Summer's Current 2: Witch Corps- Chapters 14-15

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Summer's Current 2: Witch Corps

Lyra tries to 're-acclimate' Sonya with 'sisterly' therapy. Will Sonya finally prove herself worthy of the Corps?


Chapter 14

“Welcome home, girls.” I said as the docking clamps engaged and Hope and a Pair opened her canopy.
“Can we do that again, Lady Chance?” Lyra asked excitedly as I released our harness and she floated up and back to help release Savanna’s carseat. My little one had fallen asleep before Hope and a Pair even had our checklist completed.
“That depends on Lady Sonya, sweetie.”
“Lady Chance?” Lyra asked shyly after a few seconds.
“Lady Lyra?”
“My Lady, It was nice to have an older sister, though momma could have been a little nicer to us.”
“She could have, sweetie, but I think she felt pressured into her disguise.”
“But bein’ a kid is great! Why didn’t she like it?”
“Maybe her first childhood wasn’t so great, sweetie. FeLane was a very stressful place when your momma was growing up. Your uncle…Kitty’s dad…he wasn’t a very nice man. From what I heard, lots of people were frightened of him. I wasn’t there so I can only repeat what I’ve been told.”
“That’s sad. Maybe I can help momma. Could you keep her little for a little longer?”
“Sure, sweetie. How long?” I asked with a bright smile.
“Ummm…til we get back to poppy’s big ship?”
“Okay.” I agreed.
Lyra smiled devilishly as she and a still sleeping Savanna floated toward the ring hatch.
“Chairman Englert is waiting for you up in the Observation Lounge, Chance.” Aunt Cora informed me as we met in the main passageway. “I’ll watch our little Sugar Plum for you.”
“Thanks”, I said. “She slept the entire way back. She’ll probably be hungry when she wakes up, Aunt Cora.”
“Lokust showed me where you keep your expressed milk supply. Consider it handled.”
Thanking my aunt again, I headed up to Observation.
“Enjoying the view, sir?” I asked as I exited the elevator. Englert was busy staring out at Galahad.
“It’s one of the reasons I joined the Galactic Service you know. I don’t think I’ll ever callus to it.”
“It gets better, sir. Care for a tour?”
The man’s smile almost eclipsed his face.
“And in here is our multipurpose compartment. Briefing room, galley, exercise room, practice room all rolled into one.” I told our guest as I opened the compartment’s door.
High pitched shrieking assaulted our ears and a tiny blue plasma blast hit the wall not far from me.
“It would seem it is in use.” I retorted.
Lyra and the only other Lynxin kitten onboard presently, chased each other around the far end of the compartment. Both sounded like they were having fun.
I quickly motioned ahead of us and put up a concealment shield then held my finger to my lips telling my guest to remain silent.
Lyra stopped, sniffed the air, and began looking around the room.
Another tiny plasma burst hit her square in the back. It was a good thing both kittens were wearing their uniforms!
“That’s not fair!” Lyra cried as she turned and crossed her arms tightly across her chest. “I wasn’t ready.”
“Why? We’re supposed to be training.” Sonya asked as she stopped beside her daughter.
“I smell someon... Lady Chance is hiding from us!” Lyra clapped excitedly. “Maybe she wants to play too?”
Sonya animatedly sniffed the air around her and stiffened.
“She and the Chairman are here somewhere.”
Her eyes narrowed, but her face blushed in embarrassment.
“I think we have had enough training for the time being, Lady Lyra. Thank you for taking the time to show me some of your techniques. I will be in our quarters cleaning up.” Sonya continued- her adult persona looking humorously adorable in her current form.
“Wait, Sooonya! Don’t you wanna play some more?” Lyra called as Sonya stomped past us and out the compartment’s door.
“I thought I was making some headway with her too!” Our junior Coven sister frumped.
“Sometimes it takes more, My Lady. We didn’t mean to interrupt your therapy session. I’m sorry.” I said as I dropped my concealment spell.
“Hello again, Mr. Chairman, sir.”
“My profound apologies for disturbing your training session, Lady Lyra.” Englert placed his left fist to his chest and bowed politely.
“It’s okay. So how was your ride with Lady Cora?” The Lynxin kitten forged on innocently.
Englert blushed.
“Very…um…thrilling, My Lady. We conversed of your Coven’s missions over the recent past.” He answered ‘diplomatically’
“Oh. I thought Lady Cora would try to seduce you.” Lyra replied. “Oh well, I think I should maybe help Sonya clean up. Bye.”
As soon as the door closed behind Lyra, Englert burst out in laughter!
“My apologies, sir. Lyra is only six standard years…”
“Yet she speaks with many years more experience, Lady Chance. I find it…refreshing!” He shook his head.
“It also tickles me who is the more ‘grown-up’ of the two.”
That brought a smile to my face as I couldn’t agree more with his assessment.
“Chairman on deck!” Keats announced as Englert and I entered the Bridge. My Coven sisters and brothers stood and snapped to attention.
“Please. At ease ladies and gentlemen. I’m officially at an emergency security meeting off world at the moment, so…I’m officially…not here.” Our guest advised with noticeable appreciation.
“Lady Charli, any developments in finding Assistant de Sallenger?” I asked.
I find no evidence he is on Galahad, High Priestess. Sensors are still examining the local systems for his signature or activity.
“Thank you. Stay on it. Keats? How you holding up? Ready to let Simone relieve you yet?”” I asked our reservist.
“Not yet,” he responded with a whimsical grin, “I’m not done stealing her secrets, High Priestess.”
Pegasus is so advanced I haven’t been able to digest even a tenth of her tech! All you ladies are undeniable geniuses- Lady Simone in particular. I had never seen her completed thesis on trans-dimensional propulsion.” He praised as Chairman Englert’s eyes popped from his head.
“Tra-trans-dimensional,” He gulped, wet his lips then continued. “Trans-dimensional propulsion?” He paused to compose himself.
“Is that even possible?”
“You bet yer ass, buddy!” Keats boasted proudly.
Chance? I found him!
“Where, Charli?” I asked excitedly.
I’ve located his signature on a commercial transport just leaving this system.
“Are we sure the sensors are right, Lady Charli? Back above Magellan I sensed the big bad guy’s presence, but it turned out to be a decoy.”
It’s him, High Priestess- or what used to be him.” Charli assured.
Time to intercept?
“Two minutes.”
“Helm, set an intercept course and engage.”
“Move, flyboy. I’ll take it from here.” Mom said as she forcefully turned Sam in his seat.
Simone’s father willingly evacuated the pilot’s chair and took a seat back next to his wife.
“We’re on our way, High Priestess. Two minutes to intercept.” Mom reported professionally.
“I take it my assistant hasn’t gotten far?” Englert asked.
Right now the transport is almost sixteen light years from Galahad. We’ll intercept between systems.” Charli informed our guest.
“Wow! Pegasus is really fast! Sixteen LY’s in two minutes…”
“Main emitter’s are rock steady at point one percent of full power, High Priestess.” Keats announced, making it a point to gloat about Pegasus’ full potential.
“Point…point one percent? My God, how fast can this ship go?” Englert gasped.
“A lot faster and leave it at that, sir. Level thirty stuff.” I told him.
Chance, I’m picking up an awful lot of taint on that ship. It's more than just one person.
Enable the forward weapons for wand mode, Lady Kitty.” I ordered. We want to purify, not destroy.”
Weapons enabled, both purifier and Current storage reserve are online, and I have a lock on the transport, High Priestess. In range now.”
“Fire.” I said calmly as a shrill whistling noise filled the Bridge. This was the first time I had heard any weapons other than the cannons fire.
“Purifying is complete. Reserve at eighty-nine percent capacity, High Priestess.”
“Thank you, Lady Kitty. Well done. Life signs in the transport?”
Sensors indicate forty life signs, High Priestess. All match species signatures.” Charli reported.
“De Sallenger?” I asked.
That specific signature has disappeared, M’lady.
Just as the Captain’s double did on Mare, High Priestess.” Kitty added.
Are we compatible with their docking hatch, High Priestess?” Mom asked without looking over at me. “Never mind. Slowing to match velocity, M’lady.”
“Kitty, Artie, Simone, and Locust. You’re with me.” I said as I stood. “Lady Cora, I need you and Savanna on the command deck.”

Chapter 15

Docking passage has been extended and is secured to transport docking hatch, Chance. Pressurizing now.” Keats reported.
“High Priestess, why was I not considered for this mission?” Sonya Serangetti demanded while we waited for pressurization to complete.
“I have performed many forced boardings and am quite confident in such actions.” She stated forcefully.
“Ummmm…you’re a child right now, kid,” Lokust replied. “Plus, from what I’ve heard, your wand skills need work.”
“Why not let the ‘Magical Cat Girl go with you guys.” Chantell suggested. “She could use the practice- I mean, really use the practice!”
“Hey! I’m learning!” Sonya defended as her civilian clothing changed to her Corps uniform.
“It’s about time!” Artie growled.
“Come along then, but behave.” I caved.
Docking Passage is ready. Docking hatches are now unlocked.” Charli advised this time.
With Kitty taking point, we made our way single file between ships through the flexible, narrow transfer tube.
“Wow! It smells terrible in here!” Sonya complained as she entered the transport’s open airlock.
“It’s the smell of Hoblins, sweetie. Don’t ever get used to it.” I replied. “Wands at the ready.”
Kitty’s shurikens took flight and began orbiting just inches away from her hat’s brim; Artie’s bow and full quiver appeared; Lokust, Simone, Sonya and I produced our wands. Chantell pulled her revolver.
I stopped and looked at my aunt in confusion. I hadn’t asked her along.
“Hey, someone has to watch the little Ewok in case her ‘wand’ misfires.” She reasoned.
I turned around without comment and we began our search for recovered crew and passengers.
“Chance, Pegasus. We’ve recovered forty people over here, but de Sallenger isn’t among them.”
Chance, I’m picking up a small bit of taint in the aft storage compartment. It’s not indicating large enough for a full-sized Hoblin though.” Charli reported her newest findings.
“Sonya and I will go aft and investigate. I want every corner and crevice re-examined.” I said as I took the kitten’s hand and started back through the transport.
Some of the crew and passengers were starting to regain consciousness.
“My little sister forgot to go before we left our ship.” Was my excuse when we passed several females that were leaning against the passageway walls.
Of course, Sonya looked mortified.
“I wish you would stop that, Lady Chance. I’m not a little child!”
I stopped quickly and conjured a full-length mirror directly in front of her.
“Really?! I see a very spoiled eight-year-old kitten with a huge chip on her shoulder and a very bad attitude. Now let’s go!” I growled as the mirror disappeared.
“Lady Chance, Lady Charli. Are we getting warm yet?” I asked as we entered the storage compartment located just forward of the engine room.
About four feet ahead and two to the left.” Charli directed.
Okay, you should see it right in front of you.
I blinked on my Current sight and scanned the area.
“Lady Charli, I can’t see a thing. Are you sure about this?”
According to my 3D imaging, its right at eye level with Sonya. Directly in front of her about two feet away."
“Have you found your Current Sight yet, sweetie?” I asked my Lynxin little sister.
“Ummmm…sort of?”
I rolled my eyes. “Just ask your Current to help you see it. It’s not that difficult, Lady Sonya.”
The kitten blinked her eyes and stared in surprise at the storage bin in front of her.
“The red stuff is the bad stuff, right?”
“Yep. What have you got, sweetie.” I asked.
“I’m not sure but it just changed color.”
“Yes, from orange-red to a shade darker.”
I knelt down to get a better look at it and gasped in shock!
“Get out! Now!” I shouted as I stared at the Current delay bomb in horror. I quickly began to slowly drain the Current out of it.
“What is it, Lady Chance?”
A Current bomb! Get out of here, Sonya!” I shouted again with more intensity as I removed the device and held it in both hands.
Did I hear you right, buddy? You found a Current bomb?” Lokust asked for conformation.
“Litte thing. Big badda boom! Yes, a bomb! Sonya! Get out of here! Now!”
“I can disarm it, Chance!” Sonya argued.
“It’s building up to detonation! Get out! I’m trying to drain the Current, but I have to do it slowly so it doesn’t trigger prematurely.” I reported.
“Let me look at it, High Priestess.” Sonya said calmly as she touched my arm. She blinked and I guess looked at it through her Current sight.
“There!” she pointed at a spot on the cylindrical device’s side facing her. It’s the small black spot. That’s the timer/detonator. That will defuse it.”
Quickly, she took her scepter, traced small circles in the air over the device and made the small spot vanish.
The device stopped darkening in color.
“Good job, sweetie.” I praised after releasing my breath then set about asking my Current to search the device for conscripted life forms.
There was one, but it was so degraded my Current was having trouble identifying it. All it gave me was the fragment: ‘alle…ger’.
I continued to drain and purify the bomb’s Current until all trace was gone from the device. As with the other devices Sonya had planted on Pegasus, this one fell to pieces then to dust and finally disappeared.
“All clear. Sonya found the detonator and took care of it all by herself.” I announced proudly.
Surprise of surprises, Buddy! I’m going to go out on a limb and ask if it was de Sallenger.
“What was left of him, I guess? I could only get a partial name: ‘alle’ and ‘ger’…”
Just before I flew across the compartment and hit the wall hard.
Shaking my head to clear it, I looked up in time to see Sonya grab something and hold it tightly to her stomach with one hand while twirling her scepter rapidly over her hat.
A blue sphere enveloped her small form followed quickly by a brilliant and sharp flash of blue!
“Sonya! I cried out as I realized what she had just done.
Immediately, the sphere burst and Current flooded the compartment several feet deep!
Chance?” Lokust sounded frantic.
“Sonya found and cradled another charge! She threw me away and manifested a spherical shield around herself before it detonated!” I cried hysterically.
I had to help her! But first, I started absorbing the Current so I could reach her.
Sonya was glowing like an overdriven Space Beacon as the dropping Current level exposed her!
Safe to come in, Buddy?” Lokust asked as I felt for a pulse.
“The Current’s cleaned up, but I don’t feel a pulse!” I said trying not to panic.
My Coven sisters were suddenly all around me.
She’s in overload. I have to drain some of her Current.” I said to myself and nobody else.
Four hands and one of my own reached for the unconscious, courageous Lynxin. We all began to drain off Current from her. As we did so, her illumination decreased and finally stopped.
Sonya began coughing and her eyes opened slightly.
“Aaarrrrwwwwwwwl!” She growled in pain. “That hurt more than I expected it would.”
“Holy shit! She’s actually alive!” Chantell swore in shocked amazement.
“Sonya? Can you hear me?” I asked as I removed her hat and cradled her head to me.
“I’ll live. Unless, of course, this is hell and you all are my penance.” She slowly glanced around with squinting eyes. “By Libra, I hope I’m still alive!”
“What is wrong with you, girl!” Chantell demanded. “Didn’t they ever teach you to run from things that go BOOM?!”
“There was no time, My Lady. The High Priestess was in optimum range.” Sonya replied.
Something didn’t quite seem right about her though. Since I was in contact with her, I decided to ask her Current what happened.
And scowled.
“Chance?” Artie had noticed my expression. Chantell, Lokust, and Simone also looked up at me.
“You shouldn’t have done that, Lady Sonya. It was stupid and irresponsible.” I said to cover the real reason.
“And it was also the right thing to do!” She argued.
“I thank you, with all my heart, My Lady.” I said with a reverent nod.
“I guess she really is a member of the Coven after all, huh?” Simone asked in awe of the Linxin’s actions.
“Status on the crew? Are they fit to continue?” I requested, nodding to my Antarran sister then looked to Lokust.
“This transport has a ship’s mistress, Chance. She was one of the first to regain consciousness, so yes. We advised her she should be making preparations to get underway, but has been told to await our order to actually depart.” Lokust answered.
“Serangetti Sonya, are you capable of moving?” I asked.
The Kitten pushed free of me and stood with no problem.
“I said I’ll live. Can we go back to Pegasus now, High Priestess?”
I nodded to Lokust as I got to my feet.
“Lokust, Pegasus. You see any other bad stuff over here?” She asked.
Looks clean from this end, Lokust.” Charli answered.
“We’ll be heading back over then. Lokust out. Let’s get off this tub, Ladies.”
Author's notes: Pegasus 9 'Pin Up'- piloted by Caroline 'Porno' Norge- Queen of Antarra.

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