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TG Themes:
Witch Corps and Beyond

“Not a bad place, ‘Uncle’.” I said; impressed by the ‘laboratory’ we had just entered.
“A very well crafted protection spell around the place too.” I added.
“Coming from you, High Priestess, I am honored.”
My eyes narrowed towards him.
“Yes, I know your place in Coven hierarchy, Chance Summers.”
“Oracle?” I asked without emotion.
“Oracle.” He confirmed with a chuckle.
I nodded with an annoyed expression.
“Just wait until I get home, young lady!” I cursed to the heavens.
“Children can be so very trying at times, Chance.” Merlin glanced to Morgana a moment.
“Kiss mah arse, old man!”
“So, you seek me out… Why?” Merlin asked as he ignored his protégé- his unseeing eyes narrowed.
“On the day of your passing to the next great realm, you spoke of an attack- an attack that you stated happened almost two years ago by our present perspective. Your description of your assailant closely matches that of Lady Galantry’s people- a people that as yet haven’t the technology to travel the stars!” Morgana plunged headfirst.
“And when do I make this bold claim, Morgan?” He asked slyly.
“Not a chance, old man!” Morgana cried foul. “I saw that tactic coming a league away! You know I can’t reveal that.”
“So… Morgan is still the attentive student, High Priestess? Good! Very, good!” Merlin smiled playfully. “She always seemed slow to grasp temporal nuances though. At one point in our then young relationship she actually thought I tacked against the winds of time!”
He laughed outright!
Morgana glared daggers at him!
I liked this guy!
Merlin quickly composed himself and appeared to think for several minutes.
“I can remember no interaction with your people, Lady Galantry. Believe me! I would vividly remember such intriguing humans as you.”
“May I touch your hand, great mage?” Galantry asked politely.
“Ah… a sensitive!” He smiled brightly as he held out his hand palm up. “By all means, my lady, see what you can divine from this withered old vine.”
Neither Galantry nor Merlin moved for a time.
Morgana looked very concerned as she looked to me then back several times to the pair.
“I can find no interactions between our subspecies, High Priestess.” Galantry finally announced as she released the old gentleman’s hand.
“Such power! Yet such control from one so young!” Merlin declared with a huge, brilliant smile.
“I have reached my threshold, great mage.” Galantry stated informatively.
“I’m not sure he knows what that means, sweetie.” I advised.
“That point in which we become that much closer in relation to the Gods of Old.” Merlin recited. “Of course I know what a threshold is, High Priestess.”
My eyes narrowed. “Oracle?”
“Oracle.” He chuckled.
Yeah, I was pissed with a capital ‘P’ and vowed to grill my daughter within an inch of her life when we got back!
“This has all been a setup!” I declared angrily!
“Well yes… I suppose it has.” Merlin smiled wickedly.
My wand, as well as Galantry and Morgana’s, was pointed at the old man as he began chuckling while wiping his brow roughly.
“Out with it, Merlin!” I ordered!
“Yeah, old man! Why tell a lie… and on your deathbed of all things?!” Morgana demanded as she went on.
“I’ve been holding that emotional scene in my memory for a long time!” She began to cry. “I’ve missed you so much, you old goat!”
Morgana collapsed onto a chair near a somewhat empty worktable and began bawling into her hands.
Galantry dropped and dismissed her wand. She was quiet for a few seconds then turned to our distraught sister.
“Lady Morgana? The great mage didn’t tell you a lie in his last minutes in this dimension.” Galantry consoled, placing a gentle hand on the sobbing woman’s shoulder.
“Wha…?” She sniffed, as she looked back to the young Orion, confused.
“Moments ago I indeed ‘probed’ his mind.” Galantry stated calmly. “He has seen through Lady Nike’s well-crafted disguise to see the real me- an Orion that should not be here on Terra in this time period. Is it possible you made an error in placing our arrival?”
“And that, my dear Morgan, is why the people of the ‘Belt’ take to the stars before we do!” Merlin gloated.
“One blast to the head, Chance, that’s all I ask! Just one? I promise I’ll clean up the mess?” Morgana pleaded.
“Alas she still refuses to think through the bigger importance.” Merlin sighed in disappointment while shaking his head. “Before you make any rash decisions, take time to think it through now, child.”
He thought a moment then suggested, “Think of yourself and your involvement in everything from this point forward to where you now sit.”
“Stop the riddles, old man! I’m not in the mood!”
“Ah, but you are in the time and place, child.” He hinted with a devious smile.
“I hate you, you old bastard!” Morgana proclaimed as she finally looked up to her mentor.
“Not bad, Morgan! Only twenty crows of the cock this time- a new record in your deductive reasoning.”
A blast of Current hit Merlin and dissipated around his body!
“But still so predictable.” He sighed, continuing to look at his pupil.
“This was set up so that we would come here from the future to set up this situation, but to also…” Morgana paused as she looked about the room.
“Yes? Go on, Morgan.” Merlin smoothed his beard with one hand.
“So that… I would turn out the way I have and… and find my way through three thousand years of history and… relationships…”
“Almost, child. Keep at it.” Merlin urged, gesturing to his former pupil.
“And so I can finally complete my training, graduate from your instruction, and…” A light went on in Morgana’s mind and her face formed a pleasant smile, “and I can finally accept I am your equal.”
“Class dismissed, Morgana of the Fey. It has been a pleasure watching you grow into that wand.”
“Bastard!” Morgana hissed.
“But there is still more to learn here. Isn’t there, great mage?” Galantry questioned.
“There is always more to learn, my young Orion! Once considered ‘graduated’ one should never stop learning, for there are always new things to learn! Is that not true, Lady Morgana?” Merlin praised then turned his blind eyes to me.
Yeah… I was afraid of that.
Deep in my mind- where Nike dwelled- a devious laugh echoed.
I felt my fingernails dig into my palms as I tried to vent my anger! How could I have been so gullible? So… oblivious!
“High Priestess?” Galantry snapped me back to reality.
“It has just come to my attention that I’m to take us home, ladies.”
“But I thought you told us Nike hadn’t shown you how to do that?” Morgana worried.
“Apparently this is your lucky day, Mixie!” I growled.
“One moment, Chance Summers.” Merlin held up a hand and gestured with his other.
An exact duplicate of Merlin focused out of an instantly forming mist and looked at its creator.
“See to the understanding and wellbeing of the pupil, Morgan, in my absence. I have given you thirty years of my essence, so use it wisely.” The real Merlin advised.
The doppelganger silently nodded and stepped back to the other side of the room.
Merlin motioned to me with a confident smile.
I didn’t feel confident at all!
Closing my eyes, I began to consider how I was going to accomplish the task of getting the four of us back to Witch Corps base and the thirty-third century. I needed a target- a familiar item or special person to concentrate on…
Grunfuller immediately appeared in my mind! I missed him; his off-time wit, his magical hold on me… his love for me…
“Hey, glad you could make it back all in the same day!” I heard his voice greet- though only in my mind…
“Is something wrong, Chance? Dear? You alright?” My imagining of his voice asked in worry. Oh, how I missed him!
Firm hands gently grasped my waist then warm, soft lips touched my lips. The passion soared as the kiss seemed to become more intense and urgent then stopped suddenly.
My eyes shot open and focused on my mate’s face in front of me- his expression sheer worry!
“Welcome back, Chance Summers! I’ve missed you these last three standard hours!” He said as he appraised me carefully.
I was back? We were back?
A quick glance around me indeed proved this was the base’s galley…
…And that my sisters and a few brothers were observing our massive PDA!
“HEY! ‘Old Guy’! Get the hell outta my seat!” Sinae shouted above the clapping that filled the room as Grunfuller and I parted while we blushed profusely.
“Who are you anyway? And who’s the brown-haired girl?” She added at a slightly lower volume.
“Presenting… Merlin.” I said as snobbishly as I could without laughing.
“No shit?” Mom gasped in surprise.
The old man said nothing as he simply ‘looked around’ in supposed curiosity.
“He deaf or something?” Sinae, of all people, wondered out loud.
“One moment, sisters.” Morgana blushed as she gave a slight flourish of her wand towards her mentor. “Now try it, Queen Kitty.”
“Yo, Merlin! Can’t a preggo get a seat around here?” Sinae asked brusquely.
“By all means! Royalty should never be denied of that which they demand!” Merlin answered flatly.
“I like him! Can we keep him, Chance?” Sinae vamped.
Merlin suddenly turned to the Galley’s doorway- a look of fear crossed his face.
“Hey, everyone. Mom and Daddy, and the Norwoods accepted a tour from Capt. Serrangetti. So they’ll be back in like, a few days? What’d I miss?” Christina greeted enthusiastically as she appeared from the hallway with Rodyard at her side.
She also stopped abruptly, apparently noticing Merlin’s blind stare with a ‘deer in headlights’ stare of her own!
She remained still and completely silent.
“You are her!” Merlin gasped as he shaded his eyes completely.
“Ummm?” Christina answered apprehensively, not sure of how she should respond.
“The prophesized creator and destroyer of all existence!” Merlin continued ominously.
Not knowing what else to say and looking around the room sheepishly, she again answered, “Ummmm?”
Rodyard instantly had his arms around Christina in a protective embrace.
“What do you mean, insulting the one I love, old man?” Rodyard challenged as I noted Christina melt into his embrace.
“Is she not ‘Scion’, young sir?” Merlin countered calmly.
“Some have called her that, yes.”
“Then it has already happened? The day of judgement for the one of utmost evil?” Merlin asked then sighed happily.
“And the Scion chose to protect the innocent and the persecuted?” He asked then turned to Christina re-covering his eyes as he did so.
“I congratulate you, Scion… Congratulate you for choosing the side of light over the side of darkness.”
“It is a good thing, Scion,” he laughed nervously, “for all the known realms.”
“Is he talking about that obnoxious… disgusting… ‘thing’… on my ship earlier?” Morgana asked.
“From five years ago? The encounter you never had? The thing that never happened?” I giggled.
“Yeah. That’s the one.” Morgana groused in annoyance. “Ermmm…never mind. Non-issue! Redacted.”
“So why are you here, old man?” She changed topics.
“Why, Morgana…” He smiled deviously. “You yourself declared that I’ve ‘moved on’! Why not move here… to this ‘realm’? To join the other ‘great mages’ throughout history?”
Morgana rubbed her hand down her face and exhaled sharply.
“Drinks are on me, ladies and gents!” She announced as she shook her head in defeat.
Containers of all sizes and shapes filled the tables and counter of the Galley!
“Then…then I says to ‘im: Rwy'n credu ei fod yn bragio llawer gormod, ond mae'n sicr yn hoffi ei lance yn fawr!” Morgana bubbled drunkenly as she finished her rather risqué story.
“Merlin thought it so hilarious and offered it to the scribe as the character’s name!” She continued.
“What’d she just say, Chance?” Garith cocked her head in confusion.
Merlin looked amused, but seemed confused, as apparently, he wasn’t the Merlin in her tale.
“We spoke it back on Briton, m’lady.” Morgana answered. “Later on they called it ‘Welsh’. The translation is roughly: ‘I think he brags much too much, but he sure likes his lance a lot!’”
“I don’t get it. What has a ‘lance’ got to do with it?” Garith shrugged her shoulders.
“What you gave up when you stayed activated, moron! Geez, some of my sisters can be so very ‘clueless’ at times- especially you, Garith!” Lithia lamented.
“Sorry, I don’t think like you, dear sister! I still don’t get what a ‘lance’ is!”
Lithia conjured a very life-like, very impressive ‘phallic toy’ in her upturned palm.
“Here… meet ‘Lance’!” She giggled.
To describe Garith turning redder than a main propulsion emitter in destructive run-away did her face no justice!
“Oh… ummmm… excuse me, everyone.” Garith whispered sheepishly.
The ‘toy’ disappeared from Lithia’s hand, as did Garith from the Galley!
Link cackled wildly at her sister’s quick retreat!
“Oh! Oh, Garith, you tactless perv! Now everyone has the same idea!” She clucked.
“Coraline!” Aunt Cora chastised. “Leave the girl alone! Just because you can get it whenever you want, doesn’t mean the less connected can just as easily.”
Link growled loudly then disappeared.
“You really should get around to asking her, Cora.” Mom hinted.
“Better hurry! I may just decide to hold her for ransom, Cora!” Sandra Anderson threatened with a smile.
“Ohhhh? A scandal?! A scandal like that can only improve the royal legitimacy of my soon to be daughter, Lady Sandra!” Aunt Cora cackled as she wrung her hands, diabolically.
Sandra glared in confusion a moment then turned for the door shaking her head and mumbling, “Crazy royal bitch makes no logical sense sometimes! Damn Antarrans!”
“Well, I guess I should go and help poor, clueless, Garith figure out the mechanics.” Lilith thought aloud before disappearing with a devious smile.
“I love this family!” Christina laughed haughtily- a single tear rolling down her right cheek.
“High Priestess?” Galantry tried to get my attention.
“Yeah! Hey, Chance?” Sinae shouted out and pointed to the currently disguised Orion. “Who’s the brown-haired girl?”
Apparently, I had forgotten to introduce the ‘Terran-ized’ Galantry.
“Queen Kitty, with all due respect, I am Fenile Galantry. This is a disguise that Lady Nike provided while we searched the Ancient Terran landscape for the Great Mage, Merlin.”
“Lady Nike did this to you, sweetie? Wow! Nice job, Chance!” Sinae congratulated.
“I’m afraid I had nothing to do with it, Sinae,” I shook my head sadly.
“But you do encompass the Goddess; do you not, High Priestess?” Merlin questioned.
“Hey! You can get away with that shite with me, old man, but Chance has earned our respect! So no riddles!” Morgana intercepted.
Merlin regarded me with his bright yet unseeing eyes,
“May I ask who encompasses who, Chance Summers?” He asked calmly.
“I’ve never been solid on that one, Merlin.” I admitted. “I’d like to think we share equally.”
“A belief truly noble of Avalon, High Priestess, but which of you ultimately has control of your essence- your Current, as you call it?”
I went to answer but Nike took control.
“What is your point, Merlinian? Chance has answered your question amicably. We share this vessel she calls her body.”
“Ah, yes…,” Merlin nodded to confirm his understanding, “share her body. I understand completely.” He kept nodding then a smile formed.
“So tell me… if you two indeed share the vessel, why must you instantly take control when you feel threatened? I am the very last person here that could harm High Priestess Chance Summers or Goddess Nike of Ares.”
So began the internal debate between Nike and me. I found us both sitting on a comfortable cast-stone garden bench facing each other. Around us, a very peaceful garden containing both common and exotic flowers, and a variety of roses.
The lack of any cliché Greek, Roman, or Norse symbols or statues was a pleasant surprise.
‘Wow. I like what you’ve done with the place.’ I deadpanned.
‘Thank you. For such a diverse persona, I found this part of your mind slightly… boring, sister. Bordering on bleak at times, I would say. I thought a change of décor would help our conversation of the proposed topic.’
‘Thanks for that warm, honest critique, sis.’ I rolled my eyes. ‘So… about Merlin…’
‘The old fool is even crazier than I thought, Chance! Why do we sit here and listen?’She interrupted getting right to the point.
‘Because you are the one still asserting control of us, Nike.’ I answered.
‘oh.’ She looked down for just a second. ‘The old man excels at riddles and confusion!’
‘He asks a valid question though. If we both share my body, why do you take possession when threatened?’
‘It is my job to protect my latest incarnation lest I find myself in the shadow realm once more! That is something I would not wish upon my worst enemy, sister!’
“Have you not spoken of folding both personas into one coherent entity, ladies?” Merlin’s voice interrupted our private conversation from somewhere… outside.
‘He’s right. You have spoken of integrating us, Nike. Maybe that is his point… cryptic as it is?’
‘But who will protect you, Chance Summers? Who will protect you from the ‘titans’ of this day and age?’ Nike protested.
‘May I be of some service here, ladies?’ Christina appeared standing in our private garden, materialized a simple, folding wooden chair, unfolded it- its back facing us then sat down straddling it. She nonchalantly rested her wrists on the chair back with her hands folded.
I shook my head in amusement.
‘Welcome to our private conversation, Scion.’ Nike greeted contemptuously.
‘Thanks, I just thought I could help you guys out a little. I know what its like to question one’s self. Trust me on that, girls.’ Christina giggled.
‘Is there a point to this… quite informal… intervention, Scion?’
‘Listen up! My name is ‘Christina’, oh mighty Nike! I suggest you get that stick out of your ass and get some humility!’
‘Do not threaten me, Scion, I’ll…’
‘You’ll what? Displace me to a distant realm? Already been tried by that Bovidovich dick! Revoke my supposed ‘divine’ power? Yer Grandpa tried that unsuccessfully! Unfriend me? That happened after I turned fourteen, honey!’ Christina countered crisply then paused.
‘None of that will deter me from helping the ones I love and hold dear to my heart, Nike! Don’t believe me? Search your shared memory to see how far I’ll go to keep everyone safe!’
‘I am not questioning your intent, simply your motive, Scion! What advantage might you receive from this interruption?’
‘It’s ‘Christina’, you hard-headed, prudish Goddess! And the advantage of simply knowing my CO- our High Priestess and my friend- will remain sane and cognizant to function normally is all I seek from this meeting, Nike! I have no other interests other than friendly worry and concern.’
‘Christina, I’m happy you’re here and that you care so much for us. Can we get back to the questions Merlin set forth?’ I tried to get us back on track.
‘Why discuss it, Chance? Merlin has as much as said that you two need to integrate! I personally can’t see what is taking so long to do it.’
‘I don’t want Nike to feel pressured.’ I admitted. ‘That is what started her whole escape to another realm thing. I want her to know that I’m here for her…that I’ll protect her no matter what.’
‘Chance? You feel you must protect me? Why?’
‘Because you are a part of me! If I lost you, there would be a noticeable hole in my character… in my being…’ I paused to look down at the ground in this place. ‘In my heart.’
“Come on kids! Momma has to pee but wants to see how this ends!” Sinae’s voice interrupted loud and clear from the ‘ether’ of this construct.
‘The big, scary, preggo cat lady’s right, girls! I’ll listen while you debate the fate of our universe and beyond.’ Christina giggled. ‘Feel free to bounce things off me at any point.’
‘Why are you so strange, Scion?’ Nike asked- her head cocked to one side in confusion.
“Meh! Don’t know. Something in my genes, I guess?’
Christina and I giggled at her answer. Nike frowned for a moment then shook her head a few times.
‘This conversation will never be private again, will it, Scion?’ Nike assumed correctly.
‘Not if you two don’t make up that mind of yours. Look! Either split each off into separate bodies or combine all the common personality traits you share into one whole… you. Don’t be afraid of losing yourselv… OH! That’s it isn’t it?’ Christina’s eyes grew bigger.
‘You’re both afraid of losing the other individual!’
‘Do you listen to yourself, Scion? That made no sense whatsoever!’
‘She made perfect sense, sister! I admit I’m afraid to lose you! I value your insight; your experience; your knowledge of the universes.’
‘As do I value your concepts of love; your devotion to friends and family; alas,” Nike mouthed an inaudible curse, “the Scion has wisdom the passing of the ages can never match, sister!’
‘Good! I’ll let you two hash it out then.’
Christina disappeared- folding chair and all!
“Don’t make me come back in there, Chance Summers!” Her voice threatened from… outside.
‘So. How do we do this then?’ I asked.
‘How should I know? I’m just the Goddess of Victory! I have no concept of relationships.’
‘But you have me.’
‘I do indeed. Could it be that simple?’
‘One way to find out.’ I giggled. ‘Shall we?’
‘On three then?’
“THREE!” We both chorused.
The people around me were staring intently at me!
All except Merlin! He was smiling intently at me!
“Now what the hell just happened?!” Mom growled in annoyance as she looked into my eyes.
No, she wasn’t looking into my eyes, but to my head in general.
“What?’ I asked with a neutral expression.
“You instantly got blonde highlights in your hair, honey.” she pointed and pulled several forward so I could see for myself.
“Huh.” I shrugged, noncommittally.
“Huh? That’s all you’ve got?” Mom pushed.
“Well that really sucked! I hate these lame endings!” Sinae exclaimed in severe disappointment as she pushed herself to standing and waddled off to the closest lavatory.
I looked over to Christina and nodded to her. She nodded back with a broad smile then disappeared.
“Anybody care to share?” Grunfuller offered as he looked to me.
“Nike and I have reached an accor…”
“Hallelujah!” Mom cheered excitedly. “Now… Can we get back to drinking?”
Another round of drinks filled the tables of our Galley! Who just bought, I had no idea!
Oh yeah… I was able to remove Galantry’s disguise. She said her thanks and popped out immediately.
“I’m hoping there won’t be a test on all this, Chance.” Merlin admitted as we finished our tour of the Broom Closet.
I was caught off guard by the somewhat ‘modern’ statement.
“No more than ten essay questions per topic- you know… the usual. Why?” I teased offhandedly.
“I would be hard-pressed to remember any of this amazing… this bizarre… utterly unbelievable… circumstance I find myself in, High Priestess. It is as the Oracle predicted: ‘It would knock my socks off’.”
“Speaking of my little witch. Savanna! Here! Now!” I shouted out.
Disembodied giggling filled the flight line!
“Okay then… I’m taking away your flight privileges, munchkin. Pegasus20? Please disable Ora-”
“Alright, mother! Revoking my access to fly Oracle would be cruel and unnecessary punishment- especially since I was only carrying out Great Grandfather Zeus’s decree!” Her disembodied voice cried foul.
“Oh! So you want to lose your bathroom privileges too, then?” I challenged evenly.
“MOTHER!” Savanna cried out in total shock as she appeared out of thin air just in front of us.
She was blushing in embarrassment!
“I most certainly can, Munchkin, so don’t test me.” I warned, giving her a ‘try me’ look. “And Christina and I have already changed history once or twice-”
“But those incidents were clearly foreseen by u… me.” She sassed.
Gruesome female laughter then filled and echoed malevolently throughout our Broom Closet.
“Gods! I hate when she does that,” Savanna groaned as I watched the goose pimples slowly subside on her exposed arms!
Merlin silently, slowly shook his head side to side- a bemused smile on his face.
“I am starting to see the draw of this Coven, Chance. Too bad I have already decided to accept Morgana’s invitation when she presents it.”
“You are clairvoyant?” Savanna suddenly turned her attention to our esteemed guest. “How did w… I miss that?”
“Child, when one is playing a game of chance with multiple, highly skilled players, does one display his or her complete hand on the onset, or does he/she show patience and posture for better spoils?” Merlin posited. “Your elders should have taught you that early on.”
“You know of them? The ‘Elders’?” Savanna’s eyes bulged.
“Let’s just say that your elders and I have danced together many times before and leave it at that, young Oracle.” He answered.
Christina’s foreboding voice exclaimed.
A huge flame suddenly exploded around Savanna- engulfing her completely! It lasted several seconds then disappeared instantly. My daughter seemed none the worse for wear- not even a singe, just very, very frightened.
Malevolent laughter again filled the cavernous hangar as Savanna glared around the otherwise empty space!
I couldn’t hold it back any longer! Laughter burst from me at full volume and intensity!
I loved my sisters!
“You SUCK, Christina Everhardt!” Savanna declared angrily, flipping her finger into the air just before she vanished.
Pleasant, lighthearted, giggling filled the hangar.
“I’m thinking this place is much too much excitement for this old body to experience.” Merlin mused with a smile.
“Moreso after Christina’s arrival.” I admitted.
“How so?” He asked and I began telling the tale of her origin, discovery, and rescue.
“That poor child! How any entity could spend that perceived eternity confined…?”
“Please, Great Mage, I wish to place those nightmarish events well behind me.” Christina said as she appeared before us- her head bowed sorrowfully.
Merlin slowly approached her and gently- cautiously- wrapped his arms around her.
“Forgive me, child, I know this is most awkward, but I simply felt this response appropriate.”
“It does feel a bit creepy, but go for it, gramps.” Christina giggled nervously.
“To think I am embracing a true god… a creator…” Merlin mumbled before Christina cut him off.
“Say what?” She growled in surprise as she gently pushed him away.
“Um…” I placed my hand on his arm, “We try not to use the ‘Cee’ word… or the ‘Gee’ word, sir. She has a very bad reaction to those terms… usually.” I warned.
Merlin’s useless eyes widened as he carefully regarded Christina.
“Forgive me, Scion. I am but a feeble, ancient fool who refuses to know his place and boundaries. Please excuse my excitable musings?”
My sister narrowed an eye and quietly sized up our guest for almost a standard minute. Merlin remained stationary with tiny beads of sweat slowly forming on his tall forehead.
“Okay.” She smiled and quickly disappeared.
Merlin released an audible breath and seemed to relax.
“You know she’s always watching.” I reminded teasingly.
He nervously swallowed.
“And likes to tease the ‘fresh meat’!” I laughed as I motioned him back into the base.
“Remember, sister, the invitation to visit is permanent. Don’t be strangers.” I reminded as we watched the Broom Closet Doors open fully from the small control room.
“Vita Mirlini, departure vector has been issued and you are clear to launch.” Dell announced.
“Roger that, Broom Closet Control. See you around and thank you again. We’ll keep in touch. Vita Mirlini, out.”
Morgana’s ship shot from our flight line as if Mom had been at the controls!
“That is just as amazing as the first time I witnessed it, Chance.” Gretchen Norwood gushed from beside me. “I guess we will be departing in the next few days also?”
I nodded. Many things had to happen on ancient Antarra, and the royal family needed to be there.
“But… How can we go back? Knowing and experiencing what we have, My Lady? After all this,” Gretchen motioned around the room, “the depression that will befall us… the lack of… facilities…”
“Of course there will be a period of adjustment as you reacquaint with your own time. I’ve experienced something very familiar not long ago. It isn’t the easiest thing to get over.” I admitted then thought a moment.
“Perhaps if you speak to Link? On our recent venture into Terra’s past to stabilize Christina’s future, Link seemed overly affected by spending so much time in a foreign era. I believe it had to do with spending her remaining formative years not only in a strange place, but also having unexpected responsibility thrust upon her so suddenly.”
“Formative years, my lady?” Gretchen seemed to have trouble with those words.
“Link accepted the invitation to travel back to Colleen and Louis’ initial time period when she was just fifteen standard years of age- two years younger than you. We spent approximately nine and a half Terran years in our veiled positions there- years in which she had to present as fifteen years older and appear extremely knowledgeable in ancient spacecraft propulsion systems.” I explained.
Gretchen remained silent, expecting me to continue.
“I couldn’t have been prouder of her, Gretchen! She met and exceeded every required parameter, but she missed out on a few of her young life’s milestones such as her ‘coming of age’ celebration at sixteen, her secondary school graduation at eighteen, and her inaugural ‘first drink’ at twenty-one… Morgana tried her best to be both a surrogate mother and best friend, but I could tell on our return that interaction had done little for her. It was Louis that actually provided the necessary physical experience of sharing with her, her first ‘legal’ alcoholic beverage. Something he had missed with his own daughter due to the unfortunate circumstances leading to Christina’s transcendence.”
Tears trickled down Gretchen’s face.
“Sweetie, things weren’t that bad! Link survived and I’m sure you and Christian will do likewise. You have each other to comfort and reassure.” I continued as the Control Room’s door opened.
“Sorry to interrupt, but Sonya wishes your participation in a conversation on how Kitty can be in two different places and times at the same time, Chance. As usual, she’s quite adamant.” Dell interrupted from out in the passageway. I hadn’t even seen her ‘pop’ out while addressing Gretchen’s concerns.
I sighed.
“If you want, I can ‘take care’ of her…umm… it for you, Chance?” Dell offered- her battle bow and quiver appearing instantly!
“Where?” I sighed again in defeat.
“Capt. Serangetti’s ready room in twenty standard. She’s demanding Kitty and Tau be in attendance also.”
I rolled my eyes as I seriously considered Dell’s original, ‘truncated’ offer of ‘assistance’.
“Chance to Kitten, Alley Cat, Chairman Tua, and Kitty. Meeting in the Captain’s situation room in fifteen standard. Attendance mandatory! Repeat, attendance mandatory. Chance out.” I said into my pendant then quickly cut the transmission to stop any complaining or bitching.
“May I attend; I may be of some military assistance, High Priestess?” Gretchen volunteered with a quaint little smile.
Kimbou’s ready room appeared around us.
Aunt Cora, Link, and Simone were already waiting for us. Lyra and Greer appeared next and Lyra groaned loudly having quickly figured out the topic as her mother strutted victoriously into the large meeting room as if holding all the cards!
She was followed silently by a very humbled looking Kimbou Serangetti.
Kitty and Tua were last to appear and I expected them to instantly vanish once Kitty saw Sonya.
Instead she muttered something completely unrepeatable in FeLanian then growled menacingly.
“Cousin? This small compartment is not the place to settle differences in opinion, and the way I’m feeling at the moment you stand no chance of anything remotely survivable.” Sinae warned as calmly as I believed she could.
“According to FeLane Parliamentary regulations for royalty, any monarch wishing to procreate must undergo both prenatal and postnatal conformational hearings before the full assemblage of Parliament.” Sonya quoted in a monotone.
An audible ‘SHING’ filled the deadly silent room as Sinae’s claws deployed.
“I swear to Libra I will end you!” Sinae snarled. “How dare you quote me any Parliamentary blather? Those voyeuristic litter cleaners have nothing better to do than to annoy me!”
“But it is officially protocol, your majesty.” Tua sighed in defeat.
“One that my bastard father and his perverted followers enacted out of sadistic, chauvinistic, sexual voyeurism!” Sinae hissed.
“You mean he was into extreme porn as well as premeditated murder? What a dick!” Link commented. “What was wrong with ‘PlayKit’ or ‘CatNips’? Or did he just read those for their insightful articles?”
I diligently forced back my laughter!
“Coraline, please.” Aunt Cora quietly urged her young twin. “Every government has a few quirks in the established ruling party.”
“You mean like how you can have a man or woman delivered to your chambers by just accessing your communicator, Aunt Cora?” Link barreled on.
“Exactly!” The Antarran Queen giggled happily.
“URRRRGH! Why do I even bother!” Link lamented.
“Your ‘communicator’ works just as well, Coraline.”
A series of ‘Old Earth’ curses left Link’s mouth just before she disappeared.
I loved my sisters!
“Coraline! You get back here on the double!” Aunt Cora commanded.
Link reappeared, but didn’t look happy at all!
Without warning Christina appeared in the conference room.
“Sisters! It is imperative that you all join me on FeLane! A grave miscarriage of justice is about to be approved!”
We were suddenly on the main floor of Parliament in Capital, FeLane!
“I call for an immediate vote on the resolution to require immediate impeachment of Kitty Sinae for failure to provide undisputable proof of procreation!” A male Lynxin in impeccable attire shouted after roaring to call everyone’s attention.
“Senator! I fail to see the need of such drastic measures! I have been informed that Her Majesty is enroute to Capital at this very moment! You shall have your adolescent, hormonal excitement shortly!” An opposing female politico countered.
There was a small bit of snickering in the huge Parliamentary Chamber.
“We are here, but they cannot see us until you give the word, Majesty.” Christina informed with a polite nod.
That explained why the loudmouthed perv I stood next to hadn’t even flinched when we arrived.
“It is the law!” The Senator next to me exclaimed. “Proof must be provided, investigated thoroughly, and nominated for an approval vote!”
“I second!” Another Senator shouted from several rows away.
“I’ll show them ‘proof’! Am I able to interact physically with them and still remain invisible, sister?” Sinae asked as she gave the politicians a very angry scowl. I took a few steps away from the one I stood next to.
“Of course, majesty.” Christina nodded with a quirky grin.
Instantaneously, Sinae let out a loud, heated, bloodcurdling war howl; several of the senator’s like-minded constituents followed their outspoken caucus leader in losing their clothing- clothing that was now in small shredded tatters on the floor around them! The echo of her growl resonated throughout the governmental house well after she was again standing with us!
Lyra, Greer, Kimbou, Tua, and especially Sonya gasped in utter shock at the instantaneous thrashing!
“We have a breach!” Someone shouted after the huge gasp of surprise faded from the hall.
Christina began to glow brightly as she instantly appeared hovering several meters off the floor- her arms outstretched from her sides.
Another deafening gasp echoed through the huge chamber.
“Hold and belay that last command, mortal beings of such self-importance!” Christina proclaimed so that everyone could hear. She slowly lowered herself to the floor while slowly turning counterclockwise to make eye contact with everyone attending.
A guard jumped from the closest aisle to us and suddenly stopped in midair.
“Really?” Christina deadpanned as she stared neutrally into his eyes from a meter away.
“I-i-it i-i-i-is mmmmmmy du…duty to guard the Parrrrrrliamentary assembly.” The Royal Guard stuttered quietly in terror.
She took some time to scrutinize her attacker before carefully returning him to the floor a few meters away from us.
“What is the meaning of this, Antarran Witch? You have no rights here and are not welcome!” The lead- nude- ‘blowhard’ next to me demanded.
“This, dear Ashlan, is an intervention.” Christina smiled menacingly.
On the ‘JumboTron’ that took up most of the far wall, an image of the mural we had seen on Tarantis appeared. A title block on the bottom of the screen read: ‘The Goddess Christina of Antarra.’ Just below that another block stated: ‘Omnipotent Being. Alias: SCION’.
Someone had done their homework!
Or was it Christina’s doing?
Maybe not.
Christina noticed and scoffed in distaste. Larger, dripping, blood red text scrolled diagonally from bottom left to upper right across the familiar image: ‘Feel Free to be AFRAID’.
I snorted a few times despite my extreme concentration not to.
“Simple parlour trickery? How lame, witch!” The Senator next to me snubbed haughtily.
“Simple, yes, but far from mere parlor tricks, arrogant Lynxin.” Christina answered calmly with a malevolent grin. “So rumor has it that you wish to view Her Majesty’s procreation ritual and vote on it’s… its entertainment content and quality, is it? Try this.”
The huge Jumbotron cleared then came back to life with some cheesy, black and white movie with slightly distorted music that announced;
The Procreation Process Part One’.
“Only somewhat entertaining, I’ll admit, but it does address the whole process definitively, yeah? Any questions?”
Christina paused for any response, but none came.
There was however, quiet feminine snickers from the assemblage.
“Making fun of an ally’s rule of law? You are not welcome here, Antarran! Leave these premises so we can get down to serious business!” The nearest Senator- Ashlan- angrily shouted.
“Ah yes, serious business. Maybe you would fare far better to star in some procreation video yourself, señorita?”
The middle-aged, boisterous Senator blurred for a moment then an extremely developed (both primary and secondary mammaries), young, blonde-haired, female Lynxin refocused in his place.
Tua swallowed loudly while paling considerably.
“Like, that would be very inter- in-ter, um yummy!” The female stuttered then giggled vapidly. Those seated around her started to sniff the air.
Yuck! Lynxin pheromones!
The Parliamentary complex went deadly silent!
“Would anyone else like to see more of my ‘simple parlor tricks’?” Christina’s voice echoed malevolently in the large chamber!
“Did the blue-haired lady say tricks?” The newly minted female Lynxin giggled airily as her attention focused on her nearest, naked constituents. She licked her lips as her needy smile bared her canines.
With a loud, long, needy whine of heat she was almost instantly wrapped around the thoroughly embarrassed guy and began humping him with abandon.
Did she have a red bow tied on her short stub of a tail?
The scene instantly appeared on the monstrous ‘JumboTron’!
Yep, a pretty, red bow!
“Lady Christina? Please.” Sinae asked quietly.
Despite what was taking place on the gigantic display, eyes began snapping to our location!
Gasps of ‘Her Majesty!’ and ‘The Queen’ began to resonate around the chamber and grew louder as more people noticed that we were now visible.
“Hi everyone!” Sinae greeted enthusiastically. “So this is what you guys do while I’m out of town, eh? Kinky. Very kinky!”
Loud cries of ‘abandoned Lynxin passion’ overrode Sinae’s voice and echoed throughout the great hall.
“Can someone please get those two a room?” Sinae deadpanned and pointed to the enraptured couple while looking quite embarrassed.
“I quite agree, your majesty.” Christina’s amplified voice answered and the passionately entwined couple instantly disappeared from the house of Parliament. “Parliament is no place for such animalistic displays of conception. There should be a certain degree of decorum involved with such honorable assemblies. Hint. Hint.”
“Which segues nicely into the reason I have agreed to deliver Her Majesty and her honored friends to these proceedings. Might I ask for the floor, Prime Minister Tua?”
Tua nodded, took the ceremonial staff from his designated alternate, tapped it loudly on the floor, and gestured to Christina. We took the opportunity to move away from our resident Goddess.
“Thank you, sir.”
Christina paused as she slowly turned a circle to observe the whole of Parliament.
“Members of this esteemed assemblage, might I inquire as to the basis of these ‘impeachment’ allegations? What possible legalities exist that warrant such extreme and frivolous action?”
“The queen has failed to provide proper documentation of her pregnancy in the prescribed amount of time.” One of the still naked representatives shouted out then visibly cringed as Sinae glared directly at him.
Christina stepped out in front of Sinae and used her thumbs and forefingers to ‘frame’ Sinae’s expanded belly then pantomimed throwing the frame at the JumboTron. Sinae’s belly instantly appeared on the huge screen for all to see.
My royal friend blushed even deeper than she had previously.
“Hmmm. Now… I would say that is all the proof one would need to verify pregnancy, ladies and gentlemen of Parliament. Might you all require tactile proof as well as visual? I can arrange that quite easily.”
“My lady, it is still a legally binding obligation- objectionable as it is- to investigate and approve the creation of a royal offspring.” A female Senator cringingly informed her.
The ‘Jumbotron’ instantly switched to a high definition sonographic image of Sinae’s womb. The unborne Lyxin clearly had a long, royal tail.
“Enough proof, esteemed Senators?” Christina polled.
“Unfortunately no, my lady.” The woman replied sadly. “That is not the proof the law requires.”
Christina took a moment to consider that statement.
“Your majesty,” Christina turned to Sinae and bowed politely, “would it be possible for me to view this ‘legal amendment’?”
“Please display FP462343 for my honored guest.” Sinae ordered as she pointed to the massive display at the end of the chamber. The female Senator nodded her approval with a look of misgiving.
The requested document appeared on the screen and Christina reached for it with her thumb and forefinger as if virtually grasping it and produced a multipage parchment that hovered in the air before her. She began to read aloud.
“FeLane Parliamentary Document number 462343- Ratified. Respectful Practices Required of Parliamentary Representatives and Royal Hierarchy. Synopsis: This resolution seeks to establish a pleasant and friendly environment for which government might carry on conducive and productive discussion and debate between the monarchy and lawmaking branches for the betterment of the FeLane Confederation. The establishment of a balanced and equitable behavioral protocol for all representatives is of paramount importance to this illustrious ruling body…”
“That is not what FP462343 conveys! Read the real document without embellishments!” Another of the naked Senators demanded angrily from the other side of the hall.
Christina ‘threw’ the document back up onto the JumboTron.
“Read it yourself then! I’m not very literate in translating FeLanian Legaleaze so…” Christina countered partially as she pointed to the large screen.
Sinae gasped as she scanned the highly magnified document; periodically glancing over to our resident Goddess.
With a final look to Christina, Sinae spoke: “That’s the way I remember it. How’d you guys get invasion of privacy, public humiliation, and ultimate control of the queen’s choices out of that?”
“That is not FP462343! I, along with the Regent, fully participated in the drafting of that resolution!” One of the older, naked senators shouted out.
His eyes suddenly widened in surprise of his outburst!
Several of his like-wise naked constituents turned to him in complete surprise of his admission.
“Excuse me. I misspoke.” He said as he quickly composed himself. “What I meant to say is that the Regent and I alone drafted the resolution we hoped would secure his continued reign unopposed. The measure allowed him to pick and chose his successor and filter out all that would oppose him. That you escaped the purge has become his bane.”
Christina looked sadly for guidance from Sinae as not a sound broke the awkward silence of the chamber.
It didn’t take much deductive reasoning on my part to realize Christina had cast a ‘truth compulsion’ on the Senator.
“My queen?” The Royal Guardsman Christina had held and spared broke the hush. “Your orders?”
“All those lacking clothing shall be detained and charged with unprofessionalism and unnecessary and unwanted exposure. I will deal with them personally. Find Senator Ashlan and her…um… client; detain them also. Lady Christina,” Sinae smiled evilly, “where did you find a room for them?”
“Not to worry, Majesty, the two Senators will awake in the morrow fully restored. Both will vividly remember their carnal activities, which transpired overnight. Finding their location won’t be a problem for local law enforcement if their male egotism holds firm… or ‘something’ else happens…”
“Thank you, my lady. Though morally questionable, I approve of your assessment and handling of this sensitive issue.”
Christina bowed nobly in acknowledgement.
“Captain Serangetti? I trust you know the drill?” Sinae added, giving her Royal Guard warrant to arrest the indecent Parliamentarians.
“It will be my pleasure, my queen! Lieutenants, you’re with me.” Kimbou responded as he began directing his fellow Guardsmen along with Lyra and Greer.
Cora approached Christina and blatantly kissed her. “Well done, my lady!”
“I just did what was needed to stop the horseshit, Auntie. Kitty, as well as everyone else, deserves privacy and respect.”
“My queen?” The female Senator from earlier asked for Sinae’s attention. “May I inquire as to the name of the man that has so captured Her Majesty’s heart?”
“Senator…?” Sinae asked and awaited her name.
“Castille, Majesty. Senator Castille from Majadray.”
“I don’t see how that is relevant, Lady Senator.”
“I’m simply curious and wish to congratulate the brave suitor of the Way-renown Warrior Queen of the FeLane Confederation.”
Sinae laughed at the woman’s reason and her outrageously overblown titling.
“Well… since you asked so nicely… Prime Minister Tua? Could you join us and call the assembly back into order? I have an announcement.”
“Parliament will kindly come to order!” Tau announced, forcefully striking the staff on the resonant floor of Parliament.
Sinae waited patiently while the chaotic assembly took their seats and quieted. She glanced over to the collected lewd senators that had been forced into spare seating then nodded to Tau.
“Her Majesty, Queen Kitty Sinae!” Tau announced to officially introduce his queen.
“Hey guys… and gals! Me again. A question has just been asked as to the identity of the royal offspring’s male contributor. Now, how many of you are dying to know who is- and I quote- ‘the brave suitor of the Way-renown Warrior Queen of the FeLane Confederation’?”
Resounding applause and wild cheering filled the chamber!
“Wow! You guys really are enthusiastic!” Sinae said with a giggle. “Tua.”
The chamber silenced, maybe waiting for her to reveal the name. I assumed they didn’t catch Sinae’s off-timed reveal.
Sinae looked questioningly around the Parliament representatives in confusion.
“No… seriously, its Tau!” She reiterated as she reached out and pulled Tua closer.
It took a moment more before the chamber again erupted into deafening applause and overwhelming cheering! Parliament again fell into chaos as everyone left their seats and began to crowd the newly announced couple. Handshakes, hugs, and other forms of polite congratulation poured forth.
A gentle hand grasped my shoulder.
“Well, it looks like Christina saved another society from spiraling into oblivion.” Savanna said louder than usual to compete against the crowd noise. “Even though she jumped the gun by a week.”
“Are you sure about that? The result is what really counts, Munchkin.” I turned and smiled at her.
“Kitty’s reign is now assured to continue. And I’m sure she’s really pissed about that too, mom.” Savanna grinned.
“After all, we all know where she really wants to be.” I smiled.
“Of course! With Tua.” She giggled then winked and vanished.
“Was that Oracle, Lady Chance?” Gretchen asked, leaning up to my ear.
I nodded. “She usually checks in after a mission’s successful completion, yes.”
“This was a mission? I thought it an ‘intervention’?” She seemed confused.
“They come in all shapes, sizes, and flavors, Lady Gretchen, and are seldom consistent or common.” I informed her.
“I understand. The battles are never cut and dry as we design or would hope, are they?”
“That’s never been the case for us, no.” I agreed as I saw Sonya approach Christina. The Antarran Goddess’s expression changed significantly!
“Excuse me, sister, I think we have just received our next mission.” I said as I moved away from Gretchen and toward Christina and Sonya.
“Lady Sonya, you do understand that you could possibly lose who you are? I would be remiss to not bring up all the negatives a change of this kind could precipitate. I challenge you to consider all if not every ramification before any final decision.”
“Sisters?” I asked after looking to see that we weren’t being observed.
“Lady Sonya insists on accompanying us back to Medieval Antarra in Queen Kitty’s place, Chance. I’m not certain that is in her best interest.”
“Whether it is in her best interest is not her primary thought, Sis. Sonya will do what Sonya feels proper for the crown.” Link advised as she placed a hand on Christina’s shoulder. “I thought we already briefed you on her ‘quirks’?”
“They are not ‘quirks’, young lady. You would do well to understand the difference between duty and honor to the monarchy, and blindly volunteering to risk one’s life.”
“Gee… I’ve never done that, Sonya.” Link deadpanned. “I was well aware that I would be well into my twenties when we finished Queen Colleen’s recovery mission. So which is it you consider this opportunity, sister?”
Link stared into the soul of our Lynxin sister while she waited for an answer.
“You will show the proper respect for your CO, young lady!” Sonya threatened.
Link giggled. “You missed it, Sonya. I aged out of the JWC while working for NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, Terra, circa 2098AD. I’m twenty-four now. So… remind me again about paying the proper respect to a fully-vested sister?”
Sonya’s eyes bulged in surprise as she sought my confirmation.
I nodded sadly.
“And, from what I’ve been told, you’ve been known to jump headlong into danger as well, so who is the pot and who is the kettle, hmmmm?” Link added.
You see it right, Chance?’ Simone nudged my upper arm with a gratified smile.
I nodded. “The two really are cut from the same cloth, Simone. I saw it that last day at Taos. She’s Caroline Norge. No doubt.”
“I hope Aunt Cora gets off her ass and finalizes her offer.” Simone added nodding back to Link.
“Probably when we get back to base.” I suggested.
“Excuse me, Lady Chance?” Christina caught my attention. “What is the proper way for someone to get Queen Kitty’s attention within these venerable walls? Lady Sonya and I have a proposal.”
I raised my index finger for her to wait a moment.
“Hey, Sinae! Waddle that fat, pregnant ass of yours over here a minute would ya?!” I shouted.
Sinae looked relieved that she was being beckoned and promptly excused herself from her present company.
“You ‘bellowed’, Chance?” She laughed when she got close.
“I did. Christina and Sonya have a proposal they’d like you to critique.”
Sinae regarded Sonya carefully for a moment then looked at Christina.
“Sure. Shoot.”
“Cousin,” Sonya forged ahead, “it is a foregone conclusion that your presence will be required here at home for the foreseeable future-”
“Only until my kitten is born, but somehow I feel you’ll see to it I hang around a while longer. Correct… cousin?”
“It is my duty as First Princess of the Confederation, my queen.”
“Yeah… that’s what I thought. So. What’s this proposal?”
“I propose that I journey back to Ancient Antarra in your stead, cousin. Since Lyra and Greer are otherwise already engaged in that era’s history and you’re… um… condition is not represented in the historic group portrait to be created in their coming months, I inquired whether Lady Christina would consider modifying my appearance to meet the criteria.”
“And I warned of unforeseen consequences like a loss of true identity or worse! Majesty, I highly warn against this proposal.” Christina urgently advised.
“Wouldn’t she be disguised as my Antarran persona instead of me in disguise?” Sinae asked.
“I suppose she would, Majesty.” Christina answered and pondered it for a few seconds. “It might be enough of a difference to protect against complete personality deletion.”
Apparently, Sonya hadn’t exactly comprehended Christina’s warnings nor reluctance as her eyes suddenly widened.
“Care to try right now, Christina? If she begins character degradation, we’ll notice immediately.” Sinae proposed with an evil grin.
Christina nodded excitedly.
“Wait! Don’t I get a say in this impromptu experiment?” Sinae’s Antarran form complained.
“Mother? Did you learn a new concealment spell?” Lyra asked after she noticed and hurried over.
“Of course not! I have never been that powerful a Current Mage nor did I agree to this experiment!”
“So, cousin, I take it you will not be in attendance at Norge’s Heath?” Lyra questioned while still looking at her disguised mother. “The upcoming skirmishes will not be the same without you. Gretchen’s spies counted at least ten thousand troops on the ground with another two thousand on horse. Are you sure you are up to it, Lady Sonya?”
“I guess she’ll find out soon enough, eh Chance?” Sinae grinned. “I’m approving the substitution. Good luck, cousin.”
Sinae walked away as Sonya stared- face pale- in disbelief.
“Foot in mouth disease.” I winked to Simone, Aunt Cora, and Link.
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It's a shame that by Ch. 13
The story makes absolutely no sense at all. Guess it is time to abandon this and start reading something else.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Kind of harsh...!
Kind of harsh...!
I still like it.!
well when the story jumps
well when the story jumps back and forth between time periods it bound to be a little disjointed, buts part of the fun trying to figure out what is going on
I agree, it takes a little
I agree, it takes a little nonlinear thinking to follow, but that’s half the fun.
“The distinction between the past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.” ~ Albert Einstein
Enjoying the Ride
Hiya! I'm still here and enjoying the story.
I truly don't understand something though - not about the story. I don't understand why some readers feel the need to publicly comment that they had enough of the story and won't be reading any more, for whatever reason. Do they not understand how that can make an author feel? Can't they at least send a private message instead of a public comment? Just wondering. And still cringing.
Thanks and kudos (number 50).
- Terry
Quite successful attempt to boost series
I don't believe that someone could be so stupid as to first read 11 chapters, comment that "I have much enjoyed your stories, but occassionally a stinker of no obvious worth rolls along . . . ." and then continue reading another two chapters of the same series and once again feel the need to complain, even if she already knew that she didn't like the series.
The only logical explaination is that this was an attempt (sucessfull at that) to boost this quite interesting series.