Summer's Current 3: Summer's Daughter Chapters 31-35


More reflection, developments, and a decompression party…


Chapter 31

“We’re five LY’s out, Chance.” Mom alerted from Helm.
“Hmmm? Oh. Okay, thanks.” I said having been paying only partial attention.
Most of my consciousness was still in debate over how we got caught with our proverbial panties down! How could I have let that happen? How could I have led my sisters straight into a giant flytrap?
Or was it really a ‘roach trap’?
Either way, I felt extremely embarrassed for nearly succumbing to Bovidovich’s control. And… I-I nearly killed one of my sisters!
Even more embarrassing? Our junior corps had to come and rescue us! Granted Lyra, Kate, Sonya and the new girl, Greer, were brutal in their ‘showdown’ on the town’s main street. I had never before seen such vicious gunplay or stunning marksmanship!
Greer… as I found out after the fact was a dead ringer for Kitty! In fact, I think that was the defining moment when Bovidovich’s spell had been weakened enough for me to again fight him… it broke my heart to see ‘Kitty’ laying there…
“Chance? We’re ten minutes out from Eden 3. Shall I contact Sri Lanka Control for permission to land?” Mom alerted.
“What? How’d we get to Eden 3? Why would we go to Eden 3?” I exclaimed.
“We wouldn’t. We’re almost two LY’s from Mare, Chance. Slowing to sublight and going to default camo.” Mom laughed evilly. “I thought I’d see how well you were paying attention. You seemed pretty absorbed in your own thoughts. Reliving or second-guessing the mission, honey?”
“Both, I guess? I can’t figure out how that…thing…got through my defenses far enough to take control of Nike. I thought I had shielded her from all that. In the end, I couldn’t protect her like I promised all those years ago. I failed her, mom! I failed everyone!”
“You failed nobody, Chance Summers! If anything, we failed you. Charli and I let our desire to revisit- maybe act out- a dream from our past, blind us.”
“Oh! So now you admit you frelled things up!” Chantell contested angrily. “I told you going to that two-horse, shithole system was a bad idea! Especially when Pegasus started bleeding Current like she broke a major conduit!”
“I’m sorry I didn’t do the necessary research, Aunt Chantell!” I groused.
“Were you in Navigation, Chance? Cause if you were, then we could definitely place all blame on you. Otherwise, knock it the hell off, High Priestess!” My aunt fought back.
“I was the Nav officer at the time, Shan!” Charli snarled. “Yes, I didn’t catch the strange lack of returns from our sensors! Yes, I failed to find a reason why our Current reserve was diminishing! Yes, the kids made me look like a first day rookie, Shan! Happy now?!”
“No! I got shot! I was the one trying to keep the rest of you coherent enough not to get gang-banged, and I was the one that got shot!” Chantell ranted. “So why did you withhold information, Hopewell? Why didn’t you tell me…tell us that ‘cutting’ would dull the effects?”
“It happened by accident.” Mom defended. “Some hunk bought and paid for me for a whole night. But, there’s only one man I’d ever share my ‘bed’ with, Shan. That man is Charlie Armstrong! Some feelings run way deeper than mental influences or desire enhancement spells! The hunk got pissed that I wouldn’t put out and pulled his idea of a pig sticker on me. All it took was one slash to my right arm and I was back in my head. I wrassled that pen-knife off him and had just enough wammy to give him a much better recollection of the night’s events.”
“Then, when Charli came down the stairs with a wide, shit-eatin’ smile…holdin’ that gross bastard’s hand, I-”
“You decided we were all a lost cause? Is that it, Hopwell? You didn’t pass valuable intel to your partially compromised team members?” Chantell challenged heatedly!
“I’ll have you know that I had no control over what I was doing!” Charli defended. “If you must know, I’m still freaking about being-! Dammit, Hope! Why couldn’t you have cut me once and explained what needed done to keep us coherent! You think I wanted masochistic sex with some filthy, aint-had-a-bath-in-god-knows-when, wanna-be ranch hand?” She screamed as tears streamed down her face.
“ENOUGH!” I shouted as I stood and turned from my chair.
I was suddenly holding my staff and its gem was shining brightly!
“Chance!” Lokust shouted as she tried to get my attention. “Stand down, Nike! There is no need for such drastic measures! STAND! DOWN!”
“Nike? Please let Chance have possession of her body? This is just another squabble between longtime friends. There is no intent for bodily harm, sister.” Dell reasoned calmly.
I looked at my staff with wonder and awe. I even feared this thing!
Deep within me, I felt Nike apologize. I felt she was even more embarrassed than I was.
I again sent my apologies to her for not protecting her…
“Chance? What the hell ya doin’?” Chantell asked in fear. I noticed the gem brighten and I felt something stirring within me.
A figure began to materialize just in front of me and all conversation on the bridge ceased!
A women- exactly my equal- with flowing brown hair instead of black; white, gold-trimmed Greek toga, and a sad look on her beautiful face, solidified.
“Chance Summers.” My doppelganger stated despondently- looking me eye to eye.
“How many times must I intervene before you finally accept that you and you alone are not responsible for my protection? Though somewhat naive, I am quite capable of defending myself.” She smiled and slowly turned to face my speechless sisters.
“Since I am here though, I would like to thank all of you for actions and diversions taken to insulate me from our latest monstrosity. It was very powerful and I actually did succumb to its control. I have never defended against something even remotely more powerful than my great-grandfather, Chronos.”
It warms our heart and reassures me that the organization known as ‘Witch Corps’, is as accomplished and well motivated as its predecessor- Grandfather Zeus’ Furies. If not for the whole team’s help, things could have been much worse.”
“How can you be doing this?” I asked in awe.
She turned and again smiled brightly.
“Chance, I am only capable of doing this because of the lifeblood that flows within us. Our shared physical form holds several times more ‘Current’ as you call it than my first existence. Had you the confidence to truly embrace that lifeblood, you would not have required our sisters’ help. But... your heart… it has shown me that there is another facet to life other than a warrior and the brute force associated with that life. I understand the use of ‘heart’ over ‘force’ thanks to you, Chance.”
Nike glanced to the deck and sighed.
“My time grows short in this manifestation as I am not back to nominal, so I will rejoin with you. Do not make me corporealize again, Chance Summers! I will be forced to kick your butt!” Nike smiled and giggled softly as she vanished and the staff’s gem luminescence extinguished.
“And I didn’t even get an answer from her.” Chantell grumped childishly.
I felt Nike giggle from where her essence resided. I also felt she wanted to say something more, and so, offered her a conduit.
“I did nothing that any of you couldn’t do yourselves, Lady Chantell. All of Witch Corps, including those you refer to as ‘junior’ have now experienced what you call ‘threshold’. Several have even been welcomed into Olympus Prime society by direct relatives. The ‘demi-goddesses’ will need further instruction as to what they may expect, and shown temperance where egos are concerned. I will now complete my integration with Chance, but feel free to ask for enlightenment any time, Chantell Denison.” I listened and heard a pleasant ‘giggle’ come from my mouth.
“Gods! Will you ever stop raising the bar, Chance Summers?” Mom smiled as she complained.
I smiled smugly.
“Um…you think it was wise?” Lokust asked with worry written all over her face.
“Thresholding the kids, I mean. And what about the Anderson boys? Do they even know?” She continued, voicing her concerns.
“Know what, dear?” I asked my mate’s activated form.
“Do they know that they can’t return to their original form?” She clarified.
“Nike said we’ve all thresholded, hun.” Chantell reminded my XO.
“Can you still switch forms, dear?” I wondered.
Grunfuller instantly replaced Lokust at her…his station.
“Well that answers that question.” I smiled as I felt the urge to wrap my le…arms around him grow more intense.
Must have been residual from Taos, I thought.
“So…if I can still switch sides, the Andersons will be able?” Lokust was back. She had a questioning expression and looked so darling contemplating such particulars.
“The bigger question is: would they? I can think of two in particular.” Dell alluded calmly.
“The young Antarran and Kitty’s dopple.” Charli nodded in agreement.
“Greer’s got to be pretty high up on the list now, Chance.” Lokust stated as she tilted her head slightly to one side and raised her brows to punctuate the statement.
“We’ll see what happens once we get home.” I suggested. “Care to announce us, Dell?”
“Witch Corps Flight 1, Broom Closet Control. Request approach vector and Flight line decom. Artemis Dell, niner-niner-alpha; authenticate.” Dell announced over our comm.
Welcome home, Flight 1! Glad to see you found your way back!” Closet Control responded. It was Katelyn Yates.
“Witch Corps Flight 1, Mare Tower. Just letting you know we finally got around to returning. We’ll be using S.O.P.” Dell announced as she contacted Mare’s flight control tower.
Copy, Witch Corps 1. Welcome home. Flight 2 arrived one standard prior.” Applause could be heard in the background.
“Copy, Mare. Pegasus out.”
Broom Closet Control, Pegasus. Flight line decom complete and Closet doors open. Come ooooon in.” Katelyn invited.
“Hey!” Kate greeted us as we proceeded through the closet door into base.
“Hey.” I responded in a lackluster tone as I brushed past her and headed for my quarters.
Savanna instantly appeared before me- blocking my path.
“Mother? That was certainly rude of you. Lady Kate only wished to greet you, not proposition you.”
I didn’t say a word. Instead, I ported past her and straight into my quarters.
She was waiting for me though.
“Now you are being rude to me, mother! What gives?” She demanded.
“Does it matter? Not that you don’t know already, sweetie.” I said desolately.
My now nineteen –year-old daughter narrowed her eyes at me.
“Well… I do… But that doesn’t matter at the moment! Right now, you need to talk…get whatever is bothering you out before your Current starts to feel your torment and begins to twist.”
“We both know that isn’t going to happen, Savanna.” I said quietly.
“But it could, mother. Stranger things have happened… and only just recently.”
“What. Like my eight-year-old daughter suddenly growing up?” I looked at her intently. “Like JWC having to come and rescue our butts from some two-horse shithole of a planet?”
I glared at her intensely.
“Or , that you went against my wishes and jimmied Oracle’s locks so you could fly her?”
Savanna smiled pleasantly at me.
“Jealous much, mother? You knew it was a simple matter for me to crack those puzzles. Why get so pissed?”
“That wasn’t the point, munchkin. The whole point of the exercise was to teach you respect for people’s wishes… and privacy.”
Savanna regarded me for several tense seconds. Her anger seemed to intensify.
“Well, I happen to think that my mother and father’s lives… that my family’s lives were more important than honoring some obtuse morality lesson, Chance Summers! I hope you understand that you are not only important to me, but the whole of the universe! Your life…the life of Witch Corps in particular, is quintessential to the whole of the universe! Moreso even than the Gods and Goddesses themselves!” She lectured while glaring heatedly at me. As fast as she had angered, her face softened.
“Now…freshen yourself up. Lord Kimbou is on base and wishes to see you at your earliest convenience. Chop, chop!”
Savanna was gone. Vanished.
A smile crossed my face. She certainly was my daughter!
“How dare she?” I questioned to not only myself, but to the heavens in which I existed!
“You cannot question her motives, little one, for her actions have existed since the dawn of time itself. A good mother will always watch, teach, and protect her child. No matter the cost to herself. It is the way of things.” A female voice said in a sage tone, though a bit amused.
“And”. A second female voice giggled. “It is the child’s place to question her mother’s motives and teachings.”
“That has also been the way of things since time in memorial, Savanna. Correct us should you feel us wrong, but-.”
“She probably will, sister.” A third female voice interrupted. “The Summers’ legacy runs strongly through our little sister.”
“Yes, of that fact I have little doubt, sister!” The first voice agreed. “Still, correct us if you feel you have been treated unfairly? But before you reply, consider what you have learned from her so far. What you have learned from all those you have interacted with since your physical manifestation into the mortal reality. Consider how you pushed those around you to near exhaustion when newly manifested. Consider how you are treated now- now that you have synchronized or ‘reached threshold’ as our High Priestess calls it. Consider all that and then consider that which has yet to happen. Consider everything you are capable of considering, young Oracle, before you pass judgment or profess falsely.”
“But it’s very hard to consider so much, sisters. And Chance Summers can be so…so…so difficult at times! Her Nike persona more so by itself! How can any considerations be evaluated with such variables undefined?” I asked, completely stumped and dazed by the enormity of what they tasked me with.
“Not ‘undefined’ little one; simply unfactorable. ‘Human nature’ is confusing at best, but ‘human-style love’ cannot be rationalized or even quantified. It simply ‘is’. To consider those factors, you must understand and listen to what your heart, young one, is saying.” A fourth sister advised.
“But all I hear is my latent Current- the goings on of that society deep within me! I have not heard a peep out of my ‘heart’, sisters.” I told the disembodied voices.
“Ah, but you have, little one! Did you not just reveal to our High Priestess that ‘family’ is more important than anything? How did you not hear that loud declaration of your heart, yet be so close in proximity to it?” Sister three said.
“Maybe, because she is so close to it, she neglects to notice, sister. Something so pure as ‘love’ can be very elusive when fully immersed within it.” Sister two suggested.
“Maybe she is still too inexperienced to know how to listen, sisters?” Sister one proposed.
“Maybe so. I suggest you ‘listen’ a little harder, little sister.” Sister two agreed.
“I suggest she not ‘try’ at all, sisters! Allow the heart to speak and interrupt when it feels necessary- learn to feel its call and allure…its wisdom, little one.” Sister three declared sagely.
“Aren’t we getting a little melodramatic here, sisters?” I asked the heavens. I know and can feel love ‘exuding’ from those close to me already. I also know right from wrong and what is acceptable in between. What else is there?” I asked impatiently.
“Ah! What else is there, she asks? Why ‘everything’! That is the answer, little one! There is everything!” Sister four stated passionately.
“And yet there is nothing if you do not understand and pay the attention required. Enlist ‘patience’ to allow for all considerations to manifest.” Sister two added.
“Back to considerations? How have we circled back to that so quickly?” I asked, annoyed that the original subject had been revisited so quickly.
“Consider the path taken to return here, little one. Was it not you that set the course in the first place?” Sister one giggled.
“She grows angry, sisters. She has yet to fully understand her place and contributions to the universes. As with her mother, our High Priestess, she has yet to comprehend her connection to everything.” Sister four reported.
“She will soon understand, sisters. We are called ‘Oracle” for a reason. In time, she will come to understand. You should return to the mortal realm now, little one. Your mother requires you for some consultation. Until another time, Savanna.” Sister one summorized.
I had to agree with Aunt Chantell. The Oracles were a crazy lot and were very hard to understand at times. They did make good points on several things though. Maybe I did need to ‘listen’ to my heart more. Maybe there was more to ‘love’. Maybe I need to be more observant. Maybe I was a little impatient. Maybe I was a lot impatient!
“Maybe I need to stop talking like them, recover my sanity, and return to base as the Oracles recommended!” I said aloud to myself.
“What was that sweetie?” Mom asked as she stared directly at me in a calm, collected manner.
“Nothing. I was just thinking out loud, mom. I do that sometimes.” I told her as I felt myself blush, noticing I was back in our quarters.
“Huh. Okay. Let me just say one thing, munchkin. ‘42’.” She said then giggled lightly.
“42?” I asked, tilting my head to one side.
“It’s the answer to life, the world, the universe- everything.” She smiled brightly while she began to laugh. “That’s what you were looking for, right? The answer to everything?”
“That is not the answer to ‘everything’, mother! It’s a fifteen hundred year-old character code for the asterisk; later used as a variable in search engines of the time to represent ‘anything’!” I growled in annoyance.
“Well, it worked in the movie.” She admitted raising her hands and shrugged indifferently.
“Truth is, munchkin…there is no simple answer for ‘everything’. There’s only one thing that even comes close to a universal answer, Savanna. Love.”
I rolled my eyes.
“Ah, so you’ve heard the term before, have you?” Mom laughed.
“I was just consulting with the other oracles and they mentioned how ‘love’ could not be defined- that it was all encompassing and ‘human’.”
“That’s pretty much it, sweetie. They must have the wisdom of the ages behind them.” Mom giggled. “That or they’re very smart.”
“Sometimes they aggravate me as much as you do, mother!” I groused.
“Karma, munchkin. What goes around comes around. So how did you enjoy the reactions and expressions of that multimedia team at Kitty’s coronation, sweetie?” Mom asked as I sighed in resignation.
“You really had to bring that up, mother? That was eight years ago. I was an infant!”
“Um…you might want to adjust your accounting of time, munchkin. As you stated right after we left Taos, you are stuck in that nineteen-year-old body now. So add eleven years to your declaration.” Mom winked with an impish smile.
“So. You coming to our briefing? Or am I going to make apologies to Lord Kimbou?” She quickly changed subjects.

Chapter 32

Ladies Chance, Lokust, Hope, Chantell, Charli, and Artemis Dell walked into the base meeting room as a group and promptly stopped- their attention centered on the three, adult, female Antarrans, one, young, female Antarran, and one adult, male Terran in the male version of Witch Corps’ signature uniform, seated together quietly talking amongst themselves.
“About time you witches got here!” Janet Redman declared as she looked up, taking notice.
“Well, ya know; the airline lost our checked luggage and we had to wait for it to catch up with us. Sorry we’re late.” Chance stated confusingly. Most of us had no idea whether she was kidding or whether she was passing us some specially encoded message.
“I still wanna know how she does that, Hopewell!” Lady Chantell whispered to Lady Hope.
Lady Charli seemed amused by Chance’s strange declaration as she just shook her head.
“High Priestess? Lady Link claims Lady Savanna activated her without consultation or agreement. Will she also be here, at this meeting, to answer this allegation?” Lady Simone inquired.
“I will indeed, Lady Simone. In fact, I am already in attendance.” Savanna said from beside me.
Gods! I wished she would stop that!
Savanna stood and looked around the room before she spoke.
“I did knowingly activate the Anderson siblings.”
Lady Sandra Anderson gasped at her cold admission! I was certainly surprised! Before this point in time, Savanna would have heatedly declared herself innocent of all charges and vanished. She was acting like a mature adult here. I began to believe she actually- somehow- was nineteen instead of eight.
“It was imperative to the JWC’s mission parameters, my ladies” She justified and continued. “Those parameters being: four Broom pilots; four Mini-Van pilots; four navigators; four weapons’ officers; four flight engineers. It was also fortuitous that they are all cross-trained for multiple responsibilities.”
“Ladies Aquia, Galantry, Lyra, and Katelyn were shoe-ins for Broom pilots. Aquia and Galantry had tripled their training simulations in preparation of the mission and earned the opportunity. Lady Lyra handled planning, training, and leadership as mission commander. Niger Greer’s impeccable service record indicated she would surpass expectations as Lady Lyra’s XO, but only if activated.”
“Lady Link had demonstrated uncanny navigational, sensor, and intelligence gathering skills in all training simulations. She had also performed impressively in leadership courses designed and sponsored by Galactic Command and proctored by Lady Sandra Anderson. It was necessary though, to activate her to optimize her talents. Her activated form was a definite surprise- one I had not foreseen.”
“Ladies Rowan, Garith, Lithia, Seth, and Derrick also required activation to increase their natural talents. They were also detrimental to the mission’s success in their multi-disciplined capacities. Rowan showing incredible knowledge and unprecedented- for her age- proficiency with our flight systems”
“Lady Lilith was not originally considered for activation because of her compulsory participation in her education sector selection exams- though I did not want to show prejudice because of that.”
“You activated my youngest daughter, too? Just so she wouldn’t feel left out?” Lady Sandra screeched in disbelief. “She’s only ten!”
“But she is much more mature for her age than even Garith, my lady.” Savanna smiled tensely.
“But why didn’t you ask us first, Lady Savanna?” Lady Link Anderson questioned calmly. Lady Sandra seemed confused by her ‘daughter’s’ calm demeanor and went silent.
“I simply foresaw the needed modifications and took the required steps, my lady.” Savanna responded honestly, but impersonally.
“So you just assumed that because you ‘saw’ us activated, that we were okay with it?” Rowan demanded.
“Yes.” Savanna answered crisply and callously.
“Just ‘yes’? That’s all the explanation I get?” Rowan complained.
“Oracle? Remember?” Savanna answered in a ‘catty’ tone.
“Savanna? You’re being a bitch.” Chance interrupted. “Show some kind of respect and caring for our sisters. What Rowan wants to know is why the forced, unannounced change? Why not brief everyone involved as to what you foresaw and ask to activate them nicely?”
“As I said, Lady Chance. The mission’s successful completion depended on all participants being activated. Future events, of which I cannot reveal at this time, also forced my decision, I am sorry, sisters, but it had to be done in order for Witch Corps to remain the viable peace-keeping entity it was incorporated as.” Savanna justified without emotion.
“By the Norges! You make it sound like the Corps was ready to self-implode!” Aunt Cora gasped in shock.
“That was one of the foreseen possibilities, but now that we are all here, and in good health, that event sequence has been rendered obsolete. Now Witch Corps is seen to be a stable and unbiased peacekeeping unit well into this universe’s future. And past.”
Her last, very short sentence struck me as strange!
“And past?” I asked in confusion.
“Think about it, big sister.” Savanna smiled to me. “Lady Chance? She is not avatar to, but is Nike, Goddess of Victory- the only Olympian powerful enough to defeat Chronos?” Savanna stated factually then turned her attention to her mother.
“Surely, Lady Chance, you of all the sisters, should understand what I have just alluded to, so I will allow that topic time to coalesce. Moving on. Have we received the genetic coding results for Lt. Niger Greer?” She abruptly changed subjects as if she were running this meeting.
“Sorry I am late, my ladies.” Poppy announced as he appeared at the open doorway. “Several matters pertaining to Mare’s command demanded my personal attention. Ladies? It is good to see you all well! I have been worried to sickness you had met with devastating circumstances.” He bowed politely to our ‘senior’ sisters.
I noticed Savanna smiling for some reason.
“And yes, I have Lt. Greer’s test results.” Poppy said as he placed his hand on my shoulder, squeezed it gently, and sat down beside me, opposite Savanna. “I have recently been sequestered from revealing its contents however, so I cannot even hint-”
Emergency Broom Closet decom in progress. Broom Closet door activation in thirty seconds.” Our Base A.I. interrupted.
“Would anyone like some coffee, tea… vodka, Saurian brandy?” Savanna casually asked as she stood and looked around us for replies with an impish smile.
“What are you up to, young lady?” Chance demanded through narrowed eyes and crossed arms as a hot cup of herbal tea appeared in front of me.
“Moi?” Savanna looked hurt by the question. “What makes you think I had anything to do with what is to happen?”
“Duh! Oracle?” Our High Priestess deadpanned with a strange but whimsically contorted face and voice. Oh, and her eyes were crossed, too!
“Norges! You really are just like your mother and grandmother, Sugar Plum!” Aunt Cora groaned. “I thought one was incorrigible! Now there’s three of ‘em!”
“It’ll probably get worse before it gets better, Cora.” Lord Samuel snickered as Ladies Simone, and Janet rolled their eyes in response.
The strangest thing suddenly happened!
Lady Cora and Lady Link turned in unison to glare at Lord Samuel! Their actions seemed completely unrehearsed and innocent, but the result was amazingly spine-chilling and very ‘creepy’!
The man gulped at the sudden attention.
“Now that is just so, so wrong!” He quipped in worry and visibly shuddered.
Two six-counts of Lord Samuel’s favorite beverage appeared on the table in front of him.
“Thanks kiddo! I’m going to need this- what with all the Antarran estrogen I’m suddenly drowning in.” He said, quickly separating one container, opening it, and downing it in one gulp!
“Why did I have to be the pilot for that damned diplomatic mission, anyway?” he groused to himself, though loud enough our sensitive hearing picked it up.
“Because you were destined to meet your soulmate, my sweet husband.” Lady Janet giggled.
“Yeah…ah huh…sure.” He said as he opened another container and drained it in one gulp again.
A large, brown-tan blur rushed down the hallway past our room’s open doorway. From what I could catch, it looked Lynxin and very much holding back a bout of nausea!
“Yeah. That’s the door. Just turn the knob and you’re good.” My cousin’s loud voice directed from out in the hallway.
Chairs groaned against the deck as every occupied seat moved in unison.
I rushed to my uniformed cousin- completely forgetting protocol- as soon as she appeared in the doorway.
“Hey, cuz. Looks like you missed me.” Kitty giggled as she returned my embrace.
I did. And to hell with protocol, I thought.
Poppy cleared his throat somewhere behind me.
“I appreciate the warm welcome, Cuz, but your Poppy’s requiring proper protocol. Unfortunately.” Kitty whispered.
I immediately broke our embrace.
“Please forgive me, my queen. I thought, since we were amongst recognized nobility, that casual court behavior was in effect.” I stated succinctly. “Apparently, I am negligent in that belief.”
Kitty smiled wryly and looked behind us at our gathered coven; I think mostly at Poppy though.
“Hey, y’all! Miss me?” She laughed.
“You! How are you still here?” Her expression instantly changed as she glared to the only other ‘known’ female Lynxin in the room.
“Greetings to you, my queen. I assume PM Tau will survive?” Lady Sonya responded calmly as she took a knee.
“Get up, Cuz! You’re making me look… argh… ‘royal’!” Kitty hissed in dismissal as she grabbed Sonya’s arms and physically lifted her to standing. Our queen then crushed my mother in a Terran bear hug until she started to gasp for air. Kitty released mom and smiled deviously. “Nice to see you, Serangetti Sonya.”
“Th-thank you, my queen.” Mom answered while trying to regain her breath.
“As for Tau… The Broom Closet’s Flight line is a wee bit short today. Apparently, someone doesn’t know how to park.” Kitty glanced to Lady Hope. “So, I had to get…creative.”
“Oh no you don’t, sister! I wasn’t the one drivin’ this time!” Lady Hope argued as she clandestinely pointed to Lady Chantell.
“Argh! Do I have tire tracks on my face, Charli?” Chantell questioned as she pointed to her left cheek- the one facing Lady Hope- with her middle finger.
“Oh, Gods! I’ve missed this place!” Kitty declared and began laughing all over again while several tears ran down her face. She stepped into the room further and everyone had a chance to welcome her.
Except Greer, who remained standing- frozen to her location as if glued to the deck? Her eyes were wide and fearful, and her facial fur looked very pale.
PM Tau awkwardly stumbled into the room practically unseen- his face almost as pale as Greer’s.
“My queen?” He asked while bracing himself against the doorframe. “May I suggest advanced warning next time you decide to attempt such brash maneuvers? It is not considered appropriate to access the comfort facilities of a hosts’ establishment within scant seconds of arrival.” FeLane’s Prime Minister scolded before wiping his mouth one final time.
“Oops. Did I forget to warn you, Tau?” My cousin giggled evilly.
Tau just glared at her silently.
Bridge, Captain Serrangetti.” Poppy’s DataPad squawked.
“Serangetti here.”
Just wanted to advise you that Earth’s Horizon is maneuvering to rendezvous and is asking permission to match speed and come alongside.
“Copy, Bridge. Extend all pleasantries and comforts to her crew and diplomatic corps. Serangetti out.”
Seeing how pale Niger Greer was, I had no idea how she was still standing! Further observation showed her tail was extended- poker straight- to the chair behind her, acting as an additional support to keep her upright. She seemed as pale and stationary as an alabaster statue!
“What’s this?” Kitty inquired as she turned to Lady Chance, but motioned to Greer.
“High Priestess? When did you take interest in Lynxin art? This is as fine and lifelike a creation of my royal presence as any I have seen.” She complimented as she raised a finger to touch Greer’s pale, stiff cheek.
Gods! Was she even still breathing?
“A remarkable likeness, Lady Kitty.” Chance complimented. “And, I’ve been told, tied with you and Lady Lyra in the Witch Corps Comp stats.”
“Hmmm? Is this true, Lt. Niger Greer?” Kitty confronted the statue-like Lynxin.
The only response- only sign of life- was a single tear that escaped and rolled down my XO’s beautiful face.
“Is this how I reacted when I first found out I was required to ascend to the throne, High Priestess?” Kitty asked Chance.
“No. You ‘redecorated’ your quarters. Multiple times as I recall.” Chance giggled.
“Oh. That’s right. Thank you, High Priestess.” Kitty smiled back showing her canines. “Greer?” She moved in closer to my XO. Her tail came up and curled around Greer’s left forearm as she stared, eye to eye with her terrified twin.
“Sorry to disappoint, sister, but I will not be stepping down from the throne any time soon. As I am the older twin, it is still my right and obligation to preside over our Confederation.”
Although having three solid supports onto the deck, Greer folded instantly into a heap.
“Well, that went better than I expected.” Kitty giggled.
“She will recover in two minutes, sisters. Nothing to worry about. Please be reseated.” Savanna announced as she was suddenly kneeling at Greer’s side between us.
Gods! I wished she would stop that!
“Lady Kitty. Good to see you again. I trust your negotiations went well?” She said as she stood to embrace my cousin.
Savanna sighed with satisfaction from Kitty’s shoulder. “Now this is more like it.” She whispered happily.
“And I am glad to see you, Lady Savanna, but we must see to Lady Greer.”
“Of course, my lady.” Savanna giggled as she and Greer vanished only to instantly reappear seated at our table. Greer was just starting to regain consciousness.
Kitty and I walked back over- my cousin standing over and waiting for Greer to recover fully.
My XO was instantly on one knee!
“Forgive me, my queen! I had no beforehand knowledge of your arrival and I apologize for my insulting appearance!” She groveled, eyes locked to the deck.
“So you consider our physical appearance… insulting, Niger Greer? Third princess to the FeLane Confederation?”
Greer’s intuitive tail shot up to attention and its sentient tip seemed to stare at our queen in shock!
“Yes, Greer’s tail. You heard right. Third Princess to the FeLane Confederation.” Kitty spoke directly to the seemingly intelligent appendage in amusement.
It immediately ‘twitched’ violently, went limp, and fell to the floor behind its owner.
Everyone giggled or outright laughed at the shenanigans.
“Now that…that, I didn’t see coming.” Savanna laughed. “Lynxins can be very amusing.”
“Be nice, Munchkin. Try to put yourself in her place for a minute. Greer has known or been told, I assume, that she is identical to her queen, Kitty Sinae of FeLane- a person she has sworn soul allegiance and protection to as a member of the royal guard and extended military. Yet the two have not met since her activation. Now, factor in the assumed possible responses of that monarch suddenly seeing her equal before her” Lokust told her.
“Also, imagine how you would react if told you were not just a twin of, but very closely related to that sovereign. I suspect you would behave in a similar way? Minus the royal tail?”
“But we are all royalty here, Lady Lokust. We are all closely related to the Gods and Goddesses that originally mentored us.” Savanna argued.
“True, but for how long has Lt. Greer known of such inheritance? Of the Corps, or of her activated form?”
“Almost four weeks; your point, Mother Lokust?”
“You’ve grown up- literally- knowing of us and the Corps, and what we are all capable of, Savanna. Of what you, yourself, are capable of. Allow Greer to acclimate- to process her full importance- her relational particulars. Oh, and you can leave the Olympian mentality at the door, Oracle. I for one, will not stand for such inferred superiority!”
“Yes, Mother Lokust.” Savanna answered in defeat. She quietly sat down next to me again.
I brought my tail up and less than gently, ‘brushed’ the back of her head.
Savanna’s face lit up with a smile?
It was at this point that my cousin spotted then physically counted our four Antarran sisters.
“I know you Antarrans go at it like rabbits, but damn, Cora! Where’d the ‘mostly-me’ come from?”
“Lady Link Anderson, sister. Lady Savanna informed me of her existence just after we returned from our own trade deliberations. As you can see, I am still at a loss for words.”
“I find that very hard to believe, Cora, but I can relate.” Kitty smiled brightly as she visibly nodded to Greer. “Looks like our respective families got bigger.”
“Lady Link has yet to decide if she will remain in her activated form or if she desires her previous form, Kitty.” Aunt Cora indicated.
“I believe we should also offer the same options to Lady Greer, majesties?” I recommended.
“Lyra brings up an important point, Lady Kitty. Thorough contemplation and careful considerations must be the protocol for such an important decision.” Aunt Cora agreed and smiled at me.
“But, how- how am I related to you, majesty?” Link blinked in disbelief as she suddenly stood. Apparently this was the first she had thought about her royal lineage.
Aunt Cora remained silent, but placed her DataTab on the table and touched its screen.
A hologram of a young lady with mostly blue-streaked hair, smiling brightly, appeared next to Link. They were the same height and proportions.
“Woow! How’d you get a Holo of me, Majesty?” Link asked, thoroughly amazed…and confused by the full-scale image.
“This was recorded over three hundred and fifty standard years ago, Puddin’ Plum.” Aunt Cora answered with the exact smile.
“But I’m only fifteen standard, majesty. Who is that?”
“And I was about your age when that image was recorded, Puddin’ Plum.” Aunt Cora admitted. “About five years before I first met Hope, Charli, and Chantell here. I had just been elevated to Antarra’s throne following my mother’s unexpected passing due to the Hobgoblin plague.” Aunt Cora sniffed a few times as she remembered the mixed, emotional memory. “I vowed that day to rid my world of that scourge any way I could. Because of that pledge and trauma, I found out I was a Current Mage of limited talent. That is what drew Witch Corps’ attention to Norge.” Aunt Cora explained.
“Actually, Cora, we were the ‘mysterious’ reason the Hobgoblins suddenly vanished from Antarra altogether. Shan saw you practicing your spells one day as we cleared your residence. You apparently paid much more attention to the young man helping you ‘practice’.” Lady Hope giggled.
“I hear that you are a Mage of some ability. Far more powerful than I’d ever hoped to be.” Aunt Cora kept smiling and snorted once to Lady Hope in annoyance.
“And you obviously share my genetic coding if you hadn’t noticed. Once again the Norge Sisters will brighten the house of Norge.”
“Norge…sisters?” Link squeaked in confusion.
“My sister, Juliene’s, twin stands beside us, m’lady. Simone is her duplicate in every way…except temperament…but we’re working on that.” Aunt Cora laughed as Simone blushed brightly.
“Jumping the gun, aren’t we, Cora?” Kitty suggested. “That doesn’t sound like supplying information for her to consider her decision. Sounds more like Norge propaganda: ‘Come to the Antarran side. We have cookies.’” Lady Kitty laughed humorously.
“Well, we do have an awesome royal baker.” Aunt Cora admitted casually, closing one eye and looking to the ceiling with the other while her finger tapped her cheek. “And I suppose you’re ‘You may be my younger twin, but I won’t abdicate my throne anytime soon, so get over it’ statement provided any better insight for the LT’s decision, Kitty?” Aunt Cora challenged.
“She’s a Lynxin Royal, Cora. We can handle it.” Kitty countered proudly.
“Regardless of what I have said, Puddin’ Plum, talk with Janet and especially Simone for more insight on Antarra and specifically, Norge. I can be somewhat biased in my description of Antarran society, you see.” Aunt Cora continued, ignoring her counterpart, who was now rudely sticking her tongue out at the Antarran Queen.
“Some great entertainment you have on this old tub, Skipper!” Kate laughed as she turned to Poppy.
“Yes, I hear they are here through the end of the week with two shows daily.” Poppy deadpanned.
I was absolutely appalled! Poppy had just used humor! In all my short life, I had never- ever- heard such a thing from him!
“Mate!” Lady Sonya called crisply. “You are scaring Lyra! Cease the frivolity before she becomes damaged irreparably.”
“Forgive me, my mate, but when this circus is in town, addiction is guaranteed.” Poppy apologized.
As my parents continued to display individualistic, deeply troubling examples of humor, I noticed that Galantry had gotten up and joined Aquia in talking to her siblings. Rowan seemed to be becoming angrier as their conversation went on. Several times their attention shifted momentarily to Greer or Link. Especially Link.
“BUT WHAT ABOUT ME?!” Rowan finally shouted in frustration.
Young Lilith instantly produced her wand and took up a nearer position between Rowan and her more distant sister, Link. I was amazed by her reflexes and speed!
“What about you, Rowan Anderson?” Savanna questioned calmly as she was suddenly standing beside the jealous, female Terran. “Are you referring to the question of whether you may not want to return to your former, standard, male form? Or are you feeling left out of the important decisions your sister, Link, and our XO, Greer, are considering. Or, are you just protesting because you are deficit sufficient attention?”
“Yes…no! Wait, what?” The flustered girl answered, thoroughly confused from the question(s), but especially Savanna’s sudden appearance.
“It was a simple question, my lady. Do you feel left out or jealous of all private and personal decisions concerning your sister, Link, or our XO, Niger Greer or do you desire attention and wish to remain activated?” Savanna stated her question in a slightly different, slightly devious way.
“No…um…yes? I think?” Rowan groaned and sat down to decipher what she inadvertently might have agreed to. Lady Sandra rolled her eyes at Savanna as she made her way over to console and sort out her befuddled daughter.
Savanna winked to me before she actually walked over to Chance and Lokust to begin a private conversation with them.
“Ladies?” I asked broadly as I approached the remaining Anderson siblings and Fenile Galantry. They had remained gathered while Rowan and Sandra worked through Rowan’s apparent identity conflict. To me it was obvious that Sandra would gain two new daughters…well, maybe gain one daughter and lose one daughter, more likely. I had a very strong feeling Link had already made up her mind.
A few years back, when I had been curious about my own ‘development’, I had asked Simone about her strange puberty and related changes. She had clued me into what she thought might be a ‘Norge’ genetic peculiarity. She explained that after her activation, she felt ‘liberated’; free to be who she wanted to be. In short, she said, she felt strangely ‘complete’.
I had a feeling that ever since she had been activated, Link Anderson felt the same way or similar. Being much younger, it might have hit Link slower and more gradually, instead of all at once as with Simone.
“So, you think the XO will stay activated, skipper?” Derrick asked my opinion as our group turned their attentions to me.
I sighed in worry as I glanced to the deck for a second. “I’m not sure how I feel about that, my ladies.”
“Understandable, skipper.” Galantry nodded slightly. “I could sense the connection between you and Niger Greer when you both arrived on base. Recognition by your royal family will complicate or destroy any developing relationship. Apparently, you as well as Greer and Link have a very complicated and emotional decision to make. I offer my thoughts on that if you so wish, Lady Lyra.”
I pulled my coven sister to me and whispered my thanks to her before I released her and stood back straight.
“Skipper?” Mom asked to get my attention. “The newly communicated line of succession does not make sense if her code is equivalent. Greer should assume first princess status instead of third princess. I don’t understand the queen’s reasoning.”
“Serangetti Sonya. Kitty wishes not to demote you or I simply because of Greer’s activation. She desires our family to remain intact and not fall to ruin as it has in the past. And, what difference would it make to Serangetti anyway. I for one have no desire to ascend to the throne! Was that your concern, Serangetti Sonya, first princess of the FeLane Confederation?” I challenged as I narrowed my eyes at her.
Mother remained silent for a few seconds before exhaling loudly and glancing to the deck momentarily.
“Of course not, Serangetti Lyra! Before her rediscovery and coronation, I had hoped…never mind. Let me just say that I had hoped that you would sit on the throne and leave the rest unsaid, Lyra. I also have no desire for that much responsibility. I thought you might have the confidence to reform FeLane’s fractured ruling family from Uncle. I will not challenge this monarchy as I am confident Sinae Kitty has the Confederation in her best interests.”
“Well. That’s reassuring!” Kitty declared loudly from behind mother.
“Wow! That really does run in the family, Sonya!” She laughed as mother’s fur slowly relaxed.
“Yer majesty? How’s XO’s activation gonna affect Skipper’s… um…friendship with her if she’s a princess too?” Young Lilith questioned innocently.
“Honey, we don’t even know what Greer’s decision will be.” Kitty answered then glanced back at Savanna. “Well, most of us don’t know.” She added with an eye roll.
“Probably, Lyra and Greer would need to re-define their relationship if Greer becomes third princess to the throne.” Kitty looked sadly to me.
“However, I expect to officiate their joining in a few years if she doesn’t. Does that answer your question, my lady?”
Whatever Lilith answered, I didn’t hear because of the blood burning my face and pounding in my ears!
“But… what if Skipper and XO stay together after XO stays a princess? What happens then, majesty?”
“You are an inquisitive little Delvian, aren’t you?” Kitty giggled then her expression turned serious.
“The answer would be the same, my lady. I would expect to officiate their joining in a few years. Royal ranking should not eclipse a couple’s love for any reason, Lady Lilith. No reason at all.” Kitty answered as she looked to me with confident assurance.
“And not even a resolution from Parliament can stop me.” She added defiantly.
“See? According to her majesty, you don’t gotta worry either way, skipper!” The young, gray-haired Delvian grinned triumphantly.
“I thank you, my lady.” I smiled at Lilith. “Though, the decision on which way our relationship may go is still Greer’s.”
“So, kiss her and see if that helps. My first parents always said that kisses fix everything.”
Kitty broke into an enthusiastic laugh, bent down to the young female, and collected her into her arms.
“That is a brilliant medical discovery you’ve made there, my lady. I’ll be sure to implement that at FeLane’s Royal Medical University on my return. Thank you, Lady Lilith Anderson.”
“No problem, yer majesty.” Lilith grinned excitedly. “Glad I could lend a hand.”
I felt mom touch my arm.
“They seem so innocent at that age, don’t they, Lyra?” She said quietly. “Such a turn around after they mature at fifty standard years though. To think she could blast all of our minds into oblivion with just a thought- and in only another ten years.”
“Mother! Behave!” I warned quietly. “Lilith may not turn out that way. Remember she- like Galantry- are the first Witch Corps members of their subspecies. Only one of us at this meeting actually knows how both will work out.”
I was looking at Savanna when I said that. She quickly looked back toward me and winked. Just as quickly she turned back toward her own conversation.
“Is it me or is Savanna over playing the ‘creepy’ card, skipper?” Garith asked, looking over to our High Priestess’ daughter in concern. “I mean, I like her and all, but she plays the mysterious tease way too much. And I’m certain that, if I knew so much about the future, I’d be afraid to spill any of it.”
“She is a true ‘Summers’, Lady Garith! Teasing seems to be prerequisite to joining that family- at least that is what I have noticed over my eighteen years of knowing at least one of them.” Kitty informed the oldest Anderson sibling. “It can be bothersome at times, but I love them all the same.”

Chapter 33

“Not to interrupt such cordial interaction, but is there not to be an official meeting or briefing here today? Or was this an excuse for a meet and greet, High Priestess.” Poppy, slightly irate, interrupted our individual cliques, loudly.
Chance turned to my Poppy and smiled- deviously.
“Indeed there will be, Lord Kimbou, but I felt a bit of ‘decompressing’ to be in order- especially after such a superbly executed operation by our junior staff.” She said as we all took the hint and found our seats. Only Chance and Poppy remained standing.
“Decompressing’, my lady?” Poppy asked in confusion. “But a proper decom party includes plenty of beverage and revelry. Most of the sisters of the Junior Corps are underage, so beverage is out of the question.”
“That is ‘technically’ true, my lord, but there are other ways to celebrate.” Our High Priestess said as beverage containers popped into existence in front of everyone. These containers looked different from the usual, recognized, alcoholic variety though.
Alright, that’s it!” Lady Chantell shouted- slamming her fists onto the table in front of her while standing angrily. “How the hell you do it? I wanna know right now, Chance Summers!
The room silenced and all eyes were set on our upset sister.
“How the hell you know about ‘near-beer’? Hell! I had only heard mention of it when I was a very young girl- and only from my grandfather!” Chantell angrily continued.
Except on Taos, I had never seen her this frustrated and furious.
Curious, I picked up the beverage and read the ‘old Terran’ script on the label. ‘Non Alcoholic’ it claimed.
“Really, Shan? That just proves you are older than me.” Lady Hope teased wryly.
I opened the beverage and, knowing the differences because I was already of age, sampled the unknown contents.
“You can kiss it- big time, Summers!” Chantell hissed in retaliation.
It tasted similar, but lacked the… um… punch of modern beverages.
“It’s certainly bigger than mine, Shan, but I’m not into kissing big-assed butts- especially one that big!” Lady Hope continued to tease relentlessly.
I think I preferred my herbal tea over this, though.
“You know what, Summers?” Chantell asked heatedly.
So as not to be wasteful, I finished the bubbly, but lacking, beverage.
“What, Denison?” Lady Hope answered threateningly.
Once empty, I took a sip of my tea to wash the strange aftertaste away and dismissed the empty container back to the ether.
“You can go straight to hell!” Chantell screamed. “All I want to know is how your damn daughter keeps pulling this ancient shit out her ass! First it was ancient TV and movie quotes; then it was recreating certain scenes from said movies and TV! Now she’s bringing back shit that’s well before our time. Near-Beer! What’s next? A freakin’ DeLorean, fer chrissakes?”
I stood up and quietly made my way over to the refreshments table near the galley and prepared another cup of herbal tea.
“How the hell am I supposed to know, Denison?! Not like she’s ever going to fill in the blanks.” Lady Hope screamed back. “Maybe she can break the fourth dimension! I don’t know! A good witch never reveals her secrets, remember?”
“I thought that was a good ‘Magician’. A good Magician never reveals his or her secrets!” Chantell argued.
Walking back to my seat, I casually sat back down after placing my full, steaming cup on the table in front of me. Those seated around me stared at me in curiosity instead of the heated conversation two tables over.
“How can you just ignore those two, Serangetti Lyra?” Mom asked from my right. Her ears were pinned back against her head in pain.
“I guess you get used to it after eight years, mom. It doesn’t bother me anymore.” I answered as I casually took a sip of tea.
“Does anybody know how Merlin did his tricks, Shan? Magician or Witch- same thing.” Lady Hope continued- an evil smile on her face.
“You know…Aunt Chantell will never get her answer. Not from mom, anyway. We’ll all learn the secret soon, though.” Savanna clued me in from my left.
“How the hell would I know? Hey! you inferrin’ I was there to ask, Summers? That was low, even for you!” Chantell charged.
“I would suspect that Lady Nike triumphing over Chronos might have something to do with it?” I answered as I turned to Savanna for her reaction.
“If your big ass fits, ya gotta admit!” Lady Hope retorted venomously.
Savanna winked with a big, wonderful smile.
“You are one to talk! Just tell your daughter to spill already, dammit!” Chantell demanded.
I nodded and concentrated on our two squabbling sisters.
Both women were now dressed in what the Royal Museum of FeLane titled: Traditional, 19th Century, Terran, Oktoberfest Celebratory ‘costumes’.
Quiet giggling could be heard all around the room.
“Chance is never gonna reveal a damn thing, Shan… Oh! That’s just sooo precious! You look good in red.” Lady Hope laughed suddenly.
“Really? I think you look darling in that shade of blue, Hope.” Lady Chantell giggled- her expression changing instantly.
“I think we’re kindly being told to ‘knock it off’, Shan.” Lady Hope surmised as both women looked directly at me.
“I believe Lord Kimbou wishes this meeting to conclude at some point?” I said flatly, callously.
“My sincere thanks, Lady Lyra.” Poppy smiled, nodding once to me.
“Oh, Libra, how I’ve missed this place!” Kitty declared with a huge sigh.
“Well, I’ve seen nothing but mass chaos and complete disorder so far, my queen.” PM Tau mumbled irritably.
“Yes, but that’s the beauty of this place, Tau! The Coven makes people feel at home- comfortable! No one here is afraid to argue or challenge one another. Everyone is equal and cordial.” Kitty explained.
“Two sisters almost resorting to fisticuffs is comforting, my queen?” PM Tau scrunched his face in pained disbelief.
“Oh, honey, Shan and I were just having a little tiff. It’s been going on since Chance here brought us both back from the ether… and there will be no ‘fisticuffs’. We prefer wands over fists.”
“But an occassional ‘bitch’ slap is sometimes called for. Remember that tart, Hope? What was her name?” Chantell asked as she snickered.
“Breeze. Breeze De Vane.” Lady Hope answered with a bright smile. “Yeah, that felt good.”
“Hey! Keep my great-grandmamaw out of it, you two!” Lokust objected fiercely.
“Look, there’s nothing to worry about, Prime Minister.” Lady Charli said as she came over and placed her hand on our PM’s shoulder. “These two have been going at it like this since we began mission training over fourteen hundred and sixty-five years ago at Cape Canaveral. It’s how they unwind and de-stress.”
That caused PM Tau to open his mouth in astonishment and simply stare at Ladies Hope and Chantell- Lady Charli now, too!
“Don’t try to over think it, Tau. It’ll make your head explode.” Kitty giggled. “Just remember that you are in Witch Corps Headquarters, and that stranger things have happened. It’s kinda the general rule around here.”
“I can attest to that, Your Lordship. Witch Corps may be the most unruly, undisciplined, chaotic unit ever to exist, but…but you can’t question their service record or their tenacity.” Poppy said proudly. “These beautiful ladies always- always get the job done, my lord!”
“I know that already, my dear man. I’ve read an assortment of- apparently recent- mission briefings. I still find actual interaction with members of Witch Corps… nerve-wracking- even knowing one of them quite personally.”
The room suddenly went silent and all eyes were now on PM Tau!
“He means we see each other every day.” Kitty explained uncomfortably.
Silence remained stagnant and heavy in the room.
“Libra! We work together?!” Kitty groaned.
That didn’t clarify their association. Well, maybe, but in the wrong direction.
“By the Gods and Goddesses! I’m the queen and he’s my Prime Minister! Get your heads out of the bedroom, kittens!” Kitty growled in embarrassment.
“Yeah, Sure honey, it’s good to be the queen.” Lady Hope tittered with an exaggerated wink.
“And the PM.” Chance laughed with an evil gleam in her eyes.
“Why? Why do I even bother?” Kitty pleaded to the heavens.
“Because you love us.” Hope said before breaking into laughter.
“And you miss us.” Artemis Dell added.
“And we’ve missed you too, Kitty.” Simone chimed in with Aunt Cora and Lady Janet smiling and nodding agreement.
“Yes, Mr. Tau, We are all that perceptive.” Savanna chirped enthusiastically.
“I didn’t think my…” PM Tau began to say, but realized Savanna had beaten him to it.
“Serangetti Kimbou? Might there be something in stores that would be stronger than Redman Samuel’s beverages? Between my queen’s piloting skills and this…meeting… I have found quite the cranial distress and wish to buffer my defenses.”
Young Lilith gently tugged on PM Tau’s sleeve.
“Here, Mister PM, sir. Try this. It’s conjured just for you.” She offered as a clear glass bottle containing an amber liquid appeared in her grasp.
The cylindrical bottle had a time ravaged, faded red label that was almost completely unreadable and seemed to have a heavy coating of dust on it. Only ‘an’, ‘ssee’ and ‘key’ were identifiable. To my surprise, the ancient metallic cap on its top began to unscrew on its own and hovered several centimeters away before vanishing.
PM Tau looked to our young Delvian sister cautiously, but accepted the offering with a tense smile.
“Thank you, my lady.” He said graciously before wiping off the bottle’s neck, raising it to his lips, and sampling the liquid.
PM Tau began coughing and pounding his chest! His eyes opened in astonishment.
“Smootttttttttttth…” He gasped between forced intakes of breath! “What is this commanding distillation?”
Everyone gathered around our PM in curiosity, hoping to get a glimpse of the time faded and torn label.
“May we try it, Tau?” Lady Hope asked as she stared at the bottle suspiciously.
PM Tau offered the bottle to her. Hope took a sip and handed it to Chantell, who took a sip and handed it to Charli in turn.
All three women opened their mouths slightly and each drew in a quick stream of fresh air.
“Yup. No doubt about it.” Charli stared at the bottle she still held.
“I concur, Charli. Hopewell?” Chantell smiled then looked to Lady Hope.
“Yep! It’s J.D. for sure! Well aged, I might add. Where did you conjure this from, Lady Lilith?” Hope confirmed. “This stuff has to be well over a thousand years old.”
“Oh! Lady Artemis gave it to me.” The youngster answered innocently.
“I did what now?” Lady Artemis Dell turned in shock.
“Not you, my lady; the other Lady Artemis. Your big sister.” Lilith corrected and pointed to the open doorway.
“Oh, hi, everybody!” Artemis greeted brightly- all too innocently.
“I hope I didn’t miss the festivities.” She continued, much happier and animated than her usual character.
Now I knew something was afoot!
“Hey, I hope you don’t mind? I’ve been saving that for just this occasion, girls. Save some for me though.”
Artie kept smiling.
“And just what occasion is that, Artie?” Hope asked suspiciously.
Artie’s smile broadened.
“Why, Sauron, of course. The trilogy has completed, my sisters.” Artie chirped excitedly.
“Um…come again?” Lokust asked, confused. “Who’s ‘Sauron’ and what trilogy, Artie?”
“J.R.R. Tolkin’s ‘The Hobbit’ and the ‘Lord of the Rings’ trilogy from twentieth century Earth literature and cinema. When the great evil- the necromancer- Sauron- met his defeat, the people of ‘Middle Earth’ rejoiced and celebrated a new era of peace. Quite the Utopian ideal, though impractical in this reality as there must always be a balance of ‘good’ and ‘evil’. Life has no meaning without balance, after all. Isn’t that right, Samuel Redman?” Artie smiled slyly as she set her gaze to Simone’s father.
“Got that right, Goddess [belch]!. S’cuse me.” Lord Samuel answered, seeming slightly inebriated.
Artemis’ sly smile stayed on her face and with one eye partially closed, looked to the ceiling and shook her head several times.
“Lady Simone? I believe your father is… ummmm… oh…shut off.” She said lightly.
The supply of beverages in front of Samuel Redman vanished.
“Hey… I-I-I wasn’t… wasn’t done yet.” He protested drunkenly.
An altogether different looking beverage container appeared in front of him. One I didn’t recognize.
“Better. [burp] Haven’t had this in years. Thanks, whoever.” He slurred as he popped the top and guzzled down the contents broadcasting another rather large belch when done.
I think we were all looking to one another trying to figure out who had conjured the drink when Savanna giggled and pointed to Redman, himself.
Simone caught the action and looked to her Poppy, stunned. Lady Janet followed her daughter’s response, followed then by Ladies Cora and Link- in unison no less.
That was creepy.
“N-n-now… now [burp] now what did I do?” Lord Samuel demanded as the container vanished as soon as his hand placed it back on the table.
We all remained silent, but not looking away.
“Oh [belch] this?” He guessed and another container manifested on the table before him. “I started to- to [burp] to experiment after Chance… [hic] after our High Priestess told me [urp] I was the nulling force [burp] keeping Jan’s [urp] Jan’s Current in check. [Bbbbbburp] Excuse me.”
Lord Samuel hurried from the room upon unsteady legs.
“Did you know about this, Chance?” Lady Simone questioned our High Priestess.
“I had an idea that he might… you know, play around with the notion.” She grinned.
“Is…is he…will he… is he close? To threshold, Chance?” Simone questioned worriedly.
“Only if he wishes it, Aunt Simone. ‘Samantha’ is a very fitting name for a witch though, yeah?” Savanna answered- though I thought a bit too enthusiastically.
“He’ll be fine.” Lady Artemis comforted with a dismissive wave of her right hand. “Shouldn’t we be moving this meeting into the Broom Closet, Ladies?”
“Now why would we want to do that?” Lady Kate demanded gruffly.
Artemis pointed up to the ceiling with an amused smile.
The Broom Closet has now entered ‘Presentation Mode’. Invitation is extended to all Witch Corps members.
“Oh.” Kate rolled her eyes.

Chapter 34

“Chance?” Lokust Grunfuller gasped as we entered our Broom Closet.
There, before us, were more Brooms than I had ever seen in my life!
Twenty in total! Five were under large tarps similar to my very own Hello Kitty on the day of her commissioning!
“We have more pilots than Brooms, dear. Got a better idea?” Chance answered- a twinkle in her eyes.
“You’re the High Priestess, High Priestess.” Lady Lokust replied with a shrug of her shoulders.
“Witch Corps! Fall in!” Chance shouted without further pause.
Everyone hurried into position and ‘guided right’ to line up. JWC, as usual, lined up to Witch Corps’ right.
So as not to have JWC feel isolated, I lined up front and center of them and went to attention. Greer followed and took up position on my left, also going to attention.
Chance looked to us, raised an eyebrow then smiled understandingly.
“As you can see, our manufacturing facility has completed several of the projects I initiated before our latest mission. Today, I have invited us all here to commission these marvelous craft and assign ownership.” Chance announced happily.
“What makes this occasion even more special is the fact that three of our Junior Corps members have exceeded all expectations and parameters. Ladies Galantry and Aquia? Please approach.” She continued looking at the two women named.
Aquia and Galantry broke rank and stiffly marched to our High Priestess, bowed courteously, and stood at attention.
“From 1st. Lt. Serangetti’s mission brief, I understand you two had tripled your simulator training and combat training. Is this correct or has Lady Lyra over-embellished an official document?” Chance asked.
“High Priestess. I…we believe Lady Lyra to be truthful in her reporting of our efforts, my lady.” Galantry answered while Aquia nodded almost motionlessly.
Chance nodded to me and winked her left eye. Her smile grew.
“Then I would be remiss if I didn’t reward such initiative in some way conducive to continued betterment, right?” She asked.
“Yes, High Priestess!” Both women answered enthusiastically.
“Follow me then, my ladies.” Chance said as she motioned both to follow her. They walked over to the nearest covered Broom and the tarp floated off to reveal it.
‘Pegasus 15’ was the only designation other than the Witch Corp hat and crossed brooms ensign on the upper control arc of the pristine, chrome fuselage.
Chance produced and pointed her wand to the cockpit and the words ‘Water Lily’ appeared in cursive script just under the canopy.
Aquia gasped out loudly and wobbled to either side a few times.
“My lady? If you would care to commission your Broom?” Chance smiled brightly at our stunned sister.
Aquia quickly brushed away tears and looked seriously at our High Priestess.
Lady Demi was suddenly standing behind her and gently placed a hand on her shoulder.
With a start, Aquia quickly turned to see who had arrived. She smiled brightly then re-applied her attention back to our High Priestess.
“My Ladies. In honor of my mentor, Demeter, and her gracious lending of her Broom, California Dreamin’, I’d like to dedicate Pegasus 15 as ‘Surf’s Up’.” Aquia announced as she glanced back to Lady Demi for approval.
“I consider that high praise and feel honored to have advanced one of my sisters in her noble career, Lady Aquia Anderson. Truly you have blossomed and found your rightful spot among our sisters and brethren. Congrats, girlfriend!” Demi praised as she wrapped her arms around Aquia lovingly.
“Then please take ownership, Lieutenant Aquia Anderson.” Chance requested with her patented, devious smile.
Aquia gasped again and I think she nearly went into a coma at being called ‘Lieutenant’ Aquia Anderson!
Galantry gently nudged her Coven sister to respond as the craft’s nose art faded into existence.
A large ‘wave’ of blue, white-capped water threatened to overtake a smiling, blonde, bikini-clad young woman on an ancient ‘Surfboard’. She was holding her wand at the ready. Ahead of the wave and board stood a horrified Hoblin on what appeared to be a sandy beach- its knees shaking violently. ‘Surf’s Up’ was written in graceful, feminine script just under the scene.
“I…I, Lt. Aquia Anderson- Water Lily- do hereby commission Pegasus 15, Surf’s Up as my very own.”
Hey, Girlfriend. Bitchin’ name! Totes like it! After the carpet, how’s about we hit the ink?Surf’s Up responded excitedly.
“Mayb’s a few clicks, Girlfriend. After the ‘rent hibernates, ‘K’?”
Yeah, way cool!
Lady Chance shook her head at the exchange and covered a giggle with her hand as she looked back to see Lady Sandra glaring at her daughter.
“That’s one down. Let’s keep going.” Chance said as the next Broom was uncovered. Its hull designation was ‘Pegasus 16’.
Immediately, ‘Lil’ Gray’ appeared just under the canopy.
“Lt. Fenile Galantry? Your turn, sweetie.” Chance coaxed the stunned, young Orion forward a step.
“High Priestess? If I might ask that I create my specific artistry for this marvelous craft?”
“Completely acceptable, my lady.” Chance nodded.
“I, Lt. Fenile Galantry- Lil’ Gray- commission you, Pegasus 16 ‘Lo^u fiafia’ or ‘My Happiness’ and declare you my friend and compatriot. May we have many successful missions together.” Galantry declared cheerfully and succinctly.
An honor and my gratitude to you, my friend. I am ready to hit the skies when ready, Lil’ Gray.Lo^u fiafia replied.
“She really did an outstanding job, sister.” Lady Artemis said from beside me. “I am also honored that she didn’t dedicate the Broom to me as I only acted as muse. I like the name though. Free thinking is a pilot’s best weapon.”
“I concur, Lady Artemis. I am proud of them both for advancing their talents and their maturity. They make fine additions to the Corps.”
“And so do you, Lady Lyra. Though, I am saddened by your loss of innocence. To lose that at such an early age…even for you Lynxin is a tragedy. Still, I applaud you, 1st LT. Serangetti Lyra! Well done on your first command.” Lady Artemis praised, hugged me then vanished.
“Serangetti Sonya! Front and center!” Lady Chance requested.
Mom broke rank and marched up to her.
“Lady Sonya, might it be possible that we see eye to eye today?”
Mom changed to her adult form.
“Lady Sonya, you have proven over and over again your dedication to this unit-.” Lady Chance began, but mom interrupted.
“My Lady! Before you continue, I must append your forthcoming speech. The reason? I must turn down your kind offer of a Broom as I feel I am not worthy of the honor. All of the Junior Witch Corps have performed admirably both in training, preparation, and mission implementation. For me to accept would mean denying those more deserving of such honors. Please forgive me, High Priestess.”
Mom bowed courteously, turned smartly, and marched back into the JWC rank.
I was completely taken aback that my mother would do such a thing. My respect for her grew a thousand-fold in that moment!
“Um…okay?” Lady Chance said then remained quiet for several seconds. She began applauding- her attention and proud smile on my mother.
We all joined in applauding my courageous mom.
“Well, that only leaves two other presentations. Unfortunately, Lord Samuel is currently indisposed at the moment and I will present him his Broom at a later opportunity. Lady Niger Greer? Front and center, sweetie.”
“What?” Greer gasped in shock. She looked at me for reason or rhyme.
“Better get up there, my lady.” I said while pushing the small of her back to get her moving.
“Lt. Niger Greer. First it is my distinct honor to welcome you to Witch Corps, my lady. I am doubly honored to have met and been witness to such talent and dedication, not only to the recent mission, but to your voluntary duty to protect the Second Princess to the FeLane Throne, Princess Serangetti Lyra. Lady Greer, I took the liberty to review your service and flight training records- both of which are stellar for your eighteen standard years.” Chance began applauding my second.
Again everyone followed her lead.
However!” Chance shouted and the Flight line quieted. “However, this time I will not take ‘no’ for an answer!
Pegasus 17 was uncovered and Greer seemed to stiffen.
“But, High Priestess, I-.”
Chance held up her finger to stop any further argument. ‘Alley Cat’ magically scrolled out under the Broom’s canopy.
“Now, you were saying, Lady Greer?” Chance challenged. “Go on.”
Greer took a huge breath, paused a moment, and exhaled with a sigh.
“I, Lt. Niger Greer, hereby commission this Broom, ‘Faux Pas’.
Thank you, my lady. It will be an honor to serve with you, Alley Cat.Faux Pas accepted.
Two cartoon housecats, exactly like Kitty’s Re-Tailed appeared- wands drawn and white bow mid-tail. In between them, a trembling Hoblin nervously looking between the two, unsure of which cat might deal its deathblow.
Cousin walked up and placed her hand on her ‘twin sister’s’ shoulder. “Welcome to the family, sis. I think Chance hit this piece of nose art right on the head. Don’t you?”
“Well, that just about does it. See you all back inside for-.”
High Priestess! There seems to be an unknown anomaly in the raw material storage compartment. Safety Protocols have been engaged.

Chapter 35

“Do we know the nature of the anomaly, Base?” I asked.
The anomaly is severely encrusted and shielded with raw celestial material and has just been revealed to sensors after the last material requisition. According to my most recent sensor scans, it contains a small reserve of Current.
“How is that an anomaly?”
My sensors indicate that the Current reserve is shielded by a material similar to that used on the original Terran Orion series Deep Space Probe: Pegasus.”
“Yer shittin’ me!” Mom choked in surprise.
“Pressurize the storage bay, Base. We’re heading there now.” I ordered as I started walking toward Pegasus’ hangar bay.
“Um, so do we actually know where this ‘raw material storage compartment’ is, Chance?” Charli deadpanned.
“Of course! Its right behind the manufacturing bay.” I giggled.
“Naturally.” Dad replied sarcastically.
I led our entire Coven past Pegasus and through a single access hatch then down a long series of metal grate stairs and landings. Reaching the manufacturing bay deck, we continued through an area about half the size of our Broom Closet. As we walked, we passed several pieces of huge manufacturing apparatus, a partially completed Broom fuselage, and several huge, exotic looking, elevator platforms.
“So the manufacturing bay is directly under the flight line. Makes sense.” Dad said as we reached a huge, imposing, reinforced door. “I always wondered how our Brooms suddenly appeared in the Closet.”
“Yeah, dad, you found me out.” I grinned deviously. “Base. Status on raw material storage bay.” I asked.
“Compatible atmosphere has been established. Harmful radiation levels are well below limits.”
“Unlock and open storage bay, Base.”
The huge, airlock-style door began parting from the middle.
“Wow, I didn’t think I over commissioned that much!” I said as I saw what was left of the asteroid they said my daughter had captured and brought to Mare just a couple weeks ago.
“Mom?” Savanna pointed to the exact center of the ninety-meter wide, ‘space rock’.
“I can almost see the Current right in there. I might be able to get it out without disturbing it too much.”
Chantell, Mom, and Dad gasped as the unknown module appeared in front of Savanna.
“There. Still intact, as promised.” She smiled.
“Do you guys recognize this, Mom? Dad? Chantell?” I asked, observing their suddenly pale faces.
“Not this particular model, Chance. We had six of them on Pegasus, though. It looks like one of our emergency escape pods. Trained on one for about two weeks, but never had to use one, thank the Gods.” Chantell related.
“Charli? You don’t think… do you?” Mom’s face was beyond white- a single tear appearing and slowly rolling down her cheek- as she continued to stare at the battered and beaten escape module. It looked like it had seen much better days then been through hell itself.
“Mom? I’m detecting a protection spell. On the inside.” Savanna advised.
“What exactly are we looking at, girls?” Aunt Cora asked curiously.
“One of the original lifeboats incorporated into all Orion series manned, deep space probes. Circa: 2107AD. If this is the one I’m thinking of though, it left Earth 28, April, 2102AD.” Mom said, stoically trying to fight back more tears.


End of Summer's Daughter
Begin Summer's Past

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