Humor / Jokes / Cuteness

The Family Girl #070: Brrrrrrr!!!

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #70: Brrrrrrr!!!

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

Ma just called. It's past noon back home, but I guess she doesn't realize it's about 1:30 in the morning here. Sassafrassa...

She called to say we should postpone our delayed visit yet again as Winter Storm Ion is gonna be bringing extremely cold (dangerously cold, in fact) arctic air to most of the U.S. Northwest for the coming week.

Ma says the East Coast will not be too affected yet but it's best to stay put here in Manila.

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Saved a ton of money on SRS

I always thought that Sexual Reassignment Surgery would be out of reach for me because of the cost. Thankfully that problem was solved and I was able to get a majority of the surgery done at no cost at all. Thanks to my job, while delivering the papers last night I froze my balls off. Now, I'm half way there.


I'll be here all week.

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The Family Girl #068: Chagrined

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #68: Chagrined

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

I feel a bit chagrined. Moe and I postponed our trips home for the holidays (Kyoto and DC) on worry about the weather.

Lots of places in the States DID have really bad weather last week, so we thought that our decision was a good one, but Ma said that it was warm enough in DC the day before Christmas that Dad called it shirt-sleeves weather, and flights to and out of Raegan/National, Baltimore and Dulles weren't in danger of being canceled anytime soon..

Well, color me chagrined.

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movies, fashon, and family

So today I spent the day with my 7Y/O cousin. She was a blast to be around. We started the day by making cookies and burning them, she thought that was hilarious, I felt really bad. She then treated me like a life size barbie doll and this is what resulted,

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Hey, there...

I've been trying to think of a way to say it, in a unique and

memorable sort of way, but I just can't think of any,

despite the fact that I've been wracking my brain

for a while now.

So I guess I'll just stick to something traditional:

Merry Christmas!

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Sometimes it takes a generator to get the sparks flying....

Since I finally, after an untold number of weeks, have cleared the sleep deprivation-induced fuzz from my brain, I decided to make use of the writing generators this site links to.

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The Family Girl #066: Sleepy Girl

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #66: Sleepy Girl

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl

Blogs, click on this link:

It's about one AM, Saturday here. Moe and I landed in Manila International an hour ago. We got through customs super-fast (compared to DC), and are staying in the passenger lounge until our ride arrives. Manny is extremely late. I called him and he explained that no one told him we were arriving tonight much less the time of our flight's arrival. Hmmm. Someone dropped the ball there. Will investigate on Monday.

Ah well. Manny said he's at least an hour away. That's okay - gives me time to post this.

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The Family Girl #065: Flying... Again... Bleah...

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #65: Flying... Again... Bleah...

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

Hello, everyone. Just wanted to let you know, I am back in BigCloset now. But I'm going to be flying in a while so haveta keep this short. Again. Moe n I are flying back to Manila - me to get back to my job, n Moe to resume her little enterprise.

I fly so much, I think I should have a stylized red 'S' on my chest. lolz.

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The Family Girl #063: Happy 4th of July

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #63: Happy 4th of July

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

It's too bad that the 4th of July's just a regular workday around here, except at my office, of course - only essential people or on-duty call agents were required to report for work.

Unfortunately, per the office's operations guide, my position is considered "essential," hence I had to work today... darn...

But, nevertheless, A hearty Happy 4th of July to everyone! Enjoy the day, and keep safe!

And a special shoutout to our brave fighting men and women! This is your day as much as it is anyone's.

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The Family Girl #061: It's Too Obvious Now

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #61: It's Too Obvious Now

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

It was actually confirmed February 22, but Sweetie and I haven't been telling anyone. We weren't really keeping it a secret, but we would only tell people if they asked. So we've been able to keep it quiet for a while. Which was something we thought was important. I being a post-op TG girl wasn't the issue (as very, very few here know), but the fact that we were in a same-sex relationship was. Especially in a very conservative, predominantly-catholic country like the Philippines. (Guess that's the advantage of Washington DC - people are more blasé about such things back home.) And adding this to the mix will just make us doubly... controversial... So we though keeping this quiet was important.

But that's impossible now.

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The Family Girl #060: Six Years of Being Happy

Six Years of Being Happy:
A Little Tribute, and "Thank You" to Holly "Happy" Hart
organized by Bobbie Cabot and Drea DiMaggio

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The Family Girl #059: Identity Theft!

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #59: Identity Theft!

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

A little while ago (June 5, 10:58pm eastern) I got an e-mail from Laika. From out of the blue, actually.

Her e-mail was a little funny - it didn't have a subject-title, it was also sent to four other people that I didn't know (who is DALENEK1 anyway), and the e-mail's content was just a hotlink to an ad about a raspberry diet supplement.

And a few minutes after that, my iPad started asking me to re-confirm/re-enter the passowords for my other e-mail profiles. Hmmm... that's funny. Anyway, I didn't, and nothing bad happened when I didn't re-enter the passwords... Hmmm...

I cannot therefore help but think that Laika and I were being spoofed.

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The Family Girl #058: The Quest for the Perfect Bra

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #58: The Quest for the Perfect Bra

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

I have read, oftentimes, how difficult it is for girls to find bras that truly fit. They talk about being pinched, being squeezed, or spilling out of too-tight bras, or having straps fall off during inopportune times for too-loose ones. To be totally honest, I have not had that problem, but then again, I have only been wearing them for a short time (a little under eight years), plus my boobies aren’t earth-shakingly big that I would really need the support or the control.

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The Family Girl #057: It's Half Full!

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #57: It's Half Full!

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

It is disheartening at times (lately it's almost all the time), to be reading tales of woe and hardship, of depression and sadness, here in my favorite site. I suppose our community has more than its share of hardship stories. More than other equivalent communities, I'm sure. I can understand that. I've been there, too, after all. But, even so, I wish there were more positive posts. Goodness knows I try to be positive in my blogs as often as I can, if just to provide a contrast to what is apparently the norm now here in the Blogs section of BCTS.

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The Family Girl #056: Jealous Girl

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #56: Jealous Girl

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

Oftentimes I find myself jealous of others, for a myriad of things. I suppose girls with similar... "problems" as mine do, too. When life has given you lemons, and you don't know about lemonade... I am a regular Jealous Girl. At least some of the time.

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The Family Girl #054: To Wear A Bra...

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #54: To Wear A Bra Or Not To Wear A Bra -
That is the question...

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

I read a blog here in BC posted just little while ago, and it caught my eye. I mean, how can it not, with a title like, "Women Better Without Bras." Right? And you don't have to be a boy for a blog like this to pique your interest. Prurient male curiosity aside, women would be interested in the blog, too. (See the post, by MITTFH)

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The Family Girl #053: A Summer Girl's Four Epiphanies

The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #53: A Summer Girl's Four Epiphanies

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl Blogs, click on this link:

Ma said during our last skype call a few days ago that it's forty-five degrees back home. Living in Manila for a while now, I am now more used to using Centigrade when measuring temperature, as opposed to Fahrenheit, and using kilometers instead of miles when measuring distance. So when she said forty-five degrees, I used my iPad and came up with 7.2 Centigrade. I told her it was 95 degrees here (which is 35 in centigrade-speak). It's so friggin' hot here! What I wouldn't give for a forty-five degree day.

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April Fool's Day!

I find it unusual that Easter Sunday is followed up by April Fool's Day.

Some may find that ominous, while others might think it funny. Me - I prefer to think it funny.

Anyway, Just wanted to tell everyone to watch out, coz it's April Fool's Day!

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Hilarious Coming Out Photoshop Contest (26 pics)

National Coming Out Day celebrated by bisexual, lesbian, transgender and gay communities became the main theme of this Photoshop contest. Artists were asked to Photoshop celebrities and change their gender.

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Nervous for Monday

I am a bit nervous about Monday I am finally going int to have the left and right removed from the bottom. It will be the first of a couple procedures and the first time I have ever been under. I tried several times in the past, but ended up chickening out. This time, I am determined, and know, in the end, it will all be worth it, I have no idea why I have put this off as long as I have. Ever since I was young, they have been tormenting me causing pain and other issues.

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Artist wanted

Li'l ol' k-jo is seekin an artist/cartoonist/computer graphicist to collaborate on a new creative project for initial postings on BCTS n later ebook n possibly print publication - no fees either way but shared royalties on all publication sales.
PM k-jo for further details.
Thanks x k-jo

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