometers’, High Priestess?” Gretchen dared ask.
“A meter is approximately three of your feet or I believe you call it a ‘long-stride’. Kilo means one thousand. So if you do the math, we’re approximately one hundred and sixty-two leagues above your planet- above Antarra. The voice is Pegasus- our spacecraft. The light is artificial and gives off next to no heat whatsoever, making it much safer than either candle or torch. Pegasus, could you translate us so we can see the planet from the observation lounge, please?”
Antarra smoothly, slowly came into view on our port side as Pegasus performed a gentle one-eighty roll.
“This is what your world looks like from the heavens.” I announced.
That wasn’t the smartest thing to tell our guests.
Our three medieval guests hit the deck crying in prayer to Christina as they took several quick glances through the lounge’s transparent ceiling at their large, bright, colorful home world!
“Stop that this instant, you three! Geez! You’d think I was some deity or something!” Christina groused as she hurriedly pulled each of them to standing.
Colleen cleared her throat.
“We’re on Pegasus, mother! Give it a rest already!” Christina hissed as her aura appeared and pulsed a few times.
“Um… Are we going to get on with this mission, sweetie?” I asked with a devious smile to keep things peacefully on track.
I also reassured Nike that things like this happen from time to time since I could feel her getting restless.
Christina actually growled and her aura pulsed once more before it vanished!
“By your command, High Priestess.” She responded through clinched teeth.
With her eyes still locked on Colleen, the planet above us changed cloud formations, color, and brightness. A different continent was in view.
Nearing the planet’s terminator we could see the lights of the major cities starting to appear.
“What is going on down there? Why all the fires… and to see them from so high up…” Christian wondered out loud.
Those are lights, not fires, from the major Antarran cities you see, Sugar Plum.”
“Welcome to the thirty-third standard century, everyone.” Christina announced in greeting.
“Um… excuse me! I have to pee!” Kitty suddenly pleaded as she took off for her suite at the rear of the lounge.
“Her child must be fussing.” Gretchen said introspectively.
“Knowing Kitty, I’d say downright protesting.” I laughed.
“So… is-is t-this truly what our home looks like in the future.” Gretchen stuttered uncertainly as she went back to stare out at Antarra; she began trembling again.
“I think it’s beautiful, mom, Aunt Cora, Link, Simone!” Christina wrapped her arms around each, in order.
“Trust me when I say that things have changed quite a bit.” I said as I appraised their individual levels of understanding. “Now, we should get you three into some ‘modern’ clothes. We don’t use metal breastplates or swords anymore.”
I continued to regard our guests trying to determine what would look good on them- fashion-wise.
“I’m going to use some magic to change your clothing. Gretchen, I’d like you to stand on your tiptoes, please. On three. One, two…”
Gretchen was now wearing a comfortable, pastel blue, cotton blouse, dark blue-jeans, and three-inch heeled, brown ankle boots.
When I was finished, both Thomas and Christian looked very handsome and very comfortable in dress shirts, well-tailored pants, and dress boots.
Kitty exited her suite and our three guests stopped and gasped in fear!
“Now what did I do?” She asked heatedly while absentmindedly rubbing her visibly swollen belly.
“You dropped your disguise, Sinae.” I giggled.
“Aw shit!” She exclaimed as she observed her fingers and extended her claws once or twice as an exercise.
“What are you? You are definitely not Antarran.” Christian demanded as he took a defensive position between Gretchen and Sinae. Pulling his dagger, it sparked and burst into life as a full-size sword of light!
“Obi-wan… or Luke?” Hope looked to Christina curiously with a raised brow. “Seriously?”
He immediately dropped the ‘light saber’ in horror, it hitting the deck as just the simple dagger it was originally.
Sinae stared at the curious, now benign dagger for a moment. She smirked enough to show her canines. Picking up the weapon, she nonchalantly flipped it and handed it back- hilt first- to Norwood.
“Relax, Cap, I’m still the same Kitty you drank with at your bachelor party. Actually, I’m still the same person that drank your ass under the table at your bachelor party!” Kitty smiled as she took a few steps back. “This is how I really look, so relax. I won’t eat you. Neither will Lyra, Greer, or Tau.”
“Why would they try to eat us…?” Gretchen asked, but suddenly stopped as our other three Lynxins dropped their ruse.
It took several minutes to bring our three guests back to consciousness.
“You are not of our world?” Thomas asked the group as Aquia silently helped him into one of the comfortable lounge chairs. If I were willing to bet, she had taken a liking to him over the last three months we’d spent in ‘Renaissance’ Antarra.
“Only Colleen and I are originally from Antarra, Sugar Plum. My niece, Simone, and Kate are from the planet Kane, Coraline-excuse me- Link is from Eden Three as is Aquia; and Christina is Colleen and Louis’s daughter but born on Louis’ home planet of Earth- or Terra as we call it today. Terra is on the absolute opposite side of this huge galaxy from Antarra.” Aunt Cora tried to explain.
“Hope and Charli are also originally from Terra, but moved to Gaia Four. That’s where Chance was borne. Kitty, Tua, Lyra, and Greer are from the planet FeLane. They are ‘Lynxin’, and we are all very much friends and allies.” She continued.
“Then it is all a lie?” Christian assumed incorrectly. “Goddess Christina not being a real goddess, and you are not our queen?”
“Not a lie at all, Cmdr. Norwood. According to Antarra’s recorded history, Colleen Everhardt- Norge is your true and rightful queen and primary matriarch of the Norge dynasty- my great-great-great-great-great grandmother, and all because Christina can transport us through time.” Aunt Cora continued. “Here in the thirty-third standard century though, I am queen of all Antarra and forty-three other planetary systems. I am the reigning Queen Norge here.”
“And, as humble as she is, Cora never lets us forget it either!” Kitty rolled her eyes.
“They do deserve to know the truth, Kitty.” Lokust said. “If not finding out now, they’d surely know once we landed in Norge.”
“Norge?” Gretchen looked to Aunt Cora in confusion.
“The city and vicinity have expanded outward over the centuries, Sugar Plum. Norge’s Heath and Norge’s Mill are now small parts, or neighborhoods, of the city of Norge- a city of forty-two million people at the last census.”
Our guests’ mouths dropped open!
“I wasn’t lying when I said that Antarra would prosper into the future.” Christina reminded.
“How can we be here though?” Thomas asked as he looked past Aquia- still doting on him.
“Christina isn’t like the rest of us, I’m afraid. She is several evolutionary steps higher than we are- as we are from the simpler primates that inhabit the tropical jungles around Antarra’s equator.” I tried to answer so he would understand. “Her abilities are highly advanced and even to us, seem almost impossible.”
I noticed Christina’s eyes pleading for me to stop.
“But that is a story Christina herself should tell if she feels a need. Please remember that we are all very accomplished witches, and have pledged to protect our galaxy and possibly beyond. Anywhere the Species is victimized… are mistreated, we’ll be there to right the wrongs… see justice done.” I monologed.
“What is ‘the species’, High Priestess?” Thomas asked. He seemed to be the more inquisitive of our three guests.
“That is what we call the unified sentients of our galaxy. Antarrans are a sub-species of the Species; as are Terrans and Lynxins.” Lokust explained.
Witch Corps! We’re on!” Kate alerted.
Gretchen, Christian, and Thomas jumped a few inches as we were all suddenly in uniform!
Lokust, Simone, Link, and Aunt Cora disappeared instantly. They were closely followed by Mom, Charli, and Aquia.
I noticed Gretchen was looking down at herself in extreme confusion. She was also in one of our uniforms!
Another four o’clock, I noted.
I also noted I’d have to have another talk with Lt. Everhardt!
I was about to suggest our Lynxins stay put, but they vanished a fraction of a second before my mouth began to form the first word!
My bridge was getting very full!
“You three follow me.” I sighed as I motioned us to the elevator.

Chapter 35

“Sit-rep, Number One!” I demanded as I guided our guests onto Pegasus’ bridge and motioned for them to find a seat.
“The Antarran Defense Command is demanding to know how we ‘slipped’ through their sensing net, High Priestess. Took them long enough!” Lokust reported. “Pegasus is also tracking a single spacecraft about to enter the Antarran defensive boundary. Chance? It’s reading full of tainted Current!”
“Navigation. I want course and intercept time to that craft. Engineering, dynamic camo.” I ordered.
“Dynamic Camo, High Priestess.” Kate confirmed.
Course sent to helm. Four seconds to intercept at full trans-dimensional, High Priestess.” Link responded.
“Got it, Chance.” Mom acknowledged from her pilot’s chair.
“Punch it, mom! Full Afterboost.” I ordered.
“Now we’re talkin’!” Mom complied and Pegasus shuddered for a second.
“Enemy spacecraft one-million-fifty-thousand meters and holding, High Priestess.” Mom turned with a smile.
“Nice! Let’s see what we’re up against.” I said while smiling brightly to my mom and the rest of my efficient crew.
Our forward display changed views and focused; I recognized the craft immediately.
So did most of my crew!
The Vita Mirlini.
“Hail Morgana and tell her to knock it off, Lyra.”
“Aye, High Priestess. I thought I recognized that old heap from the Elcano simulation.” Lyra confirmed. “Morgana, this is Pegasus. Enough is enough. Stand down on your illusion.”
“That old crate really exists?” Aquia gasped in disbelief. “I thought that was the comic relief to decompress at the end of that simulation!”
“High Priestess? I’m not receiving any acknowledgement.” Lyra reported.
“What did you get yourself into, Morgana?” I asked myself.
Lyra tried three more times without a response.
“High Priestess! I sense no living sentient aboard that ship.” Christina reported regretfully.
“Lt. Everhardt, you’re with me.” I said as I concentrated on porting us to the Vita Mirlini.
“What happened here?” Christina asked as we got our first look at the craft’s cramped interior. “And what died in here?”
Terror assaulted my psyche as I immediately thought the worst.
“We need to get to her bridge.” I urged.
The door wouldn’t open- as if it was locked.
This wasn’t good, I thought as I banged on the door and called out to Morgana several times.
“You don’t think…?”
“No, and you shouldn’t either!” I snapped.
“She was pretty old way back in 2101, Chance.”
“So help me, Christina! She can’t be gone! I won’t accept that!” I snapped again.
Vita Mirlini? Could you please open the cockpit’s door?” Christina tried her approach.
When that didn’t work I kicked on my Current sense.
The ship blinded me with the intensity of taint flowing around us!
“It’s a wonder this thing hasn’t gone ‘poof’, Chance.”
“I’ll see if the Current can shed any light on what happened.” I said as I walked over to a Current conduit and ‘asked’.
“Chance! Chance wake up! Chance?” Christina sounded hysterical.
“I’m okay. How long?” I asked. I noticed tears rolling down my cheeks.
“Were you in the Current? About ten minutes, Chance. What’s going on?”
“I want that door open now!” I demanded as I glared at the interior of Morgana’s ship- specifically the cockpit door.
The heavy metal door silently melted into nothingness!
“Wow! Remind me never to piss you off, High Priestess.”
“Way too late, Christina. Just so you know, Nike is awake and very much part of me right now.” I warned.
“Aye, ma’am.”
Someone was seated at the controls as indicated by the head of black hair just visible over the top of the seat’s headrest.
I carefully made my way between the command chair and the starboard-side control panel. Christina came up on the other side.
“Chance? I recommend not touching her. I’m seeing an IED implanted in the corpse.”
Clicking on my Current sight again I failed to see what she saw.
“I don’t see it.” I sighed in resignation that a fellow Witch had met her end in the vast loneliness of space. “By the way, sweetie, sorry for snapping like that. I knew her for a couple of decades when we went back to Terra’s late twenty-first century.”
“I understand, Chance. I’ve been there.”
“I know.” I nodded sadly. “I couldn’t get back to Gaia Four to even recover my parents. The damn Bio-Desolve warhead erased any and all biological material on the planet. Not even a blade of grass survived.”
“I’m sorry, Chance.”
“Can we remove the IED without a big boom, sister?” I asked.
“I already tried to snap it out of existence, Chance. No go.”
“Is that what killed her, I wonder?” Christina added.
“From what I sensed from the ship’s Current, she was surprised by the sudden appearance of something or someone.” I revealed. “Vita Mirlini had no information on ‘whatever’.”
“Maybe her log entries?” She proposed.
“Hmmm,” I said as I attempted to access her flight log. “Her course was set for Antarra.”
I searched a little deeper.
“Her last start point was Magellan?” I gasped.
“She laid in a course for Antarra from Magellan! That was almost nine years ago, Christina! I knew I should’ve upgraded her propulsion when I had the chance!”
“You didn’t know, Chance.”
“She was one of us, Christina. She was part of the Corps and I didn’t do all I could for her.”
“Any ideas on the IED? I can’t seem to dispose of it, Chance.”
A wild idea struck me.
‘Nike? We need you, sister. I have an idea how we can save our sister, but it will require joint participation.’ I thought to my expectant sister.
My staff appearing indicated my internal sister was eager and ready.
Christina instantly gulped and swallowed loudly. She looked extremely nervous. “Lady Nike.”
“Hello again, Scion. Chance has asked me to assist in what she would call a very ‘hairbrained’ plan. After careful consideration, I have to agree it might stand a chance, though.”
“Care to share, Lady Nike?”
“Nike will suffice, Christina. Chance will now relate her plan.”
I cleared my throat.
“What I propose to do is carefully roll back the years until our infiltrator shows. We may have a chance of correcting Morgana’s dismal future if we can defeat… whatever.” I proposed.
“That is a lot of time to slowly roll back, Chance. Did Vita Mirlini give any indication of her time of passing?”
“Five years ago. Five years ago, Vita Mirlini’s AI started to grow angry that it was alone. The simple AI had no access to the Comm system to send out an SOS. We start there and work our way back.”
“Agreed. I’ve taken us back almost five years, ladies.” Christina confirmed.
“Now it is my turn to slowly turn back the days.” I heard Nike say with my voice.
“And I will be on the watch for anything to appear.” I added feeling a smile come to my lips.
Out the windscreen, we watched as the stars moved from back to front as I felt Nike manipulate time. It was a very strange feeling.
“Good. I feel you are taking notes, sister.” I heard Nike say; I could feel her smile.
“One month.” Nike announced then quickly, “Two months.”
“Three months.”
“Nike, wait. I see movement, from Lady Morgana.” Christina interrupted.
“We must continue, though I agree at a slower rate now that she again shows signs of life.
Again the stars moved back to forward in the windscreen.
“One week…two weeks… three…”
“God! How long did this poor girl suffer?” Christina gasped.
“Four weeks…”
“Halt!” I shouted as I felt someone materialize just behind Morgana’s chair.
Christina and I both had our wands at the ready. Morgana jumped from her seat and also flourished her wand into existence.
A well-built Terran male of maybe forty years of age, six feet even, stood stationary. He immediately reminded me of Zeus, but even Zeus wouldn’t let his hair begin to turn gray and hardly remain clean-shaven!
“State your business aboard the Vita Mirlini, sir!” I threatened.
“Chance? Christina? What in Merlin’s name?” Morgana demanded.
“Timey-whimey stuff, sister.” Christina responded.
“I hated that show! Not realistic at all!” Morgana cursed.
“Not the time, Mixie! We’ve got company.” I said without taking my eyes off our intruder. “What do you want with our sister?”
The stranger stayed silent and unmoving.
“What do you want with Morgana, asshole?!” Christina asked in her own, unique way.
“To get your attention, Scion.” He finally answered.
“Mine? Why, what’d I do to you? I’ve never seen you before.”
“Time to come home, Scion. I’ve been looking for you everywhere.”
“Funny. You don’t look like Louis Everhardt or Zeus, so kiss my ass ya damn stalker!”
The stranger began to laugh heartily.
‘Chance, this… person… is not what he appears. I cannot determine what it is, but I have a bad feeling.’ Nike warned in my mind.
“Of course you are right, Nike. I’m not from around here. I am here to take Scion back home. Now be gone, sub-entities.”
I felt something ‘blink’ inside of me.
“You will not erase my sisters, ass-wipe!” Christina hissed in anger.
“So, you have learned much. That should not be a problem though.”
Again I felt myself ‘flicker’.
“Nice try, dickhead! Just lay off the theatrics and state the real reason you are here.”
“Very well. You are mine, Scion- mine to do with as I please!” He laughed.
“Holy Christ, not another one?!” Christina swore with a snort of disbelief. “Will you ass-holes ever get the message that I serve no one! Be gone and go stalk some other ‘lesser being’.” Christina said and with a simple wave of her hand the stranger was gone.
“Nice. Now, why are you two here? How did you even get on my ship?” Morgana demanded.
“We ported aboard as Vita Mirlini entered the Antarran Defensive Boundary.” I answered.
“The Antarran…” Morgana began but reached around me and typed something into her navigation panel.
“We’re nowhere near Antarra, Chance. Care to try again?”
“Look sister! We ported aboard where Chance said and found your corpse and Vita Mirlini ready to pop his Current cork! We slowly rolled back the years in order to find who planted an explosive in yer gut and left you to die! Enough information, or do you want everything?” Christina bluntly informed her.
Morgana’s mouth dropped open and I thought she was going to hurl.
“Nice try, Scion, now, can we get back to me taking you back?”
The stranger was back and smiling confidently.
Christina smiled brightly and took a side-step toward him.
I noticed the slightest flinch from him as she did so.
‘He is not as powerful as he lets on, Christina.’ Nike thought to me- and her too, as I noticed Christina turn slightly and give us a wink.
Bold as brass, Christina confronted this stranger by first placing her hand on his shoulder then looking at him from head to toes.
“No.” She finally said.
“You will come with me! Now! Young Scion!” He hissed in anger.
“What syllable of ‘No’ didn’t you understand?” She replied calmly.
“You are mine!” He shouted angrily- spittle flying out of his mouth.
“I. Am. Mine! I. Belong. To. Nobody!” Christina told him succinctly, emphasizing each and every word specifically. Her hand never released his shoulder.
“You know?” She went on and I noticed the stranger wince in pain. “In my short time alive in this universe, I’ve run into your kind many, many times. People that think they have the worlds by the balls. People that think the worlds owe them everything. I’ve found that’s complete and utter bullshit! If you want to force your universe to your will, you can do it yourself, pal. I’ll have none of it.”
The stranger’s shoulder began to show red staining and he seemed to wince harder.
“I have a better idea.” Christina’s smile broadened. “You will dismiss your idea and plans to take over your universe or I will be forced to take matters into my own hands. I must advise you that Chance and her Witch Corps- of which I am a member- have taught me many different ways of ‘forcibly’ ‘deterring’ you or anyone like you. I give you ten of this universe’s seconds to make up your mind. What will it be, ‘old friend’?”
Christina giggled.
“Yes, I know who you were. Surprised?” she paused a moment. “You shouldn’t be. I’ve known what you were planning from the very first time I toggled universes, Uri.”
I gasped! I thought we had successfully defeated him!
‘In this realm, yes, High Priestess.’ Nike thought to me.
“Granted it was simply a mistake made by a complete novice, but I learned a lot about the multiverses in that short visit.”
“You called me ‘young Scion’. It is you that are the novice, pumpkin! Had you more experience, you would know that every universe treats the passage of time differently. So, you may have known what time means here, but when you transited universes, you failed… failed to understand the differences… the nuances.”
I heard bone begin to break as Christina’s grip increased on his shoulder.
“So, I ask again, Uri Bovidivich ‘not of this universe’, what is your decision? Your time has just about run out.”
“You cannot rid the universes of me! You don’t have the power!”
Christina looked thoughtfully to the compartment’s low ceiling for a moment.
“Yeaaah, keep telling yourself that, dude. Yes, I actually do. Your decision? Chop-chop.”
“I will never-”
“May the very first maker show mercy for you, ‘old friend’.” Christina shook her head sadly.
The stranger identified as Uri Bovidivich- mom and dad’s deranged crewmember- began to disintegrate with a look of explicit terror in his eyes. Within a few seconds nothing remained.
Christina began to cry, came around Morgana’s pilot chair and sought out my shoulder. She promptly broke down into loud deep sobs.
“He-he-h-h-h-he left me no alternative, Chance. I-I-I-I’m s-s-s-s-so s-s-s-ssssorry.”
“Gods, you are a piece of work, Christina Everhardt!” I giggled as I rubbed the back of her head to calm her. “We do what we must, and I think you gave him more than enough chances. He chose… poorly.”
Christina began laughing and snorting into my shoulder.
“That was the perfect image, sister.”
“I thought it appropriate.” I smiled as I continued to hold her firmly.
“Okay… so the big bad guy has been dealt with. Now can you two tell me what the hell is going on and how you really got on my ship?!” Morgana demanded while laughing.
I felt Christina do something. Nike confirmed she had returned us to where we where originally.
“Pegasus, Chance and Perfessor. How’s things going over there? Is Morgana okay?” Lokust inquired over our comms.
“Everything is right with the universe again, Pegasus. Mixie is alive and just as perky as we left her.”
“Perky? Really, Chance?” Morgana groaned.
“Contact Antarra Defense. Report that we have taken care of their unknown spacecraft. Chance out.”
Copy that, Chance. Glad to hear it. Pegasus out.
“Chance? We aren’t anywhere near Antarr…a…” Morgana began to complain, but stuttered to a stop as she turned around and looked at her Navigational Panel. Antarra could just be seen as a small speck with title leaders indicating the planet’s name along with seven other planets in Antarra’s system.
“Errrrrgh!” She growled before reseating herself.
“Antarra Defense, Vita Mirlini requesting permission to enter your defensive boundary. Destination, Norge, Antarra.” She announced.
Slow to stop and prepare to be boarded, unknown spacecraft!
I gave Morgana a set of coordinates. I also worked a small bit of magic.
“Fire your starboard cannon, and trust me, Mixie. Whenever you’re ready.” I giggled.
A very familiar ‘thwump’ sounded out from just below the cockpit after she entered the numbers.
To say Morgana was completely surprised was an understatement!
“Vita Mirlini,” the male voice said but was almost unintelligible over the warning sirens, klaxons, and bells. “You are cleared to Norge, Antarra. Sending coordinates to Royal Mansion Pad 2. Welcome to Antarra, Vita Mirlini.”
Morgana glared at me as if I helped her just commit the equivalent of mass murder.
“Foreplay.” I giggled.
Her mouth dropped open.
“If you’ll excuse us, we have our own craft to land. See you on the ground, Lady Morgana.” I said then gave a nod to Christina.
“Welcome back. I know more happened than you’ll ever relate to us, Chance. Welcome back, lieutenant.” Lokust deadpanned as she wrapped her arms around me.
“Bovidivich wanted Christina.” I said flatly.
“WHAT?!!!!!!!” Mom shouted in a much higher octave! She quickly turned around in her seat- eyes bulging.
“Yeah, I thought the same thing. Apparently, he wanted to take over the next universe over- make it his universe or something- and needed our Scion to accomplish it. Christina said ‘no’. It wasn’t very pretty… unless you get off on a body slowly, painfully disintegrating to nothingness.” I reported.
“When we first got over there, Morgana had been dead for about five and a half years. Vita Mirlini was so distraught it was ready to commit suicide- hence the taint.”
“But Mixie’s okay now, right, Chance?” Aunt Cora asked.
“She took aim directly on Defense Headquarters. I supplied the coordinates.” I smiled deviously. “She got immediate permission to proceed to Norge and to land at Pad 2.”
“Kitty? As we discussed while our High Priestess was tending to business?” Aunt Cora said with a mischievous grin.
“Oops.” Sinae giggled as we heard two ‘thwumps’ from both forward cannons.
Hundreds- thousands of small flashes filled our viewscreens.
Pegasus, Antarran Defense Command.” Aunt Cora continued to grin. “Prepare to be boarded and severely punished!”
My queen? But…
“Major General! I expect to see a comprehensive report on my desk by tomorrow noon. In it I want to see detailed analysis of both your major defeats today and how a seemingly unarmed vessel registered as Vita Mirlini can successfully disable Headquarters’ defensive amenities and how two cannon shots can completely eradicate every defensive practice array in our defensive boundary.”
“No ‘buts’, Major General! Yours is on the line at the moment and I’m not in any mood for foreplay!
Yes, my queen! The report, it shall arrive early, I guarantee!
“Good! I also want to see a broom in your hands as you assist to clean up that mess you call a command center! Until tomorrow noon!”
Aunt Cora signaled the end of her communication and began laughing hysterically!
“Now that was fun!” She exclaimed.
“Navigation, plot us a course for Norge. The Royal Mansion: Pad 1.” I ordered.
Course plotted and sent to Helm.” Charli acknowledged.
“Got it, Chance.” Mom confirmed.
“Engage, but remember, Vita Mirlini has Pad 2. You choose our velocity.”
“Aye, High Priestess!”
Pegasus shuddered.
“We’re here, High Priestess.” Mom grinned.
“Yeah. Somehow I expected that out of you, ma! Lyra, alert Norge tower that we’re on a Norge Priority ‘Q-One’ approach and require Mansion Pad 1. We know the way.”
“Aye, High Priestess.”
“Slow as she goes, Helm. We’ve already bought enough windows in the last eight and a half years.”
Mom groaned her disapproval.
“Groan all you want, mom, I’d like our guests to get a good look at what Antarra has become- what she will become in their future. Incentive if you will.” I explained.
“Aye… entering orbit. Ready for slow descent, High Priestess.” Mom acknowledged.
“You three want to follow me to the lounge for a better look?” I asked then thought of something else. “Default Camo number three. The one with the Royal Norge Crest prominent, if you please, Lt. Cmdr. Yates?”
“You got it, Boss.”
“This is absolutely impossible, High Priestess! The buildings… I cannot fathom the complexity and the displayed beauty!” Christian Norwood swooned as he pressed his nose against the transparent wall of the lounge.
“High Priestess? What is that large spear-point thing above the back of this room?” Thomas pointed to Hope and a Pair.
“That is what we call a ‘Broom’, sweetie. They are our personal spacecraft.”
“Oh. You mean like the craft Aquia has been telling me about?”
“Exactly. Only each of them has a unique name that their pilot bestows to them. My Broom is named ‘Hope and a Pair’.” I pointed up to the Broom he noticed. “Aquia’s is ‘Surf’s Up’.”
“Ah. Thank you. Um… would it be possible to ask for a ride in one, High Priestess?”
“Have you asked Aquia, sweetie. I’m sure she’d be overjoyed to take you up if you asked her.”
Thomas’ eyes brightened right up and he hurried to the elevator.
“He seems to have found his soulmate, High Priestess.” Gretchen said as she smiled toward the closing elevator door. “I saw the shared looks and most of the cues Christian and I shared not too long ago.”
Chance? Just letting you know we’re on final.” Mom alerted.
“Ah. There it is.” I said as I pointed out the Royal Mansion as we slowly moved closer.
My two remaining guests were lost for words.

Chapter 36

“I’d like Link to precede me, High Priestess.” Aunt Cora specified as we prepared our procession from the ship.
“With her majesty’s permission, I’d like to escort her.” Christian requested.
“I think that very noble of you, highness.” I grinned. “Christina, I’d like you to escort Gretchen, please. Link, let Christian escort you.”
“Aye, ma’am.”
“Open the hatch, Ex-O.” I nodded to Lokust.
Our procession began as Kate and Aquia exited Pegasus followed by Hope and Charli then Lyra and Greer.
Applause filled the air!
Louis and Thomas left the confines of Pegasus next and were closely followed by Kitty and Tau.
Whistles and whoops now overrode the applause toward the visiting monarch and Prime minister from FeLane!
“Our turn, honey.” I said to Grunfuller as I took his arm and we stepped off.
Again the applause roared to life!
Reaching the deck, we split and moved to our places. Link, escorted by Christian, emerged and began down our ramp.
People cheered and shrieked uncontrollably for their presumed Queen! Quickly the crowd silenced in confusion when Link took her spot in our parade line and Christian moved to his.
The crowd silenced so that one could hear a pin drop as Christina and Gretchen emerged from Pegasus! Not a word was murmured until both women split and moved into line.
Now every onlooker seemed perplexed. Aunt Cora and Colleen exited the ship to absolute silence! They stopped at the top of the ramp.
“Witch Corps! Honors!” I shouted.
Our parade line went immediately to attention and drew wands to the sky after turning toward our ramp.
“Pre-sen-tinggggg, her Royal Highness, Reigning Queen Caroline Norge!” I shouted proudly, but continued. “Pre-sen-tinggggg, her Royal Highness Queen Matriarch Colleen Norwood-Everhardt-Norge!”
The cheers, whistling, shrieks, hoots and hollers, and, unbelievably fireworks, deafened us for almost ten full minutes!
As things finally died down, I noticed Gretchen, Christian, and Thomas staring unblinkingly back at Pegasus. All three were barely breathing and shaking or shuddering noticeably.
“I-i-i-it is so big!” Thomas – again the first to speak- stated.
“She gets us where we’re going.” I said offhandedly.
“High Priestess?”
“Yes, Lady Gretchen?” I answered. They had been briefed on Witch Corps protocol when in public.
“Our queen… Queen Colleen? You introduced her as…as Queen Colleen Norwood-Everhardt-Norge. Why Norwood?”
That was her maiden name before she took Everhardt from Lord Louis.” I answered.
“Then how is she a Norge?”
“We did a simple genetic code comparison and she carries the Royal code of the Norge Clan. Queen Caroline adopted her, as is her right. So Colleen is of the Royal bloodline as are you, Lady Gretchen.”
“But I am not of the Norge Bloodline, High Priestess!”
“Have you looked at your hair recently, my lady?” I asked as I conjured a hand mirror and handed it to her.
“When…” she gasped as she teased handfuls of blue hair into the mirror’s view.
“I noticed the progression the last month, my love. Lady Chance advised against bringing it to your attention- that you should notice it on your own.
“We figure you’re about seventh in line for the throne, my lady.” I smiled.
Gretchen paled as she just stared at me.
She finally recovered enough to ask, “And what we see around us this day all started from Queen Colleen’s rise to Norge’s Heath’s throne?”
“Got it in one, Lady Gretchen.” I smiled brightly.
“High Priestess? Is it crucial that I return to Norge’s Heath?” Thomas asked out of the blue.
“I believe Queen Caroline has her researchers scouring the archives for that information, Lord Thomas. Don’t worry, I’ve seen how you and Lady Aquia get along.”
“You have?”
“It’s kind of obvious, my young lord.” I giggled, despite trying to remain serious and noble.
Excuse me, High Priestess, but Antarran Border Defense Headquarters has actually requested Witch Corps’ help.Pegasus alerted.
“Acknowledged. Aquia, Chance. I have an assignment for you.”
Aquia arrived from the far edge of our eased parade line at a quick pace.
“High Priestess?”
“Antarran Defense has requested assistance in maintaining security at the boundary.” I told her.
“Permission to take Surf’s Up out on patrol?” She asked, standing at attention.
“Permission granted,” I told her, “On one condition though.”
“High Priestess?” Aquia cocked her head to the side slightly.
“The Boundary is vast and the sortie may become… tedious. I require you to fill your second chair.”
“If for nothing more than company and conversation.” I added.
“Of course, My Lad…”
“Our young Lord Thomas has just inquired about a possible ride in one of our Brooms…”
“As you wish, High Priestess.” Aquia tried desperately to hide her enthusiasm.
Surf’s Up? We need to hit the ink and cruise the Antarran ‘PCH’.” Aquia called to her Broom.
Cool! I’m flippin’ the toggles and applyin’ the wax, Water Lily! You bringin’ yer hunk studly?
Aquia blushed profusely!
“Totes!” She almost shouted.
Welcome aboard, little bro!Surf’s Up flashed her navigation lights a few times in excitement.
“Follow me, Lord Thomas.” Aquia said as she took his hand and gently pulled him back up the ramp into Pegasus.
“My Lords and Ladies, I believe it necessary to put some distance between us and Lady Aquia’s Broom.” I recommended. I motioned them to the edge of the pad’s deck as Pegasus retracted her boarding ramp.
I turned us around to watch .
Water Lily, Pegasus Launch Control: Chance. Requesting launch permission and departure vector.” Aquia said over our comm.
“Permission is given, Water Lily. Lady Chance: Pegasus, Norge Tower. I have a flight, designated: Witch Corps Flight One requesting Priority One departure vector from ‘Mansion 1’.” I said into my comm.
“Pegasus: Lady Chance, we have been advised and have established a Priority One Corridor from Norge. Please try not to break any windows? We just finished replacing the ones our queen shattered on her last departure.
“Copy, Norge Tower. Chance, Water Lily. You are cleared for the transmitted Priority One Corridor. Keep it residential until orbit.”
Copy Chance. Departure vector received. Launch commencing.
Gretchen and Christian’s eyes widened considerably as Surf’s Up gracefully detached from the side of Pegasus, righted and paused in hover.
Two hands waved to us from her cockpit before Aquia’s Broom began moving forward and gained altitude.
“Unbelieveable! Such magic!”
“It isn’t magic, but science, my lord. Science that Lady Christina herself pioneered back on twenty-second century Terra. If not for her, none of this would be possible. And please don’t tell her I said that. She is very sensitive about that time in her life.” I said as a faint sonic boom reached our ears.
“I knew she couldn’t resist.” I giggled as I looked toward that section of sky.
“So what now, Lady Chance?” Gretchen looked to me curiously.
“Now?” I smiled. “Now, we go inside and take the tour I know Aunt Cora is just dying to give you. Be prepared to meet a whole hoard of people that you have no chance of remembering. Also prepare to meet many different sub-species as the Royal Mansion also doubles as the Galactic Alliance embassies here on Antarra.”


“Ahhh! I was just about to send for you.” Aunt Cora greeted as we found her in the main foyer of the mansion. “For our late arrivals, I was just showing and giving a little history lesson on this small portrait behind me.”
She stepped out of the way.
Gretchen and Christian’s jaws dropped!
“That’s us…”
“Yes it is, Sugar Plums. This family portrait leaves no doubt that you two were meant to return to Norge’s Heath. According to the historic details, this was commissioned four years after Colleen’s coronation.”
“But there are three small children in that painting!” Christian exclaimed.
“Apparently you two work fast.” Aunt Cora grinned mischievously.
“Annnnnd love each other veeeery much.” She quickly added as an afterthought with a blush.
“Thomas was just asking about his role in all this, Aunt Cora.” I related to avoid the awkward stares from the newlywed Norwoods.
“I did some preliminary searching for him in the public archives, Chance. I got no hits on his name or facial recognition from any art. I think Aquia is free and clear to navigate.” Simone reported with a smirk.
“Now, if everyone will follow me, please?” Aunt Cora quickly changed course.
We all followed- silently- through a set of secured doors, down three flights of steps, through another set of secured doors, down a short corridor, and through some very old looking wooden doors into a small ‘warehouse’ of a room that looked eerily familiar.
“Now here are the really rare and beyond priceless things. Things that you’ll never see on any inventory list or touring museum collection.”
“Oh! My! God!” Christina gasped as she stopped dead and fixed her gaze to a portrait on the far wall.
The painting had to be seven meters wide by five meters tall and faithfully represented eight people in vivid colors and exquisite detail!
Colleen and Louis were seated front and center- Christina standing behind her mom and dad looking Goddess-like with a slight white aura encircling her- her arms raised out from her sides invitingly in welcome. Lined up behind the ‘Royal Family’- left to right were: Aunt Cora, Link, Simone, Kate; Kitty, Tua, Lyra, and Greer in their disguises; Christina was between Tua and Lyra; Dad, Mom, Grunfuller, and me! We were all depicted in our royal medieval/renaissance finery.
“You know? I never connected this portrait until I met you, Christina. And, I’ve always wondered why two people that looked exactly like me were never recorded in the ancient archives.” Aunt Cora reverently approached the huge painting and gently detached the information card from below it.
“Hmm. Says here it was commissioned five months after your coronation, Colleen; so I guess we all go back and hang with you a little bit longer.” Aunt Cora summarized.
Kate whistled. “Hey! Royals! Over here!”
She had lifted the edge of a linen covered painting measuring a meter by a meter and a half. It was sitting all alone on its own easel.
“Yet another question/mystery revealed. What’s next? Aliens really do exist?” She joked as she carefully lifted the fabric to reveal another portrait- only this one wasn’t any standard painting, but a photographic print of a young couple that looked very much in love in front of a grand, very modern-looking Norge cityscape backdrop.
Taking a step forward, I conjured my wand and called upon it for extra light.
“It says here that this very detailed ‘painting’ was found in a little-used, forgotten storeroom right after breaking ground for a minor addition to the Keep at Norge’s Heath. The ‘artist’ and ‘subjects’ are unknown, but that it was discovered one hundred and fifty years after the coronation of Queen Colleen Norge.
“Though pure speculation, it is thought that the ‘artist’ painstakingly reproduced a ‘vision’ inspired by, or given to him by the Goddess Christina.” I read the very old velum document. It was signed and dated but I could only clearly make out the year: 1735.
“Freakin’ ‘A’ crazy!” Christina muttered as we all continued to gaze at the picture of Aquia and Thomas with Norge’s financial district in the background. They were probably standing near the edge of the Mansion’s landing deck.
“I’m hungry. Is anyone else here hungry?” Aunt Cora declared suddenly as she turned quickly and headed for the doors. I’d never seen her so flustered.
“What’s with Aunt Cora?’ I asked Simone as we hurried to follow our aunt.
“You didn’t see it, Chance?” She asked in surprise.
“See what?”
“The reflection in the large window off to their left?”
I shook my head. “No, what was in the reflection?”
“The Financial Reserve next to the mansion- its informational display; the date was reflected off the window.”
“It’s next Midweek’s date, Chance.”
“Ooooohshit!” I balked.

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Coming soon: Summer's Current: Witch Corps and Beyond
Sometime in 2023

Happy holidays
Happy New Year
To All!

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