General Audience (pg)

Would You Believe This At Fictionmania?

Would You Believe This At Fictionmania?


Get ThisI have been posting PrairieGirl's story 'A Tragedy Of The Spirit at Fictionmania as per Melanie Dixon's permission. For awhile, in the synopsis, I said that I was posting to honor her, but when I stopped, people said that I was taking credit. Why can't the readthe story from the beginning?

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Ninjas in stilettos

I have been a regular follower of a blog call The Sleep Talking Man. He is, by day, a mild-mannered gentleman. He is soft spoken and doesn't swear or use foul language....until.....

When he sleeps at night, he'll start talking. Oh y'all are in for a great surprise! The night of April 28, he said something that I think everyone will enjoy.

Check out the entry dated april 29.

Hope ya'll have fun with it.

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A B C's of Science Fiction, and rebutting the "cure"

As a Science Fiction fan, the A B C's stand for (Isaac) Asimov, (Ray) Bradbury, and (Arthur C.) Clarke. I have now done little tributes to Asimov and Bradbury, but havent thought of one for Arthur C. Clarke.

(I can see the scene though . . . "Give me back my male clothes Hal!" "I am afraid I can't do that Dave . . .")

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Halloween Revenge

"'Eye for an Eye', and soon the whole world is blind" Gandhi

Halloween Revenge

Two A.M. is the real witching hour. Take, for example one September morning at two. An observer in this particular town might have had their attention drawn to a back alley in a disreputable part of town.

There, in the shadows, there was a door. It looked like a very old door, possibly older than the bricks around it. The observer would have seen black smoke escape from a small space under the door, curling in the night air.

I Could Be Homeless Soon

I am facing the possibility of being homeless soon. My family is wanting to throw me out because my Unemployment has run out and I have yet to be able to find a job. Adding to that, I am being given a hard time for daring to have any friends and if they dare send me anything in the mail, my whole family acts like someone would have to be crazy to be friends with me. I am almost at the end of my rope with the whole situation.

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So, Here I Am - Chapter 13

So, Here I Am
by Hilltopper


Mary sat on the edge of the bed looking at me intently.

“You sound real serious.”

“Well, I just want us to not have any secrets. When we were talking about my past a while back, I left out some things that are important to who I am.”

“OK, tell me.”

No more SKYPE?

Having used SKYPE for years, I am seeing a pattern that makes me wonder. I do not know if it is their fault or if my little "EeePC" is simply not up to the task. It's a funny little machine, runs XP, and is pretty slow. The screen really is too small for my eyes, so for a long time I used an auxilary screen. I use it mostly for running the programs that I do not want on my good machine. Itunes lives there, and SKYPE does too.

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Odd mood good day...

I just had to get out of my house today. I was bored so I grabbed my palm top and headed out. The Mount Allison kids are leaving the final exams are done. There these piles of junk out at the end of driveways and by dumpsters as the kids waste so much by just throwing it away. It makes me sort of sad to see the waste, this stuff so easily be donated. Sigh the university is a rich one, and so are many of the students.
I checked out a few things at the local used bookstore, bought a loaf of Patagonian corn bread from the Indie bakery...It smelled too good and it just came out of their hearth.

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I started this blog as a response to commentator's Blog, in response to a bit in Bobbie C's blog. Just as commentator felt her response belonged in its own blog, so did I. I was struck by commentator's comment that GCS isn't a 'cure-all'. This matches some of my thoughts as well. But, before I will talk about them, I think I need to provide some background so you can see where I'm coming from.

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Update. Re: Medical problem. Surgery finally scheduled.

Another trip to the Buffalo VA hospital yesterday wore me out. However... I finally have a surgery date. May 17th. What I am suffering from, initially diagnosed as a hernia has now been re-diagnosed as an internal cyst. Basically it's a swelling in my groin area. There is very little pain involved, but it scared the hell out of me when it first appeared, as I covered in my first couple of blogs about this.

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A Conundrum - Hits, Reads, Votes and Comments

Like many authors who publish, I get considerable pleasure from knowing that others have enjoyed my work, and the Vote counter was the way in which I could see the number of readers who did so. I have never paid much attention to Hits, equating that to people picking up a book in a bookshop, thumbing through it, and mostly putting it down without purchase. As such, there was always a vast difference between Hits and Votes. Whilst the comments are wonderful, they are always going to represent only a minority of readers.

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Quillian -Book 1- Teenager from Hell -Page 8- Breathless Escape

That monster is really falling for her.


Teenager from Hell

by Joyce Melton and Daniel Ford


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Character Age: 


good news

Well, I have some good news. First, I weighed myself today, and I am down to 280 lbs from a high of 310. So thats a start. Also, I got a chance to talk to my counsilor, and she is looking into getting me help to go back to school. If I can, I will be able to get into the fast track in terms of transtioning. Keep a good thought for me, ok?

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Just an update for the day.

Hello everyone, today's been a decent day compared to my horrible drama-wh... likeness of yesterday. It's my day off and after sleeping in then a cup of tea I had to do my weekly ritual of heavy housework. I wanted to cook something today but being out of yet another failed relationship there are times I just don't feel like eating alone.
As I get older the more I dislike the lonely thing.
But it was raining and a little chill out so after coming back from the laundromat I put some soup into the slow cooker. I made my strange version of minestrone.

Recipe as follows:
1 onion diced.

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Where Tina works.

If you're wondering if Tina will be back (in Something Feels Strange) to catch the bad guys, the answer is yes. I'm getting close to being able to continue the story. Thank you for your patience.

I did notice that is running a story today about the very facility where Tina works. If you want to see what it looks like, go to

Look for more SFS in about a month!

- Tiff

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The State does not make mistakes -22-

The State does not make mistakes

22 - A day of interruptions

by Penny Lane

Marion and Talya get stuck in to their work together but Marion keeps getting sidetracked. Unexpected visitors bring disturbing news.

Site Policies or Rules?

If the author was not the one to do the actual posting then either they must request it to be removed by the original poster or the administrator(s) of this site.

Is there a page with the site rules on it we can access?

If not, can one be created that covers the topics that rules have been established for this site?

1) Author's agreement when posting a story on this site.

2) Site rules governing commenting for a story or blog.

I'm just interested to learn the rules that HAVE been established and are considered as iron clad at this time.


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gave myself a present

Well, I had a bit of a rough day at work. It turned out i had not finished a job i was given yesterday, and I got in trouble. I had had a real struggle with it and made the mistake of not telling my supervisor before i left. So before i left, to cheer myself up, I bought a dozen pairs of women's socks, so I can replace my male ones. Then tonight, I stopped at the dollar store and bought a little bracelet and a bottle of lavander body spray. I also arranged to meet the pastor at the church on saturday, so thats done. So I feel better.

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Transgender Rights Debate in Massachusetts

A Transgender Rights Bill is currently being debated in Massachusetts. The Republican Govenatorial candidate has said that as govenor he would veto the bill despite the fact that his running mate is a co-sponsor of the bill.

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Dream Fears

I know, I just posted one blog, and now I'm posting another! But this one is quite different, so I thought it best to keep it separate. I had the strangest dream the other night. I was online visiting the sites of transgender fiction authors in my dream. I had come to a site that updates regularly (It wasn't any real site, but it reminded me of Maddy's site), and there was no update. I was surprised, so I looked into it and found out the author was dead, murdered! Another author who posted on that site who, in my dream, was another favorite, was also murdered!

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Chocolate causes depression?

"You can prove anything you want with statistics!"

How true... especially when it comes to the Aztec ambrosia - chocolate.

In today's BBC news comes the revelation that chocolate lovers 'are more depressive', according to experts. Similarly...
29 Jul 2009: Calls to downsize chocolate bars
24 Dec 2007: Dark chocolate 'not so healthy'

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Comment Games

There have been some blogs lately about wanting comments to stick to the story, rather than meandering off on specific aspects of it or whatever. Which is fine by me if that's what the author wants. Comments on my stories have often devolved into jokes and general playing around. I just thought I'd make it clear here that not only am I okay with that, I encourage it! I often get in on it myself, especially when I'm in a mood. ;) So by all means, have fun!

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My feline protector

Today my feline protector Zoe began her final journey. We noticed she was losing weight, but suddenly she stopped eating altogether last week. Taking her to the Vet, we found she had both some kind of liver and kidney problems. Hoping it was just an infection, we left her there over the weekend so she could get the fluids she needed as well as the care. We hoped that would enough for her to recover. That wasn't meant to be. As with so many other things we hadn't the money to take things further. The Vet recommended exploratory surgery, but that was far out of our financial means.

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Will it get better?

Let's just be clear about this. There is no thought or implication of doing the "S" thing, OK?

I know that others have faced what I did a couple weeks ago. And usually after a period of bemoaning my circumstances, I have managed to bounce back fairly rapidly. But, this time just feels like a mortal wound in my soul.

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I Have Always Depended On The Kindness Of Strangers

I have been a little uncomfortable with the debate on "ownership" of stories. The theory is fine. An author owns their story and the rights to deal with that story as they see fit.

Dead easy, right?

But then you get to the somewhat more messy realities. A week or so ago I was trying to post a story and I was having Hell's own difficulties with formatting; can't blame anybody. It was me that was stuffing it up. Eventually I posted it. I took one look and (shock! horror!) deleted it. My pride wouldn't allow me to leave it there.

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Sarah Carerra - 1.32 - Can I Have This Dance?

"Have you ever had any dance training?" she asked.

"No," I told her while taking a seat in the chair she had indicated. "I'm a bit scared, actually."

Sarah Carerra
Chapter 32 - Can I Have This Dance?
by Megan Campbell
Copyright  ©2010 Megan Campbell
Released: April 26, 2010

Right to Write?

A few years ago a writing magazine suggested over 25 million people are attempting to write fiction for commercial publication. That same article stated that less than 2,500 people in the world make a living as a commercial writer.

Another blog has discussed the ethics of authors’ rights regarding posting online for free and later publishing for sale.

To me the bigger question is — how do those authors expect to make enough money from publishing to make it worthwhile?

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Baby steps....

It was Saturday night, the evening after the airshow(so I thought).

I was a tad pissed, but not too much. I had been unable to even see the airshow from my house, unlike the normal deal where the stunts were mainly focused on one of the airbases’ runways which happened to be not more than a mile or so from my house.

Anyway, when our sort-of kid called and said he was taking the boat out to the harbor to watch the next day’s airshow, I was excited. I had to argue it out with hubby, but I was determined to go, and I was determined not to go as a boy.

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my story shorted my down cycle

Well, i managed to shorten my down cycle by completing my latest story. Be a nice trick if i could do that every time. I had a conversation with my brother about my gender struggle, and he is convinced i use it as some kind of escape, probably because of my rape. Ah, well.

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Great Gugamooga

Wow... 105 words leads to 26 and possibly + posts by others and a response thread by Nancy. Holy Schnikes!

Wow... I mean wow...

Anyway... thank all of you for your responses and for keeping things from getting too far out of hand. Some really interesting discussion.

To answer a few issues raised in the course of the conversation:

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Dating Drama.

Hi Everyone. Well today was a interesting day. I went on my first date. Thats right. I'm 28 and today was my first date. Kinda pathetic huh. I met a guy through a gay dating site. He contacted me first and we have been talking every day during the week since. we went out today. He's a great guy, but I just dont know what to do,say or how to respond to so many things when on a date. I'm not even all that comfortable being affectionate with people. He is a very affectionate person and it throws me off my game sometimes. we went for a walk and then we went for pizza.

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Anothwr great weekend

What a great weekend, Went to the Pacific Coast Dream Machine event in Half Moon Bay, California. What fun. It was sunny and the temperature was just right, about seventy,and I got a sunburn. The machines were awsome. There were around three hundred cars of all descriptions, airplanes from the second world war which did a flying demonstration, WOW. There were steam engines and a real steam roller which they actually drove down a paved road between runways.There were muscle cars, hot rods, restored classics, and the best thing was that they were cars owners felt very good about.

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