The Mysterious Cabinet Chap. 7

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Rose’s Place:
Rose woke up early the next morning. She still had a few hours before she had to get ready for work. She does her morning business heads into her kitchen and brews some coffee. While she is waiting for the coffee to brew, she turns the television set on and listens to the local broadcast.

While Rose is waiting for the coffee and listening to the news in the background. She grabs her tablet and brings up the map she made of the appearances of the women. She didn’t know much about magic or why someone would do things like this.

Rose puts the tablet down and looks through the mail sitting on an old cake platter. She spots an invite to a banquet the Knight Group is holding. She opened it and noticed it was a special VIP invite. She gets the feeling her family wants her to attend.

She was surprised that they stood by her, after being changed. It seemed that she hadn’t been the only member of her family that had been changed. Her cousin Tommy Lee had been changed into a woman. For him, it was an improvement.

She sets the invite aside and thinks about attending the banquet. She fixes a cup of coffee and scrambles up some eggs. She adds some peppers and onions to it. When everything is done, she enjoys her breakfast.

Since she still had a few hours before she needed to get ready for work. She sits down at her computer and goes over the results again. The companies that made the chemicals to make the components of the explosives needed to check their inventory.

Rose uses her fake DEA account to generate a search warrant. Before she inherited her uncle’s auto garage. She used to work for a secret department within the Department of Defense. The department was shut down due to budget cuts, but all of her credentials and access were still active.

Her change occurred while on assignment. Not only had she been changed, but the perp she was after had been changed as well. The other agent she had been chasing was surprised when the package they were carrying exploded. The other agent had been changed, just like she had.

After that incident, the agency she had been recruited for, shut down. However, her access to government databases had never been canceled. So, she could still use it.

She logs off and heads towards her bedroom to get dressed for work. She had some ideas about where the prick-turning men into women might perform next. She’ll take off later from work and check out the place.

Sasha’s And Susan’s Place:
Susan and Sasha were asleep in bed. Susan was holding Sasha’s body against her own. All their children were gone and they had the house to themselves. The dog they had gotten, Brutus was sound asleep on his doggy bed on Susan’s side of the bed.

They decided to get a dog, after the attack on their home. A friend of theirs recommended the dog because no one wanted the poor thing. He had been a stray and was approaching how long the pound would keep him. After they adopted Brutus, they took him to a trainer who specialized in training K9s for law enforcement or support animals.

Susan holds Sasha close to her body. She loved feeling Sasha’s warm body against hers. They had gone to bed naked since the kids were gone.

Susan just lays there holding her wife. Sasha had informed her last night, that she might have a lead on where the magician she was looking for, might perform next. After a while, Susan manages to get out of bed, without waking Sasha. She steps into the bathroom and does her morning business.

After Susan is done, she figures Sasha might like some breakfast. Susan slips on a pair of shorts and one of Sasha’s oversized t-shirts. She slips her slippers on and walks downstairs towards the kitchen.

Susan walks into the kitchen and notices she left the mail out on the counter, which for her was unusual. She normally took it to her office. One of the envelopes caught her attention. She picks it up and notices it is an invite. She opened it and inside was a VIP invite from the Knight Group. They were having a banquet and they were inviting her and a plus one.

A smile appears on Susan’s face. She knew Sasha hated going to high society functions. But sometimes it was a necessary evil if they wanted to get the filthy rich involved in important matters. She’ll speak with Sasha about the invite after breakfast.

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I have a feeling

Samantha Heart's picture

The mysterious cabinet will appear at this Knight group get together

Love Samantha Renée Heart.