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“Aunt Kitty? Have you heard anything from Mother?” Savanna Summers questioned as she burst into the unoccupied residence of the FeLane queen.
An armed squad of Royal Guards silently appeared behind her almost instantly. Upon seeing this particular young woman standing just inside the doorway, the guards became very uneasy.
The young Terran female seemed to sense she was not alone and slowly turned around.
“Sorry. I thought my aunt had returned from her negotiations.” Savanna explained.
“Young Lady Savanna! One does not breach the Royal Suite in such a manner!” PM Wa’tua Su corrected sternly as he hurriedly appeared from behind the steadfast guards.
The tall, black-haired, young woman lowered her gaze to the floor in submission.
“Understood, you’re Excellency.” She replied sadly.
Tua sighed heavily.
“Stop calling me that, Lady Savanna! I’ve told you numerous times to refer to me as Tua or Mr. Tua if you must. Now, what was the justification for your rude incursion?”
“I…I just wanted to know if… If Aunt Kitty had heard anything about my mother.” Savanna answered quietly- still not making eye contact with the Prime Minister or the guards.
“You know as well as I that you would be alerted instantly if any information had been received, Lady Savanna.” Tua reminded just before looking over his shoulder to the guards.
“Stand down, gentlemen. I’ll take it from here. Please delete this incident from your report. No need to worry our queen.”
The squad of four stood to attention then continued their prescribed security patrol, expressing huge sighs of relief as they did.
“Savanna? I must ask that you limit your curiosity and think over your actions before actually implementing them. I’m afraid you frighten the Royal Guard.” Tua said as he seemed to relax a bit.
“Why do they fear me, Mr. Tua?” Savanna asked quietly. Though appearing fully matured, her voice sounded adolescent in tone.
“Maybe it had something to do with you just ‘suddenly’ appearing at the queen’s door, Lady Savanna?” Tua insinuated with slight sarcasm. “Or it could be the fact that you are High Priestess Chance Summer’s daughter, and are capable of a great many seemingly ‘impossible’ things?”
“And you have demonstrated your abilities many times over in the past eight years.” Tua added nodding his head comically in agreement.
Despite the situation, Mr. Tua always succeeded in making her laugh.
“I’m sorry for putting the guards on alert, Mr. Tua. I try to be mature, but I’m just worried about mother. They’ve been gone a long time.”
“I understand, kitten, but I recommend not being in such a hurry to mature. Enjoy your youth while you can; and I wouldn’t worry so much about Lady Chance. She has a knack for successfully completing Witch Corp missions.”
“But my vision has me worried, Mr. Tua. I saw me and the Junior Corp rescuing mom and dad, my grandmas, and my aunts.”
“Well, if you saw that, you have no worries, Savanna. Your predictions are usually quite accurate.”
“I-I-I-I-I know, but without a Broom, I can’t get home. And if I can’t get home, how can we rescue Witch Corp?”
“Hmmmm, that does present a problem, doesn’t it, my lady? Have you considered using your talent?”
“My talent?’ Savanna asked as her eyes widened.
“Have you not transported from the Mare De Tempest to Earth’s Horizon?” Tua asked calmly. He still found this kitten’s powers unimaginable.
“Weeeelllll, yeah?” The tall, raven-hair beauty answered sheepishly. “But they were a lot closer together then.”
“If I may, my lady? ‘Distance’ does not seem to be a problem for you, despite your beliefs otherwise. If I recall correctly, as an infant, you transported from Pegasus, which was hovering four miles above Capital, to the roof of this residence and suffered no adverse health; though I on the other hand, almost caused myself heath issues from rushing plausible information to the media streamers. Now, from Queen Kitty’s own accounting, Earth’s Horizon was eighty thousand- ninety-six LY’s from Mare De Tempest. You suffered no ill effects from that transport either. So, I’m not going to try understanding the how or why, but I suggest you continue to develop that talent as it seems to increase range every time you do so.”
“Do you really think I can do it, Mr. Tua?” Savanna asked, hoping he was right.
“Since meeting your mother and the other members of Witch Corps, kitten, I am completely certain of your abilities.”
The young woman thought about it for all of twenty standard seconds.
“Okay. Thanks, Mr. Tua! I love you!”
Savanna Summers was instantly nowhere to be found. She had just vanished into thin air.
“May the Gods and Goddesses of old keep smiling on you, My Lady, Savanna Summers,” Tua offered as he glanced toward the hallway’s ceiling.
“According to Lt. Greer’s analysis, yesterday’s sim flight showed moderate improvement. Galantry. Your handling of your Broom is impeccable and precise, but your targeting in close, tense situations could still use polishing. Aquia? You’re showing satisfactory improvement on equipment handling, but you’re still too demanding of your Broom’s spaceframe…”
“Hi, everybody!” A young, raven-haired girl greeted as she suddenly appeared in the briefing room of the Witch Corps base.
Of course, almost everyone already in attendance jumped in surprise!
Lady Lyra Serangetti reacted differently.
The eight-year-old version of Savanna Summers found herself staring up the length of her Lynxin sister’s precisely aimed wand- the tip of which was already glowing blue!
She gulped loudly as she looked up at her friend in fear.
“Ummmmm. Is this the wrong time?” Savanna asked just above a whisper, tears starting to show at the corners of her eyes. Confusion instantly flashed to her face and she slowly looked down.
“Awwwwwwww! I’m back to my ‘little’ self!” She whined, completely forgetting about the tense situation she had just ‘popped’ into.
“I swear, Savanna, if you don’t stop ‘popping’ in on people…” Lyra began to threaten, but stopped short as she looked down into the girl’s big emerald eyes.
Is this what Lady Chance called ‘karma’? She thought to herself.
“URRRWL!” Lyra snarled as she angrily dismissed her wand.
“And just where did you transport in from?” Lyra demanded.
“I…I…I just left the Royal Residence, big sister?” Savanna answered hesitantly.
A hush fell over the room!
“You-you ported all the way from FeLane?” Lyra was aghast.
“Yes? But I used too much Current and now I’m back in my little girl’s body again.” Savanna whined in despair.
“Lady Lyra? Capt. Serangetti wishes to talk to you.” The base A.I. announced.
“Capt. Serangetti, Lady Lyra. What’s wrong, Poppy?”
“Lady Lyra, Mare’s sensors just detected a small asteroid that has suddenly appeared matching velocity to starboard- about ninety thousand metric tons. You wouldn’t know anything about that now, would you?”
“Lady Savanna just arrived from FeLane, Captain. Allow me a moment to check with…”
“SHE WHAT? I mean; is that even possible?”
Serangetti’s voice could be heard clearly from Lyra’s comm by everyone gathered. Savanna’s small head drooped sadly in shame.
“Apparently it is and she did, Captain. Now, allow me to check with her. Lady Savanna? Did you happen to find something on your journey back to Mare and leave it just outside?”
“Ummm… I felt…something…ummm…latch on? Along the way? It felt like something usable and I felt Current in it too, sooooo…” Savanna answered hesitantly.
“Capt. Serangetti? We’ll take care of the item in question. Lady Lyra, out.”
Lyra stared at her younger Coven sister a minute.
“An asteroid? Ninety thousand metric tons? Savanna, what were you thinking?”
“I felt we needed it for something?” She answered innocently with a shrug.
“Base? Could you do a component analysis on that asteroid to our starboard and elaborate on its utilization by Witch Corps Fabrication?” Lyra requested.
“Requested analysis confirms celestial material to starboard of Mare de Tempest contains enough fundamental materials to complete all delayed and pending Witch Corps projects. Suggested action: retrieve cosmic material to Witch Corps Material Storage Bunker for processing at earliest convenience.”
“We have a storage bunker?” Lyra gasped in surprise.
“Well, things just don’t pop in from the ether, Lady Lyra- Despite what our High Priestess alleges!” The A.I. opined haughtily.
“Shall I enable a tractor beam and see to the material’s proper storage, Lady Lyra?”
“That would be acceptable, yes. Thank you.” Lyra answered, amazed by the A.I.’s suddenly acerbic response.
“Lady Lyra? The mission debriefing?” Galantry reminded quietly to return to the previous topic.
Aquia, unfortunately, was still staring- mouth agog- at the eight-year-old standing next to Lyra.
“You wanted to see me, Poppy?” I asked as I walked into my father’s Witch Corps office.
“So…Savanna…all the way from FeLane.” He stated in disbelief.
“It seems so, Poppy. I contacted Capital and PM Tau confirmed her departure, asking if she had arrived unharmed. He suggested the transport after Savanna showed extreme concern for Lady Chance’s team’s tardiness. He said she just disappeared from in front of him. I have to admit, after her prophecy I’m a little concerned too.” I answered.
“Hmmm. Maybe you should start preparations in case the unthinkable does happen, My Lady.” Poppy suggested, as he seemed deep in thought.
“Preparations are already well underway, sir.” I reported.
“Celestial material has been retrieved, stored, and has entered processing. Project continuance has been enabled and all vital assignments will be completed in thirty-eight standard hours, Lady Lyra.” The A.I. interrupted.
“Thank you, Base.”
“What projects, My Lady?”
“Poppy! Stop that this instant! My name is ‘Lyra’! Not ‘My Lady’!” I groused.
Poppy just quietly laughed to himself.
“So… What projects are still awaiting completion, Lyra?” He restated.
“Basically, more Brooms. I haven’t seen the complete list. Only our High Priestess has access to that.” I informed. “Apparently the base ran out of material to carry out all of Lady Chance’s commissions three or four months ago.”
“And do we have any idea how such a large asteroid just happened to come alongside?”
I exhaled heavily.
Poppy snorted with closed eyes and a slight smile in response.
“And I thought Chance Summers would be the death of me.” Poppy whispered.
I giggled despite his morbid declaration.
“She is very precocious.” I answered with a roll of my eyes.
“Like mother like daughter as the Terrans claim.” Poppy chuckled. “Status on Aquia and Galantry?”
“Progressing. Aquia still insists on Alpha-handling her broom in the simulations. Galantry is a great pilot, but still lacks confidence against opponents in very close quarters.” I answered.
Poppy maintained silence for at least a standard minute, eyes closed and deep in thought. I had seen him like this many times- both on Mare and at home.
“Let’s just say Witch Corps requires assistance. What assets can the Junior Corps offer?”
“I recommend only the most senior rank of the Junior Corps be asked to participate. Currently five members are qualified and ready… if they are needed: Galanty, Aquia, Rowan, Garith, and Lithia. Link Anderson has proven very adept at navigation, so I would feel safe with him behind the glass. Equipment-wise, we have Hello Kitty, Teacher’s Pet, Californa Dreamin’, Zeus’ Pride, and Mini-Van. Oracle has finished construction but is off-limits until Savanna is of age.” I reported.
“Oracle! You mean it exists, Lyra?” Savanna shouted ecstatically as she was just…here… popped in right next to me!
Poppy and I hissed in surprise before looking to each other and laughing about the other’s fur standing poker straight.
“Kitten! What have I told you about announcing yourself?” Poppy growled, his canines showing menacingly.
“Is it true? Is it true? Is it true?” Savanna bubbled with excitement.
“Yes, but its parental lock will not clear until you have reached Terran maturity, Savanna.” I restated for the umpteenth time since she found out about her future Broom a few weeks ago on FeLane.
“Awwwww.” Savanna moaned and vanished!
I growled in annoyance once more.
“Has mother been informed of the possibility of a mission?” I asked, changing the subject after calming myself.
“She has been informed, Lyra. You know your mother though. She and Chairman Englert are very busy these days.” Poppy replied.
“Why did she have to take his offer of Assistant Chairman, Poppy? I thought she liked Mare de Tempest and us being a family here?”
“Sonya is very ‘career oriented’, Lyra. She always has been. If she is able to get away, she will join the mission. You can count on that.”
I nodded with a smile at that piece of welcome information.
“Ninety-two standard hours will reveal if Junior Corps’ mission is a go, Poppy. That was Lady Chance’s estimated outside limit on mission completion. I’m hopeful they won’t be needed, but we’ll be ready if the prophecy comes to pass. I’ll keep you updated.”
“I appreciate that, sweetie. Now. How are you doing? Your mother is constantly asking about you. I think she misses you. Either that or she is mining for information on Lt. Greer.” Poppy laughed.
Galantry Fenile and I accessed the Broom Closet entrance, in our senior JWC uniforms and our ‘two-day go bags’ as instructed, and stepped out onto the metal stairway platform. Mini-Van, Hello Kitty, Zeus’ Pride and California Dreamin’ sat staged on the flight line as if this were a real mission. Lyra and Lt. Greer were already performing their preflight inspections on Mini-Van and Hello Kitty.
“Just great! Another semi-virtual training flight!” I groaned.
This made five in three days!
“Is Lyra ever going to let up?” I moaned.
“Oh, come on, Water Lily! Kitten just wants to make sure that we’re ready if we’re needed. If you wouldn’t be so hard on the controls, maybe we wouldn’t need this Sim-Mish.” Galantry…Lil’ Gray replied neutrally.
“It’s easy for you, Lil’ Gray! You’re like her star pupil. I can’t seem to do anything right at the controls!”
We started down the stairs after seeing Lyra motion for us.
“I mean…I try my hardest and it never seems to be good enough.” I continued.
“Then maybe…” She paused. “Maybe you should NOT try so hard? You are a very good pilot, Aquia Anderson. Just let flying your Broom ‘flow’ naturally from you to the stick and try not to push as hard?” My Junior Coven sister suggested.
Was that it? Could I be trying too hard? Could I be too focused on proving myself?
“Today’s mission will be a little different, but fun. Today, our flight will be a complete mission from start to finish- hence packing our ‘go bags’- so we’ll be starting the mission right here from base.” Lyra announced with a devious smile. “Ladies, preflights, if you please.”
I immediately, nervously, looked to Californa Dreamin’ then around the Broom Closet’s ceiling.
“Lady Demi? Is it okay to fly California Dreamin’?” I inquired in a quivering voice.
“Already taken care of, Water Lily.” Lyra informed me with that same devious Lynxin smile.
I had learned that expression meant we weren’t going to like this simulation. Yet, I nodded with forced confidence.
“Californa Dreamin’? Starting preflight external inspection.” I announced as I stopped beside my designated Broom.
“Hey, girlfriend! I hear the curls are bitchin’ today. You ready to catch some waves?”
“If you are.” I giggled nervously despite feeling split between excitement of actually sitting in her cockpit and a dismal simulation.
As with the last two times Lyra had run this type of simulation, Californa Dreamin’ passed my careful inspection.
“Ready, Ladies?” Lyra inquired as she hovered up into Hello Kitty’s cockpit. Her devious smile had only grown bigger.
“As I’ll ever be.” I groaned in despair.
“Hey now, girlfriend! Ease up! I thought you got off on flyin’ me?”
“Just once I’d like to actually fly you, ‘Cali’. Not just sit at your controls through another simulation.” I lamented.
“Baby steps, girlfriend! Let’s just chill for now. The time will come to hit the ink, though; I promise. Let’s mount up.”
I politely asked my Current to lift me up into my Broom’s cockpit, strapped in, and began my instrument checks.
“Pegasus13, Pegasus12 is go for launch.” I announced over our comms when I finished my preflight.
“Pegasus13, Pegasus11. Preflight complete and standing by.” Lil’ Gray reported.
“Pegasus13, Pegasus II is go for launch.” Lt. Greer, or ‘Moderator’ announced.
“Broom Closet Control, Pegasus13 is go for launch. Start Witch Corps Flight 2 launch sequence.” Lyra announced as the flight line lights started dimming to black.
“Broom Closet decom initiation.”
“As usual we alert Mare Tower, circle her once, engage the course I’ve already distributed, enable deep space camo, and go Transdimensional.” Kitten said, laying out the parameters of this training simulation.
“Broom Closet decom complete.”
Stars appeared at the far end of the simulated flight line.
“Broom Closet doors open. Witch Corps Flight 2 Launch sequence initialized. Sequence will be Pegasus12, Pegasus11, Pegasus13, Pegasus II.”
“You heard her ladies. Let’s light ‘em up.” Kitten proclaimed excitedly and I began my propulsion initiation. I noted Zeus’ Pride’s emitters come online as Galantry started her propulsion system.
“Broom Closet Control, Kitten. Please alert Mare Tower and Capt. Serangetti of our Flight’s departure.”
“Witch Corps Flight 2 flight plan has been forwarded and Mare Tower confirms, Kitten.”
“Thanks, Control. Continue launch sequence.”
That was something different from past training sims. Was Lyra trying to make this one as real as possible?
“Ready, Girlfriend! My emitters are ‘purrin’ an’ I’m gettin’ horny just thinkin’ about that surf.” California Dreamin’- Cali… as she preferred I call her…confirmed.
Everything seemed just a little different about this training mission simulation so far.
There was a weird, but slightly familiar, barely noticeable vibration in the seat and control stock. Had Lyra or Lt. Greer modified the simulation effects?
“Broom Closet Control, Pegasus12, Water Lily. Ready for launch.” I declared as I disabled my gravity moorings.
“Copy, Pegasus12, you are cleared for launch.”
“Ok, Cali, let’s hit the ink.” I said to my Broom’s AI.
I had quickly familiarized myself with her strange speech patterns over the last few days. Not that I really understood her. Still, I slowly advanced the throttle, pulled slightly on my control stock, and my canopy filled with stars.
This was some detailed simulation! Lyra and Lt. Greer had gone way over on the detail!
“Pegasus11 ready for launch, Control.”
“Copy, Pegasus11. You are cleared for launch.”
“Pegasus13. Ready for launch.”
“Copy…oh, never mind. You are clear to launch, Pegasus II.”
“Copy, Broom Closet Control. Pegasus II is clear of Broom Closet.”
“Good hunting, Witch Corps Flight 2. Broom Closet Control, out.”
This was amazing! Such detail! It felt like I was really out here.
“Witch Corps Flight 2 form up on Hello Kitty.” Lyra ordered as I pulled California Dreamin’ smoothly into formation.
“So, whacha think, Girlfriend? The real thing’s pretty bitchin’, yeah?” Cali chirped happily.
Everything finally clicked! This wasn’t just another simulation! This really was real!
“The real thing?” I gasped in surprise!
“Water Lily! Settle down and smooth out.” Kitty ordered.
“Yo! Don’t freak on me, girlfriend. Just chill and ease the death-grip on my stick, hun. I’m like, totally not some rude horn-dog that likes it rough. Savy?” California Dreamin’ calmly advised.
This was the first time in the five training Sims where she actually protested my handling.
I quickly took several cleansing breaths and readjusted my grip on Cali’s stock and throttle.
“Sorry. Kitten didn’t tell us we were actually flying today. I just panicked for a second. I’m chill with it now, girlfriend.” I apologized.
“It’s like, totes cool. Big sis said you might freak, but that you’d find your groove before we go plaid. Ready chica?”
“Go plaid?” I asked.
“As briefed, we go once around Mare then go to ‘warp’ on the preset course.” Kitten reminded, interrupting my AI’s explanation of ‘plaid’. “Try to keep up, Ladies.”
Kitten started to come about towards Mare de Tempest and I tried not to break formation as we got closer and closer to the huge ship.
“Full throttle and camo in three; two; one!” Kitten counted down and I pushed my throttle forward.
The stars around me instantly became long streaks of vivid blue!
My breath stuck!
“It’s O.K. to scream ‘O!M!G!’ girlfriend. Goin’ plaid is like riding the perfect wave. Wait til we go ‘ludicrous’! Now that’s totes hitin’ the Primo pipes at North Shore!” Cali bubbled in her strange, comical dialect.
“Ludicrous?” I asked completely confused.
“Afterboost, girlfriend. That’s when things really get knarly.” Cali explained, as bubbly as ever.
“Witch Corps Flight 2, Serangetti. Kitten? How many times have I told you and your ladies not to buzz my Bridge?!” Capt. Serangetti growled over our comm.
“Lil’ Gray and Water Lily needed the experience, Captain. They can’t get that in our simulators.” Lyra replied calmly.
“Fine. Have fun, ladies.” Capt. Serangetti replied after a few seconds pause. He didn’t sound very happy though.
A giggle escaped my throat then the giggle multiplied and I started laughing- tears flowing from my eyes!
I was flying!
I was flying a Broom- California Dreamin’- for real!
This was SOOOO fun!
“Kane system in three hours; so chill, girlfriend.” Cali advised as she took control to allow me to calm myself
“Alright, Ladies. Slow to sublight and revert to default camo. We’re almost there. Whitecliffe Tower, Witch Corps Flight 2, Kitten. Request permission to enter your system.” Lyra broke my boredom.
Not really boredom, but I had run out of questions to ask Cali almost an hour ago. I now had- more or less- a complete understanding of ‘20th and 21st century Californian’.
“So…what’s the four-one-one on Kane, girlfriend?” I asked.
“This is like, THE place, Lily! The High Priestess? She and Artie’s baby sis like totes kicked Hoblin ass! It was epic!” Cali bubbled.
“Witch Corps Flight 2, Kitten. We have permission to enter the Kane system and have been routed to Hopewell Field. I’ve sent each of you the course. Follow me in.” Kitten informed us.
“Course has been received, girlfriend. Displaying it now.” Cali informed me.
“Thanks, Cali. I can take it from here.” I said, thanking her for getting me to this point in our training mission.
Once arriving at the planet, we formed up and followed Lyra to a very old looking ‘airfield’- I mean one with real runways and hangars and taxiways. Hopewell Field.
Taxiing off the runway, we were directed to an old hangar and guided inside by some old guy.
He had to be almost thirty years old!
Mini-Van barely fit inside this old place, and once it was in, the old guy quickly closed the big aircraft doors even before our emitters were cooled.
“Lady Lyra!” The old guy shouted happily as Kitten hovered out of her broom. “How big you’ve grown! How’s ol’ mom and dad?”
“Keats! Nice to see you too! We missed you at my initiation party. You doin’ okay?” Kitten answered as Galantry and I touched the floor also. Lt. Greer was just opening Mini-Van’s hatch.
‘Of course she knows this geezer! She seems to know people everywhere we go.’ I thought to myself.
“Keats? This is Lady Fenile Galantry and Lady Aquia Anderson. Ladies this is Keaton Yates. Lady Hope calls him the ‘best damn mechanic in the Way’.”
“A real pleasure, Ladies. Just call me ‘Keats’ though. With the exception of Janet Redman, we don’t stand on those formalities much around here.” ‘Keats’ said as he gently offered to shake our hands.
Galantry gasped as Keats took and genteelly shook her hand.
“You’re…bi-spirited?” She blinked both inner and outer eyelids a few times in surprise.
“Wrench here also goes by Lady Kaitlyn when activated, Ladies.” Lyra informed us.
“Activated?” Galantry questioned in curiosity.
Keats chuckled.
“What you already are and what I wasn’t until I first met Hope Summers, Lady Galantry. Then again when I met our High Priestess eight years ago.”
“So what brings you ladies way out here? The Hoblins go on the defensive?” Keats asked.
“Training mission.” Lyra answered. “Aquia and Galantry have been running simulations for about two standard weeks now and I thought it was time to broaden their horizons. Hey. Lt. Niger Greer, Keaton Yates. Or just Keats.”
“Lieutenant.” Keats nodded in typical ‘alpha guy’ fashion.
“Keats.” Lt. Greer returned the greeting nod.
“I hope you two asked permission to fly these two beauties. I happen to know they’re owners can be very…um…picky about who pilots them.” The old man returned his attention to us and nodded to both our Brooms then looked around the ceiling in worry.
“I cleared them with Olympus, Keats, so relax.” Lyra giggled.
“Oh…okay. So how long you ladies…and gent gonna be in town? I just cleaned and vacuumed the guest quarters this morning. Sorry to say, things are really slow around here while our local Antarran contingent is still ‘partying’ it up across the galaxy attending a trade summit. So, things will be very…VERY boring around here until they- >Janet<- return.” Keats answered with a bit of humorous attitude.
“We should be leaving mid-morning tomorrow. This mission was just to get some real flight time.” Lyra told him.
“Fair enough! Let me show you guys around. To begin with, Welcome to the small city of Vermillion Station. I’m sure you got a grand view from overhead. It’s not that remarkable a place- mostly rural and outer urban compared to Whitecliffe. Anyway, I like it and call it home. As you already know, this is Hopewell Field. And this,” Keats raised his arms to the ceiling and slowly turned around, “is EFMC Witch Corps’ Kane system sub-base. We’re mostly a repair and resupply base for the Coven.” Keats dropped his hands. “Well, that’s the tour. Now…let me show you to the living quarters.”
“So how many people are assigned here, Keats?” I asked in curiosity.
Keats smiled deviously.
“Just me…well, sometimes Lady Simone when she’s here visiting her folks.”
Taking my mug of fresh-brewed herbal tea, I walked over to where Keats was sitting on an old, yet comfortable, couch.
“So how’d they do, honey?” He asked bluntly.
“That remains to be seen.” I said quickly as my gaze dropped to the floor in front of me.
Keats regarded me for about a minute.
“Okay. I’ve known you entirely too long not to notice. What’s going on Lyra? Why the training mission? Why two Junior Cadets? They can’t be much older than you, and I already know Lynxin’s mature faster than Terrans or Orions. So what’s going on that you aren’t telling me?”
“Come on, kid! It’s Kate talkin’ to ya now. What’s goin’ on?” Kaitlyn Yates insisted. Keats had just activated and his signature overalls had changed to fit her female body.
“Witch Corps hasn’t returned from their latest mission yet.”
“So? Maybe they had more to do than expected. Where’s the munchkin?”
“Savanna is still back on the Mare, Kate.”
“She spout one of those predictions that usually sends shivers up my spine?” She asked.
I nodded.
“And she prophesied JWC would have to rescue them, Kate.” I said, wiping my tears away. They had just suddenly formed.
“Well, the munchkin’s predictions have always been mostly correct if not bone-chillingly accurate.” Kate smiled tensely and her body seemed to shake with the thought.
“I don’t know if JWC is up to it. I don’t know if I’m ready to give the orders!” I suddenly spit out. “I’m not Chance, or Kitty, or Hope…or any of them, Kate! I’m not confident I can lead these young people to what might be their ends!” I cried turning and planting my head on her near shoulder.
“Hey! Ease up there, kid! First off. What type of mission they go on?” She asked while gently rubbing my mane from between my ears on back.
“That’s just it, Kate! Chance left no information about where and what! We have nothing except Savanna’s vision. For all I know they flew right into a trap.” I admitted my ultimate fear. “They all could be deceased.”
“Wasn’t the Base AI following them?”
“If she was, she won’t reveal anything that might help, I’m afraid.”
“That is strange…almost like Chance somehow knew something would happen.” Kate thought to herself though loud enough we both heard her. She paused to look to me.
“Maybe I could check my back-ups.” Kate manifested her DataTab. “So. You got a departure date, honey?”
“Sorry, Lyra. There’s nothing in the ghost. All I found is some coordinates from two weeks ago. Looks like Pegasus’ last check-in. Um…” Kate frowned as her finger moved quickly over the DataTab’s surface. “Oh, okay. Her last check-in was from smack-dab between Hygherlon and Vega systems. I’ll transfer the previous check points to Hello Kitty.”
Kate touched a few more places on the device. “There. Now you know about as much as I know, honey.”
“So where do you think they were headed?” I asked as I tried to dry my face.
“Hmmmm. Let’s see.” She said working her DataTab’s screen once more. “Barring any unknown course corrections looks like they were headed for The Badlands.” Kate paused.
“That ain’t good.” She quickly added.
“The Badlands?” I asked. I had heard only small bits of information on that group of systems that refused offer after offer from the Galactic Alliance.
“Three very close, neighboring systems that refuse to have anything to do with any kind of civilized government. Hope, Charli, and Chantell referred to it as the ‘Wild West’ of the Way, they claimed it was something similar to what they called ‘Firefly’?” Kate shrugged, telling me she had no idea what that meant.
“How would we know for certain if they actually went there, Kaitlyn?” I asked. I hoped she had some sensitive equipment we could use to locate Pegasus- or at least a Broom.
“The Mini-Van should have the right equipment to do the job, but it would be very short-range.”
“How ‘short-range’?” I asked as my eyes narrowed.
“You’d have to be almost in the system to scan all its planets; so system by system.”
I snarled despite wanting not to!
“I hear ya, sweetie! The Badlands sound like no place I’d take kids.”
“Would it be too much if I asked if you would consider coming along, Kaitlyn?” I asked…I pleaded while making my eyes as big as I could.
“Ease up, kid! Jeez-Louise! Let me check my schedule.” Kate groaned as she dismissed her DataTab.
“Hey Base? Is there anything on my schedule that would prevent me from helping Lady Lyra? Cleaning? Cooking? Repairing a Spaceframe or two?” She asked.
“Who are you trying to kid? Aside from restoring that four-wheeled junk heap out back and playing cards, you don’t have a schedule!”
“Oh, yeah. Thanks, Base.” Kate grimaced.
“I take it you want me to top her off, Lady Kaitlyn?” The AI inquired sarcastically.
“If you would? Thanks. We’ll be leaving tomorrow, mid-morning.”
“Finally! I’ll get some needed peace and quiet!” The AI commented happily.
Kaitlyn rolled her eyes as she pulled me close and continued to stroke my long mane.
“So? How was your night in town, Lt. Greer?” I asked as the slightly older, good-looking Lynxin male groaned and wobbled across the hangar floor to Mini-Van.
“Oh…hey, Lady Aquia. Yeah…it was…it was okay.” He responded, though he didn’t look too good- health-wise at the moment.
“You and Lady Galantry get enough rest last night?” He asked.
“Meh. Not really. I think we were too excited from the trip. I still can’t imagine I flew a Broom here…all the way to Kane!” I couldn’t help squealing in excitement.
Lt. Greer cringed and reached both hands to his head with a groan of pain. I had seen mom do this many times over the years since she adopted all eight of us- usually after one of our larger intra-family skirmishes.
The Lynxin Alpha silently turned and continued on his course to our base ship.
“What’s his problem, Aquia?” Galantry asked as she stopped beside me and watched Lt. Greer stumble up the boarding ramp into Mini-Van.
“He, Lyra, and Keats went into town last night. I think he had a little too much beverage.” I answered with a devious giggle.
Lyra and a young woman neither of us recognized entered the Hangar- both in full Witch Corps uniforms.
Galantry and I immediately followed their lead and called up our senior JWC uniforms.
“Hello. I am Lady Aquia Anderson. Who may you be, My Lady?” I inquired of the unknown Coven sister.
“Aquia? Galantry? I’d like you to meet Lady Kaitlyn Yates. Kaitlyn has graciously agreed to assist the JWC.” Lyra introduced and announced.
“It will be an honor serving with you all, my ladies.” She replied pleasantly.
I couldn’t believe that this was the old guy we met yesterday! Still, I bowed in greeting.
“Now, shall we get the ball rolling?” Kaitlyn suggested as she motioned toward our Brooms.
“You shall be welcomed as my second, Lady Kaitlyn.” Galantry offered.
“Oh. Thanks sweetie, but I have my own ride. Icarus, honey? We’re ready to go. Come out, come out, wherever you are?” Lady Kaitlyn called melodically.
Another Broom materialized in the far left corner of the hangar. On its nose was a picture of a Terran male with what looked like a strange pair of feathered wings strapped to his arms. Just ahead and above the strange, winged man was a small, brightly painted, yellow sun. The tip of the man’s wing closest to the bright orb showed signs of melting?
“Hey! What took so damned long? I’ve been waiting an eternity! Let’s go, ya old broad!” Icarus’s male voice complained.
Lady Kaitlyn turned to us, blushing.
“Our High Priestess’ idea. We ready, sisters?” She explained almost sardonically.
“Recovered from last evening yet, Lieutenant?” Kate asked as Greer appeared on Mini-Van’s ramp.
Greer stopped immediately and stared at the Witch Corps uniform and the unfamiliar woman wearing it. He then looked around the flight line.
“Ummm. How? How did I get here? Are we back on Mare? Have we met before, my lady?”
“Kaitlyn Yates- ‘Wrench’, but you can call me Kate, hun.” Kate giggled.
She was as bad as Chance, Charli, Hope, or Chantell when it came to teasing!
“You’re… ‘Wrench’?” Greer gulped in surprise.
“All my life, hun.” Kate giggled again.
“Lady Kaitlyn! How nice to see you again!” Poppy welcomed brightly as he appeared at the top of the metal stairs to our base living quarters and approached.
“Likewise, Capt. Serangetti. Glad to be able to help our JWC if needed.”
Poppy’s attention shifted to my bodyguard.
“Looks like 45LY/sec doesn’t agree with you, Lt. Niger Greer.” Poppy stated formally though looked slightly amused.
“A late night, I’m afraid, Skipper. Keats showed our LT around Vermillion Station last night. Annnnd, well, we might have toasted our ancestors a bit too much.” Kate reported humorously.
Poppy looked back to me.
“You drank another one under the table again, didn’t you?”
“We both did, Skipper.” Kate giggled “I mean…Keats did…um…Skipper.”
Poppy just shook his head and turned his attention to Galantry and Aquia.
“And I see you two made it back in one piece?” He asked of my cadets. “Like flying these birds, my ladies?”
Both young women smiled and nodded excitedly.
Poppy’s smile widened.
“Think you’d like to do it again?”
The shrill screeching of two teenage girls echoed throughout the massive Broom Closet!
“So what came up, My Lord Kimbou?” I asked Poppy officially as he motioned me into his on-base office.
“I was just making sure Ladies Galantry and Aquia were comfortable with their Brooms, Lady Lyra.” He admitted with a wink. “How do you think they performed?”
“I believe they are ready, My Lord. Both performed admirably and maintained a very high level of professional attitude while visiting the Kane system.” I reported professionally.
“They will make a wonderful addition to Witch Corps. In fact, I have already submitted their applications for commission to the High Priestess.” I continued then sighed to myself. “If she ever sees it, that is.”
Poppy nodded in acknowledgement.
“And the others? Will they also perform in accordance to Witch Corps standards?”
“I believe so, though I’d much rather have their activated forms in case we are overrun by Hoblins.” I answered truthfully.
“Unfortunately, Lady Chance is unavailable. And lest we forget, Terran males- especially young, pubescent, Terran males do not take favorably to being ‘activated’.” Poppy reminded.
My memories of Jaime ‘Chairman’ Quincy eight years ago presented themselves. I could only imagine the disturbance Rowan, Garith, Derrick, or Link, could create if ‘activated’. I don’t think the base could handle it for long. Those four Andersons were all within a year of each other and unfortunately, made up most of the senior echelon of the JWC.
If any mission were needed, they were the JWC. Though, they would be even more effective if in their activated form.
That was out of the realm of possibilities for the foreseeable future.
“My Lady?” Poppy asked as he got my attention.
“Just concerns. Small concerns…worries at best, Lord Kimbou.”
“Lyra. They will do their job. You will do your job, my wonderful kitten. Have confidence in yourself and your abilities… and in their abilities. Trust me. Command is stressful enough without adding second –guessing to the mix. Mind you, it will always be there in the back of your mind, but trust your instincts as you have in the past.”
“Excuse me. Permission to enter, Captain Serangetti?” Lt. Greer asked from the office’s slightly ajar doorway.
“Granted. What’s on your mind, Greer?” Poppy greeted.
“I…I have concerns, sir. About any upcoming mission this unit may undertake.”
“Oh? What concerns, Lieutenant?”
“Sir. After bearing witness to what this unit…even it’s junior detachment, is capable of, I am concerned that I will only slow any possible mission down…impede it from a successful resolution.”
Poppy began chuckling then flat-out laughing.
“Ooooh!” He started as he took his ever-present monogrammed linen from his uniform pants pocket and began wiping the tears of laughter from his eyes. “I couldn’t possibly tell you all the times I’ve felt that way in the presence of these remarkable ladies, son! Rest assured you are far from alone in those thoughts. I once thought my Royal Guard training and status had prepared me for anything the galaxy could produce…” Poppy began to laugh again, but quickly calmed himself.
“Then I met Lady Chance Summers and her Coven. Oh, how very naive I was! This unit- Witch Corps- demonstrated how very different our perception of reality truly is. And because of my association with them, I find myself humbled and…and embarrassed that I thought myself prepared for my life in any way.”
“Poppy!” I gasped then blushed at my outburst. “I-I mean Lord Kimbou. You should not devalue your contributions to the Corps!” I argued.
“Your leadership, counseling, and wisdom have added to the effectiveness of this unit since the Mare incident. I can say without doubt that Lady Chance- the Coven on whole- values your participation and sponsorship.” I vouched staunchly.
“See, son? Because of Witch Corps even my just matured kitten has a better resolve to duty and honor than most of my command staff. So…if Lady Lyra here has chosen you and brought you into this unit…no…this family, she sees something special in you. Something she thinks will bolster the Corps.” Poppy said then paused.
“Face the facts, son, they’ve chosen us to be a part of all this and we’d only be damning ourselves for fighting it!”
“CC, Capt. Serangetti.”
Poppy held up his finger to silence our conversation.
“Serangetti, go ahead?”
“Captain, Environment and Resources just detected a negative point one percent deviation in our Current reserve reservoir.”
“Probable explanations, CC?” Poppy requested.
“None that you’d believe, sir.”
“Humor me, Lt. Commander.”
“Sir… the OD, CPO Chambers, claims a young, Terran female just appeared and- in his words- ‘sucked’ a massive amount of Current from the reservoir as if it were a water faucet! I’m almost hesitant to believe him, sir.”
“I see,” Poppy looked directly at me- his eyes asking our shared question. “That report is more believable than I can substantiate at this time. I’ll see to the matter personally, seeing as I have the necessary clearance level. Serangetti out.”
The office was silent for a moment.
Poppy calmly activated his Witch Corps comm.
“Lady Savanna, Serangetti. My Base office. Now.”
“You wanted to speak with me, Lord Kimbou?” The adult version of my eight-year-old Coven sister asked as she just appeared to the left of Poppy’s desk.
Well, that answered the question of who and what. Now we just needed to find out the ‘why’.
I had a sneaking suspicion I knew that answer.
Poppy groaned as our eyes beheld the black-haired, seventeen-year-old, Terran female form of Lady Chance’s eight-year-old daughter.
“Lady Savanna, do I need to ask the question of ‘why’?” Poppy asked calmly.
“In order for the upcoming mission to be successful, certain criteria must be met, Lord Kimbou.” Savanna’s voice sounded too mature, almost like…
“Welcome, Oracle. To what do we owe this visit?” I asked with a courteous bow to point out that this wasn’t exactly Savanna Summers.
“Concerns have arisen as to the proper staffing of Witch Corps’ JWC’s latest endeavor. I will now take the necessary preparations to assist those requirements.
Savanna…Oracle pointed to Greer and a blue sphere engulfed him!
From experience, I knew what was happening.
Lasting only a few seconds, the blue sphere dissipated and the ‘activated’ form of Lt. Niger Greer stood before us.
The tall, long tawny-maned, Lynxin female wearing a Witch Corps uniform quickly started to panic.
“What? What? What? Wh…?” Greer gasped out before she collapsed to the floor- unconscious.
“Lady Lyra, Lady Sandra!”
“Lady Sandra? What’s wrong?” I answered the harrowed voice on my comm.
“Um…Um…is…um…something…something…um… just happened in our quarters and…um…do we know where Lady Savanna is?”
“Our seventeen-year-old Coven sister is standing right next to me, my lady. Care to elaborate?” I answered, hinting that I might have some clue as to what might have happened.
“I now have eight daughters, Lyra! Seven of them dressed in Corps uniforms! What the hell is going on?!”
“If you can, have the Coven report to the briefing room in fifteen minutes, Lady Sandra. I’ll have an explanation by then. Hopefully.”
“Marvelous! Anderson, out!” She replied sarcastically.
“Any explanation, Oracle?” I asked, my eyes narrowed and focused intently on her.
“I shall save that for our briefing, my lady.” Savanna answered with a slight bow then vanished.
“Lyra! What the HELL?” Lady Sandra Anderson verbally attacked, hysterical, as soon as I entered the large briefing room. Following me in were Poppy and a still manic, but partially functioning Lt. Greer.
“Kitty? When did you get here?” Sandra demanded, looking past Poppy and I to the paranoid Lynxin female.
“She is not our highness, Kitty Sinae, Lady Sandra. May I re-introduce Lt. Niger Greer?” I said with a cringe. I had immediately seen the similarities between my cousin and the ‘activated’ lieutenant. Could we possibly share some maternal genetic code?
“Greer? How? Why?” Lady Sandra asked in a not-so-understanding way as she looked around all three of us for someone else. “Where is she! Where’s Oracle?”
Behind Lady Sandra sat all eight of the Anderson siblings in varying forms of mental duress- seven of them looking very nice- though four seeming very uncomfortable- in their official uniforms.
“Oracle needs to explain herself! Now!” Sandra demanded, pointing her right index finger down hard into her left palm.
“Look, honey, I have no idea why Sandy called us all to a meeting. She sounded on the verge of losing it though.” Lady Kaitlyn’s voice could be heard out in the hallway. She and Galantry entered not a moment sooner…
And stopped dead in their tracks.
“Ooooohhhhhhh Shit!” Kate exclaimed as she observed way too many females in attendance.
“Shall we call this briefing to order, my fellow Coven sisters?”
Everyone jumped in fright as Savanna had suddenly appeared ahead of us.
“What have you done to my children?” Sandra shouted heatedly to the black-haired, young lady.
Lt. Greer fell to her knees and began weeping loudly through her hands.
Kate quickly grabbed Greer by her scruff and pulled her to standing.
“Don’t show her any weakness, honey. The Gods thrive on that shit.” She whispered to our newest Lynxin sister.
“I will not take profit from my actions, Lady Kaitlyn Yates. I am merely providing a necessary service- one that will allow Witch Corps to provide rescue and recovery services to our own.”
“What gives you the right…?” Sandra attacked verbally- her instantly appearing wand beginning to glow blue before Savanna cut her off.
“In lieu of mother and grandmother’s absence, I am the only other Coven member capable of activating additional members, Lady Sandra,” Savanna…Oracle, I realized… reached over and simply snuffed out the tip of Sandra’s primed wand with her finger and thumb.
Sandra’s eyes bulged at the action.
“Therefore I took the sage advice humorously proposed earlier and ‘sucked’ on the Current conduits’. Replenishing my Current reserve not only again modified my body, but also provided me with the Current to perform multiple activations as required by our looming mission.
Galantry suddenly gasped as a similar blue sphere instantly engulfed her then slowly dissipated. The now uniformed Orion staggered in place a few times before shaking the unseen changes off.
“There. Now we’re all ready to proceed.” Savanna nodded in satisfaction.
“So, you really are a Current Vampire.” Kate stated needlessly.
Savanna smiled deviously.
“Could everyone please take their seats and I’ll explain my motives?”
“Let it rip, toots, but if I so much as even start to think about liking men, we’re havin' it out!” Kate threatened.
“First off.” Oracle said, completely ignoring Kate’s threat. “I have activated those Coven members that will be called into service on our rescue mission. Second. My activations can be reversed once our High Priestess is back among us. At the very least, I will be more than happy to reverse what I have done if the mission should not succeed.” Oracle advised, though her focus drifted to the deck with her last statement.
“Lastly. I have been stricken from the mission roster by higher powers…”
Oracle quickly wiped her face dry and stoically continued.
“I have the highest confidence that you, my senior Coven sisters will successfully complete this sensitive and stressful mission, and return our loved ones back to us. Thank you, my sisters.”
Savanna collapsed to the deck, unconscious.
Of all of us, only little Lilith hurried around the table to attend to her fallen sister.
“Is Savanna gonna be okay? Why was she talkin’ so strangely, Lady Sandra? Lady Lyra? Anybody?” The ten-year-old, gray-haired, Delvian asked in worry.
“She needs to rest, honey. When Savanna channels her ‘Patron’- Oracle- it takes a toll on her and she needs to rest a few hours. She’ll be better after she sleeps, Lilith.” Sandra told her youngest.
Still unconscious, Savanna vanished.
“What about us?” Almost fifteen-year-old Rowan Anderson demanded. “I don’t want to be a girl! I’m a guy.”
Derrick and Garith nodded their agreement. Of the four Anderson boys, only Link seemed accepting of her change.
“Well I think my new sisters look very pretty!” Lithia praised with a huge satisfied smile pasted to her face.
“I think we should keep them like this.” Seth added as she reached down to fix Rowan’s skirt hem. “Bro! Sit with your legs together.” She reminded in a loud whisper.
“Lady Lyra. I want our new sisters’ abilities evaluated and ranks assigned promptly. Then I need them brought back into condition for the mission.” Poppy ordered.
“Yes, my lord Kimbou.” I answered, straightening to attention.
“You five.” Poppy pointed to Garith, Rowan, Derrick, Link, and Greer. “I expect you to live up to the Witch Corps code of conduct! There is to be no more internal conflicts or feudal campaigns from here on out. My Ladies,” Poppy looked to Aquia, Lithia, Seth, Lilith, and Galantry. “It is my recommendation that you help your new Coven sisters adapt to their new forms until such a time as they can be returned to their inactivated forms. Is that understood?”
Everyone nodded acknowledgement.
“Good! I’ll leave retraining to Ladies Kaitlyn and Lyra. Lady Sandra? May I have a word back in my office, please?”
“Yes, of course, Lord Kimbou.” Sandra answered uneasily as she and Poppy exited the briefing room. She looked back in concern at the rest of us several times before disappearing down the passage.
“Coven! Third level now for evaluations.” I ordered and walked out.
“Alright, ladies! Let’s see what you’ve got!” I shouted to the group of complaining, griping, and moaning young women in front of me.
The intolerable noise didn’t stop.
“Base. I need Class C Hoblin targets in quadrant four of the training hall- five hundred- for qualifying.” I shouted above the din.
Immediately, down at the opposite end of our huge training hall, hundreds of low-grade Hoblins appeared- with Current blasters in hand.
Kaitlyn was the first struck by a blaster beam.
“Wait. Huh?” She said as she turned and noticed the advancing hoard.
Without another word she called her wand and shotgun then opened up on the ‘pawn-class’ opponents.
The first wave disappeared in roughly three minutes, but her shotgun was loud enough to call attention and silence the multiple voices nearer me.
“That was a dirty trick, kid. Good distraction though.” She grinned at me while dispatching her gun and blowing away the imaginary smoke from the tip of her wand.
“Base, display Lady Kate’s score.” I requested.
A perfect score: five hundred shots for five hundred kills in two-point-seven-one minutes. A ranking of S-12 in the lower right corner of the huge holographic display appeared.
“Not bad for an older witch.” Aquia sniped. “My turn. Base, please reset and start.”
Another hoard appeared at the other end of our training hall and Aquia let her wand fly!
“Base, display Lady Aquia’s score.” I requested as Aquia frowned and muttered quietly to herself.
‘672/500; 2.02 minutes. An overall ranking of J-14.’
“Nice try, kid.” Kate gloated. “Accuracy wins over speed every time.”
“I don’t understand! I’m usually much better than this.” Aquia said to herself, trying to make sense of her poor performance.
“Rowan! You’re next.” I ordered.
“I’m not sure I can do this, Lyra.” The young woman standing unsteadily in her high-heeled uniform boots, in standard Witch Corps dress informed me without making eye contact.
“You have been activated, Rowan. That more than guarantees your success in this simulation. You’ve done this training hundreds of times. Just let yourself go and don’t think about it.” I recommended as I reached out and gently took her hand then pulled her into position.
“Base, reset simulation and start.” I ordered once again.
After a slightly delayed start, Rowan’s female body flew into action.
‘500/500; 2.001 minutes. Rank J-10.’
Rowan- as well as Aquia- looked stunned!
“How’d she do that? Rowan was never as good as me! Ever!” Aquia cried foul.
“Maybe you are still trying too hard, Lady Aquia.” Galantry suggested as Link Anderson took her position on the firing line.
‘500/500;1.501 minutes. Rank J-9.’
“Well done, my lady.” I congratulated, proudly.
Link smiled broadly as she stepped back to her sisters.
“You cheated by using both hands!” Aquia and Rowan accused.
“By whatever method or technique you feel comfortable with is acceptable, ladies.” I reminded. “This is a general training simulation to familiarize each of you with your new, enhanced abilities. Lady Derrick, you’re next.”
“Lady Derrick.” I said again.
“Derrick!” I shouted, staring right at her. “You’re up!”
‘550/500; 2.003 minutes. Rank J-13.’
“Not bad, Lady Derrick. Being activated agrees with you.” I praised. “Lady Garith?”
‘502/500; 1.98 minutes. Rank J-11’
“Also well done, my lady.” I congratulated, proudly.
Garith smiled as she stepped back.
“Lithia? Give it your best.”
‘499/500; 2.00 minutes. J-4.’
“Nice shootin’ Tex!” Kate whistled. Lithia was lucky enough to hit two Hoblins with one shot.
“Lady Galantry?”
Galantry nodded to me and took her position.
“Base, reset simulation and start.” I ordered.
Galantry set her footing then produced her wand and pointed it at the center of the advancing crowd.
A low tone began to build from somewhere near her wand and it quickly increased in frequency to a whistle before- suddenly- a massive blue beam burst forth from its tip.
‘1/500; 0.0666667 minutes. Rank J-1.’
The training hall remained uncomfortably quiet as we all stared, unblinking, at the holographic display’s score.
Kaitlyn Yates said it all as her mouth dropped open.
Aquia stood staring at her Coven sister for several minutes, her mouth hanging open in complete disbelief.
“Excellent, my lady! Very good improvisation.” I praised after a minute of trying to acclimate myself to what I had just seen. “Unbelievable.” I whispered.
“Wow! Simone got some serious competition!” Kate laughed nervously. “Seeing Galantry’s performance, I can only imagine how Greer performs.”
“Niger Greer. Let’s see what you got.” I looked to my bodyguard. Greer was looking ready to faint and very uncomfortable in her Witch Corps uniform.
“I’m…I’m not ready.”
My eyes narrowed as I focused on her.
“I thought the Royal Guard conditioned its members to accept anything they could possibly face in the line of duty, Lieutenant? Are you admitting to substandard training? That being the probable case, are you saying that your commitment to protecting our queen, FeLane, and her Princesses is not genuine or foremost?”
“No, Lyra! I’m completely dedicated to protecting Sinae Kitty! And you especially!” Greer shot back angrily.
“Then show me!” I growled menacingly. “Show me that no matter what form or situation you find yourself in, you will still honor your pledge to our Monarchy!” I shouted directly in her face. “Base! Reset simulation and start!”
Without pause, Greer rushed the simulated mob like a demon possessed!
‘0/500; 1.0003 minutes. Rank S-2c.’
Greer was standing alone, in the center of what had been five hundred simulated Hoblins!
“Um…” I looked back to my Coven sisters. “I think I forgot to show her how to manifest her wand.”
“Good close quarter and hand to hand drill, Lady Greer. Excellent form and technique!” I complimented.
Greer was looking at the holo-display in absolute horror. Apparently, she was completely unprepared for her enhanced fighting ability and began staring at her hands- enhanced claws still fully extended.
Kate quickly looked around at everyone and, taking my hand, led us over to the shocked, Lynxin female- still incredulously staring at her extended battle claws.
“That was absolutely fantastic, honey! Never saw anything quite like it these last eight years- and a three-way tie for second no less.” She congratulated while rubbing Greer’s shoulders.
“I’m…I-I-I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to destroy all those… What were they again?” Greer asked in almost a whisper.
“They’re called Hoblins and are the things that invaded and took over Mare eight years ago, my lady. Sinae Kitty, Kate, and I had a hand in severely curtailing their expansion through the galaxy at the time.” I explained.
Manifesting my wand, I slowly raised it to Greer’s hat and using the technique Chance Summers had shown me, flicked it to change the slouched point’s position to ten o’clock.
“Congratulations, Lady Greer. Welcome to Witch Corps. You will be my second.” I announced officially.
Kaitlyn Yates sighed in relief.
“For a minute there, I was thinking you’d bestow that dubious honor on me, kid. Congrats, Greer, you more than earned it.”
“How-how-how does destroying a few hundred sims qualify me to be your second in command, Princess Lyra?” Greer inquired shyly.
“Because you fight just like she does, Lieutenant.”
“I fight like who, Lady Kaitlyn?”
“You fight like my cousin, Queen Sinae Kitty, Lady Niger Greer.” I answered sincerely. “You have just proven that by tying a score that Queen Kitty and I share- second place overall in the Witch Corps skill rankings!” I added.
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Some Explanations...
I'd been wondering about all the male Andersons in the JWC. Wasn't surprised at all that Oracle could activate them; I had the feeling that the eight-year old Savanna could probably have done it without the boost. Chance seems to have requisitioned enough Brooms for them all (along with new hangar space for them) before she left, now that Savanna/Oracle has picked up the needed raw materials.
I'm wondering if the Current expenditure that turned Oracle back into Savanna would have been less if she hadn't latched onto the asteroid. If porting from FeLane to Pegasus takes her that much Current, my assumption that she won't need a Broom because she can just port into the Badlands for the rescue mission might not be tenable.
Ear rings
When did Savanna overcome the enchantment of the ear rings? Did the enchantment wear off or did Savanna puzzle out a work around?
Others have feelings too.