Humor / Jokes / Cuteness

That I must behave ???

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That I must behave?

Why they want new generations behave well if when I was a child I saw this:
Tarzan always walked naked
Cinderella arrived at midnight
Pinocchio was a liar
Batman drove 320 km / hr
Sleeping Beauty slept all day
Candy Candy had two boyfriends
Top Cat had a gang
Popeye used herb to feel good
Snow White lived with 7 men
And all they lived happily ever after

Anyone have more role models like these to go on ?


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New Story New Author.

This is both a big thanks to every writer who by there generous efforts posted to BC. I have been reading here for some years now and due to the gravitational pull of all the combined creativity I was drawn out to post a story inspired by a very generous cameo Bailey Summers wrote in Absence Opium and Honor. The character Michelle a nurse at the hospital Jamie was taken too after being pushed down the stairs. The interlude between Jamie and Michelle sparked a major shift in Michelle's attitude towards her life and how she was living it.

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The Family Girl #047: My Thirty-First Birthday

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #47: My Thirty-First Birthday and Still Counting, or  "My bathroom scale is now my new best friend"

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

Some folks here know that it's my birthday today (or rather, tomorrow if you're back home since Manila is like twelve hours ahead).   Yep, thirty-one years on the planet.   Happy-sad actually, coz I currently have some problems, but that is something I have to work out for myself, and I won't lay my troubles on you, dear blog-reader.   I think I'll stick to the happy part of the happy-sad equation.
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Puppy Power!

By Stanman63
My dog friend Moo-Moo recently gave birth to a passel of puppies. She is a German Shepard/Poodle mix with German Shepard markings, but the size of a Toy Poodle. The father is a black mongrel about her size. Talk about Puppy Power! Scrappy Doo, you have no way to meet their cuteness.

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044) Are you wearing a bra?

I was mulching with the Wrecking Crew again today. We were doing one of the owner's houses in town. Both of them actually have several houses... Er... well, this one was more of a mansion.

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A little Spanglish for my brother this morning

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Sing to the tune of "Desperado":

Desayuno,  ¿por qué no vienes a nuestras mesas?
You've been visiting other places
Son casi diez.
 ¡Ay, haces tan frio!
You don't have any more pancakes.
Me gustan aquellos tanto.
 ¿No hacer má¡s puedes?

Con abrazos,

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Here's another bit of 'Spanglish', Erin

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This was a sign on the wall of the first and original Round Table Pizza, before Bill sold the rights to the name and menu to some franchisers. ( For those of you est of the Rockies, or outside the US, Round table is strictly a West of the Rockies chain. The original was in the town where I attended high school, and it was THE PIZZA JOINT in the area.

If you could decipher the sign to the owner it was worth a free pizza. Everyone was on the honor system not to give i away, and it seemed to have worked.

OK, here is the sign

Seville der dago
Tousin bosses inaro
Nojo demis trux

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Great Idea For Angrarad's Bonzi

Great Idea For Angrarad's Bonzi
By Stanman63

May Your Light Forever Shine

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The Family Girl #043: Me? Jealous? Nahhh...

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #43: Me? Jealous? Nahhh...

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

We had a late business lunch with this movie/TV personality & print model yesterday, at a very, very upscale (not to mention expensive) out-of-the-way little restaurant in one of the five-star hotels in the main business district.   She was a very sweet and friendly girl, and had a big fund of funny stories to tell and had most of us giggling and laughing, much to the consternation of her personal assistant, since we were starting to bother the nearby tables.

But what really got us to pay attention was that she was drop-dead gorgeous. As in REALLY drop-dead gorgeous.

Was I jealous? Nahhh...

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Archie Comics Gender Swap: Issue #636 To Debut 'Archina

Archie Comics Gender Swap: Issue #636 To Debut 'Archina'

The article states:

Archie Comics has announced that Issue #636, which is scheduled for release on August 22, will focus on issues related to gender and perceived gender roles by featuring gender-swapped versions of the three main characters.

There is a cute illustartion. See link below.


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For those of you with cats

This one caught my eye this morning.

Cat being a cat

Of course, we're all used to the phenomenon of cats walking across keyboards and generating *perfect* passwords, this just takes it to the logical next step!


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Opposite Day? Well, a different interpretation...

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Ya' gotta admit, this kid's interpretation of Opposite Day is a literal interpretation. Even the cop thought so. Probably wouldn't be all that popular Opposite Day on this story site though.....;-)

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Cats and their house slaves

I just saw this webcomic and thought I should share it with all of you who are tolerated by your cats ;)

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Event Horizon or My life is now.

I do not want to alarm any one here but you may not of noticed that a large white wolf has been watching you ,from the cover of the shadows, all sitting around the camp fire the rest of you refer to as BC. This wolf watched for a couple of years before leaving the first foot prints about 1year 44weeks ago. Now the wolf has sat next to Bailey Summer and had the pleasure of her company. Yes the wolf is me and yes I come to be a comrade not looking for a cheep lunch.

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039) May I speak with...

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So yesterday a telemarketer called my cell phone -again-. I really wish I could figure out a way to get that to stop... Anyhoo... I answered it with "Hello", and they asked if they could speak to my male name as though there was no way on earth he was already speaking to them. I said speaking. And they were seriously shocked. They asked, in a disbelieving tone: Are you really Andrew? As though there was absolutely no way on earth I could possibly be Andrew.

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The Family Girl #033: A Lesson on Language

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #33: A Lesson on Language, or
No, My Thing Isn't Broken...

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

Online translators are rarely perfect when they translate sentences from one language to another, but most times they at least approximate what you intended to say.   Sometimes, though, they don't even come close.

Aunt Andrea sent a comment recently and she said, in Filipino, "pumalya inyo."

Anyway, I talked to Tintin, my assistant here, and asked what that meant.   She said it meant, "your thing is broken."


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The Family Girl #032: I'm a Hot Girl

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #32: I'm a Hot Girl

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

I am one hot girl.   And you know why?   Coz it's ninety-four degrees over here.   Heehee.

And people say I'm cute, too (joke!).

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Nothing Is as Rare as a Day in May, er February

Today is February 29:

Rossini's birthday

Gilbert & Sullivan's "Pirates of Penzance" is based on February 29

"The Family Circus debuted

A woman can propose to a man. Irish legend says St. Bridget & St. Patrick made a bargain for that.

And of course, today is Sadie Hawkins Day, an invention of Al Capp

You may add to the list

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Coming Soon!

to anyone who may have liked Noircoleptic, another adventure of Peabody Aloysius Dirkenhammerwoodsteinovitch (the P.I. what knows what he knows) will be coming hopefully before the end of February.

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Walking Funnies!

The Importance of walking

Walking can add minutes to your life.
This enables you at 85 years old to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing
home at  £4,000 per month.

My grandpa started walking five miles a day when he was 60.
Now he's 97 years old and we have no idea where the hell he is.

I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me.

The only reason I would take up walking is so that I could hear heavy breathing again.

I have to walk early in the morning, before my brain figures out what I'm doing...

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Why am I smiling like a little girl? ^_^ There's nothing new about that, but I thought I'd share the reason.

I realised this morning... On one of my routes to work, I pass a house with a title. The title has "dyke" in it. ^_^
Despite my hardline MegaTomboyness, I am a Lipstick Lesbian at heart. The mere THOUGHT of being embraced by a "dyke" makes me feel all squishy inside. ^_^

Don't worry gentlemen, I am not 100% lesbian. It's just that "Lipstick Almost-Lesbian" can be a bit odd sounding at times.

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The Working Girl Blog #19: A minor wardrobe emergency

The Working Girl Blog #19:
A minor wardrobe emergency, or
No, I don't want aspirin, I need pantyhose!

To see all of Bobbie's "Working Girl" blogs, click on this link:


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The Working Girl Blog #18: I'm bored

The Working Girl Blog #18:
I'm bored, or
I'm bored, bored bored.... I'm BORED! ... borrrred...

To see all of Bobbie's "Working Girl" blogs, click on this link:


Got nothin' to write about again. As in totally nothing...

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The Working Girl Blog #17: I can't reach that high

The Working Girl Blog #17:
I can't reach that high, or
Why did they have to put the furshlugginer box of bond paper at the top

To see all of Bobbie's "Working Girl" blogs, click on this link:


Nothing much to write about today's boring workday,

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The Working Girl Blog #16: Working with girls is different..

The Working Girl Blog #16:
Working with girls is different from guys, or
"Yes, the PowerPoint's fine, except for the font - it's not cute enough"

To see all of Bobbie's "Working Girl" blogs, click on this link:
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The Working Girl Blog #12: Bringing up my seven-year-old

The Working Girl Blog #12:
Bringing up my seven-year-old, or
I don't care how old she is 'coz she's mine

To see all of Bobbie's "Working Girl" blogs, click on this link:
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The Working Girl Blog #11: A conversation in the bathroom

The Working Girl Blog #11:
A conversation in the bathroom, or
"Are there napkins left in the vending machine?"

To see all of Bobbie's "Working Girl" blogs, click on this link:
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The Working Girl Blog #10: Learning to dress in "business...

The Working Girl Blog #10:
Learning to dress in "business casual," or
Girl clothes are fun, but I miss pockets -
The new meaning of VPL

To see all of Bobbie's "Working Girl" blogs, click on this link:

Be warned - nothing major happened today, so today's blog will just be a lot of folderol about nothing. Hope you aren't too disappointed.

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The Working Girl Blog #04 - My New Reputation...

The Working Girl: Blog #4
My new reputation as Choco-Monster

I was sorta dreading today, as there might be some fallout from my tough stance in the meeting last Friday.

But I guess it worked. Sort of. But I don't know how to feel about it. Everyone seemed a little over-solicitous. I mean, everyone in the team greeted me Good Morning today - several said "good morning, boss," or chief, or ma'am, or something like that. Well, I guess I had no choice - don't know enough to be the chummy boss, so I guess I had to settle for the by-the-book boss.

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Eating: My favorite pastime, or Does this make me look fat?

Eating: My favorite pastime, or
"Does this make me look fat?"

(this is a Working Girl blog)

I didn't go with the girls in the office for lunch this afternoon. I begged off and made do with my favorite senbei rice crackers and a nice cup of tea in my little office.

No worries, though. Nothing amiss. In fact, when I checked yesterday, I was within my target ideal weight for my height n build (Yayyy!). Which got me thinking now about diet n stuff.

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