The Omega Unicorn Chronicles Book 1 Spring Break Chapter 3

Spring Break
Chapter 3

By Rachel76m
Edited by Don Kaufman

List of Characters
Thryson Kingdom
Tierion — King of Thryson Kingdom
Shiranna — King Tierion's wife and Queen
Wizard Renard — Master Wizard
Sorceress Trianna — Master Sorceress
Wizard Braden — Second Wizard of Thryson Kingdom
Sir Trenton — Legion Commander
Sir Halgren — Knight and Escort
Sir Drexton — Chamberlain
Drenan — Port Governor
Praxor — Land Governor
Logrin — Sea Captain of fishing fleet
Aridanne and Segan — Kingdom Historians
First Ones
Telgon — Ambassador to Thryson Kingdom
Durlond — Ambassador to Thryson Kingdom
Caltron — Centaur
Serena — Caltron's mate
Croin — Dwarf Dragon
Avel — Unicorn
Richard Moore


I dreamed of meetings friends I have not met for a long time. Some wanted to play video games at the University. A little later I see a young lady walking towards me on a path. We smile at each other.

Then I hear a voice somewhere.


“Richard, it is time to wake up. I know it’s early.”


I look around to see who is talking. I don’t see anyone. I look down the path and I see the lady walking away from me.

“I’ll see you later when you’re not so busy.”

“Wait a minute!!! Don’t go!! What's your name?”

She turns around and looks at me with a smile, “I’ll tell you later.” She smiles some more and turns around and walks down the path away from me.

Then she disappears from view.

Sigh… Not again. It always happens, I meet someone and they walk away. Well I better join the real world and see what is going on.


I groan and slowly open the eyes, “That was bad timing, Renard. I was just about to meet somebody I have not seen for a long time.”

“Sorry about that, Richard. But we need to get ready and be at the Castle at First Mark. It is going to be a long day for everybody.”

“I understand. Give me a moment to wake up the brain.”

“Sure, Richard.” Renard smiles and walks out of the bedroom.

His body must be on auto-wake-up. He must have trained his internal body-clock to wake up at this mark. I’ve done that before with my classes and work. It would be nice if there would be some sort of clock here to set an alarm to just in case. But, I'll adjust and get to bed early to get my six to eight hours at least.

I sit up on the edge of the bed. I run my hands through my hair. I stretch my arms in several directions while standing up. I bend over and try to touch my toes a few times. Then I bend the knees and do some squats. Come on, get that blood flowing Richard. Just treat it like another first day in school. You’ll do fine.

“Renard, is there a way to clean up with using water, soap and cloth?”

“Yes, Richard. Let me bring in a bowl, pitcher and some other things we use to get cleaned up.”

Renard brings in a bowl, a pitcher, a towel, soap, towels and bowl of leaves and walks back out of the room to get the morning repast ready.

I pick up the bowl of leaves to smell them. They almost smell minty like our mint leaves. "Renard, are these leaves to freshen the breath?" I remove my night shirt and under-shorts and fold them up. I open the floor chest and take out the clothes and boots I wore yesterday. This is great; the clothes are nice and clean with a fresh smell. I love this kind of magic. I put the night shirt and under-shorts in the floor chest and close it.

"Yes, Richard. Just take a leaf and chew on it. I have a small private room that you have not seen yet. It is where you can go and relieve yourself. You can toss the used leaf there. The box is magical, so it will also clean you as well. When you relieve yourself, the waste will go to a special place near the village here. The farmers will then take care of it or send it to the Fire Mountains."

"Would that be a problem in the larger towns and cities because of the larger population?"

"Not really, there is a portion of it that goes to the farms nearby. But most of it is sent to the Fire Mountains we have on Twainor."

"That's a good idea Renard. We call the Fire Mountains volcanoes on my world. For us, it is very dangerous to be near some of them." That's going have to change, Renard. I'll wait for the right moment to bring up the idea of a compost pile.

"Yes, we know that all too well. But fortunately our magic can send it there without us getting hurt."

"Thanks Renard for the bowl and pitcher of water. I know I'm doing a light clean-up this morning. I was wondering if you have baths or showers for longer stays in the water to get really clean."

"We do, Richard, but it depends on the person who can do the magic and provide the service. In most villages, towns and cities there are central baths set aside for those who live near them. Don't worry; we separate between male and female."

"Thank goodness for modesty." I hear a knock on the door.

"That should be Trianna, Richard." Renard walks to the front door and opens it.

"Good morning, Trianna."

"Good morning, Renard. Is Richard up?"

"He is. He's getting himself cleaned up and dressed as we speak."

"Good morning, Trianna. I heard you when you came in." I speak up a bit louder to be heard through the closed door.

"Good morning, Richard."

"Here let me help you get the morning repast ready, Renard."

"That would be of great help, Trianna."

Trianna walks into the kitchen area and begins with the serving plates and utensils and places them on the table.

I pour some water into the bowl and dip the small hand towel into it. I take the wet cloth and rub some soap into it. I begin to rub myself down everywhere I can reach. I dip the cloth into the bowl and rinse it. I go back over and remove the soapy water on me and do that several times. Once done with that, I take the large towel and begin to dry myself off. Then I get myself dressed for the day. I think I will leave the watch on. It might come handy to generate a discussion about my world like it did with Renard yesterday. I pick up the bar of soap and take a quick sniff, it smells great. "This soap smells great, it is very refreshing."

"I get the soap from the village. We have some very creative people here. They have several different kinds there that are sold in the larger markets. We have other craft makers as well. I will need to give you a tour of the village before you go back home. That's if we get a chance to do so." Renard continues with getting the vegetables ready for the morning breakfast.

"What will you do with the soapy water in the bowl Renard?" I get dressed with the clothes I brought out and put on the boots. I comb my hair to look presentable in front of the mirror on the wall. Once done with that, I walk out of the bedroom to join them.

"It will be sent to the soap makers here in the village. It takes several steps to separate the water, soap and dirt. They do a great service. Of course it is a bigger problem in the larger towns and ports, but they have their ways of dealing with it. Most of the bulk is sent to the Fire Mountains anyway."

"Being in this cottage, Renard, reminds me of my family's mountain cabin. We like to go there at different times of the year. It is nice and quiet to unwind from the stress."

"Yes Richard, it is beautiful here. That is why I like to be here as much as possible when I'm not needed at the Castle or doing my travels through Thryson Kingdom. Well, we have the morning repast ready and set on the table."

We all sit down at the table. Renard gives the morning Thanks for the meal and for the day. "Don’t worry; we have plenty of time to get there."

Soon we’re done eating the morning repast of fruit and vegetables. We clean up the dishes and put the various seeds into separate bags. I go back into my room and take a leaf from the bowl and begin to munch on it quickly. I clean my hands and face one more time from the sticky fruit juices this morning. Once done with the leaf, I toss it into the receptacle in the private room. I come back out and see Renard holding two satchels.

"This one is for you. You can put what you wish into it to keep safe."

"Thanks Renard." I take the satchel and put it around my shoulder and neck. I put my comb in the satchel for my first item. I also put my tennis shoes and t-shirt in the satchel as well. Kind of like an overgrown shoulder bag. Yes it will come in handy.

"Are you ready to see King Tierion?"

"As ready as I will ever be. Thank you for your hospitality,” I smile warmly.

"This is nothing compared what the King will do today." Renard smiles and turns off the crystal lights and close the window shutters. He keeps one lit in his hand to help us find the way out of the cottage. You can just see the morning sunlight peeping over the forest from the East. "Come let us step outside. I need to seal the door." We step onto the porch area. Renard turns off the lighted crystal and puts it into his satchel. Renard turns around and faces both his palms towards the door. He recites a short spell, soon the door glows green. He checks the door by trying to open it by hand. It does not budge.

He turns around and walks into the clearing in front of the cottage. Trianna and I follow him out. He motions with his hands to put our hands onto his shoulder. He puts his hands outward and recites the transport spell. In a blink of an eye we disappear, now we are flying through the air. I see other people flying through the air towards Thryson Castle from different directions. I see the sun rising up and casting its long shadow across the land towards the Castle. I see the ribbons of the rainbow at the edge of the shadow and the sunlight as it races across the landscape. It is gorgeous to behold.

In a blink of an eye we appear again. We arrive in the courtyard near a large sundial with others who have arrived as well. Soon I see the ribbons of color appear in the court yard. Once the sunlight is full in the courtyard, the Ethereal Space color display disappears and the shadow reaches the First Mark on the sundial indicating the start of a brand new day.

The others that I saw must be dignitaries with their wizards for transportation. They have various ribbons and sashes on them. Some look like Castle Lords and Ladies. It is a mixed group of men and women. We all nod our head towards each other. Some of them give me a quizzical look, but I only see them out of the corner of my eye.

Once we see the display end, we see four guards and a well dressed man walking in between them. They come to a halt in front of us and the man steps forward.

“Good morning."

"Good morning," we all answered back.

"I am the Chamberlain to the King, Sir Drexton. Welcome to Thryson Kingdom. Will you all follow us, please? We will escort you to the throne room.”

We all assented and nod our heads again. Two of the guards take the lead with the Chamberlain behind. We all follow in loosely in two columns, with the last two guards taking up the rear position. I look around and see many flowers in a beautiful array. Each one is unique with the color rainbow. We approach the doors of the castle in the Inner Courtyard area.

The doors are gigantic; they must be ten feet tall. Look at that carved artwork. It has to be a type of granite stone. I see three distinctively different colors in the stone. That must be the color theme for Thryson Kingdom. I see red, purple and yellow crystals and metals in it.

Both guards open the doors to allow us walk in easily. We gather together in the central room. Talk about having a decorator’s dream come true. This is great craftsmanship. It is just like the castles and estates back home.

The Chamberlain addresses us all. “You may go ahead into the throne room and take your seats. The others are there as well. Once settled down we will begin the morning ceremonies and introductions.

Everybody walks down the center hallways to the throne room, including Renard and Trianna. I was hoping they would stay for support. But, I guess it’s time to show some confidence. Remember your training, Richard.

“Outside Helper, I will need you to wait here until we are ready. Then I will come back for you and lead you in.”

“Thank you, Sir. My name is Richard Moore. Just looking at this craftsmanship and artwork will keep me busy and distracted.”

Sir Drexton smiles, “Yes, you will have no problem, Richard. The king told me where you came from. That is the Sol System right?”

“Yes it is. It is the third planet, we call it Earth.”

“Good, I was just making sure. Well, just remain in this central room. I'll have a knight by your side so you won’t wander too far.”

“Oh don’t worry Sir. I’ll stay in this room.”

“Good.” Sir Drexton turns and faces the guard. “Sir Halgren, if you please attend to Richard as his escort. Then we'll summon him when it's time for his entrance.”

Sir Halgren snaps to attention. “Yes, Sir. It will be an honor to escort our Outside Helper.”

He walks up to me and stands next to me. “Please to meet you, Sir Halgren. Don’t worry; I have no intention of leaving this room. I’m very aware of the responsibility that is placed before me. I just hope I will come through when the time comes.”

“I’m sure you will do fine, Richard. Just remember to breathe when in the throne room. I don’t need you fainting on your first visit.” He gives a slight chuckle.

“Thanks for the warning. It sounds like that has happened before.”

“It has once or twice. If you don’t mind my asking, Richard, what is your specialty?”

“It is in computers and security. Plus I have a good understanding of the math and sciences.”

“I’ve heard of such machines from the Emissaries that have come before. You will do well here.”

“Thank you, Sir Halgren. Now, if you please, let me take a look at some of your artwork here in the central room.”

“You may go ahead Richard. I will be right behind you.” He smiles as he walks behind him. I like his attitude. He will make a great Outside Helper for us.

I walk around the room looking at the various pieces of artwork. Some of the small figurines are carved from wood with intricate detail. There are also stone carved busts of various people and First Ones with inscriptions of who they are mounted on the base. There are paintings hanging on the walls. I see landscape paintings with the Ethereal Space captured as a still photograph. The tapestries of multicolored cloth are everywhere to help muffle the echoes. But the sound carries very well from everywhere. It is well designed like Carnegie Hall. I'm sure the throne room will be the same.


The throne room of Thryson Kingdom is very large. It can hold five hundred people easily. There are two rows of tables on either side of the open colonnade space. In back of these tables are chairs arranged in a line for the dignitaries. Further down the line are more chairs to act as overflow. There are banners of each dignitary standing behind each one. There are also several First Ones there as well. There is a unicorn, some fairies, a small dragon about ten feet high, a pair of centaurs and several dwarves. Behind each group are a number of pages ready to assist when needed.

Renard and Trianna are sitting together and their table is nearest to the front on the King's right hand side. Down this side are several governors and commanders. The other side is the First Ones, dwarves and other representatives from the kingdom in attendance, such as Castle Lords and Ladies and Governors. There are assortments of people sitting in the overflow area that have been invited. These are wizards, wives, children, other military officers. There are about two hundred in total for this meeting.

There are some members of the Royal Court present as well. There is a young prince sitting in his chair on the left hand side near the Chamberlain's chair. Next to the princes sit the Duke and Duchess with their son.

There is a low rumble of small talk going around. The Chamberlain steps in the center of the front dais and faces the audience. He holds a long staff and he taps the staff down on the dais two times. “Tap! Tap!” He does this two more times. “Tap! Tap!” Everyone gets quiet, any one sitting stands up.

"Thryson Kingdom I present to you King Tierion and Queen Shiranna." Sir Drexton steps down from the dais and walks to his left and stands in front of his chair.

The King and Queen walk forward from behind the throne, dais right. Everybody bows towards to the King and Queen. The King and Queen acknowledge by bowing their heads as well. The King and Queen sit down on their seats, with his Queen to his right. The King and Queen each have their hand maidens and pages near them if needed. The rest in attendance sit down as well. The King looks to his Queen and they smile at each other. They give a brief squeeze of their hands.

The King stands back up and steps forward. He clears his throat. Ahem... "Good morning, Thryson Kingdom."

Everyone speaks at the same time, "Good morning, my King and Queen."

"Today is a special day that has finally come. When we heard the calls go forth of establishing the Outside Helpers several years ago. We were curious about what it means. Then, one day, some Emissaries came to our world. We were amazed by their determination to make contact with us."

"Everyone remembers the trouble they had in bringing their small craft to our world. They discovered the problem that their machines don't work on our world. We extended our hands to them and helped them out the best we could. Once they discovered the magic of our world, they immediately found the solution to get back to their main star ship. They used our wizards to help them transport back. They also discovered the property in our contact spheres so that they can contact us more safely."

Everyone nod their heads on recalling that memorable day.

"We knew then that we are not alone in the Maker's Creation. The Emissaries invited us to be part of the Local Group so that we can act together for the good and to help protect each other when needed. They informed us that there are other worlds out there that are trying to seek domination and rule with an iron hand."

"The Twainor Kings and Queens discussed and argued this for many days and moons. We came to the conclusion that we must be part of this Local Group. This is because of our recent experience that we had two generations ago with our two rogue nations. We knew it could be a bigger problem if an invader came to our world. We would not know what to do or how to defend ourselves."

Immediately, a rumble of 'yeses', 'ayes' and nodding of heads are heard and seen in the throne room.

"Some moons later we were contacted by the Emissaries again. They gave us a story that was incredible. One of the worlds in the Local Group had a problem that they could not handle. Several of their Outside Helpers showed up, they immediately came up with a solution that saved their world from destruction. We knew then, that we must establish our own Outside Helper system."

Everybody claps their hands and praises the Maker.

The King raises his hand to quiet them down. He continues and gestures with his hands. "So we sought out the Maker about how we're going to accomplish this. Then as if a whisper in the Ethereal Space we heard the Maker, he says we need to have our wizards to send out the call."

"The Maker told us that when our wizards send the call out, we must have the faith to where it will lead. We had no idea where the call would go. I am glad to say that contact has been made. Our Outside Helper arrived yesterday."

The King nods towards Sir Drexton. He steps away from his station and walks to the main entrance doors to the throne room. He opens the doors and walks out. He closes the doors.

Soon there came forth a round of applause and cheers from everyone. This lasts for awhile. Soon the double the doors open in the back. Sir Drexton appears and he walks down where the row of the tables begins towards the throne. He pauses. He looks at the King. The King nods.

Sir Drexton takes his staff and taps the floor two times then two more times. Everyone gets quiet and looks at the Chamberlain.

"My Lord King, Wizards, Sorcerers and High Honored Ones; I present to you Richard Moore, Friend and Outside Helper of Thryson Kingdom."

In walks Richard with Sir Halgren as escort. Soon there is a loud roar of applause, cheers and praise to the Maker.


"This painting is very good. I love how the artist tried to show the morning Ethereal Space move across the landscape. It is just how I saw it when I arrived this morning."

"Yes it is a very good capture of the imagination. It definitely reminds us how beautiful our world is."

Soon we hear a roar of applause and cheers. The doors open and close, then we see the Chamberlain coming to us. He stops in front of us.

"Are you ready to be introduced Richard?"

"As ready as I will ever be. Lead the way, Chamberlain."

"Good, follow me. Sir Halgren, please follow in behind. You'll need to be alert as usual for anything. This will be a first time for all."

Sir Halgren snaps to attention. "Yes, Sir Drexton, I'm ready to escort Richard and see to his safety."

"Come then." Sir Drexton turns and walks to the double doors. I follow behind him with Sir Halgren two steps behind me. He stops and we stop as well. He turns to me. "I'm going to open the doors and leave them open. Stand here until you are announced. Walk past me several steps where I come to a stop. Sir Halgren will be right behind you and standing by my side."

"Yes Sir, I understand."

"When the King and Queen bow their heads, you bow as well. Then stand straight up looking forward. From then on you will be under the direction of the King." Turning to Sir Halgren, "When the King motions for Richard to take a seat near the dais, you stand behind him."

"Yes, Sir Drexton. I understand."

"All right, here we go." Sir Drexton opens both double doors and leaves them open. The sound of the applause is deafening. He walks down the colonnade and comes to a stop.

He looks at the King. The King nods his head.

Sir Drexton takes his staff and taps the floor two times then two more times. “Tap! Tap... Tap! Tap!” Everyone gets quiet and looks at the Chamberlain.

"My Lord King, Wizards, Sorcerers and High Honored Ones; I present to you Richard Moore, Friend and Outside Helper of Thryson Kingdom."

I walk in with Sir Halgren as escort right behind me. Soon there is another loud roar of applause, cheers and praise to the Maker. Then two guards inside the throne room close the doors behind us.

I walk down the colonnade and walk past Sir Drexton a few steps, I come to a stop. Sir Halgren stands next to Sir Drexton. The roar continues for another moment. I look around me and see a lot of people. Then I see their First Ones. Come on Richard, get a grip. You are seeing real life legends here. I became a little wide-eyed, not from fear, but from excitement.

The King notices my stares at the First Ones. The First Ones immediately began to talk among themselves. He motions for the audience to be quiet. I then turn my attention to the King.

The King bows his head towards me and I bow at the waist and my head towards him. I even swung my arms around like I did for Trianna yesterday. Then I stand up and look at the King with my arms at the side.

"Welcome, Richard Moore. You have come a long way to be here. What star system are you from?"

"I'm from the Sol System, Third Planet called Earth."

This immediately causes a buzz of talk from the First Ones. Everyone else is murmuring trying to figure what is happening.


I knew it. I remember that smell.

He's from Earth?

Yes he is, my friend Caltron.

This is a surprise Avel.

It sure is. It looks like the Maker came through with his promises before we came here.


Sir Halgren remains alert for any movement, but nothing happens. He continues to look around the room. He looks to the commanders and gives a slight nod and a double blink with the eyes. They acknowledge with a nod slightly or blink their eyes two times in a row.

The King smiles at the reaction from the First Ones. He raises his hand again to quiet the audience. "It seems, Richard, that you have caused some excitement among our First Ones. Is there a particular reason why?"

"I think I do King Tierion. On my world we have stories, myths and legends that are thousands of years old. The stories written tell us that we used have to such beings on my world. We have drawings and paintings that look like your First Ones. They're not seen any more today. But we do have rumors that some are hidden in the deep oceans, forests and mountains. Anything is possible my Lord." I look towards the First Ones and smile, they smile back. They are much calmer now. I then turn my attention back to the King.

Again some more rumbling comes forth, but it is not as loud as before from the men and women. The King raises his hand again to quiet the audience. He smiles, "Indeed, anything is possible. Do you have magic on your world like we do?"

"Hmm... I think I will need to investigate that sir when I get back. For right now I will say that we don’t. If it did exist at one time it was probably removed thousands of years ago as well."

"Removed? That's an interesting answer Richard. Yes, please check your stories when you do go back. What do you think of the color display of our Ethereal Space at the Settings?"

"It is very beautiful, my Lord. It reminds me of something similar on my world."

This causes some murmurings through the crowd. The King raises his hand to quiet them down. "Continue, Richard."

I nod my head. "We have a name for them on my world, they're called Aurora Borealis. We only see them two times a year near the southern and northern polar regions and higher in the air. But I don't think there is any magic associated with it like your Ethereal Space."

I look to the First Ones and I see a faraway look from one of them in trying to remember an old memory. I turn my attention back to the King again.

"That's interesting, Richard." The King smiles again, "My next question Richard is we would all like to know. What is your specialty?"

"My specialty is computers and security my Lord. Plus I have a good understanding of the math and sciences."

"I see, you're familiar with how machines work and what their capabilities are."

"Yes my Lord. I am very curious about my world and the Creation of the Maker. If I don't know something, I will investigate it to get an understanding of it and see how I could use that information to help me out."

"That is a good skill to have. We greatly appreciate the Maker in sending you to us. Are there any other interests or skills that you have Richard?"

"I do my Lord, in my spare time I've learned how to play a stringed instrument that is similar to the one I saw in Renard's cottage. Plus, I have a great interest and fondness for the forests and other locations on my world. This includes hiking, camping, and taking care of myself when I’m alone in the wilderness if it happens."

This causes a look from Sir Halgren to the Commanders and they smile back.

"That is excellent Richard. I can ask for more information, but that can wait for another time. Please have a seat here to my right Richard." He bows his head.

I bow my head to the King and I walk to the offered chair that is next to the table near Renard and Trianna's table. I smile at them as I approach, they smile back. Sir Halgren follows me and stands behind the chair. I motion to Renard with my right hand slightly that I need a drink of water. He understands and looks to the page near him to bring another glass of water. The page pours out a glass of water and sets it near the corner of the table where I'm sitting. I smile at the page and nod my head slightly. He nods his head slightly as well and steps back.

I pick up the glass and take a small mouthful of water to wet the throat from all that talking.

"Three marks from now we will be leaving here and proceed to the Grand Hall meeting at Angathorn Kingdom. There at 2nd Mark tomorrow morning, we'll have the Grand Ceremony and meet the rest of the Outside Helpers that have come. They will have several contact spheres set up for anyone who wishes to tap in and see the proceedings. This will be a worldwide event. Everyone should take the time to see some of it. I know it will be early for us here. The ceremony will be several marks long, perhaps more. It will be recorded for anyone who misses it and can see it another day. But right now we have some other matters to attend to and perform an inquiry."

This cause some looks from everyone and begin to look at each other. They wonder where the King is going with this line of questioning.

"Don't worry my friends. This inquiry is just for gathering information only. Then with this information we can make a decision what to do next." The King remains standing. He looks at Sir Drexton and nods his head.

Sir Drexton stands up and walks to the dais and steps up a step. He centers himself and looks straight ahead. He takes his staff and taps it twice.

"Will the Kingdom Historians please come forward? "

I see a man and a woman come forward from the overflow area. They stop in front of the Chamberlain. They each have a satchel around their shoulders with several scrolls sticking out.

The Chamberlain turns left and returns to his post. The King bows his head to the Historians. They bow their heads as well.

The man speaks up, "Which story do you wish to hear today my Lord?"

"I wish to hear the story of our War from the beginning to the blockade only. That should be enough Aridanne and Segan."

"Yes my Lord." They both answer at the same time.

Aridanne and Segan turn around and face the audience. The King sits back down and holds his Queen's hand.

Segan begins humming a simple melody. Aridanne begins the song.

(If you're reading this, remember this is translated from their language. It is very beautiful; the words flow and move better from their world and language.)

La-ah la-ah-ah mmm...hmmm mmm...
The dawn brings a brand new day.
The Ethereal Space brings the color to our eye.
The Maker has wrought a beautiful day.

ahh-ahhh ooh... la-ah-ah
We were told ships sail to the West seeking new places
to bring in the bounty of the sea.

La-ah la-ah-ah mmm...hmmm mmm...
But when they arrive to find their friends
they see ships afloat in flotsam.

Hmmm...oohh oooo... la-ah la-ahhhh-ah
They search for their friends on the new islands
and find no one.
They turn east and sailed home.
They tell their Two Kings the end.

La-ahhh-ahh la-ahh hmm.mmm...hmmm...oooh..
The Two Kings were furious, they called the other Kings.
The Ten Kings said 'no' to such things.

La-ah la-ah-ah mmm...hmmm mmm...
The Two Kings refused to hear their words.
They determined to bring in the bounty to feed their people.
They came, fished in the areas of the Ten Kings.
The Ten demanded to know why.

La-ah la-ah-ah mmm...hmmm mmm...
The Two accused the other Ten of sinking their fleet.
The Ten denied being there again.

Hmmm...oohh oooo... la-ah la-ahhhh-ah
The Two demanded their fleet be replaced.
The Ten said no again.

La-ahhh-ahh la-ahh hmm.mmm...hmmm...oooh..
The Ten told the Two they will stop them until the error they see.
The Two defied the Ten and sent their ships to sea.

ahh-ahhh ooh... la-ah-ah
The Ten sent their ships to the Two
and block their way.

La-ah la-ah-ah mmm...hmmm mmm...
The Two brought a surprise to break the blockade.
Dragons appeared on the horizon.

Hmmm...oohh oooo... la-ah la-ahhhh-ah
The dragons defended the Two
and scattered the Ten.

Then both speak at the same time. "Thus ends the story of our First War. But we know it lasted for years afterwards until peace came again."

Aridanne and Segan finished their song. I look around and did not see a dry eye. I see many broken faces. That melody made a good impression on me to remember that sad day. I'm sure they planned it that way. That was a great presentation. They even alternated with the verses as the other sang the melody.

Aridanne and Segan turn and face the King and Queen. The Queen stands up and steps forward to stand beside her King. They both bow, so did Aridanne and Segan.

"Thank you both for the history lesson. You may go and be seated; you’ll be paid well to keep up with your time spent in preserving our history."

"Thank you, my Lord." They both say it at the same time. They turn and walk back to their seats in the audience to take notes during the meeting and using the crystals to record the event.

The King turns and assists his Queen to sit down. The King turns and faces his Kingdom.

"I have a reason for this part of the story to be told. Sir Drexton will you please call the next one."

"Yes my Lord." Sir Drexton steps to the center of the dais. He taps his staff twice. "Will Port Governor Drenan please come forward?"

Drenan gets up behind his table and walks around and stands before the King. Sir Drexton returns to his seat and sits down.

The King bows his head as Drenan does as well.

"Have no worries, Drenan. I'm just seeking answers to questions."

"Yes, my Lord."

"Drenan you heard the story. What do you think caused the ships to sink in the first place?"

"I've no idea Lord. It was not found out."

"Indeed it was not found out. I ask again. What do you think caused the ships to sink?"

"Caused it? What do you mean Lord?"

"I think it would have to be big enough to sink the ships."

"Lord that is not possible. There is nothing that big in the oceans."

I give a quick look to Renard and Trianna. We both smile at each other and give a slight nod to each other.

"What are the results of the daily catches in the nets? Have your sea captains told you any strange stories?"

"Why, no my Lord. The only stories I get are torn nets and some days the catch is light during certain times of the year."

"Did any of your sea captains come to the castle this morning?"

"Yes my Lord."

Drenan turns and looks at Sir Drexton.

Drexton stands and steps forward and taps his staff twice. "Will Sea Captain Logrin please come forward?" Then he sits back down in his chair.

A man comes forward, smartly dressed and colorful. He stands next to Drenan on his right side.

The King bows his head as the captain bows his head.

"Captain Logrin, has your fleet caught anything unusual in the nets?"

He gives a quick worried look to Drenan then back to the King. He gulps some air. "Why… why, no my Lord. Everything is fine. We have not caught anything unusual. Sometimes the nets come back empty in some places. Sometimes the nets are torn my Lord."

The King mulls over it. "Hmm...As you say, nothing unusual. Has your fleet gone back to those islands to the West to fish there?"

"We haven’t my Lord. We have left those islands alone, they're a memorial."

"Indeed Logrin. It should be a memorial. What do you think we have learned there Captain Logrin?"

"What do you mean my Lord?"

"Then you or anyone else on Twainor has probably not learned the lesson either." The King gives a 'sigh'.

Then some low rumblings reverberate through the audience and I hear some seats getting repositioned.

They just got nervous. They should be.

"What lesson is that my Lord?"

The King looks up and glances around the audience. "I need someone up here who can explain it better; someone who has learned the lesson." The King looks to his left and nods his head.

Sir Drexton stands up and steps forward and taps his staff twice. "Will Richard Moore please come forward?"

I clear my throat. I stand up and walk forward. Sir Halgren steps around and follows me. I stand on the left side of Drenan. Sir Halgren stands next to me on my left.

The King bows his head and I bow my head and raise it up.

"Richard I think it is time to tell us some stories from your world. I think you know which ones we need to hear today."

"Yes my Lord. May I turn and face everybody so everyone can hear?"

"You may, Richard."

"Thank you my Lord." I turn to face the people. I look around and smile to all that I see. Sir Halgren, Drenan and Logrin turn as well.

"My world has been in existence for hundreds of millions of years.
How do I know this? We have a skeleton and fossil record of animals that are amazing to see. However, they are buried underground and many places around the world. The creatures are reptiles mostly of various sizes and shapes."

I step forward to point how big. "I have seen one put together and erected. It can stand easily in this room to the ceiling."

I hear some 'gasps' in the throne room.

"Some of these reptiles eat meat, some eat plants. The creatures can be tall as you, but be just as deadly. Fortunately we have not found human bones for this time period. We also have skeleton records of large sea creatures from that period as well."

"Time goes on, millions of years, until the earth changes again. One area could be a swamp and now becomes a barren desert. Ice and snow rules the continents. Most of the reptiles died off, but other animals who can survive do so."

"The best we can figure out what caused the climate change was large rocks that would be as big as your mesa here or maybe one hundred times bigger. These rocks would impact our world. We had several such impacts over the years. Each one caused a change to the world. The last major impact was about one hundred thousand years ago."

"Then it became the time for the mammals. Mammals are a name to describe a certain type. Mammals are air breathers and have their young like you and I do."

“Man did not come on the scene until about six thousand years ago according to the written record. They prospered and flourished for about sixteen hundred years until a major flood happened worldwide. But man was saved when the Maker found a family that listened to his voice. He told him to build a very large boat for his family and for all of the animals who would be saved."

Then we hear a weeping neigh in the crowd. We all look towards the unicorn. He is crying. When the tears pool on the stone floor they quickly evaporate.

The King motions with his hand for him to come forward. Then three fairies fly around him trying to comfort and soothing him with kind words and song.

He walks towards me and stands in front of me.

I start to cry as well. He nuzzles the side of my face. I press as well into his cheek and then bury my face into his mane and hug his neck. Once we gain our composure we look at each other and smile.

"You remembered us." We say it at the same time.

We both give a short laugh and a neigh at the same time.

"Continue with the story Richard."

"What is your name?"

"It is Avel."

"Avel?!?! The only Avel I know is the son of Adama who was killed by his brother Kayin from a story that I read."

"Yes, the Maker put my soul and spirit into the unicorn you see before you."

"Oh my!! Then you saw everything until the Great Flood came."

"Yes Richard. The Maker selected many who did not get on Noach's Ark and brought us here before the Great Flood came. There were many who begged to be on the Ark. There was a magician who created a spell to hide some of them on the Ark. Some centaurs looked like horses. There were two unicorns that looked like white stallions. Some of the fairies easily hid as butterflies. The dragons were the toughest. They were too big. So the magician gave them ability to swim without drowning."

"I see." I smile, "So when they left the Ark; the magic wore off and went were they could."

“That's right, Richard.”

I turn to the King, "I'm ready to continue my Lord."

"Please do, Richard." The King smiles and realizes he finally learned where the First Ones came from before their own people showed up.

Avel walks back to his place on the left hand side and turns around and faces the King. The fairies continue their soothing of Avel. A pair of centaurs strokes his mane, pats his neck and smiles. Drenan, Logrin and everyone else has a look of shock and wonderment.

No man touches a unicorn unless given permission and Richard just did so with no ill effects such as falling asleep.

"I'm now going to skip to some key points. Before the Great Flood, man lived 800 and 900 years before the body was spent. The population must have reached the billions quickly. After the Great Flood it took only six generations to reach about 200,000 people from only one family with his three sons and their wives in about two hundred years."

I hear some 'gasps' in the crowd.

"A leader tried to erect a tall stone tower to reach the Maker while trying to rule the world with an iron fist. The Maker did not like this. Therefore he caused us to have multiple languages and scattered us around the world. He also shortened our lives to 120 years. This brought about the distinction of seventy nations. There are only a few nations that can hear the Maker's voice now. But He can be heard if we seek him out."

I hear some 'Thank you, Maker' in the audience.

"After another three thousand years since the Great Flood, the population reached one million people. In another thousand years it grew to two million people. Then about thirteen hundred years later the population had reached eighty million people."

"Then a major disease infected one part of our world, the population was reduced to sixty million. Once that disease was conquered, we started to understand how our body works. Our lives quickly improved worldwide. Our population increased dramatically in the next seven hundred years."

"One hundred years ago our population had reached seven billion people with over two hundred nations. We always have wars at any given time or place in the world. Rarely did we have total peace for any significant length of time."

Again I hear some more gasps and murmurs in the crowd.

"But about seventy years ago we had, in a space of thirty years, a major reduction of our population. We had wars, diseases, natural disasters like quakes, fire mountains erupting, large sea storms that slammed onto continents, and so on. The population was reduced to three billion people.

This time I heard some sniffling and more murmuring which sounded like prayers.

"Now with that said, I will finally get to the King's answer." I pause and take a breath.

With a tired and droll look from Drenan who looks at me. "What answer is that, Richard?"

"Yes, what is the answer, Richard?"

I look at Drenan and Logrin, "The answer is this. We may have sailed the world and named every tree and blade of grass in the field and scaled the highest mountain. The one domain that's still a mystery to us is our oceans."

"What do you mean? Your oceans?"

"Because my world is thirty percent land and seventy percent water. Isn't it strange to name a world called 'Earth' for dry land when it's not dominant?"

I hear some laughter from the First Ones. I laugh with them and smile.

Drenan and Logrin give me a look as if both are about to lash out in anger. Sir Halgren sees it and steels himself for action.

I raise my hand to quiet the murmuring, "What I'm trying to say is this. Our oceans are so vast and deep, we get stories from our fishermen from time to time of sea creatures that would get caught in the nets. I've seen the pictures of these fish that should be dead and extinct, but they're not. There is one species that I know is twenty million years old. The fish is designed to live in the mid-level part of the ocean. Sometimes they would come near the surface to chase smaller fish for food. That tells me there could be other denizens in the deep oceans who survived after a million years."

"Why... why... I... I…," He closes his mouth slowly. Drenan turns and looks to the King. He sees him smiling.

Logrin has his mouth open for a moment then closes it.

I hear gasps and see astonishment in the faces as I look all around. I see smiles from Renard, Trianna and the First Ones.

The King looks at Drenan and Logrin and he smiles, "Well? What do you have to say now?"

Then Drenan looks to the sea captain. "Tell me everything. Tell me what you've caught or seen on the seas."

The captain looks to Drenan and me in astonishment, then to the King. He immediately bends the knee and bows his head. "Please forgive me, my Lord. I will tell all."

"You're forgiven, Logrin. But we need to know. You're the eyes and ears on the seas for us. Because if it was not told, then another fleet of ships will sink and we'll be drawn into another world war needlessly."

Suddenly it dawns on everyone what Richard and the King are trying to say. Everybody looks at each other and try to fathom the implication of what happened so long ago.

"Rise, Captain Logrin. Please tell me the story of the torn nets."

Captain Logrin stands, "Yes, my Lord. We were fishing in an area where we knew the red fish were going. We laid our nets out and begin to sweep them up. After a quarter-mark into the run, we saw our nets go slack. We bring them up and see them torn. We laid the nets out and see a big hole as if slashed from several directions. We figured the red fish had bitten through the nets to escape."

"Did you see anything else that day?"

"We looked around in all directions. We saw nothing except for a series of large fins slicing through the water before it disappeared."

"Richard, do you have any large sea creatures in your oceans like that?" He stares at Logrin while he asks me the question.

"Yes, my Lord. We have many species. We have sharks with rows of large teeth and whales with very large mouths and no teeth. Both of them have very large fins and tails. One is a meat eater the other eats very small sea shrimp. They can be any length and size. Some could be as long as all these tables put together end to end. These two are just the modern ones that are thousands of years old. I would say my Lord, Logrin encountered a sea dragon." I smile at the King, Drenan and Logrin.

I hear many things at once.

"A sea dragon!?!?" Some people scream and stand up and shout for protection from the Maker. There are many 'gasps' and astonished faces everywhere looking at each other in fear.

The First Ones are at least laughing and cheering throughout the mayhem and noise.

Drenan and the Sea Captain look at me wide-eyed, then it narrows with malice. There is sweat on their brows and very angry. They decide to attack me. Sir Halgren moves me aside and steps in between me and the two men with hands put up in self defense. He begins to struggle with Drenan and Logrin at the same time.

“Arrghh! There is no such thing in our oceans!”

“That's right. How dare you insult us?”

The King sees this and signals his guards and commanders to restore order. There was no need; they reacted as soon as Sir Halgren stepped in front of me.

The guards and commanders come rushing forward and form rows in front of the tables and the people. The Legion Commander comes forward with four guards to keep Drenan and Logrin from getting near to me.

Once restrain appears to be in order, Sir Drexton comes forward on the dais. The Queen is now standing and is next to her husband, by his side in unity.

Sir Drexton taps his staff several times. "Order! Order! Peace everyone!" He taps the staff several more times. The crowd finally quiets down, but Drenan and Logrin are struggling, but realize it is futile. They eventually calm down as well.

I hear many breaths slowing down from the excitement. They see the King and Queen standing there calmly through it all. Then everybody begins to understand that they really don't know their world at all.

The King raises his hand. There's a hush throughout the room to listen to the King.

"I know my people. Even I was shocked to hear this news. This information was relayed to me yesterday by Renard after Richard told some stories about himself and his world. Richard even suggested this idea to the sinking of the ships near the islands to the West. The Queen, Sir Drexton and I planned this inquiry. We knew it would shake everyone to the core. It is Richard's guess that it was sea dragons that attacked the fishing fleet so long ago."

Queen Shiranna speaks up, "To think after one hundred and fifty years. If we had just stopped and investigated the sinking we would not be in this position. But it did happen."

"It took a war to get our attention. It took dragons and sea dragons to get our attention."

"It took Emissaries from another world to let us know we are not alone."

"It took the Maker to bring someone from the past to meet someone from the future to bring peace to Twainor and perhaps peace to Earth one day."

The King and Queen begin to clap. Then everyone slowly begins to clap and cheer.

The King raises his hand, the crowd quiets down. "Now comes the hard part. We need to tell the rest of Twainor about this."

Everybody starts to clap and cheer again.

The King raises his hand again. "We need to find a way to break the news a little better than what happened a few moments ago."

Everybody starts to laugh and chuckle at the joke. They quiet down again, but this time by themselves.

"I think the best time will be during the ceremony at Lord Dryden's castle when all are in attendance."

Everyone agrees and assents to the proposal. Even Drenan and Logrin agree as well.

Then they both step forward and stand before the King with the guards next to them. They both show relaxed faces with eyes darting downward.

The King bows his head and raises it up, the two do as well. "Speak, Drenan and Logrin."

"My Lord, please forgive me of my outburst, it was not right."

"Aye my Lord, it is not right. We judged too hastily."

"Yes, you're forgiven. You both judged too hastily. But, you also need an answer from Richard as well."

The two look at each other and nod their heads. They turn to Richard; Sir Halgren steps to my left side, but remains wary.

"Please forgive us, Richard. I'll admit when I heard your stories, I figured they were just tall tales and lies. But, when I saw Avel come up and confirm one of your stories, I was amazed that they could be true."

"Yet you challenged us if we really knew our world. I was getting mad and getting ready to strike. How can an Outsider know anything about our world?"

"But you just stated that you don't know your world as well."

"Please forgive us, Richard,” they both say at the same time and bow their heads.

"I forgive you both easily."

They both raise their heads and smile.

"I might be smart in some areas, but I will admit an 'I don't know' when I don't. It keeps me humble. I may not be a magician or a healer. I may not know where birds fly to winter each year. But, it does not stop me from knowing my world. I can read books written by people who do know. I may not have the experience to save a life that is seriously injured, but I know basic aid until somebody comes to help me. If he or she does not come in time, I will pray with you and talk with you to comfort you. Then I will mourn for the loss of life. The Maker chose me to be your Outside Helper. Have I done a good job for my first day so far?" I smile and look around to all around the room and to the King and Queen.

The King and Queen smile widely and start to laugh and clap. Then everybody starts to laugh and clap and cheer. They all begin to hug me and slap me on the back. Then I find myself hoisted on the shoulders of two of the commanders. Soon everybody comes up and cheer in a circle around me and begin to chant my name. "Richard, Richard!!"

I shake my hands with as many as I could. Even some of the children are hoisted onto their father's shoulder. I shake their hands as well. I see the fairies dancing and singing while flying in the air all around us as well.

I will not forget this day.

After awhile we hear the taps of the staff from Sir Drexton. We all quiet down and face the King and Queen.

"I'm sure we can go on. But we need to get ready for the trip and the ceremonies. I have the noon repast ready for all in the next hall. We are having it early here. We need to be there by the Third Mark over there. I would like to have a quick meeting in my council chamber. Commanders, Duke and Duchess, Ambassadors, Castle Lords and Ladies you're invited this time. So are you, Richard. I'm sure this will be a surprise for the rest of Twainor, so don't contact the other kingdoms please. We still need to prove that it was sea dragons that attacked the ships so long ago. I will contact King Dryden so that he will be informed of our intentions so that he can plan the day accordingly and the days to come."

Everyone agrees to the idea from the King.

"For the ceremonies, we're only allowed to bring one hundred and fifty, fifty dignitaries and fifty military inside the castle. This number includes the First Ones in our Kingdom. While the rest are outside on the grounds where we'll have our central pavilion and tents set up. Those fifty are already there setting it up; plus the other Kings and Queens with their Outside Helpers. It is going to be crowded there. The contact spheres will be set up in the Grand Hall for you tap into and see the ceremonies."

"The secondary leadership of the royal court and the military will be in charge here until we return. You have our trust that all will be safe. You can always contact us if a decision is needed that cannot wait."

Everyone agrees, "Aye my Lord."

"Yes we can do that."

"Go in Peace my, Lord and Lady."

The King looks to Sir Drexton and nods his head up and down.

He taps his staff twice. "The Outside Helper Introduction is now at an end." He taps his staff two more times.

Everyone bows to the King and Queen, including me. The King and Queen bow their heads as well.

I am let down from the shoulders of the commanders. Everybody breaks apart and go their ways to get ready for the day, to do their tasks and have the noon repast.

Renard and Trianna come up to me and give me a hug. Sir Halgren finally comes to my side again and smiles and slaps me on the shoulder. I smile at them as well.

"Well done, Richard."

"That was marvelous."

"Thank you for helping me. You are true friends."

"You're welcome."

"We need to get to the council room Sir Halgren. You heard the King's request, then we can get a bite to eat."

"Yes, my lady. Come this way, Richard." Sir Halgren gestures his hand and points in the direction for us to go.

I follow Renard and Trianna with Sir Halgren right behind me to the King's Council Chamber.

We walk out of the throne room and turn right. I see the dragon walk out of the throne room and out the front doors. Then he flaps his wings and takes off into the air. The fairies follow Avel, the centaurs and the dwarves and turn as we did. We also see some of the dignitaries and commanders as well walking with us. We walk up a flight of stairs, Avel and the centaurs walk up a ramp built in right next to the stairs. We take some turns down the hallways. We see some guards standing by a large door, tall enough for the centaurs.

We all walk into the room and I see the dragon there already. I see a large hinged double door open. Apparently he flew in that way. I see twelve banners on three of the walls all around. Against one wall I see a large array of food laid out for us on tables. I see about ten pages standing near the walls ready to assist. In the center of the room I see a circle of tables and chairs. In the middle of that circle, I see a single table with crystal spheres set on small pedestals with small banners hanging on them.

Renard and Trianna direct me to a table with three chairs.

"Don't sit yet Richard. We need to wait for the King and Queen."

"I understand; I'll wait. Apparently we're having our noon repast here instead of down there in the main hall."

"Yes, Richard. At least here you won't get interrupted too much while we eat." Renard smiles at me.

"That is smart thinking. I might end up talking too much more than I will eat. I might be famished by the evening repast." I give a few laughs.

Trianna, Renard and Sir Halgren laugh with me.

"If you will excuse me, I need to speak with the commanders."

We nod our heads at Sir Halgren and he walks over to them to have a short chat. I see them smile and hands to shoulder for a job well done.

I look around and see who is gathered. Generally it is the same crowd that was behind the tables except their Lieutenants or Governor Assistants are not here. All of the First Ones at the Introduction are here as well. There are a couple of spaces open between the tables so that Avel, the dragon and the centaurs can be part of the circle.

Soon the door opens, in walks Sir Drexton. He steps forward a few steps and taps his staff on the floor twice. We all quiet down and turn to the open door. "I present to you, King Tierion and Queen Shiranna of Thryson Kingdom."

They both walk in arm in arm. We all bow our heads to them as did they and raised them up.

"You all may be seated. This should not take too long."

Some pages came up and assist us to sit in the chairs.

Once we are settled in, the King speaks.

"First off, I just want to thank the Maker in providing our Outside Helper, Richard Moore. He has proven his worth already more than we can ever realize." The King claps his hands.

The rest of the people in the chamber claps and cheer as well. I look around and smile to all and nod my head. The King raises his hand to quiet them down.

"I'm not worried about the plans for the ceremonies itself for recognizing the Outside Helpers. That has been set for some time."

Everyone nod their heads and assent in agreement.

"It is just a matter how to bring up the issue of the sea dragons and proving it to the rest of Twainor."

A commander raises his hand.

"Yes, Sir Trenton."

"Well it seems you did an excellent job in presenting the inquiry for us. If it can work for us, it should work for them."

The King and others around the room agree as well.

"Yes, it very well could work there. We would need to use some of their people to come forth to be asked the questions on the spot; especially from the two kingdoms that started the war."

"Then we can bring Richard up like you did, to get us thinking about our world to think differently."

"Yes, but we will need more guards and soldiers stationed because of the larger crowds."

"We can use Renard and Trianna for example to help out if it gets out of hand."

"I agree my Lord. Renard and I will be ready to put up a barrier to keep them in their place if necessary. Hopefully, that will give them time to calm down."

"Having you both up there my Lord and Lady did provide us a focus to see that you were serious about this information."

"That was the intention, Praxor. We had to show we were serious about Richard's conclusion and logic as the only possible answer to the sinking of the ships back then."

"Richard, what made you think it was sea dragons?"

"Well, first it was the sinking of the ships in one area near a group of islands. It is known on my world that a group of remote islands provide the best breeding and nesting grounds for many fish before they head out to the open sea. Our fishermen never go there with the nets. We need the fish to grow up in the open sea before we harvest them. Also, large flocks of sea birds use the islands as well for nesting and feeding."

"So that means the fleet came across the breeding grounds for the sea dragons and they sank them for their own protection."

"That is right, Drenan. My first thought was they had to be big enough to sink the ships. I wasn't thinking sea dragons yesterday. That is until today."

Praxor asks a question. "What I still don't get. Is how can a dragon swim underwater? Would he drown?"

"I guess you really didn't hear the conversation that Avel and I had when we met the first time standing before the King."

"Apparently I did not. What was said?"

"Avel told me that a magician used his magic to help some of them get on the large boat. He helped a centaur to look like a horse, he helped a unicorn to look like a white stallion horse, and the fairies were easy to look like butterflies. The hardest was the dragons. So the magician gave the dragons the ability to swim in the ocean without drowning."

The First Ones laugh and chuckle. Soon everyone is laughing in finally understanding it.

"So the Maker chose the ones before your Great Flood and brought them here for safe keeping and preserve life?"

This time Avel speaks, "Yes, the population boom of the people put a horrible strain on the world at the time. The majority of the people became much degraded and did horrible things. The Maker then realized he had to start over."

"I've read those stories Avel. You're right, it was not pretty. I was surprised when you told me that some wanted to survive and try again to live among us. If any of the First Ones on my world are alive today, it would be a miracle. I knew the oceans would be the best hope for survival. The problem would be survival on land. They have to be very good in hiding to watch us so as not to get caught and get killed in ignorance or fear."

"Looking back on it that was a very good story about how old your world is Richard. Especially when you mentioned the fishermen bringing up fish that should be extinct."

"You're welcome Drenan."

There was some short silence. The king speaks up.

"I'm sure Richard can tell us some more stories. You can do that during the noon repast here."

I nod my head and smile.

"I will contact Lord Dryden and break the news to him about the possibility of sea dragons."

Sir Trenton raises his hand, Tierion recognizes it. "I think it would go well if we can inform the commanders of the Angathorn Kingdom as well. It is their castle we're having this ceremony in. Using their help will go a long way in convincing the rest of Twainor that we are serious about this matter."

Everyone nod their heads in agreement.

"Yes, that is a good idea, Sir Trenton. That way we are not seen as usurpers. By having Lord Dryden standing with us, hopefully the rest of Twainor will see the truth of the matter. Is there anything else that needs to be discussed before we break?"

"I think the First Ones who are present should come up as well to stand by your side. That would really get everybody's attention."

"That is a very good idea Caltron. I like it."

Everyone else agrees to it as well.

The King looks around and sees no more action from anybody. "Renard, if you please. Give thanks to the Maker for the noon repast."

"Yes, my Lord."

Everybody bows their head.

"Thank you Maker for this wonderful day. Thank you for providing our Outside Helper; he has proven already his worth and value more than anything else. He helped us see Twainor in a better light. Thank you for this food that you have provided for us. To give us the strength we need to help for all First Ones, men and women to live a better life on Twainor. Thank you, Maker."

Then everyone said, "Thank you, Maker." at the same time.

Everyone stands up and claps their hands and break apart. We all get in a line to partake of the noon repast. The food is easy to eat. Just one utensil is provided with the plates and hand cloth. There is a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, fowl and fish dishes. The food definitely restored our energy. The dragon has his own large bowl set aside filled with various kinds of fish.

We mill around and have little circles of conversation while we eat. Several gather around me to ask some more questions while I eat.

"So have you heard of land dragons surviving long?"

"Your name?"

"My name is Croin."

"No Croin. I'm sorry. Most dragon stories I read portrayed them in a bad light. There are very few stories showing their wisdom, strength and honor. I know some countries on my world where dragons are revered with high respect and some are not. The stories are woven as legends and myths again. I would have to check our history books. The problem has always been the population numbers. If you have seven billion people to live on your world, you would not have many places to hide in safety or fly around in safety."

"I see. I would be considered a threat if I wanted to survive. Thank you Richard. Now I have an opportunity to see my sea brethren for the first time. That will be exciting enough."

Four dwarves walk up to me, two males with their mates. One of them speaks up. "What of dwarves, Richard? My name is Telgon."

"That part is easy. The dwarves have always been part of us and in us."

He gives me an odd question look in the eye to that answer, so do the others.

"I think your pure line became mixed with the tall folk before the Great Flood. The markings are carried in everyone. Some have learned to live among the tall folk easily. I would have to check my stories again. I do remember some modern dwarf communities so that your people can come together and feel safe if they want to."

"So are we accepted everywhere?"

"It depends on the country. I know one country where they grow no taller than this high." I put my hand above him one foot higher.

He looks at that and smiles.

"Because of the mix, a dwarf couple can produce a tall folk or a dwarf. I have seen it happen. He or she will still grow up with the love of the parents. That seed is carried from generation to generation."

"I see, thank you, Richard, for the hope."

"You're welcome." I smile and nod my head towards them. I then try to eat a few more bites before the next one comes.

Then a tall centaur comes forward with his centaur mate.

"It is an honor to meet you Richard." He said this in a booming voice. "My name is Caltron; this is my mate, Serena."

"I pleased to meet you both. I can tell you right now from my own historical studies in my classes, your brethren survived for about three thousand years before they passed away. I'm sorry."

"That's all right. At least their memories are told in the stories, they won't be forgotten. Do you know how they survived?"

"If I remember right, it was only male centaurs that survived in the end. I don't think your female mates lasted too long after the Great Flood. Again I would have to check my history books. I know that some male centaurs mated with a group of warrior women called the Amazons in one particular country very well. This lasted for several centuries before that nation fell to ruin at that time. But the country did rebuild centuries later and remembered your stories."

"Gasp, you mean our kind mixed with your kind for survival?"

"Yes my lady. The Amazon women always gave birth to male centaurs if mated. The womb is a lovely creation to bring life, remember that Serena. That is the greatest gift from the Maker no matter who the female is. Obviously I'm thankful for my mother and father in bringing me to life to help others."

"Yes, you’re right Richard." She smiles at me and gives a big smile to her mate and hugs him.

Her name fits her. Her voice is serene and beautiful.

Caltron smiles at me as well. "Thank you Richard."

He rests his hand on my shoulder and gives a slight squeeze. Not bad, he must have practiced. I could have some broken bones if he tried to hug me. I smile at him as well.

Then three fairies hover in front of me and smile. "So I guess, you want to know if your kith and kin are there as well."

"Yes, surely we must still be around if we can hide in the forest really well."

"Well, it has been some time since I was in the mountains doing some camping. But like Avel said I would be hard pressed to distinguish between fairies and butterflies flying through the air." I give a short laugh.

They giggle as well. "When are you going to the mountains again?"

"I'm planning to go this summer for three moons before I finish my last year of studies. So, who knows, I might meet some of them. By looking at you; I know how to look for them."

"Well seeing us in the woods is still hard unless we want to reveal ourselves. We're very careful who we reveal ourselves to. We remember the stories that Avel told us when he brought us with him."

"Are there other unicorns on Twainor?"

"Yes there are, Richard. They have enough to keep their herd alive for all time."

"That's good. Just as long as the people are properly educated and have respect for the living, then the unicorns will do fine."

"So the unicorns who begged to be on the large boat did not live long after wards?"

"Probably not, I'm sorry. Apparently some of the people developed a bad habit when they see something they don't understand. If it gets misunderstood for the wrong reason, they will kill it. I wouldn't be surprised that the design of that stone tower was based on the horn of the unicorn."

This time I hear the other conversations cease so that they could turn and listen.

"We still have a reptile population among us, but their size has been greatly reduced. Only a few are related to their ancestors who ruled millions years ago. We have some reptiles that are poisonous and some that are very safe to have around. I can pick up the safe ones and have no fear of their bite. The bad ones I keep a far distance from like using a long pole to push them away. One bite from these and you can die if not treated quickly."

"I know which ones you're talking about Richard. They were cursed by the Maker for deceiving my parents."

"Then I won't go into the story, Avel. I will respect their memory and yours."

"Thank you, Richard."

"Here is a better story. I'm camping out in the woods with friends. Then one a day, a large wild animal comes and creates havoc in the camp. One of my friends would get hurt by this large animal. What should be my reaction?"

"I would fight off the animal until it moves off and go back and save your friend."

"If the animal is too aggressive I would probably have to kill it so that it won't harm others again."

"Both answers are right commanders. It depends on the situation. We have certain wild animals I would never try to make friends with or tame. Because once the fear of us is gone, they become a problem."

They nod their heads with understanding. "We have a few of those here as well."

"We do have some animals that we were able to domesticate. Avel would probably remember some of them. Two of them would be the cats and dogs. Each one is useful in their own way."

I hear a laughing neigh, "I remember those Richard. Each one is useful in their own way is right. The dogs were a great to help in hunting and protection of the flocks. The cats were the laziest. But their greatest contribution was keeping the rodent population under control." Avel and I laugh some more.

"Well, I think I said enough for now. I need to eat some more and get my rest to get my strength up for tomorrow."

Everybody laughs. I look at my plate and I see it is empty. I go back to the tables to pick up some more food to eat. We all get back into our little circles and mill around doing the small talk again.

I talk about many things. I try to describe how Earth is today. The successes and the problems. From the disappearance of forests to the building of better buildings and transportation. I even discuss the efforts of nations to preserve and conserve their natural resources.

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