General Audience (pg)

Square peg, meet round hole.

Well, I had a couple of experiances that left me wondering if I will ever belong anywhere. The first happened Sunday morning. I was looking for a accepting church, so a quick search led me to one close, and I went. Now I am not the most conservitive Christian ever, but a church which has a hymn to Gaia just didnt seem like a good fit for me. Then Sunday night, I got into a heated discussion with the other members of the group at Pride, and I left wondering if I can ever belong there either. Ah, well.

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Surgery Update.

I'm back home. The surgery went well. It turned out to be not a hernia OR a cyst, but some kind of hydro seminal blockage or something like that. The upshot is they fixed the blockage and did take one of my testicles, so I'm halfway to an orchiectomy. This also helped allay some of my fears about undergoing surgery under a full anaesthesia, since I came through this well.

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A Life to Remember, Chapter 2

A Life to Remember
Chapter 2
by Torey

It reminded me a little bit of a time when my father took me to the horse races. People were cheering loudly at the track that day.But this was a little different. Many in the crowd were cheering for joy. Some were shouting out of disgust because their horses lost.

The people we were hearing now were screaming for their very lives. It was horrifying. And it seemed to get louder after the Titanic sank.

Sarah Carerra - 1.35 - Image is Everything

I'd been dressed up in a lot of amazing looking clothes since my debut as Sarah, but nothing quite like this. It was obvious to me that these were stage clothes. I'd get some odd looks if I wore them walking down the street, but these clothes would rock on stage.

Sarah Carerra
Chapter 35 - Image is Everything
by Megan Campbell
Copyright  ©2010 Megan Campbell
Released: May 17, 2010

Today is surgery day.

I'll be in Buffalo today at the Veteran's Hospital, getting some surgery done. Unfortunately it's not the surgery I would HOPE for... this is to remove a large, ingrown cyst from my groin area. Hopefully, while they're in the area, and they DO know my desire to have a couple of small trouble makers removed... oh well.

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Tour of California in Progress - TV Coverage Info

The Tour of California started today with the first stage being won by Mark Cavendish. VS. (Versus) is again providing daily stage coverage. The TV times (and race information) are here: There's more info and video on the VS. site:

from San Jose Mercury News

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Software for writing

I'm wondering if I can conduct some sort of straw poll here.

The question is:
Do you use any special computer programs to help you when writing?

I'm not talking about word processors!

It seems that there is a variety of 'other' software (besides word processors) which some authors use as part of their writing process. For example:


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Afghanistan, War, TG, Police, Drug War, Sci Fi, Conversion.

I have been working on a story for me that is in a very different voice, and feels very different than anything I have ever written. It is action, funk and gore, Sci Fi and lots of other devices that I have never used. I am just a little concerned that where I take the end will offend some of you. It is not intended. I am an American Citizen, a Veteran, and very loyal to the US.

I thought I had it finished a couple weeks ago, but then my muse drug me off to Worcester for a month. GAH ! My protag really needed shopping therapy! LOL My research has been exausting

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A Life to Remember, Chapter 1

A Life to Remember
Chapter 1
by Torey

"I'm sorry ma'am, only women and children," the young sailor said as he held me by the arm, keeping me from stepping into the lifeboat.

"He's my only son!" my mother pleaded. "He's only 14!"

"I'm sorry ma'am, I have my orders," he replied, ordering the lifeboat to be lowered.

Thoughts on death

I've been doing one of my famous thinking sessions today, and thought about my mother, how I've been handling her death, and how my family have been handling it. Up till now I've been avoiding thinking about it. It's been painful to think about the memory of watching her take her last breath, or about her in general. I've been avoiding spending time at home as much as possible, as her presence still lingered there long after. My sister comes up to me on a weekly basis and asked me how I was doing, and I've told her I've been avoiding it.

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Ten Million Visitors

About 430 PM PDT we hit 10,000,000 visitors here on BCTS. It took us almost exactly 4 years and 11 months to do that. Other versions of BigCloset, before and during the time of TopShelf, have clocked about 1 million additional visits.

Congratulations are in order, I suppose, if for nothing else than that we survived. :)

Hugs to all,

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Concerning Coyotes

Dreaming of Cheers
Standing Up to Life: Book 3
Concerning Coyotes
by Tiffany Shar

Over the last few weeks I’ve had a number of readers have questions and propose possible solutions for Tiffany’s continuing day-to-day struggle at Holden Junior High. As a result I bring you, ‘Concerning Coyotes’, an in-depth look at Holden Junior High and its many issues.

If you’ve enjoyed the series thus far this may in fact be a great read to fill in gaps of information that haven’t been covered specifically in the books so far. It will also be a more distanced view of the setting of the series.

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Please oh Lord give me patience AND talent NOW.

Okay here is your chance at an old newbie. Hows that for an oxymoron?
After reading so many stories and lurking here a thought (hare brained?) came to mind.
'I could do that!' Then reality arrived. Maybe I can do better than some I've read where
it was actually painful to read. No punctuation, no uppercase where needed, etc.
Hopefully won't come across as some no talent idea stealing hack, if I do manage tolerate
the result, I hope to entertain with my submission.

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Short Stories, or "How do you tell your muse to shut up?"

Seriously! I have a few ideas I'm kicking around that would make neat stories, but as you've seen with Becoming Robin when the creative juices start flowing they Do. Not. Stop.

I've had authors here tell me they wish they could write novel-length works, but I have the exact opposite problem, in that I can't sit down and write a short story. I'm a sucker for detail and drawn-out plots, extensive narration and dialogue.


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I need some help.

I need some help with how to write a story on here. I keep seeing stuff that just confuses me. I write in MS word if that helps. I have no clue how to copy or paste stuff, and I just want to write a story on here. Can I just write a story in the body section like for a blog? Would that work? People sometimes get ticked if protocols are followed, and I don't really get the submission instructions, I'm still new to the computers now-a-days.

Help me please.

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great news

well, I went to the school, and told them my story, including the fact that I am tg. They are going to recomend me to the goverment agency that does retraining. I will see them at the end of the month, and if they approve, they will pay for my schooling. I almost cant belive it, everything could really fall into place.

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taking your clothes off in public

The above is from a sketch from Montey Python. A man wants to change to go swimming on the beach, but every time he starts to get undressed, someone exposes him and he is forced to cover up again. Finally he goes into what looks like a dark room and starts to undress, only to find he is on a stage and stripper music is playing. So he just gives in and goes for it. I kinda feel my transition is like this. I keep wanting to have privacy to make my changes, but i fear i am going to have to "strip" my male self away in public, risking humiliation and abuse. Ah, well.

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The Green Fog~10

‘Everyone down on the floor,’ I ordered as I looked in the large mirrors and reversed with considerable difficulty.

It was easier said than done backing up the bus like that, with bullets whizzing all around–it was so flaming big! Luckily, the people firing at us were rotten shots and I managed to get out of the line of fire before getting pranged.

As soon as I could, I stopped, gently nudging a red telephone box, but considering everything it wasn’t a bad effort.


IDAHO 2010

IDAHO 2010

As far as I know, nothing whatsoever to do with the US State, but according to an article on our Intranet today (i.e. lifted directly, including the logo):

IDAHO 2010 logo

17th May marks International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO). Campaigns and initiatives take place around the world to combat prejudice against LGBT people.

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A Definite Problem

I've actually read four postings here in the past week in which a renegade spellchecker has rendered the word "definite" or "definitely" as "defiant"/"defiantly".

(If anyone's actually confused over the two words, a one-word definition of "definite" would be "certain", "defiant" would be "uncooperative".)

Anyway, for a spellchecker to get confused, it's clear that some of you are trying to put an "a" in definite. Please try to remember that there isn't one.


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Why Can't I Own A Canadian?

Leviticus rules
Date: Fri, 14 May 2010 15:38:30 +0800

This was sent to me today. It is self-explanatory and, in my opinion, very, very funny:

In her radio show, Dr Laura Schlesinger said that, as an observant Jew, homosexuality is an abomination according to Leviticus 18:22, and cannot be condoned under any circumstance. The following response is an open letter to Dr. Laura, penned by a US resident, which was posted on the Internet. It's funny, as well as informative:

Dear Dr. Laura:

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Come Clean - part 1 Second Song of the Kylie Warren Saga

Come Clean
2nd Song of the Kylie Warren Saga
By Jennifer Sue

Come Clean - part 1
2nd Song of the Kylie Warren Saga

Let's go back
Back to the beginning
Back to when the earth, the sun, the stars all aligned
'Cause perfect didn't feel so perfect
Trying to fit a square into a circle
Was no life
I defy
( Hillary Duff)

New, PDF generation

Bob has added a new capability to BC. Near the bottom of each story, in the mass of links down there, you should find one labelled, |PDF Version|

This will produce a PDF file saved on your hard drive of most of the stories on BC. Some stories with poor or wrong HTML will not be properly converted, but if you need a PDF version for some reason, this may be handy.

Thanks, Bob.


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Well, I learn tomorow if I could get a loan to return to school and take medical administation assistant. Yet, I find myself hesitating. It wouldn't be a bad job, but I cant see how I would transition doing it. You are still in the public eye, and nowhere to hide while making the changes nessasary to live as a woman. On the other hand, the company that does training might be a better fit, but untill I have my appointment with them at the end of the month, I won't know for sure. I could use some wisdom in making a right choice.

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Our Dark Shadow

Here I am thinking that I had put my Dark Shadow away when I came out, had SRS, and began living as a woman. In the last few years I have really tried to cultivate my spiritual side and to really begin to understand more about God or who ever did this humanity thing.

Still, from time to time, I have really felt something pulling at me from deep inside; something that I have tried so very hard to put away but it is still in there waiting for the tiny spark that would trigger a bonfire in my soul. It is there lurking and sometimes I get really frightened by it.

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That Summer I Found Her ! Part 2 of 3

The next morning I woke up to the sun shining through the curtains and I noticed that everything was exactly as it was from the night before. I went to the bottom drawer and took out the notebook. I turned it to the page and all I found was some strange writing in a language that seemed vaguely familiar, but was still at the edge of my mind. The necklace was still the same and clothes I was wearing did not seem to be any tighter than they were the night before. I put on my pink robe and slippers and went to the kitchen to start breakfast.

Becoming Robin 15 & 16: a conundrum

As I sit staring at my screen, I wonder if I've taken too much, too fast with Robin's life.

The 'problem' is that Robin has lived in role all of a week to a week and a half, but she's taken to being Robin so absolutely naturally because of the loving support of her friends and family. She's been allowed to be who she always was inside, and she wants to take that a step further as quickly as possible.

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That Summer I Found Her ! Part 1 Of 3

I started writing this story last night and my muse threatened to be uncooperative, but when I got into it, things just started flowing. I plan to add another part of it tonight because the ideas are flowing once again. I really don't know if anyone likes it, but I assume they do because at least 560 of you have read it. I plan on revealing some more surprises before I'm done so stay tuned!

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