Summer's Current: The Antarran Redemption 29-32

Summer's Current:
The Antarran Redemption

Antarran Redemption Hat.jpg


Chapter 29

I prepared myself for the charge. These brave warriors- men of unquestionable moral- would carry out their orders to the fullest and die knowing they had done their duty. Their honor would remain pure even in death.
The cavalry’s front line suddenly became awash with bright white light and their leader looked past me in surprise and terror! That look was accompanied by murmurs and gasps from his men as each tried valiantly to steady their mounts.
I too had an inkling of what just happened.
In fact, I knew exactly what was happening!
My marvelous daughter had just made her grand entrance.
“Goddess Christina!” I gasped in amazement as I turned. Christina was still glowing brightly- the little show-off! I quickly fell to my knees. “Welcome, my Goddess Christina.”
“Lady Colleen. I offer my assistance if required.” Her announced offer hauntingly echoed throughout the nearer forest.
Behind me there was the deafening clatter of metal armor instantly in motion!
“What well trained and reverent soldiers you have, Lady Colleen! They will do well in the forthcoming siege to protect your realm from the invading faction.” She smiled directly to me.
“Goddess Christina, these are not my, but the Regent’s knights. We still are, but two squads.” I admitted.
“Two… squads?” I heard the lead knight gasp. How had he not suspected there were more of us?
“So you have not gained their allegiance at this point, Colleen?” Christina smiled deviously with a quick wink.
“No, Christina, I haven’t got that far. Though timely, your arrival is still a bit premature.”
“You do realize that time is fluid for my kind?” She giggled.
“You’ve reminded me many, many times, Christina, but I still don’t understand most of the concept.” I replied dourly knowing it was true, and that I still couldn’t believe I was some two thousand years back in Antarra’s history. One thing was definitely obvious though.
She was having way too much fun with this.
“The Goddess Christina and the Lady Colleen speak as if related, Commander!” One of the men gasped behind me.
“Are you not all ‘related’ to me?” Christina asked the men with a giggle that echoed and reverberated off the trees. “You all knew to dismount and kneel before me, correct? So you must all know of me. That makes us related, sir knights.”
“Don’t get too crazy, pumpkin!” I whispered to her.
Christina smiled amusedly.
“Lady Colleen and her husband, Lord Louis are the rightful rulers of this realm as per my decree of forty years prior, my reverent followers. The days of the Regent and his tyrannical rule are at an end. If Norge’s Heath is to survive and prosper into the future as I have foreseen, your defensive forces must be united against Lord Christoff’s oncoming invasion.” Christina decreed.
“Commander, I give you new orders,” She smiled spryly, “and ‘Goddess’ outranks ‘Regent’, right?” Christina giggled as she approached then walked past me to the knights and out of my view. I remained still and silent.
“Courageous and noble knights of Norge’s Heath, protect the realm from Christoff’s forces and heed Lady Colleen’s strategies for she and her Valkyrie have only known victory. Colleen?”
Christina was now in front of me and offered her hand. I took it with a broad smile, which the horsemen couldn’t see, and stood.
“My blessing upon you all, sisters and brothers, for today herolds the return of the unbiased and honorably ruling Norge Clan! Norge’s Heath shall survive the day and the millenniums.” Christina announced loudly to the crowd. Again, her words resonated through the forest.
She bent down and kissed my forehead.
“I hope that wasn’t too over the top, mom.” She whispered with a giggle, stood, took a few steps back, and disappeared into a brilliant white aura.
‘No… not over the top at all, pumpkin!’ I thought with a smirk.
Turning toward our cavalry guests, I was about to ask the one question that would make or break this mission. To my surprise, every one of them was still on one knee with heads bowed and swords before them- points down reverently!
Not too much pressure there!
“I ask which orders you now choose to carry out, sir knight.”
“My lady… is it not obvious? A task given by the Goddess Christina must be honored first and foremost- and by her grace we are yours to command, majesty.”
“Majesty?” Chance called as she, Hope, and Kate emerged from the trees on our right.
“The enemy encampment has been reduced in number as ordered. Where’d you pick up the strays?” She asked while nodding to the cavalry.
“They found us, sister… and have volunteered to follow us into battle against Christoff. The Goddess Christina has also given her blessing.”
“ALRIGHT!” Chance shouted, gleefully fist pumping her right arm in excitement. “Now we can kick some serious ass! Thanks be to the Goddess, majesty.”
Two sonic booms overhead signaled the games were about to commence.
Our troops startled and gasped at the cloudless thunder in terror.
I smiled to their leader.
“Time to mount up! Commander…?” I prompted.
“Commander Christian Norwood, majesty. Captain of the Norge’s Heath Defensive Forces.”
Damn! Was he one of my ancestors? I tried to remain composed.
“I’d like you to split your cavalry in half and come in on the enemy’s flanks after they begin to move toward the keep. They’re archers will be concentrated just behind the front lines and intent on decreasing our main frontal force. Have your archers’ only advance to the next hamlet and await us as snipers.”
Aye, my lady. And what of our defensive advance?” The tall soldier asked looking down to me in concern.
“My Valkyrie will hold the advance while you rout their flanks and support staff.” I answered calmly.
“Majesty? Is it wise to put yourself in the midst of such carnage?” He asked.
Movement from my extreme left caught my acute- and recently upgraded- Antarran attention and I instantly reached out and snagged the arrow from its flight. I was instantly on the small group of enemy snipers and ended them with my cutlass before even a gasp could escape them!
“Well, that was certainly fun.” I smiled and rubbed my blade clean as I walked back to our group. “Now… what were you asking me, commander?”
“I trust you took out all eight, Lady Colleen?” Simone inquired as if nothing outlandish had happened.
“Ten, but who’s counting, sister?” I smiled wickedly. “You were about to reply, commander?”
“You have proven your skill, majesty. Forgive me.” He bowed, mounted his ride, and motioned for his men to split and move out.
“How did you move so fast, majesty?” Thomas’ eyes were wide. “I saw you grasp the arrow- impossible as that was, but after that all I felt was a breeze until you walked back to us.”
“I’ve studied with the masters in several different disciplines of the martial arts, pumpkin. I have high ratings in all of them.” I smiled.
“Now, at this time I order you back to our soldier’s encampment and await our return. This shouldn’t take but a few hours.”
“But there had to be four or five thousand of the enemy, majesty!” The young man exclaimed.
'Had' being the operative term, kiddo.” Kate giggled with a predatory smile.
Thomas’ mouth dropped open with a gasp.
“Be on your way, pumpkin.” I pointed in the general direction of the cavalry’s camp. “Don’t dawdle.”
“Ready to kick some arrogant Antarran male ass, girls?” I asked with, what I thought, was a very predatory smile.
We began walking back the way we’d come in a single front line with weapons drawn.
“Cue the ‘kick-ass’ female fight scene music.” My dear, sweet, Louis announced eagerly.

Chapter 30

“Why did I even advance with you guys?” I asked as I watched our Lynxins rout the advancing forces of this yet unseen ‘Lord Christoff’.
The field of battle was maybe four acres square mostly surrounded by tall pines and various deciduous trees. Just the first and secondary lines had shown themselves- the first line dropping to our swords relatively fast. Cmdr. Norwood’s cavalry proved to be very competent at what they did and remained out of sight from the main confrontation.
Feeling that we had flankers coming in from our right I spun, pulled my bow, notched an arrow, and released in one smooth and graceful motion.
The damage was swift and several more combatants were out of the siege.
“Nice shootin’, Tex!” Katelyn nodded as she slashed at a few more insurgents.
I had long since lost count of the bodies that had fallen to just my cutlass.
Many more had tasted the points of my arrows.
I had to admit that the amount and severity of the carnage was starting to take a toll on my stomach and I began developing- against my attempts to ignore it- a conscience.
Not the best thing to have when you are trying to uphold your ruthless reputation!
A horn sounded out in the distance from well behind our enemy’s line.
A signal to regroup or retreat, maybe?
I immediately notched three arrows to my bow, whispered Kate’s guidance spell to seek out the horn’s owner and any protection nearby upon them, and let them fly.
After a few seconds the horn stopped sounding and our retreating attackers seemed confused.
There was a noticeable pause in their retreat and we used that to our full advantage.
Of course, our Lynxins led the way and left very little for the rest of us to do save guard our flanks and rear.
Looks like the opposition is destablizing, ladies. I’m seeing your cavalry making significant headway on their flanks and the remaining forces seem disordered.” Charli reported over our comms.
“So are we going to drive the death spike or show lenience, majesty?” Chance asked as Caroline and Coraline turned back to me after they had dispatched their own adversaries.
“As I recall, Christoff was captured then died in Norge’s Heath prison twenty years from now, ladies.”
“Do we have a portrait or drawing of him in the database, Cora?” Simone questioned as she wiped off her blade and checked it’s edge.
“There was one portrait of him that I know of. Let me see…” Caroline manifested her DataTab and swiped at it a moment. “Here… here is the only image that survived these turbulent times.”
Caroline passed the device around.
“Aunt Cora? This looks digitally enhanced to appear like a painting.” Link observed.
“Apparently, we had something to do with it- to remind us Christoff needs to survive this siege.”
“So where is the little dweeb?” I posited.
“Colleen? Maybe you can ask one of your arrows to find him and wound him in say… the leg?” Kate proposed.
Quickly doing just that I smiled, notched, incanted, and released.
The arrow veered off sharply to the left almost immediately.
A man screamed shrilly not far from our position and we heard several branches breaking followed by a loud ‘thump’- as if something or someone falling out of a tree hit the ground hard.
Link and Simone went to investigate.
They returned after several minutes- Link carrying a small redheaded, bearded man across her shoulders like a game deer. He was dressed in tanned leather instead of battle armor.
He also had an arrow through his right calf.
It looked extremely painful.
“He matches the image… now.” Simone stated calmly.
“Is he unconscious from the wound or the fall?” I asked in curiosity.
“Oh, no, the arrogant little shit was fully awake til he reached out to grab Coraline’s left ‘lady-in-wait’. He’ll probably need his jaw wired shut.” Simone answered. “Oh… and a very good oral surgeon. I managed to stop her before she could rip all his digits off- though he may never write with that hand ever again.”
Now that she mentioned it, Christoff’s right hand did seem somewhat misshapen and hung somewhat differently than his left.
I think it was the fact that three of his fingers and his thumb were at odd angles.
“I left it so he could still stick his index finger up his ass!” Link growled heatedly at the unconscious man she was holding.
I thought Hope and Kate would pass out from laughing so hard!
A change of panties was definitely in order for them both!
I’m showing the enemy forces are withdrawing and dispersing quickly, ladies. Some of your cavalry is heading back in your direction.” Charli reported.
“Awwww man! Is it over so soon?” Kitty complained as she and her fellow Lynxins appeared just ahead of us. While we had stopped, our sisters had forged ahead in pursuit of the retreating forces.
“So soon?” Hope goggled in amazement at our sister. “We’ve been going medieval on these losers for three straight hours! Not that you guys left us that much.”
“Has it actually been that long?” Kitty cocked her head to the side as she looked up in thought for a moment.
“It was and you still concern me with that ‘blood thirsty behavior of yours, cousin.” Lyra nodded.
A rider came into view and slowed before us. It was Commander Norwood’s second in command.
“Majesty, your insightful tactics have succeeded! The enemy is in complete disarray and dispersing into the countryside. Sadly we were unable to locate Lord Christoff himself. We fear he may have escaped to re-plan and reform his offensive.”
“This the perp in question, sir knight?” Kate giggled as she unceremoniously lifted the unconscious man’s head by his scraggily unkempt hair. He was still on Link’s shoulders.
The horseman’s mouth fell open as Kate released the head and dramatically tried to wipe her fingers and hand of the dirt, grime, and sweat residue.
“It is, my lady… but how…?”
“He was hiding up in a copse of trees off to our left.” Chance answered.
“Hiding in a tree? Lord Christoff? Hiding. In. A. Tree?” The soldier repeated slowly in complete disbelief. “Why… the cowardice! He dares call himself a noble?”
“Apparently, he has a different definition of the word, sir knight.” Caroline said as she shook her head.
What happened to his hand and face, majesty?” The horseman asked curiously.
“He… demanded… and took… favors from me that were not offered, sir.” Link growled in answer and looked like she was ready to break our prisoner in half.
“I think the prisoner will be better off on the ground, don’t you, Coraline?” I hinted for her to put him down.
“Of course, majesty.” She glared at me.
Link unceremoniously dropped her offending payload and walked away without another word or glance backward.
Hitting the ground again caused our prisoner to begin to groan, wheeze, and cough in agony. Tears formed in his eyes and a pain-laced shriek exited his mouth as he unconsciously reached for his jaw with his mangled right hand.
“Coraline doesn’t like you!” Simone informed him as she looked down at him in disgust. “I don’t like you either!”
“You dare call yourself a noble!” Caroline decried haughtily. “You have revealed yourself to be anything but!”
“Sister? I’m sure he has good reason to conceal himself.” I reasoned.
“Ahh wool nah anther yu whorthzzz.” He slurred painfully in defiance- bloody spittle flew from his mouth.
“And I could not care less, Christoff! I will let the common courts decide your fate.”
His laugh came out more like several hisses instead of real laughs. He also spit out a tooth or two.
“Laugh now, Christoff.” I said confidently. “I promise- as leader of Clan Norge- that the law will have the final say in your future.
“Nordjuh? Theywll all deahd.” He slurred as more bloodied drool dripped from his mouth.
“Not all of us.” Simone grinned and looked around to each of us ‘royal blue-hairs’. “We’re still alive and kickin’!”
“Sir Knight! I want this man in irons and taken to the Keep to await his trial!” I declared. “He is to be shackled in the stocks on the Commons for all to see.”
“I have no means of detainment, majesty.”
“I just happen to have a pair of cuffs on me, majesty,” Chance chirped as she conjured a set of chrome manacles and dangled them for everyone to see, “If you don’t mind the pink felt linings?”
I rolled my eyes. It was my observation that the ladies of this Coven were only playing. They seemed to take nothing that happened here- dangerous as it was- serious…
Some of them were probably even a might kinky?
Thinking a little longer on that, I realized that each one of us could and likely wouldn’t hesitate to wipe out everything with just a ‘flick’ of our wand.
A blood-curdling scream threatened to pierce our ears as Chance cuffed our prisoner’s wrists behind his back.
More of our cavalry appeared and slowly approached.
“Majesty, I see you have found our quarry. Congratulations to you and your Valkyrie. Now…” Cmdr. Norwood dismounted his horse after surveying the devastation we had wrought on our attackers. “If you would do us the honor, majesty? The true monarch of Norge’s Heath and her heroines should ride triumphantly back to her people from her victorious campaign.”
Several of Norwood’s fellow knights also dismounted their steeds and waited patiently for each of us and helped us into the recently relinquished saddles.
“Captain, Gretchen has commandeered an abandoned enemy cart. Should we load the prisoner to it with the wounded?”
“Lash him to the back where he can walk in shame. If he cries out, muffle him with a piece of his own clothing.” Norwood ordered.
“Captain? The Keep is a league away and he appears too fragile to be marched that distance.”
“A true noble would not complain and would sacrifice his very existence with courage and honor, sergeant. Let this be a redeeming test of his true nobility.”
“Aye, sir. As you say.”
Norwood nodded.
“Now, let’s be on our way with these brave, beautiful, fearless warriors and our rightful queen.” He ordered and motioned our troop forward toward Norge’s Heath.

Chapter 31

As we neared the Heath, shouts echoed out from atop the battlements announcing the knights’ return.
On crossing the heavy wooden drawbridge, the Heath’s huge wooden doors groaned in protest of having been quickly flung wide open.
Cheers met our ears as Cmdr. Norwood led his horse- with me in the saddle- through the thick walls of the city gate. Hundreds of people cheered, clapped, and pointed to us with gleeful smiles, though they politely parted and gave way as we rode farther in.
As we proceeded through the crowd clogged Main Street, I overheard more than a few of the onlookers asking about our identities and especially our hair color as we continued on.
Cmdr. Norwood was only too happy to answer any and all inquiries.
“They call themselves ‘Valkyrie’ and claim membership in Clan Norge.” He told them all proudly.
Though, not all were celebrating. From atop his mount I observed several ‘sour’ faces moving in and amongst the crowds to either side.
Obviously loyalists or spies of the Regent, I thought.
Several older women and some older couples along our trek to the Keep seemed especially overjoyed that we had arrived- a smug confidence that we were here to change things… hopefully for the better.
At least their smiles and nods of acceptance seemed to indicate that approval.
We stopped in what I assumed was the Heath’s ‘Common’. The large, well-kept, level green fronted a large, heavily fortified building with hundreds of thin vertical archer slits along the walls that I could see. Nearer the building, just at the end of the well-kept lawn, was a pair of old-fashioned wooden stocks; they stood just off a barren, frequently used, dirt cart path that circled the Common’s perimeter.
Gretchen, a proud young noblewoman, Knight, and proficient fighter who just happened to have several thin blue streaks running through her long, braided hair, wasted no time stopping the wagon by the ancient punishment devices, untying our prisoner from the open tailgate, and roughly threw him into a stock, securing it with an ancient- by my perspective- keyed padlock once Chance de-materialized her rather risqué handcuffs.
“Here be the beaten and humbled architect of the assault against our home- Christoff of Mountsmouth!” She shouted- arms raised high in triumph.
The cheers were deafening!
I liked her!
“The Lady Colleen of Clan Norge and her courageous Valkyrie be hailed for our victory!” She again shouted.
Again the crowds cheered loudly!
“Silence!” A tenor male voice echoed from everywhere around us!
“Why has this nobleman been put to the stock before I have heard or passed any judgement?” The yet-to-be-seen man demanded.
“Cause I asked her to, pumpkin!” I shouted at an equal volume.
“And who are you to make any demands of my knights, you assuming woman?!” He dared.
“Lady Colleen of Clan Norge: the rightful heir to Norge’s Heath, pumpkin.” I answered calmly.
The crowd gasped loudly as one hearing my reply.
“Be warned I am not some gourd, impudent wench! Pay the proper respect to the throne or suffer my wrath!”
“High Priestess, I’d like to meet this…this unrevealed blowhard?” I requested as I glanced back to Chance. Cmdr. Norwood looked up to me in puzzlement.
“As you wish, majesty.” Chance smiled deviously.
The reigning Regent of Norge’s Heath- all five and a half feet by three feet of him- was instantly standing fifteen feet in front of my horse. He was quite befuddled, and rotund, to say the least. My horse was minimally startled and gave a snort.
Norwood gasped and swallowed hard looking over to Chance.
“Thank you, High Priestess.” I nodded to her with a wicked smile.
“Don’t mention it, majesty.”
“What manner of illusion is this?” The blowhard bellowed then glared angrily at my escort.
“Norwood! I demand you arrest these miscreant whores and throw them in the deepest, darkest pit of the Keep!”
“Pardon, but why would I do that to the courageous warriors that saved all of Norge’s Heath from Lord Christoff’s forces, Regent Gerefont? And I must confess, the Lady Colleen of Clan Norge’s battle strategies far bested the campaign designed and decried by you, sire.” Norwood answered cautiously, but truthfully.
“They are merely skillful manipulators playing mind tricks, you fool! Arrest them! Arrest them all!” He spit angrily.
“Pardon again, Sire? If you had seen these fearless, battle-hardened women in action, you would not demand anything from them, for they are vastly more than they appear!” Norwood warned nervously.
“If you do not move against these deceiving whores then I shall do it myself!”
Gerefont began an angry advance toward us, but before he took two steps the ground around him erupted loudly with violent, blue–streaked explosions!
Norwood and I both tried to calm his panicking horse.
Apparently, Aquia was holding position somewhere above us in her Broom.
“Personally, I wouldn’t move a muscle, pumpkin. We’ve got friends in high places… very high places.” I giggled my warning as the horses and gathered crowd settled.
My recommendation only aided in overriding his shock and made him angrier. He dared take another step.
Nine very pissed-off looking women instantly surrounded him in a circle and limited any further approach!
My sisters were all in their uniforms and had their wands aimed at the overconfident Regent!
Cmdr. Norwood and his knights oscillated their stares between their now empty saddles, my sisters, and me.
Of course, the gathered crowds gasped and murmurings of ‘witches’ took to the faint breeze around us.
“Go ahead, punk! Make my day!” Hope hissed through tightly clinched teeth in a gritty, deep voice. With a slight flourish of her wand just to his right, a bright blue bolt of Current struck the ground and exploded loudly.
I fought very hard to contain myself!
And to keep my horse calm.
“My good man,” Tau dared as he dismounted and stepped forward to address the stymied Regent. “I do believe these noble ladies wish you to… um…the phrase… what is that phrase… oh! These noble ladies wish nothing more than for you to ‘push your luck’! Though it is still your option, I strongly advise against that seeing as they have you outnumbered ten to one.”
And any one of us could ‘end’ you with a thought, Jackass! I mused.
Tau walked, unimpeded, through our sisters’ defensive circle- between Kitty and Greer- and placed his hand on the Regent’s shoulder.
Pretty ballsy if you ask me, seeing as the Regent carried a dagger on each hip.
Except…the Regent seemed to wince in pain as Tua gripped his shoulder. Was Tua digging his unseen, retractable claws into him?
“You see, my good fellow… Lady Colleen and her Valkyrie have been blessed by the Goddess Christina- who…” The portly Regent winced even more as Tau seemed to squeeze a little harder. “Has reassured her that she is the rightful heir to this realm. Step down peacefully as you promised to do all those years ago, and officially recognize her birthright of Norge’s Heath, sir, because she and her ladies can be ruthless and frighteningly cutthroat should the need arise. In case you have yet to hear, they made the field of battle run red earlier today with the blood of their adversaries.” He advised.
“I shall not! Never!” Gerefont spit at Tau in defiance.
“Then I am afraid it will be your departure ceremony, sir. Majesty?” He turned and looked to me, “I’m afraid ‘civil’ diplomacy is not on the menu today. May I suggest something…equally convincing?” Tua said as he walked back through our circle wiping his face dry.
“Put me in coach!” Kitty turned back to me and hissed angrily, but quietly. Her urgency was palpable.
Yeah, the dumbass was going to pay dearly for spitting in her boyfriend’s face if I didn’t stop her!
“Hold, Lady Kitty.” I ordered as I dismounted and confidently walked through my sisters’ security perimeter.
“Hi, I’m Colleen Norge. What’s your name, pumpkin?” I smiled pleasantly while offering my hand.
Gerefont prepared another spittle projectile to launch my way, but began gagging instead.
His eyes crossed in confusion as he quickly brought his hands to his mouth and seemed to gag before expelling something big from it.
In his hand was a moderate sized brown field mouse. He cautiously held the spit-soaked thing by its tail then coldly dropped it to the ground where it scurried away at Mach speed.
“I believe he has an advanced case of rodent tongue, ladies.” I giggled then turned to Hope and Chance to roll my eyes at them. “Good thing it isn’t ‘slug flu’. I hate slugs.”
Chance winked and smiled. Hope looked annoyed and rolled her eyes at her daughter.
That seemed to be some recurring theme between them.
In all, Gerefont expelled six field mice from his mouth before it seemed to stop.
“Rodent tongue is such a pesky affliction, pumpkin.” I grinned. “Let us hope it doesn’t get worse and become rat syndrome? Or ‘frog-in-your-throat’?”
I paused a moment to observe him and wait for further retaliation. When none came, I smiled.
“So, as a seasoned politician, you should understand the premise of putting on a good public front? Now can we do that here or should I allow my Valkyrie to indulge?” I said as I offered my hand again. “The exhilaration and bloodlust of our latest confrontation is still running high? Shall we try this again?”
I nodded to my ‘Valkyrie’.
My sisters were instantly sitting atop their horses. Our knights were again dumbfounded.
“I refuse!” He spat ferociously!
“Lady Lyra? He is all yours, but we still need him alive.”
I heard Kitty snarl as, in the blink of an eye, the Regent’s splendid clothing fell from his body in pieces each no bigger than an inch square; yet there was not a scratch or cut visible on his body!
My Lynxin sisters…and probably even Tau, were simply amazing!
“Nicely done, my lady.” I praised. Lyra was again on her horse and I noticed her nonchalantly flipping the Regent’s twin daggers in her hand.
Gerefont stood, completely unaware he had been stripped and disarmed, until the gathered crowds started pointing and laughing.
Even our knights seemed amused.
“Finding it a bit drafty this afternoon, pumpkin?” I giggled.
“I will not relent. I refuse to recognize you as anything but filthy peasants!”
“Quite frankly, pumpkin, I don’t care one iota if you do or not, and come hell or high water, I intend on taking what is rightfully mine… what my grandparents confidently put you in charge of until I came of age.”
Several dust devils suddenly whipped up between Gerefont and the Keep. Thirty feet directly above the twisting, dust-laden winds my daughter appeared out of thin air- her bright white aura outlining her in beautiful, otherworldly splendor!
“Lady Colleen? Is there a problem here?” She asked in a loud, unstrained voice that echoed ominously throughout the immediate area.
As expected, ‘Regent’ Gerefont lost all continence after turning around.
And not just figuratively either!
Christina then decided to really show off by gracefully floating out of what I assumed to be Surf’s-Up’s second seat, down to the ground. She dispelled her brilliant aura as soon as her silk-slippered feet touched the naked soil of the wide, dirt street that ran in front of the keep. The ground, upon which she walked, magically dried, smoothed, flattened, and leveled as she strode across it.
“Greetings and salutations, Goddess!” I greeted as I knelt before my approaching daughter.
Again, the clanking of metal armor in quick motion could be heard around us as the knights fell to one knee with swords reverently drawn and downturned before them.
“Lady Colleen? What is the hold-up? You were to make introduction to the temporary representative of your throne and arrange with him your coronation. Why has that not already happened?” Christina demanded as she motioned me to stand while still walking toward me.
She did a double-take of Gerefont as she walked past him. And a devious smile crossed her face.
“And why is this ‘mortal’ standing before you and my people without clothing? Is he the court’s jester?” She momentarily glanced back at him. “Is he mentally delusional… or just that irreverent? And just what is that foul stench?”
Christina snapped her fingers and a colorful, fully blooming, flowerbed popped into existence around the stunned man.
“Better. At least the excrement should furnish nutrients.” She nodded once and pulled me into a tight embrace as she got to me.
“Have I once again arrived earlier than needed, Colleen?” She asked, her face beaming a coy smile.
She leaned to my ear.
“I couldn’t let you have all the fun, mom. Besides, Kitty was just about to break your ranks and his neck.” She whispered before leaning back.
“I believe your timing perfect, Goddess Christina.” I said, bowing my head as she pulled away from me and looked to Kitty.
“And Lady Kitty, I must congratulate you on your amazing fortitude in resisting your urge to violently dispatch this sad excuse for a human after his blatant disrespect of your mate.”
Christina regarded the Regent once more then looked to me in confusion. “Are you certain this…” she paused to reappraise the naked, middle-aged man before us, “That this is the Regent? I should think he would have more respect for his- be it temporary- noble status and office.”
“You are not a Goddess, but a hoax!” Gerefont proclaimed arrogantly.
“You are quite correct!” She agreed as she gave him a very malevolent glare. “I am the Goddess! And now you will kneel before me and plead forgiveness for your arrogant, frivolous, misuse of authority! Or… would you like to try me further?” Christina turned toward him and her brilliant aura flared. Her angry voice reflected menacingly off the local buildings so loudly that some masonry crumbled from the keep’s wall and fell to the ground!
“I think you more fake than Goddess, whore. Sleight of hand and misdirection can only hide so much.” He declared overconfidently.
Yeah, that was a very bad choice.
“Oh?” She smiled with the same, if not more malevolence. “Who is the fake, Walter Gerefont? Let us see…”
Overhead, clouds began to form and partially blocked the sun. Before us all, in bright, high definition, an image popped into existence. It was a huge, thirty by forty-five foot projection of an overly adorned throne room. Opulent was too humble a word for the place we observed. In the throne ‘hall’ sat Gerefont amongst all his ‘royal’ trappings.

“Sire? You called for me?”

“Cassius, I have a job for you and your minion.”

“What is your wish, sire?”

“There is rumor that a whore and
several others in her circle have entered my
kingdom with intentions of overthrowing it
and me. I want them dispatched any way you
desire, understand?”

“Perfectly. How will I know them, sire?”

“There will be several ‘blue-hairs
amongst them, her as one. They must not
make it to this Keep! Now go!”

“I understand, sire. By your leave, sire?”

One of the four men we had apprehended just this morning left the mega-opulent hall and hence the projection. The Regent remained seated and began talking to himself.

“They will not remove me from
power! I thought I had seen to those infernal
Norges years ago! Now I find out some still
exist? Where were they hidden? The
heavens? Arrrrgh!”

“My Leige? What has you so ill-

A small redheaded man asked as he entered. It was hard to tell from his back, but the guy looked an awful lot like Christoff!

“That cursed prophecy! It turns out
it may be truth; and after all our hard work
to stop it?”

“But our plans to reduce and cull the
population of the Heath are still at play,

“They are. And don’t you think you
should be herding over your forces in

“They are ready at my command,
Walter. I am implementing a new audible
signaling system- one that can be heard over
the noises of battle. It is quite ingenious.”

“Interesting. That along with the
severely lacking defensive strategy and
nonexistent reconnaissance I have provided,
our cavalry and army have little chance to
prevail. Together we will rule this world and
grow rich beyond our imaginations.”

“I look forward to our official
meeting tonight, Walter.”

As the man turned to face us during his egress, the mystery was solved. It was definitely Christoff.
Given this new information, all eyes began looking between Gerefont and the man fighting diligently to free himself from the stock.
Sucks to be them, I thought.

“Oh, we’ll meet tonight, ‘old friend’.
You will meet my blades and I shall rule the
world without opposition. Those foretold
whores- should they somehow survive- will
be shown what their real position in life will
be! Kneeling before me in servitude!”

Christoff had suddenly stopped fighting his bondage and struggled to crane his neck to observe the replay.
“I think it very enlightening, don’t you, ‘Walter’? And, apparently your accomplice failed to receive the whole plan?” Christina goaded with an evil grin.
“Hmm, I wonder if you know what a ‘whore’s’ true purpose is at all?” Christina posed. “Hmmmm. Yes… that should do.”
A collective gasp sounded from all around us.
Before me stood a young, healthy-figured woman dressed in a scarlet red barmaid’s outfit. The simple, tightly-woven fabric skirt of the outfit hung just above her ankles and she wore nothing but a waist cincher on top- her modest endowments fully on display for all to see around the thin straps of her mostly nonexistent blouse. Oh… she wore a red ribbon choker around her neck. Her long, dull brown hair hung loosely in a messy braid to the middle of her back.
“Now you shall know what a true ‘whore’ is, and does. Do you wish this to go further… pumpkin?” Christina laughed.
“That you could… what happened to my voice?!”
“Do not speak unless spoken to, unrepentant whore!” Christina threatened as her aura flared blindingly. “My tolerance has reached limit! Now you shall remain in this form until you pass on… providing service, though differently than you had previously been tasked to perform.”
“I am the Regent! You shall remove your curse!”
“Yeah, I don’t think so... Pumpkin.” Christina giggled as she gave the young woman’s left breast a playful squeeze.
Gasping in her higher octave with disbelieving, bulging eyes, her mouth forming a surprised ‘O’, and, blushing profusely, the former Regent vanished!
“Know that I have not harmed her. I have only relocated her to a chamber in the Keep more suited to her new station.” Christina confided as she turned and addressed our gathering.
“Goddess Christina? What location might that be?” Norwood inquired cautiously with his head canted slightly to his left comically.
“I have recently learned of a tower in yonder Keep, in which is kept by the Regent a prostitution pool for the paying gentry?” Christina smiled wickedly in answer. “Would you like to go check on her well-being, my inquisitive knight?”
“Pardon my forwardness, Goddess Christina. That will not be necessary.”
Christina nodded her approval; turned to face the gathered crowds again then raised her arms to the sky. She also hovered about eight feet off the ground!
Louis and I never taught her to show off like this!
“My dear people. Though currently ‘nursing’ her womb, the Regent of Norge’s Heath has asked me to officially recognize Lady Colleen Norge as rightful sovereign to this realm and ‘graciously’ stepped down as interim administrator for this fair Province. Therefore, by my decree, Lady Colleen Norge and her mate, Lord Louis will officially be elevated to ‘Queen’ and ‘Prince’ of Norge’s Heath and within a seasonal cycle, all of my beloved planet. Messengers are to be dispatched to the distant realms three days hence to spread word of her coronation: to take place here in five weeks. In preparation, an honored guest invitation list shall be compiled and checked for relevancy in the two days prior the messengers’ departure.”
“To all those still unconvinced, believe me when I say I have followed this woman’s social development since her birth and believe her fair and unbiased in the laws of this world. Treat her with the same reverence you would me- your Goddess.”
Christina lowered her arms and herself to the ground, approached me, placed a chaste kiss to my forehead, took the few steps to the commader of ‘my’ knights, and whispered something in his ear.
Stepping back with a bright, shit-eating grin, she vanished.
Norwood was blushing profusely.
“My captain? What parting words did the Goddess bestow you?” Gretchen inquired curiously as she hurried over to him.
“She said I was ‘cute’ and that I should find myself a mate before she claims me as her own.” He blushed even more.
“I claimed him first, Goddess Christina!” Gretchen shouted angrily and pointed accusingly toward the heavens. She blushed almost as deeply as Norwood.
A parchment note instantly materialized, impaled on her skyward pointed index finger.
She first stared at it curiously then removed and read it before laughing hysterically- carefully folding it and placing it behind her custom sculpted, metal breastplate.
“I will and thanks be to you, my Goddess!” She acknowledged to the sky while wiping some tears that had appeared.
“The note?” Norwood nodded questioningly to his sister in arms.
“Goddess Christina gives her blessing and promises to attend our official joining ceremony.”
“She already knew of our exchange of verbal intentions.” Gretchen added, but seemed flabbergasted as she looked back at me.
“And what did you expect from our Goddess?” I giggled and offered my hand in congratulations. “You kids look good together and I hope I’m also invited to your very special event.”
“We’d be honored, majesty.” Gretchen replied before embracing me tightly and happily crying into my shoulder.
“I’m honored as well, Lady Gretchen of Norge’s Heath: seventh in the line of noble succession.” I winked with a broad smile.
“You knew? But I have not seen you before… nor you’re Valkyrie! How can that be, majesty?”
“You’ll have to ask the Goddess Christina about that because I still don’t believe parts of where I’ve been, dear girl! Being home though,” I took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly, “this seems like the dream! Oh, how I have missed Antarra!”
Christina has asked Aquia to do another supersonic fly-by, so be prepared for a low-level shock wave, ladies.” Charli announced over our comms.
“Majesty? A disembodied voice? Do the spirits also speak to you?” Gretchen asked, stunned as she obviously heard Charli’s communication.
“I’m not that well connected, pumpkin. I’m sure you’ll meet the other members of my Valkyrie in the coming days. Now though, I’d plug my ears.” I said as I demonstrated by plugging mine. She quickly followed my lead as did the other knights and my sisters.
The sonic boom and its concussive blast hit simultaneously and… if I had to guess… at about a hundred feet over our heads!
Mayhem ensued all around us on the ground as every horse, goat, sheep, cow, chicken, and person panicked in some way, shape, or form!
“Why is the Goddess mad at us, majesty?” Gretchen asked the question first.
“She claims she wanted to start my rule off with a big bang, pumpkin.” I adlibbed. “No, seriously; she wants me to get inside and start putting things back to normal. Starting with returning the Regent’s throne room back into the royal dining hall. Cmdr. Norwood, if you and your knights will escort us inside? We have work to do. Long overdue changes to make!”

Chapter 32

“Are you sure this is the way it was done, Caroline?” I asked as I fought diligently to remain still while the slowest painter I’d ever seen took his time to- as he claimed- get the portrait ‘just right’.
My far distant successor snorted in laughter. I turned my head to glare at her.
“Majesty,” The guy said as he carefully put his brush down on his pallet, “Perfection such as yours takes an extreme amount of time and skill. Plus, if your majesty does not feel I have done your royal beauty justice, I may be punished. I wish not to spend my remaining years behind bars.”
“You think so little of me?” I asked in shock.
“I have experienced it firsthand with the Regent, majesty.” He informed me to my surprise.
“Well that will not happen again, Picasso! From now on art- in any form- will always be welcomed… as well as science and literature.” I assured with a smile.
Caroline nodded approvingly to my decree.
“Thank you, majesty, but please return to your selected pose so I may finish.”
“I can spare only enough time for you to get my nose right, Picasso. I have an important function to attend in just under four hours and I need to prepare.”
“A moment, majesty… … … there! Finished for now, majesty. Would the function be the Lady Gretchen’s nuptials to Lord Norwood?” He smiled.
“It is. Coming?” I asked, relieved I could again move.
“Wouldn’t miss it! Lady Gretchen is almost as much a work of art as you, majesty.”
“You’re too kind, Picasso.”
“Majesty? Why do you keep calling me ‘Picasso’? My given name is Gordon- Gordon Renoir.”
“Well, it was either that or ‘Pumpkin’.” I said, but added, “I like to keep things simple.”
Caroline Norge burst into hysterical laughter!


“Will you please relax, Christian Norwood?! You’ll make the family name questionable for the next two thousand years if you don’t settle!” I advised in a hissed whisper while we waited for the bridesmaids’ arrival.
“I’m frightened, majesty.” He admitted.
“Hang on? You, the guy who killed his fair share of adversaries in defense of this realm…are afraid to declare your love, in this temple, for the woman that took your heart? Really?” I began to giggle.
“This is the hardest thing I have ever done, majesty. What if Gretchen changes her mind and…”
“She won’t change her mind, pumpkin. She’d rather die than lose you. Remember, she challenged our Goddess Christina for you in the Commons that day.” I shook my head in amazement until I noticed a familiar figure in the very last row of seats- and on the bride’s side to boot.
“Last pew on our right side, pumpkin.” I said with a motioning nod.
“It cannot be!” Norwood gasped in complete befuddlement. “The Goddess Christina? Here?”
“She said she would be here, pumpkin. I’ve never known the Goddess to go back on her word. Ever.”
“Does Gretchen know she is here?”
“We’ll find out in a few minutes.” I said as the lute, strings, fife, and drum ensemble began to play this era’s entrance processional march.
Seven bridesmaid attendants and their groomsmen escorts slowly and gracefully made their way down the middle isle of the Goddess’ Temple couple by couple. They and their escorts parted as they reached the steps to the alter, and lined up on the first step: Groomsmen next to Christian and Bridesmaids in a line on the Bride’s side.
As the seventh attendant stopped and turned around to look out onto the gathered guests, the local music stopped and the Temple was suddenly awash and resonating with Earth’s version of the Bride’s processional march from what I recognized as a huge cathedral pipe organ, though I knew there was nothing that technologically advanced in existence here!
“Christiiiiinnnna!” I hissed under my breath!
The entire gathering began looking around the Temple- first in fear then in wonder.
Though visibly stunned, a middle-aged man with red and gray streaked hair, dressed proudly in bright, highly polished, gleaming, dress armor appeared at the back of the Temple escorting our young bride. Gretchen was beautifully garbed in the finest silken cloth this planet could offer. The pure white, full length wedding gown had delicate lace along the modest ‘V’ of its slightly plunging neckline and waves of the same delicate lace draping gracefully from her arms, shoulders, and waist. The same lace also made up her incredibly long train and her veil. She held a bouquet of the freshest and most colorful blooms in the realm…
…And she stopped abruptly as she undoubtedly saw Christina respectfully standing in the last pew!
“Well, there’s our answer, pumpkin.” I giggled quietly to her groom.
Gretchen instantly broke escort by her father and reached into the crowded row gently pulling my daughter to her. She proceeded to embrace her tightly and seemed to make introduction to her shocked father then had another short conversation. Christina shook her head in the negative then said something back. Gretchen nodded enthusiastically and my daughter moved behind the couple and picked up the trailing edge of the brides long, delicate, but ornate train. Gretchen and her father again began moving- in step with the ethereal music to the front of the Temple.
All along, the huge, proud, dynamic sound of the march continued.
Once at the alter, I nudged Christian to step down and greet his bride and her father. Christina stepped to the side after spreading the dress’s voluminous train in a half circle behind her.
As per our practice last evening, Gretchen’s father raised her veil, kissed her, and gave her hand to a very nervous Christian Norwood. Bride and Groom turned around and stepped up onto the first landing where they again turned to face each other- both smiling happily.
The grand organ music reached its dramatic finale then faded on the final, held note and the Temple became quiet.
Christina knelt down to again arrange Gretchen’s train behind her and placed some of it over the next step down from where she stood.
The guests ‘ohhh’d’ and ‘ahhh’d’ happily at the bride’s beautiful pose.
A murmur also began to spread around the Temple as guests began to put two and two together and arrived at ‘the Goddess Christina’ herself being in attendance.
“Honored guests,” I began officially to start off the main ceremony. “It is my greatest honor to welcome you all to the joining ceremony of Christian Norwood to Gretchen Ramaine this fine day.”
I waited for the applause to die down.
“As you can see, Gretchen has honored our Goddess Christina by asking her to attend her and that amazing, stunning dress!” I smiled to the bride and winked.
“Of course, that only serves to make her groom even more nervous.” I giggled.
The audience laughed politely.
I looked to my daughter, Goddess Christina, for permission to formally start the ceremony. She nodded back with a full smile.
“Let’s begin. Knight of the Realm: Gretchen Ramaine? Did you declare verbally, your heart and unwavering love of this man? To stand by and protect him should the need arise? To calmly discuss any and all decisions or options to a mutual agreement? To let Christian know when he is behaving badly or not using his Goddess-given wisdom and logic?”
“I have so declared and promised, Majesty.” She answered proudly and without pause.
And do you, Captain Knight of the Realm: Christian Norwood, hereby honor Gretchen as your lifelong partner? To dutifully honor and provide for her? To calmly discuss any and all decisions or options to a mutual agreement? To calmly hear Gretchen out when you think you are right instead of jumping headlong into something you might be ill equipped to handle on your own?”
“What?” Norwood looked to me in confusion.
“Just answer the question, pumpkin.” I giggled.
“I-I-I do so declare and promise, majesty!”
“Smart boy. You got yourself a keeper here, cousin.” I grinned to Gretchen.
The audience laughed again. Some women cheered quietly: Simone, Link, and Caroline, probably.
I paused as I glanced over to my daughter. She was dutifully holding Gretchen’s flower bouquet two steps away in the maid-of-honor position. Or was that the ‘Goddess-of-honor’ position?
“Goddess Christina? Would you care to help complete this ceremony with me?” I asked reverently.
“I… I couldn’t.” Christina blushed and physically waved my offer off.
“Oh, Goddess Christina, could you? I would forever be honored as would Christian… wouldn’t you, my dearest?”
The gathering again laughed as Gretchen glared at her groom.
“Please, Goddess Christina? It would mean the world to my Gretchen?” He pleaded.
“Told you he was a smart boy, pumpkin!” I said to our bride with a wink.
Christina turned to the official maid of honor- whose pallor was just now returning- and handed the official maid-of-honor the bouquet then turned back and joined me at the top of the Dias.
“Honored guests!” I said holding my hands out to the gathering in invitation. “Is there anyone here who disagrees with this joining and would like to file grievances? If there is, announce them now or forever remain civil and accommodating.”
When no one spoke out, I motioned for the bride and groom to join hands with Christina and I to form a circle.
Our ‘Goddess’ took over.
“Gretchen and Christian. By forming this circle and declaring your love for each other you have indicated to this gathering… this world… that you are now one in spirit; one with each other and one with your Goddess. The circle, as you know, represents the cycle of all things- everyone and everything around us! It represents the quintessential knowledge that we are all related to each other and thus each one of us affects everyone… everything else. It is a circle of life. A circle of hope and expectations for our shared future- to make it brighter and fulfilling! A circle of… unquestionable love.”
A slight tingle coursed through me and I think the newlyweds felt it too!
“My congratulations and blessing be upon you, Gretchen… you, Christian. Be joined now and enjoy each other in joy and happiness. In love!” Christina concluded. She released our hands and manifested a white, silken ribbon. Placing the couple’s hands together, she loosely wrapped a few turns around them and gently tied the ends in a bow. “The love and intent you both have declared for each other I now bind forever.”
“My people! Welcome our newly joined couple, Lady Gretchen and Lord Christian Ramaine- Norwood!” My daughter announced proudly- her voice echoing majestically throughout the Temple.
I gently untied the ribbon, rolled it up and handed the keepsake to Gretchen with an excited smile.
“This is the part where you two kiss and make it official, kids.” I prompted with a teasing laugh after wiping my eyes dry.
Applause filled the Temple as the two lip-locked for almost a full minute! They seemed totally oblivious to all around them and I began to wonder when they would come up for air!
“Honored guests! If everyone would promenade over to the Keep, I’ve arranged a celebratory feast be prepared for our bride and her groom. Come! Enjoy food and music and dance!” I announced to all attending.
That seemed to break the lovers’ heated, oral campaign! Still, I waited for them to look back to me.
When they finally did, I continued.
“Feel free to continue to partake of your mate’s lips. Enjoy this celebration and this day, cousins. As my gift, I’ve requested one of our guest rooms prepared for you for after the celebration. Enjoy the evening, you two.”
“Goddess Christina! Majesty! Will you both be attending the celebration also?” Gretchen asked. Her eyes big and hopeful.
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world, pumpkin!” I giggled.
“Goddess Christina?”
“I’ll be there with bells on, my lord and lady.” Christina giggled and disappeared.
God, I hope she’s not serious about the bells! I thought to myself.

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