Summer's Current 2: Witch Corps- Chapters 22-23

Witch Corps.jpg

The aftermath, result, and debriefing of the “Kane Incident”.


Chapter 22

“Where did she go?” Jamie asked for the fourth time in the five minutes since Dell claimed she knew where our Chance was and vanished.
“Will you please shut it, you nit?!” Lady Chantell shouted in a formal sounding, snarky accent.
“Look! This is still new to me! And if the High Priestess is lost to us, how will I ever get back to normal?” Jamie continued.
Her concern for ‘self’ irritated me no end!
Pointing to her, I extended my pointer nail. It stopped less than an inch from her nose and she suddenly stopped breathing. Her eyes bulged in terror.
“You may never return to ‘normal’ if you do not learn that you alone are not the galaxy! Witch Corps is a team, and we shall remain a team even if our High Priestess never returns! Understand?!” I snarled!
The sudden sound of an infant child crying demanded my…all of our attention!
“Savanna?” Lokust shouted as she rushed to what Chance called a ‘car seat’. It was suddenly ten paces behind us- well out of the way of the fluctuations at the event horizon. “How did you get here?”
Lokust unharnessed and lifted the kitten from the seat to her shoulder. Savanna stopped crying instantly.
P-p-porno to Coven!” Lady Cora’s frazzled voice broke squelch on our comms.
“Lokust. Go ahead, Porno.” Lokust answered.
L-Lokust! We… we have a situation on Pegasus!” She sounded on the verge of hysteria.
“Would that situation involve Princess?” Our Exec asked with a slight giggle as she fussed with Savanna.
How?” Porno responded after several dozen seconds.
“Princess just popped in to say ‘hi’, Porno. She just crashed the party. Pegasus status?”
All infected craft have been cleaned and remain in a holding pattern until Seeker can interface. Pegasus is one-zero-zero percent.” Lady Cora reported.
Mum to Lokust! I’m picking up a very strong gravity fluctuation building in your immediate area! I’ve never seen anything like it before today. But, this one doesn’t seem to be building to quite the same intensity as the last one, twenty minutes ago.
Savanna began to gurgle and laugh while waving her limbs excitedly.
“What’s that, Sweetie? Chance and Artie are coming back and we should retreat fifty meters?”
“Wait!” I said as I regarded our Exec. “You understand her? Like Chance claims to understand her?”
“Exactly, Kitty. Chance instructed me to ‘listen with my heart’ and I would then understand her. It really is amazing, the things she knows. Let’s step back.” She said as she hugged the kitten tenderly, tears rolling down her face.
We waited.
A sliver of blue light flashed into being in the middle of what had been the Witch Corps hangar. The sliver quickly grew and spread out becoming brighter and brighter in intensity! This was completely opposite of what had happened here earlier!
A powerful wind gust burst from the anomaly.
The intensifying blue light suddenly burst forth, the concussion moving us all a step or two back.
Savanna suddenly ‘burped’ loudly! Lokust looked to her kitten then back to the strange anomaly. Tears were now streaming down her face!
The hangar was suddenly ‘back’ with us! I know I felt my mouth open in wonder. If this were Chance’s doing, I would have a whole new appreciation of her talents and strength!
According to my Current sight, which I had just snapped on, our protective shield was still in force and active around the newly materialized building. That also amazed me.
With a loud ‘snap’ and another gust of wind, the shield disappeared.
Was it designed to do that, or was something wrong. I found it hard to move toward the rear door of the building- my instincts suggesting it might be a trap.
The door suddenly opened and the back of a huge Terran wrapped in gold trimmed, white linens backed out through the door. He was carrying somethi…someone!
“Oh my God, Chance!” Lady Hope cried as it became apparent the large man was carrying my friend- our High Priestess. She rushed to her daughter with urgency only a mother would expend.
“I assure you, Lady Hope, you’re valiant daughter is only unconscious. She has expended an enormous amount of power in a small amount of time.” His deep baritone boomed as he gingerly handed Chance over to Lady Hope’s expectant arms. “Despite the blood, cuts, and bruises, Nike has once again won the day.”
“Hephaestus? What happened to her? She looks like she took a bath in blood!” Lady Hope asked after placing Chance carefully on a gurney she quickly conjured. Lokust- still carrying Savanna- rushed to her and took her blood-drenched hand.
The door shot open and a blonde-headed woman of about twenty standard years walked out confidently.
My…all of our weapons instantly came to bear on her. Even Lokust was instantly on the offensive.
“Could you like, give me a break here? It’s been a very hectic day and I broke a nail?”
Her voice could etch permacrete! I immediately felt myself becoming irritated.
“Witch Corps, hold!” The man boomed. “Although annoying, Athena is one of us. I vouch personally for her, though I sometimes wonder why.”
“Heeeeey! Be nice, Hephie? Hi, like, I’m Athena? Or Demeter? But you all can call me Demi?” The woman announced in her shrill tone as she approached with her arms outstretched.
The door opened again.
“DELL!” I shouted enthusiastically as I uncharacteristically ran to my friend!
“Heeeey! What about hugs?” Demi cried out in surprise as I rushed past her.
The door opened yet again and Dell came out… I stopped and looked on in confusion. Both Dells had golden bows on their shoulders.
“It is good to see you again, Princess Kitty Sinae.” The first Dell said, nodding to me confidently.
“Sorry for the confusion, Sinae. Big sister got to the door before I did.” The second…Dell apologized.
“Artemis gave you her bow? Why?” I asked curiously.
“Actually this is mine. Big sister still has her’s.” Dell nodded to the original Artemis.
“Big sister? I thought she was your Grandmother?” I questioned.
“Well… Since Chance took me through my own threshold, Artemis claims we’re identical sisters now…it’s a long, convoluted story reserved for much heavy drinking, Kitty.” She assured me with a roll of her eyes.
“I will take you up on that when we get back to base.” I assured her.
“Lokust, Pegasus. Porno, we need an emergency evac. As close as you can get to the hangar.”
On our way, Lokust. Pegasus out.” Samuel Redman’s voice responded to our Exec.
Though we could see nothing, several dust storms began to twist and gust about us. It felt like Pegasus was landing right on top of us and I instinctively bent over to avoid getting hit.
“He better not have put a scratch on her!” Lady Hope threatened- the inclination of her glare looked about the right angle for the Bridge.
Pegasus ‘decloaked’ and I was right to have bent over, as Pin-Up’s lower control arc was less than a meter above my head!
From this angle and location, Pegasus seemed huge, but very beautiful with her chrome hull gleaming in the retreating sun.
She also looked like Redman had just as precise a handle on her controls as Lady Hope!
Ladies Janet and Cora, Samuel Redman, Ladies Sonya, and Lyra Serangetti, all hurried down the ramp that had extended.
“What happened?” Lady Cora demanded as she hurried over to Chance’s side. “And how did you do that little Plum Button?! You had Auntie Cora freaking out!”
“AAaaaaWWW! Pretty Kitties!” Athena…Demi shouted shrilly as she hurried over to where Sonya and Lyra stood.
Sonya advanced a few steps and assumed a perfect ‘Logan’ defensive stance; her left arm high and right arm straight to the side. A noticeable flick of her wrists extended all ten of her deadly fingernails!
I was impressed!
Demi, on the other hand, slid to a stop with a horrified look.
“Looks like the kittens don’t want to play, Lady Demi.” I giggled evilly.
“I’m just…you know…trying to be like, neighborly? Why doesn’t anybody want to hug here? I don’t like, like this place, so far?”
“Demi? You do know the Witch Corps…aka, the Furies, are an elite fighting force formed to defend against the Hobgoblins of this mortal realm?” The man Lady Hope called Hephaestus, informed this ditsy female.
Lady Hope calling to the huge Terran turned my attention.
“Hephaestus! I can’t use my healing spell on her! It just skips across her instead of into her. I don’t understand.”
“I suggest we get Nike into you craft, Lady Hope. Once inside and secured from the outside environment, I shall convey what has ensued in the past several hours on Olympus as Demeter and I have witnessed.”
“Olympus? Why would she go there and what did she do? Are we all going to get called into Zeus’ office?” Lady Hope asked in concern.
“Such a way you have, sister!” Hephaestus laughed heartily as he shook his head slowly. “No, My Lady. I think he will forego that… this time.”
“What say you, Simone? Shall we show this one ‘our’ way?” Lady Cora said with a breathy, seductive voice as she smiled and winked to Lady Simone.
“Though intriguing, I must decline the offer, Caroline, Ruler of the Norge Trade Federation. We are here in a most official capacity today.” He politely declined.
“Though unofficially, I’d take that action.” He winked to Lady Chantel then laughed heartily.
Did Simone actually sigh in disappointment?
“You have a standing invite, Sweetpea. You know how to reach us.” Lady Cora flirted.
Has that woman no shame?! Monarchs were expected to be professional and polite, but here was a ‘blue-hair’ from…two ‘blue-hairs’ from Antarran Royalty, flirting like Terran Escorts looking for bigger stipends!
Lady Janet was likewise wistfully assessing the well-built Olympian male. That made Samuel Redman frown and roll his eyes. He didn’t seem too taken aback by her actions though.
Antarrans! Seems like they’re constantly in heat!
“Hey! Guys! We need a clean-up in the main hangar area! There’s a pile of what I think used to be a Terran in there. It hasn’t really started to stink yet, but it’s still pretty rank.” Lady Kaitlyn…Keats reported as she popped her head out of the door and began motioning us in.
My hyper-sensitive nose had already picked up traces of death as soon as the door opened.
“Chairman, Laidy-in-Wait, and Wrench, Take care of whatever that is in there. Laidy-in-Wait, I need you to show Chairman our idea of a ‘Cleanup in Aisle Six’. Wrench, make sure its done to your satisfaction.” Lady Lokust ordered, taking charge. “Everyone else, please board Pegasus for a debriefing- but only after we see to Chance’s needs.”
Ladies Hope, Chantell, Charli, and Lokust made sure Our High Priestess was cleaned, comfortable, and covered in her quarters’ bed. A problem arose when we began to file out of her and Lokust’s room. Savanna began crying, disappeared then reappeared lying next to Chance. Lokust tried to move her several times, but Savanna proved just as strong willed as her mother.
After a short conversation with the infant kitten, Lokust stated that Savanna did not want to leave her mother- that she had let her out of her sight too many times already.
So, after feeding the kitten- Lokust had asked her Current to produce milk- a sleeping Savanna was placed beside Chance on the bed, Both seemed happy with that arrangement as we left for the observation lounge to debrief.
Simone, Kaitlyn, and Jamie arrived late, as expected.
“So, what we know is that Dell and Chance somehow became infected by a Hoblin calling itself ‘Evans’. This identity was confirmed by Hope, Chantell, and Charlene.” Lokust started off the debriefing.
“It was his voice that we heard.” Hope shivered visibly. “I think all three of us will remember that voice forever!”
“Okay, so, after being infected, Dell and Chance began to change. It was a very slow type of conscription. Their transformation seemed to take forever. Can we assume that you and Chance were fighting against it, Dell?”
“We were, but I think Chance was fighting harder, because when she started powering up for my threshold, she still looked more Terran. There was sooo much pain! Everything about me seared with deep, burning, excruciating pain! There was absolutely no respite from it. As I thought the pain couldn’t get any worse, I heard a high-pitched whistle that kept increasing in frequency. Next thing I know, I’m surrounded by an orange colored sky and landscape. After looking around, I finally saw a figure some distance away from me and started walking toward it. As I got closer, I noted it was Chance. She told me that we were in the Current and that she would try to ‘land’ us.”
“We found ourselves next to a highway of some sort watching strange looking vehicles race by. Chance seemed to think the inhabitants of those vehicles would report our location. Sure enough, about a half an hour later, a vehicle slowed and stopped. The man that got out called himself ‘Envoy’, but Chance said it wasn’t the same ‘Envoy’ she had met on her earlier trip to the Current.”
“We were transported…driven, to a building that we were told was our ‘Embassy’- ‘Way-Coven Embassy’. Can you believe that they built an Embassy for us there?”
Dell continued to report on their activities and experiences in the Current realm.
“Then, right after we stopped at our arrival point, this blonde-haired guy appears and starts taunting and threatening us… Chance mostly. He implied lewd actions that he would make Chance and I perform on him after our conscription was finalized. I wanted to kill him on the spot!”
“That was when I saw them! Chance’s eyes, they were burning with a blinding orange light! They were brighter than any other time I’d seen them do that. I think maybe it was because she was getting very angry about his intentions for, not only me, but the entire Coven!”
“We had planned to do what we could to fight and possibly destroy our foe/captor. He actually demanded we call him ‘master’!”
“Chance verbally sparred with him, buying enough time for me to set-up our transport out of that realm and back to here. By the time I had everything figured out, Chance’s eyes were burning brighter than a deep space beacon! I don’t know how, but when we arrived back here, I was back to normal, but Chance…”
Dell took a moment to calm herself, and to wipe her free-flowing tears.
“Our plan required that I get everyone out of the hangar and to conjure a force shield around it using the Hexagram formation we used on Guan. I had no idea what that would do. I also have no idea what she did in there to cause the whole place to blink out in a blinding, blue burst.”
“After the hangar disappeared, I suddenly remembered what you, big sister, and Father Zeus hinted at on your last visit to us in the Current. You more or less said that Nike was the most powerful of the Olympians, but that unless Nike surrendered to the anger, the pain, and the anguish she held within her, she couldn’t win in battle against Father Zeus. You then hinted that should Chance be made to lose her control and let her true power flow, Father wouldn’t last for more than a few minutes against her. I thought about what was taught to me of my heritage; Nike disappeared from a banquet in her honor at Olympus. Maybe Chance…or Nike would go back there from latent memory.”
“That’s like, where I come in?” Demi interrupted as she frowned.
“I had been running through the field, paying attention to the new blossoms and the pretty butterflies when that structure was suddenly just ‘there’? I ran headlong into it and bruised my forehead? I started telling the tale…”
“The building sparked into our reality with a blindingly blue light and a large gust of wind. It was bright, loud, and strong enough to be felt, heard, or seen for miles around Mt. Olympus. I felt the concussion in my forge and hurried to see what the commotion was all about.” Hephaestus interrupted the blonde.
“I recognized the building from Artie’s scrying bowl and knew immediately that something miraculous had happened. So, while Demi complained about her unfortunate accident while running and texting at the same time, I decided to survey the area for anything that might help in explanation. Then when I saw Artemis Dell materialize, I knew something was wrong. You see, Artemis had just finished relating to me this morning that the oracles had predicted that her ‘equal’ had arrived and that she would ‘appear soon’. Knowing how many times those party girls broke into Dionysus’ cellars, I was naturally skeptical. But, as I said, when Artemis Dell appeared not fifty paces away, I just knew.”
“That was when Artemis Dell told me that she thought Chance might still be in the structure, and with one of the monsters you girls have been tasked to fight. The sisters’ Artemis tried to no avail to penetrate the superior force shield you ladies conjured with a munitions barrage, but were unsuccessful. It was then I suggested a more passive approach. Walking casually through the force shield proved effective and we found a door to enter through.”
“Once inside we cleared each room and hallway as per protocol.” Dell continued.
“Heyyyyyy! What about me? If we’re telling an epic tale it has to have Athena in it?” Demi interrupted again.
“That’s when Demeter came in behind us and scared the Tartarus out if us! There, happy now, Demi? You’ve been mentioned in another epic. Now, how about you allow us to finish this debriefing? Without further interruption?” Hephaestus glared at the shrill-voiced Olympian.
“Why so serious, Hephie? Everything will like, work out with Chance, right?”
“Unless you have an in with the Fates, you can’t be sure, can you, Demi?” Hephaestus chided.
Demeter’s eyes sparkled as a big grin flashed to her face.
The huge Olympian’s hand wiped down his face.
“Of course you and the Fates are BFF’s. How silly of me to think otherwise.” He deadpanned.
“Hey, they like, need to party off their stress like everyone else? They’re really fun when we go clubbing together? Every guy in the place buys us drinks? We have a great time?”
Hephaestus silently stared at the blonde Olympian for a few moments.
“Anyhow, once inside, we heard what seemed to be banging- a low thumping sound, rhythmic but not completely repeating. After the sisters’ Artemis cleared the administrative section, we moved onto the hangar itself. What met our eyes seemed unimaginable at first. Then, after Artemis Dell explained what had happened to them, everything became clear.”
“So what exactly happened?” Lady Charli demanded.
“Apparently the part of Chance that holds the latent memories of our sister, Nike, resurfaced. The ‘Goddess of Victory’ once again called upon her unimaginable power to win the day. I remember a similar day as if yesterday even though it happened a great many millennia ago. That was the day Nike, single-handedly, beat back and helped Zeus defeat the old ones…the Titans. She saved Olympus and everyone, everything, on the planet!”
“Chance was acting nowhere near her normal self.” Dell continued. “It was as though all humanity left her and the raw animal had taken control. Although we didn’t see how she defeated ‘Evans’, when we arrived she was still carrying out her brutal assault on the corpse. Punching, kicking, stabbing at it as though in some kind of insane rage.”
“Like, tell them about her assaulting me? She did cause me to break a nail, you know?” Demi interjected.
“Yes. Apparently, there is history between Demeter and Nike. She sent you into the far hangar wall what, twice?” Dell giggled.
“Heyyyyy! It didn’t tickle ya know! Especially before she dressed me in your official uniform?”
“Well, you did make a mockery of our uniform, Lady Demi! You made the uniform into an out-and-out cry for sexual need!”
Ladies Cora, Janet, and Simone perked up.
“Terran Escorts wouldn’t wear what you had on! It was shameful, and I don’t blame Chance for redressing you appropriately!” Dell admonished vehemently.
“We can thank Artemis Dell for reaching Nike’s true character and pulling her back from just beyond her humanity. Once she was able to think clearly, Nike relinquished control to Chance. I believe a mutually beneficial understanding had been arranged just before Chance lost consciousness and collapsed to the floor. It was then that we felt the outpouring of power, the likes of which I hadn’t felt in eons!”
“And that brings us into this dimension. When I picked your High Priestess up and carried her into your arms, Lady Hope.”
“So, what of you, Lady Demeter?” Lokust asked as she observed her carefully. “Have you been activated or has Chance just corrected your fashion faux pas?”
I noted the cynical tone in our exec’s voice as she continued to appraise the ditzy, blonde Olympian.
“Chance…rather, Nike said something about her learning and participating in the Coven- that she should learn the fickle ‘meaning’ of ‘vain’.” Dell clarified.
“Welcome to the Corps, Demi.” Lady Hope giggled evilly. “Hope you survive Basic.”
“Basic? Basic what?”
“Basic training, dear sister.” Artemis smiled. Hephaestus chuckled quietly.
“But I’m a lover, not a fighter?” The blonde Olympian complained.
“Honey.” Lady Cora said as she placed a firm, but gentle hand on Demeter’s shoulder. “By the time we’re done with you, you’ll be both!”
Hephaestus began laughing heartily.
“I’m like, so out of here!” Demi declared, but though her face became flush, she remained with us.
“Why, like, can’t I leave this wacked out place? I want to go home!” She cried in frustration.
“Chance did the same thing to Father Zeus and I, Demi. She is far more powerful than even father realized.” Artemis informed her with a devious smile. “So, for the time being…and until our High Priestess decides you’ve passed muster, you’re stuck here. Now…get that perfect little tush down to the training compartment to begin your training, recruit!”

Chapter 23

A soft ‘cooing’ caught my attention as things around me suddenly started to come back into focus. Where was I? Why did I feel completely wiped out?
Something was wiggling in the space between my left arm and side. It was warm cloth. Warm, moving cloth? What was or how would cloth be warm and/or moving?
Gurgling and more cooing with a giggle or two answered my oblivious questions.
“Savanna?” I whispered as I turned my head to see her smiling face. She squeezed her tiny fingers in a wave to me.
She was instantly on top of me and I was kissing her and hugging her excitedly.
“Oh, how I have missed you, sweetie! I thought I would never see you again!”
My nose caught a wiff.
“Oh! And I’ll bet you are happy to see me, too! We’ll just have to take care of that…”
“You will not leave that bed, High Priestess!” A child’s voice threatened.
“Lyra or I will attend Savanna. You have been placed on bed rest by the Coven, Lady Chance.” Sonya said with such a serious tone that, coming from her present form, sounded adorable.
“Princess Savanna will need fed, and who will do that, my ladies?” I winked with an impish smile.
“Lady Lokust has taken care of that aspect of Savanna’s care, Lady Chance.” Sonya informed me.
That surprised me completely until Savanna gurgled a few times, smacked her lips together loudly, and giggled a few times.
“Oh, so you think she tastes better than I do, sweetie?” I asked her, not believing a word of it.
A few more gurgles, a coo, and several more giggles answered my question.
“So you were just kidding, eh? I think Ladies Lyra and Sonya had better change your diaper now. I have to think for a moment about what my daughter has just revealed to me.” I told the infant as I waggled my right eyebrow several times.
Savanna laughed a few times before Lyra gently lifted her off of me.
“I’ll take care of Princess Savanna, my lady.” She said as the two disappeared into my quarters’ lavatory.
“You know you scared the hell out of all of us, Chance Summers!” Sonya quietly opened up on me as soon as the lavatory door closed.
“Don’t worry, Sonya, I’ll return you to your original form. I haven’t forgotten.” I told her calmly.
“That’s not what I’m talking about and you know it!” The kitten pointed accusingly at me. “When Pegasus detected a very powerful singularity at the airfield, we thought the whole planet would blink out of existence! How could you even do something that inconceivable? I thought only the Gods themselves could do such thing…” She continued before her eyes narrowed.
“Wait…the Olympians! They have been referring to you as ‘Nike’ since they carried you out of the hangar!”
“Olympians? Who? How many? What names did they give?” I asked excitedly.
“The identical of our Huntress, a woman calling herself ‘Artemis’; a huge specimen of Terran manhood, Hephaestus, and a ditzy, air-headed, blo…”
“Demeter or Demi as she told me to call her when I visited Olympus.” I interrupted. “Yes, I’ve met all three.”
“They are all gathered in the Observation Lounge for debriefing. I will send word that you are awake and seem undamaged.” Sonya reported.
“I’ll go up on my own, thank you.” I told her.
“You…you will stay in bed as per Lady Lokust’s orders!”
Yeah. Like that would happen! I decided to humor Sonya until Lyra brought Savanna back to me.
“As you wish Serangetti Sonya: Pegasus’ own bad-assed, Lynxin kitten.” I giggled.
Sonya said something under her breath then stopped and frowned at me.
“What have the Olympians to do with anything? Why involve themselves in our affairs?”
“Have you ever studied the Lynxin Gods and Goddesses of ancient FeLane? I believe they are very similar to their Terran counterparts. FeLane’s are only one or two thousand years older.”
“I have ‘glanced’ over the stories and myths.”
“And you call yourself a ‘Rim’ archeologist,” I ‘tisked’.
“No one is an ‘expert’ on the outer rim, Lady Chance.” She declared.
“They are.” I smiled. “They have visited different galaxies and maybe even different universes, Sonya. The Olympians visit various promising cultures and impart their wisdom, art, and science to civilizations they think might develop into the next peaceful space-faring races. Once successful, they move on to the next.”
“So you are saying THEY are the Gods and Goddesses of FeLane legend?”
“Is it so difficult to believe after meeting us, sweetie?”
“But they called you ‘Nike’! Wasn’t that one of the Olympians Terrans referred to as the ‘Goddess of Victory’? The Goddess we Lynxin call ‘Victoria’?”
“Hmmm. Was it? I’m not sure, maybe that one was called Addidas, Asics, or New Balance, or…or even Sketcher. I just don’t remember.” I smiled deviously.
“You might be right.” She admitted neutrally while in deep thought.
“You’re no fun, sweetie.” I declared as I looked toward the lavatory.
“So, did Lady Lyra get you all squared away?” I asked my daughter.
She was suddenly lying face down on my chest, giggling.
“Oh, so you were paying attention when I did that. That’s wonderful, sweetie! Just don’t do it too often or you might make Aunt Cora crazy. Then she might not agree to watch you.”
“I can’t believe she did that, Lady Chance!” Lyra giggled. “I haven’t even been able to do that yet.”
“And you better not try, young lady!” Sonya warned. “Someone might try to coerce you into doing something unlawful.”
“Ease up, big sister!” Lyra chided. Sonya cocked her head to her ‘daughter’.
“Speaking of unlawful…” I said before the Observation Lounge appeared around us. Savanna was still on my chest where I held her. She was laughing playfully.
I looked up to see everyone in the lounge staring at me.
“I was wondering how long it would take, Buddy.” Lokust shook her head, but smiled amusedly.
“Savanna started it.” I tattled in a childish tone as I kissed her cheek.
“Yes.” Aunt Cora answered with an air of disbelief. “She disappeared from Pegasus right before the hangar popped back into existence. I almost took a coronary! Why did you teach her something like that, Chance?”
“I didn’t teach her. I think she learned it from the last time I transported up here from the bridge. I thought she was asleep in her seat at the time.” I told everyone.
“She truly is the most gifted witch of her age.” Mom proclaimed sagely as she bent down and took her off my chest.
“So how are you feeling, Lady…Chance?”
“Hephus! I didn’t think you traveled abroad.” I cried in happiness as I went to get up off the lounge I had appeared in. “Woooow! Things got a little dizzy there.”
“Do you remember what happened to you, My Lady?” He asked as I noticed Lady Demi shying away, trying to stay out of my field of vision.
“You look much better in the ‘official’ uniform, Lady Demeter.” I said raising my right eyebrow as I looked directly at her.
“Don’t like, blast me into a wall again, please? Its way too nice in here to go damaging it?”
“So…old Goddesses CAN be taught new tricks.” I laughed as I carefully made my way over to her and extended my free arm to hug her. “Welcome aboard Pegasus, Lady Demi.”
“As in like, the horse?”
“No you ditz! The last car put out by Ferrari! Of course the horse!” Chantell wisecracked.
“Thank you, Mr. Ed.” Charli giggled as she whinnied and shook her head several times.
Savanna gurgled and cooed a few times.
“Yes, honey, it was a pony car. Very clever!” I praised and kissed my daughter’s cheek.
I noticed Lady Artemis grinning from ear to ear and turned to her.
“My Lady. I hope I didn’t upset the tranquility of Olympus too badly?”
“I got an ugly bruise!” Lady Demi interrupted to complain. “And…I broke a nail!”
“Awww. Poor baby!” Aunt Cora sympathized mockingly.
“I almost like, had to change my hair style!”
“Do tell.” Chantell replied sarcastically. “Trust me; the blonde fits you, honey.”
“To answer your question, Hephus, I feel as if every shred of energy has been ripped out of me. I’m finding it a challenge to stay steady at the moment.” I told him. “Almost like I’m drunk.”
“Or maybe like you have a fever?” Kaitlyn remarked.
“Chance has never been sick a day in her life, Kate.” Mom responded. “At least, not that I was aware.”
“I’ve never been sick, Mom. Not even a cold.” I informed her.
“That would make sense, my lady. Those of us from Olympus suffer none of the mortal maladies. And to set your mind at ease, no Olympians were harmed except for the ‘life-threatening issues’ Demi experienced.” Artemis offered.
“Yes, I’m sure a little bump on the noggin and a broken fingernail constitutes a critical injury.” Janet said sarcastically.
“Narcissism, thy name is ‘Vanity’.” Dell quoted.
“Heyyyyy! Like, leave our sister out of this!” Demi complained in a whiney voice. “She’s okay most of the time, although she can be a real bitch if people keep disturbing her ‘mirror time’. And, she’s never said what her middle name was!”
“No! The Gods of Old aren’t flawed at all, are they?” Samuel Redman stage whispered to Kate.
“Nothing- including the Olympians- are perfect, Sir Samuel.” Hephaestus replied.
“So, you ever going to get around to telling us what actually happened after we evac’d the hangar, Buddy.” Lokust asked as she motioned for mom to pass Savanna to her.
I took a deep breath and began to relate what I knew transpired.
“I’m sure Dell reported on our visit to the Current?” I asked and received unanimous head nodding.
“Once Dell brought us back to the hangar, the intense pain re-established itself and I found myself looking at this world as if under some strange drug influenced psychosis. ‘Psychedelic’, I think you would call it, Mom.”
“A bit before my time, honey. Maybe Shan could elaborate on her experiences. She’s the oldest of us.”
“Bite me, Hopewell!” Chantell hissed. “We’re only twenty-six months apart, you, me, and Charles.” She stuck her tongue out at her two fellow astronauts.
“Riiiight.” I snickered. “Anyhow, everything looked really weird. So, anyway, back in the Current, after Evans made his appearance, I was really getting angry; upset that this arrogant, egotistical…putz, thought himself owner and master of me and Dell! Then, when he threatened to enslave the rest of our Coven, I…”
“If you please, Lady Chance. Nike has revealed herself once today, and we are not the enemy. There is no need to begin your power-up.” Artemis pleaded as I noticed Lokust gesturing to my eyes.
“Sorry, just the thought of that asshole…”
“Maybe holding Savanna will help dispel your anger, Buddy?” Lokust suggested, offering the cute, little cherub to me.
As soon as she was in my arms, calm washed over me and I kissed her cheek before holding her to my shoulder.
“Much better. Please, continue, Buddy.” Lokust smiled happily.
“So, when we arrived back here, I noticed Dell was back to normal. That allowed me to enact our plan- one that Zeus and you, Artie, hinted at on your last visit to our Embassy.”
“I hinted at no such plan, Chance!” Artemis argued adamantly.
“Okay. Whatever you say, my lady.” I smiled. “As I grew angrier and angrier, I began to feel something forcing its way to my consciousness- something more powerful than I could’ve ever imagined!”
“After everyone was out of the building, I allowed it to burst forth. That is where I only have bits and pieces of memories. One being an incredible outflow of that ‘something’ I had felt building. The next was of a blonde-haired man screaming in utter terror as…” I stopped to take a deep breath and prepare myself for the grotesque memory I was about to recall.
“As…as I first ripped his penis from between his legs and shoved it into his mouth- deep down his throat- then absorbed all the Current; all the life; even his very soul from him.”
That one memory proved too horrific and I broke into tears for a few minutes, clutching my precious Savanna as tightly as I dared.
“My next memory was of someone calling my name. I think it was you, Dell. That and I remember you, Demi, looking like a cheap tart/prostitute in something that resembled our uniform!”
I remember you next, dear Hephaestus. Coming bravely to my aid with warm, caring words, courageously wrapping those big, muscular arms around me tenderly… I also have memories of you, Demi, pointing to my clothes. Laughing hysterically while informing me that, for a hero, I should care more about presenting myself properly- of how you changed my clothes without my consent into something completely obscene and unbefitting of my character!”
“Ouch?” Demi winced with her eyes closed- her head turned to one side in anticipation of some action. Had she expected me to propel her into a wall or something? Wait. She had said something to that effect already. Had I actually done that? To a Goddess?
“Relax, Demeter. Chance is in control now. I do suggest that you censor yourself , though.” Hephaestus recommended.
Wiping my tears again, I set my eyes to the God of the Forge.
“Am I really the reincarnation of Lady Nike like everyone on Olympus claims, Hephaestus?” I asked timidly, unsure if I really wanted the answer I knew he would give.
“As Demeter and Artemis will attest, I was standing next to Lady Nike at what was sure to be our last great stand against the Titans. We had been reduced in number to just a handful of valiant, headstrong warriors, trying to defend our precious Olympus from annihilation.” He began.
“What I saw Nike become…the power she called upon… the damage she wrought…” Hephaestus shook his head in disbelief. “It was impossibly and exponentially greater than Zeus himself could bring to bear!” He paused again.
“I have never seen its equal since…until today’s display, Lady Chance. The singularity that you called into existence…Its appearance matched that which I witnessed first-hand those many eons ago. That and her Staff of Victory which you held and used on our arrival in the hangar… Yes, Lady Chance! You are her…she who commands even Zeus’ admiration and favor.”
Hephaestus stopped to wipe his eyes.
“You ARE Nike, Goddess of Victory.”
“But I don’t want to be her! I just want to be Chance Summers- just plain old Chance Summers.” I cried softly.
“Do not let history repeat itself, Chance Summers!” Artemis told me in a gentle voice. “A very similar desire was spoken by Nike at the celebration in her honor just before she vanished…never to be seen again before you reached your third threshold. Please resist the urge to do that again? Emotionally, I wish not to repeat my quest.”
“I don’t think that can happen this time, my brothers and sisters. This time I have several special people to anchor me. Most special, I have Savanna! Vague memories that are still swirling in my head indicate my predecessor had no one- not one specific person to love or to love her back. Sure, there were her fellow Olympians, but she had no one…special- special like my daughter, Savanna. Like my sisters and brothers here. Nike’s was an existence that lacked… not purpose… not meaning… but unconditional love. It seems she was just a weapon…” I tried to put my feelings into words as I looked from Savanna to Lokust.
“No. I will share the friendships and love of everyone with what is Nike.” I touched my head a few quick times. “I…I owe her that…that which she never experienced in her life!”
“Wow. That was like, deep, my lady!” Demi admitted with a wipe of her eyes. “Like, I’m smearing my mascara?” she sniffed.
A small yet poignant memory flashed to the surface that had me gasp in horror!
“I…I killed a man! I drained the life out of him then repeatedly beat, kicked, and stabbed him!”
“There is no denying Nike went a bit too far, my lady.” Hephaestus sighed heavily. “Though perhaps…given how many innocents he…”
“I still murdered that man!” I cried, breaking out in a fresh set of tears. “I killed him and killed him, and killed, and killed, and…”
“Stop that this instant, Chance Summers!” Mom shouted at me, glaring deeply into my eyes. “A Summers will never blatantly kill! A Summers only kills when the need is warranted! Evans was a murderer, a serial killer, plain and simple! With the number of lives on his head, he deserved whatever you choose to give him! You saved the whole freaking planet, Chance! Doesn’t that mean anything to you?”
“Of course. it means that our mission was a success. That still doesn’t excuse me from taking someone’s life!” I argued.
“You’ve done it before, Chance. Remember all those partials you had to euthanize?” Mom countered.
“Somehow seeing only a disfigured head or arms or legs…that didn’t mean as much as taking a normal lif…”
Normal!? What about that animal was normal!? That was a tyrannical despot well out of his time! Something that your great-great-grandfather helped fight against in World War Two! Evans- as Hitler did then- wanted to control everything, Chance- you, me, everyone here…every-thing! There was nothing normal about him! There was only evil left- plain and simple evil!” Mom lectured angrily.
“Hope is right, Buddy. Evans was evil- a ‘devil’ or ‘demon’ in anyone’s dictionary! The galaxy is far safer without him free-ranging through it.” Lokust said, siding with mom.
“I am in agreement with Chance, my ladies. The taking of a life can never be condoned as warranted, contracted, or necessary. She will live with the memory of her actions for the rest of her life, as do we all.” Hephaestus added. “Though, I would recommend against dwelling on that memory and dwelling instead on that precious bundle on your shoulder, my lady.”
“You’re absolutely right, Hephus. I have no idea how I ever lived without her.” I added as I wiped my eyes dry.
“Why did you disable the lift?!” Sonya demanded as she and Lyra stepped from it onto the Observation Lounge level.
“Now why would I disallow any of my team members from accessing certain levels of Pegasus, sweetie?” I asked innocently. I really had no idea- well, maybe a few- who isolated us from the rest of the ship.
“The topic of discussion took a very mature turn and I felt it necessary that you and especially Lyra not be exposed.” Charli admitted in a very serious tone.
Savanna gurgled and sputtered a few times and finally giggled.
“Oh, no…your young ears didn’t hear any of our conversation at all, did they?.” I translated, sarcastically rolling my eyes. “So, the Summers’ knack for sarcasm develops at a very early age.”
“She seems to take after her mother and Grandmother in that respect, doesn’t she?” Artemis giggled. She jumped though, as Savanna was suddenly on her shoulder.
“Oh yes, you will certainly be a handful when you get a little older.” She added as she gently rubbed my daughter’s back.
Savanna gurgled twice and laughed. Artemis strained her eyes to look at my daughter in surprise.
“You most certainly will not, young lady! Not even in jest! Do I make myself clear?”
My daughter waved her tiny hand at Artemis and laughed once. She was back on my shoulder and I was barely able to catch her from falling.
“Yes. You better run back to your mother, Savanna Summers! ‘You’ll never be as old as me’…hrrrrmpf!” Artemis threatened and gave reason for Savanna’s sudden evacuation from her shoulder, though her smile indicated she was enamored with my daughter.
“There is no doubt she is a Summers, Chance. No one else could dare insult a God or Goddess and get away with it as a jest.” Artemis giggled.
“But we all know what and who the great Gods and Goddesses are now, don’t we, my lady?” I smiled knowingly.
“Aye, we do, High Priestess.” Hephus laughed aloud. “We do indeed, and if any of our protégés could see us now, they’d certainly think twice about our grandeur and grace!”
He laughed harder.
“How can you call yourselves ‘Gods’ or ‘Goddesses’ when you look nothing like the Ancient FeLane Idols?” Sonya questioned in an angered tone. Once again it sounded so precious coming from an eight-year-old kitten- in an eight-year-old voice.
Artemis shimmered and a six-foot, female, Lynxin warrior in full battle armor; dual swords; spiked, metal, knee-high boots, and silver spiked helmet stood before Sonya. Artemis’ three-foot tail undulated sinuously as she glared down at the older Serangetti kitten.
Sonya’s mouth dropped open and she fell to the deck on her knees.
“Libra Major!” She gasped in surprise.
Sinae began appraising the Lynxin Goddess of Old.
“Do you not approve, sister?” Artemis…Libra Major asked- a playful purr in her deeper voice.
Looking between the two, it was apparent they could be sisters!
“I do, my lady, but I would ask that you please return to your true form. There are already more than enough headstrong Lynxin in this lounge. An alpha contest would surely ensue and Pegasus has already seen her fair share of battle scarring at the hands of the Anderson clan.” Sinae answered polite and regally.
“Spoken as the clear and rightful heir to the FeLane throne, Princess Kitty Sinae. By your leave?” Libra Major- FeLane's Premier Goddess- bowed slightly.
Sinae nodded and Artemis was back.
“Thank you, my lady. It has been years since I used that form. For some reason it is one of the hardest to hold for any length of time. I think that maybe the tail is too distracting of a feature. It always had a mind of its own and would constantly swing and touch inappropriate places.”
"Like, I thought it was only me, Artie.” Demi giggled. She had taken her FeLane persona as well.
A tawny- blonde furred, Lynxin female of perfect proportion, she stood at a smaller, five-eight or nine wearing a white toga with golden trim over top of a silky pink tunic. Her golden sandals barely visible below the tunic.
“Golda!” Lyra shouted and began giggling excitedly as she hovered up to meet eyes with the FeLane Goddess of the Pride(Family). “I have seen your statue only in my history lessons. You look much better in person though.”
Unfortunately, ‘Golda’s’ tail had begun to ‘explore’ Artemis’ Olympian battle tunic- an Olympian variant of our uniform.
“Allow it to go any further, sister, and it shall never work right again.” Artemis seethed heatedly. “Do I make myself clear?”
Demi gulped and changed back to her official uniform and form.
“Hey, like, I wanted to change into my Olympian fashion? What gives?” She shrilled in surprise.
“Not until your training has concluded, Lady Demi.” I revealed.
“But…like you shouldn’t be able to do that? No Olympian can willfully change another’s clothing without their approval?”
“But I’m not quite an Olympian, am I, Lady Demi?” I asked intently.
The Goddess pouted and stomped away to the far end of our Observation Lounge.
A sudden lightness on my shoulder and a shriek from Demeter indicated that Savanna had once again teleported- this time to Demi.
“Why did you like, do that?” the surprised Goddess asked.
Savanna began talking quietly, but I couldn’t make out everything.
“Of course I can understand you, child. Like, I’ve been a mother a few times?” Demi answered my daughter.
“More like a few thousand.” Artemis stage whispered to me as Hephaestus remained surprisingly quiet. “Party girls and all…she never seems to learn that you can’t dance to the music without paying the musicians.”
Mom, Chantell, and even Charli began laughing hysterically. Hephaestus, too, began roaring in laughter!
I had managed to hold my own laughter only until I looked at Lyra and Sonya’s confused faces.
Their frowns of confusion looked so cute! I would’ve thought Sonya had a clue…
Those two looked so…angelic!
I knew beyond any shadow of doubt though, that the older kitten was far from innocent!
“Hephus? Before we take leave of our sisters, would you care to scan Chance to determine her fitness for duty?” Artemis suggested.
“Aye. I guess I should, having been closer to Nike than you or Demi. Please hold still, my lady. This won’t take long.”
Automatically, my hands went to my shoulder as I felt Savanna teleport to me again. She was getting too good at this.
“I am sorry, little oracle, but you must stay with your other parent while I process your mother. Lady Lokust? If you could?” Hephaestus apologized as he motioned for a startled Lokust to come over and take Savanna from my shoulder.
Savanna cried a few times adding a gurgle and a wave back to me.
“Sorry, sweetie, but Hephaestus needs to examine ONLY your mother. He won’t be long and I’ll hand you right back to her when he’s finished- promise.”
The tingling I felt throughout my body was interesting to say the least. Hephus’ expressions ran through a series of opposites. First he smiled then he seemed perplexed then angry. Those ran several courses before he smiled and nodded to me.
“You seem perfectly healthy, my lady, though, I have found several ‘odd’ dissimilarities.” He finally said after thinking a moment.
“And those would be?” I prompted.
“Nothing to be worried about, High Priestess. The dissimilarities are in line with Nike’s own peculiarities, though somewhat more refined. In fact, this scan and the previous scan I did when you visited Olympus the first time shows only a small amount of change. I declare Chance Summers fit and capable in her duties as High Priestess of Witch Corps.
Hephaestus’ eyes looked over to Savanna on Lokust’s shoulder. My little princess ‘burped’ quietly and the huge Olympian smiled to himself.
“You may go to your mother, my little oracle.” He nodded and Savanna was suddenly back on my shoulder, giggling.
Hephaestus then leaned down to Artemis’ ear and whispered something to her. She nodded her agreement and smiled at me.
“Little sister, Artemis Dell. I am sorry this visit is to be so short, but we have things to do back on Olympus.” Artemis said as she walked over and placed a kiss on both of Dell’s cheeks. After a warm, sisterly embrace, she stepped back and set her eyes on me.
“High Priestess, it pleasures me that you are again well. You…as well as my little sister, Artemis Dell, are always welcome to return to Olympus, and when Princess Savanna is older, she too will be welcomed to our home world. For now, my sisters, take care and continue you’re- so far, successful- quest to rid the galaxy of Hobgoblins.” Artemis smiled impishly.
“Later, sisters!” She said before disappearing.
“I too wish you all the best in your hunt, my ladies. Continue your good works and please, accept these tokens of my appreciation.” Hephus pointed to one of the bookshelves where a large, stained wooden box appeared.
He vanished.
“Like, HEY! Why didn’t they take me with them?” Demi moaned and pouted. Why can’t I leave this plane too?”
“Lady Kitty, I believe you have a trainee to teach.” I said as I shared a smile with my Lynxin sister.

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