Angel of Europe Part 6

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Part Six

After a quiet if uncomfortable day the team was more than ready for some activity. As they moved into position for their night's work, the commandos were making their way cautiously through the darkness of a heavily wooded section northwest of the camp. However, they soon noticed something in the distance.

The sound came first. They heard the approaching drone of multiple piston engines turning large propellors. Then they heard the sound of many heavy weapons, from nearby, on the ground to their north. Then came the explosions, which produced brief flashes in the air followed by puffs of smoke, the sound of the blasts arriving seconds later. The commandos still could not see what the ground canon at the SS base were shooting at. Soon, though, the antiaircraft fire stopped. The tracers from the machine guns on the bombers began, and finally allowed the members of the commando party to locate the cause of the disturbance. Or rather, causes, as the British bombers shot back against the German night fighters.

"Lancasters and Wellingtons," said Zero, knowledgeably, after watching the show for a few seconds, "with Mosquitos in the lead as pathfinders. Those will find the target and mark it with flares. Don't know where they're going. Maybe to the Heinkel aircraft factory near Rostock, attacking from the north to avoid intercepters and ack-ack. Though that doesn't seem to be working."

"They're fighting something," said Molly, who had the sharpest vision of the group and like most of them could see just fine in the darkness. "Not just Nazi planes, either. Looks like a flying man!"

"Luftjaeger," said Commander Zero, his tone speaking volumes. "I wonder if he's assigned to our target or at the SS base on Rügen Island, or somewhere else nearby. Whatever, he's wreaking havoc on our lads. Doing far more damage than the night-fighters and ack-ack."

"I can stop him," said Aaron, quietly.

"Are you certain you can handle him?" asked Commander Zero, looking over at the American. "You were shot down during the Blitz. This guy's still taking out Allied bombers."

"Luftjaeger started later than I did. He has the benefit of the experiences of both myself and others, including those crewing interceptor aircraft," said Aaron, calmly. "His technique is very different from mine, due to this. For example, he makes slashing strikes during climbs and dives. Each attack does less damage than simply focusing on one aircraft until it falls, as I did. However, he presents much less of a target for retaliatory attacks. Because he is harder to hit, he has been able to continue his actions far longer than I was. He is, though, far less powerful and versatile than I am.

"In short, yes. I can take him."

"Then do so. We'll wait here for you. Just don't let the enemy see you leave or return."

Aaron nodded, transformed to Malak, and vanished.

* * *

Although his side mission was serious, flying was flying. Malak enjoyed the activity, wings working hard as he climbed and accelerated. He switched to his black robes as he evaluated the situation. The planes were going much too fast for him to match speeds with wings alone, and he also had a lot of distance to close. He switched his rapid movement mode. Wings folded to minimal drag configuration, he closed on the bomber formation.

Once close enough he slowed, holding formation above and behind the bombers... and Luftjaeger. In spite of the interference from all the shooting by the bombers, Malak's passive sonar gave him a huge advantage in this environment. He could hear the planes in the dark, of course, but the special mapping ability meant that he also had a very good idea of their positions and movements. He could also hear Luftjaeger, though the Nazi was much quieter. He could not only fly, he had an energy blast attack, which easily gave away his position every time he used it. Which was why he kept moving. Malak was soon close enough to the other flying empowered man to perceive him in detail. Meanwhile, even though not currently invisible, he went unnoticed by the enemy empowered, as well as by the German night fighters and the British bombers.

Malak didn't simply plunge into combat with the flying Nazi, but observed him for several moments. Besides having a flight suit for warmth, Luftjaeger was wearing some type of breathing mask, connected to a backpack by thick hoses. Malak had read that the backpack was a rebreather, which supplied Luftjaeger with pure oxygen to keep him functioning at bomber altitudes. Malak didn't need such assistance; he could adapt to the thin air and even do completely without breathing for several hours. Neither did the lack of warmth bother him.

Malak formulated a plan. He fell back a bit and climbed even higher. Then he formed and threw a spear.

That got Luftjaeger's attention. However, it appeared to do little damage to the target. As in the military evaluation Aaron had read, the other seemed to be protected against physical harm in some way, something besides simply being tough. Luftjaeger looked around but not up. Malak created and threw another spear, his body actually glowing this time. He even switched to his normal, white robes. The man finally looked up, and immediately found Malak. Luftjaeger abruptly changed direction, shooting towards Malak at high speed. Malak dodged, then began climbing.

The two empowered men exchanged attacks as they rose. They also dodged each other's attacks. However, their general progress remained upwards.

Higher and higher they flew. Malak deliberately stayed just out of Luftjaeger's effective range. Taunting him, and occasionally throwing a spear, dodging the other's responding attacks. The world grew round below them. Malak was beginning to think that what he had been told about the Luftjaeger's abilities might be wrong. Then, abruptly, Luftjaeger faltered and fell away. The air this high was simply too thin for him, even breathing pure oxygen.

Ordinarily, Malak would at least have made an effort to catch him. However, not only was this war, but Luftjaeger had a record of committing atrocities against Allied airmen. Including those hanging helpless from parachutes. So instead Malak formed, energized and launched one of his spears. Luftjaeger's special protection had vanished with his consciousness. The spear struck home. The falling figure burst into flames, most likely due to his rebreather being damaged by the attack. Malak knew it was impossible, but he imagined he could hear Luftjaeger screaming as he fell.

The night fighters were gone, likely frightened off by Malak's spears and the loss of Luftjaeger. As well, the bomber formation was now out of range of the guns at the Rügen Island SS base. They would likely be unmolested until reaching whatever their target was.

Malak sighed, and looked up. For a moment, he was tempted to just... keep climbing. However, he instead turned and headed back to the island.

* * *

"We need to head for the training camp right away," said Zero, once Malak - as Aaron - had rejoined them.

"Not the military base?" said Tallman, turning his head towards there.

"There's a proper military commando raid scheduled for that location tomorrow night, remember. We take our cue from the start of that to begin our own operation. Hopefully, that attack will provide a distraction which will aid our own effort, but otherwise we are independent of that enterprise. I don't know when their attack will start. However, I do know we need to get to that training area soonest, since there's not a lot of time left until dawn and we still need to scout the place. Remember, what we have to do is both important, itself, and separate from the raid on the SS base. If we can't perform the mission tomorrow night we'll have time the next night to get our job done and still be able to make our rendezvous."

Making their way through the forest wasn't difficult. However, getting a good view of the training area and the nearby barracks was. The ground around the security fence had been cleared for a good distance, with the debris simply shoved into the forest beyond. This provided plenty of concealment for anyone wishing to approach the camp, but also made moving close enough to see anything very difficult, besides itself obstructing vision. Still, the team persevered.

"Mines on either side of that road, starting just past the near edge of the cleared area," said Molly, quietly, as they paused at the edge of a gravel road which ran from the west to what seemed to be the main entrance of the training grounds. "From there all they way to the guard post."

"We aren't planning to enter here, anyway," said Zero, in a stage whisper. "Okay, by twos, run across to the woods on the other side as I give you the sign."

He moved cautiously to the road, looked both ways, then scampered quickly to the other side. Commander Zero took a moment to look around, then motioned for the first two waiting to join him, timing the action to the movements of the guards on patrol in the fenced- off area. Soon they were all safe in the forest on the other side of the road, and ready to continue.

The members of the raiding party were all careful, but eventually Reynard - to his great embarrassment - bumped a cut-off and piled branch and caused a minor cascade of falling debris. The group froze. A call came from the camp. They all knew enough German to recognize this as a challenge. They stayed quiet. Unfortunately, that was not enough.

A sergeant came up to where the guards were staring at the dark woods. All was currently still, but he had also heard the disturbance. He turned to the junior soldier present.

"Go see what all that noise is," said the sergeant, with an abbreviated gesture towards the woods.

"Yes, sir!" said the private, saluting smartly. Not showing his reluctance. Even though previous disturbances had been attributed to deer or other wildlife, that might not always be the case. However, he followed orders.

As he approached the far edge of the cleared area the private slowed, Kar98k at the ready. The young man crept quietly towards the location of the disturbance, pausing when he was presumably close enough to hear what it was.

"Sing!" hissed The Infiltrator, to Aaron. "Sing something in German, loudly, and like you're drunk!"

Aaron nodded, immediately getting what the other meant. He threw back his head and began. Choosing something he felt German soldiers might sing.

"Es braust ein Ruf wie Donnerhall,
wie Schwertgeklirr und Wogenprall
Zum Rhein, zum Rhein, zum deutschen Rhein,
wer will des Stromes Hüter sein?"

The young guard straightened and returned to the guard post he had left from, smirking.

"Just someone drunk and singing."

"Leave him alone, then," said his superior, with a smirk of his own. "They can sing it off and sleep it off and get written up when they come back, late and hung over, for the morning roll call."

"Told you that would work," said The Infiltrator, quietly, even though he hadn't. "Just give it a couple more verses. Then fade away, like you're falling asleep."

Aaron shrugged and complied.

Soon, all was quiet again. The group moved on.

"That was a good call," said Commander Zero, nodding to The Infiltrator.

"Trust me," the covert agent replied, grinning, "when it comes to getting away with things like that, I'm the expert."

* * *

They at the far side of the training area shortly after that. With a bit of scouting they also found a likely way in. Then they moved back into the woods

They found another clearing and made another cold camp. The following day passed quietly, and they mostly spent it dozing. Though Commander Zero also set up watches again. Then, finally, night came. The team of saboteurs left all their packed gear but their weapons, explosives and incendiary charges behind as they returned to the training area. There they waited, for the raid on the SS base to begin.

* * *

There was a distant booming, and bursts of light reflected off the clouds to the north.

"Here we go," said Commander Zero, looking in that direction. "The raid on the SS base on Rügen has started."

"We need to get into the training grounds fast and destroy them," said Reynard, actually sounding eager.

"Remember, we are also here to try and acquire intelligence about what they're doing, who they're doing it to, and who is doing it," said Commander Zero, firmly. "Commensurate with not leaving signs that we've done so, of course."

"Make it look like a simple hit and run," said Tallman, nodding.

"To review, the intelligence gathering will be the job of The Infiltrator, The Solution and Molly," said Commander Zero. "Reynard and I will plant the charges in the actual training area. The rest of you keep watch. We have a big distraction, and the advantage that Aaron can be invisible. Let's not waste any of that."

They were soon at the fence around the still heavily guarded area.

"They aren't sending nearly as many soldiers to the SS base from this camp as we thought they would," said Commander Zero, quietly but scowling. "Perhaps because they don't have any boats available on this island for crossing the water. That shouldn't hurt our immediate goal, as long as we're careful. It may make things more difficult down the road. Well, nothing for it. Just be extra careful. Come on!"

The team cautiously entered the training grounds through the access they had found earlier. This was a location on the perimeter fence which was well away from any road. They approached quickly and cut through the wire between passes of the guards. Who seemed remarkably unaffected by the distant noises and lights of the attack on the SS base. Perhaps because these soldiers were regular army. There were lights at the training grounds; however, those were concentrated on the perimeter of the area. With the commandos carefully closing the gap they made and otherwise leaving no sign they had entered, the guards had no clues that what they were guarding had been violated.

Working in the deep shadows of the training area, Commander Zero and Reynard moved to plant explosives and incendiaries, as seemed appropriate for the specific target. Aaron kept watch, invisibly, with Tallman and Cobber hidden in reserve among the obstacles of the training course. The Solution, The Infiltrator and Molly entered the sole building, which they expected to be the command center for the training area. To their mild surprise, the door was not alarmed or even locked. Once inside - with the door closed behind them and noting that the window shades were already pulled down - they quickly located both a locked filing cabinet and a safe. While The Solution worked on the filing cabinet, The Infiltrator turned his attention to the safe. Molly was astounded at how easily he opened the combination lock. The trio took some documents from both supposedly secure sources. They then relocked the safe and cabinet, put thermite charges on top of both, activated the clockwork timers and left. Quickly.

Outside, the main demolition team of Commander Zero and Reynard placed incendiary packages on the creosote-treated timbers of the wooden structures and explosives on or in the concrete and steel ones. All of these pieces of equipment were new, with few signs of use. Or indications of what they were used for, at least which could be made out in the dark. The duo set their timers and moved to the designated extraction point, adjacent to where they had penetrated the fence. There, Commander Zero made certain everyone was present. He waited for the next guard patrol to pass, then led their exit from the training grounds.

Without speaking a word, the team got in, did their work, and got back out, never being detected. All the clockwork timers counted down to zero not long after the team reentered the dense woods. With explosions and fires erupting behind them, the group made their escape. Through the eerie, shifting shadows created by the tall flames rising from the wreckage of the training area they ran deeper into the woods beyond. Aaron noted as they set out that they had still used no lights.

* * *

Once back at their meager camp they gathered their packs. However, they also took stock of their prizes

"Jackpot!" said The Infiltrator. He triumphantly held up a folder. "Information on all the empowered who are here on the island!"

"Okay, they're all listed by code names," said Molly, reading over his shoulder as he skimmed through the contents of the folder. "This one sounds particularly ominous. Who is Verrückt?"

"It means insane," said Commander Zero, with a grimace of distaste. "He likes to take people's heads."

"Ugh," said Molly. She leaned back in. "Panzerknacker... Where do they get these names?!"

"Later," said Commander Zero. "We need to move closer to the beach. Then find a secure place where we can get as much sleep as we can, during the day. Tomorrow night, we go back to the sub. Protect that folder!"

"Tomorrow is the last night they'll wait for us," said Tallman, appearing uneasy.

"The time has already passed for tonight," said Commander Zero. "There are few guarantees in this business. However, we should be fine."

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