Summer's Current 3: Summer's Daughter- Chapters 1-4


It's eight years later and we rejoin the Current Mages on the morning of a joyous event.


Summer’s Current 3:
Summer’s Daughter


Chapter 1

“Aunt Dell? Have you seen Mommy?”
“No, I haven’t.”
“Aunt Simone? Have you seen Mommy?”
“Maybe check at their shop, honey.”
“Aunt Chantell…”
Christ, kid! Why is it always when I’m on the head?!
“Grandma Charli? Have you seen…”
“Section 6B, Compartment 6B42S4, but you are going to stay here with us, little one! Is that clear?” I answered just after Savanna had ‘popped’ into our quarters.
“Ah huh.”
“Good, now what is so important that you need your mother so badly?”
“Garith Anderson called me a ‘freak’! What’s a ‘freak’, Grandma?”
I appraised my granddaughter for a moment knowing that her issue wasn’t worth disturbing Chance about. As predicted eight years ago, Savanna was definitely a handful!
“It’s something that Garith or any of the other Andersons should know better than to say, Savanna.” I answered as I placed my hand on her shoulder. “It’s a rude way of pointing out that someone is different from other people. But Garith has no room to accuse you of that, honey. He’s different too.”
“But…why would he say that? Why would he call me that if he is too?”
“Well, in your case it has to do with surprising, or scaring him- catching him off-guard somehow. Did you do that just before he called you that, Savanna?” I asked gently.
“Noooo?” She looked to the deck. “I just showed him my new trick, see?”
“Savanna’s hands stretched out in front of her, palms up and a PK348M Phase Rifle appeared in her hands. The gun was almost as long as she was tall!
“Where did you materialize that from, Savanna?” I gasped in terror!
“I don’t know? I was just upstairs playing with Garith and his brothers and sisters and I wanted to help free the hostages.” The eight-year-old explained.
“Savanna, put the rifle away and let me explain a few things.” I said as Hope silently walked into our room and stopped dead in her tracks!
“Charli? Why is Savanna holding a PK348M Phase Rifle?” She asked calmly. “Why would you give her one of those anyway?”
“Grandma Hope!” Savanna squealed in excitement. “Look what I just conjured!”
“And who gave you the idea to conjure such a thing, sweetie?” Hope asked as she glared at me.
“I wanted to help Garith and his brothers and sisters save the hostages!” She answered quickly, before I had a chance to answer.
Hope paused to think for a moment.
“That won’t do so well in a hostage situation, sweetie. You need something like this.” Hope conjured another, shorter rifle. It was a MX57PK Kinetic Assault Rifle. “This is more suited for close quarters work.”
“Not helping, Grandma Hope.” I hissed through my clinched jaw.
“See, this rail gun packs more punch in closer situations, honey. Besides, the PK348M is outdated and its firing circuit is finicky. The MX57PK is a much better choice.” Hope told the girl then dismissed the rifle, and took Savanna’s PK348M.
“Thanks, Grandma Hope!” Savanna said just before she vanished.
Hope removed the full magazine and cleared a capacitive round out of the reaction chamber then flicked the power switch on.
The rifle actually powered up! To say we were both impressed that an eight-year-old could manifest a fully operational rifle was an understatement! Hope quickly dismissed the gun.
“So much for keeping her here, dear.” I deadpanned after a moment.
Where is she?!” Chantell hissed heatedly from our doorway.
“Now what did she do, Shan?” Hope giggled.
“Let’s see how funny you think it is when she pops into the head when you’re in there, Hope!” Shan groused. “That girl needs a leash!”
“Chance tried that about six years ago, remember? It did about as much as the hexes back when she was an infant.” I argued; also giggling.
“Well, she needs to be taught that some of us like our privacy- especially in the privy!”
Lady Lyra, Lady Hope.” Lyra called softly from Hope’s comm.
“I take it Princess just popped in on you, sweetie?” Hope asked as she matched Lyra’s volume.
Sitting right next to me in class, Lady Hope. No one has noticed her…yet.” She whispered. “I’ll try to shoo her back to base before anyone does. Lady Lyra, out.
Hope and I exchanged looks for a moment.
“Lady Hope, Lady Chance.”
Now what’s she done?” Chance answered tiredly then continued, “Where is she?
“Sitting next to Lyra in class, honey. She’s trying to shoo her out before she causes another rukus.”
I’ll take care of it.” Chance replied sounding very, very tired.

Chapter 2

Section 4B: Daycare and Education
“Excuse me, Senior Educational Specialist Anderson? I’ve received a report that there is a small current leak in the Daycare area? May I come in and investigate?” I quietly interrupted Sandra Anderson’s lesson as I motioned surreptitiously with my eyes to the back of the compartment.
“Young ladies and gentlemen? Please welcome Senior Current Specialist Summers.” Sandra suggested with a nod to me.
After a less than spirited welcome, I smiled to the kids.
“Hey, appreciate that warm welcome. I’m just going to walk around the compartment with my little do-dad.” I showed them my Current probe. (Yes, I actually had it turned on.) “I’ll try not to disturb your lesson.”
“So there is a Current leak somewhere in the room, SCS Summers? Is that the newest model of the Galactic Service’s Current Detection Probe?” One of the children in the front row asked.
“Actually…no. I had some minor issues with the new probes so resumed using this model instead. Though slightly less sensitive, it still does the job, Miss?” I politely answered the teenaged Orion female.
“Galantry. Fenile Galantry, Specialist Summers.” She answered with similar politeness.
Ah, the lieutenant from Section 2’s kid. That made sense.
“Eyes up here, ladies and gentlemen. Let Specialist Summers do her job. We need to get through this stuff before the test tomorrow.” Sandra requested, receiving a resounding groan.
“I want you to get your butt back to base this instant, Savanna Summers!” I hissed, in a whisper, at her ear when I got back to where she sat quietly next to Lyra.
She frowned and promptly disappeared. Lyra looked relieved and silently nodded to me.
I suddenly had one of my feelings.
Something didn’t feel right in this compartment for some reason so I blinked on my Current sight and started scanning. Of course, two of the children stood out brilliantly from the rest. Actually three stood out immediately. Almost fourteen-year-old Lyra and almost fifteen-year-old Rowan Anderson both proved to be very competent Current Mages- Lyra being the more skilled of the two. Both were enrolled in Sandra’s advanced history class, which listed mostly seventeen-year-olds on the roster.
“Now, anyone OTHER than Lyra; can you tell me the name of the current ruler of FeLane?” Sandra asked as I heard Lyra growl quietly in annoyance. “Yes, Galantry?”
“Queen Libra Sinae.” The fourteen-year-old Orion stated succinctly.
Lyra growled a little louder and Rowan’s eyes carefully looked over in her direction.
“No, I’m sorry, but Queen Libra was the former Queen of FeLane and passed from this life over two hundred standard years ago, though, many of her highest majesty, Queen Libra’s reforms and programs have been recently reinstated by the current monarch. Anyone else other than Miss Serangetti want to try?”
Rowan grimaced and raised his hand.
“Her Royal Highness, Queen Kitty Sinae. As of eight standard years ago, Miss Anderson.”
The class groaned as a single entity.
“That’s right, Rowan. And it was a spectacular affair, I might add. I’d never attended a coronation before and still, to this day, get giddy when I think of it.”
“You were there, Miss Anderson?” Galantry asked in awe at the thought her instructor had attended something so rare.
“I was, Galantry. And, I will never forget the then Princess’ arrival! That ship that just appeared as if by magic just above the grounds on the public side of the Processional Mall…The Royal Guard smartly dressed in their finest dress uniforms to escort her highness to the Parliamentary building to take her pledge of office…It is something I think I’ll never forget.” Sandra swooned.
“What about the mysterious women that also escorted her highness to Parliament, Miss Anderson?” An Orion male asked. I didn’t know his name.
“Father claimed it was ‘Witch Corps’, but can’t say anything else about it.” Galantry added.
“That’s impossible. My pop says that ‘Witch Corps’ is nothing but a fictional story to explain away the strange malfunctions Mare De Tempest suffered eight years back.” Another young man- a Magellan- claimed boastfully. “He says that ship appearing was nothing more than a well designed theatrical set.”
“The Current Mages are real and alive, Thorpe!” Galantry declared in anger. “Father saw them with his own eyes! They saved him from a massive Current break at his work station eight years ago!”
The Magellan snorted in disbelief and disgust.
Lyra’s ears began to twitch sporadically.
“Easy, M’lady. Not everyone cares to believe in us. We’re supposed to keep it that way.” I said to calm her.
My bad feeling suddenly ramped up exponentially! I instantly increased my scanning rate, this time including the ceiling too.
“Specialist Summers? Is something wrong?” Sandra asked curiously with a bit of concern written on her face. Of course, she knew the signs when I sensed something wrong.
It was at that exact second a main Current conduit overhead decided it had had enough!
“High Priestess! Thank the Gods you were here!” Sandra cried out as I instantly conjured a shield over the entire class! A Current breech alarm sounded.
All eyes were firmly locked on me now as I quickly conjured my sealant spray and began to hover closer to the rupture.
“High Priestess? Do you require assistance?” Lyra asked. The five foot-eight, almost fourteen-year-old Lynxin was standing and fully uniformed in her adult, Witch Corps attire- wand at the ready.
So much for them finding out, I thought.
“So, Thorpe Vespucci. The Witch Corps is fiction?” Galantry sniped, in smug satisfaction. “Just what would you call them?” Her long, delicate pointer finger aimed directly at Lyra and I.
“I would not question or gloat about what you see before you, Miss Fenile. I would suggest you thank the Fates that I was here to help.” I told the young Orion coldly. “Now, allow me to do my job so that this class can continue safely.”
“Of course, High Priestess.” She bowed her head, but continued to watch intently. Her huge eyes looking even bigger than usual.
Once sealed, I ‘mopped up’ the displaced Current and, moving over to a return line, returned it back to the system. I then dismissed my protective shield.
In the left rear corner of the classroom, I noticed my eight-year-old daughter standing quietly with a bright smile on her face. She nodded in satisfaction and vanished.
“She knew it was going to happen, didn’t she, Lady Chance?” Lyra whispered. “How?”
“How does she do anything we’ve seen her do, sweetie?” I countered quietly. “Lady Artemis always referred to her as her ‘little oracle’.”
“High Priestess, I take it the danger has passed?” Sandra questioned from the front of the compartment.
“It has, Lady Educator”, I answered as I walked up to her. “Might I address the young Lords and Ladies of this class?”
Sandra motioned for me to approach and graciously moved to the side.
“Must you constantly show off, Chance?” She whispered.
“It seems to be autonomic.” I replied likewise.
Taking a moment to look out across the class, I tried to gauge the overall response I was receiving.
“Hello, my young lords and ladies. My name is Lady Chance Summers, and, as you’ve heard, I am High Priestess of EFMC’s Witch Corps. Yes, Master Vespucci, we are quite real.” I greeted and produced my wand as proof.
“Lady Lyra, might you stand down and resume your peacetime identity?” I asked my Lynxin sister. She immediately returned to her previous civilian clothing.
A collective ‘WOAH’ echoed through the room.
I regarded Galantry Fenile a moment. She had such a vindicated look on her disturbingly small mouth at the moment…
“High Priestess? Why masquerade as ‘enlisted’ when you clearly have the highest clearance level on board this ship? What means does it serve?” The inquisitive high honors student questioned bravely.
“It keeps me off the streets at night.” I answered honestly.
I received only blank stares.
I sighed loudly. “Although Witch Corps is self-funding, we find that our off-time is better served helping our fellow sub-species, Miss Fenile. Let me ask you a question that might explain things in a clearer manner.” I paused before posing my question to look around the room.
“Since you all are here, in the classrooms, for roughly six hours a day, would you want to continue it for say…eighteen hours?”
“Not likely!” Thorpe spoke out brusquely and the class laughed.
“Why?” I quickly countered, with a devious smile.
“Um…it would be too boring?” He answered, shying away a bit.
“Close enough, my young Lord. Although Witch Corps was established to protect the Way, we are not needed for every disturbance or disagreement. There is a huge amount of ‘downtime’. My job as a Current troubleshooter here on Mare keeps me moving and sharp. It also allows me to get out and interact with my fellow crewmembers.” I explained.
“So you work a mundane job while waiting for a distress call?” Galantry Fenile summarized, her double eyelids blinking her curiosity.
“Not a ‘mundane’ job at all, Miss Fenile! I just saved your lives a few minutes ago, after all.” I winked.
That made the young Orion think.
“Besides, keeping the Current flowing is kind of my hobby. Hey, I’m sure a few of you still can remember this?” I asked as I conjured a blue ball in my upturned hand then let it fall and bounce randomly around the room. As it had in the past, it bounced from person to person to wall to person… Sandra caught it as it came close to her- annoyance barely showing on her face. I noticed the ball’s blue color intensify.
“Thank you, Lady Chance Summers. Class? We should return to our studies and let Specialist Summers go about her business.”
The small, blue orb ‘popped’- audibly- out of existence. Several of her students started at the sound.
I shifted back to my BDU’s, nodded to the class, and exited the classroom to some mild applause.

Chapter 3

“Hey, mommy! Did you and Daddy have a good day?” Savanna asked innocently as Grub and I walked into our base’s Reception area.
“Oh…it was a good enough day, sweetie.” Grunfuller answered. “Mommy had some excitement up in 4C at the Daycare Center. A big Current conduit broke and Mommy had to save a whole classroom full of children from the gushing Current. But you wouldn’t have any idea about that would you, munchkin?”
Our daughter dropped her eyes to the deck.
“Sooorry.” She answered glumly.
“Savanna? Why couldn’t you just tell one of us that it was going to happen? You put yourself in danger when you go and ‘pop’ in to a location like that.” I said, hoping to correct her impulsive actions.
“I don’t know?” She answered timidly. “I didn’t know it was gonna happen until I was sitting next to Lyra.”
“Promise me you will stop doing that, Savanna. I don’t want to be worrying about you all the time. You are now old enough to know to be careful of where you go. I shouldn’t need to keep reminding you of that. Oh, and please give Aunt Chantell the customary privacy when she’s using the facilities. How would you like it if she started ‘popping’ in while you were sitting on the toilet?”
Savanna looked like she might give a smart-assed answer, but thought better of it and looked back to the deck.
“Yes, Mommy. I’ll try to change where I appear for Aunt Chantell.” She promised dejectedly.
“Good. Now, we need to get ourselves ready for Lyra’s birthday party. Let’s get you cleaned up and dressed in something nice, shall we?”
“I take it she really pushed it this morning, Chance?” Grunfuller asked as we changed our clothes. Savanna was in her bedroom playing while we got ready.
Or so we thought as our door alert chimed.
“Hey! You two lose somethin’? Again?” Chantell growled from the hallway as I opened the door. She stood, holding Savanna on her hip- a comical sight since Savanna had recently topped four feet in height. Chantell didn’t look too happy though.
“Not the bathroom again…” I immediately asked, assuming the worst.
“No, thank God! This time she popped in behind me as I was pulling up my civvies.”
“Well, at least I didn’t scare the piss outta her this time!” Savanna pouted innocently, to our combined displeasure and astonishment.
“Nooooooooo! She never hears Aunt Chantell using bad language!” I said sarcastically.
“Come on, little ‘squid’, cut your auntie some slack here! There are times I just would like a little privacy! Learn to appear outside my quarters and ‘knock’ from now on.” Chantell implored as she lowered Savanna to the deck. Both entered and Chantell took a seat while Savanna hurried over and wrapped her arms around my middle.
“You look very pretty, mommy!”
“Thank you honey; you look very pretty, too.” I responded.
Chantell just rolled her eyes.
“In a way, she does remind me of you at that age, Chance. You never seemed to let things bother you back then. I’m glad you out grew your teenage shyness.”
“Thanks. I think.” It was my turn to roll my eyes.
“Is it ready?” She asked obtusely.
‘It’ has been ready for five years.” I answered just as cryptically.
“I can’t wait to see her face…Kimbou’s either, for that matter.” My aunt giggled.
“He knows and gave his approval after I showed him her scores and her training hours. I hope she doesn’t want to try it out during the ceremony though.”
“Any word from Kitty? I thought she’d be itchin’ to get away for a few days.”
“I haven’t heard a peep out of her comm for a while now, Chantell. There must be something pretty important going on in the Confederation.”
“Ready, dear?” Grunfuller asked as he appeared in our bedroom doorway.
Our DataTabs chimed with an incoming message.
“Huh. The party’s been moved to auditorium five, Chance.” Grunfuller shrugged.
“I see that. I wonder why Kimbou doesn’t want to celebrate it here on Base?” I posed.
“I sent a reply saying we’ll be there in twenty minutes, dear.”
“Thank you, Grunfuller, but I can get us there in a fraction of that.” I winked impishly.
“With all due respect, Chance Summers, I’d rather not.” Chantell groaned. “Last time we traveled by ‘flue powder’, I spent ten minutes heaving my guts out. I’ll take the stairs, if you don’t mind.”
“We’ll all walk to the party then, won’t we, Savanna?” I asked just as I saw that ‘twinkle’ appear in her beautiful jade eyes.
“Awwww, do we have to, mommy?” My daughter complained.
“Yes, WE do, sweetie!”
As a group, we made our way to auditorium five. It was one of the bigger venues on Mare and caused me to realize that Kimbou Serangetti had invited Lyra’s friends and maybe some relatives- relatives that- presumably- didn’t hold high enough clearance levels.
My first realization that something special was going on was seeing Kimbou’s brother, Sebastian Serangetti and three other Royal Guardsmen standing watch at the center of three, double door entrances to the hall.
“Commander Serangetti, it is an honor to see you could make it. Should I ask who is also in attendance?” I asked as we greeted each other.
Savanna decided to play shy and tried to stay behind me.
“As I live and breathe! Lady Chance Summers. How have these last eight years been for you and yours?” He smiled happily. “Lady Chantell it is nice to see you again.”
“What’s up?” Chantell nodded nonchalantly.
“Sebastian, I’d like to introduce you to my partner, Grunfuller Lokust.”
“A pleasure to meet you, my Lord. Can I inquire as to Lady Lokust’s attendance this evening?” He winked to Grub.
“I’m not sure if she’ll make it, Commander. Though it depends on how long the festivities go.”
“Fair enough, my Lord.” Cmdr. Sebastian Serangetti bowed formally then paused before straightening.
“Lady Chance? Might this be Princess Savanna? My, how she has grown, and into such a beautiful young lady!” He praised as I pulled my daughter from her deathgrip on my waist.
“Savanna? Say hello to Cmdr. Serangetti. You may not remember, but you met each other at Queen Kitty’s Coronation.” I told her to hopefully break her resistance.
“Hi.” She waved cautiously.
“Hey! Chance!” A woman’s voice called from down the corridor. Sandra Anderson and her ‘entourage’ hurried to catch up to us.
Two of her brood broke ranks and rushed forward.
“Rowan and Link! Wait for the rest of us, please!”
The two boys stopped and waited, though impatiently.
“Sandra Anderson and company…and I do mean COMPANY, my Lords.” She announced with a roll of her eyes when she got to the Royal Guards.
“A pleasure to see you again, Lady Sandra. You have a very impressive pride, my lady.” Sebastian greeted warmly.
“When they behave, yes, thank you, my Lord.” Sandra rolled her eyes again.
Serangetti nodded to his fellow guardsmen and they dutifully opened the doors granting us entrance.
“Enjoy the party, honored guests. I will join you when my relief comes in one half hour.” He said just before we turned to enter the auditorium.
“If you would like, I could… provide security… of sorts so that the royal guard can attend also?” I offered, producing my wand and a devious smile.
“My Lady, we do not anticipate any such ‘problems’ tonight, but thank you for the offer.” Sebastian deferred gracefully as he motioned us all into the hall.
What met our eyes was spectacular! All around us were streamers, inflatable latex orbs, and also a few banners proclaiming: ‘WELCOME TO LYRA’S ADULT INITIATION!
“Wow! You’d think there was a party going on in here.” Chantell satirized.
My eye caught a small, familiar figure hovering at the end of one of the banners. Waving her scepter, the banner stuck in place at precisely the right spot on the high walls.
“When did you get back in town, Sonya?” I asked as we all walked closer.
“Huh?” Sonya’s eight-year-old form asked in confusion.
“When did you get back aboard Mare?” I rephrased.
“Ooooh. I arrived yesterday, but I’m staying at Rusk’s place so Lyra wouldn’t see me.”
“Why not stay on Base?” I asked.
“Are you kidding? Lyra spends most of her off time there. I would have been noticed immediately”
She had a point and I smiled as I watched Sonya change to her adult form. We hugged after that, as did Grunfuller, and the rest of my sisters.
“You sure have grown, ‘Princess’!” Sonya exclaimed as she regarded my daughter, bent down, and offered her arms. Savanna cautiously walked to her and received her hug.
Several Shurikens flew past me at a somewhat slow speed. Just slow enough to make me notice.
“Sinae!” I shouted and an instant later I had my arms wrapped around my sister!
“Wow! Either you got faster, or I’m slowly getting a fatter ass!” Queen Kitty Sinae greeted excitedly. She was wearing comfortable, party-appropriate clothing. In other words, ‘commoner’ clothes.
“Lyra’s going to be flying high tonight, sister!” I giggled animatedly.
“Oh? Is it done?” Sinae asked in surprise.
“Five years ago.” I nodded. “She just needs to pick her nose art.”
Sinae began laughing hysterically!
“Let me rephrase.” I said as I rolled my eyes and blushed in embarrassment. “Lyra just needs to select her nose art and callsign. I can do that on the spot.”
“Gods, Chance! I’ve missed you so much! Hey, Squirt! Miss me?”
“Aunt Kitty!” Savanna cried excitedly as she was suddenly wrapped around the monarch’s waist.
“So she’s still in THAT phase, is she?” Sinae giggled happily. “Pop into Auntie Chantell’s restroom lately, Princess?”
“Not since today, Aunt Kitty.” My daughter answered, but there was an evil twinkle in her eyes again.
“Shame.” Sinae giggled as Chantell, Grunfuller, and Sandra’s bunch finally joined us.
“Honestly, Kitty! You’re about as bad as Chance!” My aunt groaned as she hugged our sister.
“How do you do that, High Priestess?” Rowan Anderson asked as he looked at Savanna and me.
“They’re witches, in case you didn’t figure that out yet, brother.” Fifteen-year-old Aquia Anderson deadpanned in answer- a scowl on her face.
Both siblings produced their wands and pointed them at each other menacingly.
Sinae began laughing again!
“Gods, I missed you guys!” she proclaimed loudly.
It took Aquia and Rowan a minute or so to cool down and dispel their wands, thereby declaring a truce until after Lyra’s party.
“So where are Hope and Charli? I thought you would all arrive together.” Sinae asked as she looked around.
“Oh, my Grandmas are in the Broom Closet making final arrangements for Lyra’s commissioning.” Savanna answered.
“They intend on being here though, right?” Sinae asked as her right arm suddenly shot out and her pointer claw ‘shiiiing’d’ out. “What is it you want, Serangetti Sonya?” She hissed.
“Just to convey my sincerest greetings, to you, my queen. I am relieved you found it convenient to attend.” Sonya said, as she remained frozen in place.
“Bullshit.” Sinae declared as she turned to face her cousin. “What is it you really want, Serangetti Sonya?” She demanded with a glare before suddenly wrapping her in her trademarked bearhug!
“And I have missed you too, cousin.”
We heard Sonya wheeze as Sinae crushed the air from her lungs, squeezing her so tight.
Just as suddenly, Sinae released Sonya and hurried to the back of the auditorium. Mom and Charli were just coming in.
“What would make this gathering even better would be if Simone was here.” Sinae expressed as she and my parents joined us.
“She sends her congratulations. She had some leave coming and left for Kane a few days ago. She seemed really reluctant to leave with this party so close.” I informed her.
“Well, family before Corps right, High Priestess?” FeLane’s queen said neutrally.
“Absolutely, you’re Majesty.” I replied with a grin.
A family of Orions appeared at the auditorium’s rear door. Lt. Gretch Fenile, his significant other, Destiny, and their two children, Galantry and…
It suddenly dawned on me that I had never learned the young male’s name earlier today.
As they approached, I heard the Lieutenant gasp and touch the side of his head to Destiny’s.
Orions shared a special telepathic bond once agreeing to a union.
Destiny’s ‘smile’ widened imperceptibly.
Orions also weren’t very good at facial expression.
“Hey, LT. fancy seeing you here tonight.” I greeted.
“Galantry was the one actually invited, Chance. We are her chaperones.” He stated stiffly.
“Hey, Senior Chief! Someone’s here that really wants to meet ya!” I shouted back to Sinae.
“Who’s that, Chance?” Sinae asked as she walked around Mom, Charli, and Chantell.
“Senior Chief? I’d like you to meet, Fenile Galantry. She’s a classmate of Lyra’s.
“Galantry.” Sinae greeted as she took the teen Orion’s hand gently. “Hi, I’m…”
“Your Majesty!” The girl shouted as she hit the floor on her knees!
“Get up you silly girl!” Sinae pleaded with a warming smile. “I don’t stand for that sort of thing- especially with friends of my cousin.”
“Lyra is your cousin?” Galantry asked in complete astonishment.
Sinae’s tail appeared on her left and tapped her waist several times before it’s tip ‘looked’ up to Sinae’s face.
“Hmmm? What’s that? No, I didn’t forget. Yes, thank you.” She said as she appeared to be conversing with it.
“My tail wishes to remind me that Lyra does have her own royal appendage. Have you not been instructed,” Sinae looked accusingly to Sandra Anderson momentarily, “that Lynxin royalty is recognizable by their unique, long tail?” Sinae’s tail lowered and its tip seemed to stare Galantry in the face until she stood back up.
“Yes, your majesty.” The stymied, teenage Orion replied before she started to giggle. “Your tail has made that very obvious.”
“Good. Gretch, good to see you and the misses again. I kinda missed the old girl and everyone aboard her. Enjoy the party.” Sinae greeted warmly as she shook hands and moved onto some other guests that had just arrived.
“Lady Chance…” Galantry began, but I glared at her intently.
“Specialist Summers? I didn’t know Lyra was Queen Kitty’s relative. Honestly. I never connected them. I thought Miss Anderson exempted Lyra from any Lynxin questions because she IS Lynxin.” Galanty asked.
“You have exempted my daughter from answering questions on her own history, my Lady?” Sonya asked, a growl in her voice, as she turned to Sandra.”
“I have! I want the rest of the class to learn of Lynxin history and not test Lyra on how much she already knows, Lady Sonya! Have you a problem with my methods?” Sandra defended- her wand silently materializing behind her- stuck into her dress’ decorative belt for quick access. “If it comforts, M’lady; Lyra’s hand is always the first to go up to offer an answer.”
Sonya nodded and backed off.
When I turned back to our fourteen-year-old party guest her tiny mouth formed an ‘O’ and both her inner and outer eyelids blinked several times in disbelief. Had she seen Sandra’s wand materialize?
“I am Fenile Galantry, Lady Sonya. I am a classmate of Lyra and am happy to finally meet you. Lyra speaks of you fondly, M’lady.” The Orion introduced, apparently feeling she needed to defuse the situation.
Just on a whim, I engaged my Current sense and really gave the fourteen–year-old a good look. The girl had the ‘Mage spark’- a bright one. I had seen it earlier today in the classroom. Blinking again, I turned to see Savanna staring at me intently. She nodded silently- a gesture too adult for an eight-year-old.
The Oracle strikes again, I thought as I returned her nod.
Sometimes I wondered how much Savanna actually knew of upcoming events, and also wondered why she kept that knowledge to herself.
Then and there, I decided we needed more hangar space and a few more spacecraft.
Savanna suddenly let out a quiet burp.
“Excuse me.” She begged off innocently, but again stared at me a moment. She smiled to me before running over to a few of her friends that had just arrived with their parents and older siblings.
“Attention! Can I have everyone’s attention, please! Lords and Ladies. I have been informed our guest of honor will arrive shortly and that we must all prepare her surprise greeting. The lighting will now be temporarily extinguished to comply. Thank you.” Sebastian Serangetti announced as he and the rest of the royal guard retreated into the Auditorium.
Just as a precaution, I blinked on my Current sense as the illumination faded out. The variations of ‘orange’ in the large hall were beautiful. My sisters, especially, were particularly vibrant. I was able to see and distinguish between them easily.
The Hall quieted as we all waited for Lyra’s arrival.
One brilliant ‘aura’ caught my eyes as Savanna walked back over to me and took my hand in hers. She was, by far, brighter than anyone else in the place.
“Forgive me, Lyra. I was not expecting this briefing or its significance. Strange? We appear to be the first to arrive. I’ll see about the lights.” Capt. Serangetti said as the auditorium door opened and two silhouettes could be seen entering before the light again faded.
The lighting suddenly went to full intensity!
Surprise!” Shouted all in attendance.
Lyra’s fur and beautiful mane were standing out poker straight and her eyes were wider than I had ever seen them!
She instantly dispatched her wand as she realized that this was a party and not a surprise attack.
Sonya stepped out from behind our main gathering and let out a loud, ferocious roar.
Lyra returned the roar and shouted, “Momma?”
Mother and daughter met in the middle of the auditorium and lovingly embraced each other. Young Lyra was only two inches shorter than her mother now. Kimbou arrived a moment later and all three carried on a quiet, but emotional conversation.
When Lyra’s uncle Seb stepped into view, Lyra screamed in delight and began wildly scanning the room after welcoming him excitedly.
“Queen Kitty sends her warmest congratulations, Serangetti Lyra.” He announced officially.
Lyra looked crestfallen while we watched Sinae quietly walk out from our right and make her way behind her young cousin.
“Don’t let him kid you, cousin. I wouldn’t miss this for the worlds.” Sinae told her. It caused Lyra to jump- about three feet- literally!
Lyra landed facing her queen with her fur and mane once again straight and stiff. She wasted no time wrapping her arms around Sinae and breaking into tears.
“It’s good to be the queen.” Chantell sniped with a happy smile.
“She’s just lucky Lyra didn’t shoot first and ask questions later, Shan.” Mom laughed tensely.
Eventually, Lyra made her way to us and she greeted us with tears of happiness.
Lyra’s ‘public’ initiation party ended with the last of her friends leaving around nine o’clock. Those remaining were at least level twenty and my entourage; mom, Charli, Chantell, Savanna and the Anderson clan, were just bidding our guest of honor farewell.
Broom Closet, Witch Corps. We have an unscheduled closet door actuation. Condition RED.” Broke across our comms.
“Seb! Rally the troops.” I announced loudly. “We have unwanted guests back at base!”
Sinae stared at me in horror!
We wasted no time exiting the auditorium and heading down the passages to our ‘private’ section of Mare. With the Royal Guard leading the way, our fellow crewmates quickly and unquestioningly cleared each passage for us.

Chapter 4

As per protocol, our base’s A.I. had enacted lethal security, and I alerted the Royal Guard to hold and not make contact with any outward surfaces- deck, wall, or ceiling!
“Base A.I., Summers, Chance. Allow entrance of twenty-one individuals.”
Enter quickly and at the ready, Specialist Summers.
“Status of reception and main hallway?” I commanded before all twenty-one of us entered into reception.
Intruders have not gained access to main living quarters and are confined to the Broom Closet at this time.” The A.I. reported.
“Let’s go. I ordered as we all filed carefully into our base proper- wands and weapons drawn.
Once in the main corridor and satisfied this portion of our base was secure, I ordered everyone to uniforms.
Seb and his guards looked completely taken aback by the sudden transformation! Even Sinae had changed into her uniform.
Savanna and the Anderson Clan had all called upon their junior uniforms as well.
Silently, we all made our way to the end of the hall.
“Broom Closet Control. Status of Broom Closet.”
Broom Closet has re-pressurized and is safe to enter, High Priestess. Intruders have disappeared from sensors and cannot be located. Opening all interior hangar doors for inspection. Extreme caution is advised.
“Thank you, Broom Closet Control. We brought reinforcements. Open the door.” I ordered.
As usual, the door appeared and opened immediately. The safety lights were the only illumination currently enabled, making it difficult to see anything beyond the metal steps we stood atop.
“Increase illumination.” I ordered as we all cleared the stairs.
Pegasus’ hangar door was wide open, revealing our huge mobile command ship. Thirteen Brooms were lined up in front of her in presentation formation, six per row. One Broom though, stood front and center and was covered over with a white cloth.
Savanna disappeared. So did Sinae and her Royal Guard, but by hurrying over to Pegasus.
“Broom Closet Control. Discontinue Condition RED, repeat. Discontinue Condition RED!” I commanded loudly.
Normal security posture has resumed, High Priestess.
“Thank you. Witch Corps! Fall In! On the double!” I shouted as I appeared facing the covered Broom, but twenty feet away.
My sisters hurried over and fell into formation behind me.
“Junior Witch Corps! Fall in! Parade formation!” I again shouted.
Lyra and the Andersons scampered across the flight deck and fell into formation to our left.
“All Royalty! Parade formation!” I ordered then added, “Please?” I marched ten feet forward, performed an about face, stood to attention, and waited.
Sinae and Aunt Cora appeared from Pegasus’ open hatch in full Royal regalia, gracefully made their way over to us, and took up places next to me; Sinae on my right, Aunt Cora on my left.
“Royal Guard! Front and Center!” Sinae growled.
Twenty members of her royal guard paraded out of Pegasus, single file, and marched into parade formation facing to Sinae’s right. Kimbou Serangetti marched from his current position beside Sonya and joined their formation.
“Royal Entourage! Front and Center!” Aunt Cora shouted.
Janet, Simone, Samuel, and Rodyard appeared and made their way down Pegasus’ ramp then gathered beside Caroline Norge in a ‘rough’ parade formation.
Sinae turned to me and smiled. “FeLane Honor Guard present and accounted for, High Priestess.”
“The Norge Royal Family is ready also, High Priestess.” Aunt Cora smiled with a courteous nod.
I smiled and nodded politely to both monarchs.
“High Priestess! I have several honored guests seeking attendance.” Savanna’s young voice called out from all around us.
What was she up to now, I wondered?
Looking to Sinae then Aunt Cora, both gave their nod of approval.
“Very well, Lady Savanna!” I called out. “Welcome is extended to all honored guests.”
Savanna and the Family Unit Fenile appeared beside the Redman’s and Norges.
All four Feniles looked extremely nauseous and befuddled, but quickly gathered themselves and began looking about in wonder.
“I personally vouch for these honored guests, High Priestess.” Savanna announced with an adult-like demeanor I had never heard before.
I nodded then took a moment to prepare as Savanna marched off and took her place in the Junior Corps ranks.
“Serangetti! Lyra! Second Princess of the FeLane Confederation! Front and center!” I ordered loudly, abruptly, and crisply.
The five-eight Lynxin’s mouth dropped open and her ears began to twitch wildly. Several of the Andersons pulled and pushed the stunned kitten until she began to comply with my order.
At the same time, a gasp from my left indicated that Galantry hadn’t realized ‘cousin’ to the Queen also meant ‘Princess to the FeLane throne’.
When Lyra had finally stopped before me, I smiled and gave the visibly shaking Lynxin a wink.
“Serangetti Lyra. Second Princess to the throne of the FeLane Confederation, Do you know why I have called upon you tonight?” I asked loudly and as formally as possible.
Ignoring her silence, I continued.
“We have two monarchs in attendance tonight that would like to personally convey congratulations on your achieving your adult initiation. Queen Norge?” I offered with a polite bow, and switched places with Aunt Cora.
“Lady Lyra Serangetti, it is an honor to be invited to your initiation tonight. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend the formal celebration and inquired of our High Priestess for a smaller, ‘secondary’ celebration. As you can see, she was all in favor of such an ‘informal’ gathering.”
Quiet laughter echoed through the huge hangar.
“My Lady. It has been an honor serving with you in the variegated conflicts of the last eight years, and I have been nothing shy of amazed by your development and growth, young lady. You therefore will permanently hold a place in my court and on my advisory council. Step forward, my Lady, Serangetti Lyra, Honored Lady-in-Wait to me, Queen Caroline Norge of the Norge Federation.” Aunt Cora motioned a shocked Lyra to come nearer.
“By my decry, and in accordance with our continuing alliance with the Confederation of FeLane, I, Queen Caroline Norge of the Norge Federation, bestow this night, the honored title of ‘Lady-in-Wait to Serangetti Lyra, Second Princess of our allied FeLane Confederation, and all that goes with that prestigious title. You have earned this, Lady Lyra. Congratulations and welcome into my court, my lady.” Cora held out her arms in welcome.
Lyra broke down and sought out Aunt Cora’s shoulder- her loud sobbing forcing almost everyone in attendance to wipe their eyes while applauding enthusiastically.
The Fenile’s were incapable of tears, but they blinked their eyes repeatedly. They still clapped politely.
Breaking their embrace, Cora stood on her tiptoes and placed a kiss on Lyra’s forehead.
The hangar silenced.
“Lady Lyra.” I pronounced, again trading places with Aunt Cora. “Your queen, her royal highness Kitty Sinae, would also like a word.” I quickly traded places with Sinae.
“Lyra…when we first met, eight short years ago, I was shocked! I had thought the now-deposed Regent had completely disposed of any remaining descendants of her Most Royal Highness, Libra. Then I came into your presence, my lady.” Sinae wiped her eyes, sniffed once, and nodded quickly. “You cannot know the joy that filled me upon learning of your lineage, dear Lyra. I was also appalled by the fate that we both have shared- that of losing our royal birthright, our tail. Though understanding of the reason your tail was forfeit, I cannot thank our High Priestess enough for their returns.” Sinae paused as she regarded her cousin.
“HOWEVER, enough reminiscing! Tonight is your night, Serangetti Lyra. Tonight, cousin, I congratulate you on your initiation into Lynxin maturity. So, in the age-old traditions of the FeLane Royal Court, I offer you official status in my court, Princess Serangetti Lyra.”
Sinae conjured and opened a document.
“By proclamation of Sinae Kitty, Queen of all FeLane and her Confederation of territories, you are hereby offered Courtesan status with the title ‘Princess of the Confederation’, in her majesty’s court with all due responsibilities and advantages. By agreeing to the offered Commission, you will be expected to adhere to, and abide by any and all decries and declarations made by her Royal Highness, Queen Sinae Kitty. Accepting and undersigning the presented document…aw hell, this is way too long!” Sinae let out a frustrated growl and rolling up the document, she tossed it over her shoulder.
Laughter echoed through our hangar. It quickly stopped as Sinae looked around the huge hanger with a smug glare. She centered her attention on the fourteen-year-old in front of her.
“Sweetie? You promise to support me and my government and let me know when I screw-up too bad?” Sinae smiled brightly.
Lyra nodded and barely whispered an ‘I do.’
“Good. Welcome to my court, cuz.” Sinae announced and embraced her cousin. Again Lyra broke into sobs of joy and applause filled our cavernous hangar.
Sinae suddenly eased Lyra back and to her right, and the place became dead silent.
“Serangetti Sonya! Get your furry, fat ass over here at once!” Sinae shouted in disgust.
Lyra tried to leave, but Sinae held her stationary while Sonya cautiously approached from the Junior Witch Corps’ ranks. She changed to her adult form to the amazement of all who had never seen anything so astounding.
Once a visibly shaken, adult Sonya stood before her Queen, she began to genuflect. Sinae stopped her and requested Capt Serangetti’s presence also. Stopping before Sinae, Kimbou knelt on one knee- fist to his heart and head bowed.
“Rise, Serangetti Kimbou.” Sinae smiled as she motioned him next to Lyra then her expression shifted to anger as she glared to her cousin, Sonya.
“Serangetti Sonya, it has been observed these last eight years that our mutual relationship has been strained at best. However, given our bloodline, I am forced to accept that we are related and as such, all documentation identifying Serangetti Sonya as a Princess of the FeLane Confederation Royal Court has been resubmitted and unanimously approved. This resubmission supersedes any and all previously destroyed documentation stating similar status. Welcome back to my court, Lady Serangetti Sonya, First Princess of the FeLane Confederation.”
Sinae grabbed her cousin and again tried to squeeze the breath from her! Again, applause filled the hangar; some whistles and shouts were also heard.
“I sincerely welcome you all back to the Sinae family, Lady Sonya, Lord Kimbou, and of course, Lady Lyra!” Sinae then led another round of applause.
“Sorry it took so long, cuz. You know how long anything takes to get through Parliament.” Sinae apologized to Sonya as she hugged Kimbou lovingly.
“Well…now that all the ‘royal’ stuff has concluded, you can rejoin your unit, Serangetti Sonya.” Sinae told her cousin. “Oh, you might want this decree, cuz.” Sinae added as she produced another official looking document. Her free hand quickly grabbed Lyra’s shoulder to keep her from returning to the Junior Corps formation.
Sonya quickly turned around.
The now eight-year-old Lynxin kitten hurried back and snatched the parchment before turning and hurrying back to her commanding position in the Junior Witch Corps ranks.
“High Priestess? You have something to add?” Queen Kitty Sinae offered officially. I nodded. We traded places so that I was now front and center to our new ‘adult’.
“Lady Serangetti Lyra, on behalf of the entire Witch Corps, I wish to convey my sincerest congratulations on your initiation into adulthood. Though fourteen is still young by Terran standards, by Lynxin Standards you are now recognized as a fully responsible adult and will be expected to behave in such a manner. Now, as Queen Kitty has previously stated, ENOUGH with the legal stuff! Lady Lyra Serangetti. Please raise your right hand and repeat after me.”
“Please raise your right hand and repeat after me.” Lyra repeated with a teasing smile that showed the tips of her longer canines.
The hangar filled with exuberant laughter.
I turned to Sinae.
“I hold you personally responsible for this.” I stated sarcastically. That brought even more laughter as Sinae stuck her tongue out at me.
“I, Serangetti Lyra…” I started.
“I, Serangetti Lyra.”
“Do hereby declare myself a valued and full-fledged member of EFMC Witch Corps and promise to exercise the requirements and restraints of my office and commission of First Lieutenant to the best of my ability.” I went on.
“Do hereby declare myself a valued and full-fledged member of EFMC Witch Corps and promise to exercise the requirements and restraints of my office and commission of…Firssst…Lieutenant? High Priestess? I don’t understand? Why?”
“Explanation to follow, Lieutenant. Complete the oath, please.” I smiled.
Lyra stared at me for over half a minute with tears cascading down her cheeks. She finally took a deep cleansing breath to compose herself.
“I, Serangetti Lyra, do hereby declare myself a valued and full-fledged member of EFMC Witch Corps and promise to exercise the requirements and restraints of my office and…and commission of First Lieutenant to the…to the best of my ability.” She sniffed a few times.
I offered my hand to her. Taking it, and shaking it a few times, I continued.
“Welcome to the Corps, Lady Lyra.”
I then produced my wand and pointed it to her regulation hat.
She tensed.
The floppy point magically changed position to her now official ranking of five o’clock.
“Congratulations, Lieutenant. Keep up your exemplary work.”
Wild, and enthusiastic, applause filled the hangar!
“Ladies Kitty, Artemis Dell, Lokust, Simone, Sandra, Chantell, Hope, Cora, and Charli, join us over here, please? Serangetti Kimbou and Serangetti Sonya, can you also attend us?” I asked as the applause relented. Taking Lyra’s hand in mine, I gently guided her over to the covered Broom.
She was shaking like a leaf!
Once again Sonya changed forms and stood proudly next to her mate.
“Lady Lyra, as is customary with the Corps, every active, commissioned member is assigned her own Broom. Having completed our extensive training regime and logging in excess of twelve thousand hours on our simulator…and with the explicit permission given by your parents, we present to you, your Broom.” The sheet covering our newest craft magically rose and hovered away from the spacecraft. The only markings on her were the Witch Corps squadron ensign on her upper control arc and her livery designation, ‘Pegasus13’.
“Your first duty as an active member of Witch Corps is to designate your call sign and name your Broom, Lady Lyra.” I nodded to her.
“I-I wish to remain ‘Kitten’, My Ladies. It has served me well in the past and I cannot think of anything more fitting.” Lyra said before she again began to think.
While she did, ‘Kitten’ magically appeared just below her cockpit canopy.
“There was a story Lady Chantell read to me when we first met. The main character was someone called ‘Hello Kitty’. I was thinking something along those lines, but with the FeLane royal shield of arms worked into it. I’d also like it known that I and my queen are related, High Priestess.”
I had to think on that one for a few minutes!
“How about this?” I asked with a smile as I motioned to her Broom’s nose.
Two cartoonish, bipedal Terran cats, one with a red and white, polka dot dress and a bright red bow between its ears and another halfway out its tail, and the other with an elegant, beige floor-length dress and crown appeared. The elegantly dressed feline also had a big white bow tied halfway out on her tail. Both felines held their wands at the ready, but the feline with the large red bow also held a sizable shield in front of her for protection. The shield was colorfully emblazoned with the official FeLane Coat of Arms. ‘Hello Kitty’ was richly scrolled under the image in wonderfully, graceful, black script.
Lyra’s eyes opened wide!
“My Lady, how did you know?” She asked, quickly wiping her tears several times.
In answer, I manifested a child’s drawing- something a primary student would draw, and showed it to her.
“Where did you get that, High Priestess?” She questioned.
“Eight years ago, a very mature kitten of six standard years gave me this very drawing saying it was what she wanted displayed on her Broom as nose art.” I replied.
“You saved that all these years? You knew then?”
“Let’s say I had a feeling and call it even, My Lady.” I smiled. “Care to finish the dedication process, Lady Lyra?”
Lyra again wiped her face of tears.
“Thank you, My Lady! Pegasus13, I, Lady Lyra Serangetti- ’Kitten’- hereby dedicate you, ‘Hello Kitty’. Acknowledge, please?”
“Hello Kitty at your service, M’lady.
“Can I take her out, Poppy?” Lyra pleaded with her father, using her patented ‘look’.
“Tomorrow is another day, Lyra,” Kimbou said sadly. “Now is the time for celebration.”
Everyone began to relax. The Royal Guard going to ease.
“Not so fast!” My voice rang out.
Everything became quiet within the hangar after the Guard went back to attention.
“Lady Lyra’s commissioning has left a hole in my junior Witch Corps ranks. As your second duty, Lady Lyra, I leave it to you to appoint a favorable replacement. It is your right, after all.” I explained.
“I wish to allow my wand to choose a successor, High Priestess.” Lyra announced as she produced and tossed her wand into the air. It hovered high overhead and began to spin in a flat circle.
“Just where did this ‘tradition’ originate, Chance?” Sinae asked quietly in my ear.
I shrugged my shoulders.
“Thought so.” She replied with a laugh.
“Excuse me, Lady Lyra?” An unknown woman with long black hair suddenly spoke from within the ranks of our Junior Corps. She walked through the confused first row and looked questioningly to our new lieutenant. The woman with long, black, hair looked oddly familiar. It finally dawned on me that Savanna had somehow changed form! She had figured out how to make herself look older.
“Who are you?” Lyra asked the question that was on our lips.
“I am Savanna. Don’t you recognize me, my lady?” What appeared to be my sister answered with a smile.
“How is irrelevant. Why is to point out that only one possible candidate is available- in attendance with us- thus answering ‘where’ and ‘when’. As to ‘what’, I believe the family unit Fenile needs that information.”
“Oracle.” I whispered.
“One of the surviving, yes, Lady Nike. But that is also of less importance. I suggest disclosure of our intent be provided to Lady Galantry.” Savanna… ‘Oracle’ insisted.
Galantry and her family were still mesmerized by the hovering, spinning wand, ten feet directly overhead.
Lt. Gretch Fenile, Destiny, Galantry, and Grutch all followed the wand’s decent as it came to hover pointing at Galantry; they looked at us in fright.
“I guess you all have questions about what you just witnessed?” I asked them.
“Personally, I have seen the members of Witch Corps in action, but never on such a scale.” Gretch answered. “However, my chosen was not on Mare at the time of our invasion. Galantry may not remember her rescue and recovery, and I would doubt Grutch remembers anything. What information must we be given, High Priestess? And why have we been offered attendance to such an important and severely classified ceremony?”
“Has Galantry mentioned anything about the Current rupture in her classroom this afternoon, lieutenant?” I asked coolly.
“What Current rupture? Were you injured, my progeny?” Gretch suddenly looked concerned.
“I was there to stop it and protect the students, my lord.” I assured him with a gentle nod.
“While cleaning up the resulting spill though, I noticed something curious about Galantry. My lord, she is beginning to show signs of her talent. A talent that will need to be developed and taught control by like-talented adults.” When my explanation resulted in blinking eyes I simplified.
“I believe Galantry might be a Current Mage, Lieutenant Fenile.” I blinked on my Current sense. “Even now, I see the bright spark growing inside her. Given the proper training, she will learn to use her Current to do wondrous things. She will learn to control it and also to respect it.”
“Are you sure of this, High Priestess? There have never been any Orion Current Mages that I know of.”
“Shall we let the wand show the truth, lieutenant?” I said as I conjured a wand with very sensitive Current detecting equipment in its stock. “This special wand will vibrate when it senses a certain degree of Current over what is said to be ‘normal’ for non Mages.” I said as I handed it to him first.
Appraising the simple stick, Gretch handed it back to me.
“I felt nothing, High Priestess. Are you sure it is working?”
I offered it to his chosen, Destiny. She too just looked it over with no sense of vibration then handed it back to me.
“Grutch? Care to try, sweetie?” I offered.
Taking it, his hand began to shake gently and he quickly handed the wand back to me in horror.
“Here! I don’t want that thing! Take it from me!” He exclaimed frantically.
“Galantry? Your turn if you so choose.” I offered as I presented the wand.
Carefully taking it from me her hand began to shake moderately! Gretch and Destiny quickly touched heads.
“Is this a trick of some kind, High Priestess?” Gretch asked as he looked intensely at me.
In answer I called Aquia Anderson front and center and handed her the test wand. Her hand began to shake- at about the same intensity, or a little harder.
“Let me see that thing!” Her brother, Rowan demanded as he snatched it from her hand.
The test wand began to vibrate gently.
Rowan gave his sister a nervous look then handed the wand back to me and quickly took his place back in the second row.
“Would you allow me to use another test, Lieutenant?” I asked as the test wand vanished. “This test relies on her latent Current and cannot be faked nor influenced by any members of Witch Corps.”
“Proceed, High Priestess, but only because you have never deceived me in the eight years I have known about you.”
I nodded. “Galantry? I’d like you to concentrate and ask your Current to help you manifest a wand just like this.” I requested as I manifested my wand in my right hand. “But in your dominant hand. Think you want to try it? You seemed very interested in what I could do in your classroom earlier.”
“I was very intrigued, High Priestess, and I would like to try, but am unsure of what constitutes MY Current.”
“Your Current is how we refer to the latent Current found in every living thing in the galaxy, Fenile Galantry. Whether you realize it or not, you carry Current within you. Current is sentient and can communicate if it wants, and if you are intent on listening. To manifest your own wand, you need to ask your Current to help you conjure it into existence. This can take some time and may require total and deep concentration. Now, think about that ‘special feeling’ you sometimes get. It’s usually something you can barely feel…something almost ‘hiding’ inside you. Concentrate on that feeling and ask that very same ‘feeling’ to help you manifest a real ‘magic’ wand. Don’t forget to hold out your dominant hand, for that is the hand you will be using for the rest of your possible training.”
The young Orion held out her left hand and closed her large eyes.
Her wand popped into existence almost immediately, but I don’t think she even realized it. I gave her a few minutes to see if she noticed. Gretch, Destiny, and young Grutch stared on in complete astonishment, but remained quiet at my gesturing to do so.
The wand she produced had several strange ‘runes’ at the base and I motioned Gretch to look. He seemed flabbergasted by their presence.
“I’m afraid I can’t do as you asked, High Priestess. I’ve been concentrating as hard as I am able, but I just can’t…”
“Galantry? Open your eyes, sweetie.” I requested gently.
Opening her eyes she looked to her open palm and gasped in a very ‘Orion-ish’ way.
“It appeared right after you closed your eyes. So tell me again how you can’t manifest your wand?” I giggled. “Lt. Gretch? Care to enlighten us on the runes in its handle?”
“The runes as you call them are from the ancient Orion language my predecessors used over three thousand standard years ago, High Priestess. It is equivalent in meaning to the Terran word, ‘Shaman’. There is no way any of you could have known, as it was specific only to my pod. You are distinctly amazing, Galantry. Your maternal, natal host and I will now consult.”
“And to think we used to think they were responsible for abductions and anal probing.” Chantell whispered to herself very quietly.
While Gretch and Destiny were putting their heads together, Galantry continued to observe her new wand. She seemed to grasp the graceful motion needed to use it and began to practice. I suspected her quick grasp was partially due to her observance of my wand usage in her classroom.
“We have decided that Galantry will attend special sessions to instruct her in the control and responsibilities of her newly identified talent. We also task you with developing that curriculum, High Priestess Chance Summers.” Gretch declared as Destiny remained quiet and blinked her eyes slowly several times.
“It would be my honor, Lieutenant Fenile.” I bowed deeply.
“First lesson, sweetie. Don’t point that thing at others. Not even in jest or anger. Now, see if you can dismiss it back from whence it came.” I instructed.
Her wand vanished instantly.
Very good. Now, for homework, I want you to practice making it appear and disappear until our next lesson, okay?”
Galantry nodded as her wand reappeared then vanished again.
“But, only when around those who share our secret, Galantry.” I reminded.
She responded with another nod.
I looked around for Lyra and found her seated in Hello Kitty familiarizing herself with the instruments and controls. There was a huge, devious grin plastered on her face.

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