M.I.B.D. - Artemis The Hunter - Part 2

"Jo, you know that the 'Ellis Process' can turn you back into a man," said Kim

Grabbing Kim by both shoulders, Jo looked into her eyes. "I know that my friend, but I stay a woman to honor Mom. Why have you stayed as you are? You could have returned to a male or become a genetic woman," asked Jo

"I stay like this because you need me. Until you have the help you need, I won't make the choice." Then the friends embraced each other and wept.
M.I.B.D. Artemis The Hunter Part 2
By Stanman
Synopsis:The Sisterhood has launched an attack against the Agency: the son of Diana hunter has been captured, the body of Diana desecrated and the bomber designed by the Hunter/Ellis Research Foundation stolen. The Sisterhoods mole has been found, and the Agency is ready to start fighting back.
Meanwhile, in a hidden base in the Bermuda Triangle, a most sinister meeting was taking place. A red haired woman of impeccable looks and breeding, wearing a green blazer and miniskirt, yellow leotard, tan pantyhose and black sandals was speaking to an African-American gentleman wearing a blue coverall.

Well Harold, is my toy ready to fly?" she asked.

"Almost Mistress, I still need to install a proper Black Box," informed her servant.

"That's good. Too bad we can't have the entire electronics package. It would be sweet to fly most anywhere cloaked," she sighed.

But Mistress, I have the most wonderful news. I do have everything you wanted, I just can't install them. You need a computer genius for that. They pulled everything out before I got her," he informed her.

"Very well then Harold, you have earned your reward.” With that, she lowered herself down upon her bed. Harold then unzipped his coverall and stood naked before his Mistress. His manhood was stiff with anticipation as he mounted her.

Then he felt the room's computer switch their minds. Harold's mind entered the red haired woman as she became Harold.

"Ah yes, Harriette, you are truly my slave now as I ravish you. I can feel this body of yours as I enter your new now female body. Does losing a woman's virginity hurt? Don't worry, your first period will make it really painful." gloated the Mistress as she ravished the female body below him.

"You say that you don't want to be pregnant? Too bad, you will awaken to find you are pregnant with your seed. But I am truly being kind to you. I could have killed or turned you into my real slave. Instead, I made you one of the New Sisterhood," declared the Mistress.

With that, he climaxed and left the stunned woman as he stepped into a waiting sealed chamber." Daisy, take care of our new sister Harriette, Make sure she accepts her new life. Now please turn me into an oriental woman," commanded Mistress Desmona Raventree.

"Yes Madame, who shall be in command while you change?" asked Daisy.

"You are in charge Daisy, just let me be awake when we capture that brat of Diana's," chuckled the Mistress.

"By your command, Madame. What of the new jet?"she wondered.

"It is a new B1B bomber; access the mainframe for the information. Better yet, ask our Computer Maven, Julie," informed the Mistress.

"By your command, Mistress. Sleep well." Then she headed to the hanger where the jet stood, waiting to fly. The stealth matte paint made actual sight impossible.

"Julie, cancel the stealth, there is no need while in the hanger," commanded Daisy.

Then the massive jet stood out in bold relief as its somber green paint was revealed. "Sorry Mistress, but at times, the thing does that. I am still finding the odd program here and there," said the frightened Julie.

"How long until we can safely fly it?" asked Daisy.

"Can't say Ma'am, I am only a hacker. We need a genius for this thing," sighed Julie.

"Don't worry, we will have the genius soon enough. What sort of toy do we have here?" asked Daisy.

"Well, whoever built it was a savant. It has a nuclear reactor in the rudder wing assembly in the rear that powers the four atomic jet engines. The engines convert water vapor or oxygen into fuel. Range is unlimited as long as the reactor has fuel," declared Julie.

"So, can it be used as a nuclear bomb?" wondered Daisy.

"Hardly, too many safeguard, besides, it's only a milligram of spent uranium." said Julie.

"Very well, what other goodies are there?" asked Daisy with an evil smile in her eyes.

"The entire body is composed of a new tri-titanium weave. They have spun the metal with a high dense carbon plastic. The new compound is as tough as diamond, as lights as cloth. Even the windows are coated with the resin," informed Julie.

So, it can take a lot of punishment, that’s good," decided Doris.

"Yes Madam, The skin contains a new solar cell. This new cell can absorb any radiation, or scramble any. Right now, that bird is invisible to any radar or sonar. The computer genius will need to reconnect the electronics and program the mainframe to acknowledge the MAINFRAME as boss," declared Julie.

"Don't worry about it my dear, we are about to go pick up our guest. I am sure she will be delighted to work on the bird after he has become one of my pets." With that, she left to ready herself for bed.

*Bitch, the mistresses Desmona Raventree and Regina Tuckett turned me into a brood mare. I am lucky I lost the fetus and they placed me here. I will never forgive them, nor for having me "service" male pets. Becoming a dutiful wife for a night and accepting them into my body is fueling my resolve to destroy them utterly. I may die in the attempt, but I will help the one you capture to escape and fight.
During this time, Jo donned her "Rose" uniform. The black bodysuit, boots, trench coat and fedora was invisible in the lightless alleys and abandoned buildings. Kim's all black coverall and wig made her one with the night.

"Kim, we need to start reclaiming this block. There are too many potheads around," sighed Jo.

"I have already bought the entire block, work begins as soon as tomorrow," said a rushed Kim.

"Good, then I can call the press and announce it to the world. That should help flush out our quarry," decided Jo.

"Quarry? I thought we were after Diana's child, not some enemy," wondered Kim.

"I need to find Mom's child. I can't let the Sisterhood have another chance to hurt Diana again," declared Jo.

"But wasn't Desmona the last of that evil." asked Kim.

"Yes she was. But she was old enough to have offspring old enough to carry on her legacy. She has 12 children: either by birth, adoption or slavery. They are all male, by now, genetic women thanks to their perverted science that made me a woman," groaned Jo.

"Jo, you know that the 'Ellis Process' can turn you back into a man," said Kim

Grabbing Kim by both shoulders, Jo looked into her eyes. "I know that my friend, but I stay a woman to honor Mom. Why have you stayed as you are? You could have returned to a male or become a genetic woman," asked Jo

"I stay like this because you need me. Until you have the help you need, I won't make the choice." Then the friends embraced each other and wept.

Then a large man in a black coverall with a single rose on the right breast and the name "HENRY" walked up to his employers. "Ladies, I have a call from Mother, will you take it in the limo or the office?" he asked.

"Thanks Henry, we will take it in the limo, please Chauffeur us for the day," sighed a weary Jo.

"Very well Miss Kim, please enter your chariot my Ladies" He then opened the rear left hand door.

"Oh Henry, you tease. You know that such gallantry is not called for," giggled Jo.

"That may very well be, but my wife was schooled in proper manners. She wants me to be gallant. Besides, she is such a tigress in bed." he laughed.

"Well I guess that Jo can't let a proper lady down. Please thank her for us by taking her to her favorite opera this weekend. It is *Phantom* I believe," said Kim as she handed Henry a pair of tickets and a debit card.

"This is way too much Miss Kim and Miss Jo, I and my wife thank you." Then he gently closed the door and got in behind the steering wheel and activated the car phone.

"Mother, this is Jo," she said.

"Jo, we have terrible news, Diana's grave was desecrated and the body mutilated. Someone has removed her hair and ears. Even worse, we found out that Diana has a child. The Sisterhood captured him." she groaned.


"Jo, I have reactivated yours and Kim's names, and have placed your entire empire under our protection," she declared.

"Mary, there is no need; Diana's Security System is years ahead of anything the Agency has. We will come in now. Our chauffeur is trustworthy," she promised.

"I should hope so; Henry is one of our sleepers." With a gentle chuckle, Mary signed off.

"That witch, she succeeded in planting an agent on me. Well, at least he is gallant," Jo chuckled. Then she pressed a red button on the arm rest. "Henry, go to the building, Mary wants us there A.S.A.P."

Henry drove the black limo through the city into a plain building's underground garage. Special sensors recorded the limo's progress and guided it to a V.I.P. slot next to an alcove.

Then Henry got out of the front seat. He was now attired in a lady chauffeur uniform. Her form-fitting white blouse and black jacket /miniskirt was perfectly accented by her pearl pantyhose and boots. "I wish that the Agency didn't require me to dress like this. Last time, my ass was pinched." thought Henrietta as she remembered her last mission before being assigned as Jo's chauffeur.

She then opened the door for Jo and Kim. "Jo, please take care. Something tells me that this meeting is not going to be give you the answers you want," she implored.

Getting out, they both embraced the 6 foot Amazon in a sisterly embrace. Then Jo looked into her brilliant blue eyes and said, "I know that Henrietta. Last time, I lost my Mother. What will I lose this time, I dread to find out. But this involves the Sisterhood. And I vowed on Diana's grave to see to their destruction," she said with conviction.

"And I will be there with you Jo. They took my life when they turned me into this freak. For that, they will pay," intoned Kim as she placed her right hand upon Jo's left shoulder.

Then the trio entered the alcove. The alcove was in truth a matter-transporter used to move people within the complex quickly. The system worked fine within the complex, but was unsafe in the field.

Stepping out of the alcove, they were met by a smartly dressed woman with graying hair."Jo, Kim, welcome to the Agency. Henrietta, please await their return in the visitors lounge here, “said Mary.

The lounge was tastefully appointed with sturdy tables and chairs. The bar was stocked with every brand of beverage in the world thanks to the matter transporters ability to create any organic compound. "Yes ma'am, please take care of them." With that, she went into the lounge as Mary led Jo and Kim back into the alcove.

"Jo, Kim, there is both good and bad news. We have found Diana's offspring. But we know not its gender. Worst of all, the sisterhood has captured him/her today, and they have desecrated Diana's grave and mutilated her body. Even worse, they have the new jet that your people built for us. I hate bearing such bad news to you. I grew to love your mother, Jo. Please take command." Mary cried as she leaned against the wall.

Then Jo and Kim gently led their weeping companion into her office and laid her down upon her couch. Kim went to the kitchen and brought back a tray filed with sandwiches and glasses filled with an amber liquid. "Well Jo, looks as if Mother needs a rest and you’re in charge according to regulations."

"Yes, she planned for this eventuality. Call in the troops. I need to let them know that I am in charge until Mary is able to take command again." Then, heading out into the auditorium, Rose saw it was filled to capacity.

"Women of the Agency, I am Jo Ellen: daughter of Diana Hunter. Mary Risberg; better known as Mother is unable to fulfill her duties at this time. According to her wishes, I am assuming command until she is ready. Are there any question?' spoke Rose.

"Yes, I have a question. I am Moon Maiden, Why is Mary sick?" she asked.

"No, not sick. She is distraught over recent events. The sisterhood has launched an attack upon Diana Hunter. They have desecrated her grave and kidnapped her offspring as well as stolen a new jet being developed by the Hunter Group and Ellis Research for the Agency," she replied.

"I am Galaxy, Are you not Jo Ellen, the head of Hunter Group and Ellis Research? she asked.

"Yes I am. Because I am so involved, I may not be the best one to lead. If anyone objects to me leading at this time, I will abdicate as soon as a new leader is selected,' she replied.

"Jo, as your friend and confidant, I must say that as far as I am concerned, you are best serving the Agency as the leader. Mary knew you are the best at this time." Kim said as she looked an astonished yet pleased Jo in the eye.

"Does anybody object to my friend Jo Ellen leading the Agency in its time of need? All opposed please stand up." she called out.

Then, as a family, the entire gathering sat down and began to applaud. Then there began a chant; "LONG LIVE THE ROSE!"

Then an astonished Jo Ellen slowly stood up to a thunderous applause as she waved to the crowd. As the applause ended, she spoke: "My friends, I thank you for your vote of confidence. But we have no time to celebrate; we are now at war with the sisterhood. All leaves except for emergency and medical are canceled, all reservists and retired agents are hereby recalled. Everybody must pass the physical and requalify on all skills, “she ordered.

There were many kind-hearted groans from the audience and a few snide remarks about her sanity as they were dismissed. The agents were well aware of the legend of Diana and her daughter Jo Ellen. The Agency had used the sacrifice of Diana to show the new recruits the dedication needed. Now, many agents claim to see the vigilante known as The Rose working in the city, handling cases no one else could.

"Well Kim, they want me to lead them. Do I have the right with me wanting to destroy the Sisterhood? Will I destroy The Agency in my madness and grief?" wailed Jo as she headed back to the office, slumping into a nearby love seat.

Kim placed both of her hands on Jo's shoulders and looked down upon her distraught friend in sympathy. "Jo, you have the strength. You proved it when you went undercover for over a year. Jo, you were given the chance to become the enemy. But you refused. You will never destroy the Agency. You are too wise for that intoned a weeping Kim. Then they embraced and headed for the office where Jo began to plan the response to the new threat.
Margo headed for Mary's ward to see if she was pulling out of her shock. *Mary, I don't know what the hell the Sisterhood did to you, but I intend to find out. Jo may be able to lead for awhile, but we need both of you. There must be a mole here, but where?* thought Margo.

As she entered the ward, she saw that Mary was awake. Going up to her, Margo caught her right hand in hers, “Mary, are you feeling better?" she asked as she approached the bed.

"A little, is Jo in charge now?" Mary implored as she finished reading the novel and placed it on the tray next to the remains of her lunch.

"Until you are back in action," she replied as she began sat down next to Mary.

"Margo, the Sisterhood has attacked us. We don't know how far their infiltration goes. The only one here that may have the ability to ferret out the mole is Jo Ellen. Please call her down here. She may just have what we need," Mary instructed.

Then, from the doorway, Jo Ellen and Maxie Kim entered; Jo had a wide grin on her face. She was holding up a laptop. "Don't worry Mary, I am here. I have just what you need too. In this laptop is the CASSANDRA Program. Once I download this, any virus programs will be found and removed."

"That's great Jo, but why do you have it with you, and why CASSANDRA? I thought that CASSANDRA was the entire set up, not what can fit in a lap top" asked Mary

"Simple, Diana gave the Agency a CASSANDRA SYSTEM before she died, so this program will be able to heal the damage done. I keep this program with me since it is the program that runs Ellis and Hunter as well as the Agency. This lap top contains all of the basic programs that run the network as well as the ability to temporarily run it if need be until more extensive repairs or upgrades can be added." she informed.

"Here is an input jack next to the bed, said Mary.

"No Mary, I need to be in the office to fully utilize the program, but I welcome both you and Margo to come watch the fireworks, she replied.

Then Mary got up and donned her floral robe to cover her pink pajamas, and then she put her feet in her blue furry slippers. “I need to have a word with the staff about my wardrobe, I mean, I never wear this stuff at home," she giggled as she followed the others into the alcove.
"Mistress Raventree, the 144 slaves have been impregnated, all show to be in perfect health," said Doris.

"That is good Doris, soon we will have our army of computer maven as the fetus gives the brood mares their knack with electronics," gloated Raventree.

"Mistress, where did we discover such technology? Surely the Agency has its own technology," wondered Doris.

"No, this technology comes from the island. Luckily, I have access to one that can control the island's system," she replied.

"Mistress, I am afraid that in time, the owners may show up. What will we do then?" Doris asked.

"Doris, you are smart and resourceful. Yes, this technology is far beyond anything we thought possible. But it was left here because the government decided that such technology was too advanced to be controlled. Now we have the chance to use it to take over the world. I have set up several bunkers where we have hidden weapons to stop them if they show up," replied Raventree.

"Thank you Mistress, my fears are gone now. I have good news on the Diana clone." she said.

"The Diana clone? I hope for your sake it is good news," she joked.

"Mistress, the clone has been released from her cocoon. She shows to be fully capable, she is already working out on her advanced training and yoga," she said.

"Good, then soon she will be ready to keep her daughter company, let's go see our pretty trophy," Raventree gloated.

*Gloat bitch, soon your empire will fall. I may not be the computer maven that Diana was, but I have created my own network to counter your evil. You never think about the lives that you destroy. You are far worse than your Mother. She at least had an army of fellow women. But you have enslaved all of your army with this island. I pledge my life and my sacred honor to your destruction.*
"Well, at least the office is ready for use," commented Jo as she hefted her laptop upon the desk and connected it to the mainframe.

"Jo, are you being paranoid or cautious now? Do you think the Sisterhood is that good at deceiving us?" asked Mary.

"It depends on who the mole is and what the mole has corrupted. I think I know who it is, but I want proof and we will soon have all the proof we need. Mary, it is best to send out a "SECURITY ALERT" throughout the building. I don't know what will happen," Jo instructed.

As the building shut down due to the alert, Jaydeep Kumar sent a special message to his Mistress. The message was caught by the alert and notified Jo Ellen in the office. "Well, it looks as if we have hit pay dirt, our mole is sending out a message even as we wait," gloated Jo.

"Damn lucky for us, who is the mole," inquired Mary as she scanned through the alerts progress.

"Jaydeep Kumar, we had problems with him before. Very sneaky of them to use him as a mole, who would ever suspect him," fumed Margo as she read the report over Jo's shoulder.

"But how did they do it, He was never theirs to begin with, it was his wife Virginia Monroe, wondered Kim as she placed tea and snacks by each lady.

"Deep implant hypnosis is the only way, triggered by a simple catch phrase that only they know. Our gas can be used in that way if need be," replied Margo as she sipped her tea.

"I have good news; the Sisterhood has not been able to corrupt the building's systems. They have been able to corrupt our vehicles. Everything in the garage is shut down until we can override the virus," contributed Jo as she downed a doughnut.

"Well Jo, how do we cure the fleet? Will you laptop be able to help out?" asked Mary as she finished her tea with a relish.

"It should. Just connect each vehicle up to the diagnostic system. That should counter the virus," replied Jo as she stretched to release pent up tension.

"This is Mother to the garage, run a full diagnostic on every vehicle in the garage. I want a full report as soon as possible," Mary ordered over the intercom as she grinned to the other.

"This is Jo Ellen, I hereby relinquish command back to Mother, I remain as her Executive Officer, Welcome back Mother," Jo sent throughout the building as the agents cheered for Mother's return to duty.
Mistress Raventree watched through the monitor as the Diana clone shadow- boxed against the wall. Her form and delivery was perfect, only a trickle of sweat betrayed her need to rest. "As you can see Mistress, the clone's capabilities far exceed our expectations. Her verbal skills have yet to be tested though, we don't know if she has the memories of the original yet or not. All that she knows is that she was sick and is recovering," the slave informed her.

"Very well, I shall attend to her directly, what is your name slave," Raventree demanded as she held out her right hand with the pearl gemstone for the slave to kiss.

"My name is Valerie, I am yours to command," she replied as she kissed the ring.

"Valerie, you have done well, after I have finished here, continue to monitor the clone. Take care of her and ready her for her role in things to come," Raventree said as she entered the room where Diana was finally resting and sipping juice from a bottle.

"Well Diana, it is good to see that you are doing well, in time, you will be back in top form," Desmona said as she crossed over to the wilted clone.

"Excuse me Ma'am, but who are you? I just woke up today and my memory is a bit hazy," Diana replied as she stood up in respect.

"I am Mistress Desnona Raventree. I am in charge of this place. You will find that this school is well equipped to help you achieve your full potential. I fully expect for you to do your best Diana," she intoned as she sat down and motioned for Diana to follow suit.

"Mistress, what all do you want me to do? So far, I have yet to know the goals that I need to achieve,' she sighed as she finished her drink and placed the empty bottle on the tray.

"Diana, the goal is for you to become the best that you can be," she said as she got up to leave. *Good, she has no memory of her past. She will be easy to manipulate into the weapon that we need to destroy the Agency.* she thought as she headed to her office.

*Desmona, I remember you. You killed me when I stopped you from murdering my daughter Jo Ellen. I don't know how or why I am alive now, but I pledge my life and my Sacred Honor to your defeat. I know that Jo Ellen is out there along with the Agency, but I must fight alone until I am found alive.
Jade and her team were nearing the island to land, " Team, prepare to land near the hanger near the pond. That's where we should find the stolen bomber," she instructed.

"Ma'am, we need to refuel as well our fuel is near empty," replied Jade-l as the team landed outside the hanger and turned off the cloaking system.

"There is a fuel truck, we will refuel from it," Jade instructed as she pointed to the lone truck.

As they refueled the micro-jets on their jet-packs, a lone figure advanced slowly and announced itself. "Good, I am glad to see that the Agency has sent help for Diana's clone. Now we can help her out,' said the lone figure as she stepped into their field of vision.

"Who are you and why are you here?" asked Jade as the team moved into a fighting mode.

"At ease ladies, my name is Doris. I used to be a man until they captured and turned me into this freak of nature," she said as she displayed her body in its black bodysuit.

"Well Doris, what is the full story," Jade commanded as the team relaxed into a less threatening pose.

"I was to be one of their brood mares to carry the fetus created from the Diana clone. My body rejected it. They think that their hypnosis has turned me into their slave. But I am immune to it. I am here to help you rescue Diana and her daughter Jodi," she replied as she led them into the hanger.

“So, they have turned Jody into a woman. I hope that is all that they have done to her," Jade sighed as they came close to the massive bomber.

"Yes, her transformation is almost complete. Both Mistresses plan to be there to gloat over her discomfort," she said as she led them into an office near the bomber.

"The bomber is almost finished. It just needs the command systems to fly. The Mistresses are planning on using Jodi to get it ready as soon as they break her," she said.

"I think that the Mistresses will find that to be impossible. Jodi is a Ninja Master. She is immune to the training methods used here," Jade chortled as they sat down.

“I thought as much, Jodi has resisted all attempts at hypno-instructions. I am afraid that they will kill her if she proves to be difficult," she sighed.

"We can help. My team can get the bomber ready as we go and rescue both of them," Jade said as she comforted Doris by hugging her.

"Jade, I am not the only one here waiting for the Agency. If we can get to their offices, I can release all of the enslaved women," she said as the team headed to the bomber to ready it for flight.

"Let's go, the team will have the bomber ready when we return," she said as they entered into the maze of corridors. * Being here, I hope that the Agency can use the intelligence to mount a rescue. I am placing a lot of trust into this stranger, but I sense that she can be trusted. If not, then I have wasted the lives of my team.* she thought as they neared the room where Diana slept.

As Mary waited in her office with the others Jaydeep entered her private office. He began to modify her computer when Jo silently gassed him. "Jaydeep, you are free now of the Sisterhood's control, Sleep now, when you awaken, you will remember what they have made you do for them," she said in his ear. He quickly fell asleep as Jo and Kim carried him over to the waiting sofa where he was hooked up to several monitors.

"Look, he is fighting them as he sleeps. He never wanted to betray us," Mary sighed as he regained control from the brainwashing.

"Mary, we must be ready for him to be suicidal, they may have implanted a death command," said Margo as she tied him down.

"Then we will stay with him. He has been hurt by them almost as much as Jo has been. They will pay in due time," she said as Jo and Kim looked on.

"Don't worry Mother; I am not seeking vengeance on Jaydeep. I am saving it for the Sisterhood," said Jo as she sat down behind the desk.

"What are you doing there Jo?" asked Margo.

"Monitoring Team Jade, they have made contact with someone that is helping out," Jo replied.

"I am surprised that Jade trusts this ally," said Kim as she returned from the toilet.

"Jade says that her sensors show her to be truthful," said Jo.

"Well, Team Jade has our most advanced systems at their disposal. If they choose, they can do a lot of damage to them," said Margo as she headed to the toilet.
Jodi woke up from the shock. She found herself strapped down to the old-style iron-wrought bed. The surrounding monitors betrayed the high-tech room with beeps and lights. "Well slave, are you ready to comply with our demands, or shall we torture some more. We can even torture your Mother's clone if you prove to be difficult," gloated Desmona as she wiped Jodi's brow.

"What are you talking about, Diana is dead, your mother killed her, “Jodi declared as she stared daggers of hate at her enemy.

"Jodi, I am Desmona's clone, just as Tuckett is a clone. We both have the memories of the originals. When we cloned Diana, we kept her from accessing her memories. Here, just look at her as she works out in the gym," she said as she activated a hidden monitor.

Jodi saw Diana's clone easily defeat several opponents in unarmed combat as they attacked using a variety of weapons. Her form was identical Jodi's. As she ended her session, Diana knelt in a yoga position to stretch and meditate. "Do not hurt her. I will comply with your wishes," Jodi relented with a sigh of defeat.

"Very well Jodi, you will train a cadre of soldiers in advanced techniques with Diana, with both of you training them, our ninjas will be unstoppable. Now get dressed and eat, you will be very busy shortly, Desmona said with a relish. Then she released Jodi's restraints and left the room.
The End Of M.I.B.D. - Artemis The Hunter - Part 2
To Be Continued In M.I.B.D. - Artemis The Hunter - Part 3

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