Mature / Thirty+

Antibodies 2

Antibodies 2

© Copyright to BG Taff.


Nana Bev Interplanetary prospector.
Jamie Bev’s younger prospecting Partner.
Dennis Potter Freight manager and old friend of Beverly’s.
Jack Godfrey Yard foreman and walking boss.

Jamie and I lounged in our bunks as we discussed the options confronting us.

“I suppose we could just land and not tell anybody about it.” Jamie opined.



© Copyright to Beverly Taff.

“Come and look at this Bev.” Jamie exclaimed as she adjusted the screen.

I looked up from my Star ship log.

“What’s up Babes?”

“I dunno. I’ve never seen anything like this before. It’s not in solar orbit. Looks like an extra-solar arrival. It’s a funny colour though.”

Don’t Mess with The Wolfhart Family Part 13

Undisclosed Location, San Francisco, Cal.:
Mr. Galante wakes up hanging by his arms and naked. His head felt foggy, and his mouth had a cotton taste to it. Through blurry eyes, he spots his assistant Ariel hanging a few feet beside him. He was naked as well and was hanging by his arms.

The last thing Mr. Galante remember was going to bed with two young women. They had been sent by the company he normally used. One had been Filipino and the other had been the brunette he liked so much. Both had been young and in their twenties.

Down but not out - Part 07

I wandered downstairs to find Yasmine and Jennifer looking at a road map.

“What’s up?”

“Look at this,” said Jennifer passing me her phone. A text message was there for everyone to read.

“Urgent. Position compromised as of 13.45. Evacuate. Urgent.”

“Do you have any idea as to what happened?”

Jennifer shook her head.
“None at all. All I know is there in the text which comes from my Commander. By my estimate, we have to leave inside the next twenty minutes.”

Moonblossom Tales Part 2: Voyage of Discovery

***Warning: The following story contains graphic sexual imagery and themes of gender transformation. Do NOT read on unless you are of legal age to do so, and not offended by such themes. To those reading on, enjoy, and feel free to comment below, I won’t bite… unless it’s requested.

“Welcome To Nevada, The Silver State.”

Arctic Fox Book 3 - Chapter 13

The Arctic Fox 3.jpg

Cover photo by Jonatan Pie. Downloaded from Unsplash

Marcia is seventeen, and along with Darryl, has moved south in Alaska to attend the Anchorage campus of the Alaska State University. She wants to pursue her dream, but will it pursue her instead?

I'd like to apologize for the long delay in posting. Hopefully, that's over now, but I'm not really sure. Anything can happen, and usually does in my life.
As is always the case, I'd like to thank Malady for his help checking through this story for the many errors I frequently insert, as well as listening to my sometimes completely crazy ideas about the direction of the story and telling me how crazy they are!

Chapter 3.13

Wednesday, May 22nd 2023

It had been several days since French and Brandy had told them what happened to Gerald Parks.

Marcia had hoped they would find that the saw cuts had been made after death – maybe the killer initially planned to dispose of the body in different locations? That wouldn’t be great, but at least it wouldn’t be torture. But no, there was clear evidence that the sawing was done while the poor man was alive.

She found it hard to conceive that people could do things like that to each other. She wished she'd never found out about this case, but she desperately wanted to prove that Bruce had nothing to do with it.

The Wounded World by Aladdin, Chapter 22

Mantra (Malibu Comics) decides that its time to face down her bitterest enemy. The problem is that the enemy used to be her best friend. If the heroine gets the two opposing roles mixed up, she could be facing disaster.

TransformX: The Story Behind a Scandal

Warning: the following story has some coarse language, adult content, and crude sexual elements. If this sort of thing offends you, or you are too young to view such material in your jurisdiction, please refrain from reading any further. To the mature adult tg erotica fan, hello and welcome. I hope you enjoy. Please feel free to comment below and I will do my best to reply.

[Voice narration by Rick Deacon, GNN News]

Don’t Mess with The Wolfhart Family Part 12

Billy was listening to the radio transmission from the police band, and the emergency band as well. She and the Wolfhart family knew the attack was going to happen tonight, but when was the question. As she takes a sip of her tea. She notices the power grid that the Blackstone mansion was on, and the neighborhood was all going out at same time.

That wasn’t the only thing that got her attention. There was a citywide alert for the shooting of several police officers.

Magic Mystery and Mayhem: 4


What if supernatural beings like Witches, Faeries, Demons, and their ilk are all real? Glen Evanston is about to be caught in their many traps in my new work in progress: Magic, Mystery, and Mayhem a Graphic Novel by Raine Monday

[FW] A Lair For Sheep

John is a seasonal worker who often moved from one ranch to the next.
However, his newest job might become his undoing.
It isn't the ranch owner, a certified bad-ass witch, who turns out to be his opponent, but the very herd she keeps.
John can only trust himself. Not a good sign as he might be too curious for his own good.

This story takes place in the "Fashionable Witches" verse and can be read stand-alone.

Seven Years a Wife Part 5

A week later a plan was in place. Simon had arranged a meal in his favorite Italian restaurant for his three fellow board members.
The board members were the ones Simon suspected the most.

Mel was to get friendly with them after the wine started flowing. Simon was unsure if he wanted to put Mel through having to be “friendly”. This surprised her, he had blackmailed her into living as a woman, and had practically raped her. Now he was concerned for her welfare.

Down but not out - Part 05


The next few hours were very much a blur. I was searched several times before I was taken to Shrewsbury Police Station for questioning. My requests for something to eat were ignored.

"These could be evidence," said the detective who was assigned to question me as he held up an unopened pack of six energy bars. From the look of him, Detective Sergeant Saunders was a rookie in the Plain Clothes world. He had no dress sense at all and trying to wear shirts that were at least one if not two sizes too small for him, did not present an air of confidence or authority

Don’t Mess with The Wolfhart Family Part 11

Sunset Marquis, West Hollywood Resort, Ca.
“Excuse me Mr. Galante, but Callipho Octavius and his team haven’t checked in yet.” Ariel looks at Mr. Galante and the two naked women that were with him.

“Girls, go play with yourselves in the other room.” Vincent looks at the brunette on his right when he orders them.

Ariel watches as both women leave Mr. Galante’s side to play with each other in the other room. He turns his attention back to Mr. Galante.

Learning What It Means to Be Tammy Beck Chp. 14

Forty Miles Away from The Warehouse:
“Who puts a bomb on a school bus loaded with kids?” Tammy looks at Leland and Nyx.

They had located the bomb Jason Bush had given them the location of. Jason was right that she would have felt bad about letting these kids die. He made sure he had an ace up his sleeve.

“Do you know anything about disarming bombs?” Leland looks at Tammy for an answer to his question.

“No, my training didn’t include disarming bombs.” Tammy looks towards Nyx “you wouldn’t happen to know how to disarm a bomb, would you?”

The First Date

I wait nervously by my front door. I am trembling. This is my first date. Simon is picking me up at 7.30. It is 7.35 now. I have been ready for an hour. I check my reflection in the hall mirror for the 50th time.

My red tinted shoulder length wig looks perfect. It cost a fortune. Real human hair. I have been spending most of my wages on clothes and makeup since I decided to stop fighting against my desire to be a woman. I have struggled to be a real man all my life. At 5ft 6 inches it has been difficult to look the part.

A Year And A Day - Chapter 3: The Importance Of Names


A Year And A Day
Book 1 - Consequences
A Harry Potter Fanfiction Story

Be Careful What You Wish For...

It's one of the oldest lessons a witch or wizard can learn when it came to their wondrous magickal world. Few ever put much thought of, least of actually think it meant something. Bellatrix Black was raised by an abusive father and a mother who saw her only as a legacy. In a House long having lost its soul it was the young Heir's job to protect her sisters and do whatever she was told.

That all ended when she found the Dark Lord and became his right hand. For once she had power and everything she ever wanted. Fourteen years in Azkaban was the least of her worries when her Lord promised the world to her. That like every wish she had turned to ash when the Dark Lord was killed at the Battle Hogwarts.

What if Bella survived the Battle and with her young daughter in tow made one last wish? A wish to save her life, and her daughters most of all. But also a wish to finally have a life where she was truly happy.

Magic Mystery and Mayhem: 3


What if supernatural beings like Witches, Faeries, Demons, and their ilk are all real? Glen Evanston is about to be caught in their many traps in my new work in progress: Magic, Mystery, and Mayhem a Graphic Novel by Raine Monday

Down but not out - Part 04

[the next day]

Jennifer escorted me into the anonymous building once again. She sat me down in the same room that we’d used the day before.

“I’m sorry about my reaction yesterday. What you said took me by surprise and… I couldn’t help myself smile. I’m afraid that it is a trait of mine that goes back to when I was a child. According to my shrink, it is my way of deflecting unexpected news.”

Don’t Mess with The Wolfhart Family Part 10

Gym, Susan’s Mansion:
Gracie watches from the sidelines as Bunnie, and Sandy practice some self-defense moves their Uncle Ricky was teaching them. Lately, more and more of their relatives were coming over to check on them and train them. Even Emily was required to attend the training.

Ricky looks at his niece and her girlfriend. He knew Bunnie and Sandy weren’t the combative ones in the family, so he had to develop a fighting style for them. Normally, Sasha would be teaching her daughters, but she was upstairs with their parents and their brother.

Lock Stock and Barrel 5

AA Lock Stock And Barrel 5

Isabel. Entrepreneur and asset stripper.
Edward Thorpe Isabel’s father. Deceased.
Josephine Thorpe Isabel’s mother.
Lucinda Thorpe Isabel’s sister.
Abigail Thorpe Isabel’s 2nd sister
Veronica Thorpe Isabel’s 3rd sister
Jacqueline Thorp Isabel’s youngest sister
Marjorie Tansley Lawyer to Edward Thorpe
Shula Isabel’s bisexual female partner.
Betty Edward Thorpe’s secretary.
Pete Machine shop supervisor.

Chapter 5 © Copyright to Beverly Taff.

Magic Mystery and Mayhem: 2


What if supernatural beings like Witches, Faeries, Demons, and their ilk are all real? Glen Evanston is about to be caught in their many traps in my new work in progress: Magic, Mystery, and Mayhem a Graphic Novel by Raine Monday

Learning What It Means to Be Tammy Beck Chp. 13

Abandoned Warehouse:
Tammy, Leland, and Nyx move quietly towards the warehouse. It had taken them thirty minutes to arrive at the site. They parked a little way away from the warehouse. Nyx was dressed in her body armor and had her rifle with her.

All three of them were communicating through the earwigs they had, well in Nyx’s case. She was using the communication system of her helmet to communicate with Leland and Tammy on their earwigs.

“Do you guys hear that?” Nyx was picking up the low hum coming from the nearby transformer.

Changes Ancient and Modern

“However, back to the matter at hand. Nowadays, the matter of male and female is considered by the open minded to be a very broad multi dimensional continuum, a multi dimensional spectrum if you like, rather than two points at the opposite ends of a single dimensional line. However, the question I would love to have answered is at what point, and why, does a person of one apparent gender or perhaps that’s better expressed as one apparent identity, wherever they are on that multi dimensional spectrum, make the decision that they are in the wrong body, or indeed that they are in the right one? I’m asking what is the trigger mechanism that brings about that magical transformation? I know the matter is much more complicated than that, but you have to start somewhere. I am sure I’m not the only one who would like to know. I also suspect the matter to be deep, very, very deep.

This is an extract from A Grumpy Old Man’s Tale Ch. 36 Changes Ancient and Modern that is not yet ready for posting, but I considered it to be capable of standing alone as a solo tale perhaps of interest to those who have no interest in the GOM tales.

Down but not out - Part 03

Jennifer did her best to talk to me during the nearly three-hour journey from Shropshire to York. I wasn't in the mood to talk. My rumbling stomach soon alerted her to one of the reasons why I was fairly uncooperative. She took pity on me after an hour or so and we stopped for a late breakfast which made me feel a good deal better, but not enough to engage in anything other than a casual conversation with her. I wanted to know more about why she and her colleagues thought that I could be useful in their investigations.

Lock Stock and Barrel 3

AA Lock Stock and Barrel 3

Isabel. Entrepreneur and asset stripper.
Edward Thorpe Isabel’s father. Deceased.
Josephine Thorpe Isabel’s mother.
Lucinda Thorpe Isabel’s sister.
Abigail Thorpe Isabel’s 2nd sister
Veronica Thorpe Isabel’s 3rd sister
Jacqueline Thorp Isabel’s youngest sister
Marjorie Tansley Lawyer to Edward Thorpe
Shula Isabel’s bisexual female partner.

Don’t Mess with The Wolfhart Family Part 9

9136 West Oak Drive, Thousand Oaks, California:
“Suspects are down, Billy.” Sara looks at the four men she took down. The new darts she designed worked great.

“Find their laptops and plug the thumb drive in.” Billy was sitting in the mobile command unit a few blocks away from the location.

Lock Stock and Barrel 2

AA Lock, stock and barrel 2

Isabel. Entrepreneur and asset stripper.
Edward Thorpe Isabel’s father. Deceased.
Josephine Thorpe Isabel’s mother.
Lucinda Thorpe Isabel’s sister.
Abigail Thorpe Isabel’s 2nd sister
Veronica Thorpe Isabel’s 3rd sister
Jacqueline Thorp Isabel’s youngest sister
Marjorie Tansley Lawyer to Edward Thorpe
Shula Isabel’s bisexual female partner.

Learning What It Means to Be Tammy Beck Chp. 12

The Pit:
Nyx, Leland, and Tammy pull up to the garage called The Pit. The building itself was old but had a fresh paint job and some custom designs on it.

“It looks like they are doing good.” Tammy could see at least five vehicles on lifts.

All three of them exit from the SUV they came in and as they approach the place. Leland stops as he spots a heavily built Mexican guy walking
towards them.

“How can I help you?” Santiago had spotted a black SUV pull up into his parking lot.

Down but not out - Part 02

The luxury of a bed with sheets and pillows was now a foreign experience to me. Hard pavements and doorways had become the norm for me in recent months. After a few hours of tossing and turning, I ended up sleeping on the floor. It might have been hard but after wrapping myself in the luxurious duvet, I managed to get some sleep. The underfloor heating was a new experience for me. It helped me relax and get some shuteye.

Lock Stock and Barrel

Lock, stock and barrel.

Isabel. Entrepreneur and asset stripper.
Edward Thorpe Isabel’s father.
Josephine Thorpe Isabel’s mother.
Lucinda Thorpe Isabel’s sister.
Abigail Thorpe Isabel’s 2nd sister
Veronica Thorpe Isabel’s 3rd sister
Jacqueline Thorp Isabel’s youngest sister


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