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“How’s that hangover, Sam? The ladies said you had a little too much last night.” Keats chuckled in amusement as the Redman family entered the hangar.
Setting his eyes upon our Brooms, Samuel Redman whistled in appreciation and immediately grabbed his head in pain.
“Wasn’t near enough, guy! Not near enough!”
“Pop? Are you gonna be okay for this? I really don’t need you to yak all over my cockpit. Maybe you should stay here.” Simone worried.
“Wouldn’t miss this for the world! Relax, I’ll try not to spew in your office, kid.” Samuel Redman said reassuringly as he began to walk closer to our Brooms.
“Gee, Caroline! Which one’s yours?” He asked sarcastically, stopping and shaking his head at Pin-Up.
“Charles, Chantell, and I thought her call sign appropriate.” Mom laughed. “Chance thought up the name and nose art.”
Aunt Cora’s Broom, Pin-Up, sported an early twentieth century female model with blue hair, wearing a black, strapless ‘cocktail’ dress, black open-stitched stockings, and matching, era specific, black spiked, high heels. She was lounging provocatively with both hands resting on one bent knee. She looked to be winking with a provocative smile.
“Clean-up, please disable your security.” Simone requested as she neared her Broom.
“Security disabled. Welcome back, Laidy-in-Wait.” Clean-up replied as her canopy opened.
“Laidy-in-Wait?” Janet Redman questioned as she looked up to the ship’s canopy.
“Oh.” She deadpanned. “I can guess who chose your call sign.”
“You’d be completely wrong, Jan. Chance picked Simone’s call sign, the name, AND nose art.” Aunt Cora corrected. “Climb on up, dear niece.”
“What? You want me to climb up there?” Janet pointed to Clean-up’s cockpit in alarm.
“It’s the only way you’re going to get a ride, Sugar Plum.”
“But I didn’t…”
“I could still let Hope take you instead. Your choice.” Aunt Cora threatened.
“Please, Aunt Cora. Relax, mum, and don’t panic.” Simone took her mother’s hand and both began to rise off the floor. Within seconds Simone was helping her mother get seated and harnessed in.
Samuel Redman had stopped dead in his tracks and stood, staring, as his newly affirmed daughter did the seemingly impossible.
“You’re with me, Sam.” Aunt Cora told him as she took his forearm and began to lead the dumbfounded man to Pin-Up’s external ladder.
“Sorry, I’m not as talented as my sister’s grandkid, Sam. You’ll have to climb. You remember how to get into one of these, right?” She said just before stopping him just out of arm’s distance.
“Pin-Up, disable security.”
“Off on another conquest, My Queen?” The A.I. questioned.
“Naw. Just another joyride, girl.”
“Security disabled, Puddin’ Plum.”
Aunt Cora gave me a ‘look’. “I meant to ask you about her personality back on Eden, Chance. We’ll talk later.”
“Don’t waste your breath, sister. She gave each one of our Brooms different, but appropriate personalities. She won’t say how or why, though. Check this.”
“Semper Fi disable security.”
“SIR! Yes, Sir! Security disabled, SIR!”
Even Keats shook his head and laughed.
“Don’t laugh yet, Keats. You’re my weapons’ officer this trip.” Mom grinned maniacally as she motioned to her fighter’s ladder.
“What did I ever do to you, M’lady?” Keats looked at me in terror.
“Nobody ever wants to ride with me.” Charli moped as she shuffled despondently back to Eight I Smart.
“Hope and a Pair, please disable security.”
“Security disabled, Chance.”
“Thank you.”
“Hopewell Field and Whitecliffe Center. Witch Corps Flight 1 is ready to taxi to flight line.” I announced after all our preflight’s were completed.
“Copy, Witch Corps Flight 1. Taxi to three-two left and hold short for one incoming.”
“Copy. Three-two left and hold.”
Chance, Major. You’re going to behave this time, right?” I asked over our private comm as we taxied out to the old-style runway.
“No promises, Chance. They better make this quick!”
“Let’s make this look good, ladies. Go a quarter of the runway then punch it, okay?”
“Just so you know? I’m not payin’ for anymore windows, Chance.” Porno declared.
An older private shuttle came in slowly and decelerated almost to a stop before turning off onto a taxiway.
“Witch Corps Flight 1, you are cleared for takeoff.”
“Copy Hopewell. Whitecliffe Center, Witch Corps Flight 1, priority alpha corridor.”
“Whitecliffe Center. You are cleared for a priority alpha corridor. Have a good flight.”
I advanced my throttle agonizingly slow to simulate an older spacecraft picking up speed then bumped it to quarter throttle.
We were in space. I quickly decreased my thrust power.
As expected, Savanna giggled a few times then gurgled and coo’d.
“I know I didn’t run out to the quarter point. Thank you for pointing that out to me.”
“Hey, Chance? That wasn’t even a tenth of the runway.” Seeker noted.
“I had to keep Major off of my emitter, Seeker. Any closer and I would’ve required her to use protection! How’s everybody doing?”
“Mum’s imitating a fish at the moment, but I think she likes it.” Laidy in Wait responded.
“Wrench wants to do that again. Chance.” Mom reported with a giggle.
“Pops was starting to hyperventilate, but now he’s good to go, Chance.” Porno replied.
“An’ nobody still wanted to ride with me.” Seeker stated in a distraught singsong voice.
“Oh boo-hoo, Seeker! You should’ve converted Eight I Smart back to a two seater before we left base!” Major chastised harshly.
A tone on my instrument panel indicated we had reached the system border.
“System border, everyone. Time to turn around.” I announced, imagining the shocked faces in my sisters’ Brooms.
“Pegasus, Witch Corps Flight 1. Do you copy?” Lokust’s voice activated my comm.
“Pegasus 1, Pegasus. What’s going on, Lokust?”
“Chance, late last night we received an urgent communication from Magellan. They claimed to be under attack by some strange, unseen force and that people were disappearing left and right.”
“Sounds like our friend has made his move. Unfortunately we’re giving some friends a sightseeing tour of the Kane system at the moment.”
“We are enroute now, Chance. How fast can you do a turn around and rendezvous with Pegasus?”
“Stand by, Pegasus. Chance, Laidy in Wait. How’s mum doing?”
“She wants to know what we’re going to do…if it’ll be dangerous.”
“Chance, Witch Corps Flight 1. Would anyone be opposed to taking a tour of Pegasus while we go get the bad guys?”
“Wrench here, Chance. I’m game.”
“Pops, here. How long we talkin’? I got another business trip comin in a month.”
“No where near that long, pops.” I answered.
“Pops is in.”
“Mum says, where pops goes she’ll go.” Simone acknowledged.
I smiled.
“Witch Corps Flight 1, Whitecliffe Center. Hey, we just got an emergency recall and are officially postponing our return flight plan to a later date. Sorry about this. Priority: Alpha Alpha. Flight 1 out.” I reported to Kane then changed back to our secured comms.
“Pegasus 1, Pegasus. We’re on our way. Do you have a crew roster for Pegasus?’
“Sending it and rendezvous coordinates now, Chance.”
“Hope and a Pair could you drive while I review Pegasus’ roster.
“Taking control now, Chance. Shall I hold this course?”
“Copy the transmitted coordinates to the rest of the Flight and set an intercept course to Pegasus, please.”
“Coordinates received, forwarded and setting course, Chance.”
“Full power, Hope and a Pair.”
“Estimated rendezvous with Pegasus in four hours, twenty-one minutes, Chance.”
“Thank you, Hope and a Pair.” I said as I looked to see which of our sisters boarded Pegasus. Lokust, Kitty, Artie, Chantell, and…Lyra was on board? How had Capt. Serangetti allowed that, I wondered?
“Pegasus 1, Pegasus. Coordinates received. Enter Chance, Laidy in Wait, Major, Porno, Seeker, Wrench, Mum, and Pops to your roster. Porno and Wrench will each require single quarters and Mum and Pops will take a single for themselves. ETA, four and twenty.”
“Copy, Chance. Pegasus A.I. has been informed and is initiating remodel. See you in four and twenty. Pegasus out.”
“Pegasus 1, call the ball.” Lokust’s voice called over my comm.
“Pegasus 1 on approach to 1-8, Pegasus. Let’s go in, Hope and a Pair.”
“Initiating automated docking sequence, Chance.”
Minutes later I felt the slight ‘bump’ that indicated we were docked to Pegasus.
“Docking complete. All moorings and umbilical’s are secured, Chance.”
“Pegasus welcomes you aboard and I thank you for flying me.”
“Again, you did great, Hope and a Pair.”
“Thank you, Chance. Hope and a Pair, signing off until needed.”
My canopy and the docking ring hatch opened and I floated up a little, turned, and unbuckled Savanna’s car seat then floated both of us into the docking ring towards the passageway door.
Mom and Keaton Yates were just exiting Ring 2’s door. Keats looked a little shaky and immediately reached for the nearest wall to steady himself.
“He’ll be fine in a few minutes, honey. Just needs to find his ole sea legs.” Mom assured as she attended him.
“I put Simone’s parents back in Port 3, High Priestess. Pegasus reports all quarters are ready for occupancy.” Lokust reported standing to attention just behind me.
“Hi Munchkin, you miss me?” she asked Savanna.
My daughter coo’d several times.
“Of course I missed you! Did you have any doubt?” Lokust answered her to my surprise.
“We good, Exec?” I asked cautiously, quietly.
“I missed you too, Chance Summers.” She told me before drawing me into a comfortable embrace. She surprised me further by kissing my lips tenderly.
I felt my insides melt instantly!
“Buddy? You okay? You kind of zoned out there for a few minutes.” Lokust asked to catch my attention. She had Savanna’s car seat in hand and was looking worriedly at me.
“I just felt flush there for a moment. Were you saying something, Lokust?”
“I think you need to take a break, Buddy.” She suggested as she led us into my quarters
Correction…our quarters.
“I thought that we could share your quarters to take turns with Savanna at night. That okay with you?” She revealed as she led me to the huge king-sized bed and motioned for me to sit down.
“Look,” She started with a serious expression, “I’m not guaranteeing anything, but I’m willing to try…providing you and Savanna don’t push too hard. I admit that I’ve missed you the last three days, Chance. Now, I’m thinking you felt the butterflies just now when I kissed you…so did I. I’d like to take it light and slow at first. You follow?”
I nodded silently while I stared at her with a silly smirk on my face.
“Now that we have some rules established…” She started to continue, but I cut her off.
“How did Serangetti allow Lyra to board? Does he even know she’s here?”
“Oh, he knows, buddy! Trust me…he knows!”
“Huh? How can you be so sure, Buddy?” I asked, stymied by her certainty.
“Because I authorized it, High Priestess Chance Summers!” An unfamiliar female Lynxin voice growled from our doorway.
“MY kitten will be directly under MY watchful gaze this whole mission. Is that understood, My Lady?” This woman continued, arrogantly setting her terms.
I blinked on my Current Sight, assessed her latent Current then blinked it off.
“I accept those conditions, but will Lady Lyra, Serangetti Sonja, mate of Kimbou and secondary heir to the throne of FeLane?”
“Very astute, and an impressive trick, Lady Chance! Lyra will abide by my wishes, I guarantee you that.”
“You do know she is a natural Current Mage and possesses a mind of her own, right?” I informed her.
“She will comply with her senior. Of that I am sure.” She growled fiercely.
Lokust giggled in spite of the tense situation.
“Yeah, this’ll be entertaining.” My Exec stage whispered to me.
I had to agree with that assessment.
“So…how is it you managed to board Pegasus, Lady Sonja?” I asked eyeing her appraisingly. “Your name did not appear on the ship’s crew or passenger manifest.”
“Galactic Council suggested I attend on a diplomatic Visa…”
“So…you told them that come hell or high water, you were coming along to protect Lyra?”
Sonja smiled a big, tooth-filled grin that displayed her large canines prominently.
“She arrived on Mare just after Flight 1 went to warp, buddy.” Lokust apprised.
“And when the distress call came in, Lyra naturally wanted to help.” I surmised.
“Something like that, Buddy. With Diplomatic dispensation, I couldn’t say no.”
Sonja had been patiently silent while Lokust and I conversed. Dressed in a worn khaki outfit of trousers, blouse, and abused work boots, she looked like any other archeologist that would be found exploring the galactic rim. It was the way she carried herself that indicated she was more than that.
“Well, diplomat or not, I will not have anyone dressing like that on MY ship! We have strict standards here on Pegasus that must be upheld for morale!
Sonja Serangetti was suddenly dressed in a Witch Corps uniform!
Savanna let out a tiny burp- one that caused Lokust to stare at me questioningly.
“Whaaaa?! How did you do that and why?”
“Don’t worry, Lady Sonja, I didn’t activate you. I simply brought you into compliance with our dress code. Plus, the uniform will protect you better than that sad Archeologist disguise.”
“High Priestess to the Bridge.” Kitty’s voice called from overhead.
“Please excuse me, M’lady.” I said as I picked up Savanna and pushed past Sonya- noting as I passed that her restored tail worked just fine.
I wondered how long it would take for her to notice.
A loud, shrill, feline scream from behind me answered that question.
“ETA to Magellan is four hours, thirty-one minutes, High Priestess. Good to have you back, Chance.” Artemis reported as Savanna and I entered the Bridge.
“Thank you, but we were only gone for two and a half days, Artie.” I replied as I saw her attention shift to someone behind me.
“I see you applied standard Corps dress code to our…guest?”
I nodded. “She is part of the Corps extended family, Artie…through Lyra.”
“Understood, High Priestess.”
I got the feeling Sonja had not endeared herself to any of the Coven.
“Lady Lyra, what brings you on this mission?”
“You and Ladies Simone, Hope, and Charli were away, and Lady Sandra was otherwise engaged with her Daycare duties, High Priestess. Though just a junior member, I felt I should help- if only to monitor a console. Mommy!”
Upon noticing her mother in uniform, Lyra jumped from her seat and flew across the Bridge to Sonja- literally flew! Sonja was flabbergasted!
“You do the uniform proud, Mommy! And I see Lady Chance restored your tail! It looks beautiful, Mommy! Why did you shorten it in the first place?”
“Do you not have a function to perform here on Pegasus, Lyra?”
“Then I suggest you return to it. I have things to talk about with Lady Chance as soon as she is available.”
“Yep, we know who wears the pants in that family!” Chantell carped from her console.
“High Priestess, an automated distress call has replaced any live feeds from Magellan. Just thought you ought to know.” Dell reported.
“So he’s taken over the planetary Comm links. Anything on long range sensors?”
“Long range is picking up several hundred ships orbiting Magellan, High Priestess.” Our A.I. reported.
“Pegasus 8, call the ball.” Chantell advised from her console.
“Pegasus 8 on approach to 2-7.” Charli acknowledged.
“Get ‘Porno’ and ‘Laidy in Wait’ onboard as soon as possible, I’ll be up in observation with Lady Sonja. Lady Lokust, you have the Bridge.”
“As you wish, High Priestess.”
“Lady Sonja, this way please.” I motioned to the Bridge door then quickly to the elevator door as we exited.
“Pegasus, isolate this compartment to everything other than priority communications.” I said after we exited and the elevator door closed. Sonja’s attention immediately shifted to the streaks of starlight overhead.
“Observation Lounge is isolated. Only Bridge communications will pass.”
“Thank you, Pegasus.” I replied and set my eyes to Sonja Serangetti.
“So why are you really here?” I verbally attacked, catching her completely off guard.
“Why…why would you think that, My Lady?” She questioned as she stared at my eyes.
Closing her eyes quickly she shook her head then appraised me again.
“The Galactic Council…”
“Has absolutely no jurisdiction over Witch Corps, M’lady! EFMC Witch Corps was established as a self-governing, highly classified, covert unit to address the Hobgoblin threat to the galaxy! We are self sustaining, self-policing, and funded through over a thousand years of financially secure investments.” I interjected heatedly.
Again she stared at my eyes in rapt amazement before again shaking her head.
“You would question the wishes of the Galactic Council?”
“I would question any government entity, as any could and would be corruptible, M’lady. When defending against the Hobgoblins, any variance or deviation in policies might indicate infiltration.” I informed her calmly before giving her an example.
“Did you know that your own mate had been copied before being conscripted on the Mare? If not for Lady Kitty’s instincts and her professional affiliation, Capt. Serangetti’s doppelganger could have destroyed the ship. Her quick action prevented that and saved thousands of lives.” I said as I gauged her reaction.
As expected, her neutral expression wavered; she hadn’t gotten that information.
“No one is immune from the Hobgoblin conscription process, M’lady. Kitty, Artemis, and Simone were unfortunately conscripted before Lokust and I could rescue and restore them. The same was true with Kimbou and Lyra.”
“It is for those reasons EFMC Witch Corps must be completely autonomous.” I concluded.
“Now, what does the Galactic Council wish of us?” I inquired.
“I was asked to appraise and report on the Coven, High Priestess. It seems the Council is unfamiliar with your rather…obvious…techniques and decided some oversight should be applied.”
“Well, if wishes were horses, beggars’ would ride, M’lady. You may observe all you like, but just stay out of the way when the shit hits the fan in a few hours!”
“So you expect heavy resistance?”
“I expect a full-on, knock-down, drag out, M’lady! Nothing but our magic seems to faze these things. Standard weapons have no effect whatsoever.”
“You know this as fact with just one campaign as a reference, High Priestess?”
“I know this because my entire planet was wiped of life by those bastards, Sonja Serangetti!” I shouted in anger.
This time she jerked back from me in fear as Savanna began to fuss.
“I’m sorry little one. I didn’t mean to upset you. Mommy’s done making her point to Lyra’s mommy. I think she ‘sees’ Mommy’s resolve in our cause.”
Savanna actually coughed several times then added a ‘gurgle’.
“You don’t think she’s convinced? Even after what she’s been told?”
My daughter gurgled some more and coo’d once.
“I agree. She doesn’t hide her true purpose very well. But you still feel she has potential?” I questioned.
She gurgled once more then giggled.
“We’ll see, though I’m leery of having three activated Lynxins in the Corps, Sweetie.”
“You’re talking to her? You understand her?”
“Can’t every mother understand their child at this age, Sonja?” I countered with a bright smile.
“High Priestess, sorry for this interruption, but long range sensors have picked up several detonations in orbit around Magellan.” Charli’s voice informed with a tense tone.
“Have Porno and Laidy-in-Wait docked yet?”
“Docking clamps on 1-4 and 2-8 just engaged and umbilicals are connected.”
“Lady Lokust. Full Afterboost! Fuel and initialize all Brooms for the new mission. Enable all weapons to extract, purify, and place in stasis any recoverable subspecies. Set targeting for tainted Current.” I ordered.
The streaks of starlight above our heads quickly began to blur then the whole ceiling became a solid, light pastel blue glow, and a slight vibration could be felt within the ship.
“Recalculated ETA is now twenty-five minutes, High Priestess. Velocity is…HOLY SHIT! Velocity is now seventy-three LY’s per second! Damn, she’s got the balls!” Lokust reported excitedly.
Sonja Serangetti stared at me completely dumbfounded.
“How…how can such speed…how is it possible?”
“Science.” I replied neutrally as I picked up Savanna and headed for the elevator.
“Pegasus, discontinue isolation. We’re done here. By the way, yours and Lyra’s quarters are back there.” I pointed aft. “Lyra knows how to access the lock system.”
“Chance? It’s happening again, isn’t it?” Simone asked in anguish as she and her parents entered the bridge.
As expected both gawked around the compartment like tourists.
“There’s a few seats left in the back, take them.” I ordered. I turned to answer Simone.
“Just like Gaia Four? I hope not.”
“High Priestess. Sensors can detect no deployment of Bio-Desolve to Magellan, although I am detecting massive pockets of Current taint on the surface and in orbit to a lesser degree.” Lokust reported.
“Chance? What are we gonna do?” Simone asked morosely.
“We do our jobs. Purify as many orbiting ships as possible while half of us purify and recover as many on the planet as we can before decay sets in. Charli, I’m leaving it up to you to stabilize and land those orbiters after purification.”
“Make sure to check for breathable atmosphere on each before giving us target confirmation though.”
“You got it, Chance.”
“Keats? I’m taking you off reserve. Engineering console. Samuel? You fly?”
“I fly, M’lady.”
“Good, you have five minutes to study the helm then it’s all yours. Janet, now’s your chance to see what Jules did for a living when not bedding viable young bachelors. Shan you take weapons. Lyra, transfer weapons’ lockout control to the main weapons console. I’m reassigning you to guard duty. I want you to watch Savanna while I’m gone, alright?”
“With pleasure, High Priestess!” She giggled excitedly.
“One more thing.” I said as I turned to Simone’s mum. “I’m really sorry about doing this, but we need you, Lady Janet.”
A bright blue flash illuminated the compartment. When it faded, Janet Redman sat dressed in our uniform- complete with her very own pointed hat set to 4 o’clock.
“Think you can handle the pressure this time, Lady Janet?” I asked as she frantically examined herself.
“W-what do I do? I haven’t done this in twenty-eight years- and not very well at that time, High Priestess!”
“First thing I’d do is conjure my wand to make sure I can still do it then I’d very nicely ask to relieve Lady Charli in sensors and Astronavigation. You’ll be on target assessment. Lokust, disable Afterboost and ensure Deep Space Camo now then drop to sublight after all Brooms are launched, Pops. Janet, try not to be overwhelmed in there.” I pointed to Charli’s cylindrical, translucent station. “Just go with it and don’t fight the feeling. You’ll have full sensors and astronomical systems at your command. You can do this, M’lady.”
“Pegasus is secured from AfterBoost, buddy.” Lokust announced as I felt the vibration subside.
Charli exited her station and nodded to a tensely smiling Janet Redman. In her hand, her wand, which she quickly dispatched to the ether again.
I kissed Savanna goodbye as I placed her seat by Lyra.
“Lock and load, Ladies! It’s Hoblin Season!” I announced in too serious a tone. “Lady Sonya, you have MY Bridge. Take care of my ship, she’s still brand new. Shan, you have launch control and weapons. Good luck.”
“Good Hunting, M’ladies!” Chantell replied as we filed out and headed for the docking rings.
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I think she will understand her mother after this. How are they splitting up the old generation isn’t as good as the new one. I bet this is a distraction and he has already moved onto to somewhere else. Lady Sonya is going to need an attitude adjustment.
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
Hitting the fan
When it hits the fan it causes quite a stir aboard Pegasus.
Others have feelings too.