Summer's Current: The Antarran Redemption 1-4

Summer's Current:
The Antarran Redemption
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“Is everyone alright out here? Someone informed me of noticing a rather unusual weather event through these patio windows.” Theridae asked in genuine concern as she glided through the double doors and out to where we all stood as a group.
She effectively changed the subject.
Thank God!
It gave me a chance to regroup; and change back to my original party clothing.
“Maybe a flash of ‘heat’ lightning or two, but nothing life threatening, ma’am.” I answered quickly before anyone else could as I turned and pointed to the far off horizon.
As added cover, I thought about how it would be appropriate if a small part of the heavens out where I was pointing discharged some static electricity.
A distant cloud was suddenly outlined by a quick ‘smudge’ of light.
“Oh, wow! Another one! You certainly have some strange, but impressive, weather phenomenon here, Gov. Sceptus.” I said excitedly as I turned back to face them.
Everyone was staring at me!
I tried, diligently, to cover my hard swallow and ‘caught red-handed’ expression.
Lycos winked one eye at me again and began chuckling. His chuckle turned into outright hysterical laughter! Very quickly, everyone- me included- was laughing…
Hopefully at the absurdity of me being able to call upon such a random event, and not about me being any kind of a Goddess!
Now that was crazy thinking!
Still, I wanted to find a big rock to climb under!

Chapter 1

Christina had just ‘transported’ us back to Pegasus and she scurried out of the Galley at almost full transdimensional velocity! Sceptus had decided to stay behind and enjoy the celebration. Kate had escorted Reclos safely back to the Governor’s mansion just after we had initially left.
“Too much Antarran Scotch?” Mom asked, looking slightly inebriated herself. “Or did she finally succumb to the damn ‘flue powder’?”
“I think it finally dawned on her what our polite Tarantin friends could see almost immediately, mom.”
“Oh, you mean the Antarran Goddess thing? Yeah, I didn’t want to spook her too much.” Mom admitted with a strained giggle.
“For someone that observant and intelligent, you would’ve thought she’d noticed that wall mural with her likeness hanging a couple dozen meters behind her and Sceptus at dinner the other night.” I smiled amusedly.
“I think she’s still in denial, honey. She is intentionally- consciously or not- ignoring the obvious.”
“Give her time, Hope.” Dad…Charli recommended. “Remember how long it took you to become comfortable with your new form and talents. Christina has the added weight of finding herself fourteen hundred years into her future. Everything is completely foreign and very overwhelming. I’m very surprised she’s held it together even half this long. And, may I remind you, I remember someone freaking out completely for about nine or ten weeks…give or take a period or two.”
“God, don’t remind me, dear! That was the most disgusting time in my life! I’d take my first partial conscript recovery over that anytime!” Mom groaned in embarrassment.
“I can’t even begin to understand how she must feel- suddenly waking up in the far distant future with a bunch of apparently crazy women wanting to make her feel as comfortable and accepted as they can… So we should go easy on her?” I asked.
“That was strongly recommended against by the Olympians, honey.” Mom said seriously. “We are to treat her as we would any other member of the Corps. End of story.”
“Seems impossible to do and not feel completely overwhelmed by her talents, Hope.” Dad observed.
“But, Lady Hope? Is Christina going to be okay? The way she reacted back at Ex-Commissioner Theridae’s house… I’ve never seen her looking so…introverted.” Link asked- her face clouded in worry, and concern.
“I’m sure she’ll recover, ‘Coraline’.” Mom grinned evilly. “Good work on impersonating your queen, by the way. You were completely indistinguishable from your ‘mother’ tonight.”
Link quietly growled in frustration to my right.
“Did I hear someone mention treason?” Aunt Cora bellowed regally from the other end of the compartment. She walked, heatedly, over to us.
Link suddenly choked while inhaling and became very quiet, very fast.
“I heard nothing of the sort, Cora!” Mom returned fire. “What I witnessed was the ‘daughter’ of the reigning Antarran queen doing her best to continue positive Antarran diplomacy and further nurture relations with an allied System’s bureaucracy in lieu of her ‘mother’s’ absence.”
“My, my! It’s getting very deep, unusually early tonight, Hope Summers.” Aunt Cora laughed.
“You’d have been proud of her, Cora. She had everyone other than Sceptus, Lycos, and Theridae believing her to be you. I noticed no doubt on any of the guests’ faces.” Hope praised.
“Just so she doesn’t make a habit out of it I suppose.” Aunt Cora physically him-hawed a few seconds for effect. “Come here child.” She offered her arms to Link.
Complying, Aunt Cora wrapped her arms tightly around her young protégé.
“Am I that easy to emulate, Sugar Plum?” She asked gently.
“Most of it came naturally, I’ll admit, but I was still scared shitless, Aunt Cora. But Christina being there helped me feel confident enough to pull it off. I don’t think I could’ve done that if she weren’t there. You should’ve seen her, Aunt Cora! She took on a giant Terran arachnid singlehandedly, and even sloughed off its venom from her arms as if merely water! I have never seen such calm or courage under duress!” Link reported excitedly.
“She’s still being reckless?” Aunt Cora asked, as she looked around to see us all nod sadly. “I’d have thought she’d calmed down by now. I’ll have to have a few words with my niece. I’ll let you know how things go, High Priestess.” She said as she headed toward the Galley door with purpose in her stride.
“So what exactly is Christina, Chance?” Link asked in curiosity. “I know- without a doubt- she’s Antarran, but what ‘else’ is she?”
“You didn’t see the hanging mural in the dining hall last evening either, did you, sweetie?” I questioned.
“What mural? Where?”
“The mural hanging about twenty meters behind where Sceptus and Christina were sitting, sweetie. Her likeness was front and center and quite well detailed- as if she was being portrayed as the reigning queen of the time or some higher ‘Supreme Being’. That wall mural was presented to the Tarantin Government as a gift from the Antarran people over two hundred years ago. It had been in the Norge’s private collection for centuries before that.” Charli answered.
Link’s mouth dropped open- her eyes big as saucers.
“Relax, little sister. I’m sure there’s a perfectly simple explanation for the similarity.” Simone assured. “But just in case there isn’t, let’s not think too hard on it right now, okay?”
Simone drove home her suggested point-of-action by exaggeratedly nodding her head in the positive.
“Come on; time for some sleep, sis. We’ve all had a very long day.” Simone added placing a gentle hand to Link’s shoulder and guiding her out of the Galley.
“I guess that’s our cue to hit the rack as well, Charli.” Mom nudged Dad. “See you in the morning, Chance.”
“Get ya a cup’a coffee, Chance?” Kate asked. I hadn’t even realized she was still here.
“I thought you turned in awhile ago, Kate.”
“I had, but I just couldn’t get to sleep. Somethin’ keeps naggin’ at me.”
“So, want to talk about it? Thanks.” I asked and thanked her as she passed my steaming cup.
“That’s what chicks do, right? Talk about things? Personally, I never quite got into the habit, but tonight, I… I don’t know… I feel the ‘urge’ to talk.” She answered, unsure if she was making sense or not.
“I know it’s been a lot longer for you, but I get what you mean. Even after almost nine years, I still feel like I don’t fit the ‘true’ female ‘mold’. I find myself wondering if I’m acting the way women of my age group should. Sometimes the male Chance still checks in too.”
“I get you, Chance, but that’s not exactly what I meant. I’m concerned for her. She’s advancing way quicker than I find comfortable. She does things that even I find inconceivable and completely ‘out’ there.”
By ‘she’ you mean Christina, right? I just wanted clarification before we continue.”
Kate nodded.
“She makes my skin crawl, Chance! I can’t help it. I know you said she’s safe, but there’s just something…”
“Something that you can’t quite put your finger on? Something you feel or sense about her? Something ‘different?” I asked, completing her statement.
“Okay, so you do get me.” She sighed. “Personality-wise she’s very approachable and likeable, but there’s something we’re not seeing, something we’re all missing.”
“Well, she’s not a Goddess or an Olympian. They’ve made that quite clear to me and mom.” I admitted.
“Then what the hell is she, Chance? If she’s not a Goddess or Olympian, what is she?”
“Something way more,” I said, “Something new and much more dangerous than anyone’s ever seen before, I’d imagine. Try to think of what would make Zeus show extreme caution. That might get you close…maybe not. I can’t even get a straight answer out of Nike on this one, Kate.”
“Kinda makes you wonder if we’re hosting our own demise… maybe even the demise of the Way as a whole?”
“I have a feeling that Christina isn’t going to go to the dark side, Kate. Nike and I both agree on that… for now.”
“For now? What are you trying to say, Chance?” Kate looked terrified.
“Artemis stressed that we treat Christina as an accepted member of the Corps- which she is. So far she’s been instrumental in completing our last two missions successfully and efficiently. In case you missed it, she’s still fragile even if she acts like a first class bad ass when needed. She’s very intelligent and has very strong moral values. Just try to give her a chance, Kate. No special treatment, just treat her like you treat any of us. That’s my recommendation and my take on her.”
“Understood. Now, about the youngster, Link, you think Ol’ Cora’s really intent on adopting her? The two are absolutely identical and I can see how she could fool people that don’t know about her. I think it would do the old gal wonders to claim a daughter of her own, you?”
“I saw the way Aunt Cora reacted to Simone the day they met. The look of sheer joy that gushed from her was overwhelming. I think in her mind just the simple fact that the Norge line would continue removed tons and tons of stress and worry for her and Antarra. If agreeable to the adoption, Link would probably go insane from the pampering and personal attent-.”
“SURPRISE! Hi everybod… Rrrrawww, dammit! I finally get it figured out and no one’s around to boast to!” Sinae shouted as she suddenly appeared next to Kate and I.
“Yeah, you’re right. Kate and I don’t count for anything, Sinae.” I groaned sadly.
“Well, cue the ‘crazier-than-an-expresso-drinkin’-squirrel’ Lynxin!” Kate stage whispered with annoyance. “Hey Chance? Nice talk. We’ll do it again some time. Night. Night, Kitty.” Kate got up from her seat and walked out of the Galley in silence.
“So… you and Tau here for a late night snack?” I asked as I smiled to Sinae then looked to the deck at her sleeping Prime Minister.
Sinae followed my eyes down to the deck.
“Oops! That wasn’t supposed to happen.”
I began laughing.
“Nice first try though. Extra points for a carry-along.”
“Cute. How’d it go at wherever you guys ended up?” Sinae changed the subject quickly.
“Christina transported us straight into a formal gala. An ex-commissioner, Theridae, had planned to celebrate the announcement of her candidacy in the next gubernatorial elections. Only, Theridae was a dopple and everyone invited was on the verge of conscription.”
“Ack-ward! So what happened?” Sinae sat herself down next to me and waited for me to continue. Even her tail seemed to be very interested, its tip appearing above the tabletop bent toward me in anticipation.
I shook my head in amazement at the humorous sight.
“Sceptus managed to coax Theridae up to her personal office to talk business. She tried to conscript him as soon as the office door closed, but couldn’t have been less successful. She ended up out cold on the floor. Christina popped us up there and she asked for permission to apply her serum. Things didn’t go according to plan.”
“Oh? How so?”
“Theridae melted into the carpet and all that was left was a small, green gelatinous puddle.”
She melted? Like in that ancient Terran movie?”
“Exactly like that. It made even me feel nauseous!” I admitted.
“I bet Christina was beside herself.”
“You got that right! She collapsed to tears even before it started soaking in.”
“Poor kid. She gonna to be okay?”
“Oh, she recovered quickly- especially after she brought the real Theridae back from the dead or wherever.”
“Like she did with Sceptus’ kid…Reclos?” Sinae looked intrigued.
“Exactly like, but I have no clue where she found any genetic code sample big enough or even the woman’s soul or memories!”
We both sat quietly for a moment.
“Christina certainly is an enigma.”
“That’s putting it mildly!” I hrmphed. “Artemis told mom we needed to treat her like any other Corps member and definitely show no favoritism.”
“Sounds like one of their quests or challenges.”
Mom said that the Olympians seem scared of Christina.”
“Wow. She must really be something for that to happen.” Sinae exhaled heavily.
“I don’t think anyone’s really figured that ‘something’ out yet. Kate was just giving me her opinion of her. She’s creeped out by her.”
“I like her, Chance. I find her fascinating, intelligent, and personable.”
“Yes, and neither of you likes to be told what to do. I can see why you two like each other.” I giggled.
“I’ll give you that one, sister.” Sinae smiled brightly.
“Kitty? Come back to bed, Kitty.” Tau mumbled as he turned over and began to snore quietly on the deck next to us.
“As you can tell, he’s a very sound sleeper, Chance. I guess I should start concentrating to get us back up to our quarters.” Sinae sighed in resignation. “I’m sure I won’t hear the end of it if he wakes up on the Galley’s deck.”
“There again, he might think it kinky as hell, sister!” I giggled some more.
Sinae vanished, but Tau still remained, snoring softly on the deck.
I sighed now. “I somehow knew that would happen.”
“I guess I should lend her a hand.” I said as Sinae’s quarters appeared around me. I looked down to make sure Tau had come along. He didn’t end up back in bed, but close was good enough.
“Thanks, Chance.” Sinae said quietly as she blushed.
I concentrated on the Galley and my unfinished coffee.
And, easily explainable, I thought as I took another sip.

Chapter 2

“Knock, knock?” I said to the closed door of the modest suite I shared with my new niece, Christina Everhardt.
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Christina’s brooding, cold, and malevolent statement echoed throughout the main passageway.
Such a strange girl!
Though, I wondered how she did that.
Hoping that was her way of granting entrance, I slowly opened the old-style, wooden hinged door and cautiously entered.
“Sugar Plum? You decent?” I asked.
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
The answer came from a large, blanket-covered lump directly in the middle of our shared, queen-sized bed.
“Rats!” I said aloud, snapping my fingers dramatically and hoping that would change the mood of the voice’s owner.
“Just go away, Auntie. I’m really not in the mood.” Christina’s voice requested sorrowfully. I could already tell this was going to be bad.
“I just came to see if you needed a shoulder to cry on. The royal shoulder, I’ve been told, is most forgiving. You might need to bend over a bit, but I’m offering.”
“I’m tired of crying. I’m tired of feeling overwhelmed. I’m tired of being tired of things I’m tired of being overwhelmed by because it tires me and I’m tired of that too!”
I cringed. What had I just gotten myself into?
“Look, Sugar Plum, I’m the queen. I have people to figure out logic puzzles like that! What’s eating at you?”
Well…A giant Brazilian Wandering Spider tried his best! I had to put it down, but not before the disgusting thing drooled toxic venom on both my arms. Then…I had to heal myself, which caused me to have to spit out the poison onto the patio floor. If it started burning through solid stone, why am I still alive? Charli’s analysis determined it was straight nucleic acid.”
I felt my mouth drop open in shock! I asked for it.
“A Tarantin tried to kill you?” I demanded an answer.
“No, not a Tarantin! This spider is only indigenous to Earth, Aunt Cora. Nonetheless, I purified it which reduced it back to its native form then Hope incinerated it.”
“So, it’s over?”
“And its dead now, right?”
“It was alone?”
“Sceptus is okay?”
“And you’re okay, right?”
“That’s still up for debate.”
I felt my jaw tighten.
“So let’s debate your wellness status then, shall we?”
“Why? What difference would it make?”
“Well, it would prompt you to uncover your head so we may converse like two grown women and not like a self-important queen to her spoiled, mousy niece.”
“Mousy is better than being deified.”
Okay, so she did take notice of the mural.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” I played along in curiosity.
“There is a wall mural- a huge painting- hanging in the dining room. I’m surprised you didn’t already know about it… Or did you? Anyway, it had a likeness of me on it, Aunt Cora! Me! Tell me how I am supposed to handle that? How is it even possible I could be on a huge painted portrait that has to be at least several hundred years old? How can I continue to ignore something like that?”
Well, you are over fourteen hundred, Sugar Plum…”
“Not helping, Auntie! Please…please just leave me be!” She requested, sullenly.
“I’m not leaving, Christina! I would never abandoned family in their time of greatest need! We Norge’s stick together through any and everything, Christina Everhardt! It’s about time you get that through that thick, Antarran skull!” I decried as my ire rose. “Oh, and by the way? That mural has been in the Norge family for almost two thousand years, Sugar Plum- and yes, I knew it was on display there. I gifted it to the Tarantin government about two hundred years ago. I just hadn’t made the connection until I saw you standing in front of it.” I revealed haughtily.
“Now, do I have to come over there and forcibly pull that blanket off you and turn you over my knee, young lady?” I threatened.
Her suddenly malevolent laughter filled the room and echoed throughout its space.
“If you feel you can accomplish that and survive, Caroline Norge.” Her voice challenged.
I don’t know how she did that with her voice, but I wasn’t going to back down! A challenge is a challenge- even if her powers were far superior to my own! Once that gauntlet was thrown down, it was my responsibility as queen to accept!
“Of course I can, and I will! Shall we dance, Christina Everhardt?” I answered in a formidable growl; calling what I hoped was her bluff.
Just in case, I called my wand and prepared.
Her dark laughter once more echoed throughout our quarters.
“We Norges never back down, Christina! I thought I already taught you that?”
That laughter again! It was quickly getting irritating.
“Knock off that damned disembodied laughter! The Celebration of the Dead is four months away and I am certainly not in the mood, Christina!” I warned as I rechecked my aim on the unmoving lump.
Unmoving lump…
Part of me said that she was hiding somewhere else and throwing her voice to confuse me. Another warned that she might strike first if provoked any further. Still another part shouted that both could be true and that I had walked into a very cunning trap!
Did I feel like gambling? Of course I did, I’m a Norge!
I concentrated on my enhanced Antarran senses hoping to ‘feel’ her- to anticipate her.
I quickly turned in anger and randomly aimed my wand.
Christina stood there behind me with the tip of my wand making a very slight indent in her beautifully sculpted neck.
We exchanged heated glares for almost a full minute before she took a step back.
“I believe you and you didn’t, Aunt Cora.”
“So why the test, Sugar Plum?” I asked curiously, standing down and dismissing my wand.
“I just wanted to see how fierce and steadfast we Antarran females really are. Earlier tonight, I heard several… myths… fabled stories about our people and how bloodthirsty we were a few millennia ago. Of course, my having studied Earth history, it was easy to liken them to Earth’s legendary, mythical Amazon Warriors; women of amazing physical strength and agility whose courage and ruthlessness surpassed even the Romans and Germanics. Sound familiar, Auntie?”
“Well, I’m not so well versed on ancient Terran anthropology, Sugar Plum. I’ll have to believe what you tell me is truth.” I capitulated.
“Though their hair color was never definitively mentioned- only assumed to be blonde by self proclaimed ‘scholars’, or black according to pottery art of the time- the Amazons were said to be the most vicious, cunning, tactically advanced, and unforgiving race of warriors on the planet. It was written that a single division of Amazons could wipe out several phalanx of an opposing army and not break a sweat.”
“Tonight Rep. Lycos winked at me as if he had made the connection. I felt thoroughly embarrassed and couldn’t find a convenient place to transport out unseen even though Chance recommended against me doing just that.”
“So? The Wolfman winked at you. So what, Sugar Plum?”
“He started treating me…um… differently… like I really was a Goddess or something!”
“Haven’t you learned the rules of engagement for love yet, Sugar Plum? They treat us all like Goddess’ to get into our thongs. Typically, we think with our highly developed brains, whereas they…they think with they’re highly engorged willies.” I giggled. “And no matter where you go in the Way- and even possibly anywhere else in the universe, that is a constant. That’s life!”
“Until recently, I’ve been ill-equipped to be competitive, Aunt Cora.” She said blushing like a Venusian Shrine Maiden.
“That seemed to be no problem for you a few nights ago, Sugar Plum. As I recall, the equipment functioned well above specifications.”
“CORA!” She shrieked as I finally revealed a hint as to what occurred the night she imbibed a little too much. Not that it was necessarily true as I was also unsure as to what had transpired that night.
I felt my smile grow bolder. “It’s nothing to be ashamed of, Christina. What you need to do is loosen up those ancient, chaste, Terran beliefs and start to live a little. Be the Norge you truly are meant to be!”
“It’s not that easy, Aunt Cora. I’ve been conditioned for twenty-one years.” She complained.
“If it were easy, all Antarran women would be ‘doing it’, Sugar Plum.” I deadpanned.
“Fantastic! I’m a full-blooded member of the horniest clan on all of Antarra!” She complained while raising her hands over her head in defeat.
“At least we know we can get satisfaction any time- any where we want it, Sugar Plum.” I winked while giggling. “It pays to be royalty.”
“Oh! My! God!” She exclaimed. “I am so screwed!”
“Give me a few minutes and I can arrange that, Sugar Plum.” I laughed wickedly.

Chapter 3

“Welcome back, Kitten. So how’d it go?” Kate asked as Lyra approached, hovered then translated Hello Kitty smoothly to her docking pylon.
Our displays were quiet all shift, Wrench.
“Sorry to hear that, Kitten. Better luck next time. Water Lily, Welcome hom-.” Kate said, but my attention shifted when Lokust entered the bridge.
“Hey dear, I miss anything?” She wrapped her arms around me and planted a very passionate kiss on my lips. I had missed her too.
“Nothing. So Lyra reported no contacts all shift. Sorry.” I told her sadly.
“I’ll bet.” She smiled as she released me. “The only thing you’re sorry about is that you weren’t up there with us, Chance Summers.” Lokust guffawed impishly.
“Guilty as charged.” I smiled sheepishly.
Chance? I have Gov. Sceptus asking for permission to board Pegasus.” Link alerted from navigation.
“Tell him to hold at the edge of the landing area until our Broom recovery operation completes.” I told her.
He agrees and says to take our time. Reclos is completely fascinated and having the time of his life observing the operation.” Link reported with a slight giggle.
“Hear anything from Kitty and Tau?” Lokust asked.
“At her last check-in, they had completed their sorties around Hovell and Aragnom. Kitty had just adjusted Re-tailed’s course for Traptdor. ETA is right about now, X-O.” Kate reported.
“You’re next to get some stick time, right, Kate?” I asked.
“Yeah, I am, but I’m not going to go into withdrawal like you girls do if you decide to nix it.” She replied with a wicked smile.
“Well, I think we can wait until Kitty and Tau get back to begin the next sortie. Take a break…get something to eat and drink after Aquia’s docked.” I recommended.
“Sounds like a good idea. I’ll alert the rest of my flight, but have our ‘Blue Belles of Micro-biology’ cleaned up downstairs yet?” She asked. “I wouldn’t wanna catch something exotic like ‘Antarranitis’.”
Simone, Christina, Aunt Cora, and I began clean-up just after Christina transferred the prepared serum vials into Re-Tailed for Kitty’s mission. The Galley is now back to the way it was found, Lady Katelyn.” Link snarked regally.
Kate turned and regarded the Nav tube with an annoyed look and a raised eyebrow.
“Okay, kiddo, my turn.” Charli said abruptly as she entered the bridge and walked right over to the Navigation Tube tapping on it. “I thought I’d use the break before our tee-time to search through the Galactic Net for something that just occurred to me.
Allow me a moment to cleanup and log off, Lady Charli.” Link answered as the Nav Tube started to clear.
“Pegasus, Pegasus15docked. Docking clamps and umbilicals secured.” Aquia announced over our Comm.
“Copy, Pegasus15. Welcome home. Hey, boss? What did you say to the kid that she’s so ‘by the book’ these days?” Kate asked me.
“I believe she has found her niche. Aquia has found her freedom among the vastness of interstellar space and has begun to embrace her new life and her role in ours.” Link answered before I could.
“Wow! That was really deep, kiddo! You sure you’re only fifteen?” Kate asked, looking very impressed by her answer.
“Since I am not an Arboreal subspecies it would be unwise to cut me and count my cycle rings, though I assure you I am fifteen, Lady Katelyn.” Link answered with the ‘royal’ tone Aunt Cora only used when holding court.
“Wow! That just sent chills down my spine!” Kate whispered. “She got the old gal down pat.”
“To say the least.” Charli giggled right before the Nav tube closed and began its soft blue glow.
“Alert the Governor that he and Reclos are clear to board, Charli. I’ll meet them at the hatch.”
Gotcha, Chance. Sceptus confirmed and awaits our boarding ramp deployment.
“Welcome aboard, gentlemen.” I smiled as I motioned both into our main passageway. As usual, Reclos stared around us in awe. “To what do we owe this visit?”
“Upon hearing of your possible departure set for late this afternoon, Reclos wanted the opportunity to again thank Lady Christina for her help in his recovery.”
“And?” I encouraged, knowing there was another motive.
“And,” Sceptus smiled being so transparent. “And I have some news both you and Lady Christina might find intriguing.”
I motioned us up the passage to Aunt Cora and Christina’s quarters.
I wonder what strange greeting we’ll get this time? I thought to myself as I knocked softly.
I wasn’t disappointed.
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“I love this ship!” Reclos bubbled ecstatically.
I rolled my eyes as I reached for the doorknob, but it opened on its own with a long, drawn out, creaking squeal.
All four of Reclos’ eyes almost popped out of his head!
“I thought we talked about this, Chistina?” Aunt Cora sighed as she turned from the tall Antarran she was sitting next to before looking at who was entering.
“Sorry for that greeting, guys. My niece just has a funny way of saying hello.” Aunt Cora explained.
“I think she’s fantastic!” Reclos bubbled as he boldly walked across the room to stand before Christina.
“Lady Christina? Before you and the others depart Webb City, I wanted to again thank you for saving me from what I have learned was a fate even worse than death. I shall always and forever be in your debt.”
Christina Everhardt looked at the young Tarantin and tears began to form in her eyes.
“You have accrued no debt to me, Reclos.” She said softly. “I, however, do feel indebted to your father for allowing me the opportunity to help your people. It fills my heart with happiness knowing I have helped another subspecies avoid extinction. So…Reclos… I thank you for allowing me the opportunity to help.”
Sceptus wiped at his eyes, noticeably taken by her words.
“Spoken… spoken like the true noble you are, Lady Christina.” He croaked out.
“And I couldn’t be more proud of her, Sceptus! Christina is one of the best ambassadors Antarra ever produced! She’s one of the smartest too!” Aunt Cora proclaimed. Now, if I can just get my daughter, Coraline, to accept similar responsibilities.”
“Lady Link is not to be underestimated in her use of diplomacy, Lady Cora. She successfully set out terms of negotiation for our upcoming trade summit next quarter when the topic came up at Theridae’s gala. I found it hard to believe, that at only fifteen standard, she has your control and business skill set. I applaud you on that accomplishment, Queen Norge.”
“Where is Lady Link, High Priestess Chance?” Reclos effervesced.
“She should be just coming off duty, Reclos. I can ask if she can meet you up in the lounge, if you’d like?” I suggested.
He nodded excitedly.
“Chance, Link. You have a visitor awaiting you in the lounge.” I said, activating my Comm.
I just sat down up here. Could you send them up, Chance?
“On his way, Link. Chance out. You know the way, Reclos?” I asked.
The young Tarantin nodded vigorously and bowed to each of us before disappearing out the door.
The entry door slowly ‘squealed’ and ‘creaked’ closed and what sounded like a heavy iron lock bar was set.
“Are we feeling that macabre, Christina?” I asked sarcastically.
“I’ve already told her that the Celebration of the Dead isn’t for a few more months, but Christina has her mood set, Sugar Plum.” Aunt Cora explained.
“So… Sceptus… what’s this news you thought Christina and I would find so intriguing?” I prompted.
Christina’s concerned eyes were instantly locked on our Governor!
Sceptus seemed to freeze at her abrupt reaction!
“Um… well… Officers Muffet and Tipsy… The two female security officers you cured at Webb City’s reservoir? Well… they… um… they seem to have developed certain… ‘unusual’… ‘side affects’.” Sceptus began nervously.
Christina’s heart looked on the verge of breaking.
“I… um… I assure you it is nothing terminal or even life threatening, my lady.” Sceptus tried to disarm her emotional response.
“Both are in extremely superb health and seem very happy, but…” He paused a moment looking very unsure of himself.
“I’m sure you all are aware of our main export of silken material and that only the female of our subspecies can produce that valuable commodity.” Again Sceptus paused, his eyes regarding each of us independently for further reactions.
“Officers Muffet and Tipsy have requested extended leave of absence from our security force. It seems that their ‘product’ output has doubled from before they contracted the Hobgoblin infection.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t realize that such…”
Sceptus raised all three of his right hands to halt Christina’s apology.
“Analysis of their product has revealed something extraordinary.” He told us.
At our show of curiosity, he continued.
“Apparently their product is now far superior to any modern day material we have on record,” saying this, he paused as if unsure how to communicate what came next.
“Except one.” He finally finished, looking extremely nervous.
“And I believe you already know the singular material I speak of, High Priestess.” He looked directly to me.
As if I had any inkling of what he was talking about.
“Subatomic analysis has revealed the reemergence of the Weaver Clan material.” He proclaimed cautiously.
I was stunned!
Christina appeared to have absolutely no idea what he was talking about.
At her absence of recognition, Sceptus gave a little background.
“Centuries ago there was a subspecies of Arachnoid whose silken material far exceeded anything the rest of us could produce. I recall Lady Hope mentioning some time ago that your Witch Corps uniforms were the very last instances of their production? Since then the ‘Weavers’ as they were known went extinct- supposedly at the hands of the Hobgoblin scum you ladies try to protect us all from. Modern Science has yet to crack the vexing, complicated structural code behind such resilient material. Until four days ago, that is. Now, it appears the Weavers are once again among us. Two, as a matter of fact, have appeared in our very own city and have secured lawyers and managers… and have acquired contracts and licensing to produce their superior material for Tarantis. Once again Witch Corps has placed us back on a stable, profitable economic footing within the Way. Thank you, my ladies!”
Christina’s mouth had dropped wide open sometime during Sceptus’ briefing. She looked extremely pale, but didn’t appear to be losing her composure or strength.
“As we speak, I have asked Rep. Theridae to submit a sample of her own product for subatomic analysis. Can I assume she too has somehow become the rare commodity, Lady Christina?” He asked pleasantly.
Christina remained stationary- so much so that I thought I’d have to conjure a mirror to hold under her nose as proof of life!
“Don’t say it, Sceptus.” I warned as I saw him preparing his next statement. “I’m sure Christina was completely unaware of that particular side affect and is elated she was able to revitalize Tarantis’ economy. I believe you have rendered her speechless and quite stunned she had such a positive influence.”
Sceptus observed the tall Antarran for a moment.
“My sincerest appreciation along with the thanks of all four worlds to you, Lady Christina Everhardt.” He bowed respectfully to her still motionless form.
“Oh. I have also been requested to deliver a gift of appreciation from Officers Muffet and Tipsy to you, my lady.
Sceptus reached around and under the back of his shirt to produce a small circular object. Being roughly twenty-five centimeters in diameter, the delicate, loosely woven, web design within the circular ‘hoop’ matched Christina’s earrings almost exactly!
I had no idea as to what it was called.
“A…a…a dreamcatcher? It-it’s beautiful, Gov. Sceptus.” Christina replied as she wiped her eyes then accepted the gift. “Th-thank you.”
“You are most welcome, my lady. The ‘Weavers’ hope it functions as effectively as its predecessors and protects you from the Hoblin scum and other less moral entities.”
Tears rolled down Christina’s suddenly introspective face. Sceptus looked to me for explanation.
I gave him a reassuring smile.
“Um… High Priestess? I think it’s time Reclos and I take our leave so that you can prepare this amazing craft for her next adventure. Lady Christina, pleasant travels to you and your sisters. I hope you again favor us with a visit- though, under less dire circumstances.” Sceptus carefully, gently took Christina’s hand and applied a chaste kiss to its back while bowing reverently in front of her. Straightening, he smiled nervously then turned toward me.
“Is she going to be alright, Chance? I have never seen her this inattentive.” He whispered.
“She saw the Antarran Goddess mural.” I whispered.
He nodded then glanced back at the girl and quickly gulped as his attention returned to me.
“Have I overstepped my bounds, Chance? It was not my intention to displease her.” He again whispered.
“Aunt Cora? I think Christina needs some sleep. She seems to have gone into a coma or trance. I’ll let you handle this ‘Antarran’ situation.”
“Gee…thanks! What’d I ever do to you, Sugar Plum?” Aunt Cora groaned.
I motioned with my eyes to Sceptus that we should leave. He nodded acknowledgement.

Chapter 4

“Bring it on home, Kitty. Congrats on your successful mission!” Kate said happily.
Thanks! Re-Tailed is on final now, Pegasus. See you in a few. Pegasus3, out.
“I’d like our preflights to initiate right after Kitty and Tau report to the bridge.” I requested. “I’m going back to check on Christina and Aunt Cora.”
“Got it, boss. We’ll be ready.” Kate confirmed with a smile as I exited.
Ant Redemp Ch4 p19.jpg
Once again I rolled my eyes as I opened the door.
Aunt Cora was standing over an unmoving Christina.
“Listen to me, child. Do I look like a Goddess? Don’t answer that! Look, the point is I have to deal with the royal treatment almost every day. The only respite I get is when Hope and now Chance calls or drops by offering a mission! Sure, at first, I got just as upset as you when people bowed or prostrated themselves before me, but I’ve learned how to shrug it off and be true to myself. You think it’s easy being the ruler of twenty-seven individual systems and diplomatically attached to over four thousand other allied systems? Norges’ be praised! I’m lucky I have Kitty Sinae as such a close ally and even closer friend! True friends like her and the rest of our Coven aren’t afraid to tell you the real truth- the raw truth! And you better not tell her I said that, Chance Summers! High Priestess or not, I can still make your eternity a living hell!”
“Not a word, Aunt Cora. Besides, I had to deal with basically the same thing after I reached my threshold too. All mom would say was that once I achieved ‘threshold’ I’d be better able to rid Mare of her unwanted guests. I had no idea what had actually happened when I woke up- just that Grunfuller wanted to know what I did with Chance Summers. At that time, neither of us knew anything about Witch Corps, magic, or being a Current Mage. This,” I motioned down my body, “was entirely new territory.” I explained.
“And then when the whole ‘High Priestess’ thing happened, I felt I could’ve crawled under a rock and never come back out. Add to that when Artemis revealed I was her long-lost niece, Nike, reincarnated… well…I really don’t need to explain any further. Suffice it to say, Cora and I know a little bit about how you’re feeling, Christina. Just remember who you are and try to ignore what others think you are. Think you can do that?” I asked.
“But…the mural…” She insisted softly.
“What about it, Sugar Plum? You…we already know that one of your talents is time jumping.” Aunt Cora countered. “Is it so crazy to think that instead of jumping us back five hours, you can effectively jump us back five thousand or even five million years? Time seems to be more fluid for you than the rest of us. That’s just one of your talents. When I found out I could combat, defeat, purify, and reconstitute Hoblin conscripts, I could’ve bounced off the ceiling and walls I was so excited! Now I find that I have even deeper talents with being able to ‘flue powder’ myself around… I couldn’t feel more elated! Embrace your talent’s, Christina! Learn, but don’t abuse them. Get to understand them… and by all means accept them as yours. Brush off the ‘deity’ crap- it’s overrated anyway!”
“But you’re just a quee…”
“Hold it right there, Sugar Plum! If we were back on Antarra right now, I could show you over twenty portraits that depict me or mother as the greatest thing since subspace communications!”
“Yeah, but you had about ten of those commissioned, Aunt Cora.” I giggled. That resulted in her glaring at me.
“Those were the modest ones, Chance. The really sensational ones were done by admirers or extreme fanatics. One of them even depicts me being borne from an enormous sea scallop shell!”
“Does Demeter know about that one, Auntie?” Christina burst forth with a snorted laugh.
“Finally! After two and a half hours; the emotional breakthrough I’ve been waiting for!” Aunt Cora decried.
“Wait! You’ve spent over two and a half hours trying to get me to laugh? I didn’t think it took that long. Seems like just a few minutes.” Christina seemed confused.
“Well, when you space out like you did, of course time moves faster… hold on, you didn’t just jump ahead or anything, did you?” Aunt Cora studied her niece carefully.
“Well, Dr. Norge, I believe your patient’s time is up and I need both of you on my bridge. Christina, I’d like you on the Engineering Console for the first watch. Coordinate with Simone. She’s doing some fine-tuning on the Current feedback regulators in main engineering.”
She vanished!
“I really wish she would stop doing that and walk to places like the rest of us.” I moaned as I led Aunt Cora out and forward.
The bridge door opened to reveal several very cross faces. Kate glared at me- that was expected of her anytime Christina was near her anymore, but I wondered why Sinae, Tau, Mom, Lyra, and Greer seemed angry. Their focal point seemed to be Christina.
It seemed like this was my day for rolling my eyes.
“Now what did she do?” I asked quietly- mostly to myself.
“Well I for one haven’t had the opportunity to visit my lavatory since getting back.” Sinae stated sarcastically. “No need now.”
I noticed that Lyra and Greer had also changed clothes.
Mom seemed to be actively contemplating how she could tear our tall Antarran into tiny pieces and still survive.
Tau seemed to be more worried than angry as he kept glancing over to Sinae. Maybe he was anticipating his queen’s similar brutally instantaneous attack on Christina?
“Preflights!” I announced without a reply and took my seat to begin my own checks.
“Weapons are now online and ready. Too bad I can’t get our internal security defenses to lock on her!” Sinae growled as she turned and reported her station’s status. She glared over to Christina’s back as she seemed too busy to have heard the comment.
“Then it is good that my safety panel has also successfully completed its operational checks, High Priestess.” P.M. Tau responded rather calmly.
“Obviously Comms are working, boss. Kitty? I’ll get right on that targeting malfunction you seem to be having.” Kate reported though I hoped she really wasn’t intending to defeat our security filters.
“Helm is ready, Chance.” Mother reported then turned back to me.
“Hmmm… I wonder what would happen if I took us transdimensional the instant she popped out?” She stage whispered.
The intent and her glare toward Christina were extremely obvious.
Christina didn’t seem to be paying us one bit of attention. She was having a very animated, but quiet conversation with Simone over the ship’s comm system, however.
“Engineering. Report!” I demanded to snap her back to the bridge.
“High Priestess, Simone is having trouble calibrating a new auxiliary feedback regulator. Permission to go back and assist?”
“Negative. Chance, Simone. What’s the problem?”
This new regulator is way more sensitive than the old one, Chance. It keeps drifting off my setting and in either direction. It’s going to take a few more minutes… to…never mind. Thanks, Chance.
“Thanks for what?” I asked curiously though, I had my suspicions.
“Didn’t you just conjure a new regulator into the circuit to replace this ‘flakey’ one?” Simone asked.
“No, I did not.” I turned my attention to Christina. To say she was blushing was an understatement!
Understood. Thanks, sister. Okay, now to adjust… Excellent! This one’s rock-steady. We’re good to go, Chance.
“Environmental is ready, Chance.” Link signaled from beside Christina.
“Engineering preflight checks are complete, High Priestess.” Christina reported, but continued her eye contact exclusively with her station console.
Navigation is a go, Chance. Course plotted for Mare de Tempest and sent to helm.” Charli reported.
“Hi. Did I miss anything?” Aquia asked as she entered the bridge and gracefully took her ‘observer’s seat’ beside Lyra and Greer.
“All Brooms are locked, networked, and reporting a ‘go’. I added my own preflight confirmation. “Alert Webb City Control that we’re ready for departure.”
“You got it, boss.”
“Mom? Try to keep it at fifty-five until we exit the system? Please?” I urged.
“First the damn Antarran scares the piss outta me then my own daughter wants me to double nickel it and play nice with the Tarantin highway patrol! Argggh.”
“What’s that, helm?” I asked heatedly.
“Helm is ready when you give the word, High Priestess.” Mom seethed through gritted teeth.
I smiled evilly knowing it was going to kill my mother to hold back on the throttle for that long.
“I have Governor Sceptus on visual, boss.” Kate said as Sceptus and Reclos appeared on our forward display screen.
“Governor Sceptus?” I greeted.
“High Priestess, Reclos and I just wanted to once more convey our thanks for all that you and your Coven have done this last week. We wish you a safe and incident-free return to your Base.”
“Lady Christina?” Reclos shouted excitedly.
“Here, young sir.” Christina responded from her station.
“Lady Christina. Thank you from the bottom of my hearts for recovering me…and also accept my extended thanks from all those that you have also saved in our system. Safe trip home, my lady.” Reclos, as well as Sceptus, smiled brightly as their images blanked, and our forward view of Webb City Spaceport returned.
“We’re cleared for departure, boss.”
“Vector received, Chance. Just say the word.” Mom added with a slight hiss of displeasure in her voice.
“Take us out, helm…nice and slow.” I ordered just to hear the frustration in my mother’s reply.
“Aye-aye…High… Priestesssss.”
Lokust looked over to me and rolled her eyes while an impish smile graced her lips.
Author's note: I apologize for the long delay in getting the first chapters of this book out. I decided it would be prudent to take the spring and summer off to re-re-re-re-re-edit this book and also to finish the last book of the Summer's Current Series

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