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“Pegasus, Mini-Van. You are cleared to dock at Ring Port 1-1. Docking beacon has been activated.” Chantell’s voice announced.
“I have it in sight, skipper.” Greer reported from our helm.
“Mini-Van? Initiate auto-docking sequence. Pegasus, I’m calling the ball.” I ordered.
“Copy, Mini-Van.”
“I’ll take it from here, Alley Cat.” Mini-Van acknowledged.
“Tower moorings 1-1 and 2-1 umbilical’s secured, Mini-Van. Welcome aboard Pegasus.” Chantell greeted.
“Oh! Chance wants to see you up in the lounge immediately- before our debrief, Kitten.” Chantell hastily added.
“Confirmed; I’m on my way. Everyone finish your post-flights, but remember, we have a debriefing to attend and our High Priestess isn’t to be kept waiting.” I ordered. “Mini-Van? Please keep the lights on. I don’t expect this to last more than a day. Oh, and offer Current to Pegasus, sweetie. She might be feeling a little dry.”
“Aye, and I’ll be ready, skipper.” Our A.I. replied.
“Captain Serangetti. Nice to see you again!” Chance greeted me formally as I exited the elevator to the observation lounge.
“High Priestess, it is an honor to see you recuperated. Why the lounge?” I asked.
“It’s more relaxing.” She replied, gingerly taking a seat.
“Look, Lyra, I’m not as recovered as you might think. Bovidovich had a lot tighter hold on me than I anticipated. Even mom was surprised by his power. I’m…I’m sorry I hurt your X-O. I am pleasantly surprised by her appearance though. Have you received her test results?” Chance apologized before asking.
“Actually, Savanna gave me a little heads-up. It seems Niger Greer- in her activated form- is third in line. Oracle also advised that Kitty and PM Tua are being hard-pressed on what to do about her. I wouldn’t try to reach either of them for at least a day though, my lady.” I told her.
“Why’s that?”
“Oracle…um…suggested…that both were commiserating over beverages. I’m thinking hangovers of galactic proportions are the order of the next two or three days.”
Chance closed her eyes and gently shook her head to the sides with a giggle.
“Can’t say I didn’t see that one coming. Why…’Alley Cat’, Lyra?”
“We’re in a three-way tie for 2nd ranking on the Witch Corps roster, my lady.”
“After Savanna activated some of the Andersons-”
“Wait! Savanna activated the Andersons!?” Chance screeched.
Chance quickly looked to the ceiling.
“Young lady! Get your ass in here at once!” She demanded angrily.
“You bellowed, mother?” Savanna asked as she was just suddenly next to me.
“Oh, that is still just so cute, big sister! One day you should show me how you make your mane stand straight like that.” Savanna giggled deviously.
“What possessed you to activate the Andersons, honey?” Chance demanded.
“Because, without the majority of JWC being activated, this mission would’ve failed, mother. I also activated Fenile Galantry and Niger Greer for like reason.”
Chance glared at her daughter for a moment.
“Had I not, the relational similarities of Lt. Greer to the Sinae family would never have been revealed.”
“And Kitty wouldn’t be nursing a four-hundred-thousand megaton hangover right now, either.” Chance challenged.
“It wasn’t that bad, mother! I just checked on her and they are peacefully sleeping in each other’s arms. In fact, I pulled the blanket up over them so they wouldn’t get cold.”
“OH! MY! GODS!” I exclaimed as I felt my eyes widen in shock!
“Is that bad?” Savanna asked with an impish little smile. “I thought all Lynxins’ slept without night clothing?”
“Thank you, Savanna. I’ve heard enough. I’ll call you when our debrief officially starts.” Chance professionally dismissed her daughter.
“I think she’s as bad as you, my lady! If not more so!” I confessed, shaking my head. “And she- without a doubt- knows far more than she should for an eight-year-old.”
I thought about that statement. “If that is truly how old she is now. I’d say she’s more like her physical body’s age of nineteen. As she claimed earlier.”
Chance started laughing. At first quietly, then louder.
“I’m afraid she is nineteen, Lyra. Savanna was correct in her statement that Olympians view time differently. It’s why we live so long.
“Artemis told me I was a goddess, Chance.” I admitted. “I’m not sure how to react to that at the moment.”
“I wouldn’t dwell on it, Lyra. When I first met the Gods I was terrified! Artie hit me with the ‘Nike’ thing as soon as we got there. She tried to convince Aries, but he wouldn’t accept it. She did tell me that he sired a whole bunch of children, and that he couldn’t possibly remember them all.”
“Well he certainly remembers Aquia.” I told her.
“Who remembers Aquia? Ari?” She looked stunned.
“Yes, Aries came up to Artemis and I and introduced Aquia as Nike!” I answered.
“That senile, old idiot.” Chance laughed. “He wouldn’t know one of his kids if they planted a shovel into his face! Did Artie tell you who Aquia’s code is?”
“No, but she told me I was one of Apollo’s granddaughters- Lyra, Goddess of Music and Song.” I told her.
“That’s wonderful, Lyra!”
“One problem.”
“What’s that?”
“I can’t sing, play an instrument, or read music.”
“Oh. Welllll.” Chance grimaced. “That…that might not be an issue, you see, the gods? They were more the sponsors of the talents they are associated with. So they may or may not practice what they sponsor. Aries, for example. He wouldn’t hurt a fly- even though he is known as the ‘God of War’- Athena, the Goddess of War. You’ve met Demi, right?”
“So I just support music and song? I don’t have to be fluent? I can be off-key and unable to carry a tune?” I asked, my eyes wide in shock and amazement.
“Could be worse, sweetie! You could suddenly burst out in an aria at the most inopportune time, and for no reason!” Chance giggled.
A serious, solemn expression suddenly filled her face.
“Come here, sweetie.” She suggested as she stood and opened her arms toward me.
Chance embraced me tightly as I heard her sniff back tears.
“Thank you for coming to my…to our rescue, 1st Lt. Serangetti Lyra. Witch Corps owes you so much for your loyalty and determination.”
“It was our duty, High Priestess. No one left behind, right?” I responded.
Chance pushed back a little and smiled at me brightly.
“That’s right, Lyra. Family never leaves family in a lurch. We protect our own. Now, how do you feel after reaching your threshold?” She asked as her eyes sparkled with an orange twinkle.
Shortly after Chance and I concluded our private meeting, our sisters arrived in the lounge and found seats. Pegasus’ observation lounge easily accommodated all eighteen of us.
Chance, as well as Charli, Chantell, Hope, Lokust, and Artemis Dell, in turn shared a longer than acceptable glance towards Link Anderson when she arrived. Her hair had gained even more blue while we were on the planet. Nothing was said about it though as we all waited, respectfully, for our High Priestess to start things off.
“Welcome to you all. Before we kick off this debrief, I notice that our ranks are a bit shy. Savanna? Could you come in here, please?” Chance requested politely.
Savanna was suddenly seated beside me on one of the comfortable sofas.
“Present, High Priestess.” She announced then looked at me with a whimsical smile.
I thought about how she would look with her hair standing poker straight and stiff instead of me!
Savanna’s meter long black mane suddenly defied our artificial gravity and straightened like the quills of a Terran porcupine!
I was amazed- as was everyone else in the large room.
“Touché, big sister. I see you have taken the first steps to embracing your threshold.”
“Lyra? Could you release her hair? I’d like to get this debriefing underway?” Chance grinned while shaking her head sideways.
“Hey. How’d you do that?” Katelyn Yates asked curiously from the armchair next to us.
I shrugged my shoulders. I had no idea how I did it. I think I just thought…about…it?
I raised an eyebrow.
Savanna was smiling brightly when I turned back to our High Priestess. She winked mischievously.
“First off.” Chance started to say as she stood and was quickly joined by Lokust, Artemis Dell, Chantell, Hope, and Charli. “We would like to show our appreciation to our sisters of JWC for their dedication and courage in affecting our rescue from Taos.”
All six senior members began applauding us.
Out of respect, I stood and applauded them. My JWC sisters- including Kate, Greer and Sonya also stood and added to my applause.
After a minute, we all stopped and found our seats again. Chance remained standing though.
“My ladies. You all did a fantastic job in bringing this mission to a successful conclusion. We thank you all for a well-orchestrated, professional operation. Ladies Lyra, Sonya, Greer, and Katelyn- if you will?” Chance motioned for us to stand and approach.
“You ladies have our deepest gratitude for such a well planned and,” She laughed as a huge smile erupted, “low-key, transparent planetary operation. Its execution is surely one for the books!”
“Thank you, High Priestess. We based our plan of action on the intel provided by Lady Chantell, My Lady.” I acknowledged.
“So I’ve been informed, Lady Lyra.” Chance glanced over to where a crimson-faced Chantell was seated.
“Lady Sonya. I’ve also been informed that you were responsible for keeping Lady Chantell’s mind in the game?” Chance continued.
“It was my pleasure, High Priestess.” Mom responded with an evil grin.
“Satanic little twerp.” Chantell whispered to herself.
Chance giggled. “Well done, Lady Sonya. Lady Katelyn?”
“Yeah? What.” Kate answered rudely.
Chance reached in and hugged her. “Thanks, and well done, Wrench.”
“Anything for the Corps, ma’am.”
It sounded a bit sarcastic and awkward to me.
“Lt. Greer?” Chance said as a serious expression washed over her.
“Sir!” Greer answered and jumped to attention. Her long tail swept around, straightened to her left side, and also looked to be at attention- similar to a cobra facing its charmer.
I giggled despite my training! Chance laughed and shook her head a few times as she burst into an amused smile.
“You scared the hell out of me, sister! I think that was just what I needed to loosen the demon’s grip, though. I hope there are no lingering injuries?” She admitted.
“Surprisingly, I have fully recovered, High Priestess. If not for Lady Savanna’s unsolicited activation, I likely would not have survived. I thank you for lowering your attack output to spare me, High Priestess.” Greer bowed respectfully.
“I don’t recall dialing back the power on that attack, my lady.” Chance said as she lunged- arms opened wide- toward my second!
“Thank you, Niger Greer! Thank you for returning my focus.” She cried- her arms wrapped tightly around our Lynxin sister.
Greer’s tail remained at ‘attention’, but its tip gracefully shifted between Chance and Greer as if intrigued by the interaction of the two women. I could almost imagine its big, nonexistent eyes blinking in curiosity.
“Oh!” Chance exclaimed as if forgetting something. She loosened her hold and leaned back slightly, “I have dispatched a full report of your courageous conduct and heroism to your older sister, Kitty, my lady. I’m sure she must be extremely proud of you.” Chance added with a devious smile and an impish twinkle in her eyes.
Greer gasped in shock! Her tail- still actively ‘observing’ the interaction between the two- gave a staccato jerk and suddenly dropped limply to the deck as if passing out!
“Lynxins are so much fun, don’t you think, big sister?” Savanna giggled as she looked to me.
I just glared at her a moment.
“Also, I have this to present to you, my lady. Congratulations,” Chance continued as she materialized a small medal on a black and orange ribbon, “you’ve bested the all time Witch Corps sharpshooter accuracy record with not one triple-kill shot, but four consecutive, triple-kill shots all from five kilometers distant! It topped our previous record holders’ ten kills with one shot- Lady Hope, and nine kills with one shot- Lady Chantell. An incredible achievement, well done, Lady Greer!” Chance congratulated, stepped back, and began applauding her.
We all applauded her!
“Now. Fenile Galantry and Aquia Anderson front and center, please?” Chance smiled as she nodded to the four of us. We took the hint and stepped away to take our seats.
“FYI, big sister, Olympus is about to call.” Savanna whispered warning, as I again sat down next to her.
Both Aquia and Galantry looked quite concerned as they rose slowly and stepped before our High Priestess.
“It has come to my attention that you both have done an extraordinary job of accelerating your flight and general Witch Corps training in preparation of this mission. I have also learned that both of you have completed your Broom qualifying exams in record time, and actively took part in air support and cover for this mission. Saying that, I have been informed that there are two guests that asked to say a few words.
Artemis and Demeter were suddenly standing behind the two young women- smiles on their faces.
“We do indeed, High Priestess.” Artemis said as she gently placed her hands on Galantry’s shoulders. Demi nodded as she followed suit with Aquia.
“We like, just concluded our review of their sorties?” Demi added.
“According to Cali, your attack vectoring and targeting were dope and like, I’m so proud of you, girlfriend?”
“Demi is correct in her analysis. You both followed Witch Corps protocols and established attack patterns that resulted in distraction of your opponent’s concentration, which therein ultimately contributed to the rescue of our High Priestess and her away team.” Artemis winked.
“High Priestess, it is with careful thought, debate, and unanimous agreement that we hereby recommend reassignment of Zeus’ Pride and California Dreamin’ to Ladies Galantry and Aquia, with the understanding that both Demi and I still get visiting privileges and flight time when requested.”
Both Galantry and Aquia gasped in shock!
Galantry spun around on her way to one knee. “I cannot thank you enough, Lady Artemis, but I cannot accept such reward. Zeus’ Pride is your Broom- your pride and joy, and I thank you for the honor of piloting him. I cannot, in all honesty, take him away from you.”
“I can’t like, ‘Bogart’ Cali, either, girlfriend!” Aquia said quietly as she turned cautiously to look Demi in the eyes.
“I see.” Artemis paused as she regarded Aquia and Galantry intensely then nodded to Demi. She turned her attention back to Chance.
“High Priestess. In lieu of such honorable decline of our offer, we would like to petition for two new Brooms to be fabricated. One for Water Lily and one for Lil’ Gray.” Artemis proclaimed proudly. “Assuming sufficient material available, of course.”
Aquia and Galantry gasped!
“We’d also like, request invites to the commissioning?” Demi giggled. “Sponsors should always like, be in attendance?”
Both young women gasped again.
“The spacecraft just verbally sanctioned have already been constructed and wait commissioning when we return to base, sisters. I do agree that these two young ladies are extraordinary broom pilots and therefore should fly proudly in fully personalized brooms complimenting their characters.”
Aquia gulped and, looking slightly ill, interrupted. Galantry just gasped a third time.
“Um…High Priestess? If it’s not too much trouble, can we request similar A.I. personas to Zeus’ Pride and California Dreamin’? Please?”
Galantry nodded her agreement.
Pegasus’ observation lounge erupted in loud boisterous laughter!
“I don’t see that as a problem.” Chance smiled playfully. “1st Lt. Serangetti? Would you have opposition to the request from our Olympian sisters?”
“I have no negative input or concerns, High Priestess. Ladies Galantry and Aquia have proven themselves valuable members of the Corps- as has everyone assembled here. All deserve proper commendation and considerations.”
Artemis once again nodded her support of my statement, as she had on my short trip to Olympus Prime a while ago.
“Good! I was hoping for a positive completion to this debrief. Captain Serangetti Lyra, make your course for Witch Corps base and depart when ready. Once again, thank you all for such a successful rescue mission. Dismissed, everyone.” Chance announced and quickly disappeared.
At my confused expression, Savanna looked to me sadly.
“Mom was just barely holding it together, big sister. We’ll be down in her quarters. I’ll be helping her with her demons. Don’t wait for us.”
Savanna disappeared from my side.
“Ready to release from docking pylons and umbilical’s, skipper.” Kate reported as she awaited my command. “Pegasus has cleared us for departure.”
“Mini-Van, Pegasus. See you back home. Have a smooth trip. Mini-Van, out.” I said. “Let’s go, Lady Greer.”
“See you back there, Kitten! Safe trip. Pegasus out.” Chantell’s voice replied happily.
A slight shudder indicated Mini-Van was free and Greer slowly increased our distance from Pegasus until we were clear to go to warp.
“Mare De Tempest transponder has been located and our course has been sent to the helm, skipper.” Link Anderson reported without prompt.
“Course received and ready, skipper.” Greer confirmed.
“Take us home, Lady Greer.” I ordered.
“Aye, home it is, skipper! ETA: twenty-six hours-“
“Skipper! I’ve got that same bunch of yahoos blocking our plotted course through the debris field! What do you think we should do?” Link interrupted.
“I think it’s time we had some fun with these locals, ladies.” I said as I stood and activated my comm.
“Kitten, Witch Corps. We are advancing on a group of hardheaded locals hell-bent on destroying each other for some stupid mineral-barren asteroids. Kitten, Wrench, Lil’ Gray, and Water Lilly are going to have some fun. Care to join? It’ll be a ‘scare the britches off ‘em’ affair’ and nothing more, copy?”
“Copy. Give us ten, Kitten. Lokust out.”
“Water Lily and Lil’ Gray, report to the docking ring.” I ordered before disabling my comm. “Wrench? Let’s go have some fun.”
“I hear that, skipper.” Kate smiled eagerly.
“Link? Coordinate with Seeker. I propose to surround them with all Pegasus’ resources. Maybe that will convince them to give up their insignificant feuding. Lithia- weapons; Rowan- Engineering; Greer- stay at the Helm. Seth, you have the Bridge.”
“Aye, skipper.”
Aye, skipper.”
Yes, ma’am.
“All Brooms, you are cleared for departure on assigned vectors. Form up on Kitten in the designated attack configuration at the forwarded coordinates.” Link announced with all Witch Corps comms open.
“Copy. Pegasus13 away.” I responded as Hello Kitty cleared Mini-Van and I advanced her throttle.
“Pegasus11 away.” Lil’ Gray reported.
“Pegasus14 away.” Wrench responded.
“Pegasus12 away.” Aquia alerted.
“Witch Corps Flights 3 and 4. We’ll stay in Deep Space Camo after we reach the intercept, and decloak on my mark.” I announced as Hello Kitty went to Trans -Dimensional.
“You sure this is just an underroos wettin’ affair, Kitten?” Chantell sounded underwhelmed.
“Sorry to disappoint, Fairy Godmother.” I apologized.
“S’ okay, Kitten. Needed some together time with Oh Shit any way. ‘sall good.”
I laughed at her calm and laid back tone.
“Hello Kitty. Let’s listen to the local chatter shall we?”
“RF band selected, Kitten.”
“…gin, Ortz! Thought I
told ya I didn’t wanna see
yer face out here again?”
die, Smithe!”
“That weren’t very nice,
Ortz! Yer pappy know’d you
talk like that?”
Smithe, now skedaddle ‘for
we have to open up with our
new torpedoes!”
“Heh! We got some new
‘munitions of our own, Ortz!
Happy ta give ya a taste.
Whacha say?”
Eat shit an die, Smith!”
“Last chance, Ortz! I got an
itchy trigger finger. So’s my
“Here we go…again!” I grumbled. “Enable TX/RX, Hello Kitty.”
“You’re on, Kitten.”
“Boys, boys, boys. Why do you constantly waste your time out here? These asteroids are useless rocks with no mineral value whatsoever.” I growled.
from? Who’s out there and
how’d you get off the planet?
Womenfolk ain’t allowed ta
leave their homestead!”
“Actually, boys, I can be anywhere I want…I can do anything I want. And right now, I want you all off my property.” I stated condescendingly.
“This ain’t nobody’s
property, darlin’. The
Anarchy agreed to
designate this debris belt
as off limits to all. Not
that you’d understand
that deep thinkin’ much.
Why not go back home an
wait for your husband ta
come home?”
“Hate to say it, boys, but I’m not foolhardy enough to marry the likes of you! I’m looking for some guy that honors and respects a woman’s mind over her body- somebody that treats everyone as an equal and not with some lopsided, prehistoric caste system. Personally, you boys fall way short of my standards. I’ll bet physically too!” I said and had to laugh.
mind‘round these parts,
darlin’. How’d you survive
this long with them way-high
“I’ve ‘survived’ way longer than you can imagine, boys, and you assume I’m from one of these celestial bodies. Also, nobody asked me if they could do anything with my property!”
“What’s a ‘celestial
body’, boss?”
“Them’s our planets,
I let my low, sinister laughter radiate out into space.
“I gots a bad feelin’ ‘bout
this, boss. We cain’t see
nobody else out here, an
her signal’s way too
strong. We best git.”
“I’m with Gerard, boss!”
“What’s the matter, boys? You afraid of a woman?”
“I’m suspicious of
anythin’ I cain’t see.
Show yerself, woman!”
“No.” I giggled.
“You just tell me ‘no’,
“I don’t stutter, so yeah. No.” I couldn’t keep the mirth from my voice forever.
“I find ya, an’ I’m gonna
down ya an’ turn ya over
my knee, ya disrespectin’
“You and what army, little boy?” I giggled as Hello Kitty’s display signaled that everyone was in position.
“Show yerself an’ you’ll
see, little girl! I got six’a
my boys an we’re fully
functioned. We control
these here parts!”
I again filled the open comm. channel with low sinister laughter!
“From where I am, I see twelve little boys eager to prove who has more testosterone- twelve little boys apparently overcompensating for their physical deficiencies. Maybe it would serve you all better if you just went into the privy and pleasured yourself to orgasm?” I suggested finishing with another long, low, evil laugh.
“Why, you…”
“Hey, boss? She just dis
us with them big words? I
ain’t got a clue what she
was ramblin’ ‘bout.”
“Yeah! What she mean
‘overcompensating’? An
what physical
yer boys is dee- ficient in
alotta ways! How’d they ever
qualify on those sleds?”
An’ what’s ‘test-tos-sir-
ain’t got time for that now!
We got us a renegade bitch
-toy what needs tamin’! Shoot
anything that moves!”
“Them’s my orders too,
boys! Fer once me an
Ortz agrees on somethin’.
Fire at anythin’ what
Savanna’s immensely huge face materialized in space between the opposing factions! It smiled as it looked at the twelve small fighters on either side.
“Go ahead, boys. Show this ‘renegade bitch-toy’ how you aim to tame me.” Savanna’s huge mouth said and smiled as her voice…my voice came over the comm.
“What we do, boss?!”
“It’s a trick! The bitch
got some way of pro-
jectin’ her face into this
before my devices short out,
Ortz! I got condensation
floatin’ all around my
Three fighters- two on one side, one on the other began firing their thruster quads in an effort to leave.
They remained stationary.
“Stand yer ground, boys!
She ain’t real!”
I cain’t move!”
raised a coward, Gabe.”
Savanna’s huge image smiled even brighter.
“You boys aren’t as dumb as I thought. Okay, you caught me, but you still have to ‘tame’ me.” ‘My’ voice admitted.
“So show yerself since
you think you hold all the
“Don’t mind if I do. Ladies?” Savanna’s giant head- in my voice- agreed.
“That’s our cue, Ladies.” I said over our secure comms.
Thirteen ‘mysterious’ ships dropped out of Deep Space Camo: one large, chrome, sleek-bodied ship; one medium, chrome, sleek-bodied ship; and eleven small, chrome, sleek-bodied star fighters.
All thirteen bore the Witch Corps or Junior Witch Corps insignia, though the locals caught off guard had no knowledge of the insignias’ significance.
All had colorful, personalized, ‘nose art’.
All thirteen where encircling the twelve, smaller, ‘primitive’ fighters.
The two, opposing, local forces were completely surrounded.
“I’d say I have a royal flush, boys.” Savanna’s huge face smiled evilly in my voice.
Missiles from both sides suddenly erupted from all twelve tiny fighters!
“Typical boys! Couldn’t last much longer than the foreplay!” Savanna’s image said with a wicked smirk.
Pegasus 20- Oracle- appeared and fired one shot.
All twelve archaic, chemical missiles exploded simultaneously!
“Now.” My voice said as Savanna’s image regarded our twelve locals. “I think you to be out-gunned. That was just one shot from my smallest gun, boys. Think of what you are facing with all eleven of us- not to mention my two bigger ‘toys’.” Savanna paused to let what she said sink in.
“I suggest you boys run along home and leave this sector to the adults.”
“Do.” Her image glared at what I thought was Ortz’ group.
“I.” Her image glared at the other group.
“Make myself.” She returned her glare to the opposite faction.
“Clear?” Savanna glared once more at ‘Smithe’s’ line. She then motioned with her huge eyes at some of the nearer asteroids.
They exploded in a bright blue burst of light!
Once dimmed, there was absolutely no sign of any asteroids, their debris or any visual sign they had even been there! Nor was there any evidence that ‘Savanna’s head’ was anywhere to be seen!
Just to satisfy my curiosity, I imagined just my head appearing between the two warring groups.
A huge, full-color, image of my head appeared in the same location Savanna’s had disappeared from just seconds ago.
“BOO!” I shouted into the open comm. channel.
“Warp to the designated rendezvous points, now. Deep Space Camo.” I ordered over our secure comms after all the laughter from my coven sisters died down.
“Witch Corps Flight 2, Broom Closet Control. Request approach vector, Broom Closet decom, and door activation. Authenticate, Serangetti Lyra, copy.” I requested as we dropped to sublight, two LY’s out.
“Welcome home, Lady Lyra. Was you mission successful?” The A.I. greeted happily.
“Witch Corps Flight 1 is one standard hour out, so yes it was.” I reported.
“Good to hear, my lady. Lord Serangetti has asked to be alerted on your return. Shall I, or would you like to?”
“I’ll contact him. Thanks.”
“Broom Closet Decom commensing. Approach vector issued.”
“Copy, Broom Closet Control. Witch Corps Flight 2, Mare Tower.”
“Copy, Witch Corps Flight 2. We have you on sensors. Welcome home. Capt. Serangetti has been intently expecting your return.”
“Thanks, Mare. I’ll contact him personally. As usual, we’ll be pulling alongside then disappearing, copy.”
“Copy. We’ve gotten use to that. Mare Tower out.”
“Lady Lyra, Lord Kimbou.”
“Lyra! How’d it go? I’ve missed you and Lady Sonya!”
“Mission complete, my lord. Lady Sonya passes on her desire to reacquaint. Pegasus is one standard hour out, my lord, and she has all hands safely aboard.”
There was a pause and Poppy whispered something positive that I couldn’t quite make out.
“Skipper? Broom Closet Control confirms five minutes to full decom and door activation.” Link alerted from Navigation.
“Copy, my lady. I’ll see you all soon. Serangetti out.” Poppy suddenly signed off.
“Broom Closet Door closed and secured. Beginning repress. Welcome home, Witch Corps Flight 2.” Control greeted pleasantly.
“As soon as possible, we’ll need Mini-Van unequipped. Witch Corps Flight 1 should be forty-five standard from requesting an approach vector. We’ll need the flight line clear by then.” I requested from the Control A.I.
“Broom dismounting has already been brought online. Caution! Please pay close attention while utilizing the active flight line.”
We felt the gentle ‘thump’ of the first broom being dismounted.
Within a minute, Zeus’ Pride slowly moved past our bridge windows on its way to its hangar.
“Broom Closet repress complete. You may egress Pegasus II. Caution! Please pay close attention to automated dismounting equipment while utilizing the active flight line.”
“Let’s grab our go bags and get inside, ladies.” I ordered.
Poppy hurried down the metal stairs as we came around Mini-Van’s bow, being careful of the moving machinery that was now attaching to and offloading Icarus.
“Lady Lyra! I am delighted you and your crew made it home safely!” He welcomed enthusiastically as my sisters continued past us and into our base. Mom stopped beside me.
“Lady Greer, hold please.” Poppy told Greer as she tried to ‘sneak’ past to avoid what she probably considered a personal moment. “I am also very happy to see you made it back, Serangetti Sonya. Welcome home, my mate.”
“Why would I not, Serangetti Kimbou? The odds of a successful mission conclusion increased dramatically after finding Pegasus and the members of Witch Corps Flight 1 on Taos, Stillwater System.” Mom replied stiffly.
“Will you two give it a rest? Poppy, mom performed brilliantly and efficiently! I’m proud of her; so should you be!” I said irritably.
Poppy and Mom began laughing quietly- both smiling at me before taking and holding each other’s hand. Greer looked very uncomfortable.
“Lady Lyra, it is a traditional greeting we have shared since before you were born. Do not read in any ill intentions. May I, my lady?” Poppy said holding out his arms to me.
“I’ve been so worried about you and the others, kitten!” He said as he engulfed me in his arms. He suddenly stopped, eased up his embrace, and pushed back from me.
“You’ve changed, Serangetti Lyra. You now have the feel of a warrior…” He looked into my face with a serious expression. “A warrior that…”
Poppy quickly looked to mom for an explanation. She nodded ever so slightly- almost reverently.
“I see.” He sighed. “I had hoped you might not experience that so soon. My wish was that you never know that particular action, my kitten, but I guess it was destined to happen in our line of service to the crown.”
Poppy again wrapped his arms around and tightened them around me.
“I am truly sorry you had to experience that, Serangetti Lyra. I truly-.”
Link Anderson shot from the Broom Closet entry door, vaulted over the metal stairs and railing, landed fifteen meters into the flight line, swerved right to avoid one of the automated cargo cranes, and sprinted around and into Mini-Van!
Looking back to the base entrance, Aunt Cora slowly staggered out, gently rubbing her chest and looking around the huge Broom Closet for someone.
Aunt Cora quickly composed herself and graciously descended the stairs to approach us.
“Lady Lyra. Lady Sonya, Lord Kimbou. How nice to see you all again.” Queen Caroline Norge greeted. I…we politely showed no notice of the scorch mark on the material ‘straining’ to contain her ‘Ladies-in-Waiting’.
“Lady Cora.” I greeted back with a courtly bow of my head. “Is something wrong?” I asked as I quickly glanced momentarily to Mini-Van and back.
“I had been intending to convey a warm, noble, ‘Norge’ type greeting of welcome to my new niece. I may have been a bit…overzealous… possibly?” She answered with a very worried look. “I have to hand it to the girl! She’s got me beat in the reactions and the defensive actions departments!”
“Your majesty!” Poppy finally got around to greeting the monarch officially.
“Majesty, may I present-” He continued but Lady Cora cut him off.
“Kitty? What in the name of the Norges are you doing here? I thought you were overseeing trade negotiations with the Sagwa?”
Greer blushed profusely!
“My first officer for this mission, Lady Niger Greer, Lady Cora. Greer? Lady Cora Norge from the Antarran System.” I quickly introduced.
“Have you seen a doctor about this?” Cora asked bluntly as she looked up into Greer’s eyes while motioning to the tall Lynxin’s body.
“As a matter of fact, my lady, we had received the test result just after Witch Corps Flight 2 here left on their mission.” Poppy informed. “I have been asked to hold those results until Lady Kitty can attend.”
Greer audibly swallowed and appeared very nauseous suddenly.
“Norges be merciful! I’d pay to see both their faces at that presentation!” Aunt Cora laughed voraciously.
“As would I, majesty. As would I.” Mother offered with a devious smile and a stacatto giggle.
Two more blue-haired women appeared at the top of the stairs and made their way over to us.
“Welcome home, Lady Lyra.” Lady Simone said as she offered her arms in greetings. “How bad was it this time, sister?”
“Lady Nike was in attendance, but it was unknown for some time whether she was in control or Bovidovich was calling the shots.” I related.
“Bovidovich?! They found Bovidovich?!” Lady Cora gasped. She now looked ill.
“The entity known as Bovidovich is no more, my ladies. Witch Corps, as a team, dealt with and finally dissolved what made that disgusting, vulgar… ‘thing’ exist.” I spat in revulsion.
Aunt Cora looked like the weight of the Galaxy had been lifted from her shoulders.
I was sure there was quite the humorous opportunity presented in that statement. If verbalized.
“I’m afraid many innocents under its control paid for our mission’s success though.” I sighed.
“Almost the whole of the male population of the town controlled by it.” Mom added callously.
“Sonya. You of all people should know that the taking of life- deserved or not- shouldn’t be treated as some ‘average’ activity!” Lord Samuel Redman scolded.
I looked back to Mini-Van to see if Link had maybe reappeared.
“If you all would excuse me? I think I need to comfort our sister.” I said as I nodded back to our ship. Aunt Cora began to move, but I motioned for her to stay with my parents, the Redmans, and Greer.
“Permission to come aboard?” I called out to the deserted passageway once inside.
There was no answer, but I did hear a faint sniffling from the starboard bunkroom. Entering, I found it empty, yet the quiet crying was in here- strangely coming from deck level.
“Lady Link?” I called quietly. “Lady Cora didn’t mean to frighten you. She only meant to welcome you with a customary, traditional Antarran greeting. Please come out so we can talk about it?”
“She-she-she came running at me, like-like-like she wanted to cap-capture me!” Link sobbed.
“She just wanted to welcome you. Antarrans can get a little…um…over emotional? I’ve known Lady Cora for eight years now and I can assure you she wouldn’t hurt a moderate aphid.”
“Why would she come at me like that? I didn’t do anything to her. And-and…and I’m not an Antarran! I was born on Eden 3!”
“Could you please come out here where we can talk like two of the species instead of a Lynxin and a… a Terran mole rat?” I asked gently.
It was quiet for at least a minute.
“Link? Could you come out so we can talk?” I tried again.
“I’m-I’m…working on it, skipper! I think…I think I had another growth spurt.”
I watched quietly as Link slowly, but surely worked her way free from under the lower bunk- there was much grunting and groaning as she did so. I could see why when she finally stood up.
The young woman facing me was about one hundred-sixty-five centimeters. Almost half of her hair was now blue. Her Terran mammaries seemed larger than they did when I saw her reporting to navigation five hours earlier. Link’s face had also changed a little more. It looked different, yet somewhat familiar.
“I’m sorry, skipper, but she scared the crap outta me! I never expected such an emotional greeting from Queen Norge. I suppose I should go apologize to her- explain what happened... Just allow me a moment to pull myself together.” She sighed. “One should always be dressed properly and presentable when meeting royalty.” Link sighed heavily again.
“Only if said royalty were a stickler for those vain details, Lady Link Anderson. Which I’m not…well, not at the moment anyway.” Aunt Cora grinned nervously from the bunkroom doorway. “May I have a look at you, m’lady? I will not make any overly abrupt or suggestive moves… promise.”
“I’m sorry for blasting you, majesty. I just sort of reacted defensively when you came at me. Please! Forgive me. I-I-I-I’m sorry.” Link began to cry again.
Aunt Cora looked at me with a sad expression then took Link into her arms and held her tight.
Until this moment I hadn’t realized my two Coven sisters were the same height!
“It’s okay, Puddin’ Plum, Antarran puberty can be very overwhelming for some of us- overly so for those of the ‘core’ Norge family.
Link pushed away from Aunt Cora.
“Huh? The ‘core’ Norge family? But I’m not Antarran, majesty!” Link protested sadly.
“Really?” Aunt Cora questioned impishly as she conjured a full-length mirror and centered Link in front of it. “Then who is this?”
“It’s me, majesty. Link Anderson… only… only, I’m in my activated form?” She answered in an uncertain voice. Her fingers slowly went to her blue locks and held them out so she could really see them.
Aunt Cora stepped up beside her and observed their reflections.
“It is first and foremost to know who you are, m’lady. Confidence in self is extremely important. Now, look closer and tell me what you see. Really see, m’lady.” She prompted.
“I see two women that look very similar. Both have blue hair- one, less by half. Both are roughly the same height; and both look similar in face and physical build.”
“Very, very good, m’lady. And we both have fabulous racks too, if I do say so!” Aunt Cora giggled. “If you had to guess- theoretically, of course- what relational level might these women share?” Aunt Cora asked amiably.
Link turned her head slowly from side to side several times and her fingers softly explored her face several more times.
“Honestly? If I didn’t know better, I would think they might be sisters, majesty.” Link replied as her face suddenly paled and her mouth dropped open.
“That can’t be, majesty! I was born on Eden 3! My maternal parent had no affiliation to Antarra as far as I knew. I don’t recall her ever showing any images of my fraternal parent though.” Link protested.
“Puddin’ Plum? With a head of hair like that… those assets… and at your age? There is definitely ‘Norge’ in there.” Aunt Cora giggled. “A whole lot of it! Come on, let’s get into the base before B.C. Control starts decomp-ing for Flight 1.”
Link nodded tentatively and Cora motioned for us to precede her out of Mini-Van.
“Wow!” Lord Samuel gasped in shock as his eyes basically exploded from their sockets. “Shit, Cora!”
“I know, right?” She answered.
“Cora? Am I seeing this correctly?” Lady Janet questioned, blinking several times, not believing her eyes.
“I believe you are, Jan. I find it absolutely amazing myself- very bizarre!” Aunt Cora replied as we entered our base and the door closed behind us- its seams vanishing to remove any hint that a door even existed there.
“Base? Alert Coven personnel that there will be a post mission meeting in the galley in three hours. Also alert Flight 1 they are invited, please?” I asked of our Base A.I.
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So, considering the harrowing experience the senior members went through as Chantell's pov shows I am surprised there are not more cases of severre PTSD.
Surprises occur at any time
If Pegasus hadn't gone missing; if Savanna hadn't activated those not wanting to be activated; if the new conscripted members of the JWC hadn't passed training and testing, no one would have seen Greer as anyone other than himself.
But they did and she did change in a way that has everyone in the know wondering, if she is someone other than herself. Or other than Greer believed himself to be.
The planet those bone heads are from need a good housecleaning. Thinking they are the masters and women are just there to do what they're told. Seems a good reversal for a while would drive the point home nicely. That and a Louisville slugger.
Wonder what the planet it had enslaved will look after a few years now that it's free from its control?
Others have feelings too.