The Omega Unicorn Chronicles - List of Characters, Books 1 and 2

List of People and First Ones for
Book 1: Spring Break
Book 2: Summer Vacation

****This list is subject to change****

The Year 2098 is the Year of the Horse on the Chinese Calendar

Both families live near Columbia, SC
Moore Family
Father Robert
Mother Allison
Sons Kenny, Michael, Richard
Wilson Family
Father Larry
Mother Helen
Sons Allen, Brian, Charles
Daughter Brianna

Baby-sitter Karen
Doctor Sarah Mitchell
Patricia — secretary
Attorney Anna Dawson
Brenda — secretary
Sixth Grade Bullies Josh, Larry, Greg, Zander(Alex)
Des-Marte Gang Spike, Lynn, Jacqueline (Jackie), Heather

Peaceful Dragon Shaolin Dojo in Charlotte (the dojo is real, the people are fiction)
Shaolin Masters . . . . Sensei Chou, Sensei Goldwyn

Assassin - The Jackal


Mount Blanc, NC

Wilkerson Family
Father Charles Sr (Chuck)
Mother Elizabeth
Son Chuck Jr. (CJ)
Daughter Marcella (Marcie)

Police Department and Mayor's Office
Captain Gane
Sergeant Domasi
Mayor Inali
Receptionist Sarah


Raleigh, North Carolina

NC State
CE Department Director . . . . Dr. Weldon
Professors . . . . Mr. Reston, Mr. Lance
Students . . . . Gary Thompson, Bob Prescott

Police Department
Tech Support......Lt. Wolford
Corporal Lonigan

SJ Air Force Base
Colonel Harold T. Lawson
Lt. Brad Myers

Raleigh Gaming Center
This is a fictional name for the store
Owners - Bill and Linda

Intel-cetera, Inc.
College Recruiter - John

Beta-security, Inc.
CEO - Mr. Johnston
Security Chief - Mr. T. Wharton
Corporate Attorney - Mr. Gregor

Secure-Sys, Inc.
CEO - Mr. Bryson

Raleigh First. . . . . Pastor Wellington
Congregants Mr. Hawkins, Mark and Elisa - brother and sister
College Students . . . Brad, Robin, Debbie, Brandon
Synagogue. . . . . . . Rav Shlomo, Baruch, Hannah, Eli, David
Some Hebrew Phrases
Lo abba . . . imma... father . . . mother
Shalom Aleichem Malachim...means...Peace unto you Emissaries

The Black Coven of Raleigh
This a fictional group that tries to do events behind the scenes
Coven Master
Warlock - Max
Witch - Daphne


Eastern Cherokee Nation
Fairies. . . . . . . . yi-ne-hi, nv-ne-hi
Butterfly. . . . . . . ka-ma-ma
Man. . . . . . . . . . a-s-ga-ya
Pearl. . . . . . . . . da-gv-na
Silver . . . . . . . . delvnegv
Gane . . . . . . . . . hammer
Inali. . . . . . . . . black fox
Receptionist . . . . . Silver Fox, Running Dear
Chief Elder. . . . . . Crouching Bear
Atali Unega. . . . . . Mount Blanc
Shaman . . . . . . . . Red Fox
Planting Moon. . . . . A-na-a-gv-ti — month of May
Student . . . . . . . . Raven Claw


Named Fairies on Earth
King Oren - King of the North America Fairies, looks like a pearl-bordered fritillary in butterfly mode. It is similar to the silver-bordered fritillary in North America. You have to know the markings to tell the difference between the two.

Queen White Dove - looks like a large white butterfly from the mid-region of Wales. There are other white butterflies in the Americas as well

Traphel - King Oren gives orders for him to keep an eye on Richard.

The Names of Fairies born to Richard , the Omega Unicorn
Tiger, Tigress - Tiger Swallowtail butterflies
Lavan, Bianca - White Morpho butterflies


Twainor 16 Kingdoms divided into four Regions. There are four kingdoms in each Region.

Colors Gold, Yellow, Orange
Grand King Dryden
Grand Queen Lorinor
Master Wizard Eldwin
Master Sorceress Raelene
Outside Helper Brentann — Miner
Star Aurigae
Planet Capella 3
Escort Guard Eamon
Legion Cmdr. Braxton
Army Cmdr. Levon
Navy Cmdr. Marek
Sea Captain Thales
Weapons Master Sir Falcone
Healers Castian, Selena

Colors Blue, Yellow, Red
King Keltan
Queen Florianne
Outside Helper Tek — Bio-tech Environ Systems
Star Queztel
Planet Takron 4
Escort Guard Sir Dareh
Legion Cmdr. Sir Krellen
Master Wizard Thaygard
Wizard Ethan
Dragon Belgaron, Dragar

Colors Blue, Silver, Green
King Deverell
Queen Ellena
Princess Thelina
Outside Helper Iulia (F) — Linguist
Star Pegasi
Planet Marchab 4
Escort Guard Sir Calder
Legion Cmdr. Sir Kayden
Knight Sir Halden

Dwarf Kingdom Northeast
King Rhur

Colors Red, Purple, Yellow
King Tierion
Queen Shiranna
Prince Teliesen
Duke Traylor - brother of King Tierion
Duchess - Clarienelle
Prince Garret
Master Wizard Renard
Master Sorceress Trianna
Wizard in Training Cadmus
Outside Helper Richard Moore — Computers / Security
Star Sol
Planet Earth
Escort Guard Sir Halgren - also an Elite Guard
Legion Cmdr. Sir Trenton
Army Cmdr. Sir Valmar
Army Lt. Sir Carsen
Navy Cmdr. Sir Leland
Navy Lt. Sir Palinar
Captain Sir Alec Bratton
Sergeants Carsten,Langley, Chad Bratton
Centaur Caltron and Serena, Baltor, Lyonair, Sar-rellna, Reshni
Unicorn Avel
Fairies Amber, Cobalt, Green Eyes
Port Governor Drenan
Land Governor Praxor
Dwarf Ambassadors Telgon and Dolina, Durlond and Thalsia
Dragons Croin — Dwarf Land Dragon, can stand on two feet
Marcon, Ryujin — brothers, serpentine dragons
Tailors Rosella, Vincent, Theresa, Thomas
Historians Ariadanne (F), Segan (M)
Sea Captain Logrin
Village Stable Master - Rolston
Swiftwind — silver and blue pattern.
Thunder - Sir Halgren’s horse - gray and black pattern
Cloud Dancer - legendary winged-horse in Twainor’s stories
Pegasus - legendary winged-horse in Earth’s stories
---- Does this mean that Pegasus and Cloud Dancer are the same horse? Richard will have to ask Pegasus to answer that question at a later date.

There are eight fiefdoms with eight Castle Lords in Thryson Kingdom
Lord Hamlin - southern coastal area
Elite Guard - Sir Holloway

Lord Randson - northeast of Lord Hamlin
Lady Elena
Knight - Sir Trayson

Lord Brannen - west of Lord Randson to the mountains
Lady Cheryl
Knights - Sir Callahan, Sir Orslond, Sir Thalstead

Lord Granthnel - west of Thryson Castle and to the mountains
Castle Commander - Sir Brandson
Horse - Slash-Quick
Centaur - Therson

Lord Hershson - the northern coastal area

Lord Eralian - the north of Lord Granthnel and near the mountains
Castle Commander - Sir Norstrom
Knights - Sir Claxton, Sir Stephon, Sir Whasphel
Horses - Rush, Lord Erailian’s horse, blue and white pattern, it looks like rushing water
Stable Hand - Colsen
Centaur - Gavri

Lord Belthar - east of Thryson Castle, the main port is, Marseby
Lady Twylis

Lord Beryllian - north of Lord Belthar and south of Lord Hershson
Knight - Sir Galston - Ranger
Horse - Travelion

Colors Red, Light Blue, Gold
King Jeriel
Queen Taima
Master Wizard Arlen
Outside Helper Ariella (F) — Surgeon
Star Taurii
Planet Maia 3 — Member of the Local Group
Escort Guard Sir Regis
Legion Cmdr. Sir Kanoa
Port Governor Bettws
Sea Captain Tethion
Dragon Agaroan — Dwarf Dragon, can stand on two feet
Knight Sir Paxson

Colors Yellow, Silver, Green
King Loran
Queen Rosanna
Master Wizard Matous
Outside Helper Evrat — Weapon Smith
Star Scorpii
Planet Jabbah Delta
Escort Guard Sir Hegarth
Legion Cmdr. Paladin
Port Governor Madok
Sea Captain Moer
Dragon Blacklaw — Dwarf Dragon, can stand on two feet

Dwarf Kingdom Northwest Under Kingdom of the Thryson Mountains
Capital Harsten
King Thranton
Queen Rosina
Chief Warrior Grandwal
Enclave Harsten Leader Blackner
Sword-bearer Draknor
Stage Assistant Balklan
The other conspiracy members Yertaug, Glavne, Gapher.


Colors Gold, Purple, Blue
King Quentin
Queen Brianne
Legion Cmdr. Aridian
Outside Helper Hikaru — Martial Arts
Star Zaniah Alpha
Planet Morinao
Escort Guard Sir Chayton

Colors Purple, White, Silver
King Beltrane
Queen Darissa
Princess Elena
Master Wizard Braylin
Master Sorceress Dreama
Outside Helper Kanyaa (F) — Animal Care
Star Beta Cygni
Planet Albiero 4
Legion Cmdr. Dolen
Army Cmdr. Torreno
Navy Cmdr. Larkin
Port Governor Anton
Sea Captain Mirra
Knights Sir Cargan, Sir Rance, Sir Alden, Sir Berenson

Colors Dark Green, Green, Light Green
King Nazar
Queen Corissa
Outside Helper Chls - Flora/Herbalist
Star Leonisi
Planet Regulus 4 — Member of the Local Group
Escort Guard Sir Haben
Legion Cmdr. Gerino

Dwarf Kingdom Southeast
King Lhokte


Colors Blue, Gold, Green
King Sherwyn
Queen Aphira
Prince Telurein
Master Wizard Markane
Outside Helper Alia (F) — Health, body, mind
Star Sagitarii
Planet Terebellum
Escort Guard Corce
Legion Cmdr. Sir Elion
Port Governor Riol
Sea Captain Cuain

Laurentil Islands
Colors Purple, Orange, Silver
King Gregor
Queen Lilianne
Master Wizard Ram
Outside Helper Geve — Power Engineering
Star Eridanni
Planet Sceptrum 2
Escort Guard Sir Neron
Legion Cmdr. Sir Halton
Port Governor Brenci
Sea Captain Thaon

Maranelle Islands
Colors Blue, Red, Orange
King Hilmar
Queen Mirielle
Master Wizard Ruald
Wizard in Training Corrbas — Was 2nd Wizard, promoted to Master Wizard
Outside Helper Belisar — Jurist (Law)
Star Capricor
Planet Deneb 4
Legion Cmdr. Sir Jakan
Port Governor Rotai
Sea Captain Berent

Dwarf Kingdom Southwest
King Bnar
Queen Elithana
Capital Light-crys
Chief Warrior Brackshard
Enclave Ghathne Leader Graythor
Sword-bearer Thrack’cel


The Emissaries from the Creator
Raphael - An archangel known in certain historical books.

The enemy is King Azazel. He had other names as well. Lucifer is one of those names.


The names of the Twelve Unicorns on Twainor

Avel and Makaela
..... sired a colt named Korin-el, means Horn of God
.....sired a filly named Saphira, her eyes are like sapphire

Einhorn and Athena
.....sired twin colts named Pollux and Castor
Athena named them in honor of the famous Greek Twins on Earth

Silverwind and Star Dancer
....sired two fillies named Starlight and Crystal
....Starlight’s eyes shine like the yellow stars, Crystal’s eyes shine like a white crystal when lit

Special Guest Appearances

The Wizard from Spells R’ Us.

Anya from Elrod’s Bikini Beach - What is her background? I am proposing she is an elf from Middle Earth. She showed up here with a small group of elves in exchange when some dragons and dwarves went to Middle Earth during the First Age.

Goddess Rhiannon - Celtic Goddess
Cymry Dragons - Y Ddraig Goch, Albion, Ddraigmab

Middle Earth
Gandalf the White
The Black Spirit of Sauron

Spirit World
King Yama - I am proposing he is one of the great Emissaries in the Heavens - He is the strongest among the Second Tier Emissaries. He is a Power Emissary. The Third Tier Emissaries that we know in our books like Micha-el, Gavri-el and Rapha-el are Arch Angels.

Hu Yu Hakasho

Dragonball Z

Yugioh Trading Card Game
I am proposing some ideas here. Some of the dragons, the unicorns, other animals and people, that were killed a long time ago on Earth, Twainor and other places in the multi-verses are now monsters in the card game. The Creator with King Yama who acts as overseer, set this arrangement up to test people to see if they are worthy to help defend their worlds and some who will come to our Earth when the Ultimate Last Battle takes place.

Ancient Fairy Dragon - Delinda, Tarsi’s mate


The Eleven Magi
These eleven magi are from the days of Atlantis.

I chose this story as the SRU Wizard’s foundation - Secret Origins of the Wizard: My Antediluvian Baby by Pretzelgirl. It is posted at Fictionmania


Sea Dragons
Eingana - Mother of all Sea Dragons. According to Australian lore, Eingana is the Mother of all Life on Earth. Without her, the world ceases to exist.
Leviathan - Father of all Land Dragons - He is a fire breathing dragon that lives in the oceans on Earth.
He was the first dragon to receive the spell from the Wizard to survive the Flood. The Maker then made it permanent.

Tarsi - Dwarf Sea Dragon
Delinda - Dwarf Sea Dragon, Tarsi’s mate


The Nefelim Empire
Patriarch Lechstar
Leader Natachlon, Supreme
Second in Command General

Bridge Dar-re — Captain of Star Ship
Science Cler-san
Power Phy-tar
Biology Lyl-na
Recon Mal-tor
Scout Ship 1 Leader — Brin
Members — Tran, Tark, Mal-tor
Scout Ship 2 Leader — Yisrati
Members — Traven, Colban, Evande


List of Names for Twainor Fighting Forces on the Star Ship
(There are at least 1300 members boarding the star ship. I only came up with enough names where the story is directly related where necessary. You will recognize some names associated with certain kingdoms listed above, but not all.)

Lieutenant Commanders - Sir Wephton, Sir Parandor, Sir Palinar, Sir Thedfor, Sir Rhaston, Sir Greyshon

Wing - Wizards - Kendall, Drayson, Sephnel, Manthion, Crisson, Trayne, Palind, Glyphur, Rheylin, Larksen, Faltner, Lakene, Halsten

Dwarf Warriors - Gorman, Craglan, Stelhan, Talon

Knights - Sir Rance, Sir Camden, Sir Norland, Sir Crighton, Sir Belmont, Sir Armstead, Sir Branson, Sir Gorshin, Sir Velnor, Sir Carlton, Sir Brandt, Sir Logano, Sir Norston

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