General Audience (pg)

The Softening of Jessie - Part 52

“Jessie?” Amanda gasped as she beheld her…daughter?

“Mom! What? I thought you left!?! I know you left!” Jessie yelped as he jumped up almost losing his balance on his high heels.

“Sweety, is this what you always do when I leave the house?”

Jessie thought about making an excuse to cover this whole situation.

“Mom, this is me. I know I’m your son and everything but I really, really love being a girl.”

The Softening of Jessie

Part 52

By AshleyTS

Professor Prick 17 - Mr & Mrs Wilson

“You know I get more proud of you every time I see you” she said, I blushed slightly “No really! You’ve taken everything in stride, right from the moment you decided to be Nikki, and as much as I loved Craig I don’t remember or see him any more. I just see... my beautiful daughter.” she said extinguishing the cigarette and planting a motherly kiss on my cheek,

“I couldn’t have done it without your help and support though. I guess I must have just about the best mother in the world.” I said hugging her.

By Karin Roberts

Either Do it Right, or Don't Do it at All (Part 8)

Either Do it Right, or Don't Do it at All
Part 8

Lilith Langtree

"You don't want to wait 'till tomorrow, do you?" I asked in a really whiney way. I didn't want to do this right now.

Ted gave me a very small shake of his head.

"I'll go make myself scarce," announced Chloe before escaping to the kitchen.

"Traitor," I whispered.

Our Story

Re-edited and reposted from another site *
by Maggie O’Malley

A loving wife cures her consenting husband’s problem using Hugglebugs nanites.
Our Story
By Maggie O’Malley---Art by Heather Rose Brown

Catherine Linda Michel - The Rest Of The Stories

Catherine Linda Michel -
The Rest Of The Stories

Including works using the pen name Cathy_t_

Catherine Linda Michel is a warm, loving, single transwoman. A denizen of the Great White North...not the Yukon, Western New York, Cathy claims to brush more snow off her coat than most people shovel. Cathy is presently retiered due to health reasons. She has been writing for over ten years, solely on the internet, but has published HEADLIGHTS GIRL, achieving a lifetime goal. She thanks all those who have helped her along the way, for their kindness, and help. She sends love and hugs to all her fans and friends on the internet.

Catherine Linda Michel's Blog

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Focal Point - Chapter 1 - 3

Focal Point
By Alyssa Plant

Michael Cohen's dream was to protect and serve as a police officer.... That job didn't satisfy him until one day, when people without names came to visit. He wanted to make a difference, but he didn't expect it to make a difference to him, too...


Chapter 3

By Stanman63

Synopsis:What exactly happened to the students and faculty of Augusta High School, Bigg's Manufacturing and Erin's Cyclery after Drew and his friends went back home to Warsop at the end of the Cultural Exchange Program? This story will attempt to answer those questions.

TG Anime and Manga 9

I followed up on TERRYNAUT's lead and found the Korean mangwa story GIRL IN MY DREAM on the TGCOMICS website. A well-paced easily understood story about a teen-age boy who falls in love with a girl classmate. On their first date the girl is killed, hit by a bus, and the boy injured. After waking up in the hospital he begins a slow metamorphosis into a teenage girl without apparent cause and much to his dislike. At night he is visited by a dream character who he calls Yuna and with whom he has a seemingly loving relationship - and who may or may not have anything to do with the changes.


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The Class of Twenty-Twelve -4-

The Class of Twenty-Twelve

Part Four, by Michelle Wilder

"And hand-me-downs?" Margaret laughed from the kitchen.
"Oh, mother! Older sisters passing down the culture, the trappings of the hallowed halls of academe... that's not hand-me-down! That's tradition!" Lynda kissed Craig on the ear and then whispered. "That's my hug, all day long."

editing assistance

I am repeating an offer I made earlier which I misaddressed. I run an editing business at and I would like to offer free editing to authors on bc/ts in thanks for my reading enjoyment. People who want editing can go to my web site and send me a story. (I did an edit on Song of Corazon for Maggie Finson and she was pleased with the work.

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SHBGSEA for Trans Folk

In looking at my latest blood work, I did some online research to find out what some of the items were. Along the way, I found a website that may be of particular interest to those of our ladies who reside in the UK.

My Dermatology Doctor is interested in this family of tests in an effort to resolve a scalp condition I have developed that causes bloody lesions there. It is frustrating that she seems unfamiliar with the changes in Endocrinology that T folk experience.

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Prue. PLEASE contact me.

I so miss you and our talks, whacky though they may have gotten. I'm concerned about you, and I just want to make sure you're okay, and that we're still friends. You know you're still responsible for me, don't you? An old Chinese belief is that if you save someone's life, you are responsible for them for always.

At least let me know that you're okay and that you haven't forgotten about the old Drama Queen, Cathy_t_?

huggles 'n love from,
Catherine Linda Michel

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Blizzard + Satellite internet = delayed stories

All of the ones I put in the Shortcuts were meant to be up today. I'm going to try to get them up by the end of the weekend. I've been all distracted by the getting in of firewood and such, and then internet is making me not able to hit here except sporadically.

So... sorry. But I'm gonna keep trying.

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Idea for a new story

I'm sorry, but I'm a bit of a twit today, and I'm becoming increasingly agitated with " I have an idea for a story". Your ideas sound like fun, by why not write the story yourself? All I can see is someone too lazy to write the damn thing themselves. I know some are thinking, "What a prick, how dare you say that? I thought of the story line, so you write it." It doesn't work that way. I started writing because I wanted more stories that I wanted to read, and so I wrote. Yes, it's hard work, and yes people are going to say things you don't like, but so what?

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