Men in Black Dresses by Valentina Michelle Smith

From the Ashes - Part 1

This story is both an entry into the April 2023 “take your daughter to work day” challenge and a personal homage to a classic shared world from the archives of BCTS.

I could see the plume of smoke rising over the cornfields from several miles away. Not the thick, rolling smoke of a hungry blaze, but the puffs and wisps of a fire nearly burned out. Despite it being over a decade since I last fought a major fire, I still felt the same pulse of adrenaline and the bitter taste of fear and anticipation. As I approached the site along the narrow country road, I pulled over to let the coroner and a police cruiser pass in the other direction. If anything, that made the anticipation worse.

The Academy (Part 3)


JoEllen is now one of the Mistresses at The Academy, and is being trained to take her place in the new world order, a world in which women dominate men. She is determined to carry out her mission as an undercover agent of America's most covert agency. But power is seductive. Can she resist the temptation to truly join Desdemona?

The Academy (Part 2)


JoEllen Hunter has been placed in a bizarre reform school, where incorrigible delinquent boys are transformed into feminized domestic servants. But there is a dark secret at the heart of The Academy. As an undercover agent of America's most covert agency, JoEllen's mission is to discover that secret.
Meanwhile, just what is Diana Hunter up to?

What Ever Became of the Sisterhood?


The Sisterhood had been destroyed and Diana Hunter could turn her attention to more productive activities. But was the Sisterhood completely eliminated? Were there some loose ends that needed to be tidied up? And just why was America's most covert agency suddenly interested in her business?

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