Mature / Thirty+

Hobson's Choice


Sandy wasn’t just my spouse. I made it very clear to the professionals we hired for the campaign that there was no better political mind on the planet. Sandy almost never dipped an oar into my campaigns anymore, but I told the campaign staff, on no uncertain terms: “If Sandy says jump, you ask ‘how high?’ Don’t wait to talk to me.”

Some More Shopping


Photo by Bruno Salvadori:



Ah, nothing quite as heartrending as the plaintive wail of a teenage girl confronted with an intolerable family situation.

"But Mom was going to take me…"

Plus-One With A Vengeance : 28 / 29


Kitty huffed, a little impatiently, and explained, "Claus has this silly joke about a clone factory..."

"—in Omaha," Claus threw in.

"Why Omaha?" Dad asked.

Misteleported, part 4 of 6

After doing some research and talking with trans men on the forum Avery had recommended, he’d reluctantly decided that binding her breasts wouldn’t be right, given possible health risks for Dakota if he wound up staying in her body for months.

Eight Miles High, part 3 of 12

Chapter 3

When we got out at the hotel, she still held my hand as the driver left and kept hold of it all the way to her bedroom door, opening it one handed and then pulling me in, closing the door and putting her arms around my neck. What else could I do but look after her like the lady wanted to be looked after.

What made me smile was that when we took our clothes off, I saw that there was a casual outfit for me already in the wardrobe. The company does think of everything, and I expected there would be a day dress for her in my room already.

A Just Punishment

The streets darkened and shadows fell across the landscape as the sun set into the horizon. Gregory Steeles zipped his jacket feeling the temperature drop slightly. This was his favourite time to walk around town, enjoying the shift into evening. A gradual change from bright, cheery sunlight to the dark, hidden shadows of night.

Arctic Fox Book 3 - Chapter 16

The Arctic Fox 3.jpg

Cover photo by Jonatan Pie. Downloaded from Unsplash

Marcia is seventeen, and along with Darryl, has moved south in Alaska to attend the Anchorage campus of the Alaska State University. She wants to pursue her dream, but will it pursue her instead?

I want to thank Malady, once again, for his help checking through this story for the many errors I frequently insert, as well as listening to my sometimes completely crazy ideas about the direction of the story and telling me how crazy they are!

Chapter 3.16

June 9th, 2023

Chatham Yardworks, North Pole


The office building was half a block off the main drag in North Pole, but there was a large sign that was placed at the corner, pointing down the cross street letting people know where they were. Beside the office was a salon on one side, and Ross’ Diner, the same fast food joint where Chet had finally realized how he felt about Mage, on the other.

Bob pulled the car he and Mike were driving into the parking lot. They’d called ahead and found out that it had been a busy day at the office, so when they got out of the car, they went to the diner and ordered some burgers for the office staff, which consisted of Rick and his wife Carla.

Anika Gets Married

Anika stands in front of the mirrors as she admires herself in the wedding dress she picked out. She was still amazed at what the Blue Lace drug had done to her body with Jack’s blood added to it. Something about Jack’s blood has physically changed her. It had hurt like hell as his blood coursed through her body.

“I think that’s the one for you, mom.” Justice couldn’t believe that Ron and Anika had adopted her. That had been a year ago, and now she was calling Anika’s mom.

The Beauty and the Beast by Aladdin, Chapter 5

In an effort to help her stepdaughter Airelle, and also to avoid bloodshed in Ulik's civil war, Necromantra proposes a daring plan to rescue the princess from the fortress city of Roch. But every move she might make toward her goal is froth with danger. Even if her plan succeeds, there is no way of telling what the fallout of it might be.

Eight Miles High, part 2 of 12

Chapter 2

She looked at me wide-eyed, “I’m going to spend the next year flying with the next boss of the company? That’s wild.”

We drove to the secure parking under the office building and left our things in the back as we got into the elevator. I punched the button for the top floor.

As we rose, she said, in a very timid voice, “I’ve never been up there before, this is scary.”

I told her not to worry; Terry was a good guy and would never put anyone into a situation he didn’t know they could handle.

Dinner Date

Dinner Date
By Sabrina G. Langton


Author's Note: Hi, just want to share a little bit of fluff, just something that ended up in Notepad on my computer. Something quick, I hope YOU like it...



"What is she crazy, why would she make me meet someone like that?" I was looking into a large dirty mirror. I couldn't even pay attention to my appearance I was too upset. "He is such a jerk!"

"Then you should pour a drink over his head and storm out."

"I would but I have to go home with her, she's my ride."

A Pearl Among Women

A Pearl Among Women
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

“I suppose that I will have to tell you everything then,” she said with a sigh.

“Only if you want to,” he said. “But come back to bed. When you are back in my arms you can tell me anything you like. You know I will listen.”

“You listeners are rare among men,” she said, waving a scolding finger at him. But she flipped the covers and slipped back to where she had laid before.

Misteleported, part 2 of 6

The shower took about ten minutes longer than it would have, and thirty minutes longer than his normal showering routine, because he broke down halfway through and huddled in the floor of the shower, unable to look at Dakota’s body or touch it, turning the temperature and pressure up as high as he could stand it as though it would wash off this soft feminine shell and leave the real him.

Misteleported, part 1 of 6

But he was soon distracted from his surroundings by a glance down at himself. At the clothes he hadn’t been wearing a moment ago, the shopping bags he hadn’t been carrying, and the breasts that hadn’t been part of him, displayed to advantage in a low-cut blue blouse.

The Substitute Housewife Part 4

This has a sex scene at the end.

The next day was a blur. What was nice was that Ken brought me a cup of coffee and woke me up with a gentle kiss on the forehead.

"Thank you so much for what you are doing for us, Susan. I'll see you tonight with Mr. Yasimo."

I was stunned. No one had ever done that to me. I grew up with very little affection. That was probably why I accepted affection wherever I could.

Global Importers and Facilitators

“I’ll let you use the rooms upstairs rent free if you’ll hire LGBT+ folk, Mary. There are loads come in here who are highly qualified, but can’t get work despite the equal opportunity legislation. Many like you had decent paying jobs till their management discovered they were different. Make it clear you will hire anyone who can do the job. The LGBT+ are taking a chance just by breathing, for sure they’ll take a chance on a future job even if it means working for free for a while. Everyone that comes in here knows you got fired for being trans. They’ll be more than willing to help get some guaranteed discrimination free employment off the ground.” Mary who was acutely aware how it felt to be unfairly treated and how little it took to hurt someone who was already suffering decided to take Elsie’s advice, and so it started.

Plus-One With A Vengeance : 26 / 29


I took a big step back, away from her, and tried to be ready.
If this was going to be a physical fight, I was going to give it everything I had.
I figured Amber and I were about on par. If she started something,
I sure as hell intended to give her as bad as I got.


The Substitute Housewife Part 2

We left for Ken's house immediately. As we went through the main office he nodded to Shirly and she followed on behind us.

“Before you ask, she did a good job of making you look like a woman at the party, so she’s going to help now.”

Shirley gave me her lopsided grin. She was a kinky woman. I was sure she was enjoying every minute of this.

Plus-One With A Vengeance : 25 / 29


Delphine waved her hand dismissively. "He went to look for that idiot Amber."
After a quick glance around, she leaned in. "Listen to me, Max!
Do you want to know who Oswald is? Do you want to know why he's Amber's plus one?"



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