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“So now that we’ve debated our options regarding Savanna’s intervention, let’s look in on JWC’s qualifying trials.” Capt. Serangetti suggested thereby changing the subject he and Sandra Anderson had been discussing.
“Can we discuss my so…daughter, Link, briefly, Lord Kimbou?” Sandra asked quickly, and with some obvious frustration.
“Ah yes. Lady Link. I noticed. How old is she, my lady?”
“Link just turned fifteen, sir.”
“Had you researched or known of his/her origins before the adoption, my lady?”
“No, sir, I hadn’t. As you recall sh…he was slated to be returned to an uncle on Eden Three. Very little was known about her lineage- just that the uncle had been previously incarcerated there then paroled just before the uprising eight years ago- at which time the uncle was killed in said uprising. So, this is completely unexpected. I thought Cora might be able to help. Should I contact her for confirmation?”
“Link is still somewhat young, my lady. From what I know of that Subspecies, the hair does not completely change until the physical alterations of maturity have almost concluded- usually around seventeen.”
“That’s more than anyone’s told me to this point, sir; since Simone’s change was instant, according to Chance. Still, the blue streaks she does have are very pretty… and very revealing. What do I tell her if her siblings bring it up?”
“Warn them that she has been activated. That should be enough. Then we contact Lady Cora. Agreed?”
“Agreed, sir.”
“Base? Please display a live feed from level three’s training hall.”
A holo-display appeared showing a live look at Lyra and Kaitlyn, along with Lt. Greer and all the Anderson siblings. At the moment Lyra had called Fenile Galantry into position and launched the simulation.
There was a very slight delay then a very strange humming that quickly increased to a high-pitched whistle then a brilliant flash.
“Damn! What the hell was that?” Sandra Anderson gasped in surprise.
“I’ve never seen anything like it either, my lady.” Serangetti agreed, his eyes never leaving the live feed.
“By the Gods! One shot took out all five hundred. And in four seconds!” The Captain gasped again as his gaze caught the score and ranking in amazement.
“Where have we seen that ability before?” Sandra Anderson asked while smiling and shaking her head.
In the background they could clearly make out Kaitlyn Yates’ one-word, drawn-out commentary.
After several minutes, Lyra called upon Lt. Greer. Greer quickly and shyly tried to beg off the test.
Captain Serangetti nodded silently, but smiled proudly as Lyra challenged Greer to demonstrate her commitment to the queen and her Royal Court.
What happened next in the training hall had Serangetti sucking in a huge amount of air and wondering if what he had just witnessed was truly live!
“Impossible!” He exhaled in complete astonishment. “How can she attack that fast and take out every last one of them- bare-handed no less?”
“I’ve seen those moves before, Captain. In fact, I’m quite familiar with them.” Sandra admitted. “Kitty.”
“Base, please replay that last match, but slow it by fifty percent.” Serangetti requested.
Both Sandra and Serangetti watched in amazement as Greer seemingly held nothing back. Even in slowed motion the Lynxin was impossibly fast, accurate, and extremely lethal.
“I actually witnessed Lyra do something similar when Aquia decided to bully her just after she arrived back on base, sir. Not a speck of clothing left on her body, but not one scratch or drop of blood. She even disarmed Aquia in the process. At the time I thought that completely insane. Now, though, I think I’ve seen it all.” Lady Sandra Anderson declared as she picked up her DataTab and began typing. “Let me just… Oh shit! Just as I thought! Greer just tied for second in the Corps’ ranking!”
“Dare I ask who the other is?” Serangetti asked cautiously.
“Kitty and Lyra, sir.”
Serangetti was silent for some time before he spoke.
“I’d like her to volunteer a sample of her ‘activated’ genetic code, my lady. What we have seen is too coincidental not to verify.” Serangetti requested.
“You think ‘female’ Greer might be related, sir?”
“I believe it blatantly obvious.”
“I can’t argue that, sir.”
Both continued watching the live feed.
“A very good decision, my lady.” Serangetti said to the display as on it, his daughter choose Lady Greer as her first officer by resetting her hat’s limp point to the ten o’clock position.
“You know that they have feelings for each other, right? “ Sandra interjected as Lyra announced the group would begin training level two.
“I saw it immediately upon their arrival. Plus Kitty contacted me just before they transferred down to Capital from Earth’s Horizon.
“Serangetti Kimbou. May I offer greeting from your mate, Serangetti Sonya?” The Lynxin female requested with a sigh as she appeared at the office’s antique wooden door.
“Serangetti Sonya, I bid you welcome and hospitality. You know Lady Sandra Anderson.” The captain offered in response.
“Sister, it is indeed good to see you again. How goes education of the futures?”
“Ooh, you know…the little ‘darlings’ just keep trying my patience.” Sandra laughed sarcastically. “We’re right in the middle of elementary qualifiers for next semester. Are you here to lend assistance to JWC’s upcoming mission?”
“So, it will come to pass then? It was communicated as just precautionary when last my mate and I spoke.”
“Your ‘mate’ is still here, in his office, with you, Serangetti Sonya.”
“But for how long and for what reason are we watching the JWC at practice? And just when were they issued adult uniforms?”
“Since Lady Savanna took it upon herself to activate the senior rank of the JWC, my mate- just this morning. Lt. Niger Greer has also been included in her ‘mass activation’.”
“Greer? Isn’t he the young alpha you suggested might have attracted Lyra’s interest?” Serangetti Sonya asked before her attention shot to the holo-display.
“When and why is our queen here, Kimbou? I heard she was detained by commerce negotiations.”
“Not Her Highness Sinae Kitty, but Niger Greer, my mate; though she bears a striking resemblance, does she not?”
“You will request a voluntary sample?”
“If she will consent, yes.” Capt. Serangetti nodded.
“Well, I’ll let you two love-birds get reacquainted. With your permission, Lord Kimbou?” Sandra requested dismissal. She had been trying to ignore the Serangetti’s conversation, but she was growing more uncomfortable by the minute.
“Carry on, Lady Sandra.”
“Thank you, sir.” Sandra bowed slightly, turned, and exited.
“So the mission is a green, Kimbou?” Sonya asked as soon as she felt the immediate area was clear.
“Alas, it seems so. Lady Savanna would not have risked angering Lady Sandra or her pride if she didn’t see or feel it necessary. As it is, ‘Oracle’ spent an extended amount of time in the Kitten’s matured body before releasing it today.”
“And she performed a ‘mass activation’? Even activating Lt. Greer?” Sonya Serangetti asked in amazement to confirm.
“The Anderson pride was all quartered at the time. Oracle was standing one step to your left” Kimbou nodded.
“And where is Oracle now?”
“I would guess she has retreated to her quarters, my mate. She collapsed after she made her reason for the activation known and promptly vanished.”
“Then do we have time- as Lady Sandra recommended- to reacquaint our selves, Kimbou?”
“Once we return to my regular quarters, Sonya. Might you make time allowances for that?”
“If we leave now, I might allow that, yes.”
“Welcome, Lady Sonya. It was my hope you could help us on this mission.” I said to my mother- in her activated ten-year-old form and motioned for her to have a seat next to me.
In attendance with us were Greer Niger, Kaitlyn Yates, Galantry Fenile, Aquia, Derrick, Seth, Lithia, Link, Garith, and Rowan Anderson.
“Still cute as a button!” Kaitlyn Yates giggled as mother hovered up and onto the seat I’d pulled out for her.
Lady Sonya gave our new sister a low menacing growl.
“Lady Sonya, Lady Greer. “ I introduced. “Greer this is my mother- in her activated form- and yes, she is still very sensitive about it.” I warned.
Sonya stood on the seat and leaned out over the table using her left arm to hold herself up to get closer to my new first officer. The glare she gave Greer was very unsettling and carried severe intent.
“You even smell similar to her.” Lady Sonya snarled menacingly.
Greer cowered instantly and sat back in her seat as far as she could to distance herself from the threatening, ‘adolescent’ Lynxin.
“Hey! What’d I tell you about backin’ down, sweetie. From what I seen yesterday, you can take this little spit without yer wand. So don’t take her shit; give it right back to her!” Lady Kate coached.
“I assure you, I can hold my own against this want-to-be.” Sonya growled.
“Base. Replay yesterday’s match: number one-dash- nine, please.” Lady Kate requested.
Seeing Greer in action once more still shocked me; and mother was rendered speechless for a minute or two while Greer blushed heavily.
“You volunteered a code sample, as requested?” Lady Sonya confirmed quietly after recovering her composure and dropping the attitude.
“I-i-i-it issss being sent to Capital to be decoded as we speak, my lady.” Greer answered nervously.
Lady Sonya nodded her approval and flashed the tiniest bit of a smile.
“As of 0700hrs today, Witch Corps Flight 1 has been marked overdue and possibly missing. Having received no communications since leaving three weeks ago, it is assumed their mission has been compromised. JWC, our junior detachment, therefore has no choice but to mount a mission of search and rescue/recovery. We will begin preparations immediately. Our estimated mission duration remains open and will only be scheduled to complete if evidence of Flight 1 can be validated either by survivors or…or by wreckage.” I briefed my attending sisters as I bravely kept my emotions in check.
“So, this is really happening? Gods, I hoped they’d show so we didn’t have to go looking for them.” Garith Anderson sighed.
“I’m sorry it has come down to this, sisters.” I apologized.
“We aren’t all your sisters, Lyra!” Rowan sniped.
“Unfortunately, you are for the foreseeable future, Rowan Anderson. Deal with it.” Aquia attacked, having heard enough whining from her sibling.
“Yeah, Rowan, man up!” Link Anderson- who was almost a year older- advised angrily.
The pretty, five-four, brown-haired Terran female blushed…or was it anger showing on her face?
“Broom Closet Control? Ready Mini-Van for a month-long mission. We’ll be taking four Brooms: Hello Kitty, Zeus’ Pride, California Dreamin’, and Icarus. All Brooms are to be configured as two-seaters. Mini-Van will be configured as follows: two bunkrooms- each with two bunk sets; Two Officer quarters- each with two singles. Designated pilots will be: Greer Niger, Sonya Serangetti, Galantry Fenile, and Aquia Anderson. Navigation Officers: Link Anderson, Galantry Fenile, Garith Anderson, Aquia Anderson. Engineering officers: Kaitlyn Yates, Rowan Anderson, Derrick Anderson, and Lithia Anderson. Weapons Officers: Sonya Serangetti, Aquia Anderson, Seth Anderson, Galantry Fenile. Other assignments will follow when necessary. Initial crew assignments complete.”
“All reconfiguration and provisioning will complete in six hours and twenty-five minutes. Mini-Van and all Broom Current reserves will also be optimized in estimated time allotment.” The Broom Closet AI acknowledged.
“This completes this briefing, ladies.” I announced.
“Lady Lyra? May I speak with you?” Kaitlyn Yates asked as I left the briefing.
Stopping, I turned to face her.
“I take it you have noticed?”
“Noticed what, Kaitlyn?” I asked.
“The blue-streaked hair and the developing bust of the fifteen-year-old? Lady Link?” She specified.
“I have, but she doesn’t need to be embarrassed further by her siblings, Kaitlyn. When we get back, I intend to advise Caroline Norge. Maybe she can search her royal lineage database.”
Kaitlyn nodded then started to walk past me, but turned back to me a second later.
“Your uniform, sister…it isn’t quite regulation.” She said as she produced her wand and touched its point to my hat.
“There. A proper captain should display her correct rank… if even temporarily. Isn’t that right, skipper?” She said with a satisfied nod and walked past me with a devious smile.
What had she done? I asked myself as I conjured a hand mirror.
My hat’s tip was now at two o’clock.
“But I can’t be in command! I’m only a Lieutenant!” I called out to my fleeing coven sister.
“Tough shit now, honey!” She shouted back while laughing crazily. “Better you than me!”
Kate hurried into the reception area- still laughing maniacally, and disappeared.
Damn her!
“Well done, Lady Lyra.” Mother’s ten-year-old voice complimented not a minute later. “A very robust, informational, and detailed mission briefing. You seem to handle yourself admirably, Lady Serangetti Lyra.”
“Thank you, mother, but I’m not so certain I’m ready to lead this mission.”
Lady Sonya hovered up so that our eyes met. She called her scepter and motioned it to my hat, but stopped short.
“Alas, I have been outflanked again. The necessary promotion has already been conveyed.” She said in disappointment.
“Yeah, you just missed our raving mad, lunatic Lady Kate. I’m afraid she’s already made her demented escape from our secured asylum.” I told her sarcastically. “If you run, you might catch her in Section 12’s Officer’s Cantina.”
“I thought she preferred to avoid males at all costs while activated?” Mother asked curiously.
“She really loosens up after she has a few. After that, she doesn’t seem to mind.” I shrugged.
“I suggest we follow her so that she does not regret things in the morning then, My Lady.” Mother suggested.
I laughed.
“Not in uniform and certainly not with my ‘big sister’ Sonya!”
As a noisy, disorderly group, we entered the Broom Closet. There before us, on the flight line, sat Mini-Van with our four Brooms mounted around its docking ring, ready for departure.
At one-third the size of Pegasus, Mini-Van was just as impressive looking with its same sleek design.
And just as dangerous.
One by one we made our way up Mini-Van’s ramp and inside to stow our gear and begin our preflight for launch.
“Hey! I wanted the top bunk,” someone shrieked in anger not a minute later!
I rolled my eyes as I figured something like this was bound to happen.
Rowan and Aquia were at it again.
“Care to do your thing, Lady Galantry?” I asked, just loud enough for her to hear me.
She nodded.
Aquia and Rowan were suddenly still as stone.
“I thought you two had buried the hatchets. Instead, you both seemed to have sharpened them!” I growled, displaying my canines as I walked into the portside bunkroom.
Link and Lithia were staring on in confusion. They had quietly and peacefully claimed their choice of upper or lower bunk quickly, so why couldn’t their sisters?
“Look! The beds are all the same, just at differing heights. If it pleases the egos, just switch every couple of days or once a week! We’re likely to be away for a month so call a truce, you two!” I ordered as I nodded to Galantry.
“But I wanted the top bunk! I’m the Broom Pilot not her!” Aquia complained after being released from Galantry’s weird paralyzing ability.
“Yes you are, and I’m sure California Dreamin’ would like a roomie for the entire mission. If you catch my drift?” I hinted as I pointed to my hat and its indicated rank.
“Aye, my lady. Point made.” Aquia yielded.
I nodded then crossed the passage to the starboard bunkroom.
“You gotta teach me that one, sweetie.” I heard Kate whisper to Galantry.
“Any problems or slights over here?” I snarled once through that bunkroom's doorframe.
Garith, Seth, and Derrick shook their heads in the negative as they alternated looking nervously at me then Galantry as she gently claimed the open lower bunk.
I nodded then walked up to the next starboard cabin.
“Kate and Greer, this is your quarters. It’s not as posh as Pegasus, but it should be adequate.” I said it mostly for Greer, who had only just piloted Mini-Van on our training sims and single, round trip, flight to Kane.
“How is it I didn’t notice all this before, my lady?” Greer asked as she looked around the nicely furnished cabin in confusion.
“All Witch Corps vessels are configurable…to certain extents. That way we can optimize the space we have for the needs of the mission.” I explained. “Fluid Ergonomics, Lady Chance calls it.”
“Oh. Interesting…and quite convenient; genius, actually.” She responded with a slight, satisfied nod.
“Set your kit on whichever bed you want, sweetie. I’ll take the other.” Kate told our newest Lynxin sister. “We gotta start our checklists, so we’ll settle in after departure.”
Lady Sonya and I crossed the passage and entered our quarters.
“I had thought you would assign me to one of the bunk rooms, my lady.” Mother stated calmly, though somewhat surprised of her room assignment.
“I can add a cot if you feel slighted, Lady Sonya.” I cautioned. “Although, this is an adult bed; maybe I should have specified an adolescent bed for you instead?”
Mother growled- eyes ablaze- as she looked up at me!
“I thought we could share quarters as mother and daughter on this mission.” I went on. “It is still honorable to do that after obtaining my maturity, is it not?”
Mother changed to her adult form and pulled me into a tight embrace.
“Indeed! I am honored you would do this for me, my lady.”
“Give it a rest, Sonya! We’re all one big, happy Coven here. Knock off the formalities.”
Mother smiled at me and winked; a devious smile that exposed her canines.
“Come on, we need to get going.” I said, returning her playful smile.
“Departure vector has been issued. Good hunting, Witch Corps Flight 2.”
“Copy, Control. Mare Tower, Witch Corps Flight 2 alerting you to our departure.” I said having just completed our propulsion checks.
“Departure vector received, my lady.” Galantry reported from Navigation.
“Vector entered into helm, Lyra.” Greer acknowledged.
“Safe Flight, Witch Corps Flight 2. Here’s hoping for a successful resolution to your mission.” Poppy responded with too serious a voice.
“Take us out, Lady Greer.” I ordered with a nod.
Stars appeared around us as we exited the Broom Closet.
“Course calculated and sent to helm.” Galantry informed us.
“Deep Space Camo. Let’s go, ladies.” I ordered.
“Course set for the Nebuehla Anarchy: Stillwater system. ETA: twenty-eight standard hours and twelve minutes.” Greer announced.
“Forty-five LY’s per second, Greer.” I ordered.
“Aye, forty-five LY’s.”
“Status, Kaitlyn?” I asked.
“Smooth as silk, Lyra. Structural integrity is optimal. Environmental is optimal.
“Weapons, Sonya?”
“All Mini-Van and Broom weapons have integrated successfully and are online, Lyra.”
“Thank you and well done, sisters.
Now all we had to do was find our missing sisters.
“Hey, Lyra? You okay?” Kate’s concerned voice startled me.
“I’m fine. What’s the matter?”
“Nothing. It’s just that you’ve been zoning out for about an hour. What’s up?”
After I didn’t reply, Kate continued.
“Look. We’re all concerned about them, skipper. We’ll find them, listen skeptically to their lame-ass excuses, and then we’ll laugh over some cold ones. It’ll be fine. Stop worrying.”
“Lady Kaitlyn Yates. You are not taking this mission seriously, and it is your recurring character trait. Lives are on the line- both ours and our missing Coven sisters!” My activated mother commented heatedly from her station.
Here we go.
“Listen here, kitten! You knock it off with the negative waves or I’m gonna turn you over my knee! Got that, Sparkles?” Kate threatened.
This was going to be a loooong mission.
“We’re on autopilot with twelve hours, thirteen minutes until we reach the Stillwater system border, skipper.” Kaitlyn reported as she sat down at the table in our multipurpose compartment.
“So. For those of you that don’t know, Kaitlyn, using Kane’s relay/backup equipment, has analyzed and predicted Witch Corps Flight 1’s course towards the Badlands. As you all know our course is set for the farthest system in the Nebuehla Anarchy - Stillwater. Yucca is the most inhabited planet in that system.” I began our briefing.
“These ‘Badlands’,” Garith posited as she fidgeted with her shoulder-length red hair, “do we know anything about it other than the name and the dangerous image it conveys?”
“According to Galactic Alliance intelligence reports, the ‘Nebuehla Anarchy’ was loosely formed between three and four hundred years ago by rebels and defiant colonists that opposed any government or any governmental controls. Each settlement acts by itself and no two settlements’ ‘rules’- using the term very loosely- can be considered ‘standard’. Our most recent data show the Badlands as being extremely profitable for black marketeers, weapons dealers, drug dealers, and all forms of prostitution. Basically the whole Anarchy is chaos personified. We must be extremely careful and be on our guard at all times.” Sonya briefed, paraphrasing from her DataTab.
“So these places are stereotypes of those old films that Ladies Hope, Charli, and Chantell went on about? The ‘Wild West’ um… movies?” Link asked to clarify.
“And we’re all girls! This is drecking marvelous!” Rowan exclaimed as she angered. “Thanks, Savanna! Thank you very much for the assist!” She continued, shouting to the ceiling.
“Hopefully, we’ll stay out of trouble while planet-side.” I said directing the statement straight at the brunette.
“But what if we can’t? Then what?” Rowan persisted.
“Then we protect ourselves as necessary.” I told her flatly- seriously.
“Won’t that just stir up the natives, skipper?” Kate asked as she looked between Rowan and I.
“So be it.” I shrugged.
“Rumors exist that indicate The Badlands may be limited on Current reserves. So it would be advisable to limit its usage while there.” Sonya added.
“Oh. So we won’t be able to protect ourselves from the high-class ‘gentlemen’ we find there?” Rowan continued to grouse.
“If.” I paused. “If we find sensor evidence of Pegasus or our sisters on the planet, only Kaitlyn, Greer, Sonya, and I will go down, Rowan. The four of us are more skilled at hand-to-hand and close order fighting- plus, we don’t really need to use our Current reserves for that. Aquia and Galantry will provide air cover. The rest of JWC will keep us informed and supported with and from Mini-Van’s sensor information.”
“Two-and-a-half Lynxins and a mechanic? That’ll work out well!” Rowan gaffawed.
The business end of Kaitlyn’s double-barreled shotgun was instantly an inch from the young brunette’s face, and so was Sonya’s index claw!
“You got a prob, sweetcheeks?” Kaitlyn dared as she waggled an eyebrow. Mother growled menacingly.
“No?” Rowan squeaked, verbally retreating.
“Good, cause you may be activated, but I’ve been totin’ this here pea-shooter for a few hundred years. Remember that the next time you say somethin’ stupid, girlie!” Kaitlyn nodded once, crisply.
“Lyra. We’re coming up on Stillwater system in one hundred-twenty LY’s.” Greer announced.
“On my way.” I said as I dropped my DataTab on my bed and stood to walk out of my quarters.
“Drop to sublight. Maintain Deep Space Camo. I don’t want them to know we are here.” I ordered after taking my seat. “Weapons status.”
“I’m good to go, Lyra.” Rowan smirked excitedly as she rubbed her hands together several times.
“Finger off the button, my lady.” I warned.
“Long range sensors indicate three ships in relatively close proximity, Lyra. Three LY’s out and on opposing, perpendicular courses from Mini-Van.” Link reported from Navigation. “We should be able to slip right past them.”
“Adjust our course to Yucca accordingly.” I replied.
“Aye, skipper. Configuring new course and heading.” Link repeated.
“Making the correction now, Lyra.” Greer confirmed. “Point eight LY’s. We’re at sublight.”
“Link? Start scanning the planets for Pegasus’ comm. channel subcarriers, hull-specific materials, or personnel life-signs.” I ordered, but felt remorseful for sounding so cold.
“Already on it, Lyra. Nothing so far.” Link responded professionally.
“Yucca in twenty minutes, Lyra.” Greer reported.
“Skipper? I’m picking up more ships- small ones- maybe scout types, one or two life signs on each. They could be starfighters.”
“Where and how many, Link.” I asked.
“I count two dozen. They appear to be moving toward each other. We’ll pass right between them in two minutes. Also, we’re picking up low-band comm. traffic.”
“Alter course to go above or below them, Greer.” I ordered. “Let’s hear the chatter. We might learn something about our missing sisters.”
“Aye, on overhead, skipper.”
“Ortz! You got a lotta nerve comin’ here! I told you my claim was off limits. Now turn your men around and hustle back to Deadwood! Don’t do as I say an’ yer gonna meet the colda’ space firsthand.”
so you got three minutes to clear on out, Smithe!”
“Now why in heaven would we wanna do a stupid thing like that? This here’s our sector an’ we aim to protect it.”
Best you turn an’ fly back home to daddy, boy.
“A shoot-out, skipper?” Kate proposed in disbelief. “Gunfight at the O.K. Corral, but in outer space?”
“I’m detecting a missile launch, skipper! A crude, chemical propulsion missile. Wow! Now everybody’s shooting at everybody! All chemical missiles.” Link alerted excitedly.
“Enable our deflectors just in case one of those things goes off course.”
“Deflectors enabled and buffered,…Lyra.” Rowan acknowledged.
“Gods! Now she has me doing it.” Rowan whispered to herself, shaking her head a few times then glancing back to the Navigation station where her sister sat shrouded within its glowing, blue cylindrical walls.
“I’ve got one stray heading directly towards us, skipper!” Link alerted.
“Are we out of its range?” I asked calmly.
“I’m not sure of the propellant composition or reserve, skipper. But sensors indicate it’s carrying a substantial payload.”
“Rowan? I take it you have a target lock on it?”
“I most certainly do, skip…Lyra.” Rowan grinned mischievously.
“Time to impact on our deflector shield?” I asked.
“If still under propulsion, thirty seconds, Lyra.”
“One particle burst, Lady Rowan. Just one though! We don’t want to give away our existence.” I cautioned and nodded.
The resulting explosion was brighter than I had expected.
One of the two original ‘gunfighter’s’ voices demanded.
A new, unknown voice suggested.
Yet another new voice offered.
Everyone on the bridge looked to each other, hearing that little factoid.
“Think Chance came across these yahoos as well, skipper?” Kaitlyn asked with a slight bit of humor.
“Skipper, not one missile scored a hit! Either these guys were just doing it for show, or…or they couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn- as Lady Chantell would say.” Link reported in an amazed tone.
“Who uses chemical rockets these days anyway?” Rowan questioned in confusion.
“Apparently, they do.” I answered needlessly.
“Lady Greer, get us into a parking orbit over Yucca, and start our in-depth surface scans, Lady Link.” I ordered.
I didn’t want to run into more of these modern-day ‘gunslingers’ if we could help it.
Chance Summers- High Priestess of Witch Corps. Terran Subspecies. Daughter of Hope Summers and Charles ‘Charli’ Armstrong. High Priestess for eight standard years. Alias: Senior Current Specialist, Chance Summers, Ship: Mare de Tempest. Pilot of ‘Hope and a Pair’ Pegasus1. Callsign: ‘Chance’
Grunfuller Lokust- Executive Officer of Witch Corps. Terran Subspecies. Activated name: Lokust Grunfuller. Significant Other of Chance Summers. Alias: Senior Current Specialist, Grunfuller Lokust. Ship: Mare de Tempest. Pilot of ‘On the Four Winds’ Pegasus2. Callsign: Lokust
Kitty Sinae- Queen of FeLane and all her Territories for eight standard years. Lynxin Subspecies. Previous Employment: Senior Section Chief, Mare de Tempest. Pilot of “Re-Tailed’ Pegasus3. Callsign: “Kitty”
Delphi ‘Artemis Dell’ Kananacreatas- Greek Goddess. Terran Subspecies. Alias: Senior Section Chief, Mare de Tempest. Younger sister of Artemis. Pilot of ‘Olympus Found’ Pegasus4. Callsign: Huntress
Simone Redman- Niece and Lady-in-Wait to Coraline Norge of the Norge Trade Federation. Antarran Subspecies. Alias: Ret. Senior Sanitary Specialist, Simone Redman, Mare de Tempest. Pilot of ‘Clean-Up’ Pegasus5. Callsign: Laidy-in-Wait
Hope Summers- Mother of Chance Summers. Terran Subspecies. Significant Other of Charles Armstrong. One of three oldest Witches in Witch Corps. Ret. Maj. USMC. Commander and Pilot of NASA Orion series Deep Space Probe ‘Pegasus’ 2107AD. Pilot of ‘Semper Fi’ Pegasus6. Callsign: Major
Charles ‘Charli’ Armstrong- Father of Chance Summers. Terran Subspecies. Significant Other of Hope Summers. One of three oldest Witches in Witch Corps. Ret. Colonel USAF. Executive Officer and Sciences Specialist of NASA Orion series Deep Space Probe ‘Pegasus’ 2107AD. Pilot of ‘Eight I Smart’ Pegasus7 Callsign: Seeker
Chantell Denison- Recognized as aunt of Chance Summers. Terran Subspecies. One of three oldest Witches in Witch Corps. Ret. Lt. Commander USN. Sciences Specialist of NASA Orion series Deep Space Probe ‘Pegasus’ 2107AD. Pilot of ‘Holy Shit?’ Pegasus8. Callsign: Fairy Godmother
Caroline Norge- Queen of Norge Trade Federation. Antarran Subspecies. Friend and acquaintance of Hope Summers, Charles Armstrong, and Chantell Denison. Inducted into Witch Corps.: date redacted. Pilot of ‘Pin-Up’ Pegasus9. Callsign: Porno
Sandra Anderson- Senior Educational Specialist, Mare de Tempest. Terran Subspecies. Adopted eight children (2yrs-8yrs) after Edin 3 uprising eight years ago. Pilot of ‘Teacher’s Pet’ Pegasus10. Callsign: Soccer Mom
Artemis (of Zeus)- Greek Goddess. Semi-inactive. Member of Witch Corps. for: date redacted. Pilot of ‘Zeus’s Pride’ Pegasus11. Callsign: Olympic Huntress
Demeter ‘Demi’ (of Zeus)- Greek Goddess. Semi-inactive. Member of Witch Corps. for: date redacted. Pilot of ‘California Dreamin’’ Pegasus12. Callsign: Demeter
Lyra Serangetti- Daughter of Capt. Kimbou and Sonya Serangetti. Lynxin Subspecies. Second Princess of FeLane. High Honors Student. Rank: 1st. Lieutenant- Witch Corps. Pilot of ‘Hello Kitty’ Pegasus13. Callsign: Kitten
Galantry Fenile- Daughter of Destiny and Gretch Fenile. Age: 14~15. Orion Subspecies. High Honors Student. Recovered eight years ago in Mare de Tempest Hoblin invasion. (EFMC-WC note: Ensign in Junior Witch Corps) Authorized pilot of ‘Zeus’ Pride’Pegasus 11. Callsign: Lil’ Grey
Aquia Anderson- Adopted daughter of Sandra Anderson. Age: 15~16. Terran Subspecies. Recovered eight years ago in Mare de Tempest Hoblin invasion. (EFMC-WC note: Ensign in Junior Witch Corps) Authorized pilot of ‘California Dreamin’’ Pegasus12. Callsign: Water Lily
Keaton ‘Keats’ Yates- Commander. Terran/Regulon Subspecies. (EFMC-WC note: Proprietor of Witch Corps’ Kane System Maintenance Base- Hopewell Field, Vermillion Station, Kane. Became member of Witch Corps: date redacted. Activated form: Kaitlyn Yates) Pilot of ‘Icarus’ Pegasus14. Callsign: Wrench
Savanna Summers- Daughter of Chance Summers. Terran Subspecies. Age: 8,17,19. Rescued eight years ago by Lyra Serangetti in Mare de Tempest Hoblin invasion. Recovered from Lyra Serangetti by Chance Summers just after Mare incident. (EFMC-WC note: possibly an Oracle. Long distance teleporter and very precocious) Callsign: Princess. Pilot of virtual Broom ‘Oracle’ Pegasus20
Niger Greer- Lieutenant, FeLane Royal Guard, Voluntary cabin steward and bodyguard of Princess Lyra Serangetti. Lynxin Subspecies. Honorary member of Witch Corps. Callsign: Moderator (Ret.). Recently activated by Savanna Summers. New Callsign: Alley Cat. Third Princess of FeLane and twin of Queen Kitty Sinae since activation.
Kimbou Serangetti- Captain- Mare de Tempest. Lynxin Subspecies. Commander in FeLane Royal Guard Reserve. (EFMC-WC note: Honorary member of Witch Corps and WC liaison for Galactic Military) Father of Second Princess of FeLane Lyra Serangetti. Mate of First Princess of FeLane Sonya Serangetti.
Sonya Serangetti- Assistant Galactic Defense Chairman under Defense Chairman Jameson Quincy Englert (EFMC-WC note: Jameson, aka Jamie ‘Chairman’ Quincy when activated). Lynxin Subspecies. Mate of Capt. Kimbou Serangetti. Mother of Lyra Serangetti. First Princess of FeLane. First cousin to Queen Kitty Sinae. Leader/Sponsor of Junior Witch Corps. (EFMC-WC note: Activated form is ten-year-old Lynxin, Sonya- Lyra Serangetti’s ‘big sister’) Callsign: Sparkles.
Wa’tua Su- Prime Minister of FeLane Confederation. Lynxin Subspecies. Elected to position six years prior. Previously served as Parliamentary Information liaison to Media Streams. (EFMC-WC note: Honorary member of Witch Corps in the capacity of liaison to FeLane Parliament)
Garith Anderson- Oldest adopted son of Sandra Anderson. Terran Subspecies. Age: 16~17. Recovered eight years ago in Mare de Tempest Hoblin invasion.
Lithia Anderson- Adopted daughter of Sandra Anderson. Terran Subspecies. Age: 16. Recovered eight years ago in Mare de Tempest Hoblin invasion.
Derrick Anderson- Adopted son of Sandra Anderson. Terran Subspecies. Age: 16. Recovered eight years ago in Mare de Tempest Hoblin invasion.
Rowan Anderson- Adopted son of Sandra Anderson. Terran Subspecies. Age 14~15. Recovered eight years ago in Mare de Tempest Hoblin invasion.
Link Anderson- Adopted son of Sandra Anderson. Terran Subspecies. Age 15. Recovered eight years ago in Mare de Tempest Hoblin invasion. Started displaying Antarran traits after activation, specifically Norge ‘core’ family traits.
Seth Anderson- Adopted daughter of Sandra Anderson. Terran Subspecies. Age: 13~14. Recovered eight years ago in Mare de Tempest Hoblin invasion.
Lilith Anderson- Adopted daughter of Sandra Anderson. Age: 10. Delvian subspecies. Recovered eight years ago in Mare de Tempest Hoblin invasion. **Delvian Subspecies is extremely telepathic after reaching maturity at fifty standard years, but become dangerously telepathic at twenty standard years.*
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Washington Dreamin'
I'm loving this story. The combat simulations to evaluate their skill levels had me crying tears of joy, especially for Greer. No wand and she cleaned up anyway. Too cool.
Thanks and kudos (number 6). I'll be here, waiting for more.
- Terry
And if Witch Corp is not their desire?
And if they don't want to be activated and become a member of Witch Corp? Seems the normal response is " tough shit, deal with it."
And if after they are conscripted and refuse to participate? A show of force is used to bring them in line. This conscription and show of force is an indication they care nothing for what the individual wants. Only what the Witch Corp needs.
Fighting a battle in a simulator is nothing like the real thing. For the simple reason that those in the real thing can't be programed or predicted. Plus, the JWC is untested, so none of them really know how they'll react.
Others have feelings too.