The Adventures of Ka-Tar and his Wives, Part 2

Note: this a written continuation of a comic I commissioned.

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Part 1:

Part 2: When Ka-Tar Lost His Virginity

Clementine ran through the jungle, faster than she had ever run before, faster than she’d ever thought she could run. She ducked under vines and jumped over puddles. She ignored every strange sound she heard, be it hoot, howl, or…roar? But not a roar like you’d hear from a big cat, she thought: this was far deeper and louder than anything a lion or tiger could muster.

But then she stopped suddenly, as there was now a man standing in her way: Ka-Tar, with spear in hand. He stood before her, stone-faced and bare-chested, looking her up and down, not saying a word.

But while his face may have betrayed no emotion, his thoughts were far less disciplined. They were going a mile a minute, in fact, and for one simple reason: he had never seen such a beautiful woman in his life. Actually, this was the first non-Amazon female he had ever seen, period (other than his late (biological) Mother, and that really didn’t count)!

For her part, Clementine was surprised at the sudden appearance of this nearly-naked man. But then something in her expression changed*, and she began speaking in a frantic tone and strange accent that Ka-Tar had some trouble keeping up with.

“Do you speak English?” she asked, and when Ka-Tar nodded in the affirmative, she took that as the sign to continue.

“Oh, you must help me, you must! I’ve been kidnapped! Well, I was kidnapped, but now I’ve escaped! And the men who took me, from my dear husband and poor children, are now chasing me! They took me right off the street back in London, put me on a boat, and were sailing me to the Orient to be sold into slavery! Me, a white woman! Imagine that!”

Most of what she said meant nothing to Ka-Tar. But he did understand what slavery was from the stories his mother had told him about the Amazons. Not that he was anti-slavery, mind you, as he had often fantasized about how nice it would be to have some of his own, especially female ones. But the idea of this woman being enslaved, with her jet-black hair, piercing blue eyes, long, slender neck…okay, that idea displeased him greatly! Wait, was she still talking?

“Oh, they’re all brutes, the lot of them!” Apparently, she was. Ka-Tar was happy to see, however, that she was nearly done.
“You’ll help me, won’t you?” Now she approached him, and place one hand on his chiseled, hairless chest. This, combined with the look she was giving him with her large, doe-like eyes, was stirring something within Ka-Tar. And evidently without too, as his loincloth began to rise from the erection that it was now struggling to conceal!

“Oh my!” said Clementine, as she noticed Ka-Tar’s excitement. She placed one hand on his massive, engorged penis, and began to gently stroke it. “And, if you do help me, I’ll see to it that you get a very… special reward.”

If there was ever any resistance in Ka-Tar to doing whatever the stranger wanted, it was now well and truly gone.

“Where are they?” he growled, struggling to remain in control of himself.

She stood on her tip-toes and whispered, seductively, in his ear. “The beach.”

*I noticed it of course, and knew exactly what it meant.

The three Englishman watched from the shoreline as two creatures – a plesiosaur and an ichthyosaur - fought one another in the surf. The battle was taking a bloody toll on both, to the point that it was unclear who was actually winning.

“My God,” exclaimed one of the men. “Actual sea serpents! And I thought it was just bored sailors telling stories!”

“My money’s on the one with the long neck!” shouted another.

The aquatic reptiles dove under the surface and, judging by the cloud of blood that began to rise up from when where they sank, now continued their struggle underwater. A few minutes later, the body of the plesiosaur washed ashore. The men moved closer to inspect the carcass, littered with countless lacerations and bite marks from the teeth of its opponent. The one who had been “betting” on it to win the fight approached its head, and looked down into its lifeless eyes.

“Stupid beast!” he said, contemptuously. “You had every advantage!” He looked back at his compatriots. “This is why God granted us dominion over them, eh lads?”

Before they could answer, the neck of the dead animal spasmed and propelled its head forward – right towards its critic’s lower half! Before he could even react, the dreadful jaws shut around his left leg, causing him to howl in pain. It spasmed again, the neck jerking sideways, and causing the unlucky extremity to be torn clean off. The creature’s head and neck now fell back on the sand, bloody leg still held in its mouth, where it twitched a few more times before finally falling still.

The newly-made amputee was now lying on the beach and screaming in pure agony, as his companions rushed to his side to aid him. Well, only one of them actually made it to the injured man, as the other had spotted something in the shallows, and had, wisely, stopped to try to figure out what it was before getting any closer to the water.

The more selfless of the men soon found out what it was that his friend had seen. It was the ichthyosaur, riding a wave onto the shore. It was likely intending to retrieve the body of its defeated foe, but had spotted something more exotic in the hapless human it was now bearing down on. It snapped its long jaws down on the man’s head, crushing it effortlessly. Then, turning on its side, it used its four flippers to roll back into the ocean, which it no doubt felt was a more comfortable venue for enjoying its meal.

Now only one man was left: his name was Charles. And he had no idea what to do. After what he had just seen, he wasn’t going to risk trying to attend to George. He was quickly bleeding out anyway, and Charles was no doctor. No, that was Harry, who was now serving as lunch to a creature he hadn’t even known existed this morning.

No, all he could do was enter the surrounding wilds, and continue to pursue Clementine. She was, after all, the whole reason they had ever come to this accursed island in the first place. Hopefully, the fauna wasn’t as hostile on land as it was in the water, but he had to brave it anyway, seeing as she was his-

Just as Clementine had earlier, Charles suddenly found himself face-to-face with Ka-Tar. “A white man? Here?” he said,
dumbfounded. After the sea beasts, he would have expected anything, anything besides another white person.

When Ka-Tar didn’t say anything in response, electing to just stand there quietly, he quickly began to grow suspicious. And annoyed.
“Say, you better not have laid a hand on my Clementine, old boy. I’ll have you know that I’ve put down far bigger brutes than you for King and Country! Much darker ones too” He was now poking Ka-Tar’s chest with his skinny pointer finger.

Ka-Tar could tell this wasn’t going to take long. Despite his boasting, the man was small, far smaller than he was. Ka-Tar could easily encircle one of his biceps with just a single hand.

“Too much time spent using weapons,” he thought. “Not enough using his arms.”

The silence from Ka-Tar was only making Charles even more agitated. “Are you even dumber than you look? Or have you just adopted one of the low “languages” of the natives here? Ha, I bet you worship their Gods too! Heathen!”

Ka-Tar was pretty much done Charles at this point. In fact, he was actually looking forward to killing him. He had killed dinosaurs, giant snakes, giant reptiles, giant spiders – a lot of giant things in general –not to mention sabertooth tigers, mastodons, cave bears, etc. But he had never taken another man’s life, as there simply weren’t any others on the Island. So this was something new for him.

Plus, he was greatly looking forward to fucking Clementine back at the treehouse, where he had left her. And he couldn’t do that until this fool had been dealt with.

Not wanting to exert himself any more than he had to, and not wanting to risk damaging his spear on such a paltry foe, he elected to use his hands. In one lightning-fast motion, he struck his closed fist into Charles’ neck, crushing his trachea. He fell to the ground, backward, gasping for air, and, breathing now being quite impossible, it was not long before he was finally dead as well.

Ka-Tar surveyed the beach. He had seen the ichthyosaur claim one man, and the other, still screaming in pain and gushing blood from the stump where his leg had been, obviously wouldn’t be long for this world either. Already the Leather Wings were circling overhead, while on the beach the crabs and other assorted small creatures were moving closer to the writhing body of the man, waiting for it to finally stop moving.

Yes, Ka-Tar’s job was done here, and his prize awaited him back home.

Back at the treehouse, Clementine was hurriedly preparing for Ka-Tar’s return. Though she couldn’t find any formal weapons, there were plenty of makeshift ones scattered all around the domicile, especially when it came to Ka-Tar’s trophies. She had finally decided on the six-inch long tooth she had pried from the shark’s mouth mounted above the doorway, and had stashed it in under his bed.

Her plan was simple: seduce Ka-Tar, take him to bed, and, when he was in the throes of orgasm, pull the tooth out from its hiding place and sink it right into his neck. Sure, it was thick with muscle, but that shouldn’t be a problem with such a sharp instrument. No, she couldn’t see anything going wrong with this plan at –

Allow me to cut in here. It WOULD be a good plan, if not for me. Even better than she realizes, as she doesn’t know my son’s never been with a woman before, and would therefore DEFINITELY be too distracted and excited to see her betrayal coming. But I’ve watched every move she’s made since she got near the island on her stolen rowboat. I know what, and who, she’s REALLY running from.

That expression she made when she first met Ka-Tar confirmed it. I recognize it well. I saw it on Athena’s face when she told her children she’d come back for them one day, when her war had ended. I saw it again on the visages of her descendants, right before they began to fight and backstab one another over the rights to their most precious captives. I even see now it with my son, when he tries to hide his true feelings from me, chief among them the loneliness he feels from a lack of a physical relationship.

It was the look of deceit, and maybe it makes some twisted sort of sense that one without a true face, like me, should be so able to recognize it when others cannot.

Oh, my poor Ka-Tar! How long have you waited to finally experience true romance? The Amazons wouldn’t have you, and how cruel that this outsider would reject you for much the same reason! Well, there is something I can do… This wouldn’t work on an Amazon, even the residual magic that remains in their blood would make them immune to it. But this wretch is just a mere mortal, so there shouldn’t a problem. We’ll make good use of you yet, bitch.

A few trees over, a hive of small purple insects buzzed around their large, honeycombed nest. How they’re able to move in such unison is a mystery to all but the Spirit of the Island, but one could speculate. Do they use pheromones? Are they a part of a hive mind? In any case, the spell appeared to be no longer working on one member of this expansive family, as one of the winged bugs was now straying from the pack, and beginning to fly towards one of the open windows of Ka-Tar’s home.

If we could read its simple mind, we would hear the Spirit whispering to it, telling it where to go. This is but one of her powers, and while her influence would only go so far with a more cognitively advanced creature, over this insect she has near absolute control.

She tells it to go through the window. She tells it to find the porcelain neck of the woman residing within. She tells it to sink its sharp proboscis into the biggest vein it can find there. “Ow!” yelled Clementine, feeling a sharp pain in her neck. Instinctively, an open palm is brought down on its epicenter, and she is not surprised to find the remains of a bug on her hand when she examines it after.

“Figures there’d be such awful things here. Guess I should be glad it wasn’t any bigger, this being the tropics!” She might have continued on, complaining about the insect life of the warmer climates, if she didn’t begin to feel so damn queer.

Ka-Tar had finally made it back to his treetop house. The whole way from the beach, he had tried to think about what it meant, having finally crossed the line and taken the life of another man. But every time tried to dedicate some real thought to it, he was quickly distracted by the idea of having sex with Clementine. His penis was already erect and leaking precum from the very prospect.

Therefore he was pleased to see her already naked and lying in bed when he walked in, waiting for her hero to claim her.

“Hey, big guy,” she said to him as he walked over to her, her voice slurred. “Are you ready to do it or what?

Suffice it to say, he was.

And they did.

I watched the whole thing, how could I not? You might think that wrong, or perverted, but your morality means nothing to me. Here I am the highest power, and, well, that means I can do whatever I want! After all who’s going to punish or stop me? Who would even be able to? In fact, even as I speak now, I’m simultaneously enjoying the view o yet another Amazon orgy down in their village. The third one this week, believe it or not!

Anyway, how did Ka-Tar do? Well, I would say it was almost as if he attacked her. Not violently, really, or at least not overly so, but he did have 22 years of sexual energy to release, mind you! And though she would be loath to admit it now, Clementine did enjoy it, if her moaning was anything to go by!

My only criticism, and it is a small one, is that Ka-Tar could have lasted just a little bit longer. But it was his first time, anyway, and he’ll have plenty of practice to build up his…stamina in the future. Just not with this one, unfortunately.

Yes, I told him the truth about Clementine after she had passed out post-coitus. He had decided to take a stroll in the jungle to, I don’t know, clear his head? I’m not sure if he expected or even wanted to see me, but I manifested away, and proceeded to tell him the facts about Clementine, almost all of which I had gleaned simply by eavesdropping on her and her “captors.”

Did you figure it out already? In case you didn’t, here’s the quick and messy rundown: Clementine was from a formerly-rich family fallen on hard times. To improve their fortunes they married her off to a wealthy shipping magnate, the man my son put out of his misery back on the beach. But Clementine was a lesbian, just like the presently-copulating Amazons, currently in the fourth hour of their orgy.

And it was on that long voyage back to his estate in Africa that the reality of her situation finally sank in. In a desperate and not very well-thought-out move, she stole a rowboat, and made off over the water, in search of an escape from the Hell she saw as her imminent future. Unfortunately for her, all she found was a different region of it. That will be clear to her VERY soon.

Clementine impotently pounded on Ka-Tar’s expansive back. He had woken her up when he threw her, still naked, over his shoulder,
before beginning yet another trek through the forest, though this time to a destination unknown to her.

Ka-Tar was silent. Clementine was not.

“Put me down this instant, you brute! Ah! I can’t believe I let you have sex with me! Me! I’ve never had sex with a man before! I’m a lesbian! A homosexual! Queer! Do you know what that means, or are those words a little too big for you, you ape!?!?!”

It went on like this for a while. Clementine told Ka-Tar her entire life’s story: the first notable event, by her recounting, was when she smugly “came out” to her parents while she was still a preteen. Then being sent off to an all-girls boarding school as punishment, so that her classmates’ femininity could “rub off” on her. She outmaneuvered her clueless parents and the teachers alike, however, by slowly but surely “corrupting” her schoolmates as well! By her telling, there were orgies every night in the dorms, after lights-out. She claimed that even some of the younger female teachers joined in from time to time!

At any other moment,, all of this would have titillated Ka-Tar beyond measure. But right now, he felt weird. He felt…different. Yes, Ka-Tar was good at killing. Yes, he took pride in that fact. But he wasn’t a sadist – he had never killed outside of hunting and self-defense. But now he had, and it was all this awful woman’s fault.

He didn’t blame his Mother: she explained that the reason she didn’t warn him earlier is because she didn’t know when he’d have the opportunity to mate again. She had simply been trying to give Ka-Tar what she thought he needed, as any Mother would. But now, knowing what he did about Charles, he felt downright…bad. He even sympathized with the poor fuck! If his own wife tried to pull what Clementine did, he would have tracked her to the ends of the Earth!

He was also upset, though he’d be loath to admit it, that Clementine’s affection for him wasn’t real. For him to think he finally had romantic love in hand, only for it to be snatched away... He was now on total emotional lockdown, in a way he hadn’t been since right after his biological parents had died.

Thus, all of Clementine’s stories fell on deaf ears. He didn’t care about the pride she felt when, after graduating, she had mocked her parent’s failed efforts to “set her straight”. He didn’t care about how angry she was at her wedding, and how fucking her soon-to-be sister-in-law right before the ceremony began did nothing to alleviate it.

The only thing he could think about now was how nice it would be when he was finally rid of her. And he had the perfect idea of how to do so.

He finally broke his silence. “Do you know what an Amazon is?” he asked.

The black Amazon stood before her village, alone, her muscular arms crossed. The Spirit of the Island had told her Ka-Tar was coming with a “gift,” but didn’t actually specify what it was.

But, now, as Ka-Tar emerged from the thick jungle, she could guess: the pale-skinned naked woman he held over his shoulder. My, what a pleasant surprise it was!

“Hey Ka-Tar,” she said, coolly. “Got something for me?”

He grunted affirmatively. “Did my mom tell you I was coming?” he asked, as he dumped Clementine at her feet.

“Yea, is it true you don’t want anything in return?” she replied, as she gazed lustfully at Clementine’s bare form.

Ka-Tar turned and headed back in the direction he came. “Believe me, taking her off my hands is reward enough.”

Clementine started laughing manically. “Wow, you really are dumb, aren’t you? I was joking when I asked if you knew what a lesbian was, but you really don’t know, do you? You think this is a punishment, handing me over to a tribe of beautiful, seven-foot-tall women? Boy, I can lick pussy so well they’ll make me chieftain before the week is out”

“Are you sure about that?” he called back, not bothering to stop or look back at Clementine.

She scoffed, and turned to look up at the dark-skinned woman. “What are you talking about? Hell, I’ve always wanted to taste a negr-“ She suddenly understood what Ka-Tar meant, and was rendered speechless as a result: the Amazon had pushed aside her loincloth, revealing her eight-inch-long, erect, black penis.

She screamed as the Amazon pulled her, by her hair, into the village.

Clementine ran through the jungle, faster than she’d ever run before, faster than she’d ever thought she could run. She ducked under vines, jumped over puddles, and ignored every hoot, howl, and roar she heard

It had been a week since Ka-Tar had dumped her with the Amazons. In that week, she had been raped more times than she could count. Was she already pregnant? It was certainly possible, and the thought made her almost physically ill. Finally, after another hours-long orgy, when most of the village had passed out from exhaustion, she had found an opportunity to escape, and seized it without hesitation.
Finally, after hours of running, with no particular destination in mind, she was forced to stop due to simple physical exhaustion. Panting, she walked up to a large boulder and leaned against it, hoping that doing so would keep her from passing out.

Unfortunately for her, this was no rock: she quickly discovered that for herself when she realized it was breathing. If Ka-Tar had been there, he could have told her that her “boulder” was actually a dinosaur he called a Shellback. Even worse, he could have just as easily called it a Clubtail. But most unfortunate of all for Clementine, this Shellback was a mother to two babies.

Though all were asleep, the adult could still sense Clementine’s presence through the nerves that ran through its hard exterior. It also knew exactly, through that same organic feedback system, where she was in relation to her tail, and the natural weapon that lay at the end of it.
Not even bothering to open its eyes, or take any chances with young ones to protect, it simply swung its tail at Clementine. The stone-like club at its terminus made a direct hit with her chest, sending her flying into the air.

She was dead before she hit the ground.

The Amazons sent out a search party, feeling that Clementine could still be of use to them, especially if she was with child. Disappointingly, they didn’t find her body until it had already been picked clean by scavengers, leaving only a skeleton as a prize. They brought it back to the village, and offered it to the matriarch of the tribe, Nubia, the same Amazon that had first retrieved her from Ka-Tar.

Nubia was disappointed that Clementine had managed to get herself killed out in the wild, but was not really surprised: after all, the only other human who was able to survive out there was Ka-Tar, and he had his Mother to help him. Still, what a waste! They had not had a slave as white as her in quite some time, and likely wouldn’t again anytime soon. And the pale ones always were Nubia’s favorites…

Clementine would still serve her in death, though, as Nubia’s old codpiece had recently been cracked after an embarrassing fall while out on the hunt. Fortunately for her, Clementine’s skull looked to be just about the perfect size.

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