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Witch Corps and Beyond

“Vita Mirlini you are cleared for docking. Call the ball.” Keats said from our Communications console.
“Copy, Pegasus Command. I’m on final approach. Docking peripheral pylons are extended. Maneuvering thrusters engaged and ready for capture.” Morgana acknowledged.
“A bit ‘wordy’ isn’t she, don’t you think?” Aquia commented from Weapons.
“She’s still somewhat following the old NASA standards.” Mom offered as explanation.
I noticed Keats whisper something to Christina at the Engineering console.
We heard a tone just before Keats began to talk.
“[BEEP]Vita Mirlini, you are cleared for Pegasus A.D.M. Repeat, go for A.D.M.[BEEP]”
“Roger, Pegasus Command. Commencing Automated Docking Maneuver, um…beep.”
“She’s coming in ‘smooth as silk’, Chance.” Locust confirmed from her console.
“[BEEP] Copy, Vita Mirlini. We have you on final at four meters, and three… two… one… capture successful.[BEEP]”
“[BEEP] Vita Mirlini we confirm you on our docking pylons with clamps fully engaged and successful umbilical tie-in. Networking to Vita Mirlini is complete. Welcome aboard, Lady Morgana and Vita Mirlini.[BEEP]”
“Um… confirmed, Pegasus Command. See you all soon.” Morgana responded, but sounded a little unsure and off balance.
Keats and Christina fist bumped- both smiling deviously.
“[BEEP]Thanks, kid.[BEEP][BEEP]You can cut the special effect now though.[BEEP]”
Christina blushed.
“Thanks, kiddo.” Keats said while rubbing his throat lightly a few seconds.
“Gods! I love this family!” Charli gushed from Navigation.
“Hey, gang!” Aunt Cora greeted as she, Link, Citrus, Morgana, and Rodyard entered the bridge.
Morgana stood silent as she looked around the large command compartment in something way past total awe.
“Welcome aboard EFMC Pegasus, Lady Morgana.” I greeted officially to attract her attention. “Pegasus? Have you shared security files with Vita yet?”
“Networking and shares have been exchanged, High Priestess.”
“Thanks, Pegasus.” I smiled as I looked to our guest. “You should have access to most of our ship now, my lady.”
“T-thank you, High Priestess.” Morgana gushed, her mouth still hanging open and looking on the verge of tears.
“Okay! Places everybody!” I clapped with a devious smile. “Those not ‘on duty’ should step to the back of the bridge and take a seat in the audience.”
“Chance, Kitty. We’re going to go to warp.” I alerted my sister up in the ‘royal suite’.
“We’re good up here in the lounge, Chance. Give it hell!”
“They have a lounge?” Morgana mumbled to herself.
Ignoring that, I glared at mom. She was already drooling!
“Do I have to send you to ‘time out’ and order Alley Cat to take the helm instead, Lady Hope?” I asked already knowing the response.
“Just give the damned order, High Priestess!” She growled.
“Navigation? A course to Mare de Tempest if you please. Helm: Ready to depart Antarra orbit. Comms: Alert Norge Tower and Boundary Defense we’re leaving. Weapons: Bring all defenses online,” I ordered as I casually sat down at my console and began my preparations while everyone else did the same.
“Engineering is ready, Chance.” Christina declared.
“Norge Tower wishes us safe travel.” Keats reported. “Boundary Defense acknowledged with something to the tune of ‘don’t let the door hit ya in the ass’.”
“Weapons are fully charged and at your disposal, High Priestess.” Aquia acknowledged.
“All Brooms and Vita Mirlini are tucked in for the night, dear.” Locust smiled.
“Course calculated and sent to helm.”
“Give! The damned! ORDER!”
The planet disappeared and the stars elongated into swiftly moving streaks of blue light!
“-it, Mom. Damn, can’t you show just a little bit more composure? I thought we had this eccentricity of yours addressed?” I finished, staring at Mom heatedly.
Quiet laughing filled the space behind me and I turned to see tears streaming down Morgana’s face.
“I take it you like?” I asked.
She nodded silently as she continued to stare at the forward viewscreen in wonder.
“Mare De Tempest in three-point-nine-six standard hours, Chance.” Mom reported happily.
“Dear? You have the bridge.” I said to Locust as I got up and walked back to Morgana.
“Care to see our lounge?” I offered my hand.
Our guest’s hand was trembling severely as I helped her from her seat then motioned her out the door.
“My Lady Morgana, it is good to see you again.” Tau greeted as the elevator door opened onto our lounge.
Morgana’s eyes immediately shot to the transparent ceiling and started to weep. She stopped dead in her tracks.
“I wholeheartedly agree, my lady. The sight is truly awe-inspiring. I never thought I would ever see something so wondrous.” He agreed with her unspoken thoughts.
“Oh, come on! I know for a fact that Chance’s redesign gave Vita our Trans-Dimensional Drive System. You had him out for over a day, so this shouldn’t be a complete surprise.” Sinae protested as she stood and approached our guest. When close enough, she gave her a courteous bow.
“Lady Morgana; welcome to Pegasus, sister.”
Morgana gave an almost oblivious nod without breaking her attention away from the ceiling.
For over a minute she remained silent then suddenly snapped out of it.
“Queen Kitty!” She sniffed back her tears as she bowed deeply.
“Yeah… okay… don’t do that again.” Sinae groaned as she placed her hand under Morgana’s chin to straighten her. “We’re all members of the Corps, sister. No need for that crap. Now Cora on the other hand-”
“What about ‘Cora’ on the other hand, Kitty?” Aunt Cora interrupted as she, Link, Simone and Rodyard popped in beside her.
“Oh, Aunt Cora, will you two please give it a rest? So you’re both royals and that makes you special… so what?” Rodyard groaned as he gently rubbed his stomach.
“Monarchial teasing, dear boy, don’t get so testy.” My Aunt giggled. “If we stop insulting each other… That’s when you have to start worrying! And you, Morgana… Knock it off with the… um… how did Hope put it? Ah! Yes. Stop with the ‘deer in the headlights’ look! I’m sure you’ve seen far more wondrous things in your long life.”
“Auntie, could you just let her have a few moments?” Christina said as she popped in beside our guest. “I seem to remember her taking almost a full week to acclimate herself to time travel back on Eart… Terra. She’s not hurting anything!”
Christina’s eyes lingered on Rodyard for a moment then she was gone- vanished- as quickly as she appeared.
“Yeah, that got old a loooong time ago.” Sinae deadpanned as she rolled her eyes.
“Hey! I resemble that, Aunt Kitty!” My daughter, Savanna said as she too ‘popped’ in from the ether.
She carefully, lovingly hugged Sinae and stepped back to regard her ‘bump’.
“I foresee no abnormalities or anomalies, Aunt Kitty.”
Savanna was gone- vanished like Christina; only, I knew that Christina was back at her station on the bridge and I had no idea where my daughter ‘popped-off’ to.
Maybe it was to the ether, but who knew other than her?”
“And I thought the Middle Ages were mucked up.” Morgana whispered to herself.
“We could go back to confirm that statement?” I teased.
“NO! Um, no. Once through that nightmare was enough, thank you! The twenty-fifth century was bad enough!”
Our lounge broke out into sympathetic laughter.
“So… Rodyard…” I began.
“Aunt Chance! Yes, I have noticed her. Yes, she has very much attracted my interest. No, I will not pursue her aggressively. Goddess Christina is one not to be hurried into anything without her explicit approval. Only a fool would rush headlong into any romantic relationship with a girl that can ‘think’ one out of existence.” He answered sagely.
“Afraid she might hurt you, cuz?” Link giggled.
“Not at all, Aun… Lady Link. I simply value my existence and wish to pursue the most intoxicating creature Antarra ever produced with the romance and dignity we both deserve. In short, I intend to employ the ancient rituals of ‘courting’. She deserves that respect and admiration, and more.”
“I applaud you, my young lord. Such adamant intent and procedure is an excellent indicator of a successful lifelong relationship.” Tau spoke up as he stepped to and gently placed an arm around Sinae’s waist.
Christina suddenly popped in directly in front of Rodyard and immediately engaged him in a very passionate kiss!
The poor boy was left standing- unsteadily, alone- as she instantly disappeared after pulling back to breathe.
“That, on the other hand, will take some time to adjust to.” He confessed with a very satisfied, completely smitten, grin.
Laughter again filled our lounge.
“Mare De Tempest in five-hundred LY’s, Chance.” Charli alerted.
“Morgana? Time to get back to Vita. Unfortunately, we can’t land with him on our belly. You’ll have to detach and hold at about one LY for about thirty standard so we can get Pegasus offloaded and off our flight line.”
“Copy that, Chance.” She responded, and headed for the elevator.
I was back on the bridge instantly.
“Dear? Care to wake up Vita?” I asked my mate.
“Already on it, Chance. Vita is standing by.”
I smiled.
“Porno, Chance. Ok if we tag along with Mixie back to base, Sugar Plum?” Aunt Cora inquired over our Comm.
“Seeing as you four are already aboard Vita, I can hardly say no, Porno. See you in a little while. Chance out.” I giggled. “Issue a departure vector and prepare for Vita to detach.”
“Gotcha, boss.” Keats chuckled.
“As I recommended; hang back about a full LY and give us about thirty standard to get things put away.” I advised. “Remember to stay in deep space camo until Broom Closet Control clears your approach.”
“Copy that, Chance. See you in a bit.” Link answered from Vita Mirlini.
“Contact Broom Closet Control. Let’s go home.” I said as I took my seat at my console.
“Copy, Mare Tower. You know the drill.” Lyra acknowledged in a humorous tone.
“Indeed we do, Pegasus. Welcome home. Capt. Sarengetti has been alerted and said he would be standing by. Mare Tower, out.”
“Broom Closet decom has completed; Broom Closet doors are open. C’mon in, ladies. It’ll be good to see you all again.” Dell greeted from Broom Closet Control.
“Hey! Nice to hear your voice, Huntress! You off duty or just playing hooky?” I asked.
“Negative, Chance. Huntress is off duty and I’m the one playing hooky.” Kimbou Serangetti admitted with a chuckle.
Lyra laughed outright.
“Um… Copy that BC Control. Can’t wait to see you all again.” She answered.
“By the Goddess herself! That thing is huge!” Christian Norwood was the first to gasp in surprise as Mare De Tempest came into view and began to grow larger.
“Impressive.” Louis Everhardt deadpanned in a very deep voice. “At least it doesn’t look like an ‘Imperial Star Destroyer’.”
“Louis! Behave!” Colleen warned with an awe-struck smile.
Christina looked to be holding her laughter as she doubled down on watching her engineering console. “Dynamic Camo ready on order, Chance.”
I nodded.
“Approach vector received and passed to helm, Chance.” Charli alerted.
“Take us in, Mom, but without the skid marks like last time, if you please?” I giggled, and received the expected grumbling and groaning. “Dynamic Camo, Please, Perfessor.”
“Everyone mind the automated equipment. We need to get Pegasus off the flight line as soon as possible. We have an ‘ancient’ Earther and four crazy Antarrans at the controls of Vita.” I advised as we walked down Pegasus’ ramp.
Of course, four individuals slowed or almost stopped on their exit from our ship.
“My mate! This can only be a dream! This place is fantastical and awe-inspiring at the least.” Gretchen Norwood gushed as her eyes struggled to take everything in.
“The poets could not do such majesty justice, my love!” Christian replied in equal amazement.
“Let’s get into the base proper and get you all situated in our guest quarters.” I suggested as I motioned to the metal grate stairs that led into our base living quarters.
The door at the top of the indicated stairs slid open and a large Lynxin appeared. He made his way down and stopped on the flight deck a meter away from the stairs.
“Capt. Kimbou Serangetti; may I introduce Colleen and Louis Everhardt, and Gretchen and Christian Norwood; all of Antarra.” I announced.
“Greetings and allow me to officially welcome you all aboard Mare De Tempest.” Kimbou greeted, but paused a moment and carefully regarded Colleen.
“Lady Colleen, if I may be so bold? Have I seen you somewhere before? I feel I should know you… somehow.”
“You might better know her as: Queen Colleen Everhardt-Norge, sir?” I waggled my eyebrows a few times.
Kimbou gasped in sudden recognition!
“The Antarran Prime Matriarch! It is indeed an honor to make your acquaintance, my lady! Though I can conceive of no rational explanation for our meeting, I do have enough decorum not to even ask.” He said as he looked to Christina and me suspiciously. “And may I say the image in Capital’s Alliance History Museum does do you justice.”
“They are all quiet remarkable, Capt. Sarengetti.” Colleen smiled playfully as her eyes swept over our group.
Kimbou blinked, but only nodded his understanding.
“For your safety, please step away from this automated unit, thank you.”
I turned to notice Gretchen and Christian curiously investigating one of our loading cranes and had gotten a little too close, thereby causing the unit to stop, give a warning, and patiently wait for its safety zone to clear before continuing.
It was humorous to watch, but I don’t think the Broom Closet considered it that.
“Shall we go inside and I’ll show you around.” I advised a second time.
“Ladies Colleen and Gretchen? If I may?” Kimbou asked as he offered an arm to each.
Gretchen looked to Christian, receiving a shrug of approval.
“You mind, Louis?” Colleen grinned.
“His ship, his rules, dear.” Louis shrugged and fell in behind Mare’s Captain as they climbed the stairs. Christian followed silently, but still wary of his spouse’s escort.
“Hi! You must be Christina’s parents. I’m Artemis Dell- ‘Huntress’. Welcome to Witch Corps Base.” Dell greeted as we entered the galley. Janet and Samuel Redman were seated, but stood on our arrival. I introduced Simone’s parents.
Of course, on entering, Mom and Dad headed straight for the coffee urn!
“Lou? Colleen? Coffee?” Charli asked. “Best damn coffee this side of Sagittarius!”
“Well I wouldn’t know about that, but I think I could really use something stronger.” Louis admitted.
A six-count of beverages appeared on the table he had stopped beside.
“Um… thanks? I guess?” He said, somewhat surprised as he again shrugged and sat down.
“No problem, guy.” Sam gave a nod.
“Not bad. A little on the watery side, but it’ll do the trick.”
“I can conjure something stronger if the girls really ramp it up, Lou.” Sam again nodded while scanning the room.
“So… I take it the Coven has somehow defied known physics and pulled back the temporal vale?” Kimbou asked without emotion.
“A few times, sir.” Christina answered shyly as her eyes lowered to the deck.
“Why am I not surprised?” He said to himself.
“Yep! Perfessor and her new friends here came all the way back to 2101AD Terra to visit ol’ Mom and Dad, Captain.” Louis offered candidly. “You got one hella Spec Ops unit here!”
“Saved our butts from oblivion too!” He added as he opened his second beverage.
Christina blushed profusely and remained quiet.
“I find Witch Corps a very special unit, Sir Louis. Very… unique… and imaginative in their ‘implementation’.”
“Come on, Cap. Just call me Louis or just Lou. I’m not anything special like these gals.” He suggested as he finished off his second beverage. The container instantly vanished after he placed it back on the table.
Samuel Redman’s eyes widened in disbelief. He shrugged after a moment and a six-count appeared in front of him too. Janet just glared at him.
Kimbou Serangetti’s brow rose a moment, but he otherwise remained silent.
“So... What do you think of the future? So far?” Dell asked after a short silence fell on the room.
“I think everything we’ve seen in the last few months is beyond incredible, Lady Artemis-Dell.” Colleen answered.
“Oh? You’ve been here that long?” Dell narrowed her eyes as she glanced over to me.
“You misunderstand. Louis and I joined the Pegasus crew on Earth and we journeyed to my home planet of Antarra. Once there we went back in its history where I was to take back the throne of Norge’s Heath and start the ‘Norge Dynasty’. While there, I just happened to meet my maternal grandparents many times removed.” She motioned to Gretchen and Christian nonchalantly.
“When I asked if we could see where Christina now called ‘home’, Chance suggested we all venture forward. After a short vacation, we will be returning to Norge’s Heath to resume our ‘Empire building’. After all, the Royal bloodlines must be set forth, right?” Colleen giggled wryly.
“Hey gang! Sorry we didn’t join you earlier.” Sinae greeted cheerfully as she and Tau suddenly ‘popped in’.
“Yes… Pardon the interruption, but the Queen’s needs must be appeased- and on her whim.” Tau deadpanned but didn’t look as unhappy as he sounded.
Dell was immediately hugging Sinae!
“Congratulations, sister! I couldn’t wait to see you again!” She gushed.
“Hey, did I hear that they were bac…? Hey guys! Welcome home!” Sandra Anderson flowed into the Galley, stopped dead in her tracks and modified her statement. She turned and leaned her head back out into the hallway.
“Hey! JWC! In here! Parade formation! ASAP!” She shouted then quickly walked into the room looking impatient.
Six young women skittered hurriedly into the Galley and formed a line.
“High Priestess! JWC: present and accounted for!” Sandra announced as she performed an ‘about face’ in front of the junior unit and stood to attention. The others followed suit.
I stood and smiled then walked over to the group and began ‘inspecting’.
“Looks like you made some progress since our departure, Lady Sandra.”
“It seems so, High Priestess. Could be just a bad day though.” She giggled.
“At ease, girls!” I giggled and rolled my eyes.
I began introductions.
“Our accommodations aren’t as spacious as Cora’s mansion, but I hope you will be comfortable during your stay.” I told the Norwood’s then took them both into the lavatory and showed them how to use the three ‘seashells’.
“Chance? Vita Mirlini is on final.” Lokust alerted over our Comms.
“If you two would excuse me?” I asked then hurried out to head down to Broom Closet Control.
“Mind if we tag along, Chance?” Gretchen asked quickly, before I was out of earshot.
I motioned them to follow.
“Any particular reason?” I asked offhandedly.
“Mostly curiosity, but to convince us we are actually here… in the future.” She admitted as we entered the small room with the big, wall-sized window looking out to our flight line.
“Hey, guys. Come to watch the old gal land?” Locust greeted with a playful smirk.
“Beginning Broom Closet Decom.” She announced as the flightline lights started to dim, as did the small control room lights to a limited extent.
“What does ‘decom’ mean?” Gretchen asked in curiosity.
“It means we ‘decompress’, or remove all the atmosphere- the air- out of the hangar to match the vacuum of space. If we didn’t do it anything left loose in there would be sucked out when we opened the main doors.” Locust explained. “As a word of warning? Anyone left in there without an environmental suit won’t last very long, so heed the warnings and make sure you’re out in plenty of time.”
“Broom Closet Decom complete. Opening Broom Closet Door.” Closet Control announced.
“Vita Mirlini. Closet Door is open. Com’on in.” Locust relayed.
“Copy, Broom Closet Control. Vector received. See you soon.” Link replied.
“Now we hope and pray she can slow him down and not go through our hangar and puncture Mare’s interior.” Locust said to herself.
“She’ll do fine, dear. She’s been flying for almost three thousand years, after all.” I giggled at her ‘show’ of confidence.
The Norwood’s looked to me flabbergasted.
“Is that any stranger than what you’ve seen so far?” I asked the couple.
Both shook their heads hesitantly.
“Vita Mirlini is on the deck with gravity clamps engaged. All systems have been termin- ‘hey, watch the language, sister!’” Morgana began to report, but Vita took offense and overtalked her report.
It was comical. Even Gretchen and Christian laughed after I gave a short explanation.
“Permission to enter your base, High Priestess?” Morgana asked politely as she stopped on the Broom Closet stair’s landing. She was still gazing around the large hangar/flight line in amazement.
Much to the amusement of her impromptu crew: Aunt Cora, Link, Citrus, and Rodyard.
I grabbed her hand and gently pulled her into our base proper. I continued and pulled her into a hug.
“Welcome to Witch Corps Base, sister. I’m happy you could make it.” I greeted officially.
“Happy to be invited, High Priestess.” She returned.
“I’ll show you to your quarters after you meet the rest of the Coven. This way, please.” I said as I motioned her forward and directed her into our Galley.
“This is our Galley/Mess Hall. We always have a supply of coffee and hot water on hand for drinks. Of course, you can conjure anything you’d like for any given meal though, believe it or not, we sometimes try our hand at actually making and cooking our own meals.”
“Hey, Mixie!” Dell shouted and drew the attention of all our other sisters and brothers.
“Artemis! Good day to you! It has been a long time since our last meeting.”
“Ladies Anderson. May I introduce Lady Morgana of the Fey, soul perpetuator of the Merlinian Order of Avalon. Morgana. Lilith, Garith, Derrick, Lithia, Rowan, Seth, and Sandra Anderson.”
“And hiding behind the Andersons is Lady Fenile Galan-”
“An Orion! By Merlin’s beard I never thought I’d meet one of your kind, M’lady! I have so many questions…”
“Galantry is rather shy, sister. She is, however, one of our best Broom pilots.” I interrupted as the young Orion tried to melt back into the background- Wait! Did she just disappear?
“I can see that, High Priestess. Maybe later I can re-introduce myself at a more personal… um… subdued level?”
“”That might be a good idea.” I smiled playfully.
“Um… excuse me? Specialist Summers?” Galantry Fenile asked as she appeared in the doorway of our maintenance shop compartment. “Would it be possible to speak with you?”
Grunfuller was out on a call so, being alone, I invited her in and allowed the compartment’s door to close.
“So… what’s up?” I asked, offering her my workstation chair.
“Lady Morgana, High Priestess. I feel intimidated by her… the way she looked at me… the tone in her voice…” She tried to explain, but paused, not looking up from the workstation tabletop.
“Apparently she’s never met your subspecies, Galantry. I don’t think she meant to come on that strong. She was just excited to meet you.” I tried to ease her feelings.
“I… I got the feeling that she wanted to ‘examine’ me, High Priestess! My intuition told me to run… to stay away from her…”
“In other words… she scares you, right?” I nodded a few times in commiseration.
She nodded shyly.
“I’m not sure I can interact with her, High Priestess- not even ‘professionally’. She admitted with an Orion-style sigh.
“I’m sure she didn’t realize her enthusiasm was a few notches higher than she intended, Galantry. I’ll have a word with her once I’m off duty, but tell me… since joining the Corps you’ve never once backed down from anything… well once Lyra got you in the habit of protecting yourself, anyway.” I explained then thought about my young sister’s achievements.
“Why does a three or four thousand year-old woman from Terra cause you such a reaction?”
Galantry gasped loudly and her eyes almost exploded from her head!
“She’s that old?” She asked as she hurriedly inhaled.
I nodded.
“Morgana would be the person to reference if your instructor decided to have you guys write a paper on Ancient Britain in Terran History Class.” I advised with a pleasant smile.
My DataTab beeped to alert me that I had a request for service.
“Interesting.” I raised an eyebrow as I read the request.
“I should be going, High Priestess. I’m detaining you from your assigned duty.” Galantry politely began her exit.
“Hold up, sister. This call is for our base. Apparently, we have a current leak in one of our VIP quarters.”
I giggled at that chance occurrence. I knew- beyond a shadow of doubt- the problem was operator error in origin.
“Care to tag along?” I asked my young sister.
“Ship’s maintenance, Lady Morgana!” I called out pleasantly.
Galantry stopped dead in her steps as I announced myself at the guest quarter’s door.
She looked paler than normal.
“High Priestess?” Morgana looked surprised as her door opened. “But…?”
“My civilian identity is that of a Current Specialist aboard Mare, my lady.” I explained. “What seems to be the problem?” I asked as I blinked on my Current sight and noticed a small ‘trickle’ of Current escaping her room. I slid my work-booted foot over to absorb as much as I could before fixing the problem.
Her head dropped sheepishly and she quietly told me she had just awoken. After several tense seconds of waiting she further admitted she had startled out of a ‘night terror’, wand drawn, and blasted the wall of her bedroom.
Looking back up from the floor, she then noticed my assistant.
Her eyes tracked Galantry from her shoes to her face as she began to again look at me.
Her smile flared large!
“I see you have an apprentice, High Priestess!” Morgana smiled even brighter.
Of course I could feel Galantry begin to ‘fade’ and quickly reached back to take her hand.
“Lady Morgana! You are frightening one of my best Broom Pilots! Please notch back your enthusiasm!” I advised angrily.
“I a…?” She began, but quickly realized and loosened her smile a bit. “I’m sorry, Lady Galantry, I regret my exuberance and shall limit my excitement of your attendance.”
“Galantry?” I hinted as I eased the young Orion forward.
A very shy and reserved Galantry Fenile offered her hand cautiously. “Lady Morgana… very nice to make your acquiantence.”
She retracted her hand so quickly that I almost couldn’t see it happen.
Galantry glared at Morgana with daggers in her eyes and her wand drawn!
“Why would you want to do that, My Lady? I have done nothing to you and neither has my familial pod? Why such dark emotions toward my subspecies?” Galantry interrogated, her wand began to hum then quickly became a whistle slowly increasing in frequency!
From what I knew of the young witch this wasn’t good!
Morgana stared at the young Orion in shock.
My staff appeared and Morgana’s eyes bulged!
“What has the Orion seen in your mind, Merlinian?” My mouth questioned. I tried to ascertain what prompted Nike to take possession.
Now Galantry was staring, Orion-style, at me too. Thank goodness Nike’s arrival made her dispatch her wand.
‘The Orion would not so quickly retreat her gesture of friendship and assume a defense had she not felt something overwhelmingly reprehensible, Chance Summers,’ Nike related quickly while she waited expectantly for a response.
“I am jus-s-s-s-s-s-st fascinated to finally meet one, um… Nike?” Morgana seemed stymied by Nike’s sudden takeover of my body.
“There is more, I am sure; is there not?” My mouth challenged.
Morgana lowered her eyes.
“Out with it, Merlinian!” Nike pressed angrily. My staff glowed brighter.
“The rumor…” Morgana more or less whispered.
“What rumor, Merlinian?” Nike demanded.
“That my master was forcibly experimented on and the description he related before he expired pointed to the Orion subspecies, Goddess!”
“The ‘timeless’ Morgana of the Fey? Has a ‘master’?” Nike’s sarcasm flowed through me like a tsumani!
Nike laughed for almost thirty seconds before I felt my facial expression change.
“How can you continue ‘acknowledging’ Merlin as anything other than a collegu… a friend? Even in Merlin’s eyes you were never his ‘apprentice’! If you would like, we could transit back and ask him personally!”
Morgana gasped and paled considerably!
“My Goddess that shall not be necessary! I simply wish to ‘consult’ with the Lady Galantry on the issue.”
“You do realize the Orion people number over nine hundred and twenty trillion, my lady?” Galantry responded as she stepped clear of me… of Nike- she still held control of me.
“Of course, you are correct, my lady, but this happened almost three thousand years ago… and the description, Lady Galantry? It would seem obvious?”
“As pod memory serves me, my lady, Orion didn’t seek out the stars for two hundred Terran years after your submitted, alleged time point. To automatically assume my subspecies guilty is prejudicial and stereotyping.” Galantry accused calmly.
“Then I am open to alternate theories, Lady Galantry. Could there be another subspecies of ‘Orion’?”
“There are twenty, in fact, though none ventured away from their systems anywhere close to that era. Orions of the ‘Belt’ as you Terrans put it were the absolute first of our specific subspecies to travel among the stars.”
“What would be the Terran date of this incident, Morgana?” Nike asked/demanded.
“Nine-eighty-one of the so-named Common Era, my Goddess.” She answered instantly. “One hundred and forty years after the conflict called Baden Hill, why?”
“If you know a disguising spell I suggest you use it Morgana of the Fey.” Nike recommended as we found ourselves on an unkempt meadow facing into a slight, but crisp breeze.
“Where are we, Lady Nike?” Galantry questioned as she looked around in confusion.
“First your disguise, young Orion! It is given the indigenous have never seen your subspecies.”
Galantry shimmered and in the Orion’s place an average height, brown-haired, Terran girl of maybe fourteen stood- still in moderate shock of our surroundings. She was wearing tattered heavy weaved linens that had seen too many seasons and far too few washings. An equally tattered piece of knotted fabric covered and attempted to control her unruly long hair.
“Lady Nike, I suddenly feel so strang…” Galantry said before gasping louder than I had ever heard before!
“You make a fairly desirable Terran beauty, Lady Galantry- even in such destitute apparel!” Nike complimented. “Chance will now continue as I must rest for our return to our original time.”
I sarcastically thanked Nike for the cut and run and quickly enchanted myself to match my two companions.
To the locals, we three were just common everyday girls making our way across the countryside.
“So where might we find Merlin, Morgana?” I asked- mainly to get her attention. She had been stunned silent with her mouth semi-closed and tears pouring from her terrified eyes.
“No! I cannot be here again! Once through this nightmare was more than enough!” She repeated a few more times before she seemed to snap back into the ‘present’.
“Well, we’re here whether you like it or not, Morgana! And, I have a feeling that Nike will only return us after the mystery is solved. So…the sooner we find Merlin, the faster we get back home, sister.” I responded.
“But you are Nike! You can return us anytime you desire, High Priestess!”
“That would only be true had Nike completely shared her methodology for a time jump and relocation of this magnitude, ladies.” I admitted with a sincere frown.
“You mean I am stuck here… in this… this frail Terran body? Until Nike’s assigned quest has fulfilled, High Priestess?” Galantry summarized.
I nodded.
It took a few moments of Morgana calming herself then looking around our immediate area before choosing a desired direction.
“This way…I think.” She announced tentatively with a hand gesture to us.
We began walking into the surrounding forest that encompassed the large, overgrown meadow.
“If memory serves, Monmouth should be over this ridge…” Morgana stopped and thought a minute.
“Ydych chi'n fy neall i?”
Galantry and I stared at her, completely baffled by what she… um… said?
“I thought as much.” She rolled her eyes in annoyance.
Motioning to us in warning she produced her wand and incanted a spell toward us. It sounded like Latin if I had to guess.
“I asked if you could understand me.”
“I can now.” I answered. “What strange language is this, sister?”
“An older version of Welsh… more Celtic. If, from what I see of the village in the river’s valley, this is Monmouth then we must be somewhere in the tenth or eleventh century. The spell allows us to communicate with the locals.”
“Why does it smell so bad here?” Galantry asked as she wrinkled her nose- a facial expression that confused her entirely.
It was humorous watching the girl reach up and gingerly explore the alien- to her- facial feature.
“Because that is the way it smells, dear child. What aroma would you wish instead? My guess; you’d rather the air hint of spring blossoms and morning dew?” An older man whom we had not heard approaching from our left answered.
“Yes… I thought that the case…” He nodded with a grin. “Please… I mean you no harm or ill intent, my fellow mages. Allow that I may introduce myself… I am Merlin… It is good to see that you have found friends, Morgan.”
“My name is ‘Morgana’ you old toad!”
Merlin laughed and walked closer as we dispensed with our wands. He seemed to be intrigued by Galantry and began to ‘inspect’ her closely.
Much to the young Orion’s chagrin.
“Yes… A very detailed job… tell me, child… who cast the masking spell and where might I find this very talented mage?”
Galantry’s eyes momentarily cut to me then back.
“Oh? I would think you very gifted, but not so much to employ such a method on one so diverse, my lady.” He turned and regarded me with his eyes closed. His action made me extremely nervous.
“Ahhh… I see it now! You carry the soul of an Olympian! Tell me child… which one of those venerated caste do you house within?”
“Chance is the cup which holds the Goddess Nike, old man.” Morgana answered.
“Ah! So the mystery takes focus.” He said then turned back to Galantry.
“So where is it you call home, child? You, of this group, surely traveled the farthest?” He asked then looked to the sky a moment.
“You might call it ‘Alnitak Orionis’, my Lord. I am Galantry, of the Famial pod, Fenile.” She replied confidently.
Merlin began laughing!
“Child… I am no more a ‘Lord’ than this world is the center of the universe! Shall we leave the titles to the self-important nobility?”
“Then what shall I call you, sir?”
“Why… call me whatever you wish, child! Just as long as it is something pleasant and not ill-intended.” He smiled.
“Then why do you require me call you ‘master’, old man?” Morgana challenged with hands on her hips.
“Because I was your teacher, Morgan! A student should always show her instructor respect, correct? Though… you have loooong since graduated my academy, am I wrong?”
“It has been many years, yes.” She answered as her eyes lowered to the ground a moment.
“At the risk of your feminine wrath, I should say several thousand, Morgan. One as old as I can spot the signs. And you, my lady… You have the bearing of one in a position of honor! What might your name be again?”
I am Chance Summers, great mage. It is exciting to make your acquaintance.” I introduced myself officially.
“Ah yes… the promise of many bountiful seasons! Such a beautifully appropriate name for the leader of her own sect. I welcome you all to the realm of Briton. Below is the village of Monmouth. Come.”
“So…” I began as we walked down toward the quaint little village, “you knew when and where we would be arriving?”
“You are not the only ones to be favored by the Gods of Old, Chance Summers. Yes, it was foretold to me several years ago that travelers from a far off land would arrive and seek answers concerning my demise.”
“The Fates.” I nodded confidently.
“Actually, she called herself ‘Oracle’, Chance.” He corrected.
That stopped me in my tracks!
“Savanna! Get yer ass here immediately!” I shouted to the heavens in anger.
“You called, Chance Summers?” My daughter giggled as she appeared before us.
“Young lady! Why?”
“Because peace and harmony throughout the galaxy… or the universe cannot proceed without the trust of all those involved, mother! Now, continue with Lady Nike’s imposed quest and I shall debrief you upon your return to base.” She continued to giggle.
“You? Are gonna debrief us, Savanna Summers? Has Grandfather Zeus gone completely senile?”
Thunder echoed across the rolling hills we walked amongst.
I glared to the sky.
“In mother’s words ‘Up yours, Zeus!” I shouted as I flipped him her signature finger gesture!
Savanna began to fade away, giggling the entire time, until she was completely gone.
“Sisters! I think we have officially been thrown under the bus!” I growled as I waved to the village. “Let’s get this over with then.”
Merlin continued to snicker to himself until we passed the first signs of urban civilization.
“So… Chance… from what epoch do you all hail?” He finally asked as the buildings became denser and sturdier.
“If this can be called the tenth or eleventh century, we live in the thirty-third.” I answered.
Merlin seemed to go into shock and promptly ran straight into the nearer side of a building.
“Are you alright?” I asked as I hurried back to him and helped him back to his feet.
On doing so, his eyes never blinked when my hand passed close to his face.
“When did your vision leave you, old man?” Morgana demanded in shock.
“That which you call vision has never been a part of me, Morgan, though the sight I have serves me very well, and it is far more revealing than that which is mundane. Allow me a moment to re-group my senses. Forgive me, Chance Summers, when you breached your actual origin, I allowed my ‘mind’s eye’ to falter. It is… embarrassing to say the least.”
“So you rely on your ‘Current sight’ as we call it to get around.” I surmised.
“And you, dear lady far outshine even the brightness of our star! In fact, Morgan and Galantry, you vastly outshine the moon, even during day! I have never met beauty of such essence!”
“Such foolish talk from an old stump!” A younger male voice declared from our close right.
“How have you bewitched these delicate flowers to your side, ancient one?”
“They are my… nieces… I warn that they should not be tried, young man.” Merlin warned.
“Try I shall! Which of you be first to partake of my ‘wonder’?” The ass inquired arrogantly.
“I should rather rely on a branch of well polished oak, whelp!” Morgana declared.
“Branch of willow will be applied to your voluminous bottom unless you comply, insolent girl!”
“How do the locals react to witches in this period, Morgana?” I asked in modern English.
“The church is very ‘reactive’ to that which it does not understand, High Priestess. Torture and hanging are usually the end result of one’s outing.” She responded in kind.
I nodded.
“We will decline you’re…” I snorted my disgust as I glanced to his waist, “minimal offer as we do not wish to injure you.” I said with a confident smile but added, “we know not if you carry the sickness after all. Come along girls; uncle.”
“You!” The ass shouted angrily as he motioned me to come to him.
I rolled my eyes. Some peoples kids…
“You?” I laughed as I walked past.
A hand reached out and grabbed my hair!
In an instant I reached around, grasped the offending arm, and pulled it over my shoulder! The arrogant male took to the air and was flat on his back in the dirt of the street looking up at me in terror!
“You witch!” He declared.
“Hardly! I merely used your own weight and momentum against you. There was no ‘witchcraft’ at all, just simple redirected force.” I instructed as I easily held the man down with my foot.
“You shall pay with your life, witch!”
“I shall pay nothing, you arrogant child! As for ‘witch’, how can you decree something which you have no concept of? How many innocents have you declared ‘unholy’ for denying you carnal pleasure? Likewise, being trained in defense is certainly not ‘witchcraft’ in the eyes of his majesty, Henry, so stand warned!” I informed the inexperienced boy still held by my foot.
Several other young men started to close on us.
“Hold!” I warned loudly as I conjured then pulled a dagger from under my clothing. “Though small, be warned you will not escape its venomous bite, young fools! Do not test us further!”
“My lady? Why waste effort on these… these commoners?” Morgana asked as she regarded the felled heathen under my foot.
“Because I am for one man and one man only, Lady Morgan, and I shall not be lost to him for one of such brutality!”
With a single punch my original attacker was rendered unconscious. You would think that would’ve been ample warning and deterrent.
Yeah, you guessed it; the dumbasses attacked anyway!
Within a few minutes all four ‘children’ were lying in the dirt, either unconscious, or moaning and cradling at least one- possibly serious- injury!
“Are there any others willing to sacrifice themselves or their manhood?” I growled as I flipped my dagger with practiced ease before wiping it clean.
None of the wounds looked life threatening… I hoped.
“What is going on here,” asked the first of several heavily clad soldiers as they clattered toward us with swords drawn?
“A simple demonstration of ‘personal’ defense, sergeant, nothing more.” Merlin replied with a noticeable chuckle.
“Aye, the Lady Chance offered to correct their ‘technique’.” Morgana added with a smile.
“Gelbert?” The sergeant shook his head in disappointment. “I should have known! Get up and go home, boy! You were lucky this flower was not poisonous! Go!”
Oh! He was so, so wrong!
“Have the women been hurt, wise one?” The sergeant asked.
“No. And thank you for asking, sergeant!” I answered before Merlin could.
“Heed your place, woman! It is not your place to speak.”
“My Lady? Sorry, but your disguises are apparently more effective than thought.” Merlin gently grasped my shoulder.
“Lady Chance Summers of the chaste order of St. Colleen herself, sergeant. I’m sure you have heard of their order of fierce, holy warriors- warriors recognized by Henry himself?”
Yeah, Merlin was piling it on thicker!
The soldier looked from me to the young men still groaning in the dirt then back to me. He also regarded Morgana and Galantry a moment.
“My mistake, my ladies. You need not worry about these simple children again. I will see to it they are properly corrected. Good day to you all.”
The casualties were collected and the soldiers headed in three different directions to the tune of loud moaning and groaning.
“You think he believed me?” I asked with an innocent smile.
He did if he noted the wounds, Lady Chance.” Merlin chuckled. “Why didn’t you step in, Morgan?”
“Because you taught me patience, you old goat. At least Chance gave more warning than her mother would in the same situation.”
“So where to now?” I asked as if nothing had happened.
“We cross the river into Monmouth proper.” Merlin replied in a humorous tone.
“This is what you call a river?” I asked in complete amazement. It couldn’t have been more than seven and a half meters across.
“It is swifter than a horse can manage.” Merlin explained. “Hence, we head upstream and use the old stone bridge.”
“So what do we do when we get to wherever it is we’re going, Lady Chance?” Galantry asked quietly.
“That’s up to ‘Uncle’ to decide, Lady Galantry.” I answered then looked over to the old wizard.
“I know of a place.” He said with a pleasant, slightly perverted smile.
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Imperial Star Destroyer
>“At least it doesn’t look like an ‘Imperial Star Destroyer’.”
That's a relief. But what about a death star? >:->
Thx for another nice chapter^^
Thanks for this new chapter, and many loud laughs while reading it!
I have much enjoyed your stories, but occassionally a stinker of no obvious worth rolls along . . . .
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb