Humor / Jokes / Cuteness

Seeya later!

Hey, guys.

So we're leaving for our trip tonight. In about an hour actually (7am Thursday Eastern over there). But I'll be seeing all of you again Monday evening (or about 9am Monday Eastern over there). Therefore no stories until Monday.

I'll still be logging on from time to time within that period, so I won't be completely out of contact with you guys here in the Bigcloset. Feel free to comment or PM or whatever, and I'll respond as soon as I see 'em.

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Is This Real?

Or is this an Onion-type article? 56% of Americans think that Arabic numbers shouldn't be taught in school. 15% more are neutral. Unfortunately, I haven't actually found the poll at .

The scary thing is that I find it all too plausible.

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Just checked the temperature

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A little chuckle for everyone

Got up this morning and turned on the TV, the news reported it was -33F outside this morning.

Out of curiosity I went online to check to see what the temperature was in Hell, MI (Yes there is a real town in Michigan names that.)

It was only -13F there this morning

That makes it officially colder than Hell here!

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Last Ep of Eureka Tonight!

Grace stepped into Café Diem, hoping for a quick bite with some friends for company. She searched out the little restaurant but no one was around, though she did see Vincent standing by a table with a girl sitting there glumly, her head resting on her arms, and her arms on the table.

It took a few moments for her to realize that the girl was Jack Carter, currently in his Melissa Benoit morph.

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Last two episodes of Eureka tonight and tomorrow night!

“Next on the news, we now turn to an unusual campaign going on in a small, sleepy Oregon town called Eureka,” Kris Haze said. “A small group of young women, who call themselves ‘Jack Watch,’ are waging a campaign to attract readers for a fan fiction story called ’Eureka: The Day’s Not Over, Yet.’

“To explain, we have on the line a young lady from the town, and her name is Dawn Cameron.

“Good morning, Dawn. Welcome to the show.”

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In Need of Cash

A character in a story I'm writing now is a scientist who, due to a discovery of his, is very well off. I'm thinking of asking him for a loan or gift. Has anyone ever done this? Does anyone know if it will work? Probably won't, since the story and the characters are fictional. I'd probably just receive fictional money. Oh, well. Maybe it's worth a try.

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The finale is coming!

”So,” Dr. Holly Marten said excitedly to everyone, “I was talking to Bobbi C just a few minutes ago…”

Douglas Fargo looked at her skeptically, one eyebrow raised. “Really,” he said dryly. “You just talked to Bobbi C.”

“Yes, I did, you doof,” she said, and elbowed him.

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Holiday riddle/story/quote challenge

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Do you have a humorous holiday riddle, story or quote? Post what you have and let’s see if anyone can guess your riddle or enjoy your sentiment, one liner or observation. It’s the season for reason. Who wants to play? Here are a few examples to get us started.

Here’s a Jeopardy format holiday riddle:

Q: Name two gifts that have great value but cost nothing.
A: What are Acceptance and Understanding?


The only blind person at Christmastime is he who has not Christmas in his heart. - Helen Keller

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Did anyone catch the license plate of that storm?

*From The Diaries of Calamity Catt (Cuz my crazy middle aged human is having hot flashes atm): Catnip date* - Returned to human's domcile amid a rather humbling array of piles of future scratching posts and wood chips dotting those wide, black sidewalks that they drive those funny metal potential litter boxes on. Saw many of my favorite tall climbing apparatus that give me access to my afternoon tweety snacks looking more like snapped toothpicks. Even saw one taking a break leaning on the human dwelling next to my human's. Hmmmm. Might have to check out that one later.

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New feature! Girlerizer -1- Preview

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We've been planning this for years, actually: a new feature, similar to my old Girlery cartoons but with photos instead of my crappy drawings.

Just click on the banner below to take a look at the first one on Patreon. It's free.


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Time for a giggle

Maybe someone needs a giggle....

A guy walks into a bar and asks the bartender, "Do you serve ducks here?"

"Yes, we do. We have several ducks who are good customers," says the bartender.

The guy reaches across the bar, grabs the bartender by his string tie and slaps him several times before running out of the bar screaming.

The bartender recovers his composure and wonders, "What was that about?"

A while later another guy comes in and asks the bartender the same question. "Do you serve ducks here?"

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Hopefully this will brighten y’all’s day...

Just wanted to share something funny that happened to me early this morning, now I will admit at the time I was not amused in the least, but afterwards... It’s pretty funny.

My exciting adventure that happened this morning... At 3 flipping AM... Taz, the cat, decided that he desperately wanted to get up on the counter in the bathroom... We leave the toilet lid up and the seat down...

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The Family Girl #086: A Shameless Halloween Advert

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #86: A Shameless Halloween Advert

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl
click on this link:

Hello, everyone. Some of the older hands here in BCTS probably know me, but I’m sure most of the others don’t. That’s no wonder, since I haven’t been posting in a long, long while here. But I have something new. Finally.

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more silliness

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They say that to be forewarned is to be forearmed. But if you're four-armed, doesn't that make you some kind of mutant?

Can a bald man ever have a bad hair day?

Can a blind person ever see the light?

Can a deaf woman hear the news?

Proof carrots are good for you: Have you ever seen a blind rabbit?

Proof rabbit's feet are lucky: I've never seen a 3-legged rabbit.

Why is acting the only entertainment where breaking a leg is actually a good thing?

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R.I.P June Foray.

June Foray, the voice of many cartoon characters including The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show, has passed away at the age of 99, just two months short of her 100th Birthday.

She brought a lot of laughs and fun to a lot of people, adults and kids alike and will truly be missed.

God Bless and keep you, June Foray. You will be missed and thank you for all you gave us.

Catherine Linda Michel

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Daily Silliness

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1) You know, it's often said that almost EVERYTHING tastes like chicken. If that's truly the case, one has to wonder: Just WHAT does chicken taste like? I mean, you could say it tasted like itself, but that's a poor point of reference, in my opinion, to have something defined recursively like that.

2) Mathematical Proof that Women Are Evil:

OK, most people know that to acquire a good woman takes both time and money. In other words, woman is a PRODUCT of time and money, or mathematically:


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A joke...

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Once upon a time, a mason decided to build himself a house. He set about buying the bricks, the mortar, and all the necessities he thought he would need, then set to work.

The mason toiled night and day on his manse, making sure everything was just right. Finally, after over a month, his dream home was finished and ready for him to move in to.

As he was cleaning up from the construction, he happened to see a lone brick just hiding in the grass. Being meticulous, he thought he had purchased just enough bricks to finish the house, and was surprised to find one left over.

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Figure this out (If you can...)

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Once upon a time, three traveling salesmen were walking along a long stretch of road, trying (in vain) to peddle their wares. As the sun began to set, the weary salesmen began to look for a place to rest for the night, when they stumbled upon a hotel.

"How much for a room?" they asked the owner.

"Thirty dollars a night," he replied.

So the salesmen each handed the owner a ten and took the key.

A short time later, the owner had a change of heart. It looks like the salesmen are down on their luck. I'll give them $5 back.

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Two of the ABSOLUTE WORST Jokes ever


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Once upon a time, an Egyptian soldier robbed a Pharaoh's tomb to help feed his large family. A search party was quickly formed, and the best general in the army was sent to apprehend the thief. Knowing this, the soldier decided he would be safe in a nearby ziggurat -- a holy temple. Unfortunately, the ziggurat was quite cold, so the soldier decided to build a small fire to warm himself. Alas, there was no where for the smoke to go, and the soldier ran out of the ziggurat choking and sputtering -- right into the hands of the waiting general.

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Funny Joke

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I was reading through my comments today on my parable, "True Riches", and something AuPreviner said resonated with me, and reminded me of this joke, which I'm sharing...

Q: What do you get when you play a country song backwards?

A: Sober and pardoned / paroled, plus you get your wife back, your house back, your truck back, your dog back...

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