Summer's Current 2: Witch Corps- Chapters 18-19

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Celebrity and prestige? In the Current? How much fame can Artemis Dell and Chance take?


Chapter 18

“Chance? Chance? Is that you?” A voice called to me. It was the first thing I noticed after the pain faded.
“Who’s there?” I asked. “Where are you?”
“Chance? It’s Dell. Is that you?” A figure came into focus, but everything was orange.
It felt like I started walking, but I was confused as to where this was. It looked familiar- like I had been here before. The orange of everything around me, it reminded me of…
“Current!” I shouted as I finally remembered where this was.
“What was that, Chance?” Dell asked, as I got closer to the figure I thought was my friend and Coven sister.
“We’re in the Current.” I said as I looked at what I could now see was Dell’s inactivated form. Had it been a month since I had seen her like this?
“Are we actually in the Current? Really? How is that possible? We must be dead. That’s it, we’re dead!”
“I don’t think we’re dead, Dell. But I am sure this is the Current…or at least the upper echelon of it. Here, take my hand. I’ll see if I can fully materialize us in their world.” I said as we joined hands and I began concentrating on what Envoy called their realm. “Out of curiosity, how do I look…I mean, do I look like old Chance or new Chance?”
“You look like ‘Chance’…boobs, long black hair, knockout figure…just like the girlfriend I’ve had for the last month…oh…you want to know if you look ‘conscripted’? No, you don’t.” Dell replied, but finally thought she understood my question.
“That’s good to know, but I was wondering because you look like your ‘pre-activated’ self.”
“I do? How? I thought we were changed into those hideous things…oh, Gods! This is my second time! Chance, I don’t want to end up like Conte!” Dell cried hysterically. I pulled her to me to comfort her.
“I’m going to try to ‘land us properly in the Current realm. Hold on as I concentrate.” I said gently
Once again I was standing on solid ground, but standing beside some sort of highway instead of in the middle of it. I’m glad I remembered that slight, but important detail from my last visit. Now, the orange teardrop shapes appeared as land vehicles of varying styles, shapes, colors, and sizes.
“Unbelievable! Are you sure we’re IN the Current, Chance?” Dell asked unsure if she were really seeing what we were seeing.
“Last time I was here, these things,” I pointed to the vehicles flying by, “were just basic orange colored horizontal teardrops. And the people were just orange colored humanoid figures of various sizes with no discernible features. Apparently, I wasn’t entirely settled in this realm last time. I wonder if we’ve been reported yet?”
“Why would they report us?” Dell asked as she continued to look all around us, bewildered.
“We should wait here. I’m sure an Envoy will be here shortly. News travels fast around here.
“If you’re sure we haven’t died, Chance.” Dell acknowledged apprehensively.
As we watched, an impressive vehicle appeared on the horizon a short time later and began to slow as it got closer to us.
It pulled off the roadway, came to a stop, and a gull-wing type door opened up vertically. A man jumped from the vehicle excitedly. He seemed quite exuberant and giddy.
“After all this time! To think that I am the lucky one! I cannot begin to communicate the excitement I am feeling at this moment! To actually meet you…in person!” He rambled animatedly.
“Who are you?” I asked curiously.
The man suddenly stopped, looked at us, and thought a minute.
“Please forgive me, My Ladies! Never in my many cycles did I ever expect to meet the famous Lady Chance Summers and…um…strange…I don’t seem to have any information on you, My Lady.” He apologized after a brief pause to apparently search his archives.
Dell looked at me in complete confusion before looking back at the handsome, well-built man.
“Artemis Dell. Lady Artemis Dell.” She answered, holding out her hand. “And you are, sir?”
“Oh. OH! Please excuse my forgetfulness! I am Envoy, My Ladies. Um…though I am not the ‘Envoy’ you met when last visiting our realm, Lady Chance Summers. Much time has passed since that much-celebrated event. And sorry to say, but we are very far from that part of our realm.” He told us as his expression saddened. It instantly brightened. “My predecessor’s report was very complete. The information exchange between Lady Chance Summers and Envoy was celebrated as a major turning point in relations between our realms!”
“Well, it’s certainly nice to be back visiting your realm, Envoy, but we aren’t quite sure how we got here. Last we remember, Artie and I had just been infected with taint and were being conscripted. Why we’re here or why we look normal instead of like one of the Tormented Ones is unclear.” I said.
Envoy’s face darkened, but then he began to smile.
“The Tormented Ones? You, My Ladies? That is impossible! To think the Lady Chance Summers, of the race, Coven, could become Tormented…” He laughed heartily. “It is simply absurd! Tell me this is a concept records show you call a ‘joke’, My Lady Chance Summers.”
“It is no joke, Envoy.” I said sadly. “We had captured one of the Tormented in our realm called Evans. While attempting to ‘purify’ its taint, Artie and I somehow became infused with its Torment. We had almost completely transformed into what the Tormented appear as in our realm when we suddenly found ourselves on the outskirts of you realm. I believe I gave Envoy a full description of what we call Hobgoblins on my last visit.”
Envoy’s face again shifted expression. He now looked sickened.
“Well neither of you look anything like those artistic renderings of those hideous creatures! Of that I am certainly pleased, I assure you.”
Envoy suddenly looked around us and frowned.
“Again forgive me for my complete departure from protocol! Please, please, allow me to transport us to a more hospitable location- something more in line with your diplomatic and royal status, My Lady Chance Summers and My Lady Artemis Dell.” Envoy said as he opened and lifted the other door and motioned us to enter- even assisting us into our plush and very comfortable seats.
Entering then closing the door, he shyly sat next to me.
“The Way-Coven Embassy and enable Envoy clearance levels.” He ordered as he looked forward.
The vehicle began moving, carefully merging back onto the roadway smoothly.
“As before, while you are visiting, your unlimited clearance level is enabled. My Lady Artemis Dell, identical clearance has been established for you also. I hope that is acceptable to you both?”
“As always, you surpass yourself, Envoy, but please, I’m sure Envoy reported that, as holders of similar clearances formalities can be dropped. Please, call me Chance.” I looked to Dell. Lady Artemis? Is that acceptable?”
“By all means. Envoy, please call me Artie.”
“Of course. Thank you…Chance and…Artie. It may take several tries for that request to take proper affect. Now, can I offer answer to any inquiries?”
“Is this really the Current? This realm I mean. Are we really in the Current?”
Envoy looked perplexed for a moment.
“Ah! Current is your term for our realm. Yes, you really are in the Current, Lady Ar…Artie. From what we have deduced from your first interaction, this is a different dimension or reality from your realm and you, Lad…Artie should expect the dynamics…physics if you will of our realm to be different, if only slightly, than your realm.”
“Hmmmm.” I thought aloud. “Last time I was here, I didn’t remember entering or leaving Envoy’s vehicle. It seemed I was either in it or outside of it. Is that normal, or was I somehow still disconnected from this realm then?”
Envoy instantly stared at me.
“In Envoy’s report he spoke of and tried to describe the curious way you entered and exited his conveyance. He reported being fascinated by your ‘magical’ mannerisms. His report also lacked clarity in only one topic of his observation. Envoy failed in his theory, understanding, and analysis of your rescue and return of the adolescent Torments. Envoy simply stated that you touched them and they changed state then shot to the upper reaches of the realm to disappear entirely. Can it be assumed that they have all returned successfully to your realm and not met their transposition, Chance?”
“They have, Envoy. I would even consider one of those adolescent’s a hero as she assisted one of the smaller, pre-natal Torments in the return to our realm. I have since given the ‘pre-natal’ my family name and vowed myself her protector and educator.”
Envoy began to chuckle to himself.
“Something strikes you as humorous, Envoy?” I asked, confused.
“Your form of speech…some of the terms you use have been obsolete for some time. You would be called the child’s ‘parent’ in the modern usage.”
“I’ve been gone a very long time, I take it?” I asked.
“A very long time, yes, Chance.” He replied sadly.
“I’m sorry for that, Envoy. The passage of time is very different in our realm. Much, much slower, in fact.
Envoy chuckled again and shook his head to the sides several times while he smiled.
“Apologizing for temporal characteristics completely out of your control, Chance? May I ask why you feel it necessary to apologize for the passage of time? It is simply something that none of us can control.”
Envoy smiled as something caught his attention.
“Ah, we’ve arrived.” He said as the vehicle silently came to a stop in front of what I knew this realm called a living structure. The place was only a few levels tall, but it’s base footprint was huge!
Leaning to the side, Envoy opened then exited the vehicle. Once out, he offered his hand to help each of us out.
There was a flurry of applause all around us as I looked at dozens…hundreds of people gathered around us. They seemed ecstatic for our arrival, and began shouting questions to us.
“Lady Chance! Why the sudden visit after such a long hiatus?”
“Lady Chance! Are you here to once more assist us in dealing with the Torments?”
“Lady Chance! How long will you be staying and what designer will you be wearing while here?”
That question struck me as funny.
“Lady Chance! Can we assume this is your new significant other? How long until we see invitations?
“Lady Chance! Is it true the end of the Realm is at hand and do you know who will be called to the next realm in grace?”
“Citizens! Enough questions for now! I’m sure the Ladies are tired from their transit between realms. I am authorized to inquire as to independent interviews of our esteemed guests, but only after they have been offered hospitality. Please, enough inquiry, and good day!” Envoy told everybody as he ushered us into the building.
“I have to be almost dead, Chance! I mean…This is insane, right? There can’t be this much …civilization in the Current!”
“Tell you the truth, I’m not sure of anything anymore, Dell. I take it you don’t remember anything like this the last time you, Simone, and Sinae were conscripted?”
Dell dropped her eyes.
“All I remember is the intense pain and anguish, Chance.” Dell told me sadly as we looked around the expensive looking suite we had been shown to.
Apparently after my last visit, construction of ‘our’ Embassies had been undertaken. This ‘Way-Coven’ Embassy displayed every creature comfort one could ever imagine! Dell asked the questions I had been thinking about asking myself.
“So how long are we going to be here, Chance? What will happen to me…to us, when…if we find a way back to our reality? And…and can we even GO home, Chance?”
It was my turn to look away from my friend.
“I should have never asked for help in draining that thing. I should have done it myself. Then I’d be the only one paying the price for my arrogance.”
“Arrogance? How do you figure that, girlfriend…sorry, Chantell’s slang is hard to resist, Chance. How do you figure you are to be solely responsible for what happened?” Dell challenged as she bumped my chin up so that I was looking at her face.
“I’m surprised the others didn’t have their wands stuck through that door at the same time. And I have no idea what Simone was thinking with her BFG!” Dell giggled as she thought of what that weapon could have done in such a tight space as the hallway or holding cell.
“Chance, I’m as much to blame about our situation. It’s not all on you by any stretch.”
“I’m our leader- our commanding officer, Dell. That makes me responsible for the whole Coven. That’s the bottom line. I’ll try to find a way for you to return home, but if I can’t get both of us back there, I’ll stay behi…”
“Like Hades you will, Chance Summers!” Dell shouted, startling me.
“We stick together, High Priestess! No negotiations! Clear?” She added angrily as I stared. I nodded silently as tears filled my eyes.
“In case you forgot, Nike, you and Artemis- me- are Olympians! We are the genetic reincarnations of those two Greek Gods. That has to afford us some advantage or option. I mean…I heard my Grandmother telling me to stay strong and seek out your hand as I was being re-conscripted.”
“You heard her voice?” I gasped in surprise.
“That and this really shrill whistling. It sounded like it kept increasing in pit…”
“You heard a turbine spinning up?” I interrupted excitedly.
“I guess? Why? What does that mean, Chance?”
I regarded my friend for several seconds.
“Each time I hit a threshold, I heard what I classified as an antique turbine spinning up…basically a high-pitched whistle that kept increasing in frequency.”
Dell’s eyes grew.
“You mean you think I hit my threshold, Chance? I thought you said that wouldn’t happen once I had activated?”
“Like I said before, I don’t know what to believe anymore, Dell!” I responded, but thought on that supposed fact a moment.
“Last time I was here, I inadvertently produced my wand when I was confronted by the child conscripts. I wonder if I can still do that? Along the same line, I wonder if my Current Sight will also work here. It wouldn’t work after I was infected.”
“Why not try? I don’t think we have anything to lose, right?” Dell said in agreement.
My wand was already in my hand.
“That was fast, Chance! I didn’t see you motion for it or anything.” She said, impressed.
“See if you can produce you’re bo…”
Before I even finished my question, Dell had her bow and quiver.
“This isn’t my bow, Chance! It looks like…” Dell declared before her eyes again grew wide.
“This golden bow…it belongs to…to Grandmother!”
Dell looked between it and me a few times.
“Why do I have this?” She asked in confusion.
A short series of chimes echoed through the suite. A door alert?
I decided to find out.
“Excuse me, Lady Chance Summers. You have a woman seeking audience? A Lady Diana. She claims to be your ‘aunt’?” The man that had escorted us to this set of rooms said with a smile from the hall side of our door.
I was taken aback, but realized Dell’s grandmother had said she wasn’t going to lose her ‘Keke’ again when she had given me the lightning bolt earrings.
They were trackers, too!
“We’ve been expecting Aunt… Lady Diana. Please, show her in.” I accepted.
“See? I told you they would see me!” Artemis, daughter of Zeus said brashly as she confidently pushed past our…doorman, I guess? “Lady Chance! How nice we get to meet again. I was in the area and decided to take you up on your offer to catch-up.”
“Thank you. We’ll take it from here.” I told the man as I politely ushered ‘Diana’ into the suite and closed the door.
“How can you be here? I thought you were a Lady of only two worlds?” I asked as ‘Diana’ made herself at home by claiming the lounge chair in the main room.
Or she tried to. Dell had quickly swept in and frantically wrapped her arms around her ‘Grandmother’ and began crying into her shoulder.
“That was true, Keke,” ‘Diana’ said as she gently rubbed Dell’s back maternally. “until my genetic equivalent reached her threshold. Once that milestone was achieved, the ability cascaded back to me. I must say that, before I met you, I never realized lifeforce contained its own highly advanced, societal structure. Their level of technology is simply amazing.”
Diana nodded nobly to me and smiled.
“I must thank you for the blessing you bestowed my granddaughter, Chance Summers. You may have saved both of us from the fates’ sharp talons. How did you ever deduce that only entering the next evolutionary level could save us?”
I looked at her curiously.
“I heard your voice tell me to threshold. Several times in fact. You said your earrings would guide me…that they would never lie to me.”
“Chance, Those earrings were only meant to help me keep your location.” Diana looked to the side a moment.
“Hephaestus. That old devious…wonderful man!” She smiled. “He always seems to know exactly what his jewelry must do and programs them accordingly.”
“Grandmother? Why, when I called my weapon did your bow and quiver materialize? I am nowhere near worthy to use it!” Dell queried through bloodshot eyes.
“Who better to be able to use my weapon than me, Artemis Dell?”
Dell looked confused.
“Have you not been listening, child? We, you and I, are made up of the very same code sequences- the very same array! With the exception of environment and experience variations, we are one. So what affects you affects me. We share a common strand in the eyes of the Fates, Artemis.”
“I…I didn’t think that was real. The Fates, I mean. They really follow each of us as single threads? One thread, one soul?” Dell asked in awe.
“Metaphorically. Father so liked that metaphor and so promoted the concept to keep the ‘mortals’ in line. It has proven quite effective in maintaining morality with those we chose to mentor.” Diana smiled. “Knowing one’s life can be ‘cut’ short by some cold, arbitrary entity instills paranoia, which in turn causes ‘second thoughts’, resulting in better judgment.”
“So all that talk about the Fates not speculating on my future…?” I began to ask.
“Father Zeus’ attempt to get you to think things through, Chance, though it would seem your moral compass points strictly ‘due north’ and appears unyielding in that steadfastness.” Diana smiled and placed a kiss to my forehead before gently moving Dell aside and claiming her targeted chair. “Your predecessor suffered from the same annoying resoluteness.”
Diana laughed outright.
“I share and have been accused of that very same annoying characteristic, dear Nike. I welcome you both to that very exclusive club.” She shook her head as her smile faded.
“Now…we have much to discuss and prepare for. Shall we proceed?”
“So…I’m you? A Goddess? Daughter of Zeus?” Dell reiterated for clarity.
“Does he know about this?” She gulped and looked around us in fright.
The chimes announcing the door sounded once more.
“Yes?” I asked answering it again.
“Lady Chance Summers, I have a Lord Oden demanding an audience?”
“Also expected, thank you.” I said smiling pleasantly.
“Thank you for seeing me on such unannounced notice, My Lady!” The Lead Greek…Norse God broadcasted as he forced his way to our door. I almost expected him to climb right over our ‘doorman’!
“Thank you. As before, we can handle things from here.” I said pleasantly.
“We’ll be a while. You might want to grab a coffee or two…or something.” Zeus advised confidently as he pulled the door from my hands and closed it without a thought as to whether his escort was clear of it or not.
“Don’t be rude, father!” Diana chastised. “This society has yet to meet our species.”
“They don’t seem to need our assistance, my daughter. They have advanced adequately on their own apparently.” Zeus replied as his eyes snapped to me momentarily. He offered his hands to Dell.
“It has come to my attention that I have received another blessing. Artemis? Come greet your father.”
Dell took two steps to him and he quickly reached out and pulled her into a tight embrace.
“Welcome to the family, young Artemis Dell of Zeus. Though I wish it were under more favorable circumstances.”
“Any advice or hints as to how we can get home from here, All-grandfather?” I asked kindly.
“Definitely more of a smart ass than the original.” Zeus joked as he shook his head in resignation.
“In accordance with Olympian protocols set in place by… huh… me,” Zeus smiled tensely for a moment, “a quest must be undertaken to achieve the desired result or outcome.”
“Of course.” I deadpanned. “What is it with you people and ‘quests’?”
Diana began giggling politely, placing her hand in front of her mouth.
“Okaaaaaay? Where do we start?” I asked, glaring at the God of Old. “You got a guide book or something?”
“It just so happens, I do. Fresh off the presses, My Lady Chance.” He smiled and materialized a small pamphlet as he turned his left palm up.
I carefully took the offered booklet.
“So, you’ve got a Quest? Now what do you do? A guide to successful Olympian Questing for the First Timer.” I read its front cover aloud then shook my head several times.
“There’s a history between you and Mother, isn’t there? Should I even venture to ask, All-grandfather?” I asked looking up to him sternly.
“Several hundred years in the making, I’m afraid, Lady Chance. Maybe it would make for amusing conversation after your quest has been fulfilled. Now I must be going. Unlike my daughters and granddaughter, I cannot remain in a foreign realm for any extended length. Good luck, Nike of Aries.”
“Oh.” I smiled. “You can stay long enough to have some ‘fun’ then leave? How typically male.” I needled.
Diana burst out laughing!
“Good questing.” Zeus growled in annoyance just before vanishing.
“You seem to be able to hold your own with father, Chance. I commend you on that rare talent though recommend discretion when and where you use it. Now, getting to the things I can tell you.” She smiled deviously.
“I can tell you that the abomination formerly known as Evans has succeeded in infecting you and Dell and has attempted to conscript you both. Unsuccessful as that attempt was, you have still left your realm and reappeared here, in the Current realm.”
“Quoting my Aunt Chantell, that’s old news, sister.” I replied.
“What I am not at liberty to reveal is that Evans has made a critical error; he is still operating along mortal constraints, thankfully. In conscripting you both, he has unintentionally provided that which will advance his eventual downfall. He has helped another Fury threshold to the next higher level of ‘existence’.”
“So Dell is like me now?” I asked curiously.
“No, Nike, you are still three levels higher, but…but my younger sister, Artemis Dell, is stronger and even more lethal to the Hobgoblin scourge then your current adversary can fathom. I ask that you only use that new advantage when absolutely necessary, sisters. Artemis Dell, your ‘magic’ is potent- more so than you realize. Heed the temptation to over utilize it, for the consequences can be deadly, not only for you, but also those you love and cherish.”
“Now for the boilerplate disclosure and warning clause.” Diana smiled impishly. “Nike. Please protect my sister as you both journey through your imposed quest. Many pitfalls (Hoblins) and danger (Evans) await you and any one of those can lead to an unexpected outcome (The Way) or Tartarus. Though Goddess’ there is still a place reserved for us there and Persephone may or may not be able to assist your egress. Fair thee well, Nike of Aries and Artemis Dell of Zeus.”
‘Diana’ vanished, but somehow I sensed she was still watching…’they’ were observing…relishing the entertainment value provided by us ‘lesser’ lifeforms.
Some things never change.
So. According to Grandmother, we can leave anytime we want? Is that what I heard, Chance?” Dell asked after we had remained deathly silent for a while.
“You know… It’s no wonder my predecessor skipped out on these people. I can see how she would first become irritated then frustrated and then angry enough to just chuck this whole Goddess bullshit! Doesn’t being one of them constitute exemption from ‘Quests’?” I asked the ceiling in disappointment. I didn’t really expect an answer though.
None came. Surprise, surprise.
“So what’s the booklet say, Chance?” Dell nodded playfully to the thin pamphlet I was still curving, bending, and absentmindedly spindling.
“You expect it to actually give us some clues on how to leave? Seriously?” I snorted cynically.
“The Greek Gods are your heritage, Dell. As far as I know, the Summers’ religion has always been the Corps- whether I realized it or not.” I retorted, yet I opened to the first page nonetheless.
“Step one:”, I began to read. “Pay heed to any and all hints, clues, and bits of information any of the many deities willingly provide.” I paused.
“Yep! No epiphany there, huh?” I snorted again. Dell rolled her eyes with a cock-eyed grin.
I turned the page.
“Step two: Pay heed to any and all deviously concealed hints and clues any of the many deities covertly provide.”
“Really?!” I sniped as I looked to the ceiling again. “What is this? A comedy? Cause I’m not versed in slapstick or vaudeville and I despise ‘ironic plot twists’!” I shouted snidely.
“What an absolute nightmare. We’re just entertainment for the Gods of my ancestors. Hey! You think this could be some sort of ‘hazing’ for us freshman Goddess’?” Dell asked then followed my lead and shouted to the ceiling.
“You do know that hazing was outlawed over nine hundred years ago, right?”
Again there was no response- not even a disembodied snicker!
“What’s it recommend next, Chance?” My Coven sister asked, exasperated.
I turned to the next page with a look of disgust.
“Step three: Know that talking to the ceiling only increases the chance of outsiders thinking you are having instabilities concerning your mental faculties and can severely delay the conclusion of your quest.”
I closed the booklet and unceremoniously tossed it to my right.
“Are you tired? I think I’m going to try to sleep. Hell, I don’t even know if this realm has something called sleep!” I protested as I stood and sulked off to one of four doors opposite our main entrance.
“Huh. Well, they seem to require sanitary facilities at the very least.” I said looking in on a very well equipped lavatory.
I tried another door.
“Oh yeah! That’s what I’m talking about!” I announced loudly as I took in the gloriously large and very comfortable looking bed and bedroom.
“We now pre-empt your regularly scheduled program forrrr…sleep!” I said to the ceiling, completely ignoring the guide’s recommendations.
I also raised a middle finger to the ceiling for punctuation.

Chapter 19

“I’ll get it!” I shouted knowing Dell was ‘ocupado’ when the door alert chimed.
“Sorry to interrupt, Lady Chance. We have another reporter that is requesting interviews. Do you wish me to politely require them to make reservations?”
It had been days…maybe weeks since our arrival and the stream of reporters requesting an interview with us or just me, hadn’t quelled! Now I was sure the ‘Gods of Old’ had desired a Tragic Comedy!
“Who do they wish to interview this time, Dorman?”
“Either you or Lady Artemis or both would satisfy their requirements, Lady Chance. I can refer them to Schedule if you are not up to it.” The male voice answered sympathetically.
Dell exited the lavatory and nodded to the door I stood before.
“Either or both of us this time.” I answered.
“That makes fifty so far this week! Will it never stop?” Dell groaned.
“Would it be more humorous to have it end?” I posited.
“I suppose not.” She said before flourishing her hand in a lackadaisical ‘go ahead’ type gesture.
“Set them up in the auditorium, Dorman, but tell Schedule to lock the doors and take the phones off the hook for the rest of the day!”
“As you wish, My Lady Chance Summers.”
“I told you how much I like the formality, haven’t I?” I groaned.
“You have, but, as you claimed fourteen cycles ago, I am your ‘Comic Relief’, My Lady.” Was his reply through the slightly open door.
I groaned again, rolling my eyes in frustration.
“We’ll be down shortly, Dorman.”
“Very good, My Lady.”
“You know…it was humorous for the first few days”, Dell sighed, “Only the first few days, though."
“Maybe we went about this all wrong, Dell.” I said rubbing my temples. “Maybe we should have conjured disguises- a big bulbous head with very large, glassy, black eyes, no nose, and a small mouth. Couple that with long, thin fingers and light grey skin…they would’ve lost interest in us in no time!”
“Didn’t you just accurately describe the Orions?” She asked flatly.
My right hand palmed my face.
“Sir, madam? They’re ready. Might I recommend asking new questions? Ones that haven’t been answered several magnitudes of times already?”
“We’ll try to keep the questions fresh, Dorman.” We heard a deep voice reply.
“Very well then. Sir and madam, I present to you, Ladies Chance Summers and Artemis Dell of the ‘Way’ realm. Ladies? Reporter Lono and his assistant, Miss Pele.”
“You!” I shouted as we entered the interview area and I recognized the faces presented to us.
“Sorry? Have you four met before?” Dorman queried. “Sir? Have you received an interview before? If so, may I ask you to depart the Embassy peacefully and not consider a return?”
“Lono and Pele, huh? Two of the major deities of Hawaiian mythology?” I challenged. “That’s a new one.”
“Lady Chance, if you wish to discontinue this interview, I can have Security and his assistants extricate this man from the Embassy.” Dorman offered.
“No, we’ll grant them the interview, Dorman. We’ll alert you when we’re done. Thank you.” I responded as I motioned him to the exit.
“Lady Chance, the audience grows bored.” ‘Mr. Lono’ said as soon as our faithful assistant left. Zeus was disguised as a tall, muscular, barrel-chested man with dark hair and Polynesian features. “This challenge has not developed into what was advertised.”
“And what WERE those expected parameters, All-Grandfather?” I countered angrily. “Have we not proven comical enough for your tastes?
“The ratings have dropped drastically, My Lady.”
Tough shit!” I exclaimed venomously.
‘Lono’ winced in surprise of my outburst.
“I told you there was an above average chance that Nike would not 'play ball', Father.” ‘Pele’ told him with a devious grin. Artemis…Diana…whoever…looked quite exotic with her extremely long, jet-black hair, and soft, Polynesian features.
“I’m not anyone’s entertainment, All-grandfather! Our Realm is in danger. That is the place we should be! Dispatching or rescuing Hoblin conscripts instead of lazing away our pSecs granting redundant interviews, repeatedly!”
Zeus…Lono… merely observed us with a neutral expression.
That’s it!” I declared! “We’re leaving! Come on Dell, I’m through being an Internet celebrity!” I announced as I produced my wand and took aim on him. Dell had jumped from her seat and had Zeus in front of her nocked arrowhead.
“Chance, wait. Lower your weapons, please.” Artemus…Pele urged. Dell and I complied begrudgingly.
“It seems your little sister has even faster reflexes than you, daughter. I wonder if she has thought out her present actions concisely though?” Zeus…Lono semi-complimented.
“We’re already in Tartarus, Father Zeus. There is no lower place we could fall to.” Dell hissed.
“What she said.” I agreed. “I’m willing to wager that after my last threshold, we could have a proper knockdown, drag out.”
“If that were true, why haven’t you left this realm for your own already?” Zeus grinned mischievously.
“Artemis and I can come and go as we please.” Zeus smiled. “Yet, you haven’t managed even that in three whatever they call months here.”
“I thought the idea of a ‘quest’ was to learn something important or useful from the journey.” I groused. “I…we never tried to leave. That would be rude after the hospitality shown us here.”
Artemis giggled and shook her head.
“As much as I wish to honor your request to continue this ruse, I simply cannot allow you to be injured- maybe even critically, Father.” Diana looked pleadingly to Zeus. “You know as well as I, Nike was always the most powerful of us. She just never lost control of her talents the way some of our other sisters and brothers have…even you. It is no wonder she chose to flee- to disappear into the eons of existence.” She looked to me sadly. I took it as a hint as to the mental health of my predecessor.
“I have no doubt that, given a fair competition; you would win- with her in strict control of her emotions and anger. However, if she were to lose herself to the pain, the anguish…if she completely embraced her pent-up anger?” Artemis flashed me a wink. “The animal brutality…that pure and unfiltered rage she has been storing inside since her first threshold would release the true power she possesses and you would cease to exist within a matter of minutes! Please discontinue this quest, as it would only result in you getting hurt and our sisters lamenting their actions for the rest of their lives. That would only allow the evil to grow and spread throughout the Way Galaxy faster, and with no restraint.”
Zeus smiled as I smiled.
“So. I have to vent all my stored anger to get us home?” I chanced to guess.
“Ahh…so close, yet so far, my beautiful and cunning granddaughter.” Zeus frowned as I remained smiling.
Standing, I rose from my seat and placed a chaste kiss on the God’s forehead then stepped over to Diana and took both her hands in mine.
“Thank you for believing in me, Aunt Artemis. You really are a fully vested member of the Corps. If you should choose to return for some ‘fun’, I have a Broom ready for your pleasure. Return to the place we arrived to in two days. We’ll see then if I have everything puzzled out. Thank you again, My Lady.” I said, leaning in to her ear then placing a kiss to both her cheeks.
I noticed Dorman slowly and cautiously appear in one of the auditorium doors.
“Until then, Pele.” I giggled. “At which time we’ll see who produces the most fire and brimstone.” I winked.
“Mr. Lono. The entertainment you so desperately hoped for will debut two days hence. Your assistant has been given the details and location. May the audience ratings shot through the roof!”
“Dorman, I must thank you for arranging this specific interview. Of all the many conversations, this has been the most refreshing.” I said before pausing.
“Thank you again for your concern and sensitivity. Lady Artemis and I hope to talk to you again soon. Good day. Dorman? We’ll be in our suite if you need us.” I added.
Dell and I walked past Dorman and out the doors.
So care to ‘enlighten’ me on what is going to happen, Chance?” Dell asked politely, though I could tell there was an edge to her voice.
“We’re going home.” I said enthusiastically.
“How? Zeus said that you weren’t going to get us back there.” She countered.
“I can’t, but you can, Artemis Dell- sister of the great huntress, Artemis, and daughter of Zeus.” I revealed.
“Huh?” Dell gasped. “I can’t get us home! I’m not as powerful as you, Chance!” she argued.
“Hasn’t Artemis said many times over that you and she are the same? That both of you are identical in every way save experience and thought?” I attacked.
“Well…yes, but I thought she was only being dramatic.”
“Has she also appeared here several times during our visit in the Current realm?”
“She has…oh. OH!” Dell’s eyes opened fully as she finally understood.
“Dorman?” I called after opening our door and leaning out.
“Yes, My Lady Chance Summers?” He answered from down the end of the hall. He hurried to me.
“Alert the staff that Lady Artemis Dell and I will be leaving in fifty uSecs. We wish Envoy to accompany us to our initial location. That particular by-way is to be temporarily closed for the public’s safety during our departure.”
“Very good, M’lady. I will contact Envoy with the specifics.”
“Thank you, Dorman, that will be all.” I said then closed the door.
“So how do I do it, Chance? How do I get us home?” Dell asked after I sat back down.
“The same way I change realms, I guess.” I shrugged my shoulders. “I just had to think about entering the Current then concentrating a little harder to get here.”
“So where do you fit into our escape, girlfriend?”
“Right before you take us home, I suspect Artemis and Zeus will try to piss me off royally. I want you to lock me in the holding cell with Evans when we get back. If I’m right in my thinking, I won’t look like myself…still I want you to get everyone out of the building after locking me in with that monster. Use the hexagram to throw a spell around the cell to hopefully save some of the hangar. Still, I want everyone well away before I lose it. Understood?” I asked. Dell carefully gazed at my face evaluating my sincerity.
“You might not make it.” She stated flatly in realization- her expression guarded and unreadable.
My gaze drifted to the floor in answer.
“Chance? Why?” She asked. “Why, when you have me and our sisters to help?”
“Would you do the same thing if it were you, Dell?” I asked, looking back up at her through my tears.
It took a minute for her to debate the question.
“I imagine I’d do exactly the same thing, sister.” She said sadly as she swept me into a tight embrace and added her tears to mine.
“My Lady Chance Summers? I have a gentleman demanding an interview with you!” Dorman knocked excitedly on our door.
“Tell him its too late! We leave for our departure point in only a few nSecs and wish to finish preparing. Tell him to go away.” I ordered through the door to our suite.
“M’lady! He demands audience! He refuses to leave the premises and has subdued Security and his assistants. He sits in wait in the auditorium and gives you ‘five minutes’(?) to appear or threatens to come here and ‘break down the door’!”
“Father Zeus?” Dell asked trying to supply a plausible answer.
I just shrugged as I rolled my eyes.
“Fine! Tell him I’ll be down in five ‘minutes’!”
“Thank you, M’lady! Violence of his flavor and strength should not exist in this realm. I trust you can subdue his thirst for it?”
“I’ll try, Dorman. I’ll be right down.”
“Thank you, M’lady.”
“So? You think he’s attempting to irritate you, Chance?” Dell asked.
“With a little over an hour til we’re due to depart? Of course it’s him.” I nodded animatedly.
“Please meet Envoy and tell him of my last nSec interview.”
“Will do, High Priestess. See you in the Envoy’s vehicle.” Dell said as she hugged me.
“Presenting Lady Chance Summers as harshly requested.” Dorman announced resolutely.
“About time you get that fine ass of yours down here! I thought you’d act like a true Summers and run away.” The blond-haired man complained as he stood to greet me. His stature was similar to mine, but his face telegraphed his despicable intentions clearly.
“We need to make this short, Mister…?” I suggested, pausing to await his last name.
“Good! So down on your knees and get to work, bitch!”
“Excuse me?” I gasped in surprise as I stared at him in confusion.
“You know, it took me far longer to find you than I expected. Now that I have…I SAID…get down on your knees and do your job!”
“I think you’re in the wrong place, sir. I have no intention of doing any kind of service to or for you. Not now, not ever! Excuse me, I am late for a previous appointment.” I said as I turned to walk out on this rude, egotistical scum.
A strong, coarse hand grabbed my left forearm harshly. So hard in fact that it spun me around to look into his fierce, arrogant, hungry face!
“Say hi to Mommy, that Fairy, Charley Anderson, and Auntie Chantell for me.” He said sarcastically.
“Look…it won’t work, Zeus. I don’t respond well to the ‘hard sell’. Nice try though.” I said as I tried to break his hold and take a few steps for the door.
“Now see? I never subscribed to all that mumbo-jumbo about superior deities…now if you just kneel down here and start sucking, I can get your conscription back on track.”
“That’s not going to happen!” I declared as I produced my wand and took aim at his skull.
He began to laugh at me!
“Put the peashooter away, bitch! It never proved useful for Mommy or her Coven.” He declared arrogantly. “Now, get down to business before I lose my temper and strip your mind of all its resistance.”
“Yeah. That’s what I thought.” I said as I defiantly pulled my arm away, turned, and began walking away.
“You and the other Olympians have fun with some other developing species. I have better things to do. May you pleasure yourself to insanity and beyond, creep!”
Don’t you walk out on me, bitch! I own you now!” He shouted.
I flipped him the finger over my shoulder in response.
“Glad you could make it, Chance. How was the interview?”Dell asked. I noticed that Zeus and Artemis were sitting keeping her company.
I stared at them then glanced back at our Embassy a few times as Goosebumps spread instantly all over my skin!
“What’s wrong?” Dell asked as her face quickly shifted from playful smile to serious concern.
“The guy was a creep!” I stated in unmasked disgust, as the vehicle started moving. “He was only here to demand sexual favors- of all things- from me. He claimed he owned me!”
“I didn’t think that type of morality existed here, Chance?”
“It doesn’t, Lady Artemis Dell.” Envoy offered from the front of the vehicle. “Did this barbaric heathen give his name so that I can have him detained and questioned?”
“He never offered it, Envoy, no.” I replied. “And ‘Doorman’ claimed he had disabled ‘Security’ and his assistants so I would wish you stay far from ‘it’.
“Then maybe a description of this lewd citizen?” He asked.
“Blonde hair; about my height; foul mouthed; disgusting thoughts and ideas…”
“Lady Chance? In case you have been too busy to notice, the people of this realm do not count ‘blonde’ hair one of the native attributes.” Envoy offered politely.
That could only mean one thing!
“Chance? You okay? Your face suddenly paled!” Dell demanded. “And your eyes…!”
“Would it be possible for Evans to journey here? I mean, we can come and go just by thought…” I said, but stopped.
“You think that was that Evans thing?” Dell and Artemis gasped together.
“I would say that it is possible, Chance.” Zeus suggested. “If we can do it, why can’t something else?”
“He has to be stopped! I seethed. “We have to get back to stop it from corrupting Kane!”
“Lady Artemis Dell, have her eyes always glowed like that? I have read reference to a strange glow in Lady Chance’s eyes while expressing certain emotions.” Envoy wondered.
“That reaction is usually linked to anger or frustration, Envoy, and is exactly what we were hoping would happen today. Only, we thought Sir Zeus or Lady Artemis would be inciting those responses.” Dell answered.
“I assumed you were behind the interview, All-Grandfather. Aries, maybe? I heard he has a very bad temper.” I asked.
“Ari? Chance, you’ve met Ari. He wouldn’t hurt a fly! He’s a lover, not a fighter.” Artemis giggled.
“Then who? The last time I was here the Hobgoblins still looked like Hobgoblins in this realm.” I told them.
“Lady Chance is correct. My predecessor wrote of the diabolical monsters she sent off through the outer reaches, never to return.” Envoy corroborated.
“Can’t this thing go any faster, Envoy?” I asked growing ever more angry and agitated.
“We are almost to the location, My Lady.”
“Ah, so nice to see you made it, now shall we continue as if we were never interrupted?”
That voice said from about fifty yards ahead us just after we exited Envoy’s vehicle and instructed him to get as far away from us as possible.
Two arrows instantly appeared in the blonde man’s chest. He should have been dead on the spot, but simply smiled demonically.
“Such crude methods of inflicting death.” He said as he easily pulled them out and dropped them. Four more arrows found their marks and embedded themselves to the fletching in the man’s flesh. Dell and Artemis looked confused by the fact he was still standing. They both had already notched several more arrows to their bows.
“There are no arrows.” He stated flatly before brushing away the dust that the projectiles had become.
“Well. It seems like the Gods of the Greeks aren’t so much Gods, but normal humans after all.”
“Watch your tongue, monster!” Zeus commanded.
“Or what, exactly?” The haughty man countered. “You’ll smite me with those famous lightning bolts I’ve heard about? Need I tell you that everything here is based on Current, and I control the Current. It answers to me alone and no one else! Go on…try to strike me down! I dare you!”
A bolt of lightning broke through the heavens and struck the blonde guy. The concussive force caused us all to fall to the ground.
“You know? That actually stung a little. That was a pleasant surprise. My turn.”
A similar bolt arced through the sky, but I jumped in the way instantly to take the full strike. Excruciating pain coursed through me and I found myself on the ground again- stars floating merrily in my view.
“My thanks to you, dear granddaughter.” Zeus said as he gave me an appreciative nod.
“That was incredibly stupid, slut! You think taking on Current will give you some advantage over your master?” The monster clucked.
“There are other ways to kill a monster other than the conventional ways.” Artemis warned- her bow and aim never wavering.
“Please, plant a few more shafts in me if it will make you feel better.” ‘It’ taunted.
Artemis instantly made a pin cushion out of his chest, firing eight volleys of six arrows at a time.
“Feel better, now?” It asked.
“Dell, start your warm up and forget about this dweeb!”
“Yes, ‘Little Sister’. Start your preparations to re-enter your new bondage!” It mocked and laughed haughtily. “I can’t wait to taste the nectar of a double transfiguration.
“Leave! Her! Alone! You evil, morally corrupt, abomination!” I growled as I got back on my feet and glared at him.
“Nice trick with the eyes, bitch. Though tricks aren’t very effective on a real God!” He laughed conceitedly again.
“Dell, get moving.” I told her calmly though I noticed my voice echoed ever-so-slightly in the still air.
“Yes Dell, hurry. You’ll both join my harem that much quicker. Then I may do what I want with you.”
“As I said before, Asshole. That will not be happening! I will slice that offensive organ from your body and shove it into that foul opening you call a mouth! See how you enjoy your own blowjob!” I threatened as I began to feel a pressure start to build within me.
“Such defiance! It shall be a pleasure to finally have a Summers bow down before me in submission! Allow the anger you feel to flow through you- corrupt you- conform you to my imagined image!”
“Kiss my ever lovin’ ass, Dweeb! I’ll never submit to you -ever! I would request my Current to disassemble me and reclaim me before I would ever submit to you!” I threatened even louder.
“No matter; there is always that group of misfits you lovingly call a Corps. I shall take great pride in dismantling it soul by soul.”
Motion off to my right set me in motion immediately!
Another strike of powerfully intense lightning struck me and not Zeus before he could even materialize his own.
The pressure I had begun to feel building increased in strength once more.
This time, instead of stumbling back to my feet, I simply floated up and righted myself. I took a few steps toward my arrogant adversary.
“So.” I dared as I took several more steps toward ‘It’. “You think you can control me? You think that I am just some tasty bit of lifeforce that will yield to you just because you think you have the upper hand?”
“That’s exactly what I know to be absolute fact, my delicious slave! Now kneel before me! I tire of this game and consider it foreplay to just delay the inevitable.”
“And I consider you repulsive, crude, and barbaric! Never in my life have I met someone with lesser moral character!”
“Mere sticks and stones.”
“So…ifif you were to win this day, what is your plan for us.” I challenged.
He began laughing again.
“When I win this day…I plan on draining you of all free will, conscious thought, and everything that still tastes of human. You both will join my mindless pawns and languish in your pain and anguish until I need to replenish my energy. Believe me! I will savor each of you until there remains nothing but an empty husk!”
“Got it, Chance.” Dell alerted me.
That pressure I had been feeling? It was bubbling fervently- ferociously. I could feel it forcing its way to the surface. Ready to explode from me in something highly destructive and ominous.
A huge ‘super volcano’ seemed easier to control!
“No.” I said as I fought the surging power inside me. “I haven’t taken my shot with my weapon, yet.” I growled evilly. That seemed to reinforce my internal restraints slightly.
“Chance? You never use a weapon, just your wand.” Dell reminded me.
“You may try anything you wish, but you cannot win against your master, my resistant, thrall.” His arrogance and malevolent laughter only multiplied the unknown force deep within me.
I was suddenly holding a staff of some six feet in my right hand! Looking down, it had a golden, pointed base. Opposite that, an elaborate headpiece of the finest gold ornately held a round, multi-faceted, bluish gem. Looking closer, I could clearly see Mom’s picture somehow set within its center. Her likeness was vividly colored and seemed to have a light all its own. The headpiece reminded me of my locket’s overall shape and design, but on a much grander scale!
I heard my sisters’ gasp in complete surprise behind me, and maybe a little fear as I glared at the heinous creature declaring himself my ‘master’.
“No one will ever declare themselves master of me or anyone under my protection, Nathaniel Evans!” My voice echoed loudly in heated anger. “Nor shall you enslave any more sentient entities in any realm!” I noticed my staff start to glow brighter as the power within me increased logarithmically!
“Sister. Now would be the time to transport you and our High Priestess back to your realm. Do as she has commanded to the letter and do not fear her form there. Also fear not, for you shall be returned to your actual form as if nothing has happened. Do the transport now, Artemis Dell!” Artemis commanded in my peripheral hearing.
Pain once again wracked my body and the strange vision I had been enduring before finding ourselves in the Current, returned.
“Quickly! Move the High Priestess back into the building and put her in the holding cell!” Artie ordered excitedly.
“What is she holding? Where was she hiding a staff of that size?” I heard Simone ask as my strange, distorted view of the world began moving.
“Its her weapon! Chance! Remember what he threatened to do to you, me, and the rest of the Coven! We’re almost back to the cell.” Artie shouted to me as she forced my eyes to her face.
“Chance never used a weapon!” I heard mom argue.
“Once locked inside with Evans, Chance wants us to invoke a force field using our hexagram configuration. We are to quickly evacuate the area of all personnel after. We don’t know what will happen or for how far so be on guard! Chance! We’re here! Opening the cell door now! Good luck and deliver him to Uncle Hades with my compliments!” Dell shouted and I was suddenly thrown into a dark chamber. Quickly, I determined that I still had my staff in hand. With the extreme pain making it tremendously difficult to stand, I struck the pointed base of my staff to the ground for support.
Light filled the small confined space and I found that I was face to face with the most hideous Hobgoblin I had ever laid eyes on! Even with my severely distorted vision, and the tremendous agony I harbored, this thing only worsened those symptoms.
“Welcome to my harem, Summers!” It hissed evilly- confidently. “Now bow to my will!”
“Do you even remember our conversation in the Current just now? I told you that I will never submit to you, Nathaniel!” I repeated.
“You will bow before me and you will do what I command, slave! You no longer are Chance Summers- spawn of that arrogant trans-slut, Hopewell! You are now mine! You will do my bidding!”
The force of the unknown power continued to build within me, but despite the duress I was currently experiencing, I succeeded in holding it at bay. I was thankful for that, hoping my sisters could get far enough away from what I expected to be a very large hole.
YOU WILL OBEY ME, SLAVE!” Evans shouted in my face, disgusting spittle and all!”
I. WILL NEVER. BE. YOUR’S. NOR. ANYONE’S. SLAVE!” I shouted as the barrier holding back my strange internal power finally burst forth.


Author's notes: First off... sorry this is another cliffhanger. Secondly: Chance is referring to Artemis Dell as just 'Dell' because, in the Current, she has her 'pre-activated' form. Lastly, maybe Santa will deliver an early resolution to this cliffhanger.

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